[m-rev.] for review: fix command line quoting
Simon Taylor
stayl at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Tue Aug 6 16:15:34 AEST 2002
Estimated hours taken: 1
Branches: main
Fix quoting of `--cflags', `--link-flags', etc.
The arguments are now quoted as if each `--cflags'
option gives a single word to be passed to the
gcc, ml, etc. This allows directory names containing
spaces to be passed.
Quote arguments passed to commands.
Pass each word in the value of CFLAGS (MLFLAGS, etc) as a
separate `--cflags' option so it can be quoted correctly.
Document the change.
Index: compiler/compile_target_code.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/compile_target_code.m,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -u -r1.18 compile_target_code.m
--- compiler/compile_target_code.m 30 Jul 2002 08:25:00 -0000 1.18
+++ compiler/compile_target_code.m 6 Aug 2002 06:09:02 -0000
@@ -141,6 +141,11 @@
list(module_name)) = string.
+ % Quote an argument to a shell command.
+:- func quote_arg(string) = string.
:- implementation.
:- import_module libs__globals, libs__options, libs__handle_options.
@@ -172,7 +177,7 @@
maybe_write_string(Verbose, "':\n"),
globals__io_lookup_string_option(il_assembler, ILASM),
globals__io_lookup_accumulating_option(ilasm_flags, ILASMFlagsList),
- { join_string_list(ILASMFlagsList, "", "", " ", ILASMFlags) },
+ { join_quoted_string_list(ILASMFlagsList, "", "", " ", ILASMFlags) },
{ SignAssembly = yes ->
SignOpt = "/keyf=mercury.sn "
@@ -208,7 +213,7 @@
maybe_write_string(Verbose, "':\n"),
globals__io_lookup_string_option(mcpp_compiler, MCPP),
globals__io_lookup_accumulating_option(mcpp_flags, MCPPFlagsList),
- { join_string_list(MCPPFlagsList, "", "", " ", MCPPFlags) },
+ { join_quoted_string_list(MCPPFlagsList, "", "", " ", MCPPFlags) },
globals__io_lookup_bool_option(target_debug, Debug),
{ Debug = yes ->
DebugOpt = "" % XXX
@@ -243,7 +248,7 @@
maybe_write_string(Verbose, "':\n"),
globals__io_lookup_string_option(csharp_compiler, CSC),
globals__io_lookup_accumulating_option(csharp_flags, CSCFlagsList),
- { join_string_list(CSCFlagsList, "", "", " ", CSCFlags) },
+ { join_quoted_string_list(CSCFlagsList, "", "", " ", CSCFlags) },
globals__io_lookup_bool_option(target_debug, Debug),
{ Debug = yes ->
DebugOpt = "" % XXX
@@ -321,7 +326,7 @@
maybe_write_string(Verbose, "':\n"),
globals__io_lookup_string_option(cc, CC),
globals__io_lookup_accumulating_option(cflags, C_Flags_List),
- { join_string_list(C_Flags_List, "", "", " ", CFLAGS) },
+ { join_quoted_string_list(C_Flags_List, "", "", " ", CFLAGS) },
{ PIC = pic },
@@ -576,7 +581,7 @@
maybe_write_string(Verbose, "':\n"),
globals__io_lookup_string_option(java_compiler, JavaCompiler),
globals__io_lookup_accumulating_option(java_flags, JavaFlagsList),
- { join_string_list(JavaFlagsList, "", "", " ", JAVAFLAGS) },
+ { join_quoted_string_list(JavaFlagsList, "", "", " ", JAVAFLAGS) },
@@ -585,10 +590,10 @@
% XXX PathSeparator should be ";" on Windows
{ PathSeparator = ":" },
- { join_string_list(Java_Incl_Dirs, "", "",
+ { join_quoted_string_list(Java_Incl_Dirs, "", "",
PathSeparator, ClassPath) },
{ InclOpt = string__append_list([
- "-classpath ", ClassPath, " "]) }
+ "-classpath ", quote_arg(ClassPath), " "]) }
globals__io_lookup_bool_option(target_debug, Target_Debug),
{ Target_Debug = yes ->
@@ -628,7 +633,7 @@
globals__io_lookup_accumulating_option(cflags, C_Flags_List),
- { join_string_list(C_Flags_List, "", "", " ", CFLAGS) },
+ { join_quoted_string_list(C_Flags_List, "", "", " ", CFLAGS) },
% Be careful with the order here.
