[m-rev.] For review: Loop invariant hoisting optimization
Ralph Becket
rafe at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Jun 26 14:46:21 AEST 2002
This one passes all bootchecks at long last.
Estimated hours taken: 900
Branches: main
Added loop-invariant hoisting optimization.
Changed the interface to move_follow_code_in_proc to support
introduction of the loop invariant hoisting optimization.
Improved the debugging output to show HLDS before and after
liveness analysis.
New module containing the implementation of the loop invariant
hoisting optimization.
Added loop_inv at step 34, moving inlining to step 35.
Added bool option --loop-invariants (default `no').
This optimization is set at -O4.
Minor changes to support introduction of optmimization.
Added include_module declaration for loop_inv.
Index: follow_code.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/follow_code.m,v
retrieving revision 1.64
diff -u -r1.64 follow_code.m
--- follow_code.m 28 Mar 2002 03:42:55 -0000 1.64
+++ follow_code.m 9 Apr 2002 02:35:29 -0000
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@
:- import_module hlds__hlds_module, hlds__hlds_pred, hlds__hlds_goal.
:- import_module list.
-:- pred move_follow_code_in_proc(pred_info::in, proc_info::in, proc_info::out,
- module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
+:- pred move_follow_code_in_proc(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, pred_info::in,
+ proc_info::in, proc_info::out, module_info::in, module_info::out)
+ is det.
% Split a list of goals into the prefix of builtins and the rest.
:- pred move_follow_code_select(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@
-move_follow_code_in_proc(_PredInfo, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo,
+move_follow_code_in_proc(_PredId, _ProcId, _PredInfo, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo,
ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
module_info_globals(ModuleInfo0, Globals),
globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, follow_code, FollowCode),
Index: liveness.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/liveness.m,v
retrieving revision 1.120
diff -u -r1.120 liveness.m
--- liveness.m 28 Mar 2002 03:43:09 -0000 1.120
+++ liveness.m 13 Jun 2002 05:03:15 -0000
@@ -212,14 +212,17 @@
live_info_init(ModuleInfo, TypeInfoLiveness, VarTypes, TVarMap, VarSet,
+ globals__lookup_int_option(Globals, debug_liveness, DebugLiveness),
+ pred_id_to_int(PredId, PredIdInt),
+ maybe_write_progress_message("\nbefore liveness",
+ DebugLiveness, PredIdInt, Goal0, VarSet, ModuleInfo, IO0, IO0b),
initial_liveness(ProcInfo1, PredId, ModuleInfo, Liveness0),
detect_liveness_in_goal(Goal0, Liveness0, LiveInfo,
_, Goal1),
- globals__lookup_int_option(Globals, debug_liveness, DebugLiveness),
- pred_id_to_int(PredId, PredIdInt),
maybe_write_progress_message("\nafter liveness",
- DebugLiveness, PredIdInt, Goal1, VarSet, ModuleInfo, IO0, IO1),
+ DebugLiveness, PredIdInt, Goal1, VarSet, ModuleInfo, IO0b, IO1),
initial_deadness(ProcInfo1, LiveInfo, ModuleInfo, Deadness0),
detect_deadness_in_goal(Goal1, Deadness0, Liveness0, LiveInfo,
Index: loop_inv.m
RCS file: loop_inv.m
diff -N loop_inv.m
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ loop_inv.m 24 Jun 2002 03:33:06 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1274 @@
+% loop_inv.m
+% Ralph Becket <rbeck at microsoft.com>
+% Thu Nov 8 12:05:29 EST 2001
+% vim: ft=mercury ff=unix ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0
+% The basic idea can be outlined as a transformation on functions.
+% We want to convert
+% f(X, Y) = if p(X, Y) then g(X, Y) else f(X, h(i(X), Y))
+% to
+% f(X, Y) = if p(X, Y) then g(X, Y) else f2(X, i(X), h(i(X), Y))
+% f2(X, W, Y) = if p(X, Y) then g(X, Y) else f2(X, W, h(W, Y))
+% where W, X, Y may each stand for more several program variables.
+% In the HLDS, functions are converted to predicates, hence the above
+% will look like this:
+% f(X, Y, R) :-
+% if p(X, Y) then g(X, Y, R)
+% else i(X, W), h(W, Y, V), f(X, V, R).
+% and will be translated by the optimization into
+% f(X, Y, R) :-
+% if p(X, Y) then g(X, Y, R)
+% else i(X, W), h(W, Y, V), f2(X, W, V, R).
+% f2(X, W, Y, R) :-
+% if p(X, Y) then g(X, Y, R)
+% else h(W, Y, V), f2(X, W, V, R).
+% We proceed as follows:
+% 1. Identify the invariant args to f (that is, all input args that
+% are identical across all calls to f at the end of recursive paths
+% (a recursive path is a path from the start of the definition of f
+% to a recursive call to f comprised entirely of model det goals,
+% other than in the conditions of if-then-elses or switch
+% unifications.)
+% 2. Identify the set of invariant goals and vars in the body of f:
+% - A var is invariant iff it is an invariant arg or it is the output
+% of an invariant goal.
+% - A goal is invariant iff
+% - it is model det,
+% - it is invoked on all recursive paths, and
+% - all of its input args are invariant vars.
+% In the example above, X is an invariant arg, i(X, W) is an
+% invariant goal, X and W are invariant vars, and
+% /* if */ p(X, Y), /* else */ i(X, W), h(W, Y, V), f(X, V, R)
+% is a recursive path.
+% At this point we construct f2, which is a copy of f taking the
+% invariant vars as extra args, in which the invariant goals
+% appearing on the recursive paths have been deleted, and in
+% which the recursive calls to f at the end of the recursive paths
+% have been replaced with calls to f2.
+% We adjust the definition of f such that the recursive calls to f
+% at the end of the recursive paths are replaced with calls to f2.
+% NOTE that this version of the optimization does not perform
+% variable renaming, so the two calls to i/1 here will not be
+% hoisted because they have different output variables:
+% f(X, Y, R) :-
+% if p(X, Y) then g(X, Y, R)
+% else if q(X, Y) then i(X, W1), h1(W1, Y, V), f(X, V, R)
+% else i(X, W2), h1(W2, Y, V), f(X, V, R)
+% In general this means that currently the optimization will only be
+% effective if there is a single recursive call.
+% This may be the subject of a future improvement of the optimization.
+% Similarly for broadening the scope of the optimization to include non
+% model-det recursive paths.
+:- module transform_hlds__loop_inv.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module hlds.
+:- import_module hlds__hlds_pred, hlds__hlds_module.
+ % hoist_loop_invariants(PredId, ProcId, PredInfo,
+ % ProcInfo0, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo)
+ %
+ % Analyze the procedure identified by PredProcId and, if
+ % appropriate, split it into two applying the loop invariant
+ % hoisting optimization.
+ %
+:- pred hoist_loop_invariants(pred_id, proc_id, pred_info,
+ proc_info, proc_info, module_info, module_info).
+:- mode hoist_loop_invariants(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module list, assoc_list, std_util, require, set, term, string, bool.
+:- import_module parse_tree__prog_data, parse_tree__inst, parse_tree__prog_util.
+:- import_module hlds__hlds_goal, hlds__instmap, hlds__error_util.
