[m-rev.] for review: extras/quickcheck changes

Peter Moulder pmoulder at csse.monash.edu.au
Mon Mar 18 11:59:11 AEDT 2002

On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 07:25:39PM +1100, Peter Moulder wrote:

> +	(char__to_int(Char0, Int) ->
> [...]
> +	Weight >= 0 ->
> [and others]

I've fixed up the formatting of if-then-else's in new code, to match

  ( test_goal ->

(There are a few slightly-wrong if-then-else's in existing code that
 I've left as they are, to simplify the patch.)

I've attach the new patch for clarity's sake; though I've already
checked that the only differences between this and the previous patch
are whitespace and in one place adding a pair of parentheses.


Estimated hours taken: 15

Various changes to random data generation functions.

	* Remove now-unused next/4 predicate.  (Previously it was being
	  called for 31 bits of randomness even though it provided no
	  more than 30 bits.)
	* rand_int: Increase the probability of int__min_int and
	* rand_allint: Previously generated a range of less than 2**31,
	  regardless of int size.  Now generates the full 2**32 or 2**64
	  range of int values.
	* rand_char: More efficient by generating the correct range
	  [char__min_char_value .. char__max_char_value] rather than
	  looping until char__to_int succeeds.
	* rand_float: generate a wider range of floats, almost 64 bits
	  worth (or however wide the underlying float type is) instead
	  of 30 bits mantissa + 8 (sic) bits exponent plus 1 sign bit

	* New pred rnd30/3 providing direct access to a limb of
	* gaussian: document that the generated two floats aren't
	  independent, usually having nearly the same magnitude.
	  Prevent a runtime error if the initial frange chose 0.0.
	* irange: Work even if Max = int__max_int.
	* frange: Check `Min < Max' precondition.
	* shuffle: Implement using the more efficient & more thorough
	* oneof: Check non-empty-list precondition.
	* wghtd_oneof: Check positive-weight-sum and
	  all-weights-non-negative preconditions.
	  Fix the selection probabilities.  (Previously the first
	  element was over-represented due to off-by-one error.)
	* Get rid of casting wrappers rfloat and misleadingly-named
	  rint.  Callers replaced with float/1 and floor_to_int/1.

Index: qcheck.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/extras/quickcheck/qcheck.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -d -u -r1.2 qcheck.m
--- qcheck.m	31 Jul 2001 13:47:32 -0000	1.2
+++ qcheck.m	16 Mar 2002 06:17:03 -0000
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
 	       SpecificFrequency, GeneralFrequency, []).
 	% qcheck/8 first seed the random number on local time, then it  
-	% generates the reqiured inputs for the invariant function and runs 
+	% generates the required inputs for the invariant function and runs 
 	% it. A table of test results are shown at the end. 
 qcheck(TestFunction, Name, TestCount, SpecificFrequency,
        GeneralFrequency, Generators) -->
@@ -803,63 +803,159 @@
 		gen_arg_list(Types, Fs, GF, UserGenerators, Univs, RS1, RS).
-	% generate an int of N Bits 
-:- pred next(int, int, rnd, rnd).
-:- mode next(in, out, in, out) is det.
-next(N, Bits, Rnd0, Rnd) :-
-    	rnd(F, Rnd0, Rnd),
-	Range = pow(2.0, N) - 1.0,
-    	Bits = round_to_int(F * Range). 
 	% generate int
 rand_int(BS0, BS) = Int :-
-	Temp = rand_allint(BS0, BS1) rem 2,
-	(if	Temp = 0 
-	 then
-		irange(-100, 100, Int, BS1, BS)
-	 else
+	rnd(Temp, BS0, BS1),
+	% Note: Any modifications to this probability distribution should be
+	% accompanied by corresponding updates to tutes/T5.html.
+	( Temp < 0.5 ->
+		rnd__irange(-100, 100, Int, BS1, BS)
+	% We increase the probability of int__max_int and int__min_int,
+	% since these values are very subject to bugs (e.g. due to
+	% assuming that X + 1 > X).  (E.g. all implementations of
+	% `between' (it occurs in several places) in the mercury
+	% distribution are buggy for Max == int__max_int.)
+	; Temp < 0.58 ->
+	 	Int = int__max_int,
+		BS = BS1
+	; Temp < 0.65 ->
+	 	Int = int__min_int,
+		BS = BS1
+	;
 		Int = rand_allint(BS1, BS)
-	).  
+	).
