[m-rev.] diff: fix higher_order.m bug
Simon Taylor
stayl at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Sat May 17 14:32:14 AEST 2003
Estimated hours taken: 5
Branches: main, release
Fix a bug reported by Zoltan where higher_order.m was
generating code containing references to undefined
type-info variables.
Specialize all calls as if the procedure interface
requires type-info liveness. The type-infos may
be needed when specializing calls in the body of
the specialized procedure to procedures whose
interface requires type-info liveness.
Test case.
Index: compiler/higher_order.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/higher_order.m,v
retrieving revision 1.105
diff -u -u -r1.105 higher_order.m
--- compiler/higher_order.m 18 Mar 2003 02:43:36 -0000 1.105
+++ compiler/higher_order.m 17 May 2003 01:57:14 -0000
@@ -1453,13 +1453,8 @@
% specialization code is expecting to come from the curried
% arguments of the higher-order arguments will not be present
% in the specialized argument list.
- module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, CalledPred, CalledPredInfo),
- module_info_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
- proc_interface_should_use_typeinfo_liveness(CalledPredInfo,
- CalledProc, Globals, TypeInfoLiveness),
get_extra_arguments(HigherOrderArgs, Args0, Args),
- compute_extra_typeinfos(TypeInfoLiveness,
- Info, Args, ExtraTypeInfoTVars),
+ compute_extra_typeinfos(Info, Args, ExtraTypeInfoTVars),
proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo, VarTypes),
map__apply_to_list(Args0, VarTypes, CallArgTypes),
@@ -1467,7 +1462,7 @@
Request = request(Caller, proc(CalledPred, CalledProc), Args0,
ExtraTypeInfoTVars, HigherOrderArgs, CallArgTypes,
- TypeInfoLiveness, TVarSet, IsUserSpecProc, Context),
+ yes, TVarSet, IsUserSpecProc, Context),
% Check to see if any of the specialized
% versions of the called pred apply here.
@@ -1520,40 +1515,38 @@
Result = no_request
- % If `--typeinfo-liveness' is set, specializing type `T' to `list(U)'
- % requires passing in the type-info for `U'. This predicate
- % works out which extra variables to pass in given the argument
- % list for the call.
-:- pred compute_extra_typeinfos(bool::in, higher_order_info::in,
+ % Specializing type `T' to `list(U)' requires passing in the
+ % type-info for `U'. This predicate works out which extra
+ % variables to pass in given the argument list for the call.
+ % This needs to be done even if --typeinfo-liveness is not
+ % set because the type-infos may be needed when specializing
+ % calls inside the specialized version.
+:- pred compute_extra_typeinfos(higher_order_info::in,
list(prog_var)::in, list(tvar)::out) is det.
-compute_extra_typeinfos(TypeInfoLiveness, Info, Args1, ExtraTypeInfoTVars) :-
- ( TypeInfoLiveness = yes ->
- % Work out which type variables don't already have type-infos
- % in the list of argument types.
- % The list is in the order which the type variables occur
- % in the list of argument types so that the extra type-info
- % arguments for calls to imported user-guided type
- % specialization procedures can be matched against the
- % specialized version (`goal_util__extra_nonlocal_typeinfos'
- % is not used here because the type variables are returned
- % sorted by variable number, which will vary between calls).
- ProcInfo = Info ^ proc_info,
- proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo, VarTypes),
- map__apply_to_list(Args1, VarTypes, ArgTypes),
- term__vars_list(ArgTypes, AllTVars),
- ( AllTVars = [] ->
- ExtraTypeInfoTVars = []
- ;
- list__foldl(arg_type_contains_type_info_for_tvar,
- ArgTypes, [], TypeInfoTVars),
- list__delete_elems(AllTVars, TypeInfoTVars,
- ExtraTypeInfoTVars0),
- list__remove_dups(ExtraTypeInfoTVars0,
- ExtraTypeInfoTVars)
- )
- ;
+compute_extra_typeinfos(Info, Args1, ExtraTypeInfoTVars) :-
+ % Work out which type variables don't already have type-infos
+ % in the list of argument types.
