[m-rev.] diff: fix mlds_to_il to compile the library

Peter Ross peter.ross at miscrit.be
Tue Jul 10 22:54:51 AEST 2001



Estimated hours taken: 4
Branches: main

Allow the new version of mlds_to_il to compile the library.

    Procedures whose import status is external(interface) are exported.

    Add a utility predicate, mercury_module_and_package_name_to_mlds,
    which allows us to set both the package name and module qualified name.
    Merge in the code to set the foreign language attribute correctly.
    Update mangle_foreign_code_module so that it places the foreign code
    language qualifier in the correct place.

    Move init_state into the interface as pragma export is not yet
    implemented on the IL backend.

Index: compiler/hlds_pred.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_pred.m,v
retrieving revision 1.96
diff -u -r1.96 hlds_pred.m
--- compiler/hlds_pred.m	27 Jun 2001 05:04:07 -0000	1.96
+++ compiler/hlds_pred.m	10 Jul 2001 12:49:08 -0000
@@ -1101,6 +1101,9 @@
+	;
+		pred_info_import_status(PredInfo, ImportStatus),
+		ImportStatus = external(interface)
 pred_info_mark_as_external(PredInfo0, PredInfo) :-
Index: compiler/mlds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.57
diff -u -r1.57 mlds.m
--- compiler/mlds.m	9 Jul 2001 15:55:04 -0000	1.57
+++ compiler/mlds.m	10 Jul 2001 12:49:09 -0000
@@ -329,6 +329,14 @@
 % MLDS package in which this module is defined.
 :- func mercury_module_name_to_mlds(mercury_module_name) = mlds_module_name.
+% Given the name of a Mercury module, and a package name, return the
+% name of the corresponding MLDS module name in which this module is
+% defined.
+% In this case, the package is specified as the first parameter (c.f.
+% mercury_module_name_to_mlds above).
+:- func mercury_module_and_package_name_to_mlds(mercury_module_name,
+		mercury_module_name) = mlds_module_name.
 % Given the name of a Mercury module return the fully qualified module
 % name.  ie For the name System.Object which is defined in the source
 % package mscorlib it will return System.Object.
@@ -1463,6 +1471,9 @@
 		package_name	:: prog_data__module_name,
 		module_name	:: prog_data__module_name
+mercury_module_and_package_name_to_mlds(MLDS_Package, MercuryModule)
+	= name(MLDS_Package, MercuryModule).
 mercury_module_name_to_mlds(MercuryModule) = name(MLDS_Package, MLDS_Package) :-
Index: compiler/mlds_to_il.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_il.m,v
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -r1.38 mlds_to_il.m
--- compiler/mlds_to_il.m	9 Jul 2001 15:55:06 -0000	1.38
+++ compiler/mlds_to_il.m	10 Jul 2001 12:49:11 -0000
@@ -185,8 +185,7 @@
-generate_il(MLDS, AssemblyDecls ++ [assembly(IlInfo ^ assembly_name),
-		namespace(NamespaceName, ILDecls)], set__init, IO0, IO) :-
+generate_il(MLDS, ILAsm, ForeignLangs, IO0, IO) :-
 	mlds(MercuryModuleName, _, Imports, Defns)= transform_mlds(MLDS),
 	ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(MercuryModuleName),
@@ -195,16 +194,40 @@
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(highlevel_data, HighLevelData, IO0, IO1),
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(debug_il_asm, DebugIlAsm, IO1, IO),
-	IlInfo = il_info_init(ModuleName, AssemblyName, Imports,
+	IlInfo0 = il_info_init(ModuleName, AssemblyName, Imports,
 			il_data_rep(HighLevelData), DebugIlAsm),
-	ILDecls = list__map(mlds_defn_to_ilasm_decl(IlInfo), Defns),
+	list__map_foldl(mlds_defn_to_ilasm_decl, Defns, ILDecls,
+			IlInfo0, IlInfo),
+	ForeignLangs = IlInfo ^ file_foreign_langs,
 	ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(ModuleName),
 	ClassName = structured_name(_, NamespaceName),
-	generate_extern_assembly(Imports, AssemblyDecls).
+		% Make this module an assembly unless it is in the standard
+		% library.  Standard library modules all go in the one
+		% assembly in a separate step during the build (using
+		% AL.EXE).  
+	(
+		PackageName = mlds_module_name_to_package_name(ModuleName),
