[m-rev.] diff: implement get_functor/5+6 for the IL backend.

Peter Ross pro at missioncriticalit.com
Tue Dec 24 22:55:41 AEDT 2002



Estimated hours taken: 16
Branches: main

Implement construct__get_functor/5 and construct__get_functor/6 on the
IL backend.

	Forward get_functor/5 and get_functor/6 to the respective
	calls in rtti_implementation.

	Implement get_functor/5 and get_functor/6.
	Implemenent all the access predicates for du_functor_desc,
	enum_functor_desc and notag_functor_desc in a type-safe

Index: construct.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/construct.m,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 construct.m
--- construct.m	20 Dec 2002 16:11:39 -0000	1.9
+++ construct.m	24 Dec 2002 11:49:10 -0000
@@ -159,10 +159,9 @@
     SUCCESS_INDICATOR = success;
-get_functor(_, _, _, _, _) :-
-	% This version is only used for back-ends for which there is no
-	% matching foreign_proc version.
-	private_builtin__sorry("construct__get_functor").
+get_functor(TypeInfo, FunctorNumber, FunctorName, Arity, TypeInfoList) :-
+	rtti_implementation__get_functor(TypeInfo, FunctorNumber,
+			FunctorName, Arity, TypeInfoList).
 get_functor(TypeDesc, I, Functor, Arity, TypeInfoList, ArgNameList) :-
     get_functor_2(TypeDesc, I, Functor, Arity, TypeInfoList, ArgNameList0),
@@ -257,10 +256,10 @@
     SUCCESS_INDICATOR = success;
-get_functor_2(_, _, _, _, _, _) :-
-	% This version is only used for back-ends for which there is no
-	% matching foreign_proc version.
-	private_builtin__sorry("construct__get_functor_2").
+get_functor_2(TypeDesc, FunctorNumber,
+		FunctorName, Arity, TypeInfoList, Names) :-
+	rtti_implementation__get_functor_2(TypeDesc, FunctorNumber,
+		FunctorName, Arity, TypeInfoList, Names).
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C", 
 	get_functor_ordinal(TypeDesc::in, FunctorNumber::in, Ordinal::out),
Index: rtti_implementation.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/rtti_implementation.m,v
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -u -r1.37 rtti_implementation.m
--- rtti_implementation.m	23 Dec 2002 11:46:40 -0000	1.37
+++ rtti_implementation.m	24 Dec 2002 11:49:10 -0000
@@ -71,6 +71,12 @@
 :- func num_functors(type_desc__type_desc) = int.
+:- pred get_functor(type_desc__type_desc::in, int::in, string::out, int::out,
+		list(type_desc__type_desc)::out) is semidet.
+:- pred get_functor_2(type_desc__type_desc::in, int::in, string::out, int::out,
+		list(type_desc__type_desc)::out, list(string)::out) is semidet.
@@ -133,7 +139,6 @@
 :- type type_ctor_info ---> type_ctor_info(c_pointer).
 :- type type_info ---> type_info(c_pointer).
 :- type compare_pred ---> compare_pred(c_pointer).
-:- type type_functors ---> type_functors(c_pointer).
 :- type type_layout ---> type_layout(c_pointer).
 :- type pred_type ---> pred_type(c_pointer).
 :- type pseudo_type_info ---> pred_type(c_pointer).
@@ -232,6 +237,216 @@
 		error("num_functors: unknown type_ctor_rep")
+get_functor(TypeDesc, FunctorNumber, FunctorName, Arity, TypeInfoList) :-
+	get_functor_impl(TypeDesc, FunctorNumber,
+			FunctorName, Arity, TypeInfoList, _Names).
+get_functor_2(TypeDesc, FunctorNumber,
+		FunctorName, Arity, TypeInfoList, Names) :-
+	get_functor_impl(TypeDesc, FunctorNumber,
+			FunctorName, Arity, TypeInfoList, Names).
+:- pred get_functor_impl(type_desc__type_desc::in, int::in,
+		string::out, int::out, list(type_desc__type_desc)::out,
+		list(string)::out) is semidet.
