[m-rev.] More tutorial text
Ralph Becket
rafe at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Fri May 31 13:10:32 AEST 2002
Comments welcome.
Ralph Becket <rafe at cs.mu.oz.au>
Mon Oct 15 13:05:39 EST 2001
vim: ft=txt ts=4 sw=4 et wm=10
Because it's traditional... Type the following into a file called
[begin code]
:- module hello.
:- interface.
:- import_module io.
:- pred main(io, io).
:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module string.
% The show starts here.
main(IO0, IO) :-
io__print("Hello, world!\n", IO0, IO).
[end code]
Compile and run the program with
[begin code]
$ mmake hello.depend
$ mmake hello
$ ./hello
Hello, world!
[end code]
We'll start by just listing some of the salient points illustrated
by the "Hello, world!" program.
- Modules live in files with the same name (with a ".m" suffix).
- Every module starts with a declaration giving its name.
- Non-code directives and declarations are introduced with ":-".
- Every declaration ends with a full stop.
- Modules are divided into interface and implementation sections.
- The interface section lists the things that are exported by the
module. The top-level module in a Mercury program must export a
predicate main/2 (functors are conventionally referred to with
- The implementation section provides the code for the functions
and predicates exported in interface section.
- A module has to be imported before the things it defines can be
used. Hence io__print refers to the print predicate defined in
the io module.
- The basic computational device in Mercury is the predicate.
Predicates have type signatures and mode signatures - the latter
specifying which arguments are inputs and which are outputs.
- Comments start witha "%" sign and extend to the end of the line.
(IO is handled in Mercury by explicitly passing around the "state
of the world" - each IO operation takes the current state and
produces a new one; the old state becoming unavailable for use
thereafter. This might sound odd, but is a necessary part of
keeping Mercury a pure language. XXX This will be explained in
more detail in the section on declaration IO.)
Special syntax exists to simplify passing state variable pairs
around; for "Hello, world!" this becomes
[begin code]
main(!IO) :-
io__print("Hello, world!\n", !IO).
[end code]
Imperative: a list of instructions for transforming state.
Declarative: a specification of /what/ is to be computed.
Declarative languages typically have a very simple translation
into conventional mathematical logic, which is how the meaning
of a program is defined.
Pure declarative programming languages exhibit referential
transparency. In a nutshell, this means that anywhere you see
a reference to a definition, you can replace it with the
definition itself and it will make no difference.
In more formal language,
let x = e in M == M[e/x]
This is clearly not true of imperative languages. Consider
the following C example:
[begin code]
int g = 0;
int f(int x)
g = g + 1;
return x + g;
void main(int argc, char **argv)
int tmp = f(1);
int a = tmp + tmp;
int b = f(1) + f(1);
if(a == b)
printf("not equivalent\n");
[end code]
According to C semantics, this program should print out "not
equivalent", proving that the expression f(1) is not equal
to itself! This sort of thing is great for writing buggy,
hard to maintain code.
[Footnote: one can give a reasonably simple operational
semantics to C whereby we repeatedly substitute the body of
f(1) into a string of /instructions/, but as we see here, this
does not necessarily support the more intuitive, declarative
reading one might hope for.]
Since referential transparency means no side-effects, you
can't have variables that change their state as the program
evolves. Instead, a "variable" in a declarative programming
language is a label given to a value or the result of a
The nearest Mercury equivalent to the function f() in the C
program above is
[begin code]
:- pred f(int, int, int, int).
:- mode f(in, out, in, out) is det.
f(X, Result, Old_Value_of_G, New_Value_of_G) :-
New_Value_of_G = Old_Value_of_G + 1,
Result = New_Value_of_G + X.
[end code]
Since there are no variables in Mercury (and hence no global
variables), any "global" state has to be explicitly passed
around wherever it is needed. In this case f/4 takes the old
"state" as its third argument and returns the new "state" in
its fourth argument.
While the lack of mutable state might seem like a serious
drawback to programmers raised on imperative languages, in
practice it turns out to be something of a boon. Experienced
imperative programmers acknowledge that fewer globals and less
state means clearer, more maintainable, more reusable code
with fewer bugs.
The philosophy underlying declarative languages is to simplify the
/writing/ of bug free programs and to leave the tedious
business of identifying programming errors, run-time book
keeping such as memory management, and non-algorithmic
optimization to the compiler. Referential transparency means
that more optimizations can be applied in more places in a
program than is the case with imperative programs, simply
because proving that it is safe to apply a particular
optimization is so much easier in the absence of side effects.
Mercury was designed as a purely declarative, industrial
strength programming language aimed at the rapid development
of medium and large scale systems with the emphasis on
producing fast, correct programs.
To this end, Mercury doesn't support a corner-cutting
programming style: you /have/ to get the types right, check
return codes and so forth - the quick-and-dirty fix is rarely
an option [footnote: Mercury does have support for impure code
via calls to another language, but one has to label each such
call explicitly; in the end it is often easier just to do the
right thing.]. Very often, Mercury programmers find that once
a program is accepted by the compiler, it also does exactly
what was intended; in the author's long experience this almost
never happens with imperative languages, even for small
[XXX Place to mention types, garbage collection, polymorphism,
pattern matching, etc etc?]
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds."
-- Ralph Waldo Emmerson
Purity is all very well, but the fact remains that
occasionally one has to interoperate with code written in
impure languages and that (very rarely and usually when that
last drop of speed is required) some low-level algorithms may
be best expressed as impure constructs.
For the former, Mercury has a simple and well developed
foreign language interface allowing the programmer to write
foreign code in-line with the Mercury program (provided the
Mercury compiler has an appropriate back-end for the foreign
language in question - the alternative is to use C as the
lingua franca in the traditional style.) It is the
programmer's responsiblility to supply the appropriate purity
declarations for predicates defined in terms of foreign code.
The latter is handled using purity annotations. Impure code
(written in a foreign language) must be labelled as such.
These labels also have to be applied to all predicates that
use the impure code. At some point we hope that a pure
interface can be presented to the programmer, in which case
the program must include a /promise/ to the compiler that
impurity annotations are not required for users of the
top-level predicate with an impure definition.
[XXX I think I've already covered this one. Tyson suggests an
implementation philosophy section (e.g. no distributed fat) in
a much later section.]
Mercury is strongly typed. Every value has a type and every
predicate associates a particular type with each argument.
The primitive Mercury types are int, float, char and string -
examples are 123, 3.141, ('x'), and "foo", respectively.
[Footnote: Mercury also includes tuples, such as {"Route", 66},
and higher order values, namely predicates and functions, among
its primitive types; however, we can ignore these for now.]
While primitive types are recognised by the compiler, no
operations are. Operations on the primitive types are defined in
modules of the same name in the Mercury standard library.
You can define new types in Mercury:
[begin code]
:- type primary_colour
---> red
; green
; blue.
:- type rgb_colour
---> rgb(float, float, float). % red, green, blue.
[end code]
Here primary_colour is the name of the new type and its
/data constructors/ (possible values) are red, green and blue.
Similarly rgb_colour is a type with only one constructor,
rgb/3, which in this case takes three float arguments.
[Footnote: some languages require you to add empty parentheses
after function symbols, such as red, green, and blue above,
that have no arguments; Mercury, on the other hand, requires
that the parentheses be omitted alltogether if the functor has
no arguments.]
