[m-rev.] For review: performance fix for pprint
Ralph Becket
rafe at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Mon Feb 25 17:09:24 AEDT 2002
Estimated hours taken: 24
Branches: main
Fixed the performance problems in the pretty printer. It can now handle
arbitrarily large terms while keeping a very small memory footprint. Pretty
small terms is now slightly slower, although the difference is not likely to
be noticed in practice. Large terms, however, now print much faster and
terms that could not be printed at all before (i.e. would exhaust memory)
can now be printed.
Updated some comments.
Removed the simple_doc and rev_simple_doc types since they are
no longer used.
Added the 'DOC'/2 constructor to the doc type. This is used by
to_doc/[1,2] to mark up term arguments for on-demand mark-up
rather than eager mark-up. This is necessary to prevent the
consumption of unrealistic amounts of memory when marking up
large terms.
Removed the pretty, layout, best, be, fits_flattened and flattened
functions/predicates and replaced them with layout_best, lb,
fits_flat and layout_flat. The algorithm now processes strings
for output immediately rather than first accumulating them in a
list (another costly use of memory for very large terms.)
Amended packed_cs_univ_args/2 to use the new 'DOC'/2 constructor
rather than eagerly perform mark-up.
Index: pprint.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/pprint.m,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 pprint.m
--- pprint.m 12 Jan 2002 09:08:11 -0000 1.8
+++ pprint.m 25 Feb 2002 05:51:03 -0000
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
% Wed Mar 22 17:44:32 2000
% vi: ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0
-% Main author: rwab1
+% Main author: rafe
% Stability: medium
% This file is hereby contributed to the University of
@@ -15,11 +15,15 @@
% -----
-% This is pretty much a direct transliteration of Philip
-% Wadler's Haskell pretty printer described in "A Prettier
-% Printer", available at
+% This started off as pretty much a direct transliteration of Philip
+% Wadler's Haskell pretty printer described in "A Prettier Printer",
+% available at
% http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/wadler/topics/recent.html
+% Several changes have been made to the algorithm to preserve linear
+% running time under a strict language and to ensure scalability to
+% extremely large terms without thrashing the VM system.
% Wadler's approach has three main advantages:
% 1. the layout algebra is small and quite intuitive (more
% so than Hughes');
@@ -28,37 +32,46 @@
% unless that is unavoidable; and
% 3. the pretty printer is bounded in that it never needs to
% look more than k characters ahead to make a formatting
-% decision (although see the XXX comments below).
+% decision.
-% I have made three small changes:
+% I have made the following changes:
-% (a) rather than having group/1 as a non-primitive function
-% (for allowing line-breaks to be converted into spaces at
-% the pretty printer's discretion) over docs, I have
-% extended the doc type to include a `GROUP' constructor and
-% altered flatten/1 and be/3 appropriately. Because `UNION'
-% only arises as a consequence of processing a 'GROUP' it
-% turns out to be simpler to do away with `UNION' altogether
-% and convert clauses that process `UNION' terms to
+% (a) rather than having group/1 as a non-primitive function (for
+% allowing line-breaks to be converted into spaces at the pretty
+% printer's discretion) over docs, I have extended the doc type to
+% include a `GROUP' constructor and made the appropriate algorithmic
+% changes. Because `UNION' only arises as a consequence of processing
+% a 'GROUP' it turns out to be simpler to do away with `UNION'
+% altogether and convert clauses that process `UNION' terms to
% processing `GROUP's.
-% (b) The second change is that flattened `line' breaks
-% become empty strings rather than spaces.
+% (b) Flattened `line' breaks become empty strings rather than spaces.
-% (c) The third change is the introduction of the `LABEL'
-% constructor, which acts much like `NEST', except that
-% indentation is defined using a string rather than a number
-% of spaces. This is useful for, e.g., multi-line compiler
-% errors and warnings that should be prefixed with the
-% offending source file and line number.
-% Performance problems due to the current lack of support
-% for laziness in Mercury has meant that the formatting
-% decision procedure has had to be recoded to preserve
-% linear runtime behaviour in an eager language.
+% (c) The third change is the introduction of the `LABEL' constructor,
+% which acts much like `NEST', except that indentation is defined
+% using a string rather than a number of spaces. This is useful for,
+% e.g., multi-line compiler errors and warnings that should be
+% prefixed with the offending source file and line number.
