[m-rev.] For review: xml pretty printer

Douglas Michael Auclair dauclair at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 9 10:56:26 AEST 2002

Dear all,

I've attached a pretty-printer for the XML parser written by Thomas Conway.  
My contribution is primarily xml.pprint.m.  I modified xml.m to integrate 
the pretty printer into the XML library, and tryit.m, 
samples/newsarticles.xml and samples/newsarticles.dtd to demonstrate how to 
use it and how it works (I've included comments in the source code, as 
well).  I've used the LGPL, as documented in the sources.

One caveat, the pretty printer has not been tested with namespaces (it 
shouldn't take much to have it working properly with namespace, however); 
otherwise, it works fine for me.  Please feel free to make or to recommend 
any changes to include it with the XML library.

Doug Auclair

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