 	% generate int
 rand_allint(BS0, BS) = Int :-
-	next(1, Sign, BS0, BS1),
-	next(31, TempInt, BS1, BS),
-	( Sign > 0 ->
-	    Int =  TempInt 
+	rnd30(RndA, BS0, BS1),
+	rnd30(RndB, BS1, BS2),
+	% Note that in Mercury, unlike C, the `<<' operator does
+	% the right thing for negative shift amounts.
+	A30 = (RndA << (int__bits_per_int - 30 - 1)),
+	B30 = (RndB << (int__bits_per_int - 60 - 1)),
+	( int__bits_per_int =< 30 ->
+		error("bits_per_int too small")
+	; int__bits_per_int =< 60 ->
+		BS = BS2,
+		NonSign = A30 \/ B30,
+		SignBit = B30 /\ 1
+	; int__bits_per_int =< 90 ->
+		rnd30(RndC, BS2, BS),
+		C30 = (RndC << (int__bits_per_int - 90 - 1)),
+		NonSign = A30 \/ B30 \/ C30,
+		SignBit = C30 /\ 1
-	    Int = -TempInt
+		error("bits_per_int too big")
+	),
+	( SignBit = 0 ->
+	    Int = NonSign
+	;
+	    Int = \ NonSign
 	% generate char
 rand_char(RS0, RS) = Char :-
-       		Int = rand_allint(RS0, RS1) rem 1000,
-		(if	char__to_int(Char0, Int) 
-		 then
-		 	Char = Char0,
-			RS = RS1
-		 else
-		 	Char = rand_char(RS1, RS)
-		).
+	% Note: Any modifications to this probability distribution should be
+	% accompanied by corresponding updates to tutes/T5.html.
+	rnd__irange(char__min_char_value, char__max_char_value, Int, RS0, RS),
+	( char__to_int(Char0, Int) ->
+		Char = Char0
+	;
+		error("can't happen: bad int to char conversion")
+	).
-	% generate float
+	% generate float.
+	%
+	% Never generates infinities, NaN or -0.0: at the time of
+	% writing, Mercury has known bugs handling these values,
+	% so there's little point testing them here.
+	%
+	% However, we do generate subnormalized numbers (including zero).
+	%
+	% XXX: We ought to assign greater probability to:
+	%  - zero
+	%  - subnormalized numbers generally
+	%  - numbers whose significand (the explicit 52-bit part) is 0, 1, or
+	%    all-bits-1; and especially the following:
+	%  - the highest subnormalized number (and its negative)
+	%  - the lowest positive subnormalized number (and its negative)
+	%  - the lowest positive normalized number (and its negative)
+	%  - Have I missed anything?
+	%
 rand_float(BS0, BS) = Flt :-
-	next(31, Mant0, BS0, BS1),
-        next(1, Sign, BS1, BS2),
-        ( Sign > 0 ->
-            Mant = Mant0
-        ;
-            Mant = -Mant0
-        ),
-        next(7, Exp, BS2, BS3),
-        next(1, ExpSign, BS3, BS),
-        Flt0 = float(Mant) * pow(2.0, Exp),
-        ( ExpSign > 0, Flt0 \= 0.0 ->
-            Flt = 1.0/Flt0
-        ;
-            Flt = Flt0
-        ).
+	rnd30(MantHi, BS0, BS1),
+	rnd30(MantLo, BS1, BS2),
+	rnd__irange(float__min_exponent - 1, float__max_exponent, Exp, BS2, BS),
+	Flt = construct_float(MantHi, MantLo, Exp).
+:- func construct_float(int, int, int) = float.
+construct_float(MantHi, MantLo, Exp) = Flt :-
+	% +1 or -1.
+	SignScalar = (MantLo /\ 2) - 1,
+	% (We check in the sanity checks below that at least the low two bits
+	% of MantLo will be discarded when assigning to the significand, so
+	% it's fine to use this bit independently.)
+	ExpScalar = float__pow(2.0, Exp),
+	% Mant0 is in [0.0, 1.0).
+	RShift30 = 1.0 / float(1 << 30),
+	Mant0 = ((float(MantHi)
+		  + (float(MantLo)
+		     * RShift30))
+		 * RShift30),
+	( Exp < float__min_exponent ->
+		% Mant in [0.0, 1.0).
+		Mant = Mant0
+	;
+		% Mant in [0.5, 1.0).
+		Mant = (1.0 + Mant0) * 0.5
+	),
+	% A check against java.lang.Double.longBitsToDouble documentation:
+	% Exp in [-1022, 1024]; e in [0, 0x7fe].