% Also be careful that each option is separated by spaces.
{ string__append_list([CC, " ", CFLAGS, " ", GCCFLAGS_FOR_PIC,
@@ -814,22 +819,24 @@
module_name_to_file_name(ThisModuleName, ".c", no,
), ModuleNames, CFileNameList),
- { join_string_list(CFileNameList, "", "", " ", CFileNames) },
+ { join_quoted_string_list(CFileNameList, "", "", " ", CFileNames) },
globals__io_lookup_accumulating_option(link_flags, LinkFlagsList),
- { join_string_list(LinkFlagsList, "", "", " ", LinkFlags) },
+ { join_quoted_string_list(LinkFlagsList, "", "", " ", LinkFlags) },
- { join_string_list(InitFileDirsList, "-I ", "", " ", InitFileDirs) },
+ { join_quoted_string_list(InitFileDirsList,
+ "-I ", "", " ", InitFileDirs) },
globals__io_lookup_accumulating_option(init_files, InitFileNamesList),
- { join_string_list(InitFileNamesList, "", "", " ", InitFileNames) },
+ { join_quoted_string_list(InitFileNamesList,
+ "", "", " ", InitFileNames) },
- { join_string_list(TraceInitFileNamesList, "--trace-init-file ",
- "", " ", TraceInitFileNames) },
+ { join_quoted_string_list(TraceInitFileNamesList,
+ "--trace-init-file ", "", " ", TraceInitFileNames) },
{ TmpInitCFileName = InitCFileName ++ ".tmp" },
{ MkInitCmd = string__append_list(
@@ -940,21 +947,22 @@
Target_Debug_Opt = ""
- { join_string_list(ObjectsList, "", "", " ", Objects) },
+ { join_quoted_string_list(ObjectsList, "", "", " ", Objects) },
- { join_string_list(LinkFlagsList, "", "", " ", LinkFlags) },
+ { join_quoted_string_list(LinkFlagsList,
+ "", "", " ", LinkFlags) },
- { join_string_list(LDFlagsList, "", "", " ", LDFlags) },
+ { join_quoted_string_list(LDFlagsList, "", "", " ", LDFlags) },
- { join_string_list(LinkLibraryDirectoriesList, "-L", "",
+ { join_quoted_string_list(LinkLibraryDirectoriesList, "-L", "",
" ", LinkLibraryDirectories) },
- { join_string_list(LinkLibrariesList, "-l", "", " ",
+ { join_quoted_string_list(LinkLibrariesList, "-l", "", " ",
LinkLibraries) },
% Note that LDFlags may contain `-l' options
@@ -979,11 +987,11 @@
globals__io_lookup_string_option(create_archive_command, ArCmd),
create_archive_command_flags, ArFlagsList),
- { join_string_list(ArFlagsList, "", "", " ", ArFlags) },
+ { join_quoted_string_list(ArFlagsList, "", "", " ", ArFlags) },
create_archive_command_output_flag, ArOutputFlag),
globals__io_lookup_string_option(ranlib_command, RanLib),
- { join_string_list(ObjectList, "", "", " ", Objects) },
+ { join_quoted_string_list(ObjectList, "", "", " ", Objects) },
{ MakeLibCmd = string__append_list([
ArCmd, " ", ArFlags, " ", ArOutputFlag, " ",
LibFileName, " ", Objects,
@@ -1002,7 +1010,7 @@
MaybeStdLibDir = yes(StdLibDir),
Opt = "--mercury-standard-library-directory "
- ++ StdLibDir ++ " "
+ ++ quote_arg(StdLibDir) ++ " "
MaybeStdLibDir = no,
Opt = "--no-mercury-standard-library-directory "
@@ -1029,6 +1037,14 @@
Result0], Result)
+ % As above, but quote the strings first.
+:- pred join_quoted_string_list(list(string), string, string, string, string).
+:- mode join_quoted_string_list(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+join_quoted_string_list(Strings, Prefix, Suffix, Separator, Result) :-
+ join_string_list(map(quote_arg, Strings),
+ Prefix, Suffix, Separator, Result).