+get_functor_impl(TypeDesc, FunctorNumber,
+		FunctorName, Arity, TypeInfoList, Names) :-
+	FunctorNumber >= 0,
+	FunctorNumber < TypeDesc ^ num_functors,
+	TypeInfo = unsafe_cast(TypeDesc),
+	TypeCtorInfo = get_type_ctor_info(TypeInfo),
+	TypeCtorRep = TypeCtorInfo ^ type_ctor_rep,
+	( TypeCtorRep = du,
+		get_functor_du(TypeCtorRep, TypeInfo, TypeCtorInfo,
+				FunctorNumber, FunctorName, Arity,
+				TypeInfoList, Names)
+	; TypeCtorRep = du_usereq,
+		get_functor_du(TypeCtorRep, TypeInfo, TypeCtorInfo,
+				FunctorNumber, FunctorName, Arity,
+				TypeInfoList, Names)
+	; TypeCtorRep = reserved_addr,
+		get_functor_du(TypeCtorRep, TypeInfo, TypeCtorInfo,
+				FunctorNumber, FunctorName, Arity,
+				TypeInfoList, Names)
+	; TypeCtorRep = reserved_addr_usereq,
+		get_functor_du(TypeCtorRep, TypeInfo, TypeCtorInfo,
+				FunctorNumber, FunctorName, Arity,
+				TypeInfoList, Names)
+	; TypeCtorRep = univ,
+		error("get_functor: univ type_ctor_rep")
+	; TypeCtorRep = enum,
+		get_functor_enum(TypeCtorRep, TypeCtorInfo,
+				FunctorNumber, FunctorName, Arity,
+				TypeInfoList, Names)
+	; TypeCtorRep = enum_usereq,
+		get_functor_enum(TypeCtorRep, TypeCtorInfo,
+				FunctorNumber, FunctorName, Arity,
+				TypeInfoList, Names)
+	; TypeCtorRep = notag,
+		get_functor_notag(TypeCtorRep, TypeCtorInfo,
+				FunctorNumber, FunctorName, Arity,
+				TypeInfoList, Names)
+	; TypeCtorRep = notag_usereq,
+		get_functor_notag(TypeCtorRep, TypeCtorInfo,
+				FunctorNumber, FunctorName, Arity,
+				TypeInfoList, Names)
+	; TypeCtorRep = notag_ground,
+		get_functor_notag(TypeCtorRep, TypeCtorInfo,
+				FunctorNumber, FunctorName, Arity,
+				TypeInfoList, Names)
+	; TypeCtorRep = notag_ground_usereq,
+		get_functor_notag(TypeCtorRep, TypeCtorInfo,
+				FunctorNumber, FunctorName, Arity,
+				TypeInfoList, Names)
+	; TypeCtorRep = equiv_ground,
+		NewTypeInfo = collapse_equivalences(TypeInfo),
+		get_functor_impl(unsafe_cast(NewTypeInfo), FunctorNumber,
+				FunctorName, Arity, TypeInfoList, Names)
+	; TypeCtorRep = equiv,
+		NewTypeInfo = collapse_equivalences(TypeInfo),
+		get_functor_impl(unsafe_cast(NewTypeInfo), FunctorNumber,
+				FunctorName, Arity, TypeInfoList, Names)
+	; TypeCtorRep = tuple,
+		FunctorName = "{}",
+		Arity = get_var_arity_typeinfo_arity(TypeInfo),
+		TypeInfoList = iterate(1, Arity, (func(I) =
+			unsafe_cast(TypeInfo ^ var_arity_type_info_index(I)))
+		),
+		Names = list__duplicate(Arity, null)
+	; TypeCtorRep = int,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = char,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = float,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = string,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = (func),
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = (pred),
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = void,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = c_pointer,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = typeinfo,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = type_ctor_info,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = type_desc,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = type_ctor_desc,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = typeclassinfo,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = base_typeclass_info,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = array,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = succip,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = hp,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = curfr,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = maxfr,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = redofr,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = redoip,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = trail_ptr,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = ticket,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = foreign,
+		fail
+	; TypeCtorRep = unknown,
+		error("get_functor: unknown type_ctor_rep")
+	).