+	% s = SignScalar; m = Mant << 53; e = Exp + 1022.
+	% s * m * 2**(e - 1075)
+	% = SignScalar * (Mant << 53) * 2**(Exp + 1022 - 1075)
+	% = SignScalar * (Mant * 2**53) * 2**(Exp - 53)
+	% = SignScalar * Mant * 2**Exp
+	% = SignScalar * Mant * ExpScalar
+	Flt0 = float(SignScalar) * Mant * ExpScalar,
+	(
+		% Checks on inputs.
+		not (
+		  (MantHi /\ \ ((1 << 30) - 1) = 0),
+		  (MantLo /\ \ ((1 << 30) - 1) = 0),
+		  (float__min_exponent - 1 =< Exp),
+		  (Exp =< float__max_exponent)
+		)
+	->
+		error("inputs out of range")
+	;
+		% Sanity checks.
+		not (
+		  (SignScalar = 1 ; SignScalar = -1),
+		  (0.0 =< Mant, Mant < 1.0),
+		  (Exp = float__min_exponent - 1 ; 0.5 =< Mant),
+		  (ExpScalar \= ExpScalar / 2.0),
+		  (Mant = 0.0 ; Flt0 / 2.0 \= Flt0),
+		  (float__mantissa_digits =< 2 * 30 - 2)
+		)
+	->
+		error("bug in float generation")
+	;
+		Flt = Flt0
+	).
 	% generate string
 rand_string(RS0, RS) = X :-
Index: rnd.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/extras/quickcheck/rnd.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -d -u -r1.1 rnd.m
--- rnd.m	31 May 2001 02:08:45 -0000	1.1
+++ rnd.m	16 Mar 2002 06:17:03 -0000
@@ -11,6 +11,15 @@
 % The original source is included at the end of the module as a reference.
+% XXX: N.B. This implementation assumes that overflowing an int will silently
+% give the result that is equal to the real result in modulo pow(2,
+% int__bits_per_int) arithmetic; whereas int.m says that overflowing gives
+% undefined results.  It would be nice if int.m (or whatever type) provided
+% some functions corresponding to unsigned arithmetic in C.
+% (C's int type has even fewer behaviour guarantees than Mercury's int type,
+% but its `unsigned' type is guaranteed to operate in modulo 2**n arithmetic.)
 :- module rnd.
@@ -25,15 +34,23 @@
 :- pred rnd__init(int, rnd).
 :- mode rnd__init(in, out) is det.
-	% get a random float on the range [0, 1)
+	% Get a random int in the range [0, 1<<30).
+:- pred rnd30(int, rnd, rnd).
+:- mode rnd30(out, in, out) is det.
+	% Get a random float in the range [0, 1).
+	% Gives about 30 bits of randomness
+	% (assuming float__mantissa_digits >= 30).
 :- pred rnd(float, rnd, rnd).
 :- mode rnd(out, in, out) is det.
-	% get a random int on the range [Lower, Upper]
+	% Get a random int in the range [Lower, Upper].
+	% Requires Lower =< Upper.
 :- pred irange(int, int, int, rnd, rnd).
 :- mode irange(in, in, out, in, out) is det.
 	% get a random float on the range [Lower, Upper)
+	% Requires Lower < Upper.
 :- pred frange(float, float, float, rnd, rnd).
 :- mode frange(in, in, out, in, out) is det.
@@ -42,15 +59,21 @@
 :- mode shuffle(in, out, in, out) is det.
 	% get a random element of a list.
+	% Requires that the list of options be non-empty.
 :- pred oneof(list(T), T, rnd, rnd).
 :- mode oneof(in, out, in, out) is det.
 	% get a random element of a weighted list.
+	% Requires that each weight be non-negative and that the sum of the
+	% weights be strictly positive.
 :- pred wghtd_oneof(list(pair(int, T)), T, rnd, rnd).
 :- mode wghtd_oneof(in, out, in, out) is det.
 	% gaussian(X, Y, Rnd0, Rnd)
 	% generate a pair of gaussian deviates `X' and `Y'.
+	% (Note that X and Y aren't independent in magnitude;
+	% usually their exponents are very close to each other,
+	% even when either X or Y is very far from zero.)
 :- pred gaussian(float, float, rnd, rnd).
 :- mode gaussian(out, out, in, out) is det.
@@ -59,85 +82,98 @@
 :- implementation.
 :- import_module math, require.
+:- use_module random.  % For random__permutation.
 irange(Min, Max, Val, R0, R) :-
-	frange(rfloat(Min), rfloat(Max+1), FVal, R0, R),
-	Val = rint(FVal).
