[m-rev.] diff: fix hlc.agc closure_arg bug
Fergus Henderson
fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Thu Nov 13 21:14:32 AEDT 2003
Estimated hours taken: 2
Branches: main
Fix a bug that broke bootstrapping in grade hlc.agc.
Ensure that we generatine GC tracing code for the closure_arg
parameter. This is needed because it gets referenced by the
GC tracing code for other local variables in this function.
Without this, if two GCs occur between when a closure is
called and when it returns, then the first GC will collect
the closure, and then the second GC will try to dereference
the closure_arg parameter.
Workspace: /home/jupiter/fjh/ws-jupiter/mercury
Index: compiler/ml_closure_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_closure_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -d -r1.21 ml_closure_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_closure_gen.m 24 Oct 2003 06:17:42 -0000 1.21
+++ compiler/ml_closure_gen.m 13 Nov 2003 09:03:53 -0000
@@ -574,13 +574,19 @@
% #else
% void
% #endif
- % foo_wrapper(void *closure_arg,
+ % foo_wrapper(
+ % void *closure_arg /* with appropriate GC trace code */,
% MR_Box wrapper_arg1, MR_Box *wrapper_arg2,
% ..., MR_Box wrapper_argn)
- % /* No GC tracing code needed for the parameters,
- % because output parameters point to the stack,
- % and input parameters won't be live across a GC.
- % Likewise for the local var `closure' below. */
+ % /* No GC tracing code needed for the wrapper_*
+ % parameters, because output parameters point to
+ % the stack, and input parameters won't be live
+ % across a GC.
+ % Likewise for the local var `closure' below.
+ % But we do need GC tracing code for closure_arg
+ % parameter since that may be referenced _during_ GC,
+ % because it is mentioned in the GC tracing code
+ % for the conv_* variables below. */
% {
% #if 0 /* XXX we should do this for HIGH_LEVEL_DATA */
% FooClosure *closure;
@@ -707,8 +713,8 @@
{ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(Info, ModuleInfo) },
{ module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
PredInfo, ProcInfo) },
- %{ pred_info_purity(PredInfo, Purity) },
- %{ pred_info_arg_types(PredInfo, ProcArgTypes) },
+ { pred_info_get_purity(PredInfo, Purity) },
+ { pred_info_arg_types(PredInfo, ProcArgTypes) },
{ PredOrFunc = pred_info_is_pred_or_func(PredInfo) },
{ proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo, ProcHeadVars) },
{ proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo, ProcArgModes) },
@@ -734,13 +740,13 @@
list__drop(NumClosureArgs, ProcHeadVars, WrapperHeadVars0),
list__drop(NumClosureArgs, ProcArgModes, WrapperArgModes0),
- %list__drop(NumClosureArgs, ProcArgTypes, WrapperArgTypes0),
+ list__drop(NumClosureArgs, ProcArgTypes, WrapperArgTypes0),
list__drop(NumClosureArgs, ProcBoxedArgTypes,
WrapperHeadVars = WrapperHeadVars0,
WrapperArgModes = WrapperArgModes0,
- %WrapperArgTypes = WrapperArgTypes0,
+ WrapperArgTypes = WrapperArgTypes0,
WrapperBoxedArgTypes = WrapperBoxedArgTypes0
@@ -766,22 +772,10 @@
% then insert the `closure_arg' parameter
{ ClosureArgType = mlds__generic_type },
{ ClosureArgName = mlds__var_name("closure_arg", no) },
- % If we were to generate GC tracing code for the closure arg,
- % it would look like this:
- % { ClosureArgDeclType = list__det_head(ml_make_boxed_types(1)) },
- % { gen_closure_gc_trace_code(ClosureArgName, ClosureArgDeclType,
- % ClosureKind, WrapperArgTypes, Purity, PredOrFunc,
- % ClosureArgGCTraceCode) },
- % But we don't need any GC tracing code for the closure arg,
- % because it won't be live across an allocation.
- % However, we do need to give it a yes(_) GC tracing code,
- % because it is referred to from other GC tracing code;
- % without this, ml_elim_nested.m won't put it into the GC stack frame
- % struct, and then those other references will be dangling.
- % (XXX Maybe ml_elim_nested should be smarter about that.)
- { MLDS_Context = mlds__make_context(Context) },
- { ClosureArgGCTraceCode = yes(mlds__statement(block([],[]),
- MLDS_Context)) },
+ { ClosureArgDeclType = list__det_head(ml_make_boxed_types(1)) },
+ gen_closure_gc_trace_code(ClosureArgName, ClosureArgDeclType,
+ ClosureKind, WrapperArgTypes, Purity, PredOrFunc,
+ Context, ClosureArgGCTraceCode),
{ ClosureArg = mlds__argument(
@@ -810,13 +804,18 @@
{ ClosureName = mlds__var_name("closure", no) },
{ ClosureType = mlds__generic_type },
- % The GC tracing code for `closure' is essentially the same as
- % for `closure_arg' (see above).
- % { ClosureDeclType = list__det_head(ml_make_boxed_types(1)) },
- % { gen_closure_gc_trace_code(ClosureName, ClosureDeclType,
- % ClosureKind, WrapperArgTypes, ClosureGCTraceCode) },
- { ClosureGCTraceCode = yes(mlds__statement(block([],[]),
- MLDS_Context)) },
+ % If we were to generate GC tracing code for the closure pointer,
+ % it would look like this:
+ % { ClosureDeclType = list__det_head(ml_make_boxed_types(1)) },
+ % gen_closure_gc_trace_code(ClosureName, ClosureDeclType,
+ % ClosureKind, WrapperArgTypes, Purity, PredOrFunc,
+ % Context, ClosureGCTraceCode),
+ % But we don't need any GC tracing code for the closure pointer,
+ % because it won't be live across an allocation, and because
+ % (unlike the closure_arg parameter) it isn't referenced from
+ % the GC tracing for other variables.
+ { ClosureGCTraceCode = no },
+ { MLDS_Context = mlds__make_context(Context) },
{ ClosureDecl = ml_gen_mlds_var_decl(var(ClosureName),
ClosureType, ClosureGCTraceCode, MLDS_Context) },
ml_gen_var_lval(ClosureName, ClosureType, ClosureLval),
@@ -948,7 +947,7 @@
% generate the GC tracing code for `closure_arg' or `closure'
% (see ml_gen_closure_wrapper above).
:- pred gen_closure_gc_trace_code(mlds__var_name, prog_type, closure_kind,
- list(mlds__type), purity, pred_or_func, prog_context,
+ list(prog_type), purity, pred_or_func, prog_context,
mlds__maybe_gc_trace_code, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info) is det.
:- mode gen_closure_gc_trace_code(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out, in, out)
is det.
Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au> | "I have always known that the pursuit
The University of Melbourne | of excellence is a lethal habit"
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh> | -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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