[m-rev.] for review: getopt_io.m

Zoltan Somogyi zs at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Thu Dec 23 16:49:13 AEDT 2004

	Add this new module as an extended variant of getopt.m. The extension
	is support for file_special options, which read the contents of a file
	and act as the words in it had appeared on the command line. The
	intention is to use this facility to replace most of the options with
	which mmake currently invokes mmc in a workspace, whose clutter now
	takes up about ten lines per invocation.

	Since processing options may now involve accessing a file, the main
	predicate process_options now needs a pair of I/O state arguments.
	Since some places where one wants to process options do not have I/O
	states, we want to retain the old interface of process_options as well.
	Since it is not practical to parameterize a group of predicates to
	work both in the presence and in the absence of I/O states, I added
	the code in a new module. While most changes to option handling should
	be done to both getopt.m and getopt_io.m, I expect such changes to be
	few and far between, so I think overall the new module is the best

For review by anyone, but only the parts of getopt_io.m dealing with
file_special really need review.


cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: getopt.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/getopt.m,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -b -r1.31 getopt.m
--- getopt.m	16 Dec 2004 03:17:27 -0000	1.31
+++ getopt.m	23 Dec 2004 05:40:15 -0000
@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@
 %   - string_special
 %   - maybe_string_special
+% A further special option, file_special, is supported only by the getopt_io
+% module, because it requires process_options to take a pair of I/O state
+% arguments.
 % For the "simple" option types, if there are multiple occurrences
 % of the same option on the command-line, then the last (right-most)
 % occurrence will take precedence.  For "accumulating" options,
@@ -272,6 +276,9 @@
 :- implementation.
 :- import_module require, string, svset.
+% Please keept the differences between this module and getopt_io.m to the
+% minimum. Most changes should done in both modules.
 :- type option_ops_special(OptionType)
     --->    none
     ;       notrack(
@@ -620,17 +627,20 @@
 getopt__process_option(bool(_), _Option, Flag, MaybeArg, _OptionOps,
         OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet) :-
     svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
-    ( MaybeArg = yes(_Arg) ->
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(_Arg),
         map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, bool(no), OptionTable),
         Result = ok(OptionTable)
+        MaybeArg = no,
         map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, bool(yes), OptionTable),
         Result = ok(OptionTable)
 getopt__process_option(int(_), Option, Flag, MaybeArg, _OptionOps, 
         OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet) :-
     svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
-    ( MaybeArg = yes(Arg) ->
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(Arg),
         ( string__to_int(Arg, IntArg) ->
             map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, int(IntArg), OptionTable),
             Result = ok(OptionTable)
@@ -638,21 +648,25 @@
             getopt__numeric_argument(Option, Arg, Result)
+        MaybeArg = no,
         error("integer argument expected in getopt__process_option")
 getopt__process_option(string(_), _Option, Flag, MaybeArg, _OptionOps,
         OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet) :-
     svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
-    ( MaybeArg = yes(Arg) ->
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(Arg),
         map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, string(Arg), OptionTable),
         Result = ok(OptionTable)
+        MaybeArg = no,
         error("string argument expected in getopt__process_option")
 getopt__process_option(maybe_int(_), Option, Flag, MaybeArg, _OptionOps,
         OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet) :-
     svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
-    ( MaybeArg = yes(Arg) ->
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(Arg),
         ( string__to_int(Arg, IntArg) ->
             map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, maybe_int(yes(IntArg)), OptionTable),
             Result = ok(OptionTable)
@@ -660,50 +674,60 @@
             getopt__numeric_argument(Option, Arg, Result)
+        MaybeArg = no,
         error("integer argument expected in getopt__process_option")
 getopt__process_option(maybe_string(_), _Option, Flag, MaybeArg, _OptionOps,
         OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet) :-
     svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
-    ( MaybeArg = yes(Arg) ->
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(Arg),
         map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, maybe_string(yes(Arg)), OptionTable),
         Result = ok(OptionTable)
+        MaybeArg = no,
         error("string argument expected in getopt__process_option")
 getopt__process_option(accumulating(List0), _Option, Flag, MaybeArg, _OptionOps,
         OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet) :-
     svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
-    ( MaybeArg = yes(Arg) ->
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(Arg),
         list__append(List0, [Arg], List),
         map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, accumulating(List), OptionTable),
         Result = ok(OptionTable)
+        MaybeArg = no,
         error("acumulating argument expected in getopt__process_option")
 getopt__process_option(special, Option, Flag, MaybeArg, OptionOps,
         OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet) :-
     svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
-    ( MaybeArg = yes(_Arg) ->
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(_Arg),
         error("no special argument expected in getopt__process_option")
+        MaybeArg = no,
         getopt__process_special(Option, Flag, none,
             OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet)
 getopt__process_option(bool_special, Option, Flag, MaybeArg, OptionOps,
         OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet) :-
     svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
-    ( MaybeArg = yes(_Arg) ->
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(_Arg),
         getopt__process_special(Option, Flag, bool(no),
             OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet)
+        MaybeArg = no,
         getopt__process_special(Option, Flag, bool(yes),
             OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet)
 getopt__process_option(int_special, Option, Flag, MaybeArg, OptionOps,
         OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet) :-
     svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
-    ( MaybeArg = yes(Arg) ->
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(Arg),
         ( string__to_int(Arg, IntArg) ->
             getopt__process_special(Option, Flag, int(IntArg),
                 OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet)
@@ -711,23 +735,28 @@
             getopt__numeric_argument(Option, Arg, Result)
+        MaybeArg = no,
         error("int_special argument expected in getopt__process_option")
 getopt__process_option(string_special, Option, Flag, MaybeArg, OptionOps,
         OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet) :-
     svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
-    ( MaybeArg = yes(Arg) ->
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(Arg),
         getopt__process_special(Option, Flag, string(Arg),
             OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet)
