[m-rev.] diff: ml_unify_gen.m -> ml_unify_gen + ml_closure_gen.m

Fergus Henderson fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Mon Mar 4 18:31:20 AEDT 2002

Estimated hours taken: 1
Branches: main

Move the code for constructing closures from ml_unify_gen.m
into a new module ml_closure_gen.m.

	Move ml_make_boxed_types and fixup_builtin_module from
	ml_unify_gen.m to ml_code_util.m, for use by ml_closure_gen.m.

	Export ml_gen_new_object, for use by ml_closure_gen.m.

	Import ml_closure_gen.m, for ml_gen_closure_wrapper.

	Move the code for constructing closures from ml_unify_gen.m
	into a new module ml_closure_gen.m.

	Mention the new module.

Workspace: /home/ceres/fjh/mercury
Index: compiler/ml_closure_gen.m
RCS file: compiler/ml_closure_gen.m
diff -N compiler/ml_closure_gen.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ compiler/ml_closure_gen.m	4 Mar 2002 07:04:56 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,836 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1999-2002 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: ml_closure_gen.m
+% Main author: fjh
+% This module is part of the MLDS code generator.
+% It handles generation of MLDS code to construct closures.
+:- module ml_closure_gen.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module prog_data.
+:- import_module hlds_pred, hlds_goal.
+:- import_module mlds, ml_code_util.
+:- import_module list.
+	%
+	% ml_gen_closure(PredId, ProcId, EvalMethod, Var, ArgVars, ArgModes,
+	% 		HowToConstruct, Context, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements):
+	%
+	% 	Generate code to construct a closure for the procedure
+	%	specified by PredId and ProcId, with the partially applied
+	%	arguments specified by ArgVars (and ArgModes),
+	%	and to store the pointer to the resulting closure in Var.
+:- pred ml_gen_closure(pred_id, proc_id, lambda_eval_method, prog_var,
+		prog_vars, list(uni_mode), how_to_construct, prog_context,
+		mlds__defns, mlds__statements, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_closure(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out, out, in, out)
+		is det.
+	%
+	% ml_gen_closure_wrapper(PredId, ProcId, Offset, NumClosureArgs,
+	%	Context, WrapperFuncRval, WrapperFuncType):
+	%
+	% Generates a wrapper function which unboxes the input arguments,
+	% calls the specified procedure, passing it some extra arguments
+	% from the closure, and then boxes the output arguments.
+	% It adds the definition of this wrapper function to the extra_defns
+	% field in the ml_gen_info, and return the wrapper function's
+	% rval and type.
+	%
+	% The NumClosuresArgs parameter specifies how many arguments
+	% to extract from the closure.  The Offset parameter specifies
+	% the offset to add to the argument number to get the field
+	% number within the closure.  (Argument numbers start from 1,
+	% and field numbers start from 0.)
+	%
+:- pred ml_gen_closure_wrapper(pred_id, proc_id, int, int, prog_context,
+		mlds__rval, mlds__type, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_closure_wrapper(in, in, in, in, in, out, out,
+		in, out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module hlds_module.
+:- import_module code_model, pseudo_type_info, rtti.
+:- import_module ml_unify_gen, ml_call_gen, rtti_to_mlds.
+:- import_module type_util, mode_util, error_util.
+:- import_module options, globals.
+% XXX The following modules depend on the LLDS,
+% so ideally they should not be used here.
+:- import_module continuation_info. % needed for `generate_closure_layout'
+:- import_module stack_layout.      % needed for `represent_locn_as_int'
+:- import_module llds.       	    % needed for `layout_locn'
+:- import_module assoc_list, bool, int, map, set, std_util, string, term.
+ml_gen_closure(PredId, ProcId, EvalMethod, Var, ArgVars, ArgModes,
+		HowToConstruct, Context, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) -->
+	% This constructs a closure.
+	% The representation of closures for the LLDS backend is defined in
+	% runtime/mercury_ho_call.h.
+	% XXX should we use a different representation for closures
+	% in the MLDS backend?
+	(
+		{ EvalMethod = normal }
+	;
+		{ EvalMethod = (aditi_bottom_up) },
+		% XXX not yet implemented
+		{ sorry(this_file, "`aditi_bottom_up' closures") }
+	;
+		{ EvalMethod = (aditi_top_down) },
+		% XXX not yet implemented
+		{ sorry(this_file, "`aditi_top_down' closures") }
+	),
+	%
+	% Generate a value for the closure layout;
+	% this is a static constant that holds information
+	% about how the structure of this closure.
+	%
+	ml_gen_closure_layout(PredId, ProcId, Context,
+		ClosureLayoutRval, ClosureLayoutType,
+		ClosureLayoutDecls),
+	%
+	% Generate a wrapper function which just unboxes the
+	% arguments and then calls the specified procedure,
+	% and put the address of the wrapper function in the closure.
+	%
+	% ml_gen_closure_wrapper will insert the wrapper function in the
+	% extra_defns field in the ml_gen_info; ml_gen_proc will extract
+	% it and will insert it before the mlds__defn for the current
+	% procedure.
+	%
+	{ Offset = ml_closure_arg_offset },
+	{ list__length(ArgVars, NumArgs) },
+	ml_gen_closure_wrapper(PredId, ProcId, Offset, NumArgs,
+		Context, WrapperFuncRval0, WrapperFuncType0),
+	%
+	% Compute the rval which holds the number of arguments
+	%
+	{ NumArgsRval0 = const(int_const(NumArgs)) },
+	{ NumArgsType0 = mlds__native_int_type },
+	%
+	% put all the extra arguments of the closure together
+	% Note that we need to box these arguments, except for
+	% the closure layout, which is already a reference type.
+	%
+	{ NumArgsRval = unop(box(NumArgsType0), NumArgsRval0) },
+	{ NumArgsType = mlds__generic_type },
+	{ WrapperFuncRval = unop(box(WrapperFuncType0), WrapperFuncRval0) },
+	{ WrapperFuncType = mlds__generic_type },
+	{ ExtraArgRvals = [ClosureLayoutRval, WrapperFuncRval, NumArgsRval] },
+	{ ExtraArgTypes = [ClosureLayoutType, WrapperFuncType, NumArgsType] },
+	%
+	% the pointer will not be tagged (i.e. the tag will be zero)
+	%
+	{ MaybeConsId = no },
+	{ MaybeConsName = no },
+	{ PrimaryTag = 0 },
+	{ MaybeSecondaryTag = no },
+	%
+	% generate a `new_object' statement (or static constant)
+	% for the closure
+	%
+	ml_gen_new_object(MaybeConsId, PrimaryTag, MaybeSecondaryTag,
+		MaybeConsName, Var, ExtraArgRvals, ExtraArgTypes, ArgVars,
+		ArgModes, HowToConstruct, Context,
+		MLDS_Decls0, MLDS_Statements),
+	{ MLDS_Decls = ClosureLayoutDecls ++ MLDS_Decls0 }.
+	%
+	% Generate a value for the closure layout struct.
+	% See MR_Closure_Layout in ../runtime/mercury_ho_call.h.
+	%
+	% Note that the code here is similar to code in stack_layout.m;
+	% any changes here may need to be reflected there, and vice versa.
+	%
+:- pred ml_gen_closure_layout(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, prog_context::in,
+		mlds__rval::out, mlds__type::out, mlds__defns::out,
+		ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
+ml_gen_closure_layout(PredId, ProcId, Context,
+		ClosureLayoutRval, ClosureLayoutType,
+		ClosureLayoutDefns) -->
+	=(Info),
+	{ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(Info, ModuleInfo) },
+	{ continuation_info__generate_closure_layout(
+		ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, ClosureLayoutInfo) },
+	{ ml_gen_closure_proc_id(ModuleInfo, Context,
+		InitProcId, ProcIdType, ClosureProcIdDefns) },
+	{ ClosureLayoutInfo = closure_layout_info(ClosureArgs, TVarLocnMap) },
+	{ ml_stack_layout_construct_closure_args(ModuleInfo, ClosureArgs,
+		InitClosureArgs, ClosureArgTypes, ClosureArgDefns) },
+	ml_gen_info_new_const(TvarVectorSeqNum),
+	ml_format_static_const_name("typevar_vector", TvarVectorSeqNum,
+		TvarVectorName),
+	{ ml_stack_layout_construct_tvar_vector(ModuleInfo, TvarVectorName,
+		Context, TVarLocnMap, TVarVectorRval, TVarVectorType,
+		TVarDefns) },
+	{ InitTVarVector = init_obj(unop(box(TVarVectorType),
+		TVarVectorRval)) },
+	{ Inits = [InitProcId, InitTVarVector | InitClosureArgs] },
+	{ _ArgTypes = [ProcIdType, TVarVectorType | ClosureArgTypes] },
+	ml_gen_info_new_const(LayoutSeqNum),
+	ml_format_static_const_name("closure_layout", LayoutSeqNum, Name),
+	{ Access = local },
+	{ Initializer = init_array(Inits) },
+	% XXX there's no way in C to properly represent this type,
+	% since it is a struct that ends with a variable-length array.
+	% For now we just treat the whole struct as an array.
+	{ ClosureLayoutType = mlds__array_type(mlds__generic_type) },
+	{ ClosureLayoutDefn = ml_gen_static_const_defn(Name, ClosureLayoutType,
+		Access, Initializer, Context) },
+	{ ClosureLayoutDefns = ClosureProcIdDefns ++ TVarDefns ++
+		ClosureArgDefns ++ [ClosureLayoutDefn] },
+	{ module_info_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName) },
+	{ MLDS_ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ModuleName) },
+	{ ClosureLayoutRval = lval(var(qual(MLDS_ModuleName, Name),
+		ClosureLayoutType)) }.
+:- pred ml_gen_closure_proc_id(module_info::in, prog_context::in,
+		mlds__initializer::out, mlds__type::out,
+		mlds__defns::out) is det.
+ml_gen_closure_proc_id(_ModuleInfo, _Context, InitProcId, ProcIdType,
+		ClosureProcIdDefns) :-
+	% XXX currently we don't fill in the ProcId field!
