[m-rev.] for review: refactor mlds_to_il.m

Peter Ross peter.ross at miscrit.be
Mon Jul 9 23:12:41 AEST 2001


For Tyson or Fergus to review.


Estimated hours taken: 40
Branches: main

Refactor the top level of mlds_to_il so that we only do one pass over
the MLDS to generate the ILDS.  As a side effect of this change nondet
code now works again.

    Do a MLDS to MLDS transformation which places all the procedures and
    data into the mercury_code class.  Then modify all the qualifiers to
    take account of this change to the code.
    Rewrite the top level so that it only does one pass over the MLDS
    data structure.
    Examine the flags when deciding which attributes to place on a
    method, field or class.

    Add a new field to mlds__class_defn which is the list of
    defns which are constructors for this class.
    Add the functions mlds__append_mercury_code and mlds__append_name
    which append either "mercury_code" or an arbitary string to the
    module qualifier of a name.

    Rather then hardcoding the generation of the constructor for the
    environment class, we generate it here as an MLDS method.
    On the IL backend the mercury code is placed in a seperate class to
    the environment data, so the env_type decls must be public so as to
    be accessible from the code.

    Wrapper functions should be static methods not instance methods.
    Fix ml_gen_label_func_decl_flags to make this true.

    Rtti data structures should be one_copy (ie static) not per_instance.

    Misc changes to handle the additon of a list of constructors to the

    Use the function class_name rather then mercury_module_name_to_mlds.

Index: ml_code_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_code_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.39
diff -u -r1.39 ml_code_util.m
--- ml_code_util.m	8 Jul 2001 16:40:08 -0000	1.39
+++ ml_code_util.m	9 Jul 2001 13:08:57 -0000
@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@
 ml_gen_label_func_decl_flags = MLDS_DeclFlags :-
 	Access = private,  % XXX if we're using nested functions,
 			   % this should be `local' rather than `private'
-	PerInstance = per_instance,
+	PerInstance = one_copy,
 	Virtuality = non_virtual,
 	Finality = overridable,
 	Constness = modifiable,
Index: ml_elim_nested.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_elim_nested.m,v
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -u -r1.29 ml_elim_nested.m
--- ml_elim_nested.m	27 Jun 2001 13:41:30 -0000	1.29
+++ ml_elim_nested.m	9 Jul 2001 13:08:58 -0000
@@ -373,8 +373,30 @@
 	EnvTypeEntityName = type(EnvClassName, 0),
 	EnvTypeFlags = env_type_decl_flags,
 	Fields = list__map(convert_local_to_field, LocalVars),
+	( Target = il ->
+		ThisPtr = self(mlds__commit_type),
+		FieldType = mlds__commit_type,
+		CtorType = mlds__commit_type,
+		PtrType = mlds__commit_type,	% XXX
+		FieldName = qual(mlds__append_name(ModuleName,
+				EnvClassName ++ "_0"), "commit_1"),
+		Lval = field(no, ThisPtr, named_field(FieldName, CtorType),
+				FieldType, PtrType),
+		Rval = new_object(Lval, no, FieldType, no, no, [], []),
+		Stmt = mlds__statement(atomic(Rval), Context),
+		Ctor = mlds__function(no, func_params([], []), yes(Stmt)),
+		CtorFlags = init_decl_flags(public, per_instance, non_virtual,
+				overridable, modifiable, concrete),
+		CtorDefn = mlds__defn(export("unused"), Context, CtorFlags,
+				Ctor),
+		Ctors = [CtorDefn]
+	;
+		Ctors = []
+	),
 	EnvTypeDefnBody = mlds__class(mlds__class_defn(EnvTypeKind, [], 
-		[mlds__generic_env_ptr_type], [], Fields)),
+		[mlds__generic_env_ptr_type], [], Ctors, Fields)),
 	EnvTypeDefn = mlds__defn(EnvTypeEntityName, Context, EnvTypeFlags,
@@ -548,7 +570,7 @@
 	% type declaration.
 :- func env_type_decl_flags = mlds__decl_flags.
 env_type_decl_flags = MLDS_DeclFlags :-
-	Access = private,
+	Access = public,
 	PerInstance = one_copy,
 	Virtuality = non_virtual,
 	Finality = overridable,
@@ -1191,8 +1213,10 @@
 	maybe_statement_contains_defn(MaybeBody, Name).
 defn_body_contains_defn(mlds__class(ClassDefn), Name) :-
 	ClassDefn = mlds__class_defn(_Kind, _Imports, _Inherits, _Implements,
-		FieldDefns),
-	defns_contains_defn(FieldDefns, Name).
