[m-rev.] diff: removing more bad dependencies

Zoltan Somogyi zs at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Sun Mar 16 20:27:43 AEDT 2003

On 16-Mar-2003, Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU> wrote:
> >  			% XXX should avoid dependency on trace.m here
> > -			{ trace__path_to_string(Path, PathStr) },
> > +			{ goal_path_to_string(Path, PathStr) },
> The XXX comment there can be deleted now.


> I think it is better if all of the dependencies between subsystems are listed
> explicitly in the source for the top-level module for each subsystem.
> For example, I think it should be clear from compiler/ml_backend.m
> that this backend depends on the ll_backend.
> So if the import of ll_backend is removed from compiler/ml_backend.m,
> I think it would be best to at least keep an XXX comment in that file
> explaining that ll_backend is needed by ml_closure_gen.m.


> Also, could you please post the source for the newly added module
> backend_libs__name_mangle?

Sorry. Here it is.


% Copyright (C) 2003 The University of Melbourne.
% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.

% File: name_mangle.m

% This module defines routines for generating and/or outputing identifiers
% for modules, predicates/functions, and procedures in forms that are
% syntactically acceptable in all our target languages, meaning C, Java
% and MSIL.

% Warning: any changes to the name mangling algorithms implemented in this
% module will also require changes to extras/dynamic_linking/name_mangle.m,
% profiler/demangle.m and util/mdemangle.c.


:- module backend_libs__name_mangle.
:- interface.

:- import_module backend_libs__proc_label.
:- import_module hlds__hlds_data.
:- import_module parse_tree__prog_data.

:- import_module io, bool, string.

	% Output a proc label (used for building static call graph for prof).

:- pred output_proc_label(proc_label::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.

	% Get a proc label string (used by procs which are exported to C).
	% The boolean controls whether label_prefix is added to the string.

:- func proc_label_to_c_string(proc_label, bool) = string.

	% Mangle an arbitrary name into a C etc identifier

:- func name_mangle(string) = string.

	% Mangle a possibly module-qualified Mercury symbol name
	% into a C identifier.

:- func sym_name_mangle(sym_name) = string.

	% Produces a string of the form Module__Name.

:- func qualify_name(string, string) = string.

	% Create a name for base_typeclass_info.

:- func make_base_typeclass_info_name(class_id, string) = string.

	% Output the name for base_typeclass_info,
	% with the appropriate mercury_data_prefix.

:- pred output_base_typeclass_info_name(class_id::in, string::in,
	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.

	% Prints the name of the initialization function
	% for a given module.

:- pred output_init_name(module_name::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.

	% Returns the name of the initialization function
	% for a given module.

:- func make_init_name(module_name) = string.

	% Returns the name of the Aditi-RL code constant
	% for a given module.

:- func make_rl_data_name(module_name) = string.

	% Print out the name of the tabling variable for the specified
	% procedure.

:- pred output_tabling_pointer_var_name(proc_label::in,
	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.

	% To ensure that Mercury labels don't clash with C symbols, we
	% prefix them with `mercury__'.

:- func mercury_label_prefix = string.

	% All the C data structures we generate which are either fully static
	% or static after initialization should have this prefix, to ensure
	% that Mercury global variables don't clash with C symbols.

:- func mercury_data_prefix = string.

:- implementation.

:- import_module hlds__hlds_pred.
:- import_module parse_tree__prog_util.

:- import_module char, int, list, std_util.


output_proc_label(ProcLabel, !IO) :-
	ProcLabelString = proc_label_to_c_string(ProcLabel, yes),
	io__write_string(ProcLabelString, !IO).

proc_label_to_c_string(proc(DefiningModule, PredOrFunc, PredModule,
		PredName, Arity, ModeNum0), AddPrefix) = ProcLabelString :-
	LabelName = make_pred_or_func_name(DefiningModule, PredOrFunc,
		PredModule, PredName, Arity, AddPrefix),
	( PredOrFunc = function ->
		OrigArity = Arity - 1
		OrigArity = Arity
	string__int_to_string(OrigArity, ArityString),
	proc_id_to_int(ModeNum0, ModeInt),
	string__int_to_string(ModeInt, ModeNumString),
	string__append_list([LabelName, "_", ArityString, "_", ModeNumString],