+	InitProcId = init_obj(const(null(ProcIdType))),
+	ProcIdType = mlds__generic_type,
+	ClosureProcIdDefns = [].
+	{ module_info_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName) },
+	{ term__context_file(Context, FileName) },
+	{ term__context_line(Context, LineNumber) },
+	% XXX We don't have the GoalInfo here,
+	%     so we can't compute the goal path correctly
+	%	{ goal_info_get_goal_path(GoalInfo, GoalPath) },
+	%	{ trace__path_to_string(GoalPath, GoalPathStr) },
+	{ GoalPathStr = "" },
+	% DataAddr = layout_addr(
+	% 	closure_proc_id(CallerProcLabel, SeqNo, ClosureProcLabel)),
+	% Data = layout_data(closure_proc_id_data(CallerProcLabel, SeqNo,
+	% 	ClosureProcLabel, ModuleName, FileName, LineNumber, GoalPath)),
+	% InitProcId = init_obj(const(data_addr_const(DataAddr))),
+	% ProcIdType = ...
+:- pred ml_stack_layout_construct_closure_args(module_info::in,
+	list(closure_arg_info)::in, list(mlds__initializer)::out,
+	list(mlds__type)::out, mlds__defns::out) is det.
+ml_stack_layout_construct_closure_args(ModuleInfo, ClosureArgs,
+		ClosureArgInits, ClosureArgTypes, MLDS_Defns) :-
+	list__map_foldl(ml_stack_layout_construct_closure_arg_rval(ModuleInfo),
+		ClosureArgs, ArgInitsAndTypes, [], MLDS_Defns),
+	assoc_list__keys(ArgInitsAndTypes, ArgInits),
+	assoc_list__values(ArgInitsAndTypes, ArgTypes),
+	Length = list__length(ArgInits),
+	LengthRval = const(int_const(Length)),
+	LengthType = mlds__native_int_type,
+	CastLengthRval = unop(box(LengthType), LengthRval),
+	ClosureArgInits = [init_obj(CastLengthRval) | ArgInits],
+	ClosureArgTypes = [LengthType | ArgTypes].
+:- pred ml_stack_layout_construct_closure_arg_rval(module_info::in,
+	closure_arg_info::in, pair(mlds__initializer, mlds__type)::out,
+	mlds__defns::in, mlds__defns::out) is det.
+ml_stack_layout_construct_closure_arg_rval(ModuleInfo, ClosureArg,
+		ArgInit - ArgType, MLDS_Defns0, MLDS_Defns) :-
+	ClosureArg = closure_arg_info(Type, _Inst),
+		% For a stack layout, we can treat all type variables as
+		% universally quantified. This is not the argument of a
+		% constructor, so we do not need to distinguish between type
+		% variables that are and aren't in scope; we can take the
+		% variable number directly from the procedure's tvar set.
+	ExistQTvars = [],
+	NumUnivQTvars = -1,
+	pseudo_type_info__construct_pseudo_type_info(Type, NumUnivQTvars,
+			ExistQTvars, PseudoTypeInfo),
+	ml_gen_pseudo_type_info(ModuleInfo, PseudoTypeInfo, ArgRval, ArgType,
+			MLDS_Defns0, MLDS_Defns),
+	CastArgRval = unop(box(ArgType), ArgRval),
+	ArgInit = init_obj(CastArgRval).
+:- pred ml_gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(module_info::in, pseudo_type_info::in,
+		mlds__defns::in, mlds__defns::out) is det.
+ml_gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo, Pseudo, Defns0, Defns) :-
+	ml_gen_pseudo_type_info(ModuleInfo, Pseudo, _Rval, _Type,
+		Defns0, Defns).
+:- pred ml_gen_pseudo_type_info(module_info::in, pseudo_type_info::in,
+		mlds__rval::out, mlds__type::out,
+		mlds__defns::in, mlds__defns::out) is det.
+ml_gen_pseudo_type_info(ModuleInfo, Pseudo, Rval, Type,
+		MLDS_Defns0, MLDS_Defns) :-
+	( Pseudo = type_var(N) ->
+		% type variables are represented just as integers
+		Rval = const(int_const(N)),
+		Type = mlds__native_int_type,
+		MLDS_Defns = MLDS_Defns0
+	;
+		( Pseudo = type_ctor_info(RttiTypeId0) ->
+			% for zero-arity types, we just generate a
+			% reference to the already-existing type_ctor_info
+			RttiName = type_ctor_info,
+			RttiTypeId0 = rtti_type_id(ModuleName0, _, _),
+			ModuleName = fixup_builtin_module(ModuleName0),
+			RttiTypeId = RttiTypeId0,
+			MLDS_Defns = MLDS_Defns0
+		;
+			% for other types, we need to generate a definition
+			% of the pseudo_type_info for that type,
+			% in the the current module
+			module_info_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
+			RttiData = pseudo_type_info(Pseudo),
+			rtti_data_to_name(RttiData, RttiTypeId, RttiName),
+			RttiDefns0 = rtti_data_list_to_mlds(ModuleInfo,
+				[RttiData]),
+			% rtti_data_list_to_mlds assumes that the result
+			% will be at file scope, but here we're generating it
+			% as a local, so we need to convert the access
+			% to `local'
+			RttiDefns = list__map(convert_to_local, RttiDefns0),
+			MLDS_Defns1 = RttiDefns ++ MLDS_Defns0,
+			% Generate definitions of any pseudo_type_infos
+			% referenced by this pseudotypeinfo.
+			list__foldl(ml_gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo),
+				arg_pseudo_type_infos(Pseudo),
+				MLDS_Defns1, MLDS_Defns)
+		),
+		MLDS_ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ModuleName),
+		Rval = const(data_addr_const(data_addr(MLDS_ModuleName,
+			rtti(RttiTypeId, RttiName)))),
+		Type = mlds__rtti_type(RttiName)
+	).
+:- func arg_pseudo_type_infos(pseudo_type_info) = list(pseudo_type_info).
+arg_pseudo_type_infos(type_var(_)) = [].
+arg_pseudo_type_infos(type_ctor_info(_)) = [].
+arg_pseudo_type_infos(type_info(_TypeId, ArgPTIs)) = ArgPTIs.
+arg_pseudo_type_infos(higher_order_type_info(_TypeId, _Arity, ArgPTIs)) =
+	ArgPTIs.
+:- func convert_to_local(mlds__defn) = mlds__defn.
+convert_to_local(mlds__defn(Name, Context, Flags0, Body)) =
+		mlds__defn(Name, Context, Flags, Body) :-
+	Flags = set_access(Flags0, local).
+:- pred ml_stack_layout_construct_tvar_vector(module_info::in,
+	mlds__var_name::in, prog_context::in, map(tvar, set(layout_locn))::in,
+	mlds__rval::out, mlds__type::out, mlds__defns::out) is det.
+ml_stack_layout_construct_tvar_vector(ModuleInfo, TvarVectorName, Context,
+		TVarLocnMap, MLDS_Rval, PtrType, MLDS_Defns) :-
+	PtrType = mlds__ptr_type(mlds__native_int_type),
+	ArrayType = mlds__array_type(mlds__native_int_type),
+	( map__is_empty(TVarLocnMap) ->
+		MLDS_Rval = const(null(PtrType)),
+		MLDS_Defns = []
+	;
+		Access = local,
+		ml_stack_layout_construct_tvar_rvals(TVarLocnMap,
+			Vector, _VectorTypes),
+		Initializer = init_array(Vector),
+		MLDS_Defn = ml_gen_static_const_defn(TvarVectorName, ArrayType,
+			Access, Initializer, Context),
+		MLDS_Defns = [MLDS_Defn],
+		module_info_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
+		MLDS_ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ModuleName),
+		MLDS_Rval = lval(var(qual(MLDS_ModuleName, TvarVectorName),
+			PtrType))
+	).
+:- pred ml_stack_layout_construct_tvar_rvals(map(tvar, set(layout_locn))::in,
+	list(mlds__initializer)::out, list(mlds__type)::out) is det.
+ml_stack_layout_construct_tvar_rvals(TVarLocnMap, Vector, VectorTypes) :-
+	map__to_assoc_list(TVarLocnMap, TVarLocns),
+	ml_stack_layout_construct_type_param_locn_vector(TVarLocns, 1,
+		TypeParamLocs),
+	list__length(TypeParamLocs, TypeParamsLength),
+	LengthRval = const(int_const(TypeParamsLength)),
+	Vector = [init_obj(LengthRval) | TypeParamLocs],
+	VectorTypes = list__duplicate(TypeParamsLength + 1,
+			mlds__native_int_type).
+	% Given a association list of type variables and their locations
+	% sorted on the type variables, represent them in an array of
+	% location descriptions indexed by the type variable. The next
+	% slot to fill is given by the second argument.
+:- pred ml_stack_layout_construct_type_param_locn_vector(
+	assoc_list(tvar, set(layout_locn))::in,
+	int::in, list(mlds__initializer)::out) is det.
+ml_stack_layout_construct_type_param_locn_vector([], _, []).
+ml_stack_layout_construct_type_param_locn_vector([TVar - Locns | TVarLocns],
+		CurSlot, Vector) :-
+	term__var_to_int(TVar, TVarNum),
+	NextSlot is CurSlot + 1,
+	( TVarNum = CurSlot ->
+		( set__remove_least(Locns, LeastLocn, _) ->
+			Locn = LeastLocn
+		;
+			unexpected(this_file,
+				"tvar has empty set of locations")
+		),
+		stack_layout__represent_locn_as_int(Locn, LocnAsInt),
+		Rval = const(int_const(LocnAsInt)),
+		ml_stack_layout_construct_type_param_locn_vector(TVarLocns,
+			NextSlot, VectorTail),
+		Vector = [init_obj(Rval) | VectorTail]
+	; TVarNum > CurSlot ->
+		% This slot will never be referred to.
