[m-rev.] trivial diff: remove module_system.html

Fergus Henderson fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Thu Oct 23 16:07:24 AEST 2003

Estimated hours taken: 0.25
Branches: main

	Remove.  This file documented a proposed module system
	which is fairly different to the one that Mercury actually
	supports, and we have no plans to actually implement this
	system, so it will not be of interest to most people reading the
	Mercury sources.

Workspace: /home/ceres/fjh/mercury
Index: compiler/notes/module_system.html
RCS file: compiler/notes/module_system.html
diff -N compiler/notes/module_system.html
--- compiler/notes/module_system.html	3 Apr 1997 05:17:40 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-	Mercury Coding Standard for the Mercury Project
-	bgcolor="#ffffff"
-	text="#000000"
-This file contains some very old notes about the module system.
-I've designed my module system.  It's based on a Prolog-syntax (but
-not otherwise backwards compatible) strongly-typed logic programming
-language.  I'd be interested in any comments people have about it.
-Note: currently I don't allow nested modules.  I want that to change
-eventually, but this will suffice for a first implementation.
-The module system has two primary purposes: to prevent accidental name
-clashes, and to enforce encapsulation.  (Although there are other benefits,
-such as encouraging more well-structured software.)
-Accidental name clashes are prevented by using a standard naming
-convention where every symbol is prefixed by the name of the module in
-which it is defined.  This module qualifier may be omitted for symbols
-in the current namespace (i.e.  symbols in the current module, or
-symbols which have been explicitly imported into the current namespace)
-so long as no ambiguity results.
-Encapsulation is enforced by only allowing symbols which have been
-explicitly exported (eg. those in a module's interface section) to be
-used by other modules.
-Each module must consist of
-	:- module ModuleName.
-	:- interface.
-	...
-	:- implementation.
-	...
-	:- end_module ModuleName.	% optional
-The semantics of these declarations is as follows.
-<dt> :- module ModuleName.
-	<dd>
-	Every module must start with a declaration of this form.
-	(There is an implementation-dependant mapping from
-	module names to filenames which must be adhered to.
-	The mapping may be arbitrary complex - for example, the
-	implementation may allow the user to list this mapping
-	in a configuration file - but in general, the name of the
-	file that a module resides in will be just the name
-	of the module plus an appropriate extensions.
-	The mapping is used by the implementation so that it
-	can determine where to find the required modules.)
-<dt> :- use_module Module1, Module2, ..., ModuleN.
-	<dd>
-	The exported symbols in the listed modules are made
-	available for use in the current module.  These symbols must
-	still be qualified with a module name, for example
-		list:append(A,B,C)
-	in order to be used.
-<dt> :- import_module Module1, Module2, ..., ModuleN.
-	<dd>
-	As for `use_module', except that symbols are imported into the
-	current namespace and do not need to be qualified with a module name
-	except to avoid ambiguities.
-	(Use of this declaration in large programs is probably a bad idea,
-	but it may be useful for small programs. Also, it would probably
-	not be a good idea to use this declaration together with low-level
-	export directives [described below] that don't specify an
-	explicit module qualifier, because it could cause accidental
-	re-exporting of imported symbols.)
-<dt> :- export_module Module1, Module2, ..., ModuleN.
-	<dd>
-	All exported symbols in the specified modules are re-exported
-	from this module.  This declaration can only occur in the
-	interface section.
-<dt> :- interface.
-	<dd>
-	All exportable declarations (ie. all type, predicate, constructor, and
-	operator declarations) in the interface section
-	are automatically exported.
-<dt> :- implementation.
-	<dd>
-	Declarations and definitions in the implementation section
-	are by default private.
-<dt> :- end_module ModuleName.
-	<dd>
-	Syntactic sugar.
-	This declaration is optional, but if it occurs it must be the
-	last declaration in the file and the ModuleName must match with 
-	that specified in the `module' declaration.
-The module system also has the following lower-level declarations,
-which allow you to import, use, or export individual symbols rather
-than entire modules.
-They can be used instead of (or in conjunction with) the higher-level
-All of the export declarations can only occur in the interface