% join_module_list(ModuleNames, Extension, Terminator, Result)
% The list of strings `Result' is computed from the list of strings
@@ -1141,7 +1157,7 @@
(func(Module) = ModuleStr :-
prog_out__sym_name_to_string(Module, ".", ModuleStr)
), AllModules),
- join_string_list(AllModulesStrings,
+ join_quoted_string_list(AllModulesStrings,
"", "", " ", AllModulesStr),
Command = string__from_rev_char_list(substitute_user_command_2(
@@ -1174,5 +1190,42 @@
substitute_user_command_2(Chars, RevMainModule,
RevAllModules, [Char | RevChars0])
+quote_arg(Arg0) = Arg :-
+ ArgList = quote_arg_2(string__to_char_list(Arg0)),
+ (
+ ArgList = []
+ ->
+ Arg = """"""
+ ;
+ list__member(Char, ArgList),
+ ( char__is_whitespace(Char)
+ ; Char = ('\\')
+ ; Char = '"'
+ )
+ ->
+ Arg = "'" ++ string__from_char_list(ArgList) ++ "'"
+ ;
+ Arg = string__from_char_list(ArgList)
+ ).
+:- func quote_arg_2(list(char)) = list(char).
+quote_arg_2([]) = [].
+quote_arg_2([Char | Chars0]) = Chars :-
+ Chars1 = quote_arg_2(Chars0),
+ ( EscapedChar = quote_char(Char) ->
+ Chars = [('\\'), EscapedChar | Chars1]
+ ;
+ Chars = [Char | Chars1]
+ ).
+:- func quote_char(char) = char is semidet.
+quote_char('\\') = ('\\').
+quote_char('"') = '"'.
Index: compiler/make.module_target.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/make.module_target.m,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -u -r1.11 make.module_target.m
--- compiler/make.module_target.m 17 Jul 2002 07:09:21 -0000 1.11
+++ compiler/make.module_target.m 6 Aug 2002 01:38:57 -0000
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
{ AllArgs = list__append(AllOptionArgs, [ModuleArg]) },
io__write_string("Invoking command `mmc "),
% XXX Don't write the default options.
- io__write_list(quote_args(AllArgs), " ",
+ io__write_list(list__map(quote_arg, AllArgs), " ",
@@ -369,7 +369,8 @@
invoke_mmc(ErrorStream, Args, Succeeded) -->
{ CommandVerbosity = verbose }, % We've already written the command.
- { Command = string__join_list(" ", ["mmc" | quote_args(Args)]) },
+ { Command = string__join_list(" ",
+ ["mmc" | list__map(quote_arg, Args)]) },
invoke_shell_command(ErrorStream, CommandVerbosity,
Command, Succeeded).
Index: compiler/options.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/options.m,v
retrieving revision 1.378
diff -u -u -r1.378 options.m
--- compiler/options.m 29 Jul 2002 07:50:58 -0000 1.378
+++ compiler/options.m 6 Aug 2002 03:06:36 -0000
@@ -3306,6 +3306,9 @@
"--cflags <options>",
"\tSpecify options to be passed to the C compiler.",
+ "\tUse one `--cflags' option per word",
+ "\t(e.g. `--cflags -Wall --cflags -O0', not",
+ "\t`--cflags ""-Wall -O0""').",
% The --cflags-for-regs, --cflags-for-gotos,
% --cflags-for-threads, --cflags-for-pic options,
@@ -3320,6 +3323,7 @@
"--java-flags <options>",
"\tSpecify options to be passed to the Java compiler.",
+ "\tUse one `--java-flags' option per word.",
"--java-classpath <path>",
"\tSet the classpath for the Java compiler.",
@@ -3332,15 +3336,18 @@
"\tThe Microsoft IL Assembler.",
"--ilasm-flags <options>",
"\tSpecify options to be passed to the IL assembler.",
+ "\tUse one `--ilasm-flags' option per word.",
"--mcpp-compiler <cl>",
"\tSpecify the name of the Microsoft Managed C++ Compiler.",
"--mcpp-flags <options>",
"\tSpecify options to be passed to the Managed C++ Compiler.",
+ "\tUse one `--mcpp-flags' option per word.",
"--csharp-compiler <csc>",
"\tSpecify the name of the Microsoft C# Compiler.",
"--csharp-flags <options>",
- "\tSpecify options to be passed to the C# Compiler."
+ "\tSpecify options to be passed to the C# Compiler.",
+ "\tUse one `--csharp-flags' option per word."