+:- import_module hlds__quantification.
+:- import_module check_hlds__mode_util, check_hlds__det_util.
+:- import_module check_hlds__inst_match.
+:- import_module backend_libs__code_model.
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "loop_inv.m".
+hoist_loop_invariants(PredId, ProcId, PredInfo, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo,
+ ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
+ ( if
+ % We only want to apply this optimization to pure preds (e.g.
+ % benchmark_det_loop).
+ %
+ hlds_pred__pred_info_get_purity(PredInfo, pure),
+ % Next, work out whether this predicate is optimizable and
+ % compute some auxiliary results along the way.
+ % Obtain the requisite info for this procedure.
+ %
+ PredProcId = proc(PredId, ProcId),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_goal(ProcInfo0, Body),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo0, HeadVars),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo0, HeadVarModes),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_get_initial_instmap(ProcInfo0, ModuleInfo0,
+ InitialInstMap),
+ % Find the set of variables that are used as (partly) unique
+ % inputs to calls. These variables are not safe candidates
+ % for hoisting. (A variable whose initial bound inst is
+ % inferred as unique may be hoistable if it is not used as a
+ % unique input to any call.)
+ %
+ UniquelyUsedVars = uniquely_used_vars(ModuleInfo0, Body),
+ % Find the set of candidate goals that may be invariant
+ % and the set of recursive calls involved.
+ %
+ % A goal must appear on all recursive paths to be a
+ % candidate.
+ %
+ % The recursive calls are the set of calls at the end
+ % of each recursive path.
+ %
+ invariant_goal_candidates(PredProcId, Body, InvGoals0, RecCalls),
+ % We can calculate the set of invariant args from
+ % the set of recursive calls.
+ %
+ InvArgs0 = inv_args(ModuleInfo0, HeadVars, HeadVarModes, RecCalls),
+ InvArgs = InvArgs0 `difference` UniquelyUsedVars,
+ % Given the invariant args, we can calculate the set
+ % of invariant goals and vars.
+ %
+ inv_goals_vars(ModuleInfo0, UniquelyUsedVars,
+ InvGoals0, InvGoals1, InvArgs, InvVars1),
+ % We don't want to hoist out unifications with constants (i.e.
+ % constructions where the RHS has no arguments) or deconstructions
+ % (it's probably cheaper to do the dereference than pass an extra
+ % argument).
+ %
+ % So here we compute the subset of InvGoals (and the corresponding
+ % InvVars) that should not be hoisted.
+ %
+ dont_hoist(ModuleInfo0, InvGoals1, DontHoistGoals, DontHoistVars),
+ InvGoals = InvGoals1 `difference` DontHoistGoals,
+ InvVars = InvVars1 `difference` DontHoistVars,
+ % We only apply the optimization if the set of invariant goals
+ % is non-empty.
+ %
+ InvGoals \= []
+ then
+ % The set of computed invariant vars is the difference
+ % between the whole invariant var set and the set of
+ % invariant args.
+ %
+ ComputedInvVars = InvVars `difference` InvArgs,
+ % We need to calculate the initial instmap for the aux
+ % proc by applying the instmap_deltas from the InvGoals
+ % to InitialInstMap.
+ %
+ InitialAuxInstMap =
+ compute_initial_aux_instmap(InvGoals, InitialInstMap),
+ % Create the pred for the aux proc. This is initially a
+ % copy of the in proc with the head vars extended with the
+ % list of computed inv vars. The body is adjusted
+ % appropriately in the next step.
+ %
+ create_aux_pred(PredProcId, HeadVars, ComputedInvVars,
+ InitialAuxInstMap,
+ AuxPredProcId, CallAux, AuxPredInfo, AuxProcInfo,
+ ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo1),
+ % We update the body of AuxProc by replacing adding the
+ % set of computed invariant vars to the argument list,
+ % replacing invariant goals in InProc with `true', and
+ % recursive calls at the end of recursive paths with
+ % calls to the auxiliary procedure.
+ %
+ gen_aux_proc(InvGoals, PredProcId,
+ AuxPredProcId, CallAux, Body, AuxPredInfo, AuxProcInfo,
+ ModuleInfo1, ModuleInfo2),
+ % We construct OutProc by replacing recursive calls to
+ % the InProc at the end of recursive paths with calls
+ % to the auxiliary procedure.
+ %
+ gen_out_proc(PredProcId, PredInfo, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo, CallAux,
+ Body, ModuleInfo2, ModuleInfo)
+ else
+ ProcInfo = ProcInfo0,
+ ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo0
+ ).
+:- func list(T) `difference` list(T) = list(T).
+Xs `difference` Ys = list__filter(NotInYs, Xs) :-
+ NotInYs = ( pred(X::in) is semidet :- not list__member(X, Ys) ).
+:- type rec_call ==
+ pair(
+ hlds_goal, % The recursive call.
+ list(hlds_goal) % The candidate invariant goal list
+ % for this recursive call.
+ ).
+:- type rec_calls == list(rec_call).
+:- type igcs_acc
+ ---> igcs_acc(
+ % path_candidates is the list of accumulated invariant
+ % goal candidates.
+ %
+ path_candidates :: hlds_goals,
+ % rec_calls is the list of pairs of recursive calls
+ % with the path_candidates up to that point. This is
+ % extended whenever a recursive call is identified.
+ %
+ rec_calls :: rec_calls
+ ).
+ % invariant_goal_candidates(PredProcId, Body, CandidateInvGoals,
+ % RecCallGoals)
+ %
+ % Computes (a conservative approximation to) the set of candidate
+ % invariant atomic goals in Body and the set of recursive calls
+ % in Body identified via PredProcId.
+ %
+:- pred invariant_goal_candidates(pred_proc_id, hlds_goal,
+ hlds_goals, hlds_goals).
+:- mode invariant_goal_candidates(in, in, out, out) is det.
+invariant_goal_candidates(PredProcId, Body,
+ CandidateInvGoals, RecCallGoals) :-
+ igcs_acc(_, RecCalls) = igcs(PredProcId, Body, igcs_acc([], [])),
+ assoc_list__keys_and_values(RecCalls, RecCallGoals, CandidateInvGoalsList),
+ CandidateInvGoals = intersect_candidate_inv_goals(CandidateInvGoalsList).
+:- func igcs(pred_proc_id, hlds_goal, igcs_acc) = igcs_acc.
+igcs(PPId, Call @ call(PredId, ProcId, _, _, _, _) - GoalInfo, IGCs) =
+ ( if proc(PredId, ProcId) = PPId
+ then add_recursive_call(Call - GoalInfo, IGCs)
+ else igcs_handle_non_recursive_call(Call - GoalInfo, IGCs)
+ ).
+igcs(_PPId, Call @ generic_call(_, _, _, _) - GoalInfo, IGCs) =
+ igcs_handle_non_recursive_call(Call - GoalInfo, IGCs).
+igcs(_PPId, Unification @ unify(_, _, _, _, _) - GoalInfo, IGCs) =
+ igcs_handle_non_recursive_call(Unification - GoalInfo, IGCs).
+igcs(_PPId, ForeignProc @ foreign_proc(_,_,_,_,_,_,_) - GoalInfo, IGCs) =
+ igcs_handle_non_recursive_call(ForeignProc - GoalInfo, IGCs).