You can define parametric types
[begin code]
:- type binary_tree(T)
---> leaf
; branch(T, binary_tree(T), binary_tree(T)).
[end code]
T is a /type variable/ that can stand for any type at all.
The type binary_tree(T) has two constructors: leaf/0 and
branch/3 which takes a value of type T (for any choice of
type), a binary_tree(T) and a binary_tree(T) as arguments
We can have instances of binary_tree(T) for any type T - for
example, binary_tree(int), binary_tree(string) or even
- T here is said to be a type variable.
- Variables of any kind in Mercury are distinguished by
starting with a capital letter.
- A type may have several type parameters.
- Any variables that appear in the constructor definitions
must also appear in the head of the type declaration.
- All type variables in the head must be distinct.
You can use other types in your definitions. For example, we
could define a more general tree type with
[begin code]
:- type tree(T)
---> tree(T, list(tree(T))).
[end code]
So the type tree(T) has a single constructor tree/2 which
takes a T and a list(tree(T)) as arguments, respectively
(list(T) is defined in the list module in the standard
(Note that Mercury doesn't get confused if you use the same
name for both type and data constructor.)
[XXX Tyson suggests that diagrams would make this section
easier to understand.]
Pattern matching is the primary means of identifying which
constructor is used for a particular type value. The
following function definition illustrates:
[Footnote: functions are a useful shorthand for predicates
that have a single output and can therefore appear as
[begin code]
:- func insert(binary_tree(T), T) = tree(T).
:- mode insert(in, in) = out is det.
insert(leaf, X) =
branch(X, leaf, leaf).
insert(branch(A, L, R), X) =
( if X < A then branch(A, insert(L, X), R)
else if A < X then branch(A, L, insert(R, X))
else branch(X, L, R)
[end code]
The first clause matches when the first argument is a leaf/0
and the second clause matches when the first argument is a
branch/3, unifying A, L, and R with the arguments of the
branch/3 value.
(Here we using if-then-else expressions where what follows the
"then" or "else" is the result of the whole if-then-else
Note that all function clauses must compute results of the
same type. Similarly, the results of the "then" and "else"
arms of an if-then-else expression must have the same type.
Another way of writing insert/2 is to use explicit unification
to find out what data constructor was used for a particular
[begin code]
:- func insert(binary_tree(T), T) = tree(T).
:- mode insert(in, in) = out is det.
insert(T0, X) = T :-
T0 = leaf, T = branch(X, leaf, leaf)
T0 = branch(A, L, R),
( if X < A then T = branch(A, insert(L, X), R)
else if A < X then T = branch(A, L, insert(R, X))
else T = branch(X, L, R)
[end code]
Here we follow the function head with a ":-" and a /goal/ that
fills in the result. (In fact, this is exactly how the
compiler would see the original implementation of insert/2.)
The goal in this case is a special kind of disjunction
("choice") called a /switch/. In this case, the argument T0
is unified with leaf/0 in the first disjunct and branch/3 in
the second. Since T0 is an "in" mode argument, the compiler
knows that only one of these disjuncts will succeed (if two or
more disjuncts could succeed at the same time then this
wouldn't be a switch.) Switches are also very common choice
structures in Mercury.
[Footnote: the convention is to name a sequence of related
values as X0, X1, X2, ..., X.]
(Note that in this version we are using if-then-else /goals/,
as opposed to if-then-else expressions.)
The third way we could implement insert/2 is to use an
if-then-else to decide what to do:
[begin code]
:- func insert(binary_tree(T), T) = tree(T).
:- mode insert(in, in) = out is det.
insert(T0, X) = T :-
( if T0 = branch(A, L, R) then
( if X < A then T = branch(A, insert(L, X), R)
else if A < X then T = branch(A, L, insert(R, X))
else T = branch(X, L, R)
else T = branch(X, leaf, leaf)
[end code]
This is also fine, although where possible it is often a
better idea to use pattern matching or switches, since then
the compiler generally has better scope for optimisation.
Just as with many languages, it is possible to give names to
the fields in data constructors, which can be used to access
just those fields.
[begin code]
:- type rgb_colour
---> rgb(
red :: float,
green :: float,
blue :: float
[end code]
[Footnote: not all fields have to be named, although one has
to use pattern matching or unification to access unnamed
Now, say X is a value of type rgb_colour. Then X ^ red,
X ^ green and X ^ blue are expressions that return the value
in the corresponding fields. If we have
[begin code]
X = rgb(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
[end code]
[begin code]
X ^ red = 0.1,
X ^ green = 0.2,
X ^ blue = 0.3
[end code]
A field can be "updated" in the following way:
[begin code]
Y = ( X ^ red := 0.4 )
[end code]
results in
[begin code]
Y = rgb(0.4, 0.2, 0.3)
[end code]
What we're actually doing here is applying a substitution to
a field and obtaining a new value - X is unaffected by the
We can chain several substitutions together like this:
[begin code]
Y = ((( X ^ red := 0.4 )
^ green := 0.5 )
^ blue := 0.6 )
[end code]
Fields can also nest:
[begin code]
:- type rgb_point
---> rgb_point(
x :: float,
y :: float,
rgb :: rgb_colour
[end code]
Now, if we have
[begin code]
X = rgb_point(3.0, 2.0, rgb_colour(0.1, 0.2, 0.3))
[end code]
[begin code]
X ^ rgb ^ red = 0.1
[end code]
[begin code]
Y = ( X ^ rgb ^ red := 0.4 )
[end code]
results in
[begin code]
Y = rgb_point(3.0, 2.0, rgb_colour(0.4, 0.2, 0.3))
[end code]
Note that it is an error for the same field name to be used in
data constructors for different /types/ defined in the same
module. However, different /constructors/ of a type may have
fields with the same name. For example:
[begin code]
:- type foo ---> foo(a :: int).
:- type bar ---> bar(a :: int).
[end code]
[Footnote: foo, bar, baz and quux are traditional programming
names used in much the same way as Tom, Dick or Harry might be
used to name arbitrary individuals.]
would lead to the compiler flagging an error since the types
foo and bar are both defined in the same scope and both have
constructors with a common field name. The following is
acceptable, however, since all the data constructors with the
same field name belong to the same type:
[begin code]
:- type baz
---> constructor1(a :: int, ...)
; constructor2(a :: int, ...)
; constructor3(a :: int, ...).
[end code]
Field access syntax is just syntactic sugar for functions that
are automatically created by the compiler. It is also
possible to write your own functions that can be used as field
names (for example, if you wanted to compute a value rather
than storing it in the data constructor, but make it look like
a field.) We will go into this in more detail later on XXX.
[Footnote: /syntactic sugar/: syntax that makes life easier,
without otherwise adding anything new to the language.]
For documentation and brevity it is also useful to be able to
declare type synonyms:
[begin code]
:- type int_tree == tree(int).
[end code]
Mercury would make no distinction between int_tree and
Equivalence types can also take parameters:
[begin code]
:- type list_tree(T) == tree(list(T)).
[end code]
Often one wants to export a type from a module, but hide its
definition so that users of the module can only manipulate
values of the type in question via the predicates exported by
the module interface.
Abstract types are used for this purpose:
[begin code]
:- module complex.
:- interface.
:- import_module float.