+		PackageName = qualified(unqualified("mercury"), _)
+	->
+		ThisAssembly = [],
+		AssemblerRefs = Imports
+	;
+		ThisAssembly = [assembly(AssemblyName)],
+			% If not in the library, but we have foreign code,
+			% declare the foreign module as an assembly we
+			% reference
+		list__map(mangle_foreign_code_module(ModuleName),
+			set__to_sorted_list(ForeignLangs),
+			ForeignCodeAssemblerRefs),
+		AssemblerRefs = list__append(ForeignCodeAssemblerRefs, Imports)
+	),
+	generate_extern_assembly(AssemblerRefs, ExternAssemblies),
+	Namespace = [namespace(NamespaceName, ILDecls)],
+	ILAsm = list__condense([ThisAssembly, ExternAssemblies, Namespace]).
@@ -415,21 +438,19 @@
-:- func mlds_defn_to_ilasm_decl(il_info, mlds__defn) = ilasm__decl.
+:- pred mlds_defn_to_ilasm_decl(mlds__defn::in, ilasm__decl::out,
+		il_info::in, il_info::out) is det.
-mlds_defn_to_ilasm_decl(_, defn(_Name, _Context, _Flags, data(_Type, _Init)))
-	= _ :- sorry(this_file, "top level data definition!").
-mlds_defn_to_ilasm_decl(_, defn(_Name, _Context, _Flags,
-		function(_MaybePredProcId, _Params, _MaybeStmts)))
-	= _ :- sorry(this_file, "top level function definition!").
-mlds_defn_to_ilasm_decl(Info0, defn(Name, _Context, Flags, class(ClassDefn)))
-	= class(
-		decl_flags_to_classattrs(Flags),
-		EntityName,
-		Extends,
-		Interfaces,
-		MethodDecls
-	) :-
+mlds_defn_to_ilasm_decl(defn(_Name, _Context, _Flags, data(_Type, _Init)),
+		_Decl, Info, Info) :-
+	sorry(this_file, "top level data definition!").
+mlds_defn_to_ilasm_decl(defn(_Name, _Context, _Flags,
+		function(_MaybePredProcId, _Params, _MaybeStmts)),
+		_Decl, Info, Info) :-
+	sorry(this_file, "top level function definition!").
+mlds_defn_to_ilasm_decl(defn(Name, _Context, Flags, class(ClassDefn)),
+		Decl, Info0, Info) :-
+	il_info_new_class(Info0, Info1),
 	EntityName = entity_name_to_ilds_id(Name),
 	ClassDefn = class_defn(_Kind, _Imports, Inherits, Implements,
 			Ctors, Members),
@@ -439,7 +460,7 @@
 	; Inherits = [Parent0 | Rest],
 		( Rest = [] ->
 			Parent = mlds_type_to_ilds_class_name(
-					Info0 ^ il_data_rep, Parent0),
+					Info1 ^ il_data_rep, Parent0),
 			Extends = extends(Parent)
 			error(this_file ++ 
@@ -450,21 +471,21 @@
 	Interfaces = implements(
 			list__map(interface_id_to_class_name, Implements)),
-	ClassName = class_name(Info0 ^ module_name, EntityName),
+	ClassName = class_name(Info1 ^ module_name, EntityName),
 	list__map_foldl(generate_method(ClassName, no), Members,
-			MethodsAndFields, Info0, Info1),
+			MethodsAndFields, Info1, Info2),
 	list__map_foldl(generate_method(ClassName, yes(Parent)), Ctors,
-			IlCtors, Info1, Info),
+			IlCtors, Info2, Info3),
 	MethodsAndFieldsAndCtors = IlCtors ++ MethodsAndFields,
 		% XXX Maybe it would be better to just check to see
 		% whether or not there are any init instructions than
 		% explicitly checking for the name mercury_code.
 	( EntityName = "mercury_code" ->
-		Imports = Info ^ imports,
-		InitInstrs = list__condense(tree__flatten(Info ^ init_instrs)),
+		Imports = Info3 ^ imports,
+		InitInstrs = list__condense(tree__flatten(Info3 ^ init_instrs)),
 		AllocInstrs = list__condense(
-				tree__flatten(Info ^ alloc_instrs)),
+				tree__flatten(Info3 ^ alloc_instrs)),
 			% Generate a field that records whether we have
 			% finished RTTI initialization.
@@ -474,13 +495,16 @@
 			% Generate a class constructor.
 				Imports, AllocInstrs, InitInstrs, CCtor,
-				Info, _InfoX),
+				Info3, Info),
 			% The declarations in this class.
 		MethodDecls = [AllocDoneField, CCtor | MethodsAndFieldsAndCtors]
-		MethodDecls = MethodsAndFieldsAndCtors
-	).
+		MethodDecls = MethodsAndFieldsAndCtors,
+		Info = Info3
+	),
+	Decl = class(decl_flags_to_classattrs(Flags), EntityName, Extends,
+			Interfaces, MethodDecls).
 class_name(Module, Name) = structured_name(Assembly, ClassName ++ [Name]) :-
 	ClassName = sym_name_to_list(mlds_module_name_to_sym_name(Module)),
@@ -1254,7 +1278,10 @@
 		Instrs) --> 
