[m-rev.] for review: support different clauses for different modes

Fergus Henderson fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Sun May 27 03:40:40 AEST 2001

On 17-May-2001, Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU> wrote:
> On 16-May-2001, Simon Taylor <stayl at cs.mu.OZ.AU> wrote:
> > I'd also like to see a test case in tests/hard_coded where a predicate
> > which uses different clauses for different modes is written to a `.opt' file
> > then inlined in an importing module. The code in intermod.m to write
> > clauses currently doesn't handle this feature.
> Good point.  I've written such a test case, and you're quite right,
> it doesn't pass if intermodule optmization is enabled.
> I think the right place to fix it is in hlds_out__write_clause (which
> is called from intermod__write_clause).  But I don't have a fix yet.
> compiler/hlds_out.m:
> 	Change hlds_out__write_clause so that it outputs the
> 	mode annotations, if needed.
> 	XXX FIXME this is not yet done!

Done now...

Review comments welcome, as always, but since it fixes an outstanding bug
I'll go ahead and commit it if it passes bootstrap.

cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: hlds_out.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_out.m,v
retrieving revision 1.258
diff -u -d -u -r1.258 hlds_out.m
--- hlds_out.m	2001/04/07 14:04:40	1.258
+++ hlds_out.m	2001/05/26 16:49:03
@@ -940,7 +940,7 @@
 		Clause = clause(
-			_Context
+			Context
 		Indent1 is Indent + 1
@@ -955,8 +955,24 @@
-	hlds_out__write_clause_head(ModuleInfo, PredId, VarSet, AppendVarnums,
-		HeadTerms, PredOrFunc),
+	{ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo) },
+	{ pred_info_procids(PredInfo, ProcIds) },
+	( { Modes = [] ; Modes = ProcIds } ->
+		hlds_out__write_clause_head(ModuleInfo, PredId, VarSet,
+			AppendVarnums, HeadTerms, PredOrFunc)
+	; { Modes = [SingleMode] } ->
+		{ module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, SingleMode,
+			_PredInfo, ProcInfo) },
+		{ proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo, ArgModes) },
+		{ assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(HeadTerms, ArgModes, 
+			AnnotatedPairs) },
+		{ AnnotatedHeadTerms = list__map(add_mode_qualifier(Context),
+			AnnotatedPairs) },
+		hlds_out__write_clause_head(ModuleInfo, PredId, VarSet,
+			AppendVarnums, AnnotatedHeadTerms, PredOrFunc)
+	;
+		{ error("No syntax for clause which applies to >1 mode") }
+	),
 	( { Goal = conj([]) - _GoalInfo } ->
@@ -3105,6 +3121,8 @@
 hlds_out__write_eval_method(eval_table_io) -->
 :- pred hlds_out__write_indent(int, io__state, io__state).
 :- mode hlds_out__write_indent(in, di, uo) is det.
@@ -3120,6 +3138,7 @@
 :- pred hlds_out__write_constraint_proofs(int, tvarset,
 	map(class_constraint, constraint_proof), bool, io__state, io__state).
 :- mode hlds_out__write_constraint_proofs(in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
@@ -3151,6 +3170,186 @@
 		io__write_string("super class of "),
 		mercury_output_constraint(VarSet, AppendVarnums, Super)
+:- func add_mode_qualifier(prog_context, pair(prog_term, mode)) = prog_term.
+add_mode_qualifier(Context, HeadTerm - Mode) = AnnotatedTerm :-
+	construct_qualified_term(unqualified("::"),
+		[HeadTerm, mode_to_term(Context, Mode)],
+		Context, AnnotatedTerm).
+:- func mode_to_term(term__context, mode) = prog_term.
+mode_to_term(Context, (InstA -> InstB)) = Term :-