+igcs(PPId, conj(Conjuncts) - _GoalInfo, IGCs) =
+ list__foldl(igcs(PPId), Conjuncts, IGCs).
+igcs(PPId, par_conj(ParConjuncts) - _GoalInfo, IGCs) =
+ list__foldl(igcs_keeping_path_candidates(PPId), ParConjuncts, IGCs).
+igcs(PPId, disj(Disjuncts) - _GoalInfo, IGCs) =
+ list__foldl(igcs_keeping_path_candidates(PPId), Disjuncts, IGCs).
+igcs(PPId, switch(_, _, Cases) - _GoalInfo, IGCs) =
+ list__foldl(igcs_keeping_path_candidates(PPId), case_goals(Cases), IGCs).
+igcs(PPId, not(NegatedGoal) - _GoalInfo, IGCs) =
+ igcs_keeping_path_candidates(PPId, NegatedGoal, IGCs).
+igcs(PPId, some(_, _, QuantifiedGoal) - _GoalInfo, IGCs) =
+ igcs(PPId, QuantifiedGoal, IGCs).
+igcs(PPId, if_then_else(_XVs, Cond, Then, Else) - GoalInfo, IGCs0) =
+ IGCs
+ :-
+ CondThenGoal = conj([Cond, Then]) - GoalInfo,
+ IGCs1 = igcs_keeping_path_candidates(PPId, CondThenGoal, IGCs0),
+ ElseGoal = Else,
+ IGCs = igcs_keeping_path_candidates(PPId, ElseGoal, IGCs1).
+igcs(_PPId, shorthand(_) - _GoalInfo, _IGCs) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "igcs/3: shorthand/1 in hlds_goal").
+:- func igcs_keeping_path_candidates(pred_proc_id, hlds_goal, igcs_acc) =
+ igcs_acc.
+igcs_keeping_path_candidates(PPId, Goal, IGCs) =
+ igcs(PPId, Goal, IGCs) ^ path_candidates := IGCs ^ path_candidates.
+:- func case_goals(list(case)) = hlds_goals.
+case_goals(Cases) =
+ list__map(func(case(_ConsId, Goal)) = Goal, Cases).
+:- func add_recursive_call(hlds_goal, igcs_acc) = igcs_acc.
+ % We have to reverse the path_candidates because they are
+ % accumulated in reverse order, whereas we need them in
+ % producer-consumer order as they appear in the procedure.
+ %
+add_recursive_call(Goal, IGCs) =
+ IGCs ^ rec_calls :=
+ [Goal - list__reverse(IGCs ^ path_candidates) | IGCs ^ rec_calls].
+ % NOTE: we could hoist semipure goals that have no preceeding
+ % impure goals, but that's a very low-level optimization that
+ % is not entirely trivial to implement.
+ %
+:- func igcs_handle_non_recursive_call(hlds_goal, igcs_acc) = igcs_acc.
+igcs_handle_non_recursive_call(Goal @ (_GoalExpr - GoalInfo), IGCs) =
+ ( if not model_non(GoalInfo),
+ not ( goal_info_has_feature(GoalInfo, (impure) )
+ ; goal_info_has_feature(GoalInfo, (semipure) )
+ )
+ then IGCs ^ path_candidates := [Goal | IGCs ^ path_candidates]
+ else IGCs
+ ).
+:- pred model_non(hlds_goal_info).
+:- mode model_non(in) is semidet.
+model_non(GoalInfo) :-
+ hlds_goal__goal_info_get_determinism(GoalInfo, Detism),
+ code_model__determinism_to_code_model(Detism, model_non).
+:- func intersect_candidate_inv_goals(list(hlds_goals)) = hlds_goals.
+intersect_candidate_inv_goals([]) = [].
+intersect_candidate_inv_goals([Goals | Goalss]) =
+ list__filter(common_goal(Goalss), Goals).
+:- pred common_goal(list(hlds_goals), hlds_goal).
+:- mode common_goal(in, in) is semidet.
+common_goal(Goalss, Goal) :-
+ all [Gs] (
+ list__member(Gs, Goalss)
+ =>
+ (
+ list__member(G, Gs),
+ equivalent_goals(G, Goal)
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred equivalent_goals(hlds_goal, hlds_goal).
+:- mode equivalent_goals(in, in) is semidet.
+equivalent_goals(GoalExprX - _GoalInfoX, GoalExprY - _GoalInfoY) :-
+ (
+ GoalExprX = GoalExprY
+ ;
+ GoalExprX =
+ call(PredId, ProcId, Args, _BuiltinStateX, _ContextX, _SymNameX),
+ GoalExprY =
+ call(PredId, ProcId, Args, _BuiltinStateY, _ContextY, _SymNameY)
+ ).
+:- func inv_args(module_info, prog_vars, list(mode), hlds_goals) = prog_vars.
+inv_args(ModuleInfo, HeadVars, HeadVarModes, RecCalls) = InvArgs :-
+ MaybeInvArgs0 =
+ list__map_corresponding(
+ arg_to_maybe_inv_arg(ModuleInfo), HeadVars, HeadVarModes),
+ MaybeInvArgs =
+ list__foldl(refine_candidate_inv_args, RecCalls, MaybeInvArgs0),
+ InvArgs =
+ list__filter_map(func(yes(Arg)) = Arg is semidet, MaybeInvArgs).
+ % Maps an Arg in HeadVars to yes(Arg) if Arg is an input
+ % or to no otherwise.
+ %
+:- func arg_to_maybe_inv_arg(module_info, prog_var, mode) = maybe(prog_var).
+arg_to_maybe_inv_arg(ModuleInfo, Arg, Mode) =
+ ( if input_arg(ModuleInfo, Arg, Mode) = InvArg then yes(InvArg) else no ).
+:- func refine_candidate_inv_args(hlds_goal, list(maybe(prog_var))) =
+ list(maybe(prog_var)).
+refine_candidate_inv_args(RecCall - _RecCallInfo, MaybeInvArgs) =
+ ( if RecCall = call(_, _, CallArgs, _, _, _)
+ then list__map_corresponding(rcias, MaybeInvArgs, CallArgs)
+ else func_error("refine_candidate_inv_args/2: non call/6 \
+found in argument 1")
+ ).
+:- func rcias(maybe(prog_var), prog_var) = maybe(prog_var).
+rcias(no, _) = no.
+rcias(yes(X), Y) = ( if X = Y then yes(X) else no ).
+ % A goal is invariant if all its input args are invariant.
+ % The outputs of an invariant goal are also invariant.
+ %
+ % Since mode reordering has already been applied at this point,
+ % we know that if goal A precedes goal B in the candidate list,
+ % goal A will not depend upon the results of goal B (although B
+ % may depend on A).
+ %
+ % The list returned will not contain duplicate goals judged
+ % to be the same by equivalent_goals/2.
+ %
+:- pred inv_goals_vars(module_info, prog_vars,
+ hlds_goals, hlds_goals, prog_vars, prog_vars).