 	( no =^ method_foreign_lang  ->
+		=(Info),
 		^ method_foreign_lang := yes(Lang),
+		^ file_foreign_langs := 
+			set__insert(Info ^ file_foreign_langs, Lang),
 		{ mangle_foreign_code_module(ModuleName, Lang,
 			OutlineLangModuleName) },
 		{ ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(
@@ -1303,7 +1330,11 @@
 	( no =^ method_foreign_lang  ->
 			% XXX we hardcode managed C++ here
+		=(Info),
 		^ method_foreign_lang := yes(managed_cplusplus),
+		^ file_foreign_langs := 
+			set__insert(Info ^ file_foreign_langs,
+			managed_cplusplus),
 		{ mangle_dataname_module(no, ModuleName, NewModuleName) },
 		{ ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(NewModuleName) },
 		signature(_, RetType, Params) =^ signature, 
@@ -2409,22 +2440,47 @@
 mangle_foreign_code_module(ModuleName0, Lang, ModuleName) :-
 	LangStr = globals__simple_foreign_language_string(Lang),
+	PackageName0 = mlds_module_name_to_package_name(ModuleName0),
+	( 
+		PackageName0 = qualified(Q, M0),
+		M = string__format("%s__%s_code", [s(M0), s(LangStr)]),
+		PackageName = qualified(Q, M)
+	; 
+		PackageName0 = unqualified(M0),
+		M = string__format("%s__%s_code", [s(M0), s(LangStr)]),
+		PackageName = unqualified(M)
+	),
 	SymName0 = mlds_module_name_to_sym_name(ModuleName0),
-	( SymName0 = qualified(SymName1, Name) ->
+		% Check to see whether or not the name has already been
+		% qualified with a mercury_code.  If not qualify it.
+	( SymName0 = qualified(SymName1, "mercury_code") ->
-			SymName1 = qualified(Q, M0),
-			M = string__format("%s__%s_code", [s(M0), s(LangStr)]),
-			SymName = qualified(Q, M)
+			SymName1 = qualified(SQ, SM0),
+			SM = string__format("%s__%s_code",
+				[s(SM0), s(LangStr)]),
+			SymName2 = qualified(SQ, SM)
-			SymName1 = unqualified(M0),
-			M = string__format("%s__%s_code", [s(M0), s(LangStr)]),
-			SymName = unqualified(M)
+			SymName1 = unqualified(SM0),
+			SM = string__format("%s__%s_code",
+					[s(SM0), s(LangStr)]),
+			SymName2 = unqualified(SM)
-		ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(
-				qualified(SymName, Name))
+		SymName = qualified(SymName2, "mercury_code")
-		error("should never occur.")
-	).
+		( 
+			SymName0 = qualified(SQ, SM0),
+			SM = string__format("%s__%s_code",
+					[s(SM0), s(LangStr)]),
+			SymName = qualified(qualified(SQ, SM), "mercury_code")
+		; 
+			SymName0 = unqualified(SM0),
+			SM = string__format("%s__%s_code",
+					[s(SM0), s(LangStr)]),
+			SymName = qualified(unqualified(SM), "mercury_code")
+		)
+	),
+	ModuleName = mercury_module_and_package_name_to_mlds(
+			PackageName, SymName).
 	% When generating references to RTTI, we need to mangle the
 	% module name if the RTTI is defined in C code by hand.
@@ -3109,10 +3165,20 @@
 	DefaultSignature = signature(call_conv(no, default), void, []),
 	MethodName = id("").
+:- pred il_info_new_class(il_info::in, il_info::out) is det.
+il_info_new_class -->
+	^ alloc_instrs := empty,
+	^ init_instrs := empty,
+	^ classdecls := [],
+	^ has_main := no,
+	^ class_foreign_langs := set__init.
 	% reset the il_info for processing a new method
 :- pred il_info_new_method(arguments_map, signature, member_name, 
 	il_info, il_info).
 :- mode il_info_new_method(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
 il_info_new_method(ILArgs, ILSignature, MethodName) -->
Index: library/io.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/io.m,v
retrieving revision 1.225
diff -u -r1.225 io.m
--- library/io.m	27 Jun 2001 05:04:38 -0000	1.225
+++ library/io.m	10 Jul 2001 12:49:13 -0000
@@ -2832,8 +2832,14 @@
 % miscellaneous predicates
+:- interface.
+	% XXX Since on the IL backend pragma export is NYI, this
+	% predicate must be placed in the interface.
 :- pred io__init_state(io__state, io__state).
 :- mode io__init_state(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
 % for use by the Mercury runtime
 :- pragma export(io__init_state(di, uo), "ML_io_init_state").

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