+        MaybeArg = no,
         error("string_special argument expected in getopt__process_option")
 getopt__process_option(maybe_string_special, Option, Flag, MaybeArg, OptionOps,
         OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet) :-
-    ( MaybeArg = yes(_) ->
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(_Arg),
         getopt__process_special(Option, Flag, maybe_string(MaybeArg),
             OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet)
+        MaybeArg = no,
         error("maybe_string_special argument expected " ++
             "in getopt__process_option")
@@ -740,39 +769,70 @@
 process_negated_option(Option, Flag, OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result,
         !OptionsSet) :-
     ( map__search(OptionTable0, Flag, OptionData) ->
-        ( OptionData = bool(_) ->
+        (
+            OptionData = bool(_),
             svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
             map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, bool(no), OptionTable),
             Result = ok(OptionTable)
-        ; OptionData = maybe_int(_) ->
+        ;
+            OptionData = maybe_int(_),
             svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
             map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, maybe_int(no), OptionTable),
             Result = ok(OptionTable)
-        ; OptionData = maybe_string(_) ->
+        ;
+            OptionData = maybe_string(_),
             svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
             map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, maybe_string(no), OptionTable),
             Result = ok(OptionTable)
-        ; OptionData = accumulating(_) ->
+        ;
+            OptionData = accumulating(_),
             svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
             map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, accumulating([]), OptionTable),
             Result = ok(OptionTable)
-        ; OptionData = bool_special ->
+        ;
+            OptionData = bool_special,
             svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
             getopt__process_special(Option, Flag, bool(no),
                 OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet)
-        ; OptionData = maybe_string_special ->
+        ;
+            OptionData = maybe_string_special,
             svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
             getopt__process_special(Option, Flag, maybe_string(no),
                 OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet)
-            string__append_list(["cannot negate option `", Option,
-                "' -- only boolean options can be negated"],
+            OptionData = int_special,
+            string__append_list(["cannot negate option `", Option, "' --",
+                "only boolean, maybe and accumulating options can be negated"],
+                ErrorMsg),
+            Result = error(ErrorMsg)
+        ;
+            OptionData = string_special,
+            string__append_list(["cannot negate option `", Option, "' --",
+                "only boolean, maybe and accumulating options can be negated"],
+                ErrorMsg),
+            Result = error(ErrorMsg)
+        ;
+            OptionData = int(_),
+            string__append_list(["cannot negate option `", Option, "' --",
+                "only boolean, maybe and accumulating options can be negated"],
+                ErrorMsg),
+            Result = error(ErrorMsg)
+        ;
+            OptionData = string(_),
+            string__append_list(["cannot negate option `", Option, "' --",
+                "only boolean, maybe and accumulating options can be negated"],
+                ErrorMsg),
+            Result = error(ErrorMsg)
+        ;
+            OptionData = special,
+            string__append_list(["cannot negate option `", Option, "' --",
+                "only boolean, maybe and accumulating options can be negated"],
             Result = error(ErrorMsg)
-        string__append_list(["unknown type for option `",
-            Option, "'"], ErrorMsg),
+        string__append_list(["unknown type for option `", Option, "'"],
+            ErrorMsg),
         Result = error(ErrorMsg)
Index: getopt_io.m
RCS file: getopt_io.m
diff -N getopt_io.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ getopt_io.m	23 Dec 2004 05:40:26 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1019 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
+% Copyright (C) 1994-1999,2001-2004 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General 
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: getopt_io.m
+% Authors: fjh, zs
+% Stability: medium
+% This module exports the predicate getopt_io__process_options/6,
+% which can be used to parse command-line options.
+% This version allows both short (single-character) options
+% and GNU-style long options. It also has the GNU extension
+% of recognizing options anywhere in the command-line, not
+% just at the start.
+% To use this module, you must provide an `option' type which
+% is an enumeration of all your different options.
+% You must provide predicates `short_option(Char, Option)'
+% and `long_option(String, Option)' which convert the short
+% and/or long names for the option to this enumeration type.
+% (An option can have as many names as you like, long or short.)
+% You must provide a predicate `option_default(Option, OptionData)'
+% which specifies both the type and the default value for every option.
+% You may optionally provide a predicate `special_handler(Option,
+% SpecialData, OptionTable, MaybeOptionTable)' for handling special
+% option types.  (See below.)
+% We support the following "simple" option types:
+%   - bool
+%   - int
+%   - maybe_int (which have a value of `no' or `yes(int)')
+%   - string
+%   - maybe_string (which have a value of `no' or `yes(string)')
+% We also support one "accumulating" option type:
+%   - accumulating (which accumulates a list of strings)
+% And the following "special" option types:
+%   - special
+%   - bool_special
+%   - int_special
+%   - string_special
+%   - maybe_string_special
+%   - file_special
+% For the "simple" option types, if there are multiple occurrences
+% of the same option on the command-line, then the last (right-most)
+% occurrence will take precedence.  For "accumulating" options,
+% multiple occurrences will be appended together into a list.
+% With the exception of file_special, the "special" option types are
+% handled by a special option handler (see `special_handler' below), which
+% may perform arbitrary modifications to the option_table.  For example,
+% an option which is not yet implemented could be handled by a special handler
+% which produces an error report, or an option which is a synonym for a
+% set of more "primitive" options could be handled by a special
+% handler which sets those "primitive" options.
+% It is an error to use a "special" option for which there is no
+% handler, or for which the handler fails.
+% Boolean (i.e. bool or bool_special), maybe_int, maybe_string
+% and accumulating options can be negated. Negating an accumulating
+% option empties the accumulated list of strings.
+% Single-character options can be negated by following them
+% with another `-', e.g. `-x-' will negate the `-x' option.
+% Long options can be negated by preceding them with `--no-',
+% e.g. `--no-foo' will negate the `--foo' option.
+% The file_special option type requires no handler, and is implemented
+% entirely by this module. It always takes a single argument, a file name.
+% Its handling always consists of reading the named file, converting its
+% contents into a sequence of words separated by white space, and interpreting
+% those words as options in the usual manner.
+:- module getopt_io.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io, bool, char, list, set, map, std_util.
