[m-rev.] for prelim review: fix generation of type_ctor_info for unboxed types bug
Peter Ross
pro at missioncriticalit.com
Tue Dec 2 03:16:34 AEDT 2003
This is for preliminary review. How does this look to you Fergus?
+ % XXX replaced with UnifyInit and CompareInit
+ % Note however that this means that we will always create
+ % an extra level of indirection.
+ % We could be a bit smarter here and try and detect which
+ % types need unboxing (backend dependent)
Of particular interest to me is the answer to the above question. You
will find it in the code.
The comparison and unification function pointers stored in the
type_ctor_info must be pointers to functions where all the arguments
are boxed. This wasn't occuring on the IL backend for types which
are value types.
Adapt ml_gen_closure_wrapper so that it can generate a wrapper
for the special preds.
Call ml_gen_closure_wrapper to construct a version of the
comparison and unification functions where the arguments are
Index: compiler/ml_closure_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_closure_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -r1.22 ml_closure_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_closure_gen.m 13 Nov 2003 13:04:33 -0000 1.22
+++ compiler/ml_closure_gen.m 1 Dec 2003 16:09:58 -0000
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@
% The ClosureKind parameter specifies whether the closure is
% an ordinary closure, used for higher-order procedure calls,
- % or a typeclass_info, used for class method calls.
+ % or a typeclass_info, used for class method calls, or a call
+ % to a special pred.
% The NumClosuresArgs parameter specifies how many arguments
% to extract from the closure.
@@ -62,7 +63,8 @@
:- type closure_kind
---> higher_order_proc_closure
- ; typeclass_info_closure.
+ ; typeclass_info_closure
+ ; special_pred.
% ml_gen_local_for_output_arg(VarName, Type, ArgNum, Context,
% LocalVarDefn):
@@ -770,18 +772,24 @@
{ WrapperArgs1 = list__map(arg_delete_gc_trace_code, WrapperArgs0) },
% then insert the `closure_arg' parameter
- { ClosureArgType = mlds__generic_type },
- { ClosureArgName = mlds__var_name("closure_arg", no) },
- { ClosureArgDeclType = list__det_head(ml_make_boxed_types(1)) },
- gen_closure_gc_trace_code(ClosureArgName, ClosureArgDeclType,
- ClosureKind, WrapperArgTypes, Purity, PredOrFunc,
- Context, ClosureArgGCTraceCode),
- { ClosureArg = mlds__argument(
- data(var(ClosureArgName)),
- ClosureArgType,
- ClosureArgGCTraceCode) },
- { WrapperParams = mlds__func_params([ClosureArg | WrapperArgs1],
- WrapperRetType) },
+ ( { ClosureKind = special_pred } ->
+ { MaybeClosureA = no },
+ { WrapperArgs = WrapperArgs1 }
+ ;
+ { ClosureArgType = mlds__generic_type },
+ { ClosureArgName = mlds__var_name("closure_arg", no) },
+ { ClosureArgDeclType = list__det_head(ml_make_boxed_types(1)) },
+ gen_closure_gc_trace_code(ClosureArgName, ClosureArgDeclType,
+ ClosureKind, WrapperArgTypes, Purity, PredOrFunc,
+ Context, ClosureArgGCTraceCode),
+ { ClosureArg = mlds__argument(
+ data(var(ClosureArgName)),
+ ClosureArgType,
+ ClosureArgGCTraceCode) },
+ { MaybeClosureA = yes({ClosureArgType, ClosureArgName}) },
+ { WrapperArgs = [ClosureArg | WrapperArgs1] }
+ ),
+ { WrapperParams = mlds__func_params(WrapperArgs, WrapperRetType) },
% also compute the lvals for the parameters,
% and local declarations for any by-value output parameters
@@ -814,14 +822,22 @@
% because it won't be live across an allocation, and because
% (unlike the closure_arg parameter) it isn't referenced from
% the GC tracing for other variables.