:- type complex. % Abstract type.
% Constructor functions for complex numbers.
:- func rect(float, float) = complex. % re, im.
:- func polar(float, float) = complex. % r, theta.
% Operations on complex numbers.
:- func complex + complex = complex.
:- func complex * complex = complex.
:- implementation.
% This implementation uses a single, rectangular
% representation.
:- type complex % Concrete type.
---> re_im(float, float).
... implementation of interface using private representation
[end code]
[Footnote: Mercury supports overloaded names, where the same
name can be used for several different things; the compiler
uses type information to work out which is really meant. This
is how we can use the functor (+)/2 for addition for ints,
floats, complex numbers etc., despite the fact that these
operations have different implementations.]
The abstract type declaration in the module interface must be
matched by a concrete type definition (an algebraic or
equivalence type) in the implementation section.
The definition of the abstract type is hidden from users of
the complex module.
Finally, abstract types may also take parameters:
[begin code]
:- module set.
:- interface.
:- type set(T). % Abstract type.
:- func empty = set(T).
:- func union(set(T), set(T)) = set(T).
:- implementation.
:- import_module list.
% This implementation uses lists to represent sets.
:- type set(T) == list(T). % Concrete type.
empty = [].
union(A, B) = A ++ B.
[end code]
[XXX Defer explanation until later.]
The key computational unit in Mercury is the predicate. A
predicate describes a relationship between its arguments; it is
also possible to provide a procedural view of Mercury predicates,
which is how they can be used in a programming language.
Predicates cover not only tests and functions, as found in other
languages, but also procedures with multiple return values and
even non-deterministic relationships, in which there may be
several different solutions for a given set of input arguments.
A predicate is defined by a set of /clauses/, where each
clause takes the form
Head :- Body.
This should be read as saying "Head is true if Body is true" with
the set of clauses forming an exhaustive specification of the
If the body of a predicate is empty, one can just write
These sorts of clauses are called /facts/.
The body of a predicate clause is a /goal/ - a logical formula
that must be satisfied in order for the head to hold.
A very simple example of a predicate is
[begin code]
:- pred max(int, int, int). % A, B, Max.
:- mode max(in, in, out) is det.
max(A, B, Max) :-
( if B < A then Max = A else Max = B ).
[end code]
This predicate takes two integers, A and B, and succeeds
binding Max to A if A is greater than B or binding Max to B
otherwise. The part of the mode declaration "is det" means
that this is a deterministic predicate: it will always succeed
and has just one solution for any pair of inputs.
(This sort of deterministic predicate with a single output is
called a function. Functions are so common that Mercury
includes special syntax and conventions to simplify working
with them. More of this in a later section XXX.)
For a more interesting example, consider the following small
genealogical database:
[begin code]
:- type person
---> arthur ; bill ; carl
; alice ; betty ; cissy.
[end code]
We start by defining predicates that we can use to decide if a
particular person is male or female. These predicates are
labelled semidet because they have at most one solution
(success) for a given argument, but might also fail.
[begin code]
:- pred male(person).
:- mode male(in) is semidet.
:- pred female(person).
:- mode female(in) is semidet.
female(Person) :- not male(Person).
[end code]
The definition for female/1 states that female(Person)
succeeds iff male(Person) fails. (Recall that variables in
Mercury are distinguished by starting with a capital letter.)
[Footnote: /iff/: if and only if.]
[begin code]
:- pred father(person, person). % Child, Father.
:- mode father(in, out) is semidet.
father(betty, arthur).
father(carl, bill).
father(cissy, bill).
:- pred mother(person, person). % Child, Mother.
:- mode mother(in, out) is semidet.
mother(bill, alice).
mother(carl, betty).
mother(cissy, betty).
[end code]
The predicates father/2 and mother/2 take their first argument
as an input and return a result in the second. The
determinism is semidet again because they are not exhaustive:
some inputs can cause them to fail (e.g. there is no solution
for father(arthur, X).)
[begin code]
:- pred parent(person, person). % Child, Parent.
:- mode parent(in, out) is nondet.
parent(Child, Parent) :- father(Child, Parent).
parent(Child, Parent) :- mother(Child, Parent).
[end code]
This simply says that the parent of a child is either the
father or the mother. The determinism is nondet because for a
given Child argument this predicate may fail or may have more
than one solution:
- both father/2 and mother/2 can fail
(e.g. if Child = arthur);
- just one of father/2 or mother/2 could succeed
(e.g. if Child = bill);
- both father/2 and mother/2 could succeed
(e.g. if Child = cissy).
(How failure and multiple solutions affect the execution of a
Mercury program will be explained below.)
[begin code]
:- pred ancestor(person, person). % Person, Ancestor.
:- mode ancestor(in, out) is nondet.
ancestor(Person, Ancestor) :-
parent(Person, Ancestor).
ancestor(Person, Ancestor) :-
parent(Person, Parent),
ancestor(Parent, Ancestor).
[end code]
We can now define an ancestor of a Person as being either
- a parent of that Person or
- an ancestor of a parent of that Person.
Since parent/2 is nondet, so is ancestor/2.
This table explains the difference between the number of
solutions a predicate can have for a given determinism:
Determinism Number of Solutions
Min Max
semidet 0 1
nondet 0 at least one
det 1 1
multi 1 at least one
(There are a few other determinisms, but we don't need to
consider them just yet XXX.)
The compiler will check that your determinism declarations are
One interesting thing about this database is that there's no
reason why it shouldn't be run in reverse. That is, for any
father or mother, we should be able to deduce who their
children are and for any ancestor we should be able to work
out who their descendants are.
To gain this extra functionality we have only to add the
required extra mode declarations; there is no need to touch
the definitions themselves! The extra mode declarations are
[begin code]
:- mode father(out, in) is nondet. % Infer Child from Father.
:- mode mother(out, in) is nondet. % Infer Child from Mother.
:- mode parent(out, in) is nondet. % Infer Child from Parent.
:- mode ancestor(out, in) is nondet. % Infer Person from Ancestor.
[end code]
Notice that father/2 and mother/2 are nondet in this mode
rather than semidet: looking at the definitions we see that
father(Child, bill) has multiple solutions Child = carl and
Child = sissy, while mother(Child, betty) also has solutions
Child = carl and Child = sissy.
There is no reason why a predicate cannot have several output
arguments or even no input arguments. For example, we
might go on to add
[begin code]
:- pred parents(person, person, person). % Child, Mother, Father.
:- mode parents(in, out, out ) is semidet.
:- mode parents(out, in, in ) is nondet.
parents(Child, Mother, Father) :-
mother(Child, Mother),
father(Child, Father).
[end code]
The first mode of parents/3 is semidet because both mother/2
and father/2 are semidet when called with Child as an input
and both must succeed for parents/3 to succeed.
The second mode is nondet for similar reasons, but exhibits an
interesting property. At first glance you might think that
something will go wrong here: when parents/3 is called in the
second mode, initially Mother and Father are inputs and Child
is an output. However, if the call to mother/2 succeeds, then
Child will end up being bound to the identifier for some
person. This appears that we would then be trying to call
father/2 with /both/ arguments as inputs, but there is no such
mode declaration for father/2. There is no need to worry,
however - the compiler will recognise the situation and treat
the definition of parents/3 like this as far as the second
mode is concerned:
[Footnote: the compiler isn't doing any special analysis here;
this is just a natural consequence of conversion to
super-homogeneous normal form, which will be explained later
on XXX.]