+% getopt_io__process_options(OptionOps, Args, NonOptionArgs, Result)
+% getopt_io__process_options(OptionOps, Args, OptionArgs, NonOptionArgs, Result)
+%   Scans through 'Args' looking for options, places all the option
+%   arguments in `OptionArgs', places all the non-option arguments in
+%   'NonOptionArgs', and records the options in the `OptionTable'.
+%   `OptionTable' is a map from a user-defined option type to option_data.
+%   If an invalid option is encountered, we return `error(Message)'
+%   otherwise we return `ok(OptionTable)' in 'Result'.
+%   The argument `OptionOps' is a structure holding three or four
+%   predicates used to categorize a set of options. Their
+%   interfaces should be like these:
+% :- pred short_option(char::in, option::out) is semidet.
+%   True if the character names a valid single-character option.
+% :- pred long_option(string::in, option::out) is semidet.
+%   True if the character names a valid long option.
+% :- pred option_default(option::out, option_data::out) is multi.
+%   Nondeterministically returns all the options with their
+%   corresponding types and default values.
+% :- pred special_handler(option::in, special_data::in,
+%   option_table::in, maybe_option_table(_)::out) is semidet.
+%   This predicate is invoked whenever getopt finds an option
+%   (long or short) designated as special, with special_data holding
+%   the argument of the option (if any). The predicate can change the
+%   option table in arbitrary ways in the course of handling the option,
+%   or it can return an error message.
+%   The canonical examples of special options are -O options in compilers,
+%   which set many other options at once.
+:- pred getopt_io__process_options(option_ops(OptionType)::in(option_ops),
+    list(string)::in, list(string)::out, maybe_option_table(OptionType)::out,
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred getopt_io__process_options(option_ops(OptionType)::in(option_ops),
+    list(string)::in, list(string)::out, list(string)::out,
+    maybe_option_table(OptionType)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+% getopt_io__process_options_track(OptionOps, Args, OptionArgs,
+%       NonOptionArgs, OptionTable0, Result, OptionsSet)
+:- pred getopt_io__process_options_track(
+    option_ops_track(OptionType)::in(option_ops_track),
+    list(string)::in, list(string)::out, list(string)::out,
+    option_table(OptionType)::in, maybe_option_table(OptionType)::out,
+    set(OptionType)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred init_option_table(
+    pred(OptionType, option_data)::in(pred(out, out) is nondet),
+    option_table(OptionType)::out) is det.
+:- pred init_option_table_multi(
+    pred(OptionType, option_data)::in(pred(out, out) is multi),
+    option_table(OptionType)::out) is det.
+:- type option_ops(OptionType)
+    --->    option_ops(
+                pred(char, OptionType),         % short_option
+                pred(string, OptionType),       % long_option
+                pred(OptionType, option_data)   % option_default
+            )
+    ;       option_ops(
+                pred(char, OptionType),         % short_option
+                pred(string, OptionType),       % long_option
+                pred(OptionType, option_data),  % option_default
+                pred(OptionType, special_data,  % special option handler
+                    option_table(OptionType),
+                    maybe_option_table(OptionType))
+            )
+    ;       option_ops_multi(
+                pred(char, OptionType),         % short_option
+                pred(string, OptionType),       % long_option
+                pred(OptionType, option_data)   % option_default
+            )
+    ;       option_ops_multi(
+                pred(char, OptionType),         % short_option
+                pred(string, OptionType),       % long_option
+                pred(OptionType, option_data),  % option_default
+                pred(OptionType, special_data,  % special option handler
+                    option_table(OptionType),
+                    maybe_option_table(OptionType))
+            ).
+:- type option_ops_track(OptionType)
+    --->    option_ops_track(
+                pred(char, OptionType),         % short_option
+                pred(string, OptionType),       % long_option
+                pred(OptionType, special_data,  % special option handler
+                    option_table(OptionType),
+                    maybe_option_table(OptionType),
+                    set(OptionType))
+            ).
+:- inst option_ops ==
+    bound((
+        option_ops(
+            pred(in, out) is semidet,               % short_option
+            pred(in, out) is semidet,               % long_option
+            pred(out, out) is nondet                % option_default
+        )
+    ;   option_ops_multi(
+            pred(in, out) is semidet,               % short_option
+            pred(in, out) is semidet,               % long_option
+            pred(out, out) is multi                 % option_default
+        )
+    ;   option_ops(
+            pred(in, out) is semidet,               % short_option
+            pred(in, out) is semidet,               % long_option
+            pred(out, out) is nondet,               % option_default
+            pred(in, in, in, out) is semidet        % special handler
+        )
+    ;   option_ops_multi(
+            pred(in, out) is semidet,               % short_option
+            pred(in, out) is semidet,               % long_option
+            pred(out, out) is multi,                % option_default
+            pred(in, in, in, out) is semidet        % special handler
+        )
+    )).
+:- inst option_ops_track ==
+    bound((
+        option_ops_track(
+            pred(in, out) is semidet,               % short_option
+            pred(in, out) is semidet,               % long_option
+            pred(in, in, in, out, out) is semidet   % special handler
+        )
+    )).
+:- type option_data
+    --->    bool(bool)
+    ;       int(int)
+    ;       string(string)
+    ;       maybe_int(maybe(int))
+    ;       maybe_string(maybe(string))
+    ;       accumulating(list(string))
+    ;       special
+    ;       bool_special
+    ;       int_special
+    ;       string_special
+    ;       maybe_string_special
+    ;       file_special.
+:- type special_data
+    --->    none
+    ;       bool(bool)
+    ;       int(int)
+    ;       string(string)
+    ;       maybe_string(maybe(string)).
+:- type option_table(OptionType) ==  map(OptionType, option_data).
+:- type maybe_option_table(OptionType)
+    --->    ok(option_table(OptionType))
+    ;       error(string).
+    % The following three predicates search the option table for
+    % an option of the specified type; if it is not found, they
+    % report an error by calling error/1.
+:- pred getopt_io__lookup_bool_option(option_table(Option)::in, Option::in,
+    bool::out) is det.
+:- func getopt_io__lookup_bool_option(option_table(Option), Option) = bool.