	% For a special proc, output a label of the form:
	% mercury____<PredName>___<TypeModule>__<TypeName>_<TypeArity>_<Mode>
proc_label_to_c_string(special_proc(Module, PredName, TypeModule,
		TypeName, TypeArity, ModeNum0), AddPrefix) = ProcLabelString :-
	% figure out the LabelName
	DummyArity = -1,	% not used by make_pred_or_func_name.
	LabelName = make_pred_or_func_name(unqualified(""), predicate,
		unqualified(""), PredName, DummyArity, AddPrefix),

	% figure out the ModeNumString
	string__int_to_string(TypeArity, TypeArityString),
	proc_id_to_int(ModeNum0, ModeInt),
	string__int_to_string(ModeInt, ModeNumString),

	% mangle all the relevent names
	MangledModule = sym_name_mangle(Module),
	MangledTypeModule = sym_name_mangle(TypeModule),
	MangledTypeName = name_mangle(TypeName),

	% Module-qualify the type name.
	% To handle locally produced unification preds for imported types,
	% we need to qualify it with both the module name of the
	% type, and also (if it is different) the module name of the
	% current module.
	QualifiedMangledTypeName = qualify_name(MangledTypeModule,
	FullyQualifiedMangledTypeName = maybe_qualify_name(MangledModule,

	% join it all together
	string__append_list( [LabelName, "_", FullyQualifiedMangledTypeName,
		"_", TypeArityString, "_", ModeNumString],

	% Make a name identifying a predicate or a function, given the
	% defining module, predicate or function indicator, declaring module,
	% predicate name, arity, and whether or not to add the
	% mercury_label_prefix.

:- func make_pred_or_func_name(module_name, pred_or_func, module_name, string,
	arity, bool) = string.

% Warning: any changes to the name mangling algorithm here will also
% require changes to extras/dynamic_linking/name_mangle.m,
% profiler/demangle.m and util/mdemangle.c.
make_pred_or_func_name(DefiningModule, PredOrFunc, DeclaringModule,
		Name0, Arity, AddPrefix) = LabelName :-
	DeclaringModuleName = sym_name_mangle(DeclaringModule),
	DefiningModuleName = sym_name_mangle(DefiningModule),
			Name0 = "main",
			Arity = 2
			string__prefix(Name0, "__")
		% The conditions above define which labels are printed without
		% module qualification.  XXX Changes to runtime/* are necessary
		% to allow `builtin' or `private_builtin' labels to be
		% qualified.
		LabelName0 = Name0
		LabelName0 = qualify_name(DeclaringModuleName, Name0)
		% if this is a specialized version of a predicate
		% defined in some other module, then it needs both
		% module prefixes
		DefiningModule \= DeclaringModule
		string__append_list([DefiningModuleName, "__", LabelName0],
		LabelName1 = LabelName0
	LabelName2 = name_mangle(LabelName1),
		PredOrFunc = function,
		string__append("fn__", LabelName2, LabelName3)
		PredOrFunc = predicate,
		LabelName3 = LabelName2
		AddPrefix = yes
		string__append(mercury_label_prefix, LabelName3, LabelName)
		LabelName = LabelName3

% Warning: any changes to the name mangling algorithm here will also
% require changes to extras/dynamic_linking/name_mangle.m,
% profiler/demangle.m and util/mdemangle.c.

sym_name_mangle(unqualified(Name)) =
sym_name_mangle(qualified(ModuleName, PlainName)) = MangledName :-
	MangledModuleName = sym_name_mangle(ModuleName),
	MangledPlainName = name_mangle(PlainName),
	MangledName = qualify_name(MangledModuleName, MangledPlainName).

	% Convert a Mercury predicate name into something that can form
	% part of a C identifier.  This predicate is necessary because
	% quoted names such as 'name with embedded spaces' are valid
	% predicate names in Mercury.

name_mangle(Name) = MangledName :-
	( string__is_alnum_or_underscore(Name) ->
		% any names that start with `f_' are changed so that
		% they start with `f__', so that we can use names starting
		% with `f_' (followed by anything except an underscore)
		% without fear of name collisions
		( string__append("f_", Suffix, Name) ->
			string__append("f__", Suffix, MangledName)
			MangledName = Name
		MangledName = convert_to_valid_c_identifier(Name)

:- func convert_to_valid_c_identifier(string) = string.

convert_to_valid_c_identifier(String) = Name :-
	( name_conversion_table(String, Name0) ->
		Name = Name0
		Name0 = convert_to_valid_c_identifier_2(String),
		string__append("f", Name0, Name)

qualify_name(Module0, Name0) = Name :-
	string__append_list([Module0, "__", Name0], Name).