[begin code]
:- mode parents(out, in, in) is nondet.
parents(Child, Mother, Father) :-
mother(Child, Mother),
father(X, Father),
X = Child.
[end code]
So here father/2 is being called with (out, in) arguments and
parents/3 succeeds if the result X is bound to the same value
as Child.
In effect the compiler has deduced that father/2 has the
following implied mode:
[begin code]
:- mode father(in, in) is semidet.
[end code]
In general, Mercury will reorder each clause body for each
mode declaration so that results are generated before they are
needed - each mode of a predicate is referred to as a
This section explains Mercury's execution model in more
detail. In particular, the notions of failure, backtracking
and non-determinism are addressed.
Let's start by looking at some of the code for our
genealogical database again - this time we're going to label
the clauses to help us see how programs execute in Mercury.
[begin code]
:- pred father(person, person). % Child, Father.
:- mode father(in, out ) is semidet.
:- mode father(out, in ) is nondet.
f1 father(betty, arthur).
f2 father(carl, bill).
f3 father(cissy, bill).
:- pred mother(person, person). % Child, Mother.
:- mode mother(in, out ) is semidet.
:- mode mother(out, in ) is nondet.
m1 mother(bill, alice).
m2 mother(carl, betty).
m3 mother(cissy, betty).
:- pred parent(person, person). % Child, Parent.
:- mode parent(in, out ) is nondet.
:- mode parent(out, in ) is nondet.
p1 parent(Child, Parent) :- father(Child, Parent).
p2 parent(Child, Parent) :- mother(Child, Parent).
:- pred ancestor(person, person). % Person, Ancestor.
:- mode ancestor(in, out ) is nondet.
a1 ancestor(Person, Ancestor) :-
parent(Person, Ancestor).
a2 ancestor(Person, Ancestor) :-
parent(Person, Parent),
ancestor(Parent, Ancestor).
:- pred parents(person, person, person). % Child, Mother, Father.
:- mode parents(in, out, out ) is semidet.
:- mode parents(out, in, in ) is nondet.
s1 parents(Child, Mother, Father) :-
mother(Child, Mother),
father(Child, Father).
[end code]
First off, we'll consider the goal parent(cissy, Parent).
Every time we see a goal we try expanding it according to each
clause definition in turn (this is what being referentially
transparent is all about). If we get to a dead end we have to
/backtrack/ to the last point where we had a choice and try a
different clause (when we backtrack we also forget any
variable bindings we might have made one the way from the
/choice point/.)
[begin code]
parent(cissy, Parent)
p1 =>
father(cissy, Parent)
f1 => FAIL because betty \= cissy
f2 => FAIL because carl \= cissy
f3 =>
Parent = bill
[end code]
So one solution to parent(cissy, Parent) is Parent = bill. We
obtained this by first expanding the goal according to p1 and
then expanding the resulting goal father(cissy, Parent)
according to each of f1, f2 and f3 until we found one that
If the program later has to backtrack over this goal then we
have to forget the binding Parent = bill and try the next
clause for parent/2 (since there are no more clauses for
[begin code]
parent(cissy, Parent)
p2 =>
mother(cissy, Parent)
m1 => FAIL because bill \= cissy
m2 => FAIL because carl \= cissy
m3 => Parent = betty
[end code]
Now, say we wanted to ask the question "which ancestor of
carl, if any, is also a parent of bill?" Here's how things
would proceed:
[begin code]
ancestor(carl, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
a1 =>
parent(carl, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
p1 =>
father(carl, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
f1 => FAIL because betty \= carl
f2 =>
X = bill, parent(bill, Y), X = Y
parent(bill, Y), bill = Y
p1 =>
father(bill, Y), bill = Y
f1 => FAIL because betty \= bill
f2 => FAIL because carl \= bill
f3 => FAIL because cissy \= bill
p2 =>
mother(bill, Y), bill = Y
m1 =>
Y = alice, bill = Y
bill = alice
=> FAIL because bill \= alice
m2 => FAIL because carl \= bill
m3 => FAIL because cissy \= bill
p2 =>
mother(carl, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
m1 => FAIL because bill \= carl
m2 =>
X = betty, parent(bill, Y), X = Y
parent(bill, Y), betty = Y
p1 =>
father(bill, Y), betty = Y
f1 => FAIL because betty \= bill
f2 => FAIL because carl \= bill
f3 => FAIL because cissy \= bill
p2 =>
mother(bill, Y), betty = Y
m1 =>
Y = alice, betty = Y
betty = alice
=> FAIL because betty \= alice
m2 => FAIL because carl \= bill
m3 => FAIL because cissy \= bill
a2 =>
[footnote: we have to supply fresh local vars in each
expansion - here Ancestor in the definition of a2 has
been replaced with a new variable Z.]
parent(carl, Z), ancestor(Z, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
p1 =>
father(carl, Z), ancestor(Z, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
f1 => FAIL because betty \= carl
f2 =>
Z = bill, ancestor(Z, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
ancestor(bill, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
a1 =>
parent(bill, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
p1 =>
father(bill, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
f1 => FAIL because betty \= bill
f2 => FAIL because carl \= bill
f3 => FAIL because cissy \= bill
p2 =>
mother(bill, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
m1 =>
X = alice, parent(bill, Y), X = Y
parent(bill, Y), alice = Y
p1 =>
father(bill, Y), alice = Y
f1 => FAIL because betty \= bill
f2 => FAIL because carl \= bill
f3 => FAIL because cissy \= bill
p2 =>
mother(bill, Y), alice = Y
m1 =>
Y = alice, alice = Y
alice = alice
[end code]
So our program concludes that a solution to
[begin code]
ancestor(carl, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
[end code]
[begin code]
X = alice, Y = alice
[end code]
As we indicated earlier in the definition of parents/3, in
practice we'd be more likely to write the goal as just
[begin code]
ancestor(carl, X), parent(bill, X)
[end code]
and let Mercury work out where the implicit unification should
[The above example might give the impression that Mercury is a term
rewriting system. This is not true (although conceivably a very
slow Mercury implementation might use such a technique...) What
happens behind the scenes is much more efficient, albeit
computationally equivalent.]
In practice, ninety per cent of the code one writes is
deterministic. However, there are times (as in the example
above) when non-determinism can be used to write very clear,
concise programs. Support for backtracking and unification is
what distinguishes Mercury from purely functional languages.
Imperative languages like C and Java provide a whole slew of
mechanisms for supporting iterative (looping) control flow -
while loops, repeat-until loops, for loops and so forth.
Declarative languages typically provide but one mechanism for
such things: recursion. A recursive predicate is simply one
defined in terms of itself. (Later on we will discover
/higher order/ predicates and observe that the standard
library supplies predicates that stand in for the common
iterative mechanisms found in imperative languages.)
Some simple examples:
[begin code]
:- func factorial(int) = int.
factorial(N) =
( if N = 0 then 1 else N * factorial(N - 1) ).
:- func fibonacci(int) = int.
fibonacci(N) =
( if N =< 2 then 1
else fibonacci(N - 1) + fibonacci(N - 2) ).