:- pred options_help_link(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
@@ -3355,14 +3362,17 @@
"\tThis option is ignored by `mmc --make'.",
"--link-flags <options>, --ml-flags <options>",
"\tSpecify options to be passed to ml, the Mercury linker.",
+ "\tUse one `--ml-flags' option per word.",
"--ld-flags <options>",
"\tSpecify options to be passed to the linker command",
"\tinvoked by ml to link an executable.",
+ "\tUse one `--ld-flags' option per word.",
"\tUse `ml --print-link-command' to find out which",
"\tcommand is used.",
"--ld-libflags <options>",
"\tSpecify options to be passed to the linker command",
"\tinvoked by ml to link a shared library.",
+ "\tUse one `--ld-libflags' option per word.",
"\tUse `ml --print-shared-lib-link-command' to find out",
"\twhich command is used.",
"-L <directory>, --library-directory <directory>",
Index: compiler/options_file.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/options_file.m,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -u -r1.8 options_file.m
--- compiler/options_file.m 25 May 2002 13:25:09 -0000 1.8
+++ compiler/options_file.m 6 Aug 2002 06:13:45 -0000
@@ -40,9 +40,6 @@
:- pred lookup_main_target(options_variables::in, maybe(list(string))::out,
io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
- % Quote any strings containing whitespace.
-:- func quote_args(list(string)) = list(string).
:- implementation.
@@ -820,52 +817,40 @@
MMCOptionType = mmc_flags,
OptionsStrings = VariableValue
- MMCOptionType = option(not_split, OptionName),
- OptionsStrings = [OptionName,
- string__join_list(" ", VariableValue)]
- ;
- MMCOptionType = option(split, OptionName),
- OptionsStrings = list__condense(
+ MMCOptionType = option(InitialOptions, OptionName),
+ OptionsStrings = list__condense([InitialOptions |
list__map((func(Word) = [OptionName, Word]),
- VariableValue))
+ VariableValue)])
:- type mmc_option_type
---> mmc_flags % The options can be passed directly to mmc.
- ; option(split_into_words, option_name :: string)
- % The options need to be passed as an
- % argument of an option to mmc.
- .
- % The split_into_words type specifies whether there should be
- % one mmc option per word in a variable's value, or just a single
- % mmc option.
- % The value of CFLAGS is converted into a single `--cflags' option.
- % The value of MLOBJS is converted into multiple `--link-object'
- % options.
-:- type split_into_words
- ---> split
- ; not_split
+ ; option(initial_options :: list(string), option_name :: string)
+ % The options need to be passed as an
+ % argument of an option to mmc.
+ % The `initial_options' will be passed before
+ % the options generated by the variable.
+ % This is useful for clearing an accumulating option.
:- func mmc_option_type(options_variable_type) = mmc_option_type.
mmc_option_type(grade_flags) = mmc_flags.
mmc_option_type(mmc_flags) = mmc_flags.
-mmc_option_type(c_flags) = option(not_split, "--cflags").
-mmc_option_type(java_flags) = option(not_split, "--java-flags").
-mmc_option_type(ilasm_flags) = option(not_split, "--ilasm-flags").
-mmc_option_type(mcpp_flags) = option(not_split, "--mcpp-flags").
-mmc_option_type(csharp_flags) = option(not_split, "--csharp-flags").
-mmc_option_type(ml_flags) = option(not_split, "--link-flags").
-mmc_option_type(ml_objs) = option(split, "--link-object").
+mmc_option_type(c_flags) = option([], "--cflags").
+mmc_option_type(java_flags) = option([], "--java-flags").
+mmc_option_type(ilasm_flags) = option([], "--ilasm-flags").
+mmc_option_type(mcpp_flags) = option([], "--mcpp-flags").
+mmc_option_type(csharp_flags) = option([], "--csharp-flags").
+mmc_option_type(ml_flags) = option([], "--link-flags").
+mmc_option_type(ml_objs) = option([], "--link-object").
mmc_option_type(ml_libs) = mmc_flags.
-mmc_option_type(ld_flags) = option(not_split, "--ld-flags").
-mmc_option_type(ld_libflags) = option(not_split, "--ld-libflags").
-mmc_option_type(c2init_args) = option(split, "--init-file").
-mmc_option_type(libraries) = option(split, "--mercury-library").
-mmc_option_type(lib_dirs) = option(split, "--mercury-library-directory").
+mmc_option_type(ld_flags) = option([], "--ld-flags").
+mmc_option_type(ld_libflags) = option([], "--ld-libflags").
+mmc_option_type(c2init_args) = option([], "--init-file").