+	( Min =< Max ->
+		frange(float(Min), float(Max) + 1.0, FVal, R0, R),
+		Val = floor_to_int(FVal)
+	;
+		error("Min > Max")
+	).
 frange(Min, Max, Val, R0, R) :-
-	rnd(J, R0, R),
-	Val = J*(Max - Min)+Min.
+	( Min < Max ->
+		rnd(J, R0, R),
+		Val = J*(Max - Min)+Min
+	;
+		error("Min >= Max")
+	).
 shuffle(Ins, Outs, R0, R) :-
-	list__length(Ins, N),
-	shuffle2(N, Ins, [], T0, R0, R1),
-	shuffle2(N, T0, [], T1, R1, R2),
-	shuffle2(N, T1, [], T2, R2, R3),
-	shuffle2(N, T2, [], T3, R3, R4),
-	shuffle2(N, T3, [], U, R4, R5),
-	shuffle2(N, U, [], Outs, R5, R).
+	rnd30(Seed, R0, R),
+	random__init(Seed, Random),
+	random__permutation(Ins, Outs, Random, _Random1).
-:- pred shuffle2(int, list(T), list(T), list(T), rnd, rnd).
-:- mode shuffle2(in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
-shuffle2(N, Ins, Acc0, Acc, R0, R) :-
-	( N > 0 ->
-		irange(0, N-1, J, R0, R1),
-		delnth(Ins, J, Rest, T),
-		shuffle2(N-1, Rest, [T|Acc0], Acc, R1, R)
+oneof(Things, Thing, R0, R) :-
+	( Things = [] ->
+		error("empty selection list")
-		Acc = Acc0,
-		R = R0
+		list__length(Things, Num),
+		irange(0, Num-1, X, R0, R),
+		list__index0_det(Things, X, Thing)
-:- pred delnth(list(T), int, list(T), T).
-:- mode delnth(in, in, out, out) is det.
-delnth([], _, _, _) :-
-	error("delnth: no enough elems!").
-delnth([X|Xs], N, Zs, Z) :-
-	( N =< 0 ->
-		Z = X,
-		Zs = Xs
+wghtd_oneof(WghtdThings, Thing, R0, R) :-
+	cumu(WghtdThings, 0, Sum),
+	( Sum =< 0 ->
+		error("must have positive total weight")
-		Zs = [X|Ys],
-		delnth(Xs, N-1, Ys, Z)
+		irange(1, Sum, X, R0, R),
+		pick(WghtdThings, X, Thing)
-oneof(Things, Thing, R0, R) :-
-	list__length(Things, Num),
-	irange(0, Num-1, X, R0, R),
-	list__index0_det(Things, X, Thing).
-wghtd_oneof(WghtdThings, Thing, R0, R) :-
-	cumu(WghtdThings, 0, Sum),
-	irange(0, Sum, X, R0, R),
-	pick(WghtdThings, X, Thing).
 :- pred cumu(list(pair(int, T)), int, int).
 :- mode cumu(in, in, out) is det.
 cumu([], Sum, Sum).
-cumu([X - _T|Rest0], Sum, Sum1) :-
-	cumu(Rest0, X+Sum, Sum1).
+cumu([Weight - _Thing|Rest0], Sum0, Sum) :-
+	( Weight >= 0 ->
+		cumu(Rest0, Weight + Sum0, Sum)
+	;
+		error("negative weight")
+	).
 :- pred pick(list(pair(int, T)), int, T).
 :- mode pick(in, in, out) is det.
+% Requires that P >= 1 and
+% some[SumWeight] (cumu(SelectionList, 0, SumWeight), P =< SumWeight).
 pick([], _, _) :-
 	error("pick: no things to pick from!").
-pick([N - T|Rest], P, Thing) :-
-	( N >= P ->
-		Thing = T
+pick([Weight0 - Thing0|Rest], P, Thing) :-
+	( Weight0 >= P ->
+		Thing = Thing0
-		pick(Rest, P - N, Thing)
+		pick(Rest, P - Weight0, Thing)
 gaussian(X, Y, Rnd0, Rnd) :-
 	frange(-1.0, 1.0, V1, Rnd0, Rnd1),
 	frange(-1.0, 1.0, V2, Rnd1, Rnd2),
 	R = V1*V1 + V2*V2,
-	( R >= 1.0, R \= 0.0  ->
+	(
+		( R >= 1.0 ; R = 0.0 )
+		% [pjm]: The above used to be `R >= 1.0, R \= 0.0'.