[end code]
These are examples of what is sometimes called "middle
recursion" where the recursive call is /not/ the last thing
that the predicate (or function) does when looping. Here,
calls to factorial/1 finishes with a multiplication and calls
to fibonacci/1 finish with an addition.
Although middle recursion is easy to read, it incurrs some
performance penalty in that each iteration has to record
something extra on the stack in order to finish up the
[Footnote: that said, the compiler can in fact turn some
middle recursive predicates into equivalent tail recursive
predicates that do not incurr a stack overhead.]
[XXX Include a side-bar or something explaining stack frames.]
/Tail recursion/ describes the situation where the last thing a
predicate does is call itself. Since there is nothing left to
do after the call, the compiler can reuse the current call's
stack frame for the recursive call, allowing the predicate to
execute using only a fixed amount of stack space. For
example, tail recursive implementations of the above
functions are
[begin code]
factorial(N) = fac(N, 1).
fac(N, X) = ( if N = 0 then X else fac(N - 1, N * X) ).
fibonacci(N) = fib(1, 1, N).
fib(FN_2, FN_1, N) =
( if N =< 2 then FN_1
else fib(FN_1, FN_1 + FN_2, N - 1) ).
[end code]
Tail recursive code like this should execute just as quickly
and efficiently as a for or while loop in an imperative
Mercury has but two basic atomic (i.e. indivisible) types of
goal: unifications and calls.
A unification is written X = Y. A unification can fail if X
and Y are not unifiable.
Two values are unifiable if they are "structurally similar" -
that is, where you see a data constructor in one, you either
see the same data constructor in the other (and the
corresponding arguments are also structurally similar) or a
variable, which will end up being bound to the corresponding
term on the other side if the unification is successful.
[Footnote: unlike Prolog, Mercury forbids the aliasing of
variables whereby a partially instantiated data structure
may contain the same unbound variable in two different places.
This will be explained fully in a later chapter. XXX]
Unifications, therefore, can be used to bind variables to
values, test to see if a variable is bound to a particular
constructor, unpack the arguments of a constructor or all of
the above.
In the following examples we assume that variables are
initially unbound:
123 = 123 - Succeeds.
X = 123 - Succeeds binding X to 123.
123 = 234 - Fails.
X = foo(1, 2, 3) - Succeeds, binding X to foo(1, 2, 3).
foo(X, Y, Z) = foo(1, 2, 3) - Succeeds, binding A = 1, B = 2, Z = 3.
foo(X, Y, 4) = foo(1, 2, 3) - Fails, because 4 \= 3.
foo(X, 2, 3) = foo(1, 2, Z) - Succeeds, binding X = 1, Z = 3.
The complex unifications are most easily understood by first
converting them into /super homogeneous normal form/ (this is
what the compiler does.) In SHNF, the left hand side of each
unification is a variable and the right hand side is either
another variable or a functor, all of whose arguments are
variables. For example
foo(X, 2, 3) = foo(1, 2, Z)
V = foo(A, B, C), A = X, B = 2, C = 3,
V = foo(P, Q, R), P = 1, Q = 2, R = Z,
A = P,
B = Q,
C = R
where V, A, B, C, P, Q, and R are all temporary variables
introduced in the conversion to SHNF.
The other kind of primitive goal supported by Mercury is the
predicate call, p(X1, ..., Xn), which we have already seen in
the examples above.
One way to picture the evaluation of a call is to think of it
as expanding into the different clause bodies for the
predicate definition while looking for solutions.
Two relatively important built-in predicates are true and
false XXX. true always succeeds and false always fails.
[Footnote: false is often written as fail, which is a hangover
from Mercury's Prolog roots where it was sometimes more useful
to think procedurally than declaratively.]
A goal of the form G1, G2, ..., Gn is called a conjunction
with the separating commas read as "and". A conjunction
succeeds iff a consistent solution to each of the sub-goals G1,
G2, ..., Gn can be found by the program.
(The compiler may have to reorder the sequence of goals in a
clause in order to satisfy the mode constraints. Although one
can set a flag to force the compiler to do no more reordering
than is necessary, in general this will mean that certain
optimizations will not be possible. The upshot of this is
that one should avoid writing code that assumes a particular
evaluation order other than that dictated by the mode
A conjunction executes by trying each of the goals in order.
If a goal fails then the program backtracks to the nearest
preceding choice-point (i.e. non-deterministic goal that may
have other solutions).
A goal of the form not G succeeds iff G has no solutions. G
may be a compound goal, in which case it should be enclosed in
parentheses to avoid syntactic precedence problems.
The sub-goal G is said to be in a /negated context/ and as
such cannot bind any variables visible outside the negation
(since the only way not G can succeed is if G fails, in which
case it will not produce any variable bindings.)
Note that not not G is equivalent to G and hence may bind
variables if it succeeds (while not not G would be an odd
thing to write, some of the code transformations the compiler
performs can generate such things; getting the modes right for
such things requires that the compiler observe this
simplification rule.)
Mercury's if-then-else construct looks like this:
[begin code]
( if ConditionGoal then YesGoal else NoGoal )
[end code]
Note that the else part is /not/ optional.
You may also see if-then-elses written as
[begin code]
( ConditionGoal -> YesGoal ; NoGoal )
[end code]
although the author finds this style less appealing.
While the parentheses are not always required, it is a very
good idea to include them in order to avoid confusing
syntactic precedence errors. One common exception is a chain
of if-then-elses where only the top level of parentheses are
[begin code]
( if ConditionGoal1 then YesGoal1
else if ConditionGoal2 then YesGoal2
else if ConditionGoal3 then YesGoal3
else NoGoal
[end code]
Extra parentheses are not required if any of ConditionGoals,
YesGoals or NoGoal are compound goals.
The if-then-else goal
[begin code]
( if ConditionGoal then YesGoal else NoGoal )
[end code]
is equivalent to the disjunction
[begin code]
( ConditionGoal, YesGoal ; not ConditionGoal, NoGoal )
[end code]
but will be implemented more efficiently by the compiler (if
ConditionGoal produces no solutions in the first disjunct then
there's no point in checking again that it has none in the
It's worth looking at a few examples to really understand how
if-then-else goals work. Again, we assume that all variables
are initially unbound:
[begin code]
( if ( X = 1 ; X = 2 ) then ( X = 2 ; X = 4 ) else X = 5 )
[end code]
The above goal is non-deterministic (the condition is multi
and the then-goal is non-deterministic), but has the single
solution X = 2.
[begin code]
( if ( X = 1 ; X = 2 ) then ( X = 3 ; X = 4 ) else X = 5 )
[end code]
The above goal is also non-deterministic for the same reason,
but has no solutions.
[begin code]
( if 1 = 2 then ( X = 3 ; X = 4 ) else ( X = 5 ; X = 6 ) )
[end code]
The above goal is non-deterministic because the else-goal is
non-deterministic. Since the condition must fail, the
else-goal is evaluated, with solutions X = 5 and X = 6.
[begin code]
( if 1 = 1 then ( X = 3 ; X = 4 ) else ( X = 5 ; X = 6 ) )
[end code]
The above goal is non-deterministic because the then-goal is
non-deterministic. The condition has precisely one solution,
so the then-goal is evaluated, with solutions X = 3 and X = 4.