+mmc_option_type(libraries) = option([], "--mercury-library").
+mmc_option_type(lib_dirs) = option([], "--mercury-library-directory").
@@ -976,41 +961,6 @@
Undef = [Var | Undef0]
-quote_args(Args) = list__map(quote_arg, Args).
-:- func quote_arg(string) = string.
-quote_arg(Arg0) = Arg :-
- ArgList = quote_arg_2(string__to_char_list(Arg0)),
- (
- list__member(Char, ArgList),
- ( char__is_whitespace(Char)
- ; Char = ('\\')
- ; Char = '"'
- )
- ->
- Arg = "'" ++ string__from_char_list(ArgList) ++ "'"
- ;
- Arg = string__from_char_list(ArgList)
- ).
-:- func quote_arg_2(list(char)) = list(char).
-quote_arg_2([]) = [].
-quote_arg_2([Char | Chars0]) = Chars :-
- Chars1 = quote_arg_2(Chars0),
- ( Char = ('\\') ->
- Chars = [Char, Char | Chars1]
- ; Char = '\n' ->
- Chars = [('\\'), 'n' | Chars1]
- ; Char = '"' ->
- Chars = [('\\'), '"' | Chars1]
- ;
- Chars = [Char | Chars1]
- ).
Index: doc/user_guide.texi
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/doc/user_guide.texi,v
retrieving revision 1.317
diff -u -u -r1.317 user_guide.texi
--- doc/user_guide.texi 5 Aug 2002 04:02:00 -0000 1.317
+++ doc/user_guide.texi 6 Aug 2002 03:07:09 -0000
@@ -5838,6 +5838,9 @@
@findex --cflags
@cindex C compiler options
Specify options to be passed to the C compiler.
+Use one @samp{--cflags} option per word
+(e.g.@:@samp{--cflags -Wall --cflags -O0}, not
+@:@samp{--cflags ``-Wall -O0''}).
@sp 1
@item --javac @var{compiler-name}
@@ -5852,6 +5855,7 @@
@findex --java-flags
@cindex Java compiler options
Specify options to be passed to the Java compiler.
+Use one @samp{--java-flags} option per word.
@sp 1
@item --java-classpath @var{dir}
@@ -5892,12 +5896,14 @@
@cindex Link options
@cindex Linker options
Specify options to be passed to @samp{ml}, the Mercury linker.
+Use one @samp{--ml-flags} option per word.
@sp 1
@item --ld-flags @var{options}
@findex --ld-flags
Specify options to be passed to the command
invoked by ml to link an executable.
+Use one @samp{--ld-flags} option per word.
Use @code{ml --print-link-command} to find out
which command is used.
@@ -5906,6 +5912,7 @@
@findex --ld-libflags
Specify options to be passed to the command
invoked by ml to link a shared library.
+Use one @samp{--ld-libflags} option per word.
Use @code{ml --print-shared-lib-link-command}
to find out which command is used.
Index: scripts/Mmake.rules
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/scripts/Mmake.rules,v
retrieving revision 1.129
diff -u -u -r1.129 Mmake.rules
--- scripts/Mmake.rules 26 Jun 2002 08:20:55 -0000 1.129
+++ scripts/Mmake.rules 6 Aug 2002 05:35:36 -0000
@@ -197,7 +197,8 @@
$(pic_s_dates_subdir)%.pic_s_date : %.m
$(MCG) $(ALL_GRADEFLAGS) --target-code-only $(ALL_MCGFLAGS) \
- --pic --cflags "$(GCCFLAGS_FOR_PIC)" $(*F) > $(*F).err 2>&1
+ --pic $(patsubst %,--cflags %,$(GCCFLAGS_FOR_PIC)) \
+ $(*F) > $(*F).err 2>&1
$(os_subdir)%.$O : $(ss_subdir)%.s
$(AS) $< $(OBJFILE_OPT)$@
Index: scripts/Mmake.vars.in
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/scripts/Mmake.vars.in,v
retrieving revision 1.76
diff -u -u -r1.76 Mmake.vars.in
--- scripts/Mmake.vars.in 29 Jul 2002 07:51:07 -0000 1.76
+++ scripts/Mmake.vars.in 6 Aug 2002 05:34:54 -0000
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
- $(LIB_MCFLAGS) --cflags "$(ALL_CFLAGS)"
+ $(LIB_MCFLAGS) $(patsubst %,--cflags %,$(ALL_CFLAGS))
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