[m-rev.] move mercury-gcc distribution

Fergus Henderson fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Sun Sep 22 23:40:09 AEST 2002

Estimated hours taken: 0.45
Branches: main

Move the sources for the "mercury-gcc" distribution from their old place,
in a directory named "gcc/mercury", to a new directory named "mercury-gcc".

	Update to reflect the above change.

Workspace: /home/ceres/fjh/mercury
Index: mercury-gcc/README
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury-gcc/README,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -d -p -r1.5 README
--- mercury-gcc/README	10 Sep 2002 10:09:25 -0000	1.5
+++ mercury-gcc/README	22 Sep 2002 13:38:07 -0000
@@ -19,15 +19,19 @@ Installation
 The Mercury distribution should go in a directory `mercury'.
+The mercury-gcc distribution should go in a directory `mercury-gcc'.
 The gcc distribution should go in a directory `gcc'
 (this will have subdirectories `gcc', `libiberty', etc.)
-The directory containing this README should be put in the
-subdirectory `gcc/gcc/mercury'.
+The file `gcc/gcc/mercury' should be a symbolic link to the 
+location of the mercury-gcc directory.
 The file `gcc/gcc/mercury/mercury' should be a symbolic
 link to the location of the Mercury distribution directory.
 Once you've unpacked or checked out the sources,
-and created the above-mentioned symbolic link,
+and created the above-mentioned symbolic links,
 you just need to run `configure', `make', and then
 `make install' in the gcc and mercury directories.
@@ -42,19 +46,16 @@ script should enable that by default whe
 So, to summarize:
 	# password for gcc cvs is `anoncvs'
-	cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at gcc.gnu.org:/cvs/gcc login gcc
+	cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at gcc.gnu.org:/cvs/gcc login
 	cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at gcc.gnu.org:/cvs/gcc checkout gcc
 	# password for Mercury cvs is `guest'
 	cvs -d :pserver:guest at cvs.mercury.cs.mu.oz.au:/home/mercury1/repository login
-	cd gcc
-	cvs -d :pserver:guest at cvs.mercury.cs.mu.oz.au:/home/mercury1/repository checkout gcc/mercury
-	cd ..
+	cvs -d :pserver:guest at cvs.mercury.cs.mu.oz.au:/home/mercury1/repository checkout mercury-gcc
 	cvs -d :pserver:guest at cvs.mercury.cs.mu.oz.au:/home/mercury1/repository checkout mercury
-	cd gcc/gcc/mercury
-	ln -s ../../mercury mercury
-	cd ../../..
+	(cd gcc/gcc && ln -s ../../mercury-gcc mercury)
+	(cd gcc/gcc/mercury && ln -s ../mercury mercury)
 	cd gcc
 	sh configure --enable-languages=mercury
Index: mercury/tools/test_mercury
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/tools/test_mercury,v
retrieving revision 1.198
diff -u -d -p -r1.198 test_mercury
--- mercury/tools/test_mercury	22 Sep 2002 13:03:23 -0000	1.198
+++ mercury/tools/test_mercury	22 Sep 2002 13:18:36 -0000
@@ -444,6 +444,7 @@ cd $HOSTDIR
 rm -rf build.*/mercury
 rm -rf build.*/tests
 rm -rf build.*/mercury-cvs
+rm -rf build.*/mercury-gcc
 # Note that we do NOT want to clean out the GCC directory,
 # because checking out the GCC sources from the FSF's repository in
 # California takes a *long* time and a *lot* of network bandwidth,
@@ -469,9 +470,7 @@ cvs checkout $CHECKOUT_OPTS mercury test
 case $HOST in
 		# Check out the Mercury gcc back-end interface sources
-		[ -d mercury-cvs ] || mkdir mercury-cvs
-		(cd mercury-cvs && cvs checkout $CHECKOUT_OPTS gcc/mercury) ||
-			{ false; exit 1; }
+		cvs checkout $CHECKOUT_OPTS mercury-gcc || { false; exit 1; }
 		# Check out the main gcc sources.
 		# See <http://gcc.gnu.org/cvs.html>.
@@ -500,7 +499,7 @@ case $HOST in
 		# into the appropriate place in the gcc sources
 		(cd gcc/gcc && rm -f mercury && \
-			ln -s ../../mercury-cvs/gcc/mercury mercury) \
+			ln -s ../../mercury-gcc mercury) \
 			|| { false; exit 1; }
 		# Now configure and build the gcc directory.
 		# The gcc cvs repository includes some automatically
Index: w3/download/include/gcc-backend.inc
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/w3/download/include/gcc-backend.inc,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -d -p -r1.7 gcc-backend.inc
--- w3/download/include/gcc-backend.inc	10 Sep 2002 10:09:35 -0000	1.7
+++ w3/download/include/gcc-backend.inc	22 Sep 2002 13:16:49 -0000
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ This was fixed in Mercury 0.10.1.
-For more information, see the file gcc/mercury/README
+For more information, see the file mercury-gcc/README
 in the mercury-gcc distribution (see below).
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ For Mercury 0.10 or 0.10.1, get mercury-
 For release-of-the-day distributions, get mercury-gcc-rotd-20020911.tar.gz.
 Alternatively, you can also get this using
 <a href="<?echo $root?>/information/developers/remote_cvs.html">CVS</a>;
-it is in the "gcc" directory of the Mercury repository, so it can
-be checked out using "cvs checkout gcc".
+it is in the "mercury-gcc" directory of the Mercury repository, so it can
+be checked out using "cvs checkout mercury-gcc".
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ above.
 For directions on how to build from these sources, see the file
-gcc/mercury/README in the mercury-gcc distribution.
+mercury-gcc/README in the mercury-gcc distribution.

Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
The University of Melbourne         |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>  |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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