+:- pred getopt_io__lookup_int_option(option_table(Option)::in, Option::in,
+    int::out) is det.
+:- func getopt_io__lookup_int_option(option_table(Option), Option) = int.
+:- pred getopt_io__lookup_string_option(option_table(Option)::in, Option::in,
+    string::out) is det.
+:- func getopt_io__lookup_string_option(option_table(Option), Option) = string.
+:- pred getopt_io__lookup_maybe_int_option(option_table(Option)::in, Option::in,
+    maybe(int)::out) is det.
+:- func getopt_io__lookup_maybe_int_option(option_table(Option), Option) =
+    maybe(int).
+:- pred getopt_io__lookup_maybe_string_option(option_table(Option)::in,
+    Option::in, maybe(string)::out) is det.
+:- func getopt_io__lookup_maybe_string_option(option_table(Option), Option) =
+    maybe(string).
+:- pred getopt_io__lookup_accumulating_option(option_table(Option)::in,
+    Option::in, list(string)::out) is det.
+:- func getopt_io__lookup_accumulating_option(option_table(Option), Option) =
+    list(string).
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module require, string, svset.
+% Please keept the differences between this module and getopt.m to the
+% minimum. Most changes should done in both modules.
+:- type option_ops_special(OptionType)
+    --->    none
+    ;       notrack(
+                pred(OptionType, special_data,
+                    option_table(OptionType),
+                    maybe_option_table(OptionType))
+            )
+    ;       track(
+                pred(OptionType, special_data,
+                    option_table(OptionType),
+                    maybe_option_table(OptionType),
+                    set(OptionType))
+            ).
+:- type option_ops_internal(OptionType)
+    --->    option_ops_internal(
+                short_option    :: pred(char, OptionType),
+                long_option     :: pred(string, OptionType),
+                special_handler :: option_ops_special(OptionType)
+            ).
+:- inst option_ops_internal ==
+    bound((
+        option_ops_internal(
+            pred(in, out) is semidet,               % short_option
+            pred(in, out) is semidet,               % long_option
+            bound((                                 % special handler, if any
+                none
+            ;
+                notrack(pred(in, in, in, out) is semidet)
+            ;
+                track(pred(in, in, in, out, out) is semidet)
+            ))
+        )
+    )).
+init_option_table(OptionDefaultsPred, OptionTable) :-
+    solutions((pred(OptionDataPair::out) is nondet :-
+            OptionDataPair = Option - OptionData,
+            call(OptionDefaultsPred, Option, OptionData)
+        ), OptionDefaultsList),
+    map__from_assoc_list(OptionDefaultsList, OptionTable).
+init_option_table_multi(OptionDefaultsPred, OptionTable) :-
+    solutions((pred(OptionDataPair::out) is multi :-
+            OptionDataPair = Option - OptionData,
+            call(OptionDefaultsPred, Option, OptionData)
+        ), OptionDefaultsList),
+    map__from_assoc_list(OptionDefaultsList, OptionTable).
+getopt_io__process_options(OptionOps, Args0, NonOptionArgs, Result, !IO) :-
+    getopt_io__process_options(OptionOps, Args0, _OptionArgs, NonOptionArgs,
+        Result, !IO).
+getopt_io__process_options(OptionOps, Args0, OptionArgs, NonOptionArgs, Result,
+        !IO) :-
+    (
+        OptionOps = option_ops(Short, Long, Defaults),
+        MaybeSpecial = none,
+        init_option_table(Defaults, OptionTable0)
+    ;
+        OptionOps = option_ops(Short, Long, Defaults, Special),
+        MaybeSpecial = notrack(Special),
+        init_option_table(Defaults, OptionTable0)
+    ;
+        OptionOps = option_ops_multi(Short, Long, Defaults),
+        MaybeSpecial = none,
+        init_option_table_multi(Defaults, OptionTable0)
+    ;
+        OptionOps = option_ops_multi(Short, Long, Defaults, Special),
+        MaybeSpecial = notrack(Special),
+        init_option_table_multi(Defaults, OptionTable0)
+    ),
+    Internal = option_ops_internal(Short, Long, MaybeSpecial),
+    getopt_io__process_arguments(Args0, NonOptionArgs, Internal,
+        [], RevOptionArgs, OptionTable0, Result, set__init, _OptionsSet, !IO),
+    OptionArgs = list__reverse(RevOptionArgs).
+getopt_io__process_options_track(OptionOps, Args0, OptionArgs, NonOptionArgs,
+        OptionTable0, Result, OptionsSet, !IO) :-
+    OptionOps = option_ops_track(Short, Long, Special),
+    Internal = option_ops_internal(Short, Long, track(Special)),
+    getopt_io__process_arguments(Args0, NonOptionArgs, Internal,
+        [], RevOptionArgs, OptionTable0, Result, set__init, OptionsSet, !IO),
+    OptionArgs = list__reverse(RevOptionArgs).
+:- pred getopt_io__process_arguments(list(string)::in, list(string)::out,
+    option_ops_internal(OptionType)::in(option_ops_internal), list(string)::in,
+    list(string)::out, option_table(OptionType)::in,
+    maybe_option_table(OptionType)::out,
+    set(OptionType)::in, set(OptionType)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+getopt_io__process_arguments([], [], _, OptionArgs, OptionArgs,
+        OptionTable, ok(OptionTable), !OptionsSet, !IO).