+		CtorDefns, FieldDefns),
+	( defns_contains_defn(FieldDefns, Name)
+	; defns_contains_defn(CtorDefns, Name)
+	).
 :- pred statements_contains_defn(mlds__statements, mlds__defn).
 :- mode statements_contains_defn(in, out) is nondet.
@@ -1319,8 +1343,10 @@
 	maybe_statement_contains_var(MaybeBody, Name).
 defn_body_contains_var(mlds__class(ClassDefn), Name) :-
 	ClassDefn = mlds__class_defn(_Kind, _Imports, _Inherits, _Implements,
-		FieldDefns),
-	defns_contains_var(FieldDefns, Name).
+		CtorDefns, FieldDefns),
+	( defns_contains_var(FieldDefns, Name)
+	; defns_contains_var(CtorDefns, Name)
+	).
 :- pred maybe_statement_contains_var(maybe(mlds__statement), mlds__var).
 :- mode maybe_statement_contains_var(in, in) is semidet.
Index: ml_optimize.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_optimize.m,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10 ml_optimize.m
--- ml_optimize.m	22 Jun 2001 09:14:33 -0000	1.10
+++ ml_optimize.m	9 Jul 2001 13:08:58 -0000
@@ -88,11 +88,13 @@
 		DefnBody0 = mlds__class(ClassDefn0),
 		ClassDefn0 = class_defn(Kind, Imports, BaseClasses, Implements,
-		                MemberDefns0),
+		                CtorDefns0, MemberDefns0),
 		MemberDefns = optimize_in_defns(MemberDefns0, Globals,
+		CtorDefns = optimize_in_defns(CtorDefns0, Globals,
+			ModuleName),
 		ClassDefn = class_defn(Kind, Imports, BaseClasses, Implements,
-		                MemberDefns),
+		                CtorDefns, MemberDefns),
 		DefnBody = mlds__class(ClassDefn),
 		Defn = mlds__defn(Name, Context, Flags, DefnBody)
Index: ml_tailcall.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_tailcall.m,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 ml_tailcall.m
--- ml_tailcall.m	22 Jun 2001 09:14:33 -0000	1.8
+++ ml_tailcall.m	9 Jul 2001 13:08:58 -0000
@@ -135,10 +135,11 @@
 		DefnBody0 = mlds__class(ClassDefn0),
 		ClassDefn0 = class_defn(Kind, Imports, BaseClasses, Implements,
-		                MemberDefns0),
+		                CtorDefns0, MemberDefns0),
+		CtorDefns = mark_tailcalls_in_defns(CtorDefns0),
 		MemberDefns = mark_tailcalls_in_defns(MemberDefns0),
 		ClassDefn = class_defn(Kind, Imports, BaseClasses, Implements,
-		                MemberDefns),
+		                CtorDefns, MemberDefns),
 		DefnBody = mlds__class(ClassDefn),
 		Defn = mlds__defn(Name, Context, Flags, DefnBody)
Index: ml_type_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_type_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 ml_type_gen.m
--- ml_type_gen.m	22 Jun 2001 09:14:33 -0000	1.9
+++ ml_type_gen.m	9 Jul 2001 13:08:58 -0000
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
 	MLDS_TypeName = type(MLDS_ClassName, MLDS_ClassArity),
 	MLDS_TypeFlags = ml_gen_type_decl_flags,
 	MLDS_TypeDefnBody = mlds__class(mlds__class_defn(mlds__enum,
-		Imports, Inherits, Implements, Members)),
+		Imports, Inherits, Implements, [], Members)),
 	MLDS_TypeDefn = mlds__defn(MLDS_TypeName, MLDS_Context, MLDS_TypeFlags,
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
 	MLDS_TypeName = type(BaseClassName, BaseClassArity),
 	MLDS_TypeFlags = ml_gen_type_decl_flags,
 	MLDS_TypeDefnBody = mlds__class(mlds__class_defn(mlds__class,
-		Imports, Inherits, Implements, Members)),
+		Imports, Inherits, Implements, [], Members)),
 	MLDS_TypeDefn = mlds__defn(MLDS_TypeName, MLDS_Context, MLDS_TypeFlags,
@@ -420,12 +420,13 @@
 	Imports = [],
 	Inherits = [BaseClassId],
 	Implements = [],
+	Ctors = [],
 	% put it all together
 	MLDS_TypeName = type(UnqualClassName, ClassArity),
 	MLDS_TypeFlags = ml_gen_type_decl_flags,
 	MLDS_TypeDefnBody = mlds__class(mlds__class_defn(mlds__class,
-		Imports, Inherits, Implements, Members)),
+		Imports, Inherits, Implements, Ctors, Members)),
