[m-rev.] diff: table_builtin foreign_types
Zoltan Somogyi
zs at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Thu Jul 3 21:58:34 AEST 2003
Fix test failures with lcc by exporting some foreign_type definitions
as a workaround.
cvs diff: Diffing library
Index: library/table_builtin.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/table_builtin.m,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -b -r1.31 table_builtin.m
--- library/table_builtin.m 19 May 2003 09:22:40 -0000 1.31
+++ library/table_builtin.m 22 Jun 2003 12:03:07 -0000
@@ -81,42 +81,40 @@
% structures. Because the structures are persistent through backtracking,
% this causes the predicates to become impure. The predicates with the semipure
% directive only examine the tabling structures, but do not modify them.
- % This type represents the interior pointers of both call
- % tables and ansswer tables.
-:- type ml_trie_node.
- % This type represents the data structure at the tips of the call table
- % in model_non predicates.
-:- type ml_subgoal.
- % This type represents a block of memory that contains one word
- % for each output argument of a procedure.
-:- type ml_answer_block.
-:- implementation.
% At the moment, tabling is supported only by the LLDS and MLDS C backends,
% so in definitions of ml_table and ml_answer_list, only the C definition
% is useful. The Mercury and IL definitions are placeholders only, required
% to make this module compile cleanly on the Java and .NET backends
% respectively.
+% The following three types ought to be abstract types. The only reason
+% why their implementation is exported is that if they aren't, C code inside
+% and outside the module would end up using different C types to represent
+% values of these Mercury types, and lcc treats those type disagreements as
+% errors.
- % This type represents a list of answers of a model_non predicate.
-:- type ml_answer_list.
+ % This type represents the interior pointers of both call
+ % tables and ansswer tables.
:- type ml_trie_node ---> ml_trie_node(c_pointer).
:- pragma foreign_type("C", ml_trie_node, "MR_TrieNode").
:- pragma foreign_type(il, ml_trie_node, "class [mscorlib]System.Object").
+ % This type represents the data structure at the tips of the call table
+ % in model_non predicates.
:- type ml_subgoal ---> ml_subgoal(c_pointer).
:- pragma foreign_type("C", ml_subgoal, "MR_SubgoalPtr").
:- pragma foreign_type(il, ml_subgoal, "class [mscorlib]System.Object").
+ % This type represents a block of memory that contains one word
+ % for each output argument of a procedure.
:- type ml_answer_block ---> ml_answer_block(c_pointer).
:- pragma foreign_type("C", ml_answer_block, "MR_AnswerBlock").
:- pragma foreign_type(il, ml_answer_block, "class [mscorlib]System.Object").
+:- implementation.
+ % This type represents a list of answers of a model_non predicate.
:- type ml_answer_list ---> ml_answer_list(c_pointer).
:- pragma foreign_type("C", ml_answer_list, "MR_AnswerList").
:- pragma foreign_type(il, ml_answer_list, "class [mscorlib]System.Object").
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