+:- mode inv_goals_vars(in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+inv_goals_vars(ModuleInfo, UniquelyUsedVars,
+ InvGoals0, InvGoals, InvVars0, InvVars) :-
+ list__foldl2(
+ igvs(ModuleInfo, UniquelyUsedVars),
+ InvGoals0,
+ [], InvGoals,
+ InvVars0, InvVars
+ ).
+:- pred igvs(module_info, prog_vars, hlds_goal, hlds_goals, hlds_goals,
+ prog_vars, prog_vars).
+:- mode igvs(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+igvs(MI, UUVs, Goal, IGs0, IGs, IVs0, IVs) :-
+ ( if
+ not invariant_goal(IGs0, Goal),
+ input_args_are_invariant(MI, Goal, IVs0)
+ then
+ IGs = [Goal | IGs0],
+ IVs = add_outputs(MI, UUVs, Goal, IVs0)
+ else
+ IGs = IGs0,
+ IVs = IVs0
+ ).
+:- pred invariant_goal(hlds_goals, hlds_goal).
+:- mode invariant_goal(in, in) is semidet.
+invariant_goal(InvariantGoals, Goal) :-
+ list__member(InvariantGoal, InvariantGoals),
+ equivalent_goals(InvariantGoal, Goal).
+:- pred input_args_are_invariant(module_info, hlds_goal, prog_vars).
+:- mode input_args_are_invariant(in, in, in) is semidet.
+input_args_are_invariant(ModuleInfo, Goal, InvVars) :-
+ Inputs = goal_inputs(ModuleInfo, Goal),
+ all [V]
+ ( list__member(V, Inputs) => list__member(V, InvVars) ).
+:- pred dont_hoist(module_info, hlds_goals, hlds_goals, prog_vars).
+:- mode dont_hoist(in, in, out, out) is det.
+dont_hoist(MI, InvGoals, DontHoistGoals, DontHoistVars) :-
+ list__foldl2(dh(MI), InvGoals, [], DontHoistGoals, [], DontHoistVars).
+:- pred dh(module_info, hlds_goal,
+ hlds_goals, hlds_goals, prog_vars, prog_vars).
+:- mode dh(in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+dh(MI, Goal, DHGs0, DHGs, DHVs0, DHVs) :-
+ ( if
+ ( const_construction(Goal)
+ ; deconstruction(Goal)
+ ; const_goal(MI, Goal)
+ ; impure_goal(Goal)
+ )
+ then
+ DHGs = [Goal | DHGs0],
+ DHVs = add_outputs(MI, [], Goal, DHVs0)
+ else
+ DHGs = DHGs0,
+ DHVs = DHVs0
+ ).
+ % A constant construction is a construction unification with no
+ % arguments or which is constructed from a statically initialized
+ % constant.
+ %
+ % NOTE: we could do better, but it's not clear it's worth it.
+ %
+:- pred const_construction(hlds_goal).
+:- mode const_construction(in) is semidet.
+const_construction(GoalExpr - _GoalInfo) :-
+ Construction = GoalExpr ^ unify_kind,
+ ( Construction ^ construct_args = []
+ ; Construction ^ construct_how = construct_statically(_)
+ ).
+:- pred deconstruction(hlds_goal).
+:- mode deconstruction(in) is semidet.
+deconstruction(GoalExpr - _GoalInfo) :-
+ GoalExpr ^ unify_kind = deconstruct(_, _, _, _, _, _).
+ % A const goal has no inputs.
+ %
+:- pred const_goal(module_info, hlds_goal).
+:- mode const_goal(in, in) is semidet.
+const_goal(ModuleInfo, Goal) :-
+ goal_inputs(ModuleInfo, Goal) = [].
+:- pred impure_goal(hlds_goal).
+:- mode impure_goal(in) is semidet.
+impure_goal(_GoalExpr - GoalInfo) :-
+ hlds_goal__goal_info_get_features(GoalInfo, Features),
+ (
+ Features `contains` (impure)
+ ;
+ Features `contains` (semipure)
+ ).
+:- type inst_info == {module_info, instmap}.
+:- pred arg_is_input(inst_info, prog_var).
+:- mode arg_is_input(in, in) is semidet.
+arg_is_input(InstInfo, Arg) :-
+ InstInfo = {_ModuleInfo, InstMap},
+ instmap__lookup_var(InstMap, Arg, Inst),
+ inst_is_input(InstInfo, Inst).
+ % We take an initial inst to be an input if it is fully ground
+ % and not unique.
+ %
+:- pred inst_is_input(inst_info, inst).
+:- mode inst_is_input(in, in) is semidet.
+inst_is_input({ModuleInfo, _InstMap}, Inst) :-
+ inst_match__inst_is_ground(ModuleInfo, Inst).
+:- func update_inst_info(hlds_goal, inst_info) = inst_info.
+update_inst_info(Goal, {ModuleInfo, InstMap0}) = {ModuleInfo, InstMap} :-
+ det_util__update_instmap(Goal, InstMap0, InstMap).
+:- func add_outputs(module_info, prog_vars, hlds_goal, prog_vars) =
+ prog_vars.
+add_outputs(ModuleInfo, UUVs, Goal, InvVars) =
+ list__foldl(add_output(UUVs), goal_outputs(ModuleInfo, Goal), InvVars).
+:- func add_output(prog_vars, prog_var, prog_vars) = prog_vars.
+add_output(UniquelyUsedVars, X, InvVars) =
+ ( if not list__member(X, InvVars),
+ not list__member(X, UniquelyUsedVars)
+ then [X | InvVars]
+ else InvVars
+ ).
+:- func compute_initial_aux_instmap(hlds_goals, instmap) = instmap.
+compute_initial_aux_instmap(Gs, IM) =
+ list__foldl(ApplyGoalInstMap, Gs, IM)
+ :-
+ ApplyGoalInstMap =
+ ( func(_GoalExpr - GoalInfo, IM0) = IM1 :-
+ hlds_goal__goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo, IMD),
+ instmap__apply_instmap_delta(IM0, IMD, IM1)
+ ).
+:- pred create_aux_pred(
+ pred_proc_id, prog_vars, prog_vars, instmap,
+ pred_proc_id, hlds_goal, pred_info, proc_info,
+ module_info, module_info).
+:- mode create_aux_pred(
+ in, in, in, in,
+ out, out, out, out,
+ in, out) is det.
+create_aux_pred(PredProcId, HeadVars, ComputedInvArgs,
+ InitialAuxInstMap, AuxPredProcId, CallAux,
+ AuxPredInfo, AuxProcInfo,
+ ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
+ PredProcId = proc(PredId, ProcId),
+ AuxHeadVars = HeadVars ++ ComputedInvArgs,
+ hlds_module__module_info_name(ModuleInfo0, ModuleName),
+ hlds_module__module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo0, PredId, ProcId,
+ PredInfo, ProcInfo),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_goal(ProcInfo, Goal @ (_GoalExpr - GoalInfo)),
+ hlds_pred__pred_info_typevarset(PredInfo, TVarSet),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo, VarTypes),
+ hlds_pred__pred_info_get_class_context(PredInfo, ClassContext),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_typeinfo_varmap(ProcInfo, TVarMap),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_typeclass_info_varmap(ProcInfo, TCVarMap),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_varset(ProcInfo, VarSet),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_inst_varset(ProcInfo, InstVarSet),
+ hlds_pred__pred_info_get_markers(PredInfo, Markers),
+ hlds_pred__pred_info_get_aditi_owner(PredInfo, Owner),
+ hlds_pred__pred_info_name(PredInfo, PredName),
+ hlds_goal__goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, Context),
+ term__context_line(Context, Line),
+ hlds_pred__proc_id_to_int(ProcId, ProcNo),
+ AuxNamePrefix = string__format("loop_inv_%d", [i(ProcNo)]),
+ prog_util__make_pred_name_with_context(ModuleName, AuxNamePrefix,
+ predicate, PredName, Line, 1, AuxPredSymName),
+ (
+ AuxPredSymName = unqualified(AuxPredName)
+ ;
+ AuxPredSymName = qualified(_ModuleSpecifier, AuxPredName)
+ ),
+ % Put in oven at gas mark 11 and bake.