+getopt_io__process_arguments([Option | Args0], Args, OptionOps,
+        OptionArgs0, OptionArgs, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet, !IO) :-
+    ( Option = "--" ->  % "--" terminates option processing
+        OptionArgs = OptionArgs0,
+        Args = Args0,
+        Result = ok(OptionTable0)
+    ; string__append("--no-", LongOption, Option) ->
+        LongOptionPred = OptionOps ^ long_option,
+        ( call(LongOptionPred, LongOption, Flag) ->
+            string__append("--", LongOption, OptName),
+            process_negated_option(OptName, Flag, OptionOps,
+                OptionTable0, Result1, !OptionsSet),
+            ( Result1 = ok(OptionTable1) ->
+                getopt_io__process_arguments(Args0, Args, OptionOps,
+                    [Option | OptionArgs0], OptionArgs, OptionTable1, Result,
+                    !OptionsSet, !IO)
+            ;
+                Result = Result1,
+                OptionArgs = OptionArgs0,
+                Args = Args0
+            )
+        ;
+            string__append_list(["unrecognized option `", Option, "'"],
+                ErrorMsg),
+            Result = error(ErrorMsg),
+            OptionArgs = OptionArgs0,
+            Args = Args0
+        )
+    ; string__append("--", LongOptionStr, Option) ->
+        LongOptionPred = OptionOps ^ long_option,
+        ( string__sub_string_search(LongOptionStr, "=", OptionLen) ->
+            string__split(LongOptionStr, OptionLen, LongOption,
+                EqualOptionArg),
+            ( string__first_char(EqualOptionArg, '=', OptionArg) ->
+                MaybeArg = yes(OptionArg)
+            ;
+                error("bad split of --longoption=arg")
+            )
+        ;
+            LongOption = LongOptionStr,
+            MaybeArg = no
+        ),
+        OptionName = "--" ++ LongOption,
+        ( call(LongOptionPred, LongOption, Flag) ->
+            ( map__search(OptionTable0, Flag, OptionData) ->
+                getopt_io__handle_long_option(OptionName, Flag, OptionData,
+                    MaybeArg, Args0, Args, OptionOps,
+                    [Option | OptionArgs0], OptionArgs,
+                    OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet, !IO)
+            ;
+                string__append_list(["unknown type for option `", Option, "'"],
+                    ErrorMsg),
+                Result = error(ErrorMsg),
+                OptionArgs = OptionArgs0,
+                Args = Args0
+            )
+        ;
+            string__append("unrecognized option `", OptionName, Tmp),
+            string__append(Tmp, "'", ErrorMsg),
+            Result = error(ErrorMsg),
+            OptionArgs = OptionArgs0,
+            Args = Args0
+        )
+    ; string__first_char(Option, '-', ShortOptions), ShortOptions \= "" ->
+        string__to_char_list(ShortOptions, ShortOptionsList),
+        % Process a single negated option `-x-'.
+        ( ShortOptionsList = [SingleShortOpt, '-'] ->
+            ShortOptionPred = OptionOps ^ short_option,
+            ( call(ShortOptionPred, SingleShortOpt, Flag) ->
+                string__from_char_list(['-', SingleShortOpt], OptName),
+                process_negated_option(OptName, Flag, OptionOps,
+                    OptionTable0, Result1, !OptionsSet),
+                ( Result1 = ok(OptionTable1) ->
+                    getopt_io__process_arguments(Args0, Args, OptionOps,
+                        [Option | OptionArgs0], OptionArgs,
+                        OptionTable1, Result, !OptionsSet, !IO)
+                ;
+                    Result = Result1,
+                    OptionArgs = OptionArgs0,
+                    Args = Args0
+                )
+            ;
+                string__append_list(["unrecognized option `-", ShortOptions,
+                    "'"], ErrorMsg),
+                Result = error(ErrorMsg),
+                OptionArgs = OptionArgs0,
+                Args = Args0
+            )
+        ;
+            % Process a list of options `-xyz'.
+            % -xyz may be several boolean options
+            % or part of it may be the argument of an option.
+            % The first element of Args0 may also be an argument
+            % of an option.
+            getopt_io__handle_short_options(ShortOptionsList, OptionOps,
+                Args0, Args1, [Option | OptionArgs0], OptionArgs1,
+                OptionTable0, Result1, !OptionsSet, !IO),
+            ( Result1 = ok(OptionTable1) ->
+                getopt_io__process_arguments(Args1, Args, OptionOps,
+                    OptionArgs1, OptionArgs, OptionTable1, Result, !OptionsSet,
+                    !IO)
+            ;
+                Result = Result1,
+                OptionArgs = OptionArgs1,
+                Args = Args0
+            )
+        )
+    ;
+        % It's a normal non-option argument.
+        % As a GNU extension, keep searching for options
+        % in the remaining arguments.
+        getopt_io__process_arguments(Args0, Args1, OptionOps,
+            OptionArgs0, OptionArgs, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet, !IO),
+        Args = [Option | Args1]
+    ).
+:- pred getopt_io__handle_long_option(string::in, OptionType::in, option_data::in,
+    maybe(string)::in, list(string)::in, list(string)::out,
+    option_ops_internal(OptionType)::in(option_ops_internal), list(string)::in,
+    list(string)::out, option_table(OptionType)::in,
+    maybe_option_table(OptionType)::out,
+    set(OptionType)::in, set(OptionType)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+getopt_io__handle_long_option(Option, Flag, OptionData, MaybeOptionArg0,
+        Args0, Args, OptionOps, OptionArgs0, OptionArgs, OptionTable0, Result,
+        !OptionsSet, !IO) :-
+    (
+        getopt_io__need_arg(OptionData, yes),
+        MaybeOptionArg0 = no
+    ->
+        ( Args0 = [Arg | ArgsTail] ->
+            MaybeOptionArg = yes(Arg),
+            Args1 = ArgsTail,
+            MissingArg = no,
+            OptionArgs1 = [Arg | OptionArgs0]
+        ;
+            MaybeOptionArg = no,
+            Args1 = Args0,
+            OptionArgs1 = OptionArgs0,
+            MissingArg = yes
+        )
+    ;
+        MaybeOptionArg = MaybeOptionArg0,
+        Args1 = Args0,
+        OptionArgs1 = OptionArgs0,
+        MissingArg = no
+    ),
+    ( MissingArg = yes ->
+        Args = Args0,
+        OptionArgs = OptionArgs1,
+        string__append_list(["option `", Option, "' needs an argument"],
+            ErrorMsg),
+        Result = error(ErrorMsg)
+    ;
+        getopt_io__need_arg(OptionData, no),
+        MaybeOptionArg = yes(_)
+    ->
+        Args = Args0,
+        OptionArgs = OptionArgs1,
+        string__append_list(["option `", Option,
+            "' does not allow an argument"], ErrorMsg),
+        Result = error(ErrorMsg)
+    ;
+        getopt_io__process_option(OptionData, Option, Flag, MaybeOptionArg,
+            OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result1, !OptionsSet, !IO),
+        ( Result1 = ok(OptionTable1) ->
+            getopt_io__process_arguments(Args1, Args, OptionOps,
+                OptionArgs1, OptionArgs, OptionTable1, Result, !OptionsSet,
+                !IO)
+        ;
+            Result = Result1,
+            OptionArgs = OptionArgs1,
+            Args = Args1
+        )
+    ).