+:- pred get_functor_du(type_ctor_rep::in(du), type_info::in, type_ctor_info::in,
+		int::in, string::out, int::out,
+		list(type_desc__type_desc)::out,
+		list(string)::out) is semidet.
+get_functor_du(TypeCtorRep, TypeInfo, TypeCtorInfo, FunctorNumber,
+		FunctorName, Arity, TypeDescList, Names) :-
+	TypeFunctors = TypeCtorInfo ^ type_ctor_functors,
+	DuFunctorDesc = TypeFunctors ^
+			    du_functor_desc(TypeCtorRep, FunctorNumber),
+		% XXX We don't handle functors with existentially quantified
+		% arguments.
+	not (_ = DuFunctorDesc ^ du_functor_exist_info),
+	FunctorName = DuFunctorDesc ^ du_functor_name,
+	Arity = DuFunctorDesc ^ du_functor_arity,
+	ArgTypes = DuFunctorDesc ^ du_functor_arg_types,
+	F = (func(I) = ArgTypeDesc :-
+		PseudoTypeInfo = get_pti_from_arg_types(ArgTypes, I),
+			% XXX we can pass 0 instead of an instance of the
+			% functor because that is only needed for functors
+			% with existentially quantified arguments.
+			% 
+		get_arg_type_info(TypeInfo, PseudoTypeInfo, 0,
+				DuFunctorDesc, ArgTypeInfo),
+		ArgTypeDesc = unsafe_cast(ArgTypeInfo)
+	),
+	TypeDescList = iterate(0, Arity - 1, F),
+	( ArgNames = DuFunctorDesc ^ du_functor_arg_names ->
+		Names = iterate(0, Arity - 1,
+				(func(I) = ArgNames ^ unsafe_index(I)))
+	;
+		Names = list__duplicate(Arity, null)
+	).
+:- pred get_functor_enum(type_ctor_rep::in(enum),
+		type_ctor_info::in, int::in, string::out, int::out,
+		list(type_desc__type_desc)::out,
+		list(string)::out) is det.
+get_functor_enum(TypeCtorRep, TypeCtorInfo, FunctorNumber,
+		FunctorName, Arity, TypeDescList, Names) :-
+	TypeFunctors = TypeCtorInfo ^ type_ctor_functors,
+	EnumFunctorDesc = TypeFunctors ^
+			    enum_functor_desc(TypeCtorRep, FunctorNumber),
+	FunctorName = EnumFunctorDesc ^ enum_functor_name,
+	Arity = 0,
+	TypeDescList = [],
+	Names = [].
+:- pred get_functor_notag(type_ctor_rep::in(notag),
+		type_ctor_info::in, int::in, string::out, int::out,
+		list(type_desc__type_desc)::out,
+		list(string)::out) is det.
+get_functor_notag(TypeCtorRep, TypeCtorInfo, FunctorNumber,
+		FunctorName, Arity, TypeDescList, Names) :-
+	TypeFunctors = TypeCtorInfo ^ type_ctor_functors,
+	NoTagFunctorDesc = TypeFunctors ^
+			    notag_functor_desc(TypeCtorRep, FunctorNumber),
+	FunctorName = NoTagFunctorDesc ^ notag_functor_name,
+	Arity = 1,
+	ArgType = NoTagFunctorDesc ^ notag_functor_arg_type,
+	ArgName = NoTagFunctorDesc ^ notag_functor_arg_name,
+	TypeDescList = [unsafe_cast(ArgType)],
+	Names = [ArgName].
@@ -778,8 +993,8 @@
 			SecTagLocn = none,
 			FunctorDesc = PTagEntry ^ du_sectag_alternatives(0),
-			Functor = FunctorDesc ^ functor_name,
-			Arity = FunctorDesc ^ functor_arity,
+			Functor = FunctorDesc ^ du_functor_name,
+			Arity = FunctorDesc ^ du_functor_arity,
 			Arguments = iterate(0, Arity - 1, 
 				(func(X) = std_util__univ(
 					get_arg(Term, X, SecTagLocn,
@@ -795,8 +1010,8 @@
 			SecTag = get_remote_secondary_tag(Term),
 			FunctorDesc = PTagEntry ^
-			Functor = FunctorDesc ^ functor_name,
-			Arity = FunctorDesc ^ functor_arity,
+			Functor = FunctorDesc ^ du_functor_name,
+			Arity = FunctorDesc ^ du_functor_arity,
 			Arguments = iterate(0, Arity - 1, 
 				(func(X) = std_util__univ(
 					get_arg(Term, X, SecTagLocn,
@@ -1085,18 +1300,17 @@
 	% Retrieve an argument number from a term, given the functor
 	% descriptor.