+		% I believe that the current code is the intended test,
+		% with the intention that ln(R) be finite and non-zero.
+		% Note that ln(0.0) in Mercury gives a runtime error,
+		% unlike in C (and probably IEEE) where it returns -infinity.
+		% I wonder whether we should change the `>=' to `>' though:
+		% R=1.0 gives Fac = -0.0.  (Yes, apparently sqrt(-0.0) = -0.0,
+		% both in C and Mercury.)  With the existing implementation
+		% (i.e. rejecting 1.0), the only way that X (Y) can be zero is
+		% if V1 (V2) is zero, which is very rare (1 in 2**30) whereas
+		% zero is the most common number in a real gaussian
+		% distribution, and if anything zero ought to be
+		% overrepresented when used by quickcheck.
+	->
 		gaussian(X, Y, Rnd2, Rnd)
 		Fac = sqrt(-2.0 * ln(R) / R),
@@ -164,14 +200,14 @@
 	M1a = vec(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
 	M2a = vec(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
 	seed1(17, SN, N, M1a, M2a, M1b, M2b),
-	set(M1b, 0, (M1b ** 0) /\ ((1 << 15) - 1), M1),
-	set(M2b, 0, (M2b ** 0) /\ ((1 << 15) - 1), M2).
+	setd(M1b, d0, (M1b ** d0) /\ ((1 << 15) - 1), M1),
+	setd(M2b, d0, (M2b ** d0) /\ ((1 << 15) - 1), M2).
 :- pred seed1(int, int, int, vec, vec, vec, vec).
 :- mode seed1(in, in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
 seed1(N, SNum0, Num0, M1a, M2a, M1, M2) :-
-	(N > 0 ->
+	( N > 0 ->
 		Num1 = 30903 * SNum0 + (Num0 >> 15),
 		SNum1 = Num1 /\ ((1 << 15) - 1),
 		( N >= 9 ->
@@ -187,29 +223,45 @@
 		M2 = M2a
-rnd(Res, rnd(M1a, M2a, _Seed0), rnd(M1d, M2d, Seed1)) :-
+rnd30(Result, Rnd0, Rnd):-
+	rnd_update(Rnd0, Rnd),
+	Rnd = rnd(_M1, _M2, Seed),
+	( Seed /\ \ ((1 << 30) - 1) = 0 ->
+		Result = Seed
+	;
+		error("bug: rnd30 returning more than 30 bits")
+	).
+rnd(Result, Rnd0, Rnd):-
+	rnd_update(Rnd0, Rnd),
+	Rnd = rnd(_M1, _M2, Seed),
+	Result = float(Seed) / float(1 << 30).
+:- pred rnd_update(rnd, rnd).
+:- mode rnd_update(in, out) is det.
+rnd_update(rnd(M1a, M2a, _Seed0), rnd(M1d, M2d, Seed1)) :-
 	shift(M1a, M1b),
 	shift(M2a, M2b),
-	N1a = (M1b ** 0),
-	N2a = (M2b ** 0),
-	N1b = N1a + 1941 * (M1b ** 2) + 1860 * (M1b ** 3) + 1812 * (M1b ** 4)
-		+ 1776 * (M1b ** 5) + 1492 * (M1b ** 6) + 1215 * (M1b ** 7)
-		+ 1066 * (M1b ** 8) + 12013 * (M1b ** 9),
+	N1a = (M1b ** d0),
+	N2a = (M2b ** d0),
-	N2b = N2a + 1111 * (M2b ** 2) + 2222 * (M2b ** 3) + 3333 * (M2b ** 4)
-		+ 4444 * (M2b ** 5) + 5555 * (M2b ** 6) + 6666 * (M2b ** 7)
-		+ 7777 * (M2b ** 8) + 9272 * (M2b ** 9),
+	N1b = N1a + 1941 * (M1b ** d2) + 1860 * (M1b ** d3) + 1812 * (M1b ** d4)
+		+ 1776 * (M1b ** d5) + 1492 * (M1b ** d6) + 1215 * (M1b ** d7)
+		+ 1066 * (M1b ** d8) + 12013 * (M1b ** d9),
-	set(M1b, 0, (N1b >> 15) /\ ((1 << 15) - 1), M1c),
-	set(M2b, 0, (N2b >> 15) /\ ((1 << 15) - 1), M2c),
+	N2b = N2a + 1111 * (M2b ** d2) + 2222 * (M2b ** d3) + 3333 * (M2b ** d4)
+		+ 4444 * (M2b ** d5) + 5555 * (M2b ** d6) + 6666 * (M2b ** d7)
+		+ 7777 * (M2b ** d8) + 9272 * (M2b ** d9),
-	set(M1c, 1, N1b /\ ((1 << 15) - 1), M1d),
-	set(M2c, 1, N2b /\ ((1 << 15) - 1), M2d),
+	setd(M1b, d0, (N1b >> 15) /\ ((1 << 15) - 1), M1c),
+	setd(M2b, d0, (N2b >> 15) /\ ((1 << 15) - 1), M2c),
-	Seed1 = ((M1d ** 1) << 15) + (M2d ** 1),
+	setd(M1c, d1, N1b /\ ((1 << 15) - 1), M1d),
+	setd(M2c, d1, N2b /\ ((1 << 15) - 1), M2d),
-	Res = rfloat(Seed1)/rfloat((1 << 30) - 1).