+:- pred getopt_io__handle_short_options(list(char)::in,
+    option_ops_internal(OptionType)::in(option_ops_internal), list(string)::in,
+    list(string)::out, list(string)::in, list(string)::out,
+    option_table(OptionType)::in,
+    maybe_option_table(OptionType)::out,
+    set(OptionType)::in, set(OptionType)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+getopt_io__handle_short_options([], _, Args, Args, OptionArgs, OptionArgs,
+        OptionTable, ok(OptionTable), !OptionsSet, !IO).
+getopt_io__handle_short_options([Opt | Opts0], OptionOps, Args0, Args,
+        OptionArgs0, OptionArgs, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet, !IO) :-
+    ShortOptionPred = OptionOps ^ short_option,
+    ( call(ShortOptionPred, Opt, Flag) ->
+        ( map__search(OptionTable0, Flag, OptionData) ->
+            ( getopt_io__need_arg(OptionData, yes) ->
+                getopt_io__get_short_option_arg(Opts0, Arg, Args0, Args1,
+                    OptionArgs0, OptionArgs1),
+                MaybeOptionArg = yes(Arg),
+                Opts1 = []
+            ;
+                MaybeOptionArg = no,
+                Opts1 = Opts0,
+                OptionArgs1 = OptionArgs0,
+                Args1 = Args0
+            ),
+            string__from_char_list(['-', Opt], Option),
+            getopt_io__process_option(OptionData, Option, Flag, MaybeOptionArg,
+                OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result1, !OptionsSet, !IO),
+            ( Result1 = ok(OptionTable1) ->
+                getopt_io__handle_short_options(Opts1, OptionOps, Args1, Args,
+                    OptionArgs1, OptionArgs, OptionTable1, Result, !OptionsSet,
+                    !IO)
+            ;
+                Result = Result1,
+                OptionArgs = OptionArgs1,
+                Args = Args1
+            )
+        ;
+            string__char_to_string(Opt, OptString),
+            string__append_list(["unknown type for option `-",
+                OptString, "'"], ErrorMsg),
+            Result = error(ErrorMsg),
+            OptionArgs = OptionArgs0,
+            Args = Args0
+        )
+    ;
+        string__char_to_string(Opt, OptString),
+        string__append_list(["unrecognized option `-", OptString, "'"],
+            ErrorMsg),
+        Result = error(ErrorMsg),
+        OptionArgs = OptionArgs0,
+        Args = Args0
+    ).
+:- pred getopt_io__get_short_option_arg(list(char)::in, string::out,
+    list(string)::in, list(string)::out, list(string)::in, list(string)::out)
+    is det.
+getopt_io__get_short_option_arg(Opts, Arg, Args0, Args,
+        OptionArgs0, OptionArgs) :-
+    (
+        Opts = [],
+        Args0 = [ArgPrime | ArgsPrime]
+    ->
+        OptionArgs = [ArgPrime | OptionArgs0],
+        Arg = ArgPrime,
+        Args = ArgsPrime
+    ;
+        string__from_char_list(Opts, Arg),
+        OptionArgs = OptionArgs0,
+        Args = Args0
+    ).
+:- pred getopt_io__process_option(option_data::in, string::in, OptionType::in,
+    maybe(string)::in, option_ops_internal(OptionType)::in(option_ops_internal),
+    option_table(OptionType)::in,
+    maybe_option_table(OptionType)::out,
+    set(OptionType)::in, set(OptionType)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+getopt_io__process_option(bool(_), _Option, Flag, MaybeArg, _OptionOps,
+        OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet, !IO) :-
+    svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(_Arg),
+        map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, bool(no), OptionTable),
+        Result = ok(OptionTable)
+    ;
+        MaybeArg = no,
+        map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, bool(yes), OptionTable),
+        Result = ok(OptionTable)
+    ).
+getopt_io__process_option(int(_), Option, Flag, MaybeArg, _OptionOps, 
+        OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet, !IO) :-
+    svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(Arg),
+        ( string__to_int(Arg, IntArg) ->
+            map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, int(IntArg), OptionTable),
+            Result = ok(OptionTable)
+        ;
+            getopt_io__numeric_argument(Option, Arg, Result)
+        )
+    ;
+        MaybeArg = no,
+        error("integer argument expected in getopt_io__process_option")
+    ).
+getopt_io__process_option(string(_), _Option, Flag, MaybeArg, _OptionOps,
+        OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet, !IO) :-
+    svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(Arg),
+        map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, string(Arg), OptionTable),
+        Result = ok(OptionTable)
+    ;
+        MaybeArg = no,
+        error("string argument expected in getopt_io__process_option")
+    ).
+getopt_io__process_option(maybe_int(_), Option, Flag, MaybeArg, _OptionOps,
+        OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet, !IO) :-
+    svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(Arg),
+        ( string__to_int(Arg, IntArg) ->
+            map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, maybe_int(yes(IntArg)), OptionTable),
+            Result = ok(OptionTable)
+        ;
+            getopt_io__numeric_argument(Option, Arg, Result)
+        )
+    ;
+        MaybeArg = no,
+        error("integer argument expected in getopt_io__process_option")
+    ).
+getopt_io__process_option(maybe_string(_), _Option, Flag, MaybeArg, _OptionOps,
+        OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet, !IO) :-
+    svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(Arg),
+        map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, maybe_string(yes(Arg)), OptionTable),
+        Result = ok(OptionTable)
+    ;
+        MaybeArg = no,
+        error("string argument expected in getopt_io__process_option")
+    ).