+ %
+ hlds_pred__define_new_pred(
+ Goal, % in - The goal for the new aux proc.
+ CallAux, % out - How we can call the new aux proc.
+ AuxHeadVars, % in - The args for the new aux proc.
+ _ExtraArgs, % out - Extra args prepended to Args for typeinfo
+ % liveness purposes.
+ InitialAuxInstMap,
+ % in - The initial instmap for the new aux proc.
+ AuxPredName, % in - The name of the new aux proc.
+ TVarSet, % in - ???
+ VarTypes, % in - The var -> type mapping for the new aux proc.
+ ClassContext, % in - Typeclass constraints on the new aux proc.
+ TVarMap, % in - The tvar -> type_info_locn map for this proc.
+ TCVarMap, % in - The class_constraint -> var map for
+ % locating the type class typeclass_info.
+ VarSet, % in - ???
+ InstVarSet, % in - ???
+ Markers, % in - Markers for the new aux proc.
+ Owner, % in - The Aditi owner string for the new aux proc.
+ address_is_not_taken,
+ % in - The address of the new aux proc is not taken.
+ ModuleInfo0,
+ ModuleInfo,
+ AuxPredProcId % out - The pred_proc_id for the new aux proc.
+ ),
+ % Note on CallAux:
+ % - we change the call args as necessary in gen_aux_call;
+ % - we handle the changes to nonlocals by requantifying
+ % over the entire goal after we've transformed it.
+ AuxPredProcId = proc(AuxPredId, AuxProcId),
+ hlds_module__module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, AuxPredId, AuxProcId,
+ AuxPredInfo, AuxProcInfo).
+:- type gap_info
+ ---> gap_info(
+ module_info :: module_info,
+ inv_goals :: hlds_goals,
+ pred_proc_id :: pred_proc_id,
+ call_aux_goal :: hlds_goal
+ ).
+ % Replace the invariant goals in the original Body
+ % with just `true' in the new AuxBody.
+ %
+:- pred gen_aux_proc(hlds_goals, pred_proc_id,
+ pred_proc_id, hlds_goal, hlds_goal,
+ pred_info, proc_info,
+ module_info, module_info).
+:- mode gen_aux_proc(in, in,
+ in, in, in,
+ in, in,
+ in, out) is det.
+gen_aux_proc(InvGoals, PredProcId,
+ AuxPredProcId, CallAux, Body,
+ AuxPredInfo, AuxProcInfo0,
+ ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
+ % Compute the aux proc body.
+ %
+ GapInfo = gap_info(ModuleInfo0, InvGoals, PredProcId, CallAux),
+ AuxBody = gap(GapInfo, Body),
+ % Put the new proc body and instmap into the module_info.
+ %
+ AuxPredProcId = proc(AuxPredId, AuxProcId),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_varset(AuxProcInfo0, AuxVarSet),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_vartypes(AuxProcInfo0, AuxVarTypes),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_headvars(AuxProcInfo0, AuxHeadVars),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_typeinfo_varmap(AuxProcInfo0, AuxTVarMap),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_typeclass_info_varmap(AuxProcInfo0, AuxTCVarMap),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_set_body(AuxProcInfo0, AuxVarSet, AuxVarTypes,
+ AuxHeadVars, AuxBody, AuxTVarMap, AuxTCVarMap, AuxProcInfo1),
+ quantification__requantify_proc(AuxProcInfo1, AuxProcInfo2),
+ mode_util__recompute_instmap_delta_proc(no, AuxProcInfo2, AuxProcInfo,
+ ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo1),
+ hlds_module__module_info_set_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo1,
+ AuxPredId, AuxProcId, AuxPredInfo, AuxProcInfo, ModuleInfo).
+:- func gap(gap_info, hlds_goal) = hlds_goal.
+gap(Info, Call @ call(PredId, ProcId, _,_,_,_) - GoalInfo) =
+ ( if proc(PredId, ProcId) = Info ^ pred_proc_id then
+ gen_aux_call(Info ^ call_aux_goal, Call - GoalInfo)
+ else
+ gap_handle_non_recursive_call(Info, Call - GoalInfo)
+ ).
+gap(Info, Call @ generic_call(_, _, _, _) - GoalInfo) =
+ gap_handle_non_recursive_call(Info, Call - GoalInfo).
+gap(Info, Unification @ unify(_, _, _, _, _) - GoalInfo) =
+ gap_handle_non_recursive_call(Info, Unification - GoalInfo).
+gap(Info, ForeignProc @ foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _) - GoalInfo) =
+ gap_handle_non_recursive_call(Info, ForeignProc - GoalInfo).
+gap(Info, conj(Conjuncts) - GoalInfo) =
+ conj(gap_list(Info, Conjuncts)) - GoalInfo.
+gap(Info, par_conj(Conjs) - GoalInfo) =
+ par_conj(gap_list(Info, Conjs)) - GoalInfo.
+gap(Info, disj(Disjuncts) - GoalInfo) =
+ disj(gap_list(Info, Disjuncts)) - GoalInfo.
+gap(Info, switch(Var, CanFail, Cases) - GoalInfo) =
+ switch(Var, CanFail, gap_switch(Info, Cases)) - GoalInfo.
+gap(Info, not(NegatedGoal) - GoalInfo) =
+ not(gap(Info, NegatedGoal)) - GoalInfo.
+gap(Info, some(XVars, CanRemove, QuantifiedGoal) - GoalInfo) =
+ some(XVars, CanRemove, gap(Info, QuantifiedGoal)) - GoalInfo.
+gap(Info, if_then_else(XVars, Cond, Then, Else) - GoalInfo) =
+ if_then_else(XVars, gap(Info, Cond), gap(Info, Then), gap(Info, Else)) -
+ GoalInfo.
+gap(_Info, shorthand(_) - _GoalInfo) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "gap/2: shorthand/1 in hlds_goal").
+:- func gap_list(gap_info, hlds_goals) = hlds_goals.
+gap_list(Info, Goals) = list__map(gap(Info), Goals).
+:- func gap_switch(gap_info, list(case)) = list(case).
+gap_switch(Info, Cases) =
+ list__map(
+ func(case(CaseId, Goal)) = case(CaseId, gap(Info, Goal)),
+ Cases
+ ).
+:- func gap_handle_non_recursive_call(gap_info, hlds_goal) = hlds_goal.