+ % The list is in the order which the type variables occur
+ % in the list of argument types so that the extra type-info
+ % arguments for calls to imported user-guided type
+ % specialization procedures can be matched against the
+ % specialized version (`goal_util__extra_nonlocal_typeinfos'
+ % is not used here because the type variables are returned
+ % sorted by variable number, which will vary between calls).
+ ProcInfo = Info ^ proc_info,
+ proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo, VarTypes),
+ map__apply_to_list(Args1, VarTypes, ArgTypes),
+ term__vars_list(ArgTypes, AllTVars),
+ ( AllTVars = [] ->
ExtraTypeInfoTVars = []
+ ;
+ list__foldl(arg_type_contains_type_info_for_tvar,
+ ArgTypes, [], TypeInfoTVars),
+ list__delete_elems(AllTVars, TypeInfoTVars,
+ ExtraTypeInfoTVars0),
+ list__remove_dups(ExtraTypeInfoTVars0,
+ ExtraTypeInfoTVars)
:- pred arg_type_contains_type_info_for_tvar((type)::in, list(tvar)::in,
@@ -1672,9 +1665,17 @@
% specialization.
MatchIsPartial = no
- Params ^ type_spec = no
- ;
- pred_info_is_imported(CalleePredInfo)
+ MatchIsPartial = yes,
+ pred_info_get_markers(CalleePredInfo, Markers),
+ % Always fully specialize calls to class methods.
+ \+ check_marker(Markers, class_method),
+ \+ check_marker(Markers, class_instance_method),
+ (
+ Params ^ type_spec = no
+ ;
+ pred_info_is_imported(CalleePredInfo)
+ )
% Rename apart type variables.
Index: tests/valid/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/valid/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.128
diff -u -u -r1.128 Mmakefile
--- tests/valid/Mmakefile 13 May 2003 06:25:55 -0000 1.128
+++ tests/valid/Mmakefile 16 May 2003 13:26:55 -0000
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
higher_order2 \
higher_order3 \
higher_order4 \
+ higher_order5 \
higher_order_implied_mode \
ho_func_call \
ho_inst \
Index: tests/valid/higher_order5.m
RCS file: tests/valid/higher_order5.m
diff -N tests/valid/higher_order5.m
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/valid/higher_order5.m 16 May 2003 13:26:22 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+:- module higher_order5.
+:- interface.
+:- pred definite_vars(robdd(T)::in, vars_entailed_result(T)::out,
+ vars_entailed_result(T)::out) is det.
+:- type robdd(T).
+:- type entailment_result(T)
+ ---> all_vars
+ ; some_vars(vars :: T).
+:- type vars_entailed_result(T) == entailment_result(sparse_bitset(T)).
+:- type pair(T, U) ---> pair(T, U).
+:- type sparse_bitset(T) ---> sparse_bitset(T).
+:- type equivalent_vars_map(T) ---> equivalent_vars_map(pair(T, T)).
+:- type equivalent_result(T) == entailment_result(equivalent_vars_map(T)).
+:- implementation.
+:- type robdd(T) ---> robdd(int).
+definite_vars(R, T, F) :-
+ definite_vars(id(R), T_tr, F_tr),
+ T = T_tr `intersection` T_tr,
+ F = F_tr `intersection` F_tr.
+:- func id(T) = T.
+id(T) = T.
+:- type imp_res_2(T) ---> imps(pair(T, vars_entailed_result(T))).
+:- typeclass intersectable(T) where [
+ func T `intersection` T = T
+:- instance intersectable(sparse_bitset(T)) where [
+ intersection(sparse_bitset(A), _) = sparse_bitset(A)
+:- instance intersectable(entailment_result(T)) <= intersectable(T) where [
+ ( all_vars `intersection` R = R ),
+ ( some_vars(Vs) `intersection` all_vars = some_vars(Vs) ),
+ ( some_vars(Vs0) `intersection` some_vars(Vs1) =
+ some_vars(Vs0 `intersection` Vs1) )
+:- instance intersectable(imp_res_2(T)) where [
+ imps(pair(A, ResA)) `intersection` imps(pair(_, ResB)) =
+ imps(pair(A, intersection(ResA, ResB)))
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