+% (d) The formatting decision procedure has been altered to preserve
+% linear runtime behaviour in a strict language.
+% (e) Naively marking up a term as a doc has the drawback that the
+% resulting doc is significantly larger than the original term.
+% Worse, any sharing structure in the original term leads to
+% duplicated sub-docs, which can cause an exponential blow-up in the
+% size of the doc w.r.t. the source term. To get around this problem
+% I have introduced the 'DOC' constructor which causes on-demand
+% conversion of arguments.
+% [This is not true laziness in the sense that the 'DOC', once
+% evaluated, will be overwritten with its value. This approach would
+% lead to garbage retention and not solve the page thrashing behaviour
+% otherwise experienced when converting extremely large terms.
+% Instead, each 'DOC' is reevaluated each time it is examined. This
+% trades off computation time for space.]
-% I have also added several obvious general purpose
-% formatting functions.
+% I have added several obvious general purpose formatting functions.
@@ -322,7 +335,7 @@
:- implementation.
-:- import_module char, array, map.
+:- import_module char, array, map, exception.
:- type doc
---> 'NIL'
@@ -331,13 +344,13 @@
; 'LABEL'(string, doc)
; 'TEXT'(string)
; 'LINE'
- ; 'GROUP'(doc).
-:- type simple_doc
- == list(string).
-:- type rev_simple_doc
- == simple_doc.
+ ; 'GROUP'(doc)
+ ; 'DOC'(int, univ).
+ %
+ % 'DOC'(MaxDepth, Univ)
+ % - Univ is the object to be converted to a doc via to_doc/3,
+ % represented as a univ.
+ % - MaxDepth is the depth limit before using ellipsis.
% This type is used to format key-value pairs in maps when
% using the generic to_doc/[1,2] functions.
@@ -363,124 +376,133 @@
to_string(W, X) = S :-
- pretty(pred(H::in, T::in, [H | T]::out) is det, W, X, [], Ss),
+ layout_best(pred(H::in, T::in, [H | T]::out) is det, W, X, [], Ss),
S = string__append_list(list__reverse(Ss)).
-write(W, X) --> pretty(io__write_string, W, X).
+write(W, X) --> layout_best(io__write_string, W, X).
-write(Stream, W, X) --> pretty(io__write_string(Stream), W, X).
+write(Stream, W, X) --> layout_best(io__write_string(Stream), W, X).
-:- pred pretty(pred(string, T, T), int, doc, T, T).
-:- mode pretty(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, in, in, out) is det.
-:- mode pretty(pred(in, di, uo) is det, in, in, di, uo) is det.
-pretty(P, W, X) --> layout(P, best(W, 0, X)).
+ % This is a contraction of Wadler's pretty, layout and be
+ % functions, adapted to work with a strict evaluation order.
+ %
+:- pred layout_best(pred(string, T, T), int, doc, T, T).
+:- mode layout_best(pred(in, di, uo) is det, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode layout_best(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, in, in, out) is det.
+layout_best(P, W, X, S0, S) :-
+ lb(P, W, 0, _, "", X, S0, S).
-:- pred layout(pred(string, T, T), simple_doc, T, T).
-:- mode layout(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, in, out) is det.
-:- mode layout(pred(in, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo) is det.
-layout(P, Strings) --> list__foldl(P, Strings).
+ % lb(P, W, K0, K, I, X, S0, S)
+ %
+ % P is the predicate for accumulating output strings;
+ % W is the number of characters on a line;
+ % K0 is the number of characters laid out on the current line so far;
+ % K is the number of characters laid out on the current line after X;
+ % I is the indentation string to appear after newlines;
+ % X is the doc to lay out;
+ % S0 is the layout stream value before laying out X;
+ % S is the resulting layout stream value after laying out X.
+ %
+ % This predicate is somewhat different to the function `be' described
+ % by Wadler. In the first place, the decision procedure has been
+ % recoded (in fits_flat/2) to preserve linear running times under
+ % a strict language. The second important change is that lb/8
+ % handles output strings as they are identified (e.g. writing them
+ % out or accumulating them in a list), doing away with the need for
+ % a more elaborate simple_doc type.
+ %
+:- pred lb(pred(string, T, T), int, int, int, string, doc, T, T).