+		ml_stack_layout_construct_type_param_locn_vector(
+			[TVar - Locns | TVarLocns], NextSlot, VectorTail),
+		Vector = [init_obj(const(int_const(0))) | VectorTail]
+	;
+		unexpected(this_file,
+			"unsorted tvars in construct_type_param_locn_vector")
+	).
+	%
+	% ml_gen_closure_wrapper:
+	% 	see comment in interface section for details.
+	% 
+	% This is used to create wrappers both for ordinary closures and
+	% also for type class methods.
+	%
+	% The generated function will be of the following form:
+	%
+	%	foo_wrapper(void *closure_arg,
+	%			MR_Box wrapper_arg1, MR_Box *wrapper_arg2,
+	%			..., MR_Box wrapper_argn)
+	%	{
+	%		FooClosure *closure;
+	%		...
+	%		/* declarations needed for converting output args */
+	%		Arg2Type conv_arg2;
+	%		...
+	% #if MODEL_SEMI
+	%		MR_bool succeeded;
+	% #endif
+	%		
+	%		closure = closure_arg; 	/* XXX should add cast */
+	%
+	%	    CONJ(code_model, 
+	%		/* call function, boxing/unboxing inputs if needed */
+	%		foo(closure->f1, unbox(closure->f2), ...,
+	%			unbox(wrapper_arg1), &conv_arg2,
+	%			wrapper_arg3, ...);
+	%	    ,
+	%		/* box output arguments */
+	%		*wrapper_arg2 = box(conv_arg2);
+	%		...
+	%	    )
+	%	}
+	%
+	% where the stuff in CONJ() expands to the appropriate code
+	% for a conjunction, which depends on the code model:
+	%
+	% #if MODEL_DET
+	%		/* call function, boxing/unboxing inputs if needed */
+	%		foo(closure->f1, unbox(closure->f2), ...,
+	%			unbox(wrapper_arg1), &conv_arg2,
+	%			wrapper_arg3, ...);
+	%
+	%		/* box output arguments */
+	%		*wrapper_arg2 = box(conv_arg2);
+	%		...
+	% #elif MODEL_SEMI
+	%		/* call function, boxing/unboxing inputs if needed */
+	%		succeeded = foo(closure->f1, unbox(closure->f2), ...,
+	%			unbox(wrapper_arg1), &conv_arg2,
+	%			wrapper_arg3, ...);
+	%		
+	%		if (succeeded) {
+	%			/* box output arguments */
+	%			*wrapper_arg2 = box(conv_arg2);
+	%			...
+	%		}
+	%
+	%		return succeeded;
+	%	}
+	% #else /* MODEL_NON */
+	%		foo_1() {
+	%			/* box output arguments */
+	%			*wrapper_arg2 = box(conv_arg2);
+	%			...
+	%			(*succ_cont)();
+	%		}
+	%			
+	%		/* call function, boxing/unboxing inputs if needed */
+	%		foo(closure->f1, unbox(closure->f2), ...,
+	%			unbox(wrapper_arg1), &conv_arg2,
+	%			wrapper_arg3, ...,
+	%			foo_1);
+	% #endif
+	%
+ml_gen_closure_wrapper(PredId, ProcId, Offset, NumClosureArgs,
+		Context, WrapperFuncRval, WrapperFuncType) -->
+	%
+	% grab the relevant information about the called procedure
+	%
+	=(Info),
+	{ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(Info, ModuleInfo) },
+	{ module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
+		PredInfo, ProcInfo) },
+	{ pred_info_get_is_pred_or_func(PredInfo, PredOrFunc) },
+	{ proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo, ProcHeadVars) },
+	{ proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo, ProcArgModes) },
+	{ proc_info_interface_code_model(ProcInfo, CodeModel) },
+	{ proc_info_varset(ProcInfo, ProcVarSet) },
+	{ ProcArity = list__length(ProcHeadVars) },
+	{ ProcHeadVarNames = ml_gen_var_names(ProcVarSet, ProcHeadVars) },
+	%
+	% allocate some fresh type variables to use as the Mercury types
+	% of the boxed arguments
+	% XXX The accurate GC handling for closures arguments is wrong
+	%
+	{ ProcBoxedArgTypes = ml_make_boxed_types(ProcArity) },
+	%
+	% compute the parameters for the wrapper function
+	%	(void *closure_arg,
+	%	MR_Box wrapper_arg1, MR_Box *wrapper_arg2, ...,
+	%	MR_Box wrapper_argn)
+	%
+	% first generate the declarations for the boxed arguments
+	{ 
+		list__drop(NumClosureArgs, ProcHeadVars, WrapperHeadVars0),
+		list__drop(NumClosureArgs, ProcArgModes, WrapperArgModes0),
+		list__drop(NumClosureArgs, ProcBoxedArgTypes,
+			WrapperBoxedArgTypes0)
+	->
+		WrapperHeadVars = WrapperHeadVars0,
+		WrapperArgModes = WrapperArgModes0,
+		WrapperBoxedArgTypes = WrapperBoxedArgTypes0
+	;
+		unexpected(this_file,
+			"ml_gen_closure_wrapper: list__drop failed")
+	},
+	{ WrapperHeadVarNames = ml_gen_wrapper_head_var_names(1,
+		list__length(WrapperHeadVars)) },
+	ml_gen_params(WrapperHeadVarNames, WrapperBoxedArgTypes,
+		WrapperArgModes, PredOrFunc, CodeModel, WrapperParams0),
+	% then insert the `closure_arg' parameter
+	{ ClosureArgType = mlds__generic_type },
+	% XXX FIXME The GC handling for closures is wrong
+	{ GC_TraceCode = no },
+	{ ClosureArg = mlds__argument(
+		data(var(var_name("closure_arg", no))),
+		ClosureArgType,
+		GC_TraceCode) },
+	{ WrapperParams0 = mlds__func_params(WrapperArgs0, WrapperRetType) },
+	{ WrapperParams = mlds__func_params([ClosureArg | WrapperArgs0],
+		WrapperRetType) },
+	% also compute the lvals for the parameters,
+	% and local declarations for any --copy-out output parameters
+	ml_gen_wrapper_arg_lvals(WrapperHeadVarNames, WrapperBoxedArgTypes,
+		WrapperArgModes, PredOrFunc, CodeModel, Context,
+		WrapperHeadVarDecls, WrapperHeadVarLvals, WrapperCopyOutLvals),
+	%
+	% generate code to declare and initialize the closure pointer.
+	% XXX we should use a struct type for the closure, but
+	% currently we're using a low-level data representation
+	% in the closure
+	%
+	%	FooClosure *closure;
+	% #else
+	%	void *closure;
+	% #endif
+	%	closure = closure_arg;
+	%
+	{ ClosureName = mlds__var_name("closure", no) },
+	{ ClosureArgName = mlds__var_name("closure_arg", no) },
+	{ MLDS_Context = mlds__make_context(Context) },
+	{ ClosureType = mlds__generic_type },
+	% XXX FIXME The GC handling for closures is wrong
+	{ GC_TraceCode = no },
+	{ ClosureDecl = ml_gen_mlds_var_decl(var(ClosureName),
+		ClosureType, GC_TraceCode, MLDS_Context) },
+	ml_gen_var_lval(ClosureName, ClosureType, ClosureLval),
+	ml_gen_var_lval(ClosureArgName, ClosureArgType, ClosureArgLval),
+	{ InitClosure = ml_gen_assign(ClosureLval, lval(ClosureArgLval),
+		Context) },
+	%
+	% if the wrapper function is model_non, then
+	% set up the initial success continuation;
+	% this is needed by ml_gen_call which we call below
+	%
+	( { CodeModel = model_non } ->
+		{ module_info_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals) },
+		{ globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, nondet_copy_out,
+			NondetCopyOut) },
+		( { NondetCopyOut = yes } ->
+			{ map__from_corresponding_lists(WrapperHeadVarLvals,
+				WrapperBoxedArgTypes, WrapperBoxedVarTypes) },
+			{ WrapperOutputLvals = select_output_vars(ModuleInfo,
+				WrapperHeadVarLvals, WrapperArgModes,
+				WrapperBoxedVarTypes) },
+			{ WrapperOutputTypes = map__apply_to_list(
+				WrapperOutputLvals, WrapperBoxedVarTypes) },
+			ml_initial_cont(WrapperOutputLvals, WrapperOutputTypes,
+				InitialCont)
+		;
+			ml_initial_cont([], [], InitialCont)
+		),
+		ml_gen_info_push_success_cont(InitialCont)
+	;
+		[]
+	),
+	% prepare to generate code to call the function:
+	% XXX currently we're using a low-level data representation
+	% in the closure
+	%
+	%	foo(
+	%		closure->arg1, closure->arg2, ...,
+	% #else
+	%		MR_field(MR_mktag(0), closure, 3),
+	%		MR_field(MR_mktag(0), closure, 4),
+	%		...
+	% #endif
+	%		unbox(wrapper_arg1), &conv_arg2, wrapper_arg3, ...
+	%	);
+	%
+	ml_gen_closure_field_lvals(ClosureLval, Offset, 1, NumClosureArgs,
+		ClosureArgLvals),
+	{ CallLvals = list__append(ClosureArgLvals, WrapperHeadVarLvals) },
+	ml_gen_call(PredId, ProcId, ProcHeadVarNames, CallLvals,
+		ProcBoxedArgTypes, CodeModel, Context, Decls0, Statements0),
+	% insert the stuff to declare and initialize the closure
+	{ Decls1 = [ClosureDecl | Decls0] },
+	{ Statements1 = [InitClosure | Statements0] },
+	%
+	% For semidet code, add the declaration `MR_bool succeeded;'
+	%
+	( { CodeModel = model_semi } ->
+		{ SucceededVarDecl = ml_gen_succeeded_var_decl(MLDS_Context) },
+		{ Decls2 = [SucceededVarDecl | Decls1] }
+	;
+		{ Decls2 = Decls1 }
+	),
+	% Add an appropriate `return' statement
+	ml_append_return_statement(CodeModel, WrapperCopyOutLvals, Context,
+		Statements1, Statements),
+	%
+	% Insert the local declarations of the wrapper's output arguments,
+	% if any (this is needed for `--nondet-copy-out')
+	%
+	{ Decls = list__append(WrapperHeadVarDecls, Decls2) },
+	%
+	% if the wrapper function was model_non, then
+	% pop the success continuation that we pushed
+	%
+	( { CodeModel = model_non } ->
+		ml_gen_info_pop_success_cont
+	;
+		[]
+	),
+	%
+	% Put it all together
+	%
+	{ WrapperFuncBody = ml_gen_block(Decls, Statements, Context) },
+	ml_gen_new_func_label(yes(WrapperParams), WrapperFuncName,
+		WrapperFuncRval),
+	ml_gen_wrapper_func(WrapperFuncName, WrapperParams, Context,
+		WrapperFuncBody, WrapperFunc),
+	{ WrapperFuncType = mlds__func_type(WrapperParams) },
+	ml_gen_info_add_extra_defn(WrapperFunc).