+gap_handle_non_recursive_call(Info, Goal0) = Goal :-
+ ( if invariant_goal(Info ^ inv_goals, Goal0) then
+ true_goal(Goal)
+ else
+ Goal = Goal0
+ ).
+ % We construct OutProc by replacing recursive calls to
+ % the InProc at the end of recursive paths with calls
+ % to the auxiliary procedure.
+ %
+:- pred gen_out_proc(pred_proc_id, pred_info, proc_info, proc_info,
+ hlds_goal, hlds_goal,
+ module_info, module_info).
+:- mode gen_out_proc(in, in, in, out, in, in, in, out) is det.
+gen_out_proc(PredProcId, PredInfo0, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo, CallAux, Body0,
+ ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
+ % Compute the new procedure body.
+ %
+ Body = gop(PredProcId, CallAux, Body0),
+ % Put the new procedure body into the module_info.
+ %
+ PredProcId = proc(PredId, ProcId),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_varset(ProcInfo0, VarSet),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo0, VarTypes),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo0, HeadVars),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_typeinfo_varmap(ProcInfo0, TVarMap),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_typeclass_info_varmap(ProcInfo0, TCVarMap),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_set_body(ProcInfo0, VarSet, VarTypes,
+ HeadVars, Body, TVarMap, TCVarMap, ProcInfo1),
+ quantification__requantify_proc(ProcInfo1, ProcInfo2),
+ mode_util__recompute_instmap_delta_proc(no, ProcInfo2, ProcInfo,
+ ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo1),
+ hlds_module__module_info_set_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo1, PredId, ProcId,
+ PredInfo0, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo).
+ % gop(PredProcId, CallAux, Goal0) = Goal:
+ % Goal is Goal0 with calls to PredProcId replaced with CallAux.
+ %
+:- func gop(pred_proc_id, hlds_goal, hlds_goal) = hlds_goal.
+gop(PPId, CallAux, Call @ call(PredId, ProcId, _, _, _, _) - GoalInfo) =
+ ( if proc(PredId, ProcId) = PPId
+ then gen_aux_call(CallAux, Call - GoalInfo)
+ else Call - GoalInfo
+ ).
+gop(_PPId, _CallAux, Call @ generic_call(_, _, _, _) - GoalInfo) =
+ Call - GoalInfo.
+gop(_PPId, _CallAux, Unification @ unify(_, _, _, _, _) - GoalInfo) =
+ Unification - GoalInfo.
+gop(_PPId, _CallAux, ForeignProc @ foreign_proc(_,_,_,_,_,_,_) - GoalInfo) =
+ ForeignProc - GoalInfo.
+gop(PPId, CallAux, conj(Conjuncts) - GoalInfo) =
+ conj(list__map(gop(PPId, CallAux), Conjuncts)) - GoalInfo.
+gop(PPId, CallAux, par_conj(ParConjuncts) - GoalInfo) =
+ par_conj(list__map(gop(PPId, CallAux), ParConjuncts)) - GoalInfo.
+gop(PPId, CallAux, disj(Disjuncts) - GoalInfo) =
+ disj(list__map(gop(PPId, CallAux), Disjuncts)) - GoalInfo.
+gop(PPId, CallAux, switch(Var, CanFail, Cases) - GoalInfo) =
+ switch(Var, CanFail, list__map(GOPCase, Cases)) - GoalInfo
+ :-
+ GOPCase =
+ ( func(case(ConsId, Goal)) = case(ConsId, gop(PPId, CallAux, Goal)) ).
+gop(PPId, CallAux, not(NegatedGoal) - GoalInfo) =
+ not(gop(PPId, CallAux, NegatedGoal)) - GoalInfo.
+gop(PPId, CallAux, some(XVars, CanRemove, QuantifiedGoal) - GoalInfo) =
+ some(XVars, CanRemove, gop(PPId, CallAux, QuantifiedGoal)) - GoalInfo.
+gop(PPId, CallAux, if_then_else(XVars, Cond, Then, Else) - GoalInfo) =
+ if_then_else(
+ XVars,
+ gop(PPId, CallAux, Cond),
+ gop(PPId, CallAux, Then),
+ gop(PPId, CallAux, Else)
+ ) - GoalInfo.
+gop(_PPId, _CallAux, shorthand(_) - _GoalInfo) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "gop/3: shorthand/1 in hlds_goal").
+:- func gen_aux_call(hlds_goal, hlds_goal) = hlds_goal.
+gen_aux_call(CallAux0 - _CallAuxInfo0, Call - CallInfo) =
+ ( if
+ AuxArgs0 = CallAux0 ^ call_args,
+ Args0 = Call ^ call_args,
+ Args = replace_initial_args(Args0, AuxArgs0),
+ CallAux = ( CallAux0 ^ call_args := Args )
+ %
+ % Note that one might expect instmap_delta to change,
+ % however the invariant arguments are just that -
+ % invariant - hence their insts are not changed by
+ % the recursive call and there is no need to
+ % adjust the instmap_delta. All other fields
+ % are correct for CallInfo.
+ then
+ CallAux - CallInfo
+ else
+ func_error("gen_aux_call/2: args not both ordinary calls")
+ ).
+:- func replace_initial_args(list(T), list(T)) = list(T).
+replace_initial_args([], Ys ) = Ys.
+replace_initial_args([X | Xs], [_ | Ys]) = [X | replace_initial_args(Xs, Ys)].
+replace_initial_args([_ | _], [] ) = _ :-
+ error("replace_initial_args/2: first arg longer than second").
+ % This predicate computes the set of variables that are used
+ % as (partly) unique inputs to goals. This information is
+ % needed because unique local values for which uniqueness is
+ % important cannot be hoisted, although those for which uniqueness
+ % is inferred, but not important, can be hoisted.
+ %
+ % TODO: get this to handle unification properly. See the XXX below.
+ %
+:- func uniquely_used_vars(module_info, hlds_goal) = prog_vars.
+uniquely_used_vars(ModuleInfo, Goal) =
+ list__sort_and_remove_dups(uuvs(ModuleInfo, Goal)).
+:- func uuvs(module_info, hlds_goal) = prog_vars.
+uuvs(MI, call(PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _) - _) =
+ list__filter_map_corresponding(uuas(MI), Args, argmodes(MI,PredId,ProcId)).
+uuvs(MI, generic_call(_, Args, Modes, _) - _) =
+ list__filter_map_corresponding(uuas(MI), Args, Modes).
+uuvs(MI, foreign_proc(_, PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _) - _) =
+ list__filter_map_corresponding(uuas(MI), Args, argmodes(MI,PredId,ProcId)).
+ % XXX This is very conservative!
+ %
+uuvs(_MI, unify(_LHS, _RHS, _UMode, _UKind, _) - _) = [].
+uuvs(MI, conj(Conjuncts) - _) =
+ list__condense(list__map(uuvs(MI), Conjuncts)).
+uuvs(MI, par_conj(ParConjuncts) - _) =
+ list__condense(list__map(uuvs(MI), ParConjuncts)).
+uuvs(MI, disj(Disjuncts) - _) =
+ list__condense(list__map(uuvs(MI), Disjuncts)).
+uuvs(MI, switch(_, _, Cases) - _) =
+ list__condense(list__map(uuvs(MI), case_goals(Cases))).