+	( 
+		%
+		% check for higher-order pred or func modes, and output them
+		% in a nice format
+		%
+		InstA = ground(_Uniq, higher_order(_)),
+		InstB = InstA
+	->
+		Term = inst_to_term(InstA, Context)
+	;
+		construct_qualified_term(unqualified(">>"),
+			[inst_to_term(InstA, Context),
+			 inst_to_term(InstB, Context)],
+			Context, Term)
+	).
+mode_to_term(Context, user_defined_mode(Name, Args)) = Term :-
+	construct_qualified_term(Name,
+		list__map(map_inst_to_term(Context), Args),
+		Context, Term).
+:- func make_atom(string, prog_context) = prog_term.
+make_atom(Name, Context) =
+	term__functor(term__atom(Name), [], Context).
+:- func map_inst_to_term(prog_context, inst) = prog_term.
+map_inst_to_term(Context, Inst) = inst_to_term(Inst, Context).
+:- func inst_to_term(inst, prog_context) = prog_term.
+inst_to_term(any(Uniq), Context) =
+	make_atom(any_inst_uniqueness(Uniq), Context).
+inst_to_term(free, Context) =
+	make_atom("free", Context).
+inst_to_term(free(Type), Context) =
+	term__functor(term__atom("free"), [term__coerce(Type)], Context).
+inst_to_term(bound(Uniq, BoundInsts), Context) = Term :-
+	construct_qualified_term(unqualified(inst_uniqueness(Uniq, "bound")),
+		[bound_insts_to_term(BoundInsts, Context)], Context, Term).
+inst_to_term(ground(Uniq, GroundInstInfo), Context) = Term :-
+	(	
+		GroundInstInfo = higher_order(pred_inst_info(PredOrFunc,
+				Modes, Det)),
+		/* XXX we ignore Uniq */
+		(
+			PredOrFunc = predicate,
+			construct_qualified_term(unqualified("pred"),
+				list__map(mode_to_term(Context), Modes),
+				Context, ModesTerm)
+		;
+			PredOrFunc = function,
+			pred_args_to_func_args(Modes, ArgModes, RetMode),
+			construct_qualified_term(unqualified("func"),
+				list__map(mode_to_term(Context), ArgModes),
+				Context, ArgModesTerm),
+			construct_qualified_term(unqualified("="),
+				[ArgModesTerm, mode_to_term(Context, RetMode)],
+				Context, ModesTerm)
+		),
+		construct_qualified_term(unqualified("is"), [
+			ModesTerm, det_to_term(Det, Context)], Context, Term)
+	;
+		GroundInstInfo = constrained_inst_var(Var),
+		Term = term__coerce(term__variable(Var))
+	;
+		GroundInstInfo = none,
+		Term = make_atom(inst_uniqueness(Uniq, "ground"), Context)
+	).
+inst_to_term(inst_var(Var), _) =
+	term__coerce(term__variable(Var)).
+inst_to_term(abstract_inst(Name, Args), Context) =
+	inst_name_to_term(user_inst(Name, Args), Context).
+inst_to_term(defined_inst(InstName), Context) =
+	inst_name_to_term(InstName, Context).
+inst_to_term(not_reached, Context) =
+	make_atom("not_reached", Context).
+:- func inst_name_to_term(inst_name, prog_context) = prog_term.
+inst_name_to_term(user_inst(Name, Args), Context) = Term :-
+	construct_qualified_term(Name,
+		list__map(map_inst_to_term(Context), Args),
+		Context, Term).
+inst_name_to_term(merge_inst(InstA, InstB), Context) = Term :-
+	construct_qualified_term(unqualified("$merge_inst"),
+		list__map(map_inst_to_term(Context), [InstA, InstB]),
+		Context, Term).
+inst_name_to_term(shared_inst(InstName), Context) = Term :-
+	construct_qualified_term(unqualified("$shared_inst"),
+		[inst_name_to_term(InstName, Context)],
+		Context, Term).
+inst_name_to_term(mostly_uniq_inst(InstName), Context) = Term :-
+	construct_qualified_term(unqualified("$mostly_uniq_inst"),
+		[inst_name_to_term(InstName, Context)],
+		Context, Term).