 	MLDS_TypeDefn = mlds__defn(MLDS_TypeName, MLDS_Context, MLDS_TypeFlags,
@@ -494,12 +495,13 @@
 	Imports = [],
 	Inherits = [ParentClassId],
 	Implements = [],
+	Ctors = [],
 	% put it all together
 	MLDS_TypeName = type(CtorClassName, CtorArity),
 	MLDS_TypeFlags = ml_gen_type_decl_flags,
 	MLDS_TypeDefnBody = mlds__class(mlds__class_defn(mlds__class,
-		Imports, Inherits, Implements, Members)),
+		Imports, Inherits, Implements, Ctors, Members)),
 	MLDS_TypeDefn = mlds__defn(MLDS_TypeName, MLDS_Context, MLDS_TypeFlags,
Index: mlds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.56
diff -u -r1.56 mlds.m
--- mlds.m	22 Jun 2001 09:14:35 -0000	1.56
+++ mlds.m	9 Jul 2001 13:08:59 -0000
@@ -344,6 +344,9 @@
 :- func mlds__append_class_qualifier(mlds_module_name, mlds__class_name, arity) =
+:- func mlds__append_mercury_code(mlds_module_name) = mlds_module_name.
+:- func mlds__append_name(mlds_module_name, string) = mlds_module_name.
 :- type mlds__defns == list(mlds__defn).
 :- type mlds__defn
 	---> mlds__defn(
@@ -492,6 +495,7 @@
 						% inherits these base classes
 		implements ::	list(mlds__interface_id),
 						% implements these interfaces
+		ctors	::	mlds__defns,	% has these constructors
 		members ::	mlds__defns	% contains these members
@@ -1478,6 +1482,12 @@
 		name(Package, qualified(Module, ClassQualifier)) :-
 	string__format("%s_%d", [s(ClassName), i(ClassArity)],
+mlds__append_mercury_code(name(Package, Module))
+	= name(Package, qualified(Module, "mercury_code")).
+mlds__append_name(name(Package, Module), Name)
+	= name(Package, qualified(Module, Name)).
Index: mlds_to_c.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_c.m,v
retrieving revision 1.92
diff -u -r1.92 mlds_to_c.m
--- mlds_to_c.m	8 Jul 2001 16:40:08 -0000	1.92
+++ mlds_to_c.m	9 Jul 2001 13:09:00 -0000
@@ -959,7 +959,14 @@
 	% not when compiling to C++
 	{ ClassDefn = class_defn(Kind, _Imports, BaseClasses, _Implements,
-		AllMembers) },
+		Ctors, AllMembers) },
+	{ Ctors = [] ->
+		true
+	;
+		error("mlds_output_class: non empty constructor list")
+	},
 	( { Kind = mlds__enum } ->
 		{ StaticMembers = [] },
 		{ StructMembers = AllMembers }
Index: mlds_to_csharp.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_csharp.m,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.7 mlds_to_csharp.m
--- mlds_to_csharp.m	22 Jun 2001 09:14:36 -0000	1.7
+++ mlds_to_csharp.m	9 Jul 2001 13:09:00 -0000
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@
 generate_csharp_code(MLDS) -->
 	{ MLDS = mlds(ModuleName, ForeignCode, _Imports, Defns) },
-	{ ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(
-		mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ModuleName), yes) },
+	{ ClassName = class_name(mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ModuleName), 
+			"mercury_code") },
Index: mlds_to_gcc.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m,v
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -u -r1.42 mlds_to_gcc.m
--- mlds_to_gcc.m	8 Jul 2001 16:40:09 -0000	1.42
+++ mlds_to_gcc.m	9 Jul 2001 13:09:01 -0000
@@ -1264,7 +1264,12 @@
 	% not when compiling to C++
 	{ ClassDefn = class_defn(Kind, _Imports, BaseClasses, _Implements,
-		AllMembers) },
+		Ctors, AllMembers) },
+	{ Ctors = [] ->
+		true
+	;
+		sorry(this_file, "constructors")
+	},
 	( { Kind = mlds__enum } ->
 		{ StaticMembers = [] },
 		{ StructMembers = AllMembers }
Index: mlds_to_il.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_il.m,v
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -u -r1.37 mlds_to_il.m
--- mlds_to_il.m	8 Jul 2001 16:40:09 -0000	1.37
+++ mlds_to_il.m	9 Jul 2001 13:09:02 -0000
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 % mlds_to_il - Convert MLDS to IL.