+uuvs(MI, not(NegatedGoal) - _) =
+ uuvs(MI, NegatedGoal).
+uuvs(MI, some(_, _, QuantifiedGoal) - _) =
+ uuvs(MI, QuantifiedGoal).
+uuvs(MI, if_then_else(_, Cond, Then, Else) - _) =
+ uuvs(MI, Cond) ++ uuvs(MI, Then) ++ uuvs(MI, Else).
+uuvs(_MI, shorthand(_) - _) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "uuvs/3: shorthand/1 in hlds_goal").
+:- func uuas(module_info, prog_var, mode) = prog_var is semidet.
+uuas(MI, X, M) = X :-
+ mode_util__mode_get_insts(MI, M, InInst, _OutInst),
+ not inst_match__inst_is_not_partly_unique(MI, InInst).
+:- func argmodes(module_info, pred_id, proc_id) = list(mode).
+argmodes(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId) = ArgModes :-
+ hlds_module__module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, _,
+ ProcInfo),
+ hlds_pred__proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo, ArgModes).
+ % Find the list of vars for a goal that are free before the call.
+ % This only applies to calls and unifications.
+ %
+:- func goal_inputs(module_info, hlds_goal) = prog_vars.
+goal_inputs(MI, call(PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _) - _) =
+ list__filter_map_corresponding(
+ input_arg(MI), Args, argmodes(MI, PredId, ProcId)).
+goal_inputs(MI, generic_call(_, Args, ArgModes, _) - _) =
+ list__filter_map_corresponding(
+ input_arg(MI), Args, ArgModes).
+goal_inputs(MI, foreign_proc(_, PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _) - _) =
+ list__filter_map_corresponding(
+ input_arg(MI), Args, argmodes(MI, PredId, ProcId)).
+goal_inputs(MI, unify(LHS, UnifyRHS, _, Kind, _) - _) = Inputs :-
+ (
+ % The LHS is always an output var in constructions.
+ %
+ Kind = construct(_, _, RHSArgs, ArgUniModes, _, _, _),
+ Inputs = list__filter_map_corresponding(
+ input_arg(MI), RHSArgs, rhs_modes(ArgUniModes))
+ ;
+ % The LHS is always in input var in deconstructions.
+ %
+ Kind = deconstruct(_, _, RHSArgs, ArgUniModes, _, _),
+ Inputs = [ LHS
+ | list__filter_map_corresponding(
+ input_arg(MI), RHSArgs, rhs_modes(ArgUniModes)) ]
+ ;
+ % The RHS is the only input in an assignment.
+ %
+ Kind = assign(_, RHS),
+ Inputs = [RHS]
+ ;
+ % Both sides of a simple test are inputs.
+ %
+ Kind = simple_test(_, RHS),
+ Inputs = [LHS, RHS]
+ ;
+ % Both sides of a complicated unification are inputs.
+ %
+ Kind = complicated_unify(_, _, _),
+ Inputs = ( if UnifyRHS = var(RHS) then [LHS, RHS] else [LHS] )
+ ).
+goal_inputs(_MI, conj(_) - _) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "goal_inputs/2: conj/1 in hlds_goal").
+goal_inputs(_MI, switch(_, _, _) - _) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "goal_inputs/2: switch/3 in hlds_goal").
+goal_inputs(_MI, disj(_) - _) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "goal_inputs/2: disj/1 in hlds_goal").
+goal_inputs(_MI, not(_) - _) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "goal_inputs/2: not/1 in hlds_goal").
+goal_inputs(_MI, some(_, _, _) - _) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "goal_inputs/2: some/3 in hlds_goal").
+goal_inputs(_MI, if_then_else(_, _, _, _) - _) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "goal_inputs/2: if_then_else/4 in hlds_goal").
+goal_inputs(_MI, par_conj(_) - _) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "goal_inputs/2: par_conj/2 in hlds_goal").
+goal_inputs(_MI, shorthand(_) - _) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "goal_inputs/2: shorthand/1 in hlds_goal").
+ % An input arg is one whose pre-call inst is not free.
+ %
+:- func input_arg(module_info, prog_var, mode) = prog_var is semidet.
+input_arg(MI, X, M) = X :-
+ mode_util__mode_get_insts(MI, M, InInst, _OutInst),
+ not inst_match__inst_is_free(MI, InInst).
+ % Find the list of vars for a goal that are free before the call.
+ % This only applies to calls and unifications.
+ %
+:- func goal_outputs(module_info, hlds_goal) = prog_vars.
+goal_outputs(MI, call(PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _) - _) =
+ list__filter_map_corresponding(
+ output_arg(MI), Args, argmodes(MI, PredId, ProcId)).
+goal_outputs(MI, generic_call(_, Args, ArgModes, _) - _) =
+ list__filter_map_corresponding(
+ output_arg(MI), Args, ArgModes).
+goal_outputs(MI, foreign_proc(_, PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _) - _) =
+ list__filter_map_corresponding(
+ output_arg(MI), Args, argmodes(MI, PredId, ProcId)).
+goal_outputs(MI, unify(LHS, _RHS, _, Kind, _) - _) = Outputs :-
+ (
+ % The LHS is the only output in a construction.
+ %
+ Kind = construct(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
+ Outputs = [LHS]
+ ;
+ % The LHS is always in input in deconstructions.
+ %
+ Kind = deconstruct(_, _, RHSArgs, ArgUniModes, _, _),
+ Outputs = list__filter_map_corresponding(
+ output_arg(MI), RHSArgs, rhs_modes(ArgUniModes))
+ ;
+ % The LHS is the only output in an assignment.
+ %
+ Kind = assign(_, _),
+ Outputs = [LHS]
+ ;
+ % Both sides of a simple test are inputs.
+ %
+ Kind = simple_test(_, _),
+ Outputs = []
+ ;
+ % Both sides of a complicated unification are inputs.
+ %
+ Kind = complicated_unify(_, _, _),
+ Outputs = []
+ ).
+goal_outputs(_MI, conj(_) - _) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "goal_outputs/2: conj/1 in hlds_goal").
+goal_outputs(_MI, switch(_, _, _) - _) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "goal_outputs/2: switch/3 in hlds_goal").
+goal_outputs(_MI, disj(_) - _) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "goal_outputs/2: disj/1 in hlds_goal").
+goal_outputs(_MI, not(_) - _) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "goal_outputs/2: not/1 in hlds_goal").
+goal_outputs(_MI, some(_, _, _) - _) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "goal_outputs/2: some/3 in hlds_goal").
+goal_outputs(_MI, if_then_else(_, _, _, _) - _) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "goal_outputs/2: if_then_else/4 in hlds_goal").
+goal_outputs(_MI, par_conj(_) - _) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "goal_outputs/2: par_conj/1 in hlds_goal").
+goal_outputs(_MI, shorthand(_) - _) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file, "goal_outputs/2: shorthand/1 in hlds_goal").
+ % An output arg is one whose pre-call inst is free.
+ %
+:- func output_arg(module_info, prog_var, mode) = prog_var is semidet.
+output_arg(MI, X, M) = X :-
+ mode_util__mode_get_insts(MI, M, InInst, _OutInst),
+ inst_match__inst_is_free(MI, InInst).