+:- mode lb(pred(in, di, uo) is det, in, in, out, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode lb(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, in, out, in, in, in, out) is det.
+lb(_, _, K, K, _, 'NIL', S, S).
-:- func best(int, int, doc) = simple_doc.
+lb(P, W, K0, K, I, 'SEQ'(X, Y), S0, S) :-
+ lb(P, W, K0, K1, I, X, S0, S1),
+ lb(P, W, K1, K, I, Y, S1, S ).
-best(W, K, X) = Best
- be(W, K, ["" - X], [], RevBest),
- Best = list__reverse(RevBest).
+lb(P, W, K0, K, I, 'NEST'(J, X), S0, S) :-
+ lb(P, W, K0, K, extend(I, J), X, S0, S).
+lb(P, W, K0, K, I, 'LABEL'(L, X), S0, S) :-
+ lb(P, W, K0, K, I ++ L, X, S0, S).
- % This predicate (and its children) is somewhat different to that
- % described by Wadler. In the first place, the decision procedure
- % has been recoded (in flattening_works/3) to preserve linear
- % running times under a strict language. The second important
- % change is that be/5 is now a predicate that accumulates its output
- % as a list of strings, doing away with the need for a more elaborate
- % simple_doc type. The accumulated strings must be reversed to obtain
- % the printing order.
- %
- % W is the number of characters on a line.
- % K is the number of characters for output on the current line so far.
- % I is the current indentation string as affected by NEST and LABEL.
+lb(P, _, _, K, I, 'LINE', S0, S) :-
+ K = string__length(I),
+ P("\n", S0, S1),
+ P(I, S1, S ).
-:- pred be(int, int, list(pair(string, doc)), rev_simple_doc, rev_simple_doc).
-:- mode be(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+lb(P, W, K0, K, I, 'GROUP'(X), S0, S) :-
+ ( if fits_flat(X, W - K0) then layout_flat(P, K0, K, X, S0, S)
+ else lb(P, W, K0, K, I, X, S0, S)
+ ).
-be(_, _, []) -->
- [].
+lb(P, W, K0, K, I, 'DOC'(D, U), S0, S) :-
+ lb(P, W, K0, K, I, to_doc(D, univ_value(U)), S0, S).
-be(W, K, [_ - 'NIL' | Z]) -->
- be(W, K, Z).
+lb(P, _, K0, K, _, 'TEXT'(T), S0, S) :-
+ K = K0 + string__length(T),
+ P(T, S0, S).
-be(W, K, [I - 'SEQ'(X, Y) | Z]) -->
- be(W, K, [I - X, I - Y | Z]).
-be(W, K, [I - 'NEST'(J, X) | Z]) -->
- be(W, K, [extend(I, J) - X | Z]).
+ % Decide if a flattened doc will fit on the remainder of the line.
+ %
+:- pred fits_flat(doc, int).
+:- mode fits_flat(in, in) is semidet.
-be(W, K, [I - 'LABEL'(L, X) | Z]) -->
- be(W, K, [(I ++ L) - X | Z]).
+fits_flat(X, R) :-
+ ff(X, R) = _.
-be(W, K, [_ - 'TEXT'(S) | Z]) -->
- push_string(S),
- be(W, (K + string__length(S)), Z).
-be(W, _, [I - 'LINE' | Z]) -->
- push_string("\n"),
- push_string(I),
- be(W, string__length(I), Z).
+:- func ff(doc, int) = int is semidet.
-be(W, K, [I - 'GROUP'(X) | Z]) -->
- ( if { fits_flattened([X], W - K) }
- then be(W, K, [I - flatten(X) | Z])
- else be(W, K, [I - X | Z])
- ).
+ff('NIL', R) = R.
+ff('SEQ'(X, Y), R) = ff(Y, ff(X, R)).
+ff('NEST'(_, X), R) = ff(X, R).
+ff('LABEL'(_, X), R) = ff(X, R).
+ff('LINE', R) = R.
+ff('GROUP'(X), R) = ff(X, R).
+ff('DOC'(D, U), R) = ff(to_doc(D, univ_value(U)), R).
+ff('TEXT'(S), R) = R - L :-
+ L = string__length(S),
+ R > L.
+ % Lay out a doc in its flattened form.
+ %
+:- pred layout_flat(pred(string, T, T), int, int, doc, T, T).