+getopt_io__process_option(accumulating(List0), _Option, Flag, MaybeArg, _OptionOps,
+        OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet, !IO) :-
+    svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(Arg),
+        list__append(List0, [Arg], List),
+        map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, accumulating(List), OptionTable),
+        Result = ok(OptionTable)
+    ;
+        MaybeArg = no,
+        error("acumulating argument expected in getopt_io__process_option")
+    ).
+getopt_io__process_option(special, Option, Flag, MaybeArg, OptionOps,
+        OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet, !IO) :-
+    svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(_Arg),
+        error("no special argument expected in getopt_io__process_option")
+    ;
+        MaybeArg = no,
+        getopt_io__process_special(Option, Flag, none,
+            OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet)
+    ).
+getopt_io__process_option(bool_special, Option, Flag, MaybeArg, OptionOps,
+        OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet, !IO) :-
+    svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(_Arg),
+        getopt_io__process_special(Option, Flag, bool(no),
+            OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet)
+    ;
+        MaybeArg = no,
+        getopt_io__process_special(Option, Flag, bool(yes),
+            OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet)
+    ).
+getopt_io__process_option(int_special, Option, Flag, MaybeArg, OptionOps,
+        OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet, !IO) :-
+    svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(Arg),
+        ( string__to_int(Arg, IntArg) ->
+            getopt_io__process_special(Option, Flag, int(IntArg),
+                OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet)
+        ;
+            getopt_io__numeric_argument(Option, Arg, Result)
+        )
+    ;
+        MaybeArg = no,
+        error("int_special argument expected in getopt_io__process_option")
+    ).
+getopt_io__process_option(string_special, Option, Flag, MaybeArg, OptionOps,
+        OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet, !IO) :-
+    svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(Arg),
+        getopt_io__process_special(Option, Flag, string(Arg),
+            OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet)
+    ;
+        MaybeArg = no,
+        error("string_special argument expected in getopt_io__process_option")
+    ).
+getopt_io__process_option(maybe_string_special, Option, Flag, MaybeArg, OptionOps,
+        OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet, !IO) :-
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(_Arg),
+        getopt_io__process_special(Option, Flag, maybe_string(MaybeArg),
+            OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet)
+    ;
+        MaybeArg = no,
+        error("maybe_string_special argument expected " ++
+            "in getopt_io__process_option")
+    ).
+getopt_io__process_option(file_special, _Option, _Flag, MaybeArg, OptionOps,
+        OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet, !IO) :-
+    (
+        MaybeArg = yes(FileName),
+        io__see(FileName, SeeRes, !IO),
+        (
+            SeeRes = ok,
+            io__read_file_as_string(ReadRes, !IO),
+            (
+                ReadRes = ok(Contents),
+                Words = string__words(Contents),
+                getopt_io__process_arguments(Words, Args, OptionOps,
+                    [], _OptionArgs, OptionTable0, Result0, !OptionsSet, !IO),
+                (
+                    Args = [],
+                    Result = Result0
+                ;
+                    Args = [_ | _],
+                    Result = error(FileName ++
+                        " contains non-option arguments")
+                )
+            ;
+                ReadRes = error(_, Error),
+                io__error_message(Error, Msg),
+                Result = error("cannot read " ++ FileName ++ ": " ++ Msg)
+            ),
+            io__seen(!IO)
+        ;
+            SeeRes = error(Error),
+            io__error_message(Error, Msg),
+            Result = error("cannot open " ++ FileName ++ ": " ++ Msg)
+        )
+    ;
+        MaybeArg = no,
+        error("file_special argument expected in getopt_io__process_option")
+    ).
+:- pred process_negated_option(string::in, OptionType::in,
+    option_ops_internal(OptionType)::in(option_ops_internal),
+    option_table(OptionType)::in, maybe_option_table(OptionType)::out,
+    set(OptionType)::in, set(OptionType)::out) is det.
+process_negated_option(Option, Flag, OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result,
+        !OptionsSet) :-
+    ( map__search(OptionTable0, Flag, OptionData) ->
+        (
+            OptionData = bool(_),
+            svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
+            map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, bool(no), OptionTable),
+            Result = ok(OptionTable)
+        ;
+            OptionData = maybe_int(_),
+            svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
+            map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, maybe_int(no), OptionTable),
+            Result = ok(OptionTable)
+        ;
+            OptionData = maybe_string(_),
+            svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
+            map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, maybe_string(no), OptionTable),
+            Result = ok(OptionTable)
+        ;
+            OptionData = accumulating(_),
+            svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
+            map__set(OptionTable0, Flag, accumulating([]), OptionTable),
+            Result = ok(OptionTable)
+        ;
+            OptionData = bool_special,
+            svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
+            getopt_io__process_special(Option, Flag, bool(no),
+                OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet)
+        ;
+            OptionData = maybe_string_special,
+            svset__insert(Flag, !OptionsSet),
+            getopt_io__process_special(Option, Flag, maybe_string(no),
+                OptionOps, OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet)
+        ;
+            OptionData = int_special,
+            string__append_list(["cannot negate option `", Option, "' --",
+                "only boolean, maybe and accumulating options can be negated"],
+                ErrorMsg),
+            Result = error(ErrorMsg)
+        ;
+            OptionData = string_special,
+            string__append_list(["cannot negate option `", Option, "' --",
+                "only boolean, maybe and accumulating options can be negated"],
+                ErrorMsg),
+            Result = error(ErrorMsg)
+        ;
+            OptionData = int(_),
+            string__append_list(["cannot negate option `", Option, "' --",
+                "only boolean, maybe and accumulating options can be negated"],
+                ErrorMsg),
+            Result = error(ErrorMsg)
+        ;
+            OptionData = string(_),
+            string__append_list(["cannot negate option `", Option, "' --",
+                "only boolean, maybe and accumulating options can be negated"],
+                ErrorMsg),
+            Result = error(ErrorMsg)
+        ;
+            OptionData = special,
+            string__append_list(["cannot negate option `", Option, "' --",
+                "only boolean, maybe and accumulating options can be negated"],
+                ErrorMsg),
+            Result = error(ErrorMsg)
+        ;
+            OptionData = file_special,
+            string__append_list(["cannot negate option `", Option, "' --",
+                "only boolean, maybe and accumulating options can be negated"],
+                ErrorMsg),
+            Result = error(ErrorMsg)
+        )
+    ;
+        string__append_list(["unknown type for option `", Option, "'"],
+            ErrorMsg),
+        Result = error(ErrorMsg)
+    ).