That said, in the vast majority of cases where the
condition-goal is semidet and the then- and else-goals are
deterministic, if-then-else goals will act in very much the
same way as similar structures in other programming languages.
Since the condition-goal is in a negated context in the "else"
arm of the disjunctive form of an if-then-else, it cannot
produce any outputs that would be used in NoGoal or anything
outside the if-then-else as a whole. It can, however, produce
outputs that are only used in the YesGoal. (The reason for
this restriction is slightly subtle and will be explained in
more detail later. [XXX It's to do with having mode
independent semantics.])
For example, the following somewhat contrived code violates
the constraint because S is bound inside the condition and is
also visible outside the if-then-else goal.
[begin code]
:- pred prime_divisor(int, int).
:- mode prime_divisor(in, out) is nondet.
:- pred prime_divisor_or_zero(int, int).
:- mode prime_divisor_or_zero(in, out) is multi.
prime_divisor_or_zero(N, S) :-
( if prime_divisor(N, S)
then true
else S = 0
[end code]
The correct way to write prime_divisor_or_zero/2 is
[begin code]
prime_divisor_or_zero(N, S) :-
( if prime_divisor(N, D)
then S = D
else S = 0
[end code]
Note that if-then-else /expressions/ are slightly different;
the following is perfectly legal:
[begin code]
prime_divisor_or_zero(N, S) :-
S = ( if prime_divisor(N, D) then D else 0 ).
[end code]
Just as conjunction lets you use "and" to construct goals,
disjunction lets you use "or". A disjunctive goal takes the
form (G1 ; G2 ; ... ; Gn) with the separating semicolons being
read as "or".
A disjunction succeeds iff any of its disjunct sub-goals
succeeds. A disjunction has as many solutions as all of its
disjuncts put together: if one disjunct fails or backtracking
exhausts all the solutions for one disjunct then execution
proceeds with another disjunct. Again, the compiler is
generally free to reorder disjuncts, although this should not
have a visible impact on programs. Disjunctions are typically
non-deterministic, although switches, mentioned earlier, are a
special case.
[XXX Need examples?]
The clausal notation we have been using in the examples above
is in fact convenient syntactic sugar for writing top-level
disjunctions. For example, the ancestor/2 predicate we
defined earlier
[begin code]
ancestor(Person, Ancestor) :-
parent(Person, Ancestor).
ancestor(Person, Ancestor) :-
parent(Person, Parent),
ancestor(Parent, Ancestor).
[end code]
could equivalently be written as
[begin code]
ancestor(Person, Ancestor) :-
parent(Person, Ancestor)
parent(Person, Parent),
ancestor(Parent, Ancestor)
[end code]
Indeed, this is how the compiler sees multi-clause
In general it is better style to use clausal form for
top-level disjunctions.
Mercury recognises particular forms of (semi-)deterministic
disjunction which it can compile very efficiently.
The string library module defines the following type:
[begin code]
:- type poly_type
---> f(float)
; i(int)
; s(string)
; c(char).
[end code]
which can be used to form heterogeneous collections of the
primitive types (this is useful, amongst other things, for
supplying argument lists for formatted output.)
Say we wanted to write a predicate that would convert any
poly_type value into a string. Here's how we might write the
code (in practice we would use a function, here we use a
predicate for the purposes of illustration):
[begin code]
:- pred poly_type_to_string(poly_type, string).
:- mode poly_type_to_string(in, out) is det.
poly_type_to_string(f(F), S) :- float_to_string(F, S)
poly_type_to_string(i(I), S) :- int_to_string(I, S)
poly_type_to_string(s(S), S).
poly_type_to_string(c(C), S) :- char_to_string(C, S)
[end code]
this is equivalent to the single clause definition
[begin code]
poly_type_to_string(Poly, S) :-
( Poly = f(F), float_to_string(F, S)
; Poly = i(I), int_to_string(I, S)
; Poly = s(S)
; Poly = c(C), char_to_string(C, S)
[end code]
The compiler knows that since Poly is an input variable it
must be bound when the disjunction is evaluated. The compiler
also sees that each arm of the disjunction unifies Poly
against a different data constructor. The compiler therefore
deduces that at most one disjunct can succeed on a particular
call (and, since all poly_type data constructors are tested
for, /exactly/ one must succeed.) The compiler generates very
efficient code for so-called /switch/ constructs such as this.
[Footnote: the name /switch/ is used because of its similarity
to the C language construct of the same name.]
Switches are an elegant way of describing conditions based on
unification tests and are typically more efficient than the
equivalent if-then-else chains.
Sometimes we only need to know whether a solution exists, but
are not interested in the result. For this we use existential
quantification, which looks like this:
(some [X, Y, Z] G)
A goal of this form will succeed iff there is a solution to G,
but any bindings for X, Y and Z will not be visible outside
the quantification - it's rather like saying that X, Y and Z
are local variables for the goal G.
Mercury has an rule that any variables in a clause that do not
also appear in the head are implicitly existentially
quantified, which means you never actually need to use
explicit existential quantification in your programs.
On the other hand, we may wish to know whether a particular
property holds for all solutions to a particular goal. This
is where universal quantification is useful.
The goal
(all [X, Y, Z] G)
is equivalent to writing
not (some [X, Y, Z] not G)
Mercury has three types of goal for describing implicative
relationships between goals.
- (G1 => G2) is shorthand for (not G1 ; G2);
- (G1 <= G2) is shorthand for (G2 => G1); and
- (G1 <=> G2) is shorthand for ((G1 => G2), (G1 <= G2)).
[Footnote: the translations are given by de Morgan's laws.]
Note that parentheses are required around G1 and G2 if they
are not atomic goals; it is a good idea to also put
parentheses around the implication as a whole to avoid
ambiguity in the scope of the implication.)
Implication is most often used with universal quantification
to test for some general property.
This example uses the predicate member(X, Xs) to
non-deterministically project members X from the list Xs and
the semidet predicate even(X) which succeeds iff X is even.
[begin code]
:- pred all_even(list(int)).
:- mode all_even(in) is semidet.
all_even(Xs) :-
all [X] ( member(X, Xs) => even(X) ).
[end code]
[Footnote: the convention is to name a list of items, X, as
[begin code]
% Two list can be interpreted as equivalent sets if
% each contains the same members as the other.
:- pred equivalent_sets(list(T), list(T)).
:- mode equivalent_sets(in, in) is semidet.
equivalent_sets(Xs, Ys) :-
all [Z] ( member(Z, Xs) <=> member(Z, Ys) ).
[end code]
The auxiliary predicates member/2 and even/1 are defined as
[begin code]
:- pred member(T, list(T)).
:- mode member(out, in) is nondet.
% X is a member of a list if it is either the head of
% that list or a member of the tail.
member(X, [X | _ ]).
member(X, [_ | Xs]) :- member(X, Xs).
:- pred even(int).
:- mode even(in) is semidet.
even(X) :- X `mod` 2 = 0.
[end code]
[Footnote: the Mercury parser views anything in `backquotes`
as an infix operator. This is the same rule as used by
[XXX I'll talk about this later.]
Often one is not interested in a particular output variable
from a call or unification. In these cases you can use the
special variable named "_" (a single underscore) which stands
for a different anonymous or "don't care" variable every time
it appears.