+:- mode layout_flat(pred(in, di, uo) is det, in, out, in, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode layout_flat(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, out, in, in, out) is det.
-:- pred push_string(string, rev_simple_doc, rev_simple_doc).
-:- mode push_string(in, in, out) is det.
+layout_flat(_, K, K, 'NIL', S, S).
-push_string(S, Ss, [S | Ss]).
+layout_flat(P, K0, K, 'SEQ'(X, Y), S0, S) :-
+ layout_flat(P, K0, K1, X, S0, S1),
+ layout_flat(P, K1, K, Y, S1, S ).
+layout_flat(P, K0, K, 'NEST'(_, X), S0, S) :-
+ layout_flat(P, K0, K, X, S0, S).
- % Decide if a flattened list of docs will fit on the remainder
- % of the line.
- %
-:- pred fits_flattened(list(doc), int).
-:- mode fits_flattened(in, in) is semidet.
+layout_flat(P, K0, K, 'LABEL'(_, X), S0, S) :-
+ layout_flat(P, K0, K, X, S0, S).
-fits_flattened([] , _).
-fits_flattened(['NIL' | Z], R) :- fits_flattened(Z, R).
-fits_flattened(['SEQ'(X, Y) | Z], R) :- fits_flattened([X, Y | Z], R).
-fits_flattened(['NEST'(_, X) | Z], R) :- fits_flattened([X | Z], R).
-fits_flattened(['LABEL'(_, X) | Z], R) :- fits_flattened([X | Z], R).
-fits_flattened(['LINE' | Z], R) :- fits_flattened(Z, R).
-fits_flattened(['GROUP'(X) | Z], R) :- fits_flattened([X | Z], R).
-fits_flattened(['TEXT'(S) | Z], R) :-
- L = string__length(S),
- R > L,
- fits_flattened(Z, R - L).
+layout_flat(_, K, K, 'LINE', S, S).
+layout_flat(P, K0, K, 'GROUP'(X), S0, S) :-
+ layout_flat(P, K0, K, X, S0, S).
-:- func flatten(doc) = doc.
+layout_flat(P, K0, K, 'DOC'(D, U), S0, S) :-
+ layout_flat(P, K0, K, to_doc(D, univ_value(U)), S0, S).
-flatten('NIL') = 'NIL'.
-flatten('SEQ'(X, Y)) = 'SEQ'(flatten(X), flatten(Y)).
-flatten('NEST'(_, X)) = flatten(X).
-flatten('LABEL'(_, X)) = flatten(X).
-flatten('TEXT'(S)) = 'TEXT'(S).
-flatten('LINE') = 'NIL'.
-flatten('GROUP'(X)) = flatten(X).
+layout_flat(P, K0, K, 'TEXT'(T), S0, S) :-
+ K = K0 + string__length(T),
+ P(T, S0, S).
@@ -541,11 +563,8 @@
-packed_cs_univ_args(Depth, UnivArgs) =
- packed_cs(
- Depth,
- list__map(func(UnivArg) = to_doc(Depth, univ_value(UnivArg)), UnivArgs)
- ).
+packed_cs_univ_args(Depth, UnivArgs) =
+ packed_cs(Depth, list__map(func(UA) = 'DOC'(Depth, UA), UnivArgs)).
@@ -597,6 +616,7 @@
else generic_term_to_doc(Depth, X)
:- some [T2] pred dynamic_cast_to_array(T1, array(T2)).
@@ -748,17 +768,15 @@
KVs = list__map(mk_map_pair, map__to_assoc_list(X)),
Doc =
- text("map") `<>`
- parentheses(list_to_doc(Depth - 1, KVs))
+ text("map") `<>` parentheses(list_to_doc(Depth - 1, KVs))
:- func mk_map_pair(pair(K, V)) = map_pair(K, V).
mk_map_pair(K - V) = map_pair(K, V).
:- func map_pair_to_doc(int, map_pair(T1, T2)) = doc.
@@ -775,10 +793,7 @@
tuple_to_doc(Depth, Tuple) = Doc :-
deconstruct(Tuple, _Name, _Arity, UnivArgs),
- Doc =
- group(
- braces(nest(1, packed_cs_univ_args(Depth - 1, UnivArgs)))
- ).
+ Doc = group(braces(nest(1, packed_cs_univ_args(Depth - 1, UnivArgs)))).
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