+	Seed1 = ((M1d ** d1) << 15) + (M2d ** d1).
 :- pred shift(vec, vec).
 :- mode shift(in, out) is det.
@@ -220,39 +272,57 @@
-:- func (vec ** int) = int.
+% Get the compiler to do the checking for us.
+:- type vec_digit_nr
+	---> d0 ; d1 ; d2 ; d3 ; d4 ; d5 ; d6 ; d7 ; d8 ; d9.
+:- func (vec ** vec_digit_nr) = int.
 :- mode ((in ** in) = out) is det.
-:- mode ((in ** in(bound(0))) = out) is det.
-:- mode ((in ** in(bound(1))) = out) is det.
-:- mode ((in ** in(bound(2))) = out) is det.
-:- mode ((in ** in(bound(3))) = out) is det.
-:- mode ((in ** in(bound(4))) = out) is det.
-:- mode ((in ** in(bound(5))) = out) is det.
-:- mode ((in ** in(bound(6))) = out) is det.
-:- mode ((in ** in(bound(7))) = out) is det.
-:- mode ((in ** in(bound(8))) = out) is det.
-:- mode ((in ** in(bound(9))) = out) is det.
+:- mode ((in ** in(bound(d0))) = out) is det.
+:- mode ((in ** in(bound(d1))) = out) is det.
+:- mode ((in ** in(bound(d2))) = out) is det.
+:- mode ((in ** in(bound(d3))) = out) is det.
+:- mode ((in ** in(bound(d4))) = out) is det.
+:- mode ((in ** in(bound(d5))) = out) is det.
+:- mode ((in ** in(bound(d6))) = out) is det.
+:- mode ((in ** in(bound(d7))) = out) is det.
+:- mode ((in ** in(bound(d8))) = out) is det.
+:- mode ((in ** in(bound(d9))) = out) is det.
 ( Vec ** Ind ) = Res :-
 	Vec = vec(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J),
-		( Ind = 0, Res0 = A
-		; Ind = 1, Res0 = B
-		; Ind = 2, Res0 = C
-		; Ind = 3, Res0 = D
-		; Ind = 4, Res0 = E
-		; Ind = 5, Res0 = F
-		; Ind = 6, Res0 = G
-		; Ind = 7, Res0 = H
-		; Ind = 8, Res0 = I
-		; Ind = 9, Res0 = J
-		)
-	->
+		( Ind = d0, Res0 = A
+		; Ind = d1, Res0 = B
+		; Ind = d2, Res0 = C
+		; Ind = d3, Res0 = D
+		; Ind = d4, Res0 = E
+		; Ind = d5, Res0 = F
+		; Ind = d6, Res0 = G
+		; Ind = d7, Res0 = H
+		; Ind = d8, Res0 = I
+		; Ind = d9, Res0 = J
+		),
 		Res = Res0
-	;
-		error("**: out of range")
+:- pred setd(vec, vec_digit_nr, int, vec).
+:- mode setd(in, in, in, out) is det.
+setd(vec(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J), Ind, V, Vec) :-
+	(
+		  Ind = d0, Vec = vec(V, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)
+		; Ind = d1, Vec = vec(A, V, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)
+		; Ind = d2, Vec = vec(A, B, V, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)
+		; Ind = d3, Vec = vec(A, B, C, V, E, F, G, H, I, J)
+		; Ind = d4, Vec = vec(A, B, C, D, V, F, G, H, I, J)
+		; Ind = d5, Vec = vec(A, B, C, D, E, V, G, H, I, J)
+		; Ind = d6, Vec = vec(A, B, C, D, E, F, V, H, I, J)
+		; Ind = d7, Vec = vec(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, V, I, J)
+		; Ind = d8, Vec = vec(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, V, J)
+		; Ind = d9, Vec = vec(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, V)
+	).