Sometimes, however, it makes programs easier to read if you do
name don't care variables. Since variables that only appear
once in a clause are usually the result of typographical
error, the compiler will issue a warning when it sees such
things. To get around this problem, /prefixing/ a variable
name with an underscore (e.g. "_X") tells the compiler that
you know this is a named don't care variable and that there's
no need to issue a warning.
Functions are deterministic (or semi-deterministic) relations with
(at least) one output.
Essentially, a function is any relation with a single solution for
a given set of inputs.
Functions are so common that Mercury provides special syntax to
make working with them easier. One of the key advantages of
functions is that they can be used as parts of expressions, rather
than having to have a separate goal computing each subexpression
in turn. That is, one can use an expression as in
[begin code]
X = (B + sqrt(B*B - 4*A*C)) / (2*A)
[end code]
rather than the somewhat opaque goal
[begin code]
square(B, BSquared),
multiply(4, A, FourA),
multiply(FourA, C, FourAC),
subtract(BSquared, FourAC, Diff),
sqrt(Diff, Sqrt),
add(B, Sqrt, Numerator),
multiply(2, A, Denominator),
divide(Numerator, Denominator, X)
[end code]
This example illustrates how functions are defined:
[begin code]
:- func length(list(T)) = int.
:- mode length(in) = out is det.
% The length of an empty list is 0.
% The length of a non-empty list is 1 for the head
% plus the length of the tail.
length([] ) = 0.
length([_ | Xs]) = 1 + length(Xs).
[end code]
Like predicates, functions may be defined using several clauses
and make use of pattern matching.
Functions can be computed from goals, where the head and goal
are separated by ":-" in the definition:
[begin code]
% take(N, Xs) is the length min(N, length(Xs))
% prefix of Xs.
:- func take(int, list(T)) = list(T).
:- func take(in, in) = out is det.
take(N, Xs) = Ys :-
split(N, Xs, Ys, _).
% drop(N, Xs) is the length max(0, length(Xs) - N)
% suffix of Xs.
:- func drop(int, list(T)) = list(T).
:- func drop(in, in) = out is det.
drop(N, Xs) = Zs :-
split(N, Xs, _, Zs).
% split(N, Xs, Prefix, Suffix)
:- pred split(int, list(T), list(T), list(T)).
:- mode split(in, in, out, out ) is det.
split(N, Xs, Ys, Zs) :-
( if N > 0, Xs = [X | Xs0] then
Ys = [X | Ys0],
split(N - 1, Xs0, Ys0, Zs)
Ys = [],
Zs = Xs
[end code]
By far the most common mode for a function is
[begin code]
:- mode f(in, in, ..., in) = out is det.
[end code]
If a function has (just) this sort of mode, then the mode
declaration can be ommitted and the compiler will simply assume
this mode is what is intended. Hereafter we will omit unnecessary
mode declarations for functions.
[XXX What exactly are the constraints on function
determinisms? Remember to point out (somewhere) that
functions may also have multiple procedures. See the ref.
manual section on Determinism.]
[XXX Dealt with above.]
[XXX Dealt with above.]
Conditional expressions look like this:
[begin code]
( if ConditionGoal then YesExpr else NoExpr )
[end code]
where the usual rules for if-then-elses apply (in particular,
ConditionGoal may bind output variables that are used in
YesExpr, but not elsewhere), except that the then and else
branches are /expressions/, rather than goals.
Note that as with if-then-else goals, the else clause is /not/
optional in a conditional expression (it would make no sense
not to have one.)
[XXX Leave for later.]
[XXX Deal with this in a later section. It's sort-of advanced
[XXX Dealt with in section on types.]
Mercury syntax supports a number of prefix, infix and postfix
operators, including all the usual arithmetic operators. This
is just syntactic sugar, however, and there is no difference
between X + Y and +(X, Y) as far as the compiler is concerned.
If you want to use another name as an infix operator, you can
simply place it in backquotes:
[begin code]
X `union` Y `union` Z
[end code]
is seen by the compiler as
[begin code]
union(X, union(Y, Z))
[end code]
Backquoted symbols bind more tightly than anything else and
associate to the right.
One unfortunate consequence of being a pure declarative language
is that IO becomes somewhat more complex than is the case for
imperative languages.
One problem is that performing IO necessarily has an effect on the
outside world that cannot be backtracked over or undone - there is
no returning to an earlier state of the world! This is in
contrast to the mathematically pure world that Mercury inhabits,
where there is no concept of a value (such as the state of the
world) "changing", only one of new such values being constructed.
Another problem is that since logically there is no difference
between the goal (G1, G2) and the goal (G2, G1), we also need to
find some mechanism for ensuring that IO operations happen in the
intended order and are not mixed up as a consequence of the
compiler reordering goals for optimization purposes and so forth.
A number of solutions to the IO problem have been adopted by
the pure, declarative languages, the main contenders being the
monadic approach (as exemplified by Haskell) and the
uniqueness approach (as exemplified by Clean and Mercury.)
The uniqueness approach works like this: we view a Mercury
program as a function from world states to world states. The
top-level main/2 predicate of a Mercury program takes the
current world state as an input and computes a new world state
as its result. Every IO operation does the same thing: takes
a world state as input and produces a new world state as
output - notionally updated with the effects of the IO
operation (and the actions of the world at large between IO
operations). The so-called IO state is opaque to the Mercury
program; it can only be queried via the operations defined in
the io module.
[Footnote: of course, the Mercury program doesn't actually
pass the state of the world around in fact - the IO state
abstraction serves both to ensure the properties we require
and to give a semantics to IO in Mercury.]
[begin code]
:- pred main(io, io).
:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
main(IO0, IO) :-
io__write_string("pi = ", IO0, IO1),
io__write_float(math__pi, IO1, IO2),
io__nl( IO2, IO ).
[end code]
The type of the IO state is called just io and is defined
as an abstract type in the io library module. The
top-level predicate main/2 takes the initial IO state as a
/destructive input/ (di), and produces another as a
/unique output/ (uo). The three IO operations in the body
show how the initial IO state, IO0, is transformed into
the final IO state, IO. So, io__write_string/3 destroys
IO0 and produces IO1 as a unique output. Next,
io__write_float/3 destroys IO1 and produces IO2 as a
unique output. Finally, io__nl (which writes out a
newline) destroys IO2 and produces IO as a unique output.
In order to ensure that old versions of the world state cannot
be accessed after an IO operation, the IO state is /unique/ -
this means that there can only ever be one live reference to
it. [Footnote: a live reference is one that will be used
later on in computation.] The old version of the IO state
is said to be clobbered by an IO operation - the compiler will
report an error if the old version is still live after the IO
operation in question. Similarly, it is impossible to make a
copy the IO state. [Footnote: it is possible to "fork" the IO
state, this is necessary to support concurrency. Concurrency
is dealt with in a later chapter. XXX]
[begin code]
:- pred main(io, io).
:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
main(IO0, IO) :-
io__write_string("Hello, ", IO0, IO1),
io__write_string("world!\n", IO0, IO ).
[end code]
Here IO0 is used twice; the compiler spots the bug and
rejects the program with
[begin code]
In clause for `main(di, uo)':
in argument 2 of call to predicate `io:write_string/3':
unique-mode error: the called procedure would clobber
its argument, but variable `IO0' is still live.