+:- pred ml_gen_wrapper_func(ml_label_func, mlds__func_params, prog_context,
+		mlds__statement, mlds__defn, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_wrapper_func(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+ml_gen_wrapper_func(FuncLabel, FuncParams, Context, Statement, Func) -->
+	ml_gen_label_func(FuncLabel, FuncParams, Context, Statement, Func0),
+	{ Func0 = mlds__defn(Name, Ctxt, DeclFlags0, Defn) },
+	{ DeclFlags1 = set_per_instance(DeclFlags0, one_copy) },
+	{ DeclFlags = set_access(DeclFlags1, private) },
+	{ Func = mlds__defn(Name, Ctxt, DeclFlags, Defn) }.
+:- func ml_gen_wrapper_head_var_names(int, int) = list(mlds__var_name).
+ml_gen_wrapper_head_var_names(Num, Max) = Names :-
+	( Num > Max ->
+		Names = []
+	;
+		Name = string__format("wrapper_arg_%d", [i(Num)]),
+		Names1 = ml_gen_wrapper_head_var_names(Num + 1, Max),
+		Names = [mlds__var_name(Name, no) | Names1]
+	).
+	% ml_gen_wrapper_arg_lvals(HeadVarNames, Types, ArgModes,
+	%		PredOrFunc, CodeModel, LocalVarDefns, HeadVarLvals):
+	%	Generate lvals for the specified head variables
+	%	passed in the specified modes.
+	%	Also generate local definitions for output variables,
+	%	if those output variables will be copied out,
+	%	rather than passed by reference.
+	%
+:- pred ml_gen_wrapper_arg_lvals(list(var_name), list(prog_type), list(mode),
+		pred_or_func, code_model, prog_context,
+		list(mlds__defn), list(mlds__lval), list(mlds__lval),
+		ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_wrapper_arg_lvals(in, in, in, in, in, in, out, out, out, in, out)
+		is det.
+ml_gen_wrapper_arg_lvals(Names, Types, Modes, PredOrFunc, CodeModel, Context,
+		Defns, Lvals, CopyOutLvals) -->
+	(
+		{ Names = [], Types = [], Modes = [] }
+	->
+		{ Lvals = [] },
+		{ CopyOutLvals = [] },
+		{ Defns = [] }
+	;
+		{ Names = [Name | Names1] },
+		{ Types = [Type | Types1] },
+		{ Modes = [Mode | Modes1] }
+	->
+		ml_gen_wrapper_arg_lvals(Names1, Types1, Modes1,
+			PredOrFunc, CodeModel, Context,
+			Defns1, Lvals1, CopyOutLvals1),
+		ml_gen_type(Type, MLDS_Type),
+		ml_gen_var_lval(Name, MLDS_Type, VarLval),
+		=(Info),
+		{ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(Info, ModuleInfo) },
+		{ mode_to_arg_mode(ModuleInfo, Mode, Type, ArgMode) },
+		( { ArgMode = top_in } ->
+			{ Lval = VarLval },
+			{ CopyOutLvals = CopyOutLvals1 },
+			{ Defns = Defns1 }
+		;
+			%
+			% handle output variables
+			%
+			ml_gen_info_get_globals(Globals),
+			{ CopyOut = get_copy_out_option(Globals, CodeModel) },
+			(
+				{
+					CopyOut = yes
+				;
+					% for model_det functions,
+					% output mode function results
+					% are mapped to MLDS return values
+					PredOrFunc = function,
+					CodeModel = model_det,
+					ArgMode = top_out,
+					Types1 = [],
+					\+ type_util__is_dummy_argument_type(
+						Type)
+				}
+			->
+				%
+				% output arguments are copied out,
+				% so we need to generate a local declaration
+				% for them here
+				%
+				{ Lval = VarLval },
+				( { type_util__is_dummy_argument_type(Type) } ->
+					{ CopyOutLvals = CopyOutLvals1 },
+					{ Defns = Defns1 }
+				;
+					{ CopyOutLvals = [Lval |
+						CopyOutLvals1] },
+					ml_gen_local_for_output_arg(Name, Type,
+						Context, Defn),
+					{ Defns = [Defn | Defns1] }
+				)
+			;
+				%
+				% output arguments are passed by reference,
+				% so we need to dereference them
+				%
+				{ Lval = mem_ref(lval(VarLval), MLDS_Type) },
+				{ CopyOutLvals = CopyOutLvals1 },
+				{ Defns = Defns1 }
+			)
+		),
+		{ Lvals = [Lval | Lvals1] }
+	;
+		{ sorry(this_file,
+			"ml_gen_wrapper_arg_lvals: length mismatch") }
+	).
+:- pred ml_gen_local_for_output_arg(var_name, prog_type, prog_context,
+		mlds__defn, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_local_for_output_arg(in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+ml_gen_local_for_output_arg(VarName, Type, Context, LocalVarDefn) -->
+	%
+	% Generate a declaration for a corresponding local variable.
+	%
+	ml_gen_var_decl(VarName, Type, Context, LocalVarDefn).
+:- pred ml_gen_closure_field_lvals(mlds__lval, int, int, int,
+		list(mlds__lval),
+		ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_closure_field_lvals(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+ml_gen_closure_field_lvals(ClosureLval, Offset, ArgNum, NumClosureArgs,
+		ClosureArgLvals) -->
+	( { ArgNum > NumClosureArgs } ->
+		{ ClosureArgLvals = [] }
+	;
+		%
+		% generate `MR_field(MR_mktag(0), closure, <N>)'
+		%
+		{ FieldId = offset(const(int_const(ArgNum + Offset))) },
+			% XXX these types might not be right
+		{ FieldLval = field(yes(0), lval(ClosureLval), FieldId,
+			mlds__generic_type, mlds__generic_type) },
+		%
+		% recursively handle the remaining fields
+		%
+		ml_gen_closure_field_lvals(ClosureLval, Offset, ArgNum + 1,
+			NumClosureArgs, ClosureArgLvals0),
+		{ ClosureArgLvals = [FieldLval | ClosureArgLvals0] }
+	).
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "ml_closure_gen.m".
+:- end_module ml_closure_gen.
Index: compiler/ml_code_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_code_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.56
diff -u -d -r1.56 ml_code_util.m
--- compiler/ml_code_util.m	3 Mar 2002 13:43:47 -0000	1.56
+++ compiler/ml_code_util.m	4 Mar 2002 07:14:22 -0000
@@ -138,6 +138,12 @@
 :- func ml_string_type = mlds__type.
+	% Allocate some fresh type variables to use as the Mercury types
+	% of boxed objects (e.g. to get the argument types for tuple
+	% constructors or closure constructors).  Note that this should
+	% only be used in cases where the tvarset doesn't matter.
+:- func ml_make_boxed_types(arity) = list(prog_type).
 % Routines for generating function declarations (i.e. mlds__func_params).
@@ -548,6 +554,13 @@
 	% option, depending on the code model.
 :- func get_copy_out_option(globals, code_model) = bool.
+	% Add the qualifier `builtin' to any unqualified name.
+	% Although the builtin types `int', `float', etc. are treated as part
+	% of the `builtin' module, for historical reasons they don't have
+	% any qualifiers in the HLDS, so we need to add the `builtin'
+	% qualifier before converting such names to MLDS.
+:- func fixup_builtin_module(module_name) = module_name.
@@ -1053,6 +1066,11 @@
 ml_string_type = mercury_type(string_type, str_type,
+ml_make_boxed_types(Arity) = BoxedTypes :-
+	varset__init(TypeVarSet0),
+	varset__new_vars(TypeVarSet0, Arity, BoxedTypeVars, _TypeVarSet),
+	term__var_list_to_term_list(BoxedTypeVars, BoxedTypes).
 % Code for generating function declarations (i.e. mlds__func_params).
@@ -2748,6 +2766,14 @@
 			det_copy_out, CopyOut)
+	).
+	% Add the qualifier `builtin' to any unqualified name.
+fixup_builtin_module(ModuleName0) = ModuleName :-
+	( ModuleName0 = unqualified("") ->
+		mercury_public_builtin_module(ModuleName)
+	;
+		ModuleName = ModuleName0
Index: compiler/ml_unify_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_unify_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.53
diff -u -d -r1.53 ml_unify_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_unify_gen.m	3 Mar 2002 13:43:49 -0000	1.53
+++ compiler/ml_unify_gen.m	4 Mar 2002 07:07:20 -0000
@@ -16,10 +16,12 @@
 :- interface.
 :- import_module prog_data.
-:- import_module hlds_module, hlds_pred, hlds_data, hlds_goal.
+:- import_module hlds_module, hlds_data, hlds_goal.
 :- import_module code_model.
 :- import_module mlds, ml_code_util.
+:- import_module bool, list, std_util.
 	% Generate MLDS code for a unification.
@@ -53,52 +55,45 @@
 :- func ml_gen_secondary_tag_rval(tag_bits, prog_type, module_info, mlds__rval)
 	= mlds__rval.