-% Main author: trd.
+% Main author: trd, petdr
 % This module generates IL from MLDS.  Currently it's pretty tuned
 % towards generating assembler -- to generate code using
@@ -121,11 +121,9 @@
 	maybe(mlds__func_sequence_num), ilds__class_name, ilds__id).
 :- mode mangle_mlds_proc_label(in, in, out, out) is det.
-	% Turn an MLDS module name into a class_name name, adding a
-	% "mercury_code" suffix if the bool is "yes".
-:- func mlds_module_name_to_class_name(mlds_module_name, bool) =
-	ilds__class_name.
+	% class_name(Module, Name) returns a class name representing
+	% Name in the module Module.
+:- func class_name(mlds_module_name, string) = ilds__class_name.
 	% Return the class_name for the generic class.
 :- func il_generic_class_name = ilds__class_name.
@@ -183,369 +181,666 @@
 :- type arguments_map == assoc_list(ilds__id, mlds__type). 
 :- type mlds_vartypes == map(ilds__id, mlds__type).
+generate_il(MLDS, AssemblyDecls ++ [assembly(IlInfo ^ assembly_name),
+		namespace(NamespaceName, ILDecls)], set__init, IO0, IO) :-
+	transform_mlds(MLDS) = mlds(MercuryModuleName, _, Imports, Defns),
-generate_il(MLDS, ILAsm, ForeignLangs, IO0, IO) :-
-	MLDS = mlds(MercuryModuleName, _ForeignCode, Imports, Defns),
 	ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(MercuryModuleName),
-	SymName = mlds_module_name_to_sym_name(ModuleName),
-	mlds_to_il__sym_name_to_string(SymName, AssemblyName),
+	prog_out__sym_name_to_string(mlds_module_name_to_sym_name(ModuleName),
+			".", AssemblyName),
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(highlevel_data, HighLevelData, IO0, IO),
-	Info0 = il_info_init(ModuleName, AssemblyName, Imports,
-		il_data_rep(HighLevelData)),
-		% Generate code for all the methods in this module.
-	list__foldl(generate_method_defn, Defns, Info0, Info1),
-	( Info1 ^ method_foreign_lang = yes(SomeLang) ->
-		Info2 = Info1 ^ file_foreign_langs :=
-			set__insert(Info1 ^ file_foreign_langs, SomeLang)
-	;
-		Info2 = Info1
-	),
-	ClassDecls = Info2 ^ classdecls,
-	InitInstrs = list__condense(tree__flatten(Info2 ^ init_instrs)),
-	AllocInstrs = list__condense(tree__flatten(Info2 ^ alloc_instrs)),
-		% Generate definitions for all the other things
-		% declared within this module.
-		% XXX we should do them at the same time as the methods
-	list__map_foldl(generate_other_decls, Defns, OtherDeclsList, Info2,
-		Info3),
-	list__condense(OtherDeclsList, OtherDecls),
-	ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(ModuleName, yes),
-		% Make this module an assembly unless it is in the standard
-		% library.  Standard library modules all go in the one
-		% assembly in a separate step during the build (using
-		% AL.EXE).  
+	IlInfo = il_info_init(ModuleName, AssemblyName, Imports,
+			il_data_rep(HighLevelData)),
-	Info3 ^ file_foreign_langs = ForeignLangs,
-	(
-		SymName = qualified(unqualified("mercury"), _)
-	->
-		ThisAssembly = [],
-		AssemblerRefs = Imports
-	;
-		ThisAssembly = [assembly(AssemblyName)],
-			% If not in the library, but we have C code,
-			% declare the foreign module as an assembly we
-			% reference
-		list__map(mangle_foreign_code_module(ModuleName),
-			set__to_sorted_list(ForeignLangs),
-			ForeignCodeAssemblerRefs),
-		AssemblerRefs = list__append(ForeignCodeAssemblerRefs, Imports)
-	),
+	ILDecls = list__map(mlds_defn_to_ilasm_decl(IlInfo), Defns),
-		% Turn the MLDS module names we import into a list of
-		% assembly declarations.