-:- export_sym Sym1, Sym2, ..., SumN.
-	Sym1, Sym2, ..., SymN may be any symbol specifiers.
-	All symbols matching those symbol specifiers are exported.
-	A symbol specifier is one of
-		SymbolNameSpecifier
-			Matches any symbol matched by the SymbolNameSpecifier.
-		TypedConstructorSpecifier
-			Matches any constructors matched by the
-			TypedConstructorSpecifier.
-		cons(ConstructorSpecifier)
-			Matches only constructors.
-		pred(PredicateSpecifier)
-			Matches only predicates.
-		func(FunctionSpecifier)
-			Matches only functions.
-		adt(SymbolNameSpecifier)
-			Matches only type names.
-		type(SymbolNameSpecifier)
-			Matches type names matched by the SymbolNameSpecifier,
-			and also matches any constructors for the matched type
-			names.
-		op(OpSpecifier)
-			Matches any operators matched by OpSpecifier.
-		module(ModuleSpecifier)
-			Matches all symbols exported from the specified module.
-		module_ops(ModuleSpecifier)
-			Matches all operators exported from the specified
-			module.  (This includes any entity exported from
-			the module which has the same name as an operator
-			declared in the module.)
-	A ConstructorSpecifier is one of
-		SymbolSpecifier
-		TypedConstructorSpecifier
-	A TypedConstructorSpecifier is one of
-		SymbolSpecifier::Type
-			Matches only constructors with the specified result
-			type.
-		SymbolName(ArgType1, ..., ArgTypeN)
-			Matches only constructors with the specified argument
-			types.
-		SymbolName(ArgType1, ..., ArgTypeN)::Type
-			Matches only constructors with the specified argument
-			and result types.
-	A PredicateSpecifier is one of
-		SymbolName(ArgType1, ..., ArgTypeN)
-			Matches only predicates with the specified argument
-			types.
-		SymbolSpecifier
-	A FunctionSpecifier is the same as a ConstructorSpecifier.
-	An OpSpecifier is one of
-		SymbolSpecifier
-			Matches any operators matched by SymbolSpecifier
-		infix(SymbolSpecifier)
-			Matches only infix operators
-		postfix(SymbolSpecifier)
-			Matches only postfix operators
-		prefix(SymbolSpecifier)
-			Matches only prefix operators
-	A SymbolSpecifier is one of
-		SymbolName
-		SymbolName/Arity
-			Matches only symbols of the specified arity.
-	A SymbolName is one of
-		Name
-			Matches symbols with the specified name in the
-			current namespace.
-		ModuleSpecifier:Name
-			Matches symbols with the specified name exported
-			by the specified module.
-	A ModuleSpecifier is just an identifier.
-:- export_pred Pred1, ..., PredN.
-	This is just an abbreviation for
-		:- export_sym pred(Pred1), ..., pred(PredN).
-	All predicates matched by the listed PredicateSpecifiers are exported.
-	If there is any ambiguity, *all* matching predicates are exported.
-:- export_func Func1, ..., FuncN.
-	This is just an abbreviation for
-		:- export_sym func(Func1), ..., func(FuncN).
-	All predicates matched by the listed FunctionSpecifiers are exported.
-	If there is any ambiguity, *all* matching predicates are exported.
-:- export_adt Type1, ..., TypeN.
-	This is just an abbreviation for 
-		:- export_sym adt(Type1), ..., adt(TypeN).
-	The listed types are exported.  Constructors for these types
-	are not exported, so this can be used to create abstract data types,
-	hence the name. (However this declaration does not prevent
-	the constructors from being exported by other declarations.)
-	Type1, ..., TypeN can be any SymbolSpecifiers.
-:- export_cons Cons1, ..., ConsN.
-	This is just an abbreviation for
-		:- export_sym cons(Cons1), ..., cons(ConsN).
-:- export_op Op1, ..., OpN.
-	This is just an abbreviation for
-		:- export_sym op(Op1), ..., op(OpN).
-:- export_type Type1, ..., TypeN.
-	This is just an abbreviation for
-		:- export_sym type(Type1), ..., type(TypeN).
-	The listed types and all the constructors for the listed types
-	are exported.
-:- export_module_ops 
-	This is just an abbreviation for
-		:- export_sym module_ops(Op1), ..., op(OpN).
-:- import_module_ops Module1, ..., ModuleN.
-	This is just an abbreviation for
-		:- export_sym module_ops(Module1), ..., module_ops(ModuleN).
-:- export_module_ops Module1, Module2, ..., ModuleN.
-	All exported operators in the specified modules are re-exported
-	from this module.  This declaration can only occur in the
-	interface section.
-:- import_sym Sym1, Sym2, ..., SumN.
-	The listed symbols are imported, ie. made available for use
-	in the current module.
-	Sym1, ..., SymN may be any symbol specifiers, but they
-	should have explicit module qualifications.
-:- import_pred Pred1, Pred2, ..., PredN.
-:- import_func Func1, Func2, ..., FuncN.
-:- import_type Type1, Type2, ..., TypeN.