+:- func rhs_modes(list(uni_mode)) = list(mode).
+rhs_modes(UniModes) =
+ list__map(func((_ - Pre) -> (_ - Post)) = (Pre -> Post), UniModes).
+:- func lhs_modes(list(uni_mode)) = list(mode).
+lhs_modes(UniModes) =
+ list__map(func((Pre - _) -> (Post - _)) = (Pre -> Post), UniModes).
Index: mercury_compile.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mercury_compile.m,v
retrieving revision 1.255
diff -u -r1.255 mercury_compile.m
--- mercury_compile.m 21 Jun 2002 17:04:45 -0000 1.255
+++ mercury_compile.m 24 Jun 2002 03:33:41 -0000
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
:- import_module transform_hlds__delay_construct, transform_hlds__unused_args.
:- import_module transform_hlds__unneeded_code, transform_hlds__lco.
:- import_module ll_backend__deep_profiling.
+:- import_module transform_hlds__loop_inv.
% the LLDS back-end
:- import_module ll_backend__saved_vars, ll_backend__stack_opt.
@@ -1859,10 +1860,13 @@
Verbose, Stats, HLDS33),
mercury_compile__maybe_dump_hlds(HLDS33, "33", "accum"),
- mercury_compile__maybe_do_inlining(HLDS33, Verbose, Stats, HLDS34),
- mercury_compile__maybe_dump_hlds(HLDS34, "34", "inlining"),
+ mercury_compile__maybe_loop_inv(HLDS33, Verbose, Stats, HLDS34),
+ mercury_compile__maybe_dump_hlds(HLDS34, "34", "loop_inv"),
- mercury_compile__maybe_deforestation(HLDS34, Verbose, Stats, HLDS36),
+ mercury_compile__maybe_do_inlining(HLDS34, Verbose, Stats, HLDS35),
+ mercury_compile__maybe_dump_hlds(HLDS35, "35", "inlining"),
+ mercury_compile__maybe_deforestation(HLDS35, Verbose, Stats, HLDS36),
mercury_compile__maybe_dump_hlds(HLDS36, "36", "deforestation"),
mercury_compile__maybe_delay_construct(HLDS36, Verbose, Stats, HLDS37),
@@ -2188,7 +2192,7 @@
{ globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, follow_code, FollowCode) },
{ globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, prev_code, PrevCode) },
( { FollowCode = yes ; PrevCode = yes } ->
- { move_follow_code_in_proc(PredInfo,
+ { move_follow_code_in_proc(PredId, ProcId, PredInfo,
ProcInfoSavedCell, ProcInfoFollowCode,
ModuleInfoSavedCell, ModuleInfoFollow) }
@@ -2816,6 +2820,25 @@
list__foldl(AddProc, ProcIds, AditiPreds0, AditiPreds)
AditiPreds = AditiPreds0
+ ).
+:- pred mercury_compile__maybe_loop_inv(module_info::in,
+ bool::in, bool::in, module_info::out, io__state::di, io__state::uo)
+ is det.
+mercury_compile__maybe_loop_inv(HLDS0, Verbose, Stats, HLDS) -->
+ globals__io_lookup_bool_option(loop_invariants, LoopInv),
+ ( { LoopInv = yes } ->
+ maybe_write_string(Verbose,
+ "% Hoisting loop invariants...\n"),
+ maybe_flush_output(Verbose),
+ process_all_nonimported_procs(
+ update_module(hoist_loop_invariants),
+ maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% done.\n"),
+ maybe_report_stats(Stats)
+ ;
+ { HLDS0 = HLDS }
:- pred mercury_compile__maybe_delay_construct(module_info::in,
Index: options.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/options.m,v
retrieving revision 1.375
diff -u -r1.375 options.m
--- options.m 13 Jun 2002 08:51:16 -0000 1.375
+++ options.m 26 Jun 2002 04:43:03 -0000
@@ -408,6 +408,7 @@
; optimize_saved_vars_cell_all_path_node_ratio
; optimize_saved_vars_cell_include_all_candidates
; optimize_saved_vars
+ ; loop_invariants
; delay_construct
; follow_code
; prev_code
@@ -903,6 +904,7 @@
optimize_duplicate_calls - bool(no),
constant_propagation - bool(no),
excess_assign - bool(no),
+ loop_invariants - bool(no),
optimize_saved_vars_const - bool(no),
optimize_saved_vars_cell - bool(no),
optimize_saved_vars_cell_loop - bool(yes),
@@ -1436,6 +1438,7 @@
long_option("optimize-constant-propagation", constant_propagation).
long_option("optimize-saved-vars", optimize_saved_vars).
long_option("optimise-saved-vars", optimize_saved_vars).
+long_option("loop-invariants", loop_invariants).
long_option("optimize-saved-vars-const", optimize_saved_vars_const).
long_option("optimise-saved-vars-const", optimize_saved_vars_const).
long_option("optimize-saved-vars-cell", optimize_saved_vars_cell).
@@ -1981,7 +1984,8 @@
use_local_vars - bool(yes),
inline_simple_threshold - int(8),
inline_compound_threshold - int(20),
- higher_order_size_limit - int(30)
+ higher_order_size_limit - int(30),
+ loop_invariants - bool(yes)
% Optimization level 5: apply optimizations which may have some
@@ -3020,6 +3024,8 @@
"\tOptimize away multiple calls to a predicate",
"\twith the same input arguments.",
+ "--loop-invariants",
+ "\tHoist loop invariants out of loops.",
"\tReorder goals to move construction unifications after",
"\tprimitive goals that can fail.",
Index: passes_aux.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/passes_aux.m,v
retrieving revision 1.47
diff -u -r1.47 passes_aux.m
--- passes_aux.m 21 Jun 2002 17:04:47 -0000 1.47
+++ passes_aux.m 24 Jun 2002 03:33:49 -0000
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
io__state, io__state))
; update_pred_error(pred_error_task)
; update_module(pred(
- pred_info, proc_info, proc_info,
+ pred_id, proc_id, pred_info,
+ proc_info, proc_info,
module_info, module_info))
; update_module_io(pred(
pred_id, proc_id, proc_info, proc_info,
@@ -93,7 +94,8 @@
out, out, di, uo) is det)
; update_pred_error(pred(in, in, out, in, out,
out, out, di, uo) is det)
- ; update_module(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is det)
+ ; update_module(pred(in, in, in, in, out, in, out)
+ is det)
; update_module_io(pred(in, in, in, out,
in, out, di, uo) is det)
; update_module_cookie(pred(in, in, in, out, in, out,
@@ -321,7 +323,8 @@
Task0 = update_module(Closure),
- call(Closure, Pred0, Proc0, Proc, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo8),
+ call(Closure, PredId, ProcId, Pred0, Proc0, Proc,
+ ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo8),
Task1 = Task0,
State9 = State0
Index: transform_hlds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/transform_hlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 transform_hlds.m
--- transform_hlds.m 8 May 2002 18:21:53 -0000 1.2
+++ transform_hlds.m 13 May 2002 04:53:59 -0000
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
:- include_module goal_store.
:- include_module dead_proc_elim.
:- include_module const_prop.
+:- include_module loop_inv.
% XXX The following modules are all currently unused.
:- include_module constraint, transform.
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