- { ClosureGCTraceCode = no },
{ MLDS_Context = mlds__make_context(Context) },
- { ClosureDecl = ml_gen_mlds_var_decl(var(ClosureName),
- ClosureType, ClosureGCTraceCode, MLDS_Context) },
- ml_gen_var_lval(ClosureName, ClosureType, ClosureLval),
- ml_gen_var_lval(ClosureArgName, ClosureArgType, ClosureArgLval),
- { InitClosure = ml_gen_assign(ClosureLval, lval(ClosureArgLval),
- Context) },
+ ( { MaybeClosureA = yes({ClosureArgType1, ClosureArgName1}) } ->
+ { ClosureGCTraceCode = no },
+ { ClosureDecl = ml_gen_mlds_var_decl(var(ClosureName),
+ ClosureType, ClosureGCTraceCode, MLDS_Context) },
+ ml_gen_var_lval(ClosureName, ClosureType, ClosureLval),
+ ml_gen_var_lval(ClosureArgName1, ClosureArgType1,
+ ClosureArgLval),
+ { InitClosure = ml_gen_assign(ClosureLval, lval(ClosureArgLval),
+ Context) },
+ { MaybeClosureB = yes({ClosureDecl, InitClosure}) },
+ { MaybeClosureC = yes(ClosureLval) }
+ ;
+ { MaybeClosureB = no },
+ { MaybeClosureC = no }
+ ),
% if the wrapper function is model_non, then
@@ -867,23 +883,33 @@
% `Offset' specifies the offset to add to the argument number to
% get the field number within the closure. (Argument numbers start
% from 1, and field numbers start from 0.)
- {
- ClosureKind = higher_order_proc_closure,
- Offset = ml_closure_arg_offset
+ ( { MaybeClosureC = yes(ClosureLval1) } ->
+ { ClosureKind = higher_order_proc_closure,
+ Offset = ml_closure_arg_offset
+ ; ClosureKind = typeclass_info_closure,
+ Offset = ml_typeclass_info_arg_offset
+ ; ClosureKind = special_pred,
+ unexpected(this_file,
+ "ml_gen_closure_wrapper: special_pred")
+ },
+ ml_gen_closure_field_lvals(ClosureLval1, Offset, 1,
+ NumClosureArgs, ClosureArgLvals)
- ClosureKind = typeclass_info_closure,
- Offset = ml_typeclass_info_arg_offset
- },
- ml_gen_closure_field_lvals(ClosureLval, Offset, 1, NumClosureArgs,
- ClosureArgLvals),
+ { ClosureArgLvals = [] }
+ ),
{ CallLvals = list__append(ClosureArgLvals, WrapperHeadVarLvals) },
ml_gen_call(PredId, ProcId, ProcHeadVarNames, CallLvals,
ProcBoxedArgTypes, CodeModel, Context, yes,
Decls0, Statements0),
% insert the stuff to declare and initialize the closure
- { Decls1 = [ClosureDecl | Decls0] },
- { Statements1 = [InitClosure | Statements0] },
+ ( { MaybeClosureB = yes({ClosureDecl1, InitClosure1}) } ->
+ { Decls1 = [ClosureDecl1 | Decls0] },
+ { Statements1 = [InitClosure1 | Statements0] }
+ ;
+ { Decls1 = Decls0 },
+ { Statements1 = Statements0 }
+ ),
% For semidet code, add the declaration `MR_bool succeeded;'
@@ -904,9 +930,12 @@
% needed for accurate GC
{ module_info_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals) },
- ( { globals__get_gc_method(Globals, accurate) } ->
- ml_gen_closure_wrapper_gc_decls(ClosureKind, ClosureArgName,
- ClosureArgType, PredId, ProcId, Context, GC_Decls)
+ (
+ { MaybeClosureA = yes({ClosureArgType2, ClosureArgName2}) },
+ { globals__get_gc_method(Globals, accurate) }
+ ->
+ ml_gen_closure_wrapper_gc_decls(ClosureKind, ClosureArgName2,
+ ClosureArgType2, PredId, ProcId, Context, GC_Decls)
{ GC_Decls = [] }
@@ -970,6 +999,10 @@
{ ClosureKind = typeclass_info_closure },
{ ClosureActualType = sample_typeclass_info_type }
+ ;
+ { ClosureKind = special_pred },
+ { unexpected(this_file,
+ "gen_closure_gc_trace_code: special_pred") }
ml_gen_maybe_gc_trace_code(ClosureName, ClosureDeclType,
ClosureActualType, Context, ClosureGCTraceCode).