+% Used only by rnd__init (via seed1).
 :- pred set(vec, int, int, vec).
 :- mode set(in, in, in, out) is det.
 :- mode set(in, in(bound(0)), in, out) is det.
@@ -267,32 +337,28 @@
 :- mode set(in, in(bound(9)), in, out) is det.
 set(Vec0, Ind, V, Vec) :-
-	Vec0 = vec(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J),
+	setd(Vec0, int2vec_digit_nr(Ind), V, Vec).
+:- func int2vec_digit_nr(int) = vec_digit_nr.
+int2vec_digit_nr(Int) = Dig :-
-		( Ind = 0, Vec1 = vec(V, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)
-		; Ind = 1, Vec1 = vec(A, V, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)
-		; Ind = 2, Vec1 = vec(A, B, V, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)
-		; Ind = 3, Vec1 = vec(A, B, C, V, E, F, G, H, I, J)
-		; Ind = 4, Vec1 = vec(A, B, C, D, V, F, G, H, I, J)
-		; Ind = 5, Vec1 = vec(A, B, C, D, E, V, G, H, I, J)
-		; Ind = 6, Vec1 = vec(A, B, C, D, E, F, V, H, I, J)
-		; Ind = 7, Vec1 = vec(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, V, I, J)
-		; Ind = 8, Vec1 = vec(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, V, J)
-		; Ind = 9, Vec1 = vec(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, V)
+		( Int = 0, Dig0 = d0
+		; Int = 1, Dig0 = d1
+		; Int = 2, Dig0 = d2
+		; Int = 3, Dig0 = d3
+		; Int = 4, Dig0 = d4
+		; Int = 5, Dig0 = d5
+		; Int = 6, Dig0 = d6
+		; Int = 7, Dig0 = d7
+		; Int = 8, Dig0 = d8
+		; Int = 9, Dig0 = d9
-		Vec = Vec1
+		Dig = Dig0
-		error("set: out of range")
+		error("int2vec_degit_nr: out of range")
-:- func rfloat(int) = float.
-:- pragma c_code(rfloat(I::in) = (F::out), "F = I;").
-:- func rint(float) = int.
-:- pragma c_code(rint(F::in) = (I::out), "I = F;").
Index: tutes/T1.html
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/extras/quickcheck/tutes/T1.html,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -d -u -r1.3 T1.html
--- tutes/T1.html	24 Feb 2002 23:28:49 -0000	1.3
+++ tutes/T1.html	16 Mar 2002 06:17:03 -0000
@@ -153,9 +153,9 @@
         testing2(Xs, Ys) = (Left `===` Right) :-
                 nrev2((Xs ++ Ys), Left),
-                nrev2(Ys, Part_a),
-                nrev2(Ys, Part_b),
-                Right = Part_a ++ Part_b.
+                nrev2(Ys, YRev),
+                nrev2(Xs, XRev),
+                Right = YRev ++ XRev.
 Above code is effectively the same as testing/2, however it requires a few extra
 lines to extract the intermediate values, (use1.m):
@@ -189,9 +189,9 @@
 :- func testing2(list(int), list(int)) = property.
 testing2(Xs, Ys) = (Left `===` Right) :-
         nrev2((Xs ++ Ys), Left),
-        nrev2(Ys, Part_a),
-        nrev2(Xs, Part_b),
-        Right = Part_a ++ Part_b.
+        nrev2(Ys, YRev),
+        nrev2(Xs, XRev),
+        Right = YRev ++ XRev.
 An alternative to writing a separate invariant function is to
 use Mercury's syntax for higher order terms.  When doing this,
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
 <p>QuickCheck does not care what happens inside Invariant_Function_X. If 
 the output does not contain 'flag:no', the invariant function is assumed to 
-pass the testcase satisfactory.
+pass the testcase satisfactorily.
 <p>See <a href="T4.html">part 4 of the tutorial</a> to get the details
 on each individual flag.
Index: tutes/T5.html
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/extras/quickcheck/tutes/T5.html,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -d -u -r1.3 T5.html
--- tutes/T5.html	24 Feb 2002 23:28:49 -0000	1.3
+++ tutes/T5.html	16 Mar 2002 06:17:03 -0000
@@ -40,87 +40,39 @@
 before compiling. 