-	%
-	% ml_gen_closure_wrapper(PredId, ProcId, Offset, NumClosureArgs,
-	%	Context, WrapperFuncRval, WrapperFuncType):
-	%
-	% Generates a wrapper function which unboxes the input arguments,
-	% calls the specified procedure, passing it some extra arguments
-	% from the closure, and then boxes the output arguments.
-	% It adds the definition of this wrapper function to the extra_defns
-	% field in the ml_gen_info, and return the wrapper function's
-	% rval and type.
-	%
-	% The NumClosuresArgs parameter specifies how many arguments
-	% to extract from the closure.  The Offset parameter specifies
-	% the offset to add to the argument number to get the field
-	% number within the closure.  (Argument numbers start from 1,
-	% and field numbers start from 0.)
-	%
-:- pred ml_gen_closure_wrapper(pred_id, proc_id, int, int, prog_context,
-		mlds__rval, mlds__type, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
-:- mode ml_gen_closure_wrapper(in, in, in, in, in, out, out,
-		in, out) is det.
 	% Generate an MLDS rval for a given reserved address,
 	% cast to the appropriate type.
 :- func ml_gen_reserved_address(module_info, reserved_address, mlds__type) =
+	%
+	% ml_gen_new_object(MaybeConsId, Tag, HasSecTag, MaybeCtorName, Var,
+	%	ExtraRvals, ExtraTypes, ArgVars, ArgModes, HowToConstruct,
+	%	Context, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements):
+	% Generate a `new_object' statement, or a static constant,
+	% depending on the value of the how_to_construct argument.
+	% The `ExtraRvals' and `ExtraTypes' arguments specify
+	% additional constants to insert at the start of the
+	% argument list.
+	%
+:- pred ml_gen_new_object(maybe(cons_id), mlds__tag, bool, maybe(ctor_name),
+		prog_var, list(mlds__rval), list(mlds__type), prog_vars,
+		list(uni_mode), how_to_construct,
+		prog_context, mlds__defns, mlds__statements,
+		ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_new_object(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out, out,
+		in, out) is det.
 :- implementation.
-:- import_module hlds_out, builtin_ops.
-:- import_module ml_code_gen, ml_call_gen, ml_type_gen.
+:- import_module hlds_pred, hlds_out, builtin_ops.
+:- import_module ml_code_gen, ml_call_gen, ml_type_gen, ml_closure_gen.
 :- import_module prog_util, type_util, mode_util.
-:- import_module pseudo_type_info, rtti, rtti_to_mlds, error_util.
+:- import_module rtti, error_util.
 :- import_module globals, options.
 % XXX The following modules depend on the LLDS,
 % so ideally they should not be used here.
 :- import_module code_util. 	    % needed for `cons_id_to_tag'.
-:- import_module continuation_info. % needed for `generate_closure_layout'
-:- import_module stack_layout.      % needed for `represent_locn_as_int'
-:- import_module llds.       	    % needed for `layout_locn'
-:- import_module bool, int, string, list, map, require, std_util, term, varset.
+:- import_module int, string, map, require, term, varset.
 :- import_module assoc_list, set.
@@ -474,20 +469,6 @@
 ml_gen_constant(pred_closure_tag(_, _, _), _, _) -->
 	{ error("ml_gen_constant: pred_closure_tag") }.
-	%
-	% Although the builtin types `int', `float', etc. are treated as part
-	% of the `builtin' module, for historical reasons they don't have
-	% any qualifiers at this point, so we need to add the `builtin'
-	% qualifier now.
-	%
-:- func fixup_builtin_module(module_name) = module_name.
-fixup_builtin_module(ModuleName0) = ModuleName :-
-	( ModuleName0 = unqualified("") ->
-		mercury_public_builtin_module(ModuleName)
-	;
-		ModuleName = ModuleName0
-	).
 % Generate an MLDS rval for a given reserved address,
@@ -541,761 +522,6 @@
 target_supports_inheritence(asm) = no.
-:- pred ml_gen_closure(pred_id, proc_id, lambda_eval_method, prog_var,
-		prog_vars, list(uni_mode), how_to_construct, prog_context,
-		mlds__defns, mlds__statements, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
-:- mode ml_gen_closure(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out, out, in, out)
-		is det.
-ml_gen_closure(PredId, ProcId, EvalMethod, Var, ArgVars, ArgModes,
-		HowToConstruct, Context, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) -->
-	% This constructs a closure.
-	% The representation of closures for the LLDS backend is defined in
-	% runtime/mercury_ho_call.h.
-	% XXX should we use a different representation for closures
-	% in the MLDS backend?
-	(
-		{ EvalMethod = normal }
-	;
-		{ EvalMethod = (aditi_bottom_up) },
-		% XXX not yet implemented
-		{ sorry(this_file, "`aditi_bottom_up' closures") }
-	;
-		{ EvalMethod = (aditi_top_down) },
-		% XXX not yet implemented
-		{ sorry(this_file, "`aditi_top_down' closures") }
-	),
-	%
-	% Generate a value for the closure layout;
-	% this is a static constant that holds information
-	% about how the structure of this closure.
-	%
-	ml_gen_closure_layout(PredId, ProcId, Context,
-		ClosureLayoutRval, ClosureLayoutType,
-		ClosureLayoutDecls),
-	%
-	% Generate a wrapper function which just unboxes the
-	% arguments and then calls the specified procedure,
-	% and put the address of the wrapper function in the closure.
-	%
-	% ml_gen_closure_wrapper will insert the wrapper function in the
-	% extra_defns field in the ml_gen_info; ml_gen_proc will extract
-	% it and will insert it before the mlds__defn for the current
-	% procedure.
-	%
-	{ Offset = ml_closure_arg_offset },
-	{ list__length(ArgVars, NumArgs) },
-	ml_gen_closure_wrapper(PredId, ProcId, Offset, NumArgs,
-		Context, WrapperFuncRval0, WrapperFuncType0),
-	%
-	% Compute the rval which holds the number of arguments
-	%
-	{ NumArgsRval0 = const(int_const(NumArgs)) },
-	{ NumArgsType0 = mlds__native_int_type },
-	%
-	% put all the extra arguments of the closure together
-	% Note that we need to box these arguments, except for
-	% the closure layout, which is already a reference type.
-	%
-	{ NumArgsRval = unop(box(NumArgsType0), NumArgsRval0) },
-	{ NumArgsType = mlds__generic_type },
-	{ WrapperFuncRval = unop(box(WrapperFuncType0), WrapperFuncRval0) },
-	{ WrapperFuncType = mlds__generic_type },
-	{ ExtraArgRvals = [ClosureLayoutRval, WrapperFuncRval, NumArgsRval] },
-	{ ExtraArgTypes = [ClosureLayoutType, WrapperFuncType, NumArgsType] },
-	%
-	% the pointer will not be tagged (i.e. the tag will be zero)
-	%
-	{ MaybeConsId = no },
-	{ MaybeConsName = no },
-	{ PrimaryTag = 0 },
-	{ MaybeSecondaryTag = no },
-	%
-	% generate a `new_object' statement (or static constant)
-	% for the closure
-	%
-	ml_gen_new_object(MaybeConsId, PrimaryTag, MaybeSecondaryTag,
-		MaybeConsName, Var, ExtraArgRvals, ExtraArgTypes, ArgVars,
-		ArgModes, HowToConstruct, Context,
-		MLDS_Decls0, MLDS_Statements),
-	{ MLDS_Decls = ClosureLayoutDecls ++ MLDS_Decls0 }.
-	%
-	% Generate a value for the closure layout struct.
-	% See MR_Closure_Layout in ../runtime/mercury_ho_call.h.
-	%
-	% Note that the code here is similar to code in stack_layout.m;
-	% any changes here may need to be reflected there, and vice versa.
-	%
-:- pred ml_gen_closure_layout(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, prog_context::in,
-		mlds__rval::out, mlds__type::out, mlds__defns::out,
-		ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
-ml_gen_closure_layout(PredId, ProcId, Context,
-		ClosureLayoutRval, ClosureLayoutType,
-		ClosureLayoutDefns) -->
-	=(Info),
-	{ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(Info, ModuleInfo) },
-	{ continuation_info__generate_closure_layout(
-		ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, ClosureLayoutInfo) },
-	{ ml_gen_closure_proc_id(ModuleInfo, Context,
-		InitProcId, ProcIdType, ClosureProcIdDefns) },
-	{ ClosureLayoutInfo = closure_layout_info(ClosureArgs, TVarLocnMap) },
-	{ ml_stack_layout_construct_closure_args(ModuleInfo, ClosureArgs,
-		InitClosureArgs, ClosureArgTypes, ClosureArgDefns) },
-	ml_gen_info_new_const(TvarVectorSeqNum),
-	ml_format_static_const_name("typevar_vector", TvarVectorSeqNum,
-		TvarVectorName),
-	{ ml_stack_layout_construct_tvar_vector(ModuleInfo, TvarVectorName,
-		Context, TVarLocnMap, TVarVectorRval, TVarVectorType,
-		TVarDefns) },
-	{ InitTVarVector = init_obj(unop(box(TVarVectorType),
-		TVarVectorRval)) },
-	{ Inits = [InitProcId, InitTVarVector | InitClosureArgs] },
-	{ _ArgTypes = [ProcIdType, TVarVectorType | ClosureArgTypes] },
-	ml_gen_info_new_const(LayoutSeqNum),
-	ml_format_static_const_name("closure_layout", LayoutSeqNum, Name),
-	{ Access = local },
-	{ Initializer = init_array(Inits) },
-	% XXX there's no way in C to properly represent this type,
-	% since it is a struct that ends with a variable-length array.
-	% For now we just treat the whole struct as an array.
-	{ ClosureLayoutType = mlds__array_type(mlds__generic_type) },
-	{ ClosureLayoutDefn = ml_gen_static_const_defn(Name, ClosureLayoutType,
-		Access, Initializer, Context) },
-	{ ClosureLayoutDefns = ClosureProcIdDefns ++ TVarDefns ++
-		ClosureArgDefns ++ [ClosureLayoutDefn] },
-	{ module_info_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName) },
-	{ MLDS_ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ModuleName) },
-	{ ClosureLayoutRval = lval(var(qual(MLDS_ModuleName, Name),
-		ClosureLayoutType)) }.