[end code]
The uniqueness constraint is sufficient to ensure that IO
operations happen in a strict order, specified by the
programmer, and that it is impossible to backtrack over IO or
refer to a dead IO state.
Note that uniqueness is not a property reserved for IO states:
it is used to implement destructively updated arrays, the
store data type which allows the construction of arbitrary
pointer graphs, hash tables and so forth. Uniqueness allows
the compiler to use a safe form of destructive update of data
structures: there is no reason why a dead unique object cannot
be reused to create a new live unique object (since the old
value can never be accessed), which is exactly what happens
for the data types just mentioned.
Since passing the IO state around everywhere is a little
cumbersome and also quite restrictive (it can only be passed
into det predicates), Mercury programmers naturally find
themselves separating applications into two parts: the part
that handles all the IO and the part that handles all the
interesting processing. This is good style in general, and
although one might find it slightly annoying not to be able to
insert print statements willy-nilly as is the case with impure
languages, one soon finds that the discipline imposed pays
real dividends in terms of reusability, maintainability, ease
of debugging and so forth.
Since IO operations cannot be backtracked across, the IO state
(and, indeed, unique objects in general) cannot be passed to
non-deterministic predicates - that is, only deterministic
predicates can take unique IO states as arguments. [Footnote:
this is not strictly true; there is another determinism,
cc_multi, which is compatible with uniqueness.]
Having to name and pass two variables around for every IO
operation quickly becomes tiresome. Mercury has a special
/state variable/ syntax for just this purpose. The idea is to
write code that looks a little more like what one would write
in an imperative language, but which is transformed by the
compiler into pure Mercury. A state variable argument !X
stands for two real arguments, !.X and !:X, which in turn
stand for the "current" and "next" values of the state variable
X, respectively. Occurrences of !.X and !:X are converted by
the compiler into appropriately numbered variables.
For example, the following code
[begin code]
% Writes out a list of strings, separated by
% commas.
:- pred write_strings(list(string), io, io).
:- mode write_strings(in, di, uo) is det.
write_strings([], !IO).
write_strings([S1], !IO) :-
io__write_string(S1, !IO).
write_strings([S1, S2 | Ss], !IO) :-
io__write_string(S1, !IO),
io__write_string(", ", !IO),
write_strings(Ss, !IO).
[end code]
is transformed by the compiler into
[Footnote: note that the pred and mode declarations reflect
the fact that !IO is actually two arguments, not one.]
[begin code]
% Writes out a list of strings, separated by
% commas.
:- pred write_strings(list(string), io, io).
:- mode write_strings(in, di, uo) is det.
write_strings([], IO0, IO) :-
IO = IO0.
write_strings([S1], IO0, IO) :-
io__write_string(S1, IO0, IO).
write_strings([S1, S2 | Ss], IO0, IO) :-
io__write_string(S1, IO0, IO1),
io__write_string(", ", IO1, IO2),
write_strings(Ss, IO2, IO ),
[end code]
Henceforth we will use state variable syntax rather than
explicitly IO states.
The io library module defines a plethora of useful IO
operations and as usual with libraries, the reader is
encouraged to take some time to peruse the interface section.
Here we will present some basic IO operations to help get the
ball rolling.
Output is generally simpler to deal with than input,
because, by and large, there are no error codes to deal
The io library module includes predicates for the output
of the basic types:
[begin code]
:- pred io__write_string(string, io, io).
:- mode io__write_string(in, di, uo) is det.
:- pred io__write_char(char, io, io).
:- mode io__write_char(in, di, uo) is det.
:- pred io__write_int(int, io, io).
:- mode io__write_int(in, di, uo) is det.
:- pred io__write_float(float, io, io).
:- mode io__write_float(in, di, uo) is det.
[end code]
However, it's typically easier to use the more general
formatted output predicate:
[begin code]
:- pred io__format(string, list(poly_type), io, io).
:- mode io__format(in, in, di, uo) is det.
[end code]
The string argument is a format string, very similar in
spirit to what one would pass to C's printf(). The list
argument is a type safe means of passing the parameters to
be formatted.
Using io__format/4 one might write
[begin code]
:- pred write_record(string, int, float, io, io).
:- mode write_record(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
write_record(Name, Age, Children, !IO) :-
io__format("%s is %d years old and has %f children.\n",
[s(Name), i(Age), f(Children)], !IO).
[end code]
and then we could call
[begin code]
write_record("Joe Bloggs", 32, 2.4, !IO)
[end code]
and the program would write out "Joe Bloggs is 32 years
old and has 2.4 children.", followed by a newline. The
implementation of write_record/5 is much simpler than the
functionally equivalent
[begin code]
:- pred write_record(string, int, float, io, io).
:- mode write_record(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
write_record(Name, Age, Children, !IO) :-
io__write_string(Name, !IO),
io__write_string(" is ", !IO),
io__write_int(Age, !IO),
io__write_string(" years old and has ", !IO),
io__write_float(Children, !IO),
io__write_string(" children.\n", !IO).
[end code]
In fact, io__format/4 is quite a bit more powerful, in
that the "%..." formatting specifications can include
details as to the style of formatting, precision,
justification and so forth.
[XXX I'm not sure I should mention io__print/3 this early.]
Another useful predicate the io library module provides is
[begin code]
:- pred io__print(T, io, io).
:- mode io__print(in, di, uo) is det.
[end code]
io__print/3 is used to print a representation of arbitrary
Mercury values. Be aware, though, that if you try to
print the results of expressions, the compiler may ask you
to supply more type information to help resolve what
exactly it is you are printing (i.e. the expression or the
value of the expression.) This is subtle stuff and will
be dealt with in a later chapter. XXX
Input is marginally more complex than output since
typically on of three things can happen:
1. we successfully read a value of the required type from
the input stream;
2. we hit the end-of-file;
3. an error of some kind occurs (e.g. the input is
malformed or the input source has gone away unexpectedly.)
To this end the io library module defines the following
type to report the results of input operations:
[begin code]
:- type io__result(T) ---> ok(T)
; eof
; error(io__error).
[end code]
In order, ok(X) is returned if the input operation
succeeded, reading X; eof is returned if the end of file
has been reached; and error(ErrorCode) is returned if
something went wrong (the function io__error_message/1 can
be used to turn ErrorCode into something printable.)
This arrangement forces the programmer to handle the error
cases. There is still lively debate over whether error
codes or throwing exceptions is the best way to handle
errors for things like this. A genuine advantage of the
error code approach is that you have to consider the error
cases from the outset, which, while requiring a little
more initial thought from the programmer, usually pays
real dividends later on.
[XXX is this the right place to say this? Should I
enlarge on the debate? Probably no and yes
Two very basic input predicates are
[begin code]
:- pred io__read_char(io__result(char), io, io).
:- mode io__read_char(in, di, uo) is det.
:- pred io__read_line_as_string(io__result(string), io, io).
:- mode io__read_line_as_string(in, di, uo)
is det.
[end code]
The input predicates are also less comprehensive in the
sense that there are no predicates io__read_int/3,
io__read_float/3 or io__read_string/3. The problem is
that it's not clear exactly what should be allowed to
terminate the input stream for an int, float or string.
Instead, the library leaves issues of parsing up to
applications (there are several programs in the Mercury
extras distribution to help, including a lexer and parser
Here's a simple program that XXX Here !!!
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