-The default generator for int is rand_int/2, which has distribution:
+The default generator for int is <code>rand_int</code>/2, which has distribution:
-<td> 50%
-<td> even distribution in the range [-100, 100]
-<td> 50%
-<td> even distribution in the range (-2^31, 2^31)
-        <br>(This will probably change to [int__min_int, int__max_int] in
-        a future version.)
+<tr><td> 8% <td><code>int__max_int</code>
+<tr><td> 7% <td><code>int__min_int</code>
+<tr><td> 4% <td>0
+<tr><td>46% <td>uniform distribution in the range [-100, 100]
+<tr><td>35% <td>uniform distribution in the range
+                [<code>int__min_int</code>, <code>int__max_int</code>]
-<table border=0 width="100%" bgcolor="#eeeee0"><tr><td><pre>
-:- func rand_int(rnd, rnd) = int.
-:- mode rand_int(in, out) = out is det.
-rand_int(BS0, BS) = Int :-
-        Temp = rand_allint(BS0, BS1) rem 2,
-        (if     Temp = 0 
-         then
-                irange(-100, 100, Int, BS1, BS)
-         else
-                Int = rand_allint(BS1, BS)
-        ).  
+<p>The default for <code>char</code> is <code>rand_char</code>/2,
+which currently generates characters with a uniform distribution
+over [<code>char__min_char_value</code>, <code>char__max_char_value</code>].
+(Maybe in future a non-uniform distribution will be used, as is done for
-:- func rand_allint(rnd, rnd) = int.
-:- mode rand_allint(in, out) = out is det.
-rand_allint(BS0, BS) = Int :-
-        next(1, Sign, BS0, BS1),
-        next(31, TempInt, BS1, BS),
-        ( Sign > 0 ->
-            Int =  TempInt 
-        ;
-            Int = -TempInt
-        ).
-Default for char is rand_char/2, with even spread over 
-char__to_int(Char, X) where X is (-1000, 1000).
-<!-- Maybe insert `∩ {I : some[C] char__to_int(C, I)}' or English comment. -->
-<table border=0 width="100%" bgcolor="#eeeee0"><tr><td><pre>
-:- func rand_char(rnd, rnd) = char.
-:- mode rand_char(in, out) = out is det.
-rand_char(RS0, RS) = Char :-
-                Int = rand_allint(RS0, RS1) rem 1000,
-                (if     char__to_int(Char0, Int) 
-                 then
-                        Char = Char0,
-                        RS = RS1
-                 else
-                        Char = rand_char(RS1, RS)
-                ).
-Default for float is rand_float/2, which has roughly even 
-distribution over all discrete values for a 32-bit float.
-If machine is less then 32bits, overfloat occurs. It should still
-cover all possible values, but may alter distribution.
-If machine is more than 32bits, rand_float/2 will miss some values 
-but retains even distribution. 
+<p>The default for <code>float</code> is <code>rand_float</code>/2,
+which more or less generates a random 64-bit value
+and returns the float with that bit-pattern representation;
+except that currently it never returns certain "strange" values like
+or negative zero.
+(This may change once Mercury's float support stabilizes.)
-<table border=0 width="100%" bgcolor="#eeeee0"><tr><td><pre>
-:- func rand_float(rnd, rnd) = float. 
-:- mode rand_float(in, out) = out is det.
-rand_float(BS0, BS) = Flt :-
-        next(31, Mant0, BS0, BS1),
-        next(1, Sign, BS1, BS2),
-        ( Sign > 0 ->
-            Mant = Mant0
-        ;
-            Mant = -Mant0
-        ),
-        next(7, Exp, BS2, BS3),
-        next(1, ExpSign, BS3, BS),
-        Flt0 = float(Mant) * pow(2.0, Exp),
-        ( ExpSign > 0, Flt0 \= 0.0 ->
-            Flt = 1.0/Flt0
-        ;
-            Flt = Flt0
-        ).
-Default for string is rand_string/2, each element is generated by 
+<p>Maybe a future version of <code>rand_float</code>
+will assign greater probability to
+values to values most likely to cause bugs (see comments in the source code).
+<p>The default for string is <code>rand_string</code>/2,
+each element is generated by <code>rand_char</code>/2.
 <table summary="The probability of the string having length i is 0.9^i * 0.1.">
  <td>0.9^0 * 0.1
@@ -179,6 +131,8 @@
 junk(A, B, C, D) = 
         {A,B,C,D} `>>>` [yes].
 There are a few thing to note about use51.m :
         qcheck(qcheck__f(junk), "just to show the inputs", 5, [], []).
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