-:- import_adt  Type1, Type2, ..., TypeN.
-:- import_cons Cons1, Cons2, ..., ConsN.
-:- import_op   Op1, Op2, ..., OpN.
-	Abbreviations for special cases of import_sym.
-:- use_sym Sym1, Sym2, ..., SumN.
-	The listed symbols are imported into the current namespace,
-	i.e. made available for use without explicit module
-	qualification, exactly as for `use_module'.
-	Sym1, ..., SymN may be any symbol specifiers, but they should
-	have explicit module qualifications.
-:- use_pred Pred1, Pred2, ..., PredN.
-:- use_func Func1, Func1, ..., Func1.
-:- use_type Type1, Type2, ..., TypeN.
-:- use_adt  Type1, Type2, ..., TypeN.
-:- use_cons Cons1, Cons2, ..., ConsN.
-:- use_op   Op1, Op2, ..., OpN.
-	Abbreviations for special cases of use_sym.
-Note that although there are quite a few constructs, most of these
-are syntactic sugar.  The first phase of processing fully qualifies
-all symbols, and translates all the module system declarations into
-just `module', `import_sym', and `export_sym'.
-	% Version using explicit export declaration.
-	% Bag ADT.
-	% Implemented as unsorted lists.
-:- module bag.
-:- interface.
-:- export_pred init, insert, contains.
-:- implementation.
-:- import_module list.
-:- type bag(T) = list(T).
-:- pred init(bag(_)).
-:- pred insert(bag(T), T, bag(T)).
-insert(Bag0, Item, [Item|Bag0]).
-:- pred contains(bag(T), T).
-contains(Bag, Item) :-
-	list:member(Item, Bag).
-:- end_module bag.
-	% Version using pred declarations in the interface section.
-	% Bag ADT.
-	% Implemented as unsorted lists.
-:- module bag.
-:- interface.
-:- pred init(bag(_)).
-:- pred insert(bag(T), T, bag(T)).
-:- pred contains(bag(T), T).
-:- implementation.
-:- import_module list.
-:- type bag(T) = list(T).
-insert(Bag0, Item, [Item|Bag0]).
-contains(Bag, Item) :-
-	list:member(Item, Bag).
-:- end_module bag.
-	% Version using type inference to avoid explicit type
-	% declarations.  (Bad style, IMHO, but we allow for the
-	% possibility in order to attract the Prolog die-hards.)
-	% Bag ADT.
-	% Implemented as unsorted lists.
-:- module bag.
-:- import_module list.
-:- implementation.	% ensure that the bag/1 constructor is not exported
-:- type bag(T) ---> bag(list(T)).	% define type bag(T) and 
-					% constructor bag/1::list(T)->bag(T).
-:- interface.
-insert(bag(Bag0), Item, bag([Item|Bag0])).
-contains(bag(Bag), Item) :-
-	list:member(Item, Bag).
-:- end_module bag.
-	% Version using type inference to avoid explicit type
-	% declarations.  (This is speculative; type inference
-	% is not high on the list of things to implement.)
-	% Bag ADT.
-	% Implemented as unsorted lists.
-:- module bag.
-:- import_module list.
-:- export_pred init, insert, contains.
-:- type bag(T) ---> bag(list(T)).	
-insert(bag(Bag0), Item, bag([Item|Bag0])).
-contains(bag(Bag), Item) :-
-	list:member(Item, Bag).
-:- end_module bag.
-Here's a rough sketch of an algorithm (probably buggy) for handling these
-<li>  Let S be the set of modules interfaces on which
-    the current module (directly or indirectly) depends.
-    For each module in S, read in the module and write out the
-    full interface of that module (i.e. copy the type and mode
-    declarations for the predicates into the interface and add
-    `:- adt' declarations for types which are exported as
-    opaque abstract data types.
-<li>  For each module in S, read in the full interface
-    and resolve all the types, insts, and modes in the bodies
-    of the symbols defined in the interface (add explicit module
-    qualifiers).  This gives us a "resolved full interface" file.
-    Write this out.
-<li>  Read in the resolved full interface files for each module in S.
-    Resolve all the types, insts, and modes in the bodies
-    of the symbols defined in the current module.
-    Resolve all the preds and constructors in the current module.
-    Generate code for the current module.
-/* file t1.nl */
-:- module t1.
-:- use_module t2.
-:- type t1 ---> g(t2) ; x.
-:- export_type t1/0.
-:- end_module t1.
-/* full interface file for module t1 */
-:- module t1.
-:- use_module t2.
-:- type t1 ---> g(t2:t2) ; x.
-:- export_type t1/0.
-:- export_adt t2/0.
-:- end_module t1.
-/* file t2.nl */
-:- module t2.
-:- use_module t1.
-:- type t2 ---> f(t1:t1) ; y.
-:- export_type t2/0.
-:- end_module t2.
-Last update was $Date: 1997/04/03 05:17:40 $ by $Author: aet $@cs.mu.oz.au. <br>

Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
The University of Melbourne         |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>  |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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