-	mlds_to_il__generate_extern_assembly(AssemblerRefs,
-		ExternAssemblies),
-		% Generate a field that records whether we have finished
-		% RTTI initialization.
-	generate_rtti_initialization_field(ClassName, 
-		AllocDoneFieldRef, AllocDoneField),
-		% Generate a class constructor.
-	make_class_constructor_classdecl(AllocDoneFieldRef,
-		Imports, AllocInstrs, InitInstrs, CCtor, Info3, _Info),
-		% The declarations in this class.
-	MethodDecls = [AllocDoneField, CCtor | ClassDecls],
-	SimpleClassName = get_class_suffix(ClassName),
-	NamespaceName = get_class_namespace(ClassName),
-		% The class that corresponds to this MLDS module.
-	MainClass = [class([public], SimpleClassName, extends_nothing,
-			implements([]), MethodDecls)],
-	MainNamespace = [namespace(NamespaceName, MainClass)],
-		% A namespace to contain all the other declarations that
-		% are created as a result of this MLDS code (currently
-		% this is not much).
-	OtherNamespace = [namespace([AssemblyName], OtherDecls)],
-	ILAsm = list__condense(
-		[ExternAssemblies, ThisAssembly, MainNamespace,
-			OtherNamespace]).
+	ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(ModuleName),
+	ClassName = structured_name(_, NamespaceName),
+	generate_extern_assembly(Imports, AssemblyDecls).
-	% 
-	% Code for generating method definitions.
-	%
-:- pred generate_method_defn(mlds__defn, il_info, il_info).
-:- mode generate_method_defn(in, in, out) is det.
-generate_method_defn(defn(type(_, _), _, _, _)) --> [].
-	% XXX we don't handle export
-generate_method_defn(defn(export(_), _, _, _)) --> [].
-generate_method_defn(FunctionDefn) -->
-	{ FunctionDefn = defn(function(PredLabel, ProcId, MaybeSeqNum, PredId), 
-		Context, DeclsFlags, Entity) },
-	( { Entity = mlds__function(_PredProcId, Params, MaybeStatement) } ->
-		il_info_get_module_name(ModuleName),
-			% Generate a term (we use it to emit the complete
-			% method definition as a comment, which is nice
-			% for debugging).
-		{ term__type_to_term(defn(function(PredLabel, ProcId, 
-			MaybeSeqNum, PredId), Context, DeclsFlags, Entity),
-			MLDSDefnTerm) },
-			% Generate the signature
-		{ Params = mlds__func_params(Args, Returns) },
-		{ ILArgs = list__map(mlds_arg_to_il_arg, Args) },
-		DataRep =^ il_data_rep,
-		{ ILSignature = params_to_il_signature(DataRep, 
-			ModuleName, Params) },
-			% Generate the name of the method.
-		{ predlabel_to_id(PredLabel, ProcId, MaybeSeqNum,
-			Id) },
-			% Initialize the IL info with this method info.
-		il_info_new_method(ILArgs, ILSignature, id(Id)),
-			% Start a new block, which we will use to wrap
-			% up the entire method.
-		il_info_get_next_block_id(BlockId),
-			% Generate the code of the statement.
-		( { MaybeStatement = yes(Statement) } -> 
-			statement_to_il(Statement, InstrsTree1)
-		;
-				% If there is no function body,
-				% generate forwarding code instead.
-				% This can happen with :- external
-			atomic_statement_to_il(inline_target_code(lang_C, []),
-				InstrsTree0),
-				% The code might reference locals...
-			il_info_add_locals(["succeeded" - 
-				mlds__native_bool_type]),
-			( { Returns = [_] } ->
-				% XXX Bug!
-				% We assume that if there is a return value,
-				% then it must be a semidet procedure, so
-				% we return `succeeded'.
-				% This is wrong for functions!
-				{ InstrsTree1 = tree__list([
-					InstrsTree0,
-					instr_node(ldloc(name("succeeded"))),
-					instr_node(ret)
-				]) }
-			;
-				{ InstrsTree1 = InstrsTree0 }
+	% Move all the top level methods and data definitions into the
+	% mercury_code class, and then rename all the definitions as
+	% necessary to reflect this new hierachy.
+:- func transform_mlds(mlds) = mlds.