-:- some [T] func get_arg(
-		U, int, sectag_locn, du_functor_descriptor, type_info) = T.
+:- some [T] func get_arg(U, int, sectag_locn, du_functor_desc, type_info) = T.
 get_arg(Term, Index, SecTagLocn, FunctorDesc, TypeInfo) = (Arg) :-
-	( ExistInfo = FunctorDesc ^ functor_exist_info ->
+	( ExistInfo = FunctorDesc ^ du_functor_exist_info ->
 		ExtraArgs = (ExistInfo ^ exist_info_typeinfos_plain) + 
 				(ExistInfo ^ exist_info_tcis)
 		ExtraArgs = 0
-	ArgTypes = FunctorDesc ^ functor_arg_types,
+	ArgTypes = FunctorDesc ^ du_functor_arg_types,
 	PseudoTypeInfo = get_pti_from_arg_types(ArgTypes, Index),
 	get_arg_type_info(TypeInfo, PseudoTypeInfo, Term,
 			FunctorDesc, ArgTypeInfo),
@@ -1126,7 +1340,7 @@
 :- pred get_arg_type_info(type_info::in, P::in, T::in,
-	du_functor_descriptor::in, type_info::out) is det.
+	du_functor_desc::in, type_info::out) is det.
 get_arg_type_info(TypeInfoParams, PseudoTypeInfo, Term,
 		FunctorDesc, ArgTypeInfo) :-
@@ -1243,7 +1457,7 @@
 	% XXX existentially quantified vars are not yet handled.
 :- pred get_type_info_for_var(
-		type_info::in, int::in, T::in, du_functor_descriptor::in,
+		type_info::in, int::in, T::in, du_functor_desc::in,
 		type_info::out) is det.
 get_type_info_for_var(TypeInfo, VarNum, Term, FunctorDesc, ArgTypeInfo) :-
@@ -1252,7 +1466,7 @@
 		ArgTypeInfo = TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(VarNum)
-		( ExistInfo0 = FunctorDesc ^ functor_exist_info ->
+		( ExistInfo0 = FunctorDesc ^ du_functor_exist_info ->
 			ExistInfo = ExistInfo0
 			error("get_type_info_for_var no exist_info")
@@ -1485,10 +1699,10 @@
 :- type ptag_entry ---> ptag_entry(c_pointer).
-:- type du_functor_descriptor ---> du_functor_descriptor(c_pointer).
 :- type arg_types ---> arg_types(c_pointer).
+:- type arg_names ---> arg_names(c_pointer).
 :- type exist_info ---> exist_info(c_pointer).
 :- type typeinfo_locn ---> typeinfo_locn(c_pointer).
@@ -1517,7 +1731,7 @@
 		PTagEntry[(int) ptag_layout_field_nums.sectag_locn]);
-:- func du_sectag_alternatives(int, ptag_entry) = du_functor_descriptor.
+:- func du_sectag_alternatives(int, ptag_entry) = du_functor_desc.
 du_sectag_alternatives(_::in, PTagEntry::in) = (unsafe_cast(PTagEntry)::out) :- 
@@ -1531,65 +1745,6 @@
 	FunctorDescriptor = (object []) sectag_alternatives[X];
-:- func functor_name(du_functor_descriptor) = string.
-functor_name(FunctorDescriptor::in) = (unsafe_cast(FunctorDescriptor)::out) :- 
-	det_unimplemented("functor_name").
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
-	functor_name(FunctorDescriptor::in) = (Name::out), [promise_pure], "
-	Name = (string)
-		FunctorDescriptor[(int) du_functor_field_nums.du_functor_name];
-:- func functor_arity(du_functor_descriptor) = int.
