[m-rev.] for review: MLDS back-end: generate closure layouts
Fergus Henderson
fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Mon Mar 4 00:44:22 AEDT 2002
On 03-Mar-2002, Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU> wrote:
> I will go ahead and commit this now.
Unfortunately further testing revealed two more bugs with the
generation of pseudo_type_infos for the MLDS back-end.
One was that I was generating duplicate definitions for pseudo_type_infos
referred to from multiple places.
Another is that I was not generate definitions of the argument
pseudo_type_infos referred to by compound pseudo_type_infos.
Here's a relative diff that fixes both of these problems.
This time I really *will* commit it.
diff -u compiler/ml_elim_nested.m compiler/ml_elim_nested.m
--- compiler/ml_elim_nested.m
+++ compiler/ml_elim_nested.m
@@ -389,7 +389,13 @@
ml_elim_nested_defns(Action, MLDS_ModuleName, Globals,
Defns0) },
- { Defns = list__condense(DefnsList) }.
+ { Defns1 = list__condense(DefnsList) },
+ % The MLDS code generator sometimes generates two definitions of the
+ % same RTTI constant as local constants in two different functions.
+ % When we hoist them out, that leads to duplicate definitions here.
+ % So we need to check for and eliminate any duplicate definitions
+ % of constants.
+ { Defns = list__remove_dups(Defns1) }.
% Either eliminated nested functions:
% Hoist out any nested function occurring in a single mlds__defn.
diff -u compiler/ml_unify_gen.m compiler/ml_unify_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_unify_gen.m
+++ compiler/ml_unify_gen.m
@@ -740,11 +740,29 @@
NumUnivQTvars = -1,
pseudo_type_info__construct_pseudo_type_info(Type, NumUnivQTvars,
- ExistQTvars, Pseudo),
+ ExistQTvars, PseudoTypeInfo),
+ ml_gen_pseudo_type_info(ModuleInfo, PseudoTypeInfo, ArgRval, ArgType,
+ MLDS_Defns0, MLDS_Defns),
+ CastArgRval = unop(box(ArgType), ArgRval),
+ ArgInit = init_obj(CastArgRval).
+:- pred ml_gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(module_info::in, pseudo_type_info::in,
+ mlds__defns::in, mlds__defns::out) is det.
+ml_gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo, Pseudo, Defns0, Defns) :-
+ ml_gen_pseudo_type_info(ModuleInfo, Pseudo, _Rval, _Type,
+ Defns0, Defns).
+:- pred ml_gen_pseudo_type_info(module_info::in, pseudo_type_info::in,
+ mlds__rval::out, mlds__type::out,
+ mlds__defns::in, mlds__defns::out) is det.
+ml_gen_pseudo_type_info(ModuleInfo, Pseudo, Rval, Type,
+ MLDS_Defns0, MLDS_Defns) :-
( Pseudo = type_var(N) ->
% type variables are represented just as integers
- ArgRval = const(int_const(N)),
- ArgType = mlds__native_int_type,
+ Rval = const(int_const(N)),
+ Type = mlds__native_int_type,
MLDS_Defns = MLDS_Defns0
( Pseudo = type_ctor_info(RttiTypeId0) ->
@@ -762,16 +780,37 @@
module_info_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
RttiData = pseudo_type_info(Pseudo),
rtti_data_to_name(RttiData, RttiTypeId, RttiName),
- MLDS_Defns = rtti_data_list_to_mlds(ModuleInfo,
- [RttiData]) ++ MLDS_Defns0
+ RttiDefns0 = rtti_data_list_to_mlds(ModuleInfo,
+ [RttiData]),
+ % rtti_data_list_to_mlds assumes that the result
+ % will be at file scope, but here we're generating it
+ % as a local, so we need to convert the access
+ % to `local'
+ RttiDefns = list__map(convert_to_local, RttiDefns0),
+ MLDS_Defns1 = RttiDefns ++ MLDS_Defns0,
+ % Generate definitions of any pseudo_type_infos
+ % referenced by this pseudotypeinfo.
+ list__foldl(ml_gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo),
+ arg_pseudo_type_infos(Pseudo),
+ MLDS_Defns1, MLDS_Defns)
MLDS_ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ModuleName),
- ArgRval = const(data_addr_const(data_addr(MLDS_ModuleName,
+ Rval = const(data_addr_const(data_addr(MLDS_ModuleName,
rtti(RttiTypeId, RttiName)))),
- ArgType = mlds__rtti_type(RttiName)
- ),
- CastArgRval = unop(box(ArgType), ArgRval),
- ArgInit = init_obj(CastArgRval).
+ Type = mlds__rtti_type(RttiName)
+ ).
+:- func arg_pseudo_type_infos(pseudo_type_info) = list(pseudo_type_info).
+arg_pseudo_type_infos(type_var(_)) = [].
+arg_pseudo_type_infos(type_ctor_info(_)) = [].
+arg_pseudo_type_infos(type_info(_TypeId, ArgPTIs)) = ArgPTIs.
+arg_pseudo_type_infos(higher_order_type_info(_TypeId, _Arity, ArgPTIs)) =
+ ArgPTIs.
+:- func convert_to_local(mlds__defn) = mlds__defn.
+convert_to_local(mlds__defn(Name, Context, Flags0, Body)) =
+ mlds__defn(Name, Context, Flags, Body) :-
+ Flags = set_access(Flags0, local).
:- pred ml_stack_layout_construct_tvar_vector(module_info::in,
mlds__var_name::in, prog_context::in, map(tvar, set(layout_locn))::in,
Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au> | "I have always known that the pursuit
The University of Melbourne | of excellence is a lethal habit"
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh> | -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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