+transform_mlds(mlds(MercuryModuleName, ForeignCode, Imports, Defns))
+	= mlds(
+		MercuryModuleName,
+		ForeignCode,
+		Imports,
+		[mercury_code_class(list__map(rename_defn, Members)) | Others]
+	) :-
+	list__filter((pred(D::in) is semidet :-
+			( D = mlds__defn(_, _, _, mlds__function(_, _, _))
+				% XXX we need to place all the RTTI
+				% datastructures inside this class, so
+				% they are generated as fields.
+				% Maybe what we should do is make all
+				% the RTTI data structures nested
+				% classes.  I think that would work
+				% better.
+			; D = mlds__defn(_, _, _, mlds__data(_, _))
-		),
+		), Defns, Members, Others).
-			% If this is main, add the entrypoint, set a
-			% flag, and call the initialization instructions
-			% in the cctor of this module.
-		( { PredLabel = pred(predicate, no, "main", 2, model_det,
-			no) },
-		  { MaybeSeqNum = no }
-		->
-			{ EntryPoint = [entrypoint] },
-			il_info_add_init_instructions(
-				runtime_initialization_instrs),
-			^ has_main := yes
-		;
-			{ EntryPoint = [] }
+:- func mercury_code_class(mlds__defns) = mlds__defn.
+	= mlds__defn(
+		export("mercury_code"),
+		mlds__make_context(term__context_init),
+		init_decl_flags(public, per_instance, non_virtual,
+				final, const, concrete),
+		mlds__class(
+			mlds__class_defn(mlds__package, [], [], [], [], Members)
+		)
+	).
+:- func rename_defn(mlds__defn) = mlds__defn.
+rename_defn(defn(Name, Context, Flags, Entity0))
+	= defn(Name, Context, Flags, Entity) :-
+	( Entity0 = data(Type, Initializer),
+		Entity = data(Type, rename_initializer(Initializer))
+	; Entity0 = function(MaybePredProcId, Params, MaybeStmt0),
+		( MaybeStmt0 = yes(Stmt),
+			MaybeStmt = yes(rename_statement(Stmt))
+		; MaybeStmt0 = no,
+			MaybeStmt = no
+		Entity = function(MaybePredProcId, Params, MaybeStmt)
+	; Entity0 = class(_),
+		sorry(this_file, "renaming nested classes")
+	).
+:- func rename_statement(mlds__statement) = mlds__statement.
+rename_statement(statement(block(Defns, Stmts), Context))
+	= statement(block(list__map(rename_defn, Defns),
+			list__map(rename_statement, Stmts)), Context).
+rename_statement(statement(while(Rval, Loop, IterateOnce), Context))
+	= statement(while(rename_rval(Rval),
+			rename_statement(Loop), IterateOnce), Context).
+rename_statement(statement(if_then_else(Rval, Then, MaybeElse0), Context))
+	= statement(if_then_else(rename_rval(Rval),
+			rename_statement(Then), MaybeElse), Context) :-
+	( MaybeElse0 = no,
+		MaybeElse = no
+	; MaybeElse0 = yes(Else),
+		MaybeElse = yes(rename_statement(Else))
+	).
+rename_statement(statement(switch(_, _, _, _, _), _Context))
+	= _ :- sorry(this_file, "rename switch").
+rename_statement(statement(label(Label), Context))
+	= statement(label(Label), Context).
+rename_statement(statement(goto(Label), Context))
+	= statement(goto(Label), Context).
+rename_statement(statement(computed_goto(Rval, Labels), Context))
+	= statement(computed_goto(rename_rval(Rval), Labels), Context).
+		call(Signature, Rval, MaybeThis0, Args, Results, TailCall),
+		Context))
+	= statement(call(Signature, rename_rval(Rval),
+			MaybeThis, list__map(rename_rval, Args),
+			list__map(rename_lval, Results), TailCall), Context) :-
+	( MaybeThis0 = yes(Self),
+		MaybeThis = yes(rename_rval(Self))
+	; MaybeThis0 = no,
+		MaybeThis = no
+	).
+rename_statement(statement(return(Vals), Context))
+	= statement(return(Vals), Context).
+rename_statement(statement(try_commit(Lval, Try, Handler), Context))
+	= statement(try_commit(rename_lval(Lval), rename_statement(Try),
+			rename_statement(Handler)), Context).
+rename_statement(statement(do_commit(Rval), Context))
+	= statement(do_commit(rename_rval(Rval)), Context).
+rename_statement(statement(atomic(Stmt), Context))
+	= statement(atomic(rename_atomic(Stmt)), Context).
+:- func rename_atomic(atomic_statement) = atomic_statement.