	% Produces a string of the form Module__Name, unless Module__
	% is already a prefix of Name.

:- func maybe_qualify_name(string, string) = string.

maybe_qualify_name(Module0, Name0) = Name :-
	string__append(Module0, "__", UnderscoresModule),
	( string__append(UnderscoresModule, _, Name0) ->
		Name = Name0
		string__append(UnderscoresModule, Name0, Name)

	% A table used to convert Mercury functors into
	% C identifiers.  Feel free to add any new translations you want.
	% The C identifiers should start with "f_",
	% to avoid introducing name clashes.
	% If the functor name is not found in the table, then
	% we use a fall-back method which produces ugly names.

:- pred name_conversion_table(string, string).
:- mode name_conversion_table(in, out) is semidet.

name_conversion_table("\\=", "f_not_equal").
name_conversion_table(">=", "f_greater_or_equal").
name_conversion_table("=<", "f_less_or_equal").
name_conversion_table("=", "f_equal").
name_conversion_table("<", "f_less_than").
name_conversion_table(">", "f_greater_than").
name_conversion_table("-", "f_minus").
name_conversion_table("+", "f_plus").
name_conversion_table("*", "f_times").
name_conversion_table("/", "f_slash").
name_conversion_table(",", "f_comma").
name_conversion_table(";", "f_semicolon").
name_conversion_table("!", "f_cut").
name_conversion_table("{}", "f_tuple").
name_conversion_table("[|]", "f_cons").
name_conversion_table("[]", "f_nil").

	% This is the fall-back method.
	% Given a string, produce a C identifier
	% for that string by concatenating the decimal
	% expansions of the character codes in the string,
	% separated by undellines.
	% The C identifier will start with "f_"; this predicate
	% constructs everything except the initial "f".
	% For example, given the input "\n\t" we return "_10_8".

:- func convert_to_valid_c_identifier_2(string) = string.

convert_to_valid_c_identifier_2(String) = Name :-
	( string__first_char(String, Char, Rest) ->
		% XXX This will cause ABI incompatibilities between
		%     compilers which are built in grades that have
		%     different character representations.
		char__to_int(Char, Code),
		string__int_to_string(Code, CodeString),
		string__append("_", CodeString, ThisCharString),
		Name0 = convert_to_valid_c_identifier_2(Rest),
		string__append(ThisCharString, Name0, Name)
		% String is the empty string
		Name = String


output_base_typeclass_info_name(ClassId, TypeNames, !IO) :-
	Str = make_base_typeclass_info_name(ClassId, TypeNames),
	io__write_string(mercury_data_prefix, !IO),
	io__write_string("__", !IO),
	io__write_string(Str, !IO).

make_base_typeclass_info_name(class_id(ClassSym, ClassArity), TypeNames)
		= Str :-
	MangledClassString = sym_name_mangle(ClassSym),
	string__int_to_string(ClassArity, ArityString),
	MangledTypeNames = name_mangle(TypeNames),
	string__append_list(["base_typeclass_info_", MangledClassString,
		"__arity", ArityString, "__", MangledTypeNames], Str).


output_init_name(ModuleName, !IO) :-
	InitName = make_init_name(ModuleName),
	io__write_string(InitName, !IO).

make_init_name(ModuleName) = InitName :-
	MangledModuleName = sym_name_mangle(ModuleName),
	string__append_list(["mercury__", MangledModuleName, "__"], InitName).

make_rl_data_name(ModuleName) = RLDataConstName :-
	MangledModuleName = sym_name_mangle(ModuleName),
	string__append("mercury__aditi_rl_data__", MangledModuleName,

output_tabling_pointer_var_name(ProcLabel, !IO) :-
	io__write_string("mercury_var__table_root__", !IO),
	output_proc_label(ProcLabel, !IO).


mercury_label_prefix = "mercury__".

mercury_data_prefix = "mercury_data_".

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