@@ -1177,6 +1210,11 @@
raw_target_code(");\n", [])
] }
+ ;
+ { ClosureKind = special_pred },
+ { unexpected(this_file,
+ "ml_gen_closure_wrapper_gc_decls: special_pred") }
{ TypeParamsGCInit = mlds__statement(atomic(inline_target_code(
lang_C, TypeParamsGCInitFragments)), MLDS_Context) },
Index: compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.43
diff -u -r1.43 rtti_to_mlds.m
--- compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m 1 Dec 2003 06:53:29 -0000 1.43
+++ compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m 1 Dec 2003 16:09:58 -0000
@@ -196,16 +196,32 @@
NumPtags = type_ctor_details_num_ptags(TypeCtorDetails),
NumFunctors = type_ctor_details_num_functors(TypeCtorDetails),
gen_functors_layout_info(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeCtor, TypeCtorDetails,
- FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo, SubDefns),
+ FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo, SubDefns0),
FunctorsRttiId = ctor_rtti_id(RttiTypeCtor, type_functors),
LayoutRttiId = ctor_rtti_id(RttiTypeCtor, type_layout),
+ some [!Defns] (
+ !:Defns = SubDefns0,
+ gen_init_special_pred(ModuleInfo, UnifyUniv, UnifyInit, !Defns),
+ gen_init_special_pred(ModuleInfo, CompareUniv,
+ CompareInit, !Defns),
+ SubDefns = !.Defns
+ ),
Init = init_struct(mlds__rtti_type(RttiId), [
- gen_init_proc_id_from_univ(ModuleInfo, UnifyUniv),
- gen_init_proc_id_from_univ(ModuleInfo, CompareUniv),
+ % XXX replaced with UnifyInit and CompareInit
+ % Note however that this means that we will always create
+ % an extra level of indirection.
+ % We could be a bit smarter here and try and detect which
+ % types need unboxing (backend dependent)
+ % gen_init_proc_id_from_univ(ModuleInfo, UnifyUniv),
+ % gen_init_proc_id_from_univ(ModuleInfo, CompareUniv),
+ UnifyInit,
+ CompareInit,
% In the C back-end, these two "structs" are actually unions.
@@ -1048,8 +1064,7 @@
list(mlds__defn), list(mlds__defn)).
:- mode gen_init_method(in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
-gen_init_method(ModuleInfo, NumExtra, RttiProcId, Init,
- ExtraDefns0, ExtraDefns) :-
+gen_init_method(ModuleInfo, NumExtra, RttiProcId, Init, !ExtraDefns) :-
% we can't store the address of the typeclass method directly in
% the base_typeclass_info; instead, we need to generate
@@ -1064,7 +1079,29 @@
% Hopefully the Mercury HLDS->HLDS inlining and/or
% the target code compiler will be able to optimize this...
+ gen_wrapper_func_and_initializer(ModuleInfo, NumExtra, RttiProcId,
+ typeclass_info_closure, Init, !ExtraDefns).
+:- pred gen_init_special_pred(module_info::in, univ::in, mlds__initializer::out,
+ list(mlds__defn)::in, list(mlds__defn)::out) is det.
+gen_init_special_pred(ModuleInfo, RttiProcIdUniv, Init, !ExtraDefns) :-
+ ( univ_to_type(RttiProcIdUniv, RttiProcId) ->
+ NumExtra = 0,
+ gen_wrapper_func_and_initializer(ModuleInfo, NumExtra,
+ RttiProcId, special_pred, Init, !ExtraDefns)
+ ;
+ error("gen_init_special_pred: cannot extract univ value")
+ ).
+:- pred gen_wrapper_func_and_initializer(module_info, int, rtti_proc_label,
+ closure_kind, mlds__initializer,
+ list(mlds__defn), list(mlds__defn)).
+:- mode gen_wrapper_func_and_initializer(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+gen_wrapper_func_and_initializer(ModuleInfo, NumExtra, RttiProcId,
+ ClosureKind, Init, ExtraDefns0, ExtraDefns) :-
% We start off by creating a fresh MLGenInfo here,
% using the pred_id and proc_id of the wrapped procedure.
@@ -1083,16 +1120,15 @@
% Now we can safely go ahead and generate the wrapper function
- ml_gen_closure_wrapper(PredId, ProcId, typeclass_info_closure,
+ ml_gen_closure_wrapper(PredId, ProcId, ClosureKind,
NumExtra, Context, WrapperFuncRval, WrapperFuncType,
MLGenInfo1, MLGenInfo),
ml_gen_info_get_extra_defns(MLGenInfo, ExtraDefns1),
ExtraDefns = list__append(ExtraDefns1, ExtraDefns0),
- % The initializer for the method field of the base_typeclass_info
- % is just the wrapper function's address, converted to
- % mlds__generic_type (by boxing).
+ % The initializer for the wrapper is just the wrapper function's
+ % address, converted to mlds__generic_type (by boxing).
Init = init_obj(unop(box(WrapperFuncType), WrapperFuncRval)).
Peter Ross
Software Engineer (Work) +32 2 757 10 15
Mission Critical (Mobile) +32 485 482 559
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