+rename_atomic(comment(S)) = comment(S).
+rename_atomic(assign(L, R)) = assign(rename_lval(L), rename_rval(R)).
+rename_atomic(delete_object(O)) = delete_object(rename_lval(O)).
+rename_atomic(new_object(L, T, Type, MaybeSize, C, Args, Types))
+	= new_object(rename_lval(L), T, Type, MaybeSize,
+			C, list__map(rename_rval, Args), Types).
+rename_atomic(mark_hp(L)) = mark_hp(rename_lval(L)).
+rename_atomic(restore_hp(R)) = restore_hp(rename_rval(R)).
+rename_atomic(trail_op(T)) = trail_op(T).
+rename_atomic(inline_target_code(L, Cs)) = inline_target_code(L, Cs).
+rename_atomic(outline_foreign_proc(F, Ls, S)) = outline_foreign_proc(F, Ls, S).
+:- func rename_rval(mlds__rval) = mlds__rval.
+rename_rval(lval(Lval)) = lval(rename_lval(Lval)).
+rename_rval(mkword(Tag, Rval)) = mkword(Tag, rename_rval(Rval)).
+rename_rval(const(Const)) = const(rename_const(Const)).
+rename_rval(unop(Op, Rval)) = unop(Op, rename_rval(Rval)).
+rename_rval(binop(Op, RvalA, RvalB))
+	= binop(Op, rename_rval(RvalA), rename_rval(RvalB)).
+rename_rval(mem_addr(Lval)) = mem_addr(rename_lval(Lval)).
+rename_rval(self(Type)) = self(Type).
+:- func rename_const(mlds__rval_const) = mlds__rval_const.
+rename_const(true) = true.
+rename_const(false) = false.
+rename_const(int_const(I)) = int_const(I).
+rename_const(float_const(F)) = float_const(F).
+rename_const(string_const(S)) = string_const(S).
+rename_const(multi_string_const(I, S)) = multi_string_const(I, S).
+rename_const(code_addr_const(C)) = code_addr_const(rename_code_addr(C)).
+rename_const(data_addr_const(A)) = data_addr_const(rename_data_addr(A)).
+rename_const(null(T)) = null(T).
+:- func rename_code_addr(mlds__code_addr) = mlds__code_addr.
+rename_code_addr(proc(Label, Signature))
+	= proc(rename_label(Label), Signature).
+rename_code_addr(internal(Label, Seq, Signature))
+	= internal(rename_label(Label), Seq, Signature).
+:- func rename_data_addr(data_addr) = data_addr.
+rename_data_addr(data_addr(ModuleName, Name))
+	= data_addr(append_mercury_code(ModuleName), Name).
+:- func rename_label(mlds__qualified_proc_label) = mlds__qualified_proc_label.
+rename_label(qual(Module, Name)) = qual(append_mercury_code(Module), Name).
+:- func rename_lval(mlds__lval) = mlds__lval.
+rename_lval(field(Tag, Address, FieldName, FieldType, PtrType))
+	= field(Tag, rename_rval(Address),
+			rename_field_id(FieldName), FieldType, PtrType).
+rename_lval(mem_ref(Rval, Type)) = mem_ref(rename_rval(Rval), Type).
+rename_lval(var(Var, Type)) = var(rename_var(Var, Type), Type).
+:- func rename_field_id(field_id) = field_id.
+rename_field_id(offset(Rval)) = offset(rename_rval(Rval)).
+rename_field_id(named_field(Name, Type)) = named_field(Name, Type).
+:- func rename_var(mlds__var, mlds__type) = mlds__var.
+rename_var(qual(ModuleName, Name), _Type)
+	= qual(append_mercury_code(ModuleName), Name).
+:- func rename_initializer(mlds__initializer) = mlds__initializer.
+rename_initializer(init_obj(Rval)) = init_obj(rename_rval(Rval)).
+	= init_struct(list__map(rename_initializer, Inits)).
+	= init_array(list__map(rename_initializer, Inits)).
+rename_initializer(no_initializer) = no_initializer.
-			% Need to insert a ret for functions returning
-			% void (MLDS doesn't).
-		{ Returns = [] ->
-			MaybeRet = instr_node(ret)
+:- func mlds_defn_to_ilasm_decl(il_info, mlds__defn) = ilasm__decl.
+mlds_defn_to_ilasm_decl(_, defn(_Name, _Context, _Flags, data(_Type, _Init)))
+	= _ :- sorry(this_file, "top level data definition!").