-:- pred ml_gen_closure_proc_id(module_info::in, prog_context::in,
-		mlds__initializer::out, mlds__type::out,
-		mlds__defns::out) is det.
-ml_gen_closure_proc_id(_ModuleInfo, _Context, InitProcId, ProcIdType,
-		ClosureProcIdDefns) :-
-	% XXX currently we don't fill in the ProcId field!
-	InitProcId = init_obj(const(null(ProcIdType))),
-	ProcIdType = mlds__generic_type,
-	ClosureProcIdDefns = [].
-	{ module_info_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName) },
-	{ term__context_file(Context, FileName) },
-	{ term__context_line(Context, LineNumber) },
-	% XXX We don't have the GoalInfo here,
-	%     so we can't compute the goal path correctly
-	%	{ goal_info_get_goal_path(GoalInfo, GoalPath) },
-	%	{ trace__path_to_string(GoalPath, GoalPathStr) },
-	{ GoalPathStr = "" },
-	% DataAddr = layout_addr(
-	% 	closure_proc_id(CallerProcLabel, SeqNo, ClosureProcLabel)),
-	% Data = layout_data(closure_proc_id_data(CallerProcLabel, SeqNo,
-	% 	ClosureProcLabel, ModuleName, FileName, LineNumber, GoalPath)),
-	% InitProcId = init_obj(const(data_addr_const(DataAddr))),
-	% ProcIdType = ...
-:- pred ml_stack_layout_construct_closure_args(module_info::in,
-	list(closure_arg_info)::in, list(mlds__initializer)::out,
-	list(mlds__type)::out, mlds__defns::out) is det.
-ml_stack_layout_construct_closure_args(ModuleInfo, ClosureArgs,
-		ClosureArgInits, ClosureArgTypes, MLDS_Defns) :-
-	list__map_foldl(ml_stack_layout_construct_closure_arg_rval(ModuleInfo),
-		ClosureArgs, ArgInitsAndTypes, [], MLDS_Defns),
-	assoc_list__keys(ArgInitsAndTypes, ArgInits),
-	assoc_list__values(ArgInitsAndTypes, ArgTypes),
-	Length = list__length(ArgInits),
-	LengthRval = const(int_const(Length)),
-	LengthType = mlds__native_int_type,
-	CastLengthRval = unop(box(LengthType), LengthRval),
-	ClosureArgInits = [init_obj(CastLengthRval) | ArgInits],
-	ClosureArgTypes = [LengthType | ArgTypes].
-:- pred ml_stack_layout_construct_closure_arg_rval(module_info::in,
-	closure_arg_info::in, pair(mlds__initializer, mlds__type)::out,
-	mlds__defns::in, mlds__defns::out) is det.
-ml_stack_layout_construct_closure_arg_rval(ModuleInfo, ClosureArg,
-		ArgInit - ArgType, MLDS_Defns0, MLDS_Defns) :-
-	ClosureArg = closure_arg_info(Type, _Inst),
-		% For a stack layout, we can treat all type variables as
-		% universally quantified. This is not the argument of a
-		% constructor, so we do not need to distinguish between type
-		% variables that are and aren't in scope; we can take the
-		% variable number directly from the procedure's tvar set.
-	ExistQTvars = [],
-	NumUnivQTvars = -1,
-	pseudo_type_info__construct_pseudo_type_info(Type, NumUnivQTvars,
-			ExistQTvars, PseudoTypeInfo),
-	ml_gen_pseudo_type_info(ModuleInfo, PseudoTypeInfo, ArgRval, ArgType,
-			MLDS_Defns0, MLDS_Defns),
-	CastArgRval = unop(box(ArgType), ArgRval),
-	ArgInit = init_obj(CastArgRval).
-:- pred ml_gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(module_info::in, pseudo_type_info::in,
-		mlds__defns::in, mlds__defns::out) is det.
-ml_gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo, Pseudo, Defns0, Defns) :-
-	ml_gen_pseudo_type_info(ModuleInfo, Pseudo, _Rval, _Type,
-		Defns0, Defns).
-:- pred ml_gen_pseudo_type_info(module_info::in, pseudo_type_info::in,
-		mlds__rval::out, mlds__type::out,
-		mlds__defns::in, mlds__defns::out) is det.
-ml_gen_pseudo_type_info(ModuleInfo, Pseudo, Rval, Type,
-		MLDS_Defns0, MLDS_Defns) :-
-	( Pseudo = type_var(N) ->
-		% type variables are represented just as integers
-		Rval = const(int_const(N)),
-		Type = mlds__native_int_type,
-		MLDS_Defns = MLDS_Defns0
-	;
-		( Pseudo = type_ctor_info(RttiTypeId0) ->
-			% for zero-arity types, we just generate a
-			% reference to the already-existing type_ctor_info
-			RttiName = type_ctor_info,
-			RttiTypeId0 = rtti_type_id(ModuleName0, _, _),
-			ModuleName = fixup_builtin_module(ModuleName0),
-			RttiTypeId = RttiTypeId0,
-			MLDS_Defns = MLDS_Defns0
-		;
-			% for other types, we need to generate a definition
-			% of the pseudo_type_info for that type,
-			% in the the current module
-			module_info_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
-			RttiData = pseudo_type_info(Pseudo),
-			rtti_data_to_name(RttiData, RttiTypeId, RttiName),
-			RttiDefns0 = rtti_data_list_to_mlds(ModuleInfo,
-				[RttiData]),
-			% rtti_data_list_to_mlds assumes that the result
-			% will be at file scope, but here we're generating it
-			% as a local, so we need to convert the access
-			% to `local'
-			RttiDefns = list__map(convert_to_local, RttiDefns0),
-			MLDS_Defns1 = RttiDefns ++ MLDS_Defns0,
-			% Generate definitions of any pseudo_type_infos
-			% referenced by this pseudotypeinfo.
-			list__foldl(ml_gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo),
-				arg_pseudo_type_infos(Pseudo),
-				MLDS_Defns1, MLDS_Defns)
-		),
-		MLDS_ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ModuleName),
-		Rval = const(data_addr_const(data_addr(MLDS_ModuleName,
-			rtti(RttiTypeId, RttiName)))),
-		Type = mlds__rtti_type(RttiName)
-	).
-:- func arg_pseudo_type_infos(pseudo_type_info) = list(pseudo_type_info).
-arg_pseudo_type_infos(type_var(_)) = [].
-arg_pseudo_type_infos(type_ctor_info(_)) = [].
-arg_pseudo_type_infos(type_info(_TypeId, ArgPTIs)) = ArgPTIs.
-arg_pseudo_type_infos(higher_order_type_info(_TypeId, _Arity, ArgPTIs)) =
-	ArgPTIs.
-:- func convert_to_local(mlds__defn) = mlds__defn.
-convert_to_local(mlds__defn(Name, Context, Flags0, Body)) =
-		mlds__defn(Name, Context, Flags, Body) :-
-	Flags = set_access(Flags0, local).
-:- pred ml_stack_layout_construct_tvar_vector(module_info::in,
-	mlds__var_name::in, prog_context::in, map(tvar, set(layout_locn))::in,
-	mlds__rval::out, mlds__type::out, mlds__defns::out) is det.
-ml_stack_layout_construct_tvar_vector(ModuleInfo, TvarVectorName, Context,
-		TVarLocnMap, MLDS_Rval, PtrType, MLDS_Defns) :-
-	PtrType = mlds__ptr_type(mlds__native_int_type),
-	ArrayType = mlds__array_type(mlds__native_int_type),
-	( map__is_empty(TVarLocnMap) ->
-		MLDS_Rval = const(null(PtrType)),
-		MLDS_Defns = []
-	;
-		Access = local,
-		ml_stack_layout_construct_tvar_rvals(TVarLocnMap,
-			Vector, _VectorTypes),
-		Initializer = init_array(Vector),
-		MLDS_Defn = ml_gen_static_const_defn(TvarVectorName, ArrayType,
-			Access, Initializer, Context),
-		MLDS_Defns = [MLDS_Defn],
-		module_info_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
-		MLDS_ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ModuleName),
-		MLDS_Rval = lval(var(qual(MLDS_ModuleName, TvarVectorName),
-			PtrType))
-	).
-:- pred ml_stack_layout_construct_tvar_rvals(map(tvar, set(layout_locn))::in,
-	list(mlds__initializer)::out, list(mlds__type)::out) is det.
-ml_stack_layout_construct_tvar_rvals(TVarLocnMap, Vector, VectorTypes) :-
-	map__to_assoc_list(TVarLocnMap, TVarLocns),
-	ml_stack_layout_construct_type_param_locn_vector(TVarLocns, 1,
-		TypeParamLocs),
-	list__length(TypeParamLocs, TypeParamsLength),
-	LengthRval = const(int_const(TypeParamsLength)),
-	Vector = [init_obj(LengthRval) | TypeParamLocs],
-	VectorTypes = list__duplicate(TypeParamsLength + 1,
-			mlds__native_int_type).
-	% Given a association list of type variables and their locations
-	% sorted on the type variables, represent them in an array of
-	% location descriptions indexed by the type variable. The next
-	% slot to fill is given by the second argument.
-:- pred ml_stack_layout_construct_type_param_locn_vector(
-	assoc_list(tvar, set(layout_locn))::in,
-	int::in, list(mlds__initializer)::out) is det.
-ml_stack_layout_construct_type_param_locn_vector([], _, []).
-ml_stack_layout_construct_type_param_locn_vector([TVar - Locns | TVarLocns],
-		CurSlot, Vector) :-
-	term__var_to_int(TVar, TVarNum),
-	NextSlot is CurSlot + 1,
-	( TVarNum = CurSlot ->
-		( set__remove_least(Locns, LeastLocn, _) ->
-			Locn = LeastLocn
-		;
-			error("tvar has empty set of locations")
-		),
-		stack_layout__represent_locn_as_int(Locn, LocnAsInt),
-		Rval = const(int_const(LocnAsInt)),
-		ml_stack_layout_construct_type_param_locn_vector(TVarLocns,
-			NextSlot, VectorTail),
-		Vector = [init_obj(Rval) | VectorTail]
-	; TVarNum > CurSlot ->
-		% This slot will never be referred to.