+:- pred getopt_io__process_special(string::in, OptionType::in, special_data::in,
+    option_ops_internal(OptionType)::in(option_ops_internal),
+    option_table(OptionType)::in, maybe_option_table(OptionType)::out,
+    set(OptionType)::in, set(OptionType)::out) is det.
+getopt_io__process_special(Option, Flag, OptionData, OptionOps,
+        OptionTable0, Result, !OptionsSet) :-
+    MaybeHandler = OptionOps ^ special_handler,
+    (
+        MaybeHandler = notrack(Handler),
+        (
+            call(Handler, Flag, OptionData, OptionTable0, Result0)
+        ->
+            Result = Result0
+        ;
+            string__append_list(["the handler of option `",
+                Option, "' failed"], ErrorMsg),
+            Result = error(ErrorMsg)
+        )
+    ;
+        MaybeHandler = track(TrackHandler),
+        (
+            call(TrackHandler, Flag, OptionData, OptionTable0, Result0,
+                NewOptionsSet)
+        ->
+            set__union(NewOptionsSet, !OptionsSet),
+            Result = Result0
+        ;
+            string__append_list(["the handler of option `",
+                Option, "' failed"], ErrorMsg),
+            Result = error(ErrorMsg)
+        )
+    ;
+        MaybeHandler = none,
+        string__append_list(["option `", Option, "' has no handler"],
+            ErrorMsg),
+        Result = error(ErrorMsg)
+    ).
+:- pred getopt_io__need_arg(option_data::in, bool::out) is det.
+getopt_io__need_arg(bool(_), no).
+getopt_io__need_arg(int(_), yes).
+getopt_io__need_arg(string(_), yes).
+getopt_io__need_arg(maybe_int(_), yes).
+getopt_io__need_arg(maybe_string(_), yes).
+getopt_io__need_arg(accumulating(_), yes).
+getopt_io__need_arg(special, no).
+getopt_io__need_arg(bool_special, no).
+getopt_io__need_arg(int_special, yes).
+getopt_io__need_arg(string_special, yes).
+getopt_io__need_arg(maybe_string_special, yes).
+getopt_io__need_arg(file_special, yes).
+:- pred getopt_io__numeric_argument(string::in, string::in,
+    maybe_option_table(OptionType)::out) is det.
+getopt_io__numeric_argument(Option, Arg, Result) :-
+    string__append_list(["option `", Option,
+        "' requires a numeric argument; `", Arg, "' is not numeric"],
+        ErrorMsg),
+    Result = error(ErrorMsg).
+getopt_io__lookup_bool_option(OptionTable, Opt, Val) :-
+    ( map__lookup(OptionTable, Opt, bool(Val0)) ->
+        Val = Val0
+    ;
+        error("Expected bool option and didn't get one.")
+    ).
+getopt_io__lookup_int_option(OptionTable, Opt, Val) :-
+    ( map__lookup(OptionTable, Opt, int(Val0)) ->
+        Val = Val0
+    ;
+        error("Expected int option and didn't get one.")
+    ).
+getopt_io__lookup_string_option(OptionTable, Opt, Val) :-
+    ( map__lookup(OptionTable, Opt, string(Val0)) ->
+        Val = Val0
+    ;
+        error("Expected string option and didn't get one.")
+    ).
+getopt_io__lookup_maybe_int_option(OptionTable, Opt, Val) :-
+    ( map__lookup(OptionTable, Opt, maybe_int(Val0)) ->
+        Val = Val0
+    ;
+        error("Expected maybe_int option and didn't get one.")
+    ).
+getopt_io__lookup_maybe_string_option(OptionTable, Opt, Val) :-
+    ( map__lookup(OptionTable, Opt, maybe_string(Val0)) ->
+        Val = Val0
+    ;
+        error("Expected maybe_string option and didn't get one.")
+    ).
+getopt_io__lookup_accumulating_option(OptionTable, Opt, Val) :-
+    ( map__lookup(OptionTable, Opt, accumulating(Val0)) ->
+        Val = Val0
+    ;
+        error("Expected accumulating option and didn't get one.")
+    ).
+% Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 29/04/99
+%   Functional forms added.
+getopt_io__lookup_bool_option(OT, Opt) = B :-
+    getopt_io__lookup_bool_option(OT, Opt, B).
+getopt_io__lookup_int_option(OT, Opt) = N :-
+    getopt_io__lookup_int_option(OT, Opt, N).
+getopt_io__lookup_string_option(OT, Opt) = S :-
+    getopt_io__lookup_string_option(OT, Opt, S).
+getopt_io__lookup_maybe_int_option(OT, Opt) = MN :-
+    getopt_io__lookup_maybe_int_option(OT, Opt, MN).
+getopt_io__lookup_maybe_string_option(OT, Opt) =MS :-
+    getopt_io__lookup_maybe_string_option(OT, Opt, MS).
+getopt_io__lookup_accumulating_option(OT, Opt) =Ss :-
+    getopt_io__lookup_accumulating_option(OT, Opt, Ss).
Index: library.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/library.m,v
retrieving revision 1.79
diff -u -b -r1.79 library.m
--- library.m	16 Dec 2004 03:17:27 -0000	1.79
+++ library.m	21 Dec 2004 04:01:07 -0000
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
 :- import_module float.
 :- import_module gc.
 :- import_module getopt.
+:- import_module getopt_io.
 :- import_module graph.
 :- import_module group.
 :- import_module hash_table.
@@ -187,6 +188,7 @@
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