-functor_arity(FunctorDescriptor::in) = (unsafe_cast(FunctorDescriptor)::out) :- 
-	det_unimplemented("functor_arity").
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
-	functor_arity(FunctorDescriptor::in) = (Name::out), [promise_pure], "
-	Name = (int)
-		FunctorDescriptor[(int)
-			du_functor_field_nums.du_functor_orig_arity];
-:- func functor_arg_types(du_functor_descriptor) = arg_types.
-functor_arg_types(X::in) = (unsafe_cast(X)::out) :- 
-	det_unimplemented("functor_arg_types").
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
-	functor_arg_types(FunctorDescriptor::in) = (ArgTypes::out),
-		[promise_pure], "
-	ArgTypes = (object[])
-		FunctorDescriptor[(int)
-			du_functor_field_nums.du_functor_arg_types];
-:- func functor_exist_info(du_functor_descriptor::in) =
-		(exist_info::out) is semidet.
-functor_exist_info(X::in) = (unsafe_cast(X)::out) :- 
-	semidet_unimplemented("functor_exist_info").
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
-	functor_exist_info(FunctorDescriptor::in) = (ExistInfo::out),
-		[promise_pure], "
-	ExistInfo = (object[])
-		FunctorDescriptor[(int)
-			du_functor_field_nums.du_functor_exist_info];
-	if (ExistInfo != null) {
-	} else {
-	}
 :- func typeinfo_locns_index(int, exist_info) = typeinfo_locn.
 typeinfo_locns_index(X::in, _::in) = (unsafe_cast(X)::out) :- 
@@ -1861,6 +2016,25 @@
 	% matching foreign_proc version.
+:- func type_ctor_functors(type_ctor_info) = type_functors.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
+	type_ctor_functors(TypeCtorInfo::in) = (Functors::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+	Functors = (object[])
+		TypeCtorInfo[(int) type_ctor_info_field_nums.type_functors];
+type_ctor_functors(_) = _ :-
+	% This version is only used for back-ends for which there is no
+	% matching foreign_proc version.
+	private_builtin__sorry("type_ctor_functors").
 :- func type_layout(type_ctor_info) = type_layout.
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
@@ -1916,6 +2090,153 @@
 	% This version is only used for back-ends for which there is no
 	% matching foreign_proc version.
+% TypeFunctors
+:- type type_functors ---> type_functors(c_pointer).
+:- type du_functor_desc ---> du_functor_desc(c_pointer).
+:- type enum_functor_desc ---> enum_functor_desc(c_pointer).
+:- type notag_functor_desc ---> notag_functor_desc(c_pointer).
+:- inst du == bound(du; du_usereq; reserved_addr; reserved_addr_usereq).
+:- inst enum == bound(enum ; enum_usereq).
+:- inst notag == bound(notag ; notag_usereq ;
+				notag_ground ; notag_ground_usereq).
+:- func du_functor_desc(type_ctor_rep, int, type_functors) = du_functor_desc.
+:- mode du_functor_desc(in(du), in, in) = out is det.
+du_functor_desc(_, Num, TypeFunctors) = DuFunctorDesc :-
+	DuFunctorDesc = TypeFunctors ^ unsafe_index(Num).
+:- func du_functor_name(du_functor_desc) = string.
+du_functor_name(DuFunctorDesc) = DuFunctorDesc ^ unsafe_index(0).
+:- func du_functor_arity(du_functor_desc) = int.
+du_functor_arity(DuFunctorDesc) = DuFunctorDesc ^ unsafe_index(1).
+:- func du_functor_arg_type_contains_var(du_functor_desc) = int.
+du_functor_arg_type_contains_var(DuFunctorDesc) =
+		DuFunctorDesc ^ unsafe_index(2).
+:- func du_functor_sectag_locn(du_functor_desc) = sectag_locn.
+du_functor_sectag_locn(DuFunctorDesc) =
+	unsafe_make_enum(DuFunctorDesc ^ unsafe_index(3)).
+:- func du_functor_primary(du_functor_desc) = int.
+du_functor_primary(DuFunctorDesc) = DuFunctorDesc ^ unsafe_index(4).
