[m-rev.] diff: structure reuse test cases
Peter Ross
peter.ross at miscrit.be
Fri Mar 30 23:57:40 AEST 2001
Estimated hours taken: 1
Branches: reuse
Add some more regression tests.
Test that branched control structures are treated correctly by the
sr_choice pass.
Test the we only compile time gc the spine of a list, not the
elements of a list.
Index: Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/general/structure_reuse/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 Mmakefile
--- Mmakefile 2001/03/30 10:43:19 1.1
+++ Mmakefile 2001/03/30 13:53:52
@@ -16,7 +16,11 @@
# Any program added here should also be added to the `.cvsignore' file.
-PROGS= internal_alias
+PROGS= if_then_else \
+ internal_alias \
+ interpret
ACC_FLAGS = --infer-structure-reuse -d structure_reuse -D sr
Index: if_then_else.exp
RCS file: if_then_else.exp
diff -N if_then_else.exp
--- /dev/null Sat Aug 7 21:45:41 1999
+++ if_then_else.exp Fri Mar 30 23:53:52 2001
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+two(2, 1)
Index: if_then_else.m
RCS file: if_then_else.m
diff -N if_then_else.m
--- /dev/null Sat Aug 7 21:45:41 1999
+++ if_then_else.m Fri Mar 30 23:53:52 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+% A regression test.
+% We test that the determination of possible cons_ids a cell can have is
+% correct for branched goal structures, in this case the if_then_else.
+:- module if_then_else.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- type t
+ ---> empty
+ ; one(int)
+ ; two(int, int).
+main -->
+ { X = two(1, 2) },
+ { p(X, Y) },
+ io__write(Y),
+ io__nl.
+:- pred p(t::in, t::out) is det.
+p(X, Y) :-
+ ( X = empty ->
+ Y = X
+ ;
+ (
+ X = two(A, B),
+ Y = two(B, A)
+ ;
+ X = one(A),
+ Y = one(A)
+ ;
+ X = empty,
+ Y = empty
+ )
+ ).
Index: interpret.exp
RCS file: interpret.exp
diff -N interpret.exp
--- /dev/null Sat Aug 7 21:45:41 1999
+++ interpret.exp Fri Mar 30 23:53:52 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Element of map hasn't changed.
Index: interpret.m
RCS file: interpret.m
diff -N interpret.m
--- /dev/null Sat Aug 7 21:45:41 1999
+++ interpret.m Fri Mar 30 23:53:52 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+% A regression test.
+% This tests a case where the compiler marked cells as being compile
+% time garbage collectable, where references to that cell existed in
+% other data structures.
+:- module interpret.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module exception, list, map, float, int, require.
+:- type element
+ ---> float(float)
+ ; int(int).
+:- type operation
+ ---> addf
+ ; addi
+ ; float(float)
+ ; lookup
+ ; pop.
+:- type stack == list(element).
+:- type env == map(int, element).
+main -->
+ { Env = map__set(map__init, 1, int(5)) },
+ { Stack0 = [int(1)] },
+ { Ops = [lookup, float(3.14)] },
+ { interpret(Ops, Env, Stack0, Stack1) },
+ % This list must be of at least length two to as the
+ % first cell is correctly marked as not being cgc'able.
+ { Stack1 = [float(_), int(X0)] ->
+ X = X0
+ ;
+ error("incorrect stack")
+ },
+ % XXX If int(X0) is incorrectly being marked as cgc'able
+ % then P will reuse it's memory and hence the later
+ % map__lookup will return int(3) instead of int(5).
+ { P = int(3) },
+ io__write(P),
+ io__nl,
+ { map__lookup(Env, 1, Q) },
+ ( { Q = int(X) } ->
+ io__write_string("Element of map hasn't changed.\n")
+ ;
+ io__write_string("BEEP! BEEP! Map changed!!!.\n")
+ ).
+:- pred interpret(list(operation)::in, env::in, stack::in, stack::out) is det.
+interpret([], _, Stack, Stack).
+interpret([Op | Ops], Env, Stack0, Stack) :-
+ do_op(Op, Env, Stack0, Stack1),
+ interpret(Ops, Env, Stack1, Stack).
+:- pred do_op(operation::in, env::in, stack::in, stack::out) is det.
+do_op(float(F), _Env, Stack, [float(F) | Stack]).
+do_op(addi, _Env, Stack0, Stack) :-
+ ( Stack0 = [int(A), int(B) | Stack1] ->
+ Stack = [int(A+B) | Stack1]
+ ;
+ throw(Stack0)
+ ).
+do_op(addf, _Env, Stack0, Stack) :-
+ ( Stack0 = [float(A), float(B) | Stack1] ->
+ Stack = [float(A+B) | Stack1]
+ ;
+ error("addi: wrong arguments")
+ ).
+do_op(lookup, Env, Stack0, Stack) :-
+ ( Stack0 = [int(Loc) | Stack1] ->
+ % Here we create an alias between the Env
+ % variable and the elements in the stack.
+ map__lookup(Env, Loc, Element),
+ Stack = [Element | Stack1]
+ ;
+ error("lookup: wrong arguments")
+ ).
+do_op(pop, _Env, Stack0, Stack) :-
+ ( Stack0 = [_ | Stack1] ->
+ Stack = Stack1
+ ;
+ error("pop: no arguments on the stack")
+ ).
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