+inst_name_to_term(unify_inst(Liveness, InstA, InstB, Real), Context) = Term :-
+	construct_qualified_term(unqualified("$unify"),
+		[make_atom((Liveness = live -> "live" ; "dead"), Context)] ++
+		 list__map(map_inst_to_term(Context), [InstA, InstB]) ++
+		[make_atom((Real = real_unify -> "real" ; "fake"), Context)],
+		Context, Term).
+inst_name_to_term(ground_inst(InstName, IsLive, Uniq, Real), Context) = Term :-
+	construct_qualified_term(unqualified("$ground"),
+		[inst_name_to_term(InstName, Context),
+		 make_atom((IsLive = live -> "live" ; "dead"), Context),
+		 make_atom(inst_uniqueness(Uniq, "shared"), Context),
+		 make_atom((Real = real_unify -> "real" ; "fake"), Context)],
+		Context, Term).
+inst_name_to_term(any_inst(InstName, IsLive, Uniq, Real), Context) = Term :-
+	construct_qualified_term(unqualified("$any"),
+		[inst_name_to_term(InstName, Context),
+		 make_atom((IsLive = live -> "live" ; "dead"), Context),
+		 make_atom(inst_uniqueness(Uniq, "shared"), Context),
+		 make_atom((Real = real_unify -> "real" ; "fake"), Context)],
+		Context, Term).
+inst_name_to_term(typed_ground(Uniq, Type), Context) = Term :-
+	construct_qualified_term(unqualified("$typed_ground"),
+		[make_atom(inst_uniqueness(Uniq, "shared"), Context),
+		 term__coerce(Type)],
+		Context, Term).
+inst_name_to_term(typed_inst(Type, InstName), Context) = Term :-
+	construct_qualified_term(unqualified("$typed_inst"),
+		[term__coerce(Type),
+		 inst_name_to_term(InstName, Context)],
+		Context, Term).
+:- func any_inst_uniqueness(uniqueness) = string.
+any_inst_uniqueness(shared) = "any".
+any_inst_uniqueness(unique) = "unique_any".
+any_inst_uniqueness(mostly_unique) = "mostly_unique_any".
+any_inst_uniqueness(clobbered) = "clobbered_any".
+any_inst_uniqueness(mostly_clobbered) = "mostly_clobbered_any".
+:- func inst_uniqueness(uniqueness, string) = string.
+inst_uniqueness(shared, SharedName) = SharedName.
+inst_uniqueness(unique, _) = "unique".
+inst_uniqueness(mostly_unique, _) = "mostly_unique".
+inst_uniqueness(clobbered, _) = "clobbered".
+inst_uniqueness(mostly_clobbered, _) = "mostly_clobbered".
+:- func bound_insts_to_term(list(bound_inst), prog_context) = prog_term.
+bound_insts_to_term([], _) = _ :-
+	error("bound_insts_to_term([])").
+bound_insts_to_term([functor(ConsId, Args) | BoundInsts], Context) = Term :-
+	( cons_id_and_args_to_term(ConsId,
+		list__map(map_inst_to_term(Context), Args), FirstTerm)
+	->
+		( BoundInsts = [] ->
+			Term = FirstTerm
+		;
+			construct_qualified_term(unqualified(";"),
+				[FirstTerm,
+				 bound_insts_to_term(BoundInsts, Context)],
+				Context, Term)
+		)
+	;
+		error("bound_insts_to_term: cons_id_and_args_to_term failed")
+	).
+:- func det_to_term(determinism, prog_context) = prog_term.
+det_to_term(Det, Context) = make_atom(det_to_string(Det), Context).
+:- func det_to_string(determinism) = string.
+det_to_string(erroneous) = "erroneous".
+det_to_string(failure) = "failure".
+det_to_string(det) = "det".
+det_to_string(semidet) = "semidet".
+det_to_string(cc_multidet) = "cc_multi".
+det_to_string(cc_nondet) = "cc_nondet".
+det_to_string(multidet) = "multi".
+det_to_string(nondet) = "nondet".
Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
                                    |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>  |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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