+:- func du_functor_secondary(du_functor_desc) = int.
+du_functor_secondary(DuFunctorDesc) = DuFunctorDesc ^ unsafe_index(5).
+:- func du_functor_ordinal(du_functor_desc) = int.
+du_functor_ordinal(DuFunctorDesc) = DuFunctorDesc ^ unsafe_index(6).
+:- func du_functor_arg_types(du_functor_desc) = arg_types.
+du_functor_arg_types(DuFunctorDesc) = DuFunctorDesc ^ unsafe_index(7).
+:- func du_functor_arg_names(du_functor_desc::in) = (arg_names::out) is semidet.
+du_functor_arg_names(DuFunctorDesc) = ArgNames :-
+	ArgNames = DuFunctorDesc ^ unsafe_index(8),
+	not null(ArgNames).
+:- func du_functor_exist_info(du_functor_desc::in) =
+		(exist_info::out) is semidet.
+du_functor_exist_info(DuFunctorDesc) = ExistInfo :-
+	ExistInfo = DuFunctorDesc ^ unsafe_index(9),
+	not null(ExistInfo).
+ %--------------------------%
+:- func enum_functor_desc(type_ctor_rep, int, type_functors)
+		= enum_functor_desc.
+:- mode enum_functor_desc(in(enum), in, in) = out is det.
+enum_functor_desc(_, Num, TypeFunctors) = EnumFunctorDesc :-
+	EnumFunctorDesc = TypeFunctors ^ unsafe_index(Num).
+:- func enum_functor_name(enum_functor_desc) = string.
+enum_functor_name(EnumFunctorDesc) = EnumFunctorDesc ^ unsafe_index(0).
+:- func enum_functor_ordinal(enum_functor_desc) = int.
+enum_functor_ordinal(EnumFunctorDesc) = EnumFunctorDesc ^ unsafe_index(1).
+ %--------------------------%
+:- func notag_functor_desc(type_ctor_rep, int, type_functors)
+		= notag_functor_desc.
+:- mode notag_functor_desc(in(notag), in, in) = out is det.
+notag_functor_desc(_, Num, TypeFunctors) = NoTagFunctorDesc :-
+	NoTagFunctorDesc = TypeFunctors ^ unsafe_index(Num).
+:- func notag_functor_name(notag_functor_desc) = string.
+notag_functor_name(NoTagFunctorDesc) = NoTagFunctorDesc ^ unsafe_index(0).
+:- func notag_functor_arg_type(notag_functor_desc) = type_info.
+notag_functor_arg_type(NoTagFunctorDesc) = NoTagFunctorDesc ^ unsafe_index(1).
+:- func notag_functor_arg_name(notag_functor_desc) = string.
+notag_functor_arg_name(NoTagFunctorDesc) = NoTagFunctorDesc ^ unsafe_index(2).
+:- func unsafe_index(int, T) = U.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", unsafe_index(Num::in, Array::in) = (Item::out),
+		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure], "
+	Item = ((object []) Array)[Num];
+unsafe_index(_, _) = _ :-
+	private_builtin__sorry("rtti_implementation__unsafe_index").
+ %--------------------------%
+:- func unsafe_make_enum(int) = T.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", unsafe_make_enum(Num::in) = (Enum::out),
+		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure], "
+	Enum = mercury.runtime.LowLevelData.make_enum(Num);
+unsafe_make_enum(_) = _ :-
+	private_builtin__sorry("rtti_implementation__unsafe_make_enum").
+ %--------------------------%
+:- pred null(T::in) is semidet.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C", null(S::in),
+		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
+:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++", null(S::in),
+		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
+null(_) :-
+	% This version is only used for back-ends for which there is no
+	% matching foreign_proc version.
+	private_builtin__sorry("rtti_implementation__null/1").
+ %--------------------------%
+:- func null = T.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C", null = (T::out),
+		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
+	T = NULL;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++", null = (T::out),
+		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
+	T = NULL;
+null = _ :-
+	% This version is only used for back-ends for which there is no
+	% matching foreign_proc version.
+	private_builtin__sorry("rtti_implementation__null/0").

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