-		ml_stack_layout_construct_type_param_locn_vector(
-			[TVar - Locns | TVarLocns], NextSlot, VectorTail),
-		Vector = [init_obj(const(int_const(0))) | VectorTail]
-	;
-		error("unsorted tvars in construct_type_param_locn_vector")
-	).
-	%
-	% ml_gen_closure_wrapper:
-	% 	see comment in interface section for details.
-	% 
-	% This is used to create wrappers both for ordinary closures and
-	% also for type class methods.
-	%
-	% The generated function will be of the following form:
-	%
-	%	foo_wrapper(void *closure_arg,
-	%			MR_Box wrapper_arg1, MR_Box *wrapper_arg2,
-	%			..., MR_Box wrapper_argn)
-	%	{
-	%		FooClosure *closure;
-	%		...
-	%		/* declarations needed for converting output args */
-	%		Arg2Type conv_arg2;
-	%		...
-	% #if MODEL_SEMI
-	%		MR_bool succeeded;
-	% #endif
-	%		
-	%		closure = closure_arg; 	/* XXX should add cast */
-	%
-	%	    CONJ(code_model, 
-	%		/* call function, boxing/unboxing inputs if needed */
-	%		foo(closure->f1, unbox(closure->f2), ...,
-	%			unbox(wrapper_arg1), &conv_arg2,
-	%			wrapper_arg3, ...);
-	%	    ,
-	%		/* box output arguments */
-	%		*wrapper_arg2 = box(conv_arg2);
-	%		...
-	%	    )
-	%	}
-	%
-	% where the stuff in CONJ() expands to the appropriate code
-	% for a conjunction, which depends on the code model:
-	%
-	% #if MODEL_DET
-	%		/* call function, boxing/unboxing inputs if needed */
-	%		foo(closure->f1, unbox(closure->f2), ...,
-	%			unbox(wrapper_arg1), &conv_arg2,
-	%			wrapper_arg3, ...);
-	%
-	%		/* box output arguments */
-	%		*wrapper_arg2 = box(conv_arg2);
-	%		...
-	% #elif MODEL_SEMI
-	%		/* call function, boxing/unboxing inputs if needed */
-	%		succeeded = foo(closure->f1, unbox(closure->f2), ...,
-	%			unbox(wrapper_arg1), &conv_arg2,
-	%			wrapper_arg3, ...);
-	%		
-	%		if (succeeded) {
-	%			/* box output arguments */
-	%			*wrapper_arg2 = box(conv_arg2);
-	%			...
-	%		}
-	%
-	%		return succeeded;
-	%	}
-	% #else /* MODEL_NON */
-	%		foo_1() {
-	%			/* box output arguments */
-	%			*wrapper_arg2 = box(conv_arg2);
-	%			...
-	%			(*succ_cont)();
-	%		}
-	%			
-	%		/* call function, boxing/unboxing inputs if needed */
-	%		foo(closure->f1, unbox(closure->f2), ...,
-	%			unbox(wrapper_arg1), &conv_arg2,
-	%			wrapper_arg3, ...,
-	%			foo_1);
-	% #endif
-	%
-ml_gen_closure_wrapper(PredId, ProcId, Offset, NumClosureArgs,
-		Context, WrapperFuncRval, WrapperFuncType) -->
-	%
-	% grab the relevant information about the called procedure
-	%
-	=(Info),
-	{ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(Info, ModuleInfo) },
-	{ module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
-		PredInfo, ProcInfo) },
-	{ pred_info_get_is_pred_or_func(PredInfo, PredOrFunc) },
-	{ proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo, ProcHeadVars) },
-	{ proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo, ProcArgModes) },
-	{ proc_info_interface_code_model(ProcInfo, CodeModel) },
-	{ proc_info_varset(ProcInfo, ProcVarSet) },
-	{ ProcArity = list__length(ProcHeadVars) },
-	{ ProcHeadVarNames = ml_gen_var_names(ProcVarSet, ProcHeadVars) },
-	%
-	% allocate some fresh type variables to use as the Mercury types
-	% of the boxed arguments
-	% XXX The accurate GC handling for closures arguments is wrong
-	%
-	{ ProcBoxedArgTypes = ml_make_boxed_types(ProcArity) },
-	%
-	% compute the parameters for the wrapper function
-	%	(void *closure_arg,
-	%	MR_Box wrapper_arg1, MR_Box *wrapper_arg2, ...,
-	%	MR_Box wrapper_argn)
-	%
-	% first generate the declarations for the boxed arguments
-	{ 
-		list__drop(NumClosureArgs, ProcHeadVars, WrapperHeadVars0),
-		list__drop(NumClosureArgs, ProcArgModes, WrapperArgModes0),
-		list__drop(NumClosureArgs, ProcBoxedArgTypes,
-			WrapperBoxedArgTypes0)
-	->
-		WrapperHeadVars = WrapperHeadVars0,
-		WrapperArgModes = WrapperArgModes0,
-		WrapperBoxedArgTypes = WrapperBoxedArgTypes0
-	;
-		error("ml_gen_closure_wrapper: list__drop failed")
-	},
-	{ WrapperHeadVarNames = ml_gen_wrapper_head_var_names(1,
-		list__length(WrapperHeadVars)) },
-	ml_gen_params(WrapperHeadVarNames, WrapperBoxedArgTypes,
-		WrapperArgModes, PredOrFunc, CodeModel, WrapperParams0),
-	% then insert the `closure_arg' parameter
-	{ ClosureArgType = mlds__generic_type },
-	% XXX FIXME The GC handling for closures is wrong
-	{ GC_TraceCode = no },
-	{ ClosureArg = mlds__argument(
-		data(var(var_name("closure_arg", no))),
-		ClosureArgType,
-		GC_TraceCode) },
-	{ WrapperParams0 = mlds__func_params(WrapperArgs0, WrapperRetType) },
-	{ WrapperParams = mlds__func_params([ClosureArg | WrapperArgs0],
-		WrapperRetType) },
-	% also compute the lvals for the parameters,
-	% and local declarations for any --copy-out output parameters
-	ml_gen_wrapper_arg_lvals(WrapperHeadVarNames, WrapperBoxedArgTypes,
-		WrapperArgModes, PredOrFunc, CodeModel, Context,
-		WrapperHeadVarDecls, WrapperHeadVarLvals, WrapperCopyOutLvals),
-	%
-	% generate code to declare and initialize the closure pointer.
-	% XXX we should use a struct type for the closure, but
-	% currently we're using a low-level data representation
-	% in the closure
-	%
-	%	FooClosure *closure;
-	% #else
-	%	void *closure;
-	% #endif
-	%	closure = closure_arg;
-	%
-	{ ClosureName = mlds__var_name("closure", no) },
-	{ ClosureArgName = mlds__var_name("closure_arg", no) },
-	{ MLDS_Context = mlds__make_context(Context) },
-	{ ClosureType = mlds__generic_type },
-	% XXX FIXME The GC handling for closures is wrong
-	{ GC_TraceCode = no },
-	{ ClosureDecl = ml_gen_mlds_var_decl(var(ClosureName),
-		ClosureType, GC_TraceCode, MLDS_Context) },
-	ml_gen_var_lval(ClosureName, ClosureType, ClosureLval),
-	ml_gen_var_lval(ClosureArgName, ClosureArgType, ClosureArgLval),
-	{ InitClosure = ml_gen_assign(ClosureLval, lval(ClosureArgLval),
-		Context) },
-	%
-	% if the wrapper function is model_non, then
-	% set up the initial success continuation;
-	% this is needed by ml_gen_call which we call below
-	%
-	( { CodeModel = model_non } ->
-		{ module_info_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals) },
-		{ globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, nondet_copy_out,
-			NondetCopyOut) },
-		( { NondetCopyOut = yes } ->
-			{ map__from_corresponding_lists(WrapperHeadVarLvals,
-				WrapperBoxedArgTypes, WrapperBoxedVarTypes) },
-			{ WrapperOutputLvals = select_output_vars(ModuleInfo,
-				WrapperHeadVarLvals, WrapperArgModes,
-				WrapperBoxedVarTypes) },
-			{ WrapperOutputTypes = map__apply_to_list(
-				WrapperOutputLvals, WrapperBoxedVarTypes) },
-			ml_initial_cont(WrapperOutputLvals, WrapperOutputTypes,
-				InitialCont)
-		;
-			ml_initial_cont([], [], InitialCont)
-		),
-		ml_gen_info_push_success_cont(InitialCont)
-	;
-		[]
-	),
-	% prepare to generate code to call the function:
-	% XXX currently we're using a low-level data representation
-	% in the closure
-	%
-	%	foo(
-	%		closure->arg1, closure->arg2, ...,
-	% #else
-	%		MR_field(MR_mktag(0), closure, 3),
-	%		MR_field(MR_mktag(0), closure, 4),
-	%		...
-	% #endif
-	%		unbox(wrapper_arg1), &conv_arg2, wrapper_arg3, ...
