[m-rev.] [reuse] diff: fix fixpoint table
Nancy Mazur
Nancy.Mazur at cs.kuleuven.ac.be
Wed Mar 28 05:16:52 AEST 2001
Estimated hours taken: 1 (+ 6 hours for Peter for locating the bug)
Branches: reuse
Fix the fixpoint table, and record for each entry in the
table, wheteher the information about it is stable or not.
Also minor changes.
Record for each entry whether it is stable or not, instead
of only stating global stability (which was wrong).
Add a new predicate to get the final information, yet failing
insteaf of aborting when nothing is found.
Also output information about the stability of the analysis-run.
Add a new predicate to get the final abstract substitution, but
failing insteaf of aborting if nothing is found.
Index: fixpoint_table.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/Attic/fixpoint_table.m,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.2.3 fixpoint_table.m
--- fixpoint_table.m 2001/02/28 13:00:41
+++ fixpoint_table.m 2001/03/27 19:10:51
@@ -66,6 +66,11 @@
:- pred fp_get_final(K, E, fixpoint_table(K,E)).
:- mode fp_get_final(in, out, in) is det.
+ % Same as fp_get_final, but the predicate fails instead
+ % of aborting when the element is not present.
+:- pred fp_get_final_semidet(K, E, fixpoint_table(K,E)).
+:- mode fp_get_final_semidet(in, out, in) is semidet.
@@ -79,9 +84,23 @@
keys :: list(K), % list of allowed keys
run :: int, % number of runs
stable :: bool, % is stable (default = yes)
- mapping :: map(K, E)
+ mapping :: map(K, fp_entry(E))
+:- type fp_entry(E)
+ ---> entry(
+ bool, % stability: yes = stable, no = unstable
+ E).
+:- func fp_entry_init(E) = fp_entry(E).
+:- func fp_entry_stability(fp_entry(E)) = bool.
+:- func fp_entry_elem(fp_entry(E)) = E.
+:- func fp_entry_init(bool, E) = fp_entry(E).
+fp_entry_init(Elem) = entry(no, Elem).
+fp_entry_init(Bool, Elem) = entry(Bool, Elem).
+fp_entry_stability(entry(S, _)) = S.
+fp_entry_elem(entry(_, Elem)) = Elem.
fp_init(Init, Ks, ft(Ks, Run, Stable, Map)) :-
Run = 0,
Stable = yes,
@@ -89,7 +108,7 @@
(pred(K::in, M0::in, M::out) is det :-
Init(K, E),
- map__det_insert(M0, K, E, M)
+ map__det_insert(M0, K, fp_entry_init(E), M)
@@ -100,13 +119,24 @@
fp_which_run(T0) = T0 ^ run.
fp_stable(T) :-
- T ^ stable = yes.
+ map__foldl(
+ pred(_K::in, Entry::in, S0::in, S::out) is det :-
+ (
+ ( S0 = no ->
+ S = no
+ ;
+ S = fp_entry_stability(Entry)
+ )
+ ),
+ T ^ mapping,
+ yes,
+ yes).
fp_add(Equal, Index, Elem, Tin, Tout) :-
Map = Tin ^ mapping,
- Sin = Tin ^ stable,
- map__search(Map, Index, TabledElem)
+ map__search(Map, Index, Entry),
+ TabledElem = fp_entry_elem(Entry)
Equal(TabledElem, Elem)
@@ -127,38 +157,38 @@
% table where not only the reuses are kept (the
% abstract substitution), but also the goal that
% might have changed.
- FinalTabledElem = Elem,
+ FinalTabledElem = fp_entry_init(S, Elem),
map__det_update(Map, Index, FinalTabledElem, MapOut)
- S = Sin,
- map__det_insert(Map, Index, Elem, MapOut)
+ % XXX should not occur!
+ map__det_insert(Map, Index, fp_entry_init(Elem), MapOut)
- Tout = (Tin ^ mapping := MapOut) ^ stable := S.
+ Tout = (Tin ^ mapping := MapOut).
fp_get(Index, Elem, Tin, Tout) :-
List = Tin ^ keys,
list__member(Index, List), % can fail
Mapin = Tin ^ mapping,
- % Sin = Tin ^ stable,
- map__search(Mapin, Index, TabledElem)
+ map__search(Mapin, Index, Entry),
+ TabledElem = fp_entry_elem(Entry)
Elem = TabledElem,
- Sout = no,
Mapout = Mapin
require__error("(fixpoint_table): key not in map")
- % init(Elem),
- % Sout = no,
- % map__det_insert(Mapin, Index, Elem, Mapout)
- Tout = (Tin ^ mapping := Mapout) ^ stable := Sout.
+ Tout = (Tin ^ mapping := Mapout).
fp_get_final(Index, Elem, T) :-
- map__search(T ^ mapping, Index, TabledElem)
+ fp_get_final_semidet(Index, TabledElem, T)
Elem = TabledElem
error("Internal error: fixpoint_table__fp_get_final/2")
+fp_get_final_semidet(Index, Elem, T):-
+ map__search(T ^ mapping, Index, Entry),
+ Elem = fp_entry_elem(Entry).
Index: pa_run.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/Attic/pa_run.m,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.2.21 pa_run.m
--- pa_run.m 2001/03/23 10:41:30
+++ pa_run.m 2001/03/27 19:10:54
@@ -177,6 +177,16 @@
{ PRED_PROC_ID = proc(PredId, ProcId) },
{ pa_util__pa_fixpoint_table_which_run(FPtable0, Run) },
+ {
+ (
+ pa_util__pa_fixpoint_table_get_final_as_semidet(PRED_PROC_ID,
+ TabledAliasAs, FPtable0)
+ ->
+ TabledSize = size(TabledAliasAs)
+ ;
+ TabledSize = 0
+ )
+ },
{ string__int_to_string(Run, SRun)},
{ string__append_list(["% Alias analysing (run ",SRun,") "],
Msg) },
@@ -228,12 +238,17 @@
% io__write_string("\n")
% []
+ ( pa_fixpoint_table_all_stable(FPtable) ->
+ Stable = "s" ; Stable = "u"
+ ),
+ string__int_to_string(TabledSize, TabledS),
string__int_to_string(FullSize, FullS),
string__int_to_string(ProjectSize, ProjectS),
string__int_to_string(NormSize, NormS)
- io__write_strings(["\t\t: ", FullS, "/", ProjectS, "/",
- NormS]),
+ io__write_strings(["\t\t: ", TabledS, "->",
+ FullS, "/", ProjectS, "/",
+ NormS, "(", Stable, ")"]),
{ Widening = bool__yes }
Index: pa_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/Attic/pa_util.m,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.2.6 pa_util.m
--- pa_util.m 2001/03/23 10:41:30
+++ pa_util.m 2001/03/27 19:10:54
@@ -57,7 +57,11 @@
:- mode pa_fixpoint_table_get_final_as(in, out, in) is det.
+:- pred pa_fixpoint_table_get_final_as_semidet(pred_proc_id, alias_as,
+ pa_fixpoint_table).
+:- mode pa_fixpoint_table_get_final_as_semidet(in, out, in) is semidet.
:- implementation.
@@ -101,6 +105,8 @@
pa_fixpoint_table_get_final_as(PRED_PROC_ID, ALIAS_AS, T):-
fp_get_final(PRED_PROC_ID, ALIAS_AS, T).
+pa_fixpoint_table_get_final_as_semidet(PRED_PROC_ID, ALIAS_AS, T):-
+ fp_get_final_semidet(PRED_PROC_ID, ALIAS_AS, T).
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