-	%	);
-	%
-	ml_gen_closure_field_lvals(ClosureLval, Offset, 1, NumClosureArgs,
-		ClosureArgLvals),
-	{ CallLvals = list__append(ClosureArgLvals, WrapperHeadVarLvals) },
-	ml_gen_call(PredId, ProcId, ProcHeadVarNames, CallLvals,
-		ProcBoxedArgTypes, CodeModel, Context, Decls0, Statements0),
-	% insert the stuff to declare and initialize the closure
-	{ Decls1 = [ClosureDecl | Decls0] },
-	{ Statements1 = [InitClosure | Statements0] },
-	%
-	% For semidet code, add the declaration `MR_bool succeeded;'
-	%
-	( { CodeModel = model_semi } ->
-		{ SucceededVarDecl = ml_gen_succeeded_var_decl(MLDS_Context) },
-		{ Decls2 = [SucceededVarDecl | Decls1] }
-	;
-		{ Decls2 = Decls1 }
-	),
-	% Add an appropriate `return' statement
-	ml_append_return_statement(CodeModel, WrapperCopyOutLvals, Context,
-		Statements1, Statements),
-	%
-	% Insert the local declarations of the wrapper's output arguments,
-	% if any (this is needed for `--nondet-copy-out')
-	%
-	{ Decls = list__append(WrapperHeadVarDecls, Decls2) },
-	%
-	% if the wrapper function was model_non, then
-	% pop the success continuation that we pushed
-	%
-	( { CodeModel = model_non } ->
-		ml_gen_info_pop_success_cont
-	;
-		[]
-	),
-	%
-	% Put it all together
-	%
-	{ WrapperFuncBody = ml_gen_block(Decls, Statements, Context) },
-	ml_gen_new_func_label(yes(WrapperParams), WrapperFuncName,
-		WrapperFuncRval),
-	ml_gen_wrapper_func(WrapperFuncName, WrapperParams, Context,
-		WrapperFuncBody, WrapperFunc),
-	{ WrapperFuncType = mlds__func_type(WrapperParams) },
-	ml_gen_info_add_extra_defn(WrapperFunc).
-:- pred ml_gen_wrapper_func(ml_label_func, mlds__func_params, prog_context,
-		mlds__statement, mlds__defn, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
-:- mode ml_gen_wrapper_func(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
-ml_gen_wrapper_func(FuncLabel, FuncParams, Context, Statement, Func) -->
-	ml_gen_label_func(FuncLabel, FuncParams, Context, Statement, Func0),
-	{ Func0 = mlds__defn(Name, Ctxt, DeclFlags0, Defn) },
-	{ DeclFlags1 = set_per_instance(DeclFlags0, one_copy) },
-	{ DeclFlags = set_access(DeclFlags1, private) },
-	{ Func = mlds__defn(Name, Ctxt, DeclFlags, Defn) }.
-:- func ml_gen_wrapper_head_var_names(int, int) = list(mlds__var_name).
-ml_gen_wrapper_head_var_names(Num, Max) = Names :-
-	( Num > Max ->
-		Names = []
-	;
-		Name = string__format("wrapper_arg_%d", [i(Num)]),
-		Names1 = ml_gen_wrapper_head_var_names(Num + 1, Max),
-		Names = [mlds__var_name(Name, no) | Names1]
-	).
-	% ml_gen_wrapper_arg_lvals(HeadVarNames, Types, ArgModes,
-	%		PredOrFunc, CodeModel, LocalVarDefns, HeadVarLvals):
-	%	Generate lvals for the specified head variables
-	%	passed in the specified modes.
-	%	Also generate local definitions for output variables,
-	%	if those output variables will be copied out,
-	%	rather than passed by reference.
-	%
-:- pred ml_gen_wrapper_arg_lvals(list(var_name), list(prog_type), list(mode),
-		pred_or_func, code_model, prog_context,
-		list(mlds__defn), list(mlds__lval), list(mlds__lval),
-		ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
-:- mode ml_gen_wrapper_arg_lvals(in, in, in, in, in, in, out, out, out, in, out)
-		is det.
-ml_gen_wrapper_arg_lvals(Names, Types, Modes, PredOrFunc, CodeModel, Context,
-		Defns, Lvals, CopyOutLvals) -->
-	(
-		{ Names = [], Types = [], Modes = [] }
-	->
-		{ Lvals = [] },
-		{ CopyOutLvals = [] },
-		{ Defns = [] }
-	;
-		{ Names = [Name | Names1] },
-		{ Types = [Type | Types1] },
-		{ Modes = [Mode | Modes1] }
-	->
-		ml_gen_wrapper_arg_lvals(Names1, Types1, Modes1,
-			PredOrFunc, CodeModel, Context,
-			Defns1, Lvals1, CopyOutLvals1),
-		ml_gen_type(Type, MLDS_Type),
-		ml_gen_var_lval(Name, MLDS_Type, VarLval),
-		=(Info),
-		{ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(Info, ModuleInfo) },
-		{ mode_to_arg_mode(ModuleInfo, Mode, Type, ArgMode) },
-		( { ArgMode = top_in } ->
-			{ Lval = VarLval },
-			{ CopyOutLvals = CopyOutLvals1 },
-			{ Defns = Defns1 }
-		;
-			%
-			% handle output variables
-			%
-			ml_gen_info_get_globals(Globals),
-			{ CopyOut = get_copy_out_option(Globals, CodeModel) },
-			(
-				{
-					CopyOut = yes
-				;
-					% for model_det functions,
-					% output mode function results
-					% are mapped to MLDS return values
-					PredOrFunc = function,
-					CodeModel = model_det,
-					ArgMode = top_out,
-					Types1 = [],
-					\+ type_util__is_dummy_argument_type(
-						Type)
-				}
-			->
-				%
-				% output arguments are copied out,
-				% so we need to generate a local declaration
-				% for them here
-				%
-				{ Lval = VarLval },
-				( { type_util__is_dummy_argument_type(Type) } ->
-					{ CopyOutLvals = CopyOutLvals1 },
-					{ Defns = Defns1 }
-				;
-					{ CopyOutLvals = [Lval |
-						CopyOutLvals1] },
-					ml_gen_local_for_output_arg(Name, Type,
-						Context, Defn),
-					{ Defns = [Defn | Defns1] }
-				)
-			;
-				%
-				% output arguments are passed by reference,
-				% so we need to dereference them
-				%
-				{ Lval = mem_ref(lval(VarLval), MLDS_Type) },
-				{ CopyOutLvals = CopyOutLvals1 },
-				{ Defns = Defns1 }
-			)
-		),
-		{ Lvals = [Lval | Lvals1] }
-	;
-		{ error("ml_gen_wrapper_arg_lvals: length mismatch") }
-	).
-:- pred ml_gen_closure_field_lvals(mlds__lval, int, int, int,
-		list(mlds__lval),
-		ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
-:- mode ml_gen_closure_field_lvals(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
-ml_gen_closure_field_lvals(ClosureLval, Offset, ArgNum, NumClosureArgs,
-		ClosureArgLvals) -->
-	( { ArgNum > NumClosureArgs } ->
-		{ ClosureArgLvals = [] }
-	;
-		%
-		% generate `MR_field(MR_mktag(0), closure, <N>)'
-		%
-		{ FieldId = offset(const(int_const(ArgNum + Offset))) },
-			% XXX these types might not be right
-		{ FieldLval = field(yes(0), lval(ClosureLval), FieldId,
-			mlds__generic_type, mlds__generic_type) },
-		%
-		% recursively handle the remaining fields
-		%
-		ml_gen_closure_field_lvals(ClosureLval, Offset, ArgNum + 1,
-			NumClosureArgs, ClosureArgLvals0),
-		{ ClosureArgLvals = [FieldLval | ClosureArgLvals0] }
-	).
-:- pred ml_gen_local_for_output_arg(var_name, prog_type, prog_context,
-		mlds__defn, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
-:- mode ml_gen_local_for_output_arg(in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
-ml_gen_local_for_output_arg(VarName, Type, Context, LocalVarDefn) -->
-	%
-	% Generate a declaration for a corresponding local variable.
-	%
-	ml_gen_var_decl(VarName, Type, Context, LocalVarDefn).
 	% convert a cons_id for a given type to a cons_tag
 ml_cons_id_to_tag(ConsId, Type, Tag) -->
@@ -1376,14 +602,6 @@
 	%	additional constants to insert at the start of the
 	%	argument list.
-:- pred ml_gen_new_object(maybe(cons_id), mlds__tag, bool, maybe(ctor_name),
-		prog_var, list(mlds__rval), list(mlds__type), prog_vars,
-		list(uni_mode), how_to_construct,
-		prog_context, mlds__defns, mlds__statements,
-		ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
-:- mode ml_gen_new_object(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out, out,
-		in, out) is det.
 ml_gen_new_object(MaybeConsId, Tag, HasSecTag, MaybeCtorName, Var,
 		ExtraRvals, ExtraTypes, ArgVars, ArgModes, HowToConstruct,
 		Context, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) -->
@@ -2717,18 +1935,6 @@
 		error("ml_gen_field_id: invalid type")
-	%
-	% allocate some fresh type variables to use as the Mercury types
-	% of boxed objects
-	%
-:- func ml_make_boxed_types(arity) = list(prog_type).
-ml_make_boxed_types(Arity) = BoxedTypes :-
-	varset__init(TypeVarSet0),
-	varset__new_vars(TypeVarSet0, Arity, BoxedTypeVars, _TypeVarSet),
-	term__var_list_to_term_list(BoxedTypeVars, BoxedTypes).
Index: compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -u -d -r1.25 rtti_to_mlds.m
--- compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m	3 Mar 2002 13:43:49 -0000	1.25
+++ compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m	4 Mar 2002 07:21:49 -0000
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 :- implementation.
 :- import_module foreign, prog_data, hlds_data.
 :- import_module pseudo_type_info, prog_util, prog_out, type_util.
-:- import_module ml_code_util, ml_unify_gen.
+:- import_module ml_code_util, ml_unify_gen, ml_closure_gen.
 :- import_module bool, list, std_util, string, term, require.
 rtti_data_list_to_mlds(ModuleInfo, RttiDatas) =
Index: compiler/notes/compiler_design.html
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/notes/compiler_design.html,v
retrieving revision 1.70
diff -u -d -r1.70 compiler_design.html
--- compiler/notes/compiler_design.html	12 Feb 2002 16:38:16 -0000	1.70
+++ compiler/notes/compiler_design.html	4 Mar 2002 06:49:02 -0000
@@ -914,6 +914,7 @@
 	  The following sub-modules are used to handle different constructs:
 		<dt> ml_unify_gen.m
+		<dt> ml_closure_gen.m
 		<dt> ml_call_gen.m
 		<dt> ml_switch_gen.m, which in turn has sub-modules

Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
The University of Melbourne         |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>  |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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