+mlds_defn_to_ilasm_decl(_, defn(_Name, _Context, _Flags,
+		function(_MaybePredProcId, _Params, _MaybeStmts)))
+	= _ :- sorry(this_file, "top level function definition!").
+mlds_defn_to_ilasm_decl(Info0, defn(Name, _Context, Flags, class(ClassDefn)))
+	= class(
+		decl_flags_to_classattrs(Flags),
+		EntityName,
+		Extends,
+		Interfaces,
+		MethodDecls
+	) :-
+	EntityName = entity_name_to_ilds_id(Name),
+	ClassDefn = class_defn(_Kind, _Imports, Inherits, Implements,
+			Ctors, Members),
+	( Inherits = [],
+		Extends = extends_nothing,
+		Parent = structured_name("mscorlib", ["System", "Object"])
+	; Inherits = [Parent0 | Rest],
+		( Rest = [] ->
+			Parent = mlds_type_to_ilds_class_name(
+					Info0 ^ il_data_rep, Parent0),
+			Extends = extends(Parent)
-			MaybeRet = empty
-		},
+			error(this_file ++ 
+				": multiple inheritance not supported.")
+		)
+	),
-			% Retrieve the locals, put them in the enclosing
-			% scope.
-		il_info_get_locals_list(Locals),
-		{ InstrsTree = tree__list([
-			context_node(Context),
-			instr_node(start_block(scope(Locals), BlockId)),
-			InstrsTree1, 
-			MaybeRet,
-			instr_node(end_block(scope(Locals), BlockId))
-			])
-		},
+	Interfaces = implements(
+			list__map(interface_id_to_class_name, Implements)),
+	ClassName = class_name(Info0 ^ module_name, EntityName),
+	list__map_foldl(generate_method(ClassName, no), Members,
+			MethodsAndFields, Info0, Info1),
+	list__map_foldl(generate_method(ClassName, yes(Parent)), Ctors,
+			IlCtors, Info1, Info),
+	MethodsAndFieldsAndCtors = IlCtors ++ MethodsAndFields,
+		% XXX Maybe it would be better to just check to see
+		% whether or not there are any init instructions then
+		% explicitly checking for the name mercury_code.
+	( EntityName = "mercury_code" ->
+		Imports = Info ^ imports,
+		InitInstrs = list__condense(tree__flatten(Info ^ init_instrs)),
+		AllocInstrs = list__condense(
+				tree__flatten(Info ^ alloc_instrs)),
+			% Generate a field that records whether we have
+			% finished RTTI initialization.
+		generate_rtti_initialization_field(ClassName, 
+				AllocDoneFieldRef, AllocDoneField),
+			% Generate a class constructor.
+		make_class_constructor_classdecl(AllocDoneFieldRef,
+				Imports, AllocInstrs, InitInstrs, CCtor,
+				Info, _InfoX),
+			% The declarations in this class.
+		MethodDecls = [AllocDoneField, CCtor | MethodsAndFieldsAndCtors]
+	;
+		MethodDecls = MethodsAndFieldsAndCtors
+	).
+class_name(Module, Name) = structured_name(Assembly, ClassName ++ [Name]) :-
+	ClassName = sym_name_to_list(mlds_module_name_to_sym_name(Module)),
+	( ClassName = ["mercury" | _] ->
+		Assembly = "mercury"
+	;
+		prog_out__sym_name_to_string(
+				mlds_module_name_to_package_name(Module),
+				".", Assembly)
+	).
+:- func sym_name_to_list(sym_name) = list(string).
+sym_name_to_list(unqualified(Name)) = [Name].
+sym_name_to_list(qualified(Module, Name))
+	= sym_name_to_list(Module) ++ [Name].
+:- func decl_flags_to_classattrs(mlds__decl_flags) = list(ilasm__classattr).
+	= list__condense([Access, Finality, Abstractness]) :-
+	AccessFlag = access(Flags),
+	( AccessFlag = public,
+		Access = [public]
+	; AccessFlag = protected,
+		Access = []
+	; AccessFlag = private,
+		Access = []
+	; AccessFlag = default,
+		error("decl_flags_to_classattrs: default access flag")
+	; AccessFlag = local,
+		error("decl_flags_to_classattrs: local access flag")
+	),
+	FinalityFlag = finality(Flags),
+	( FinalityFlag = overridable,
+		Finality = []
+	; FinalityFlag = final,
+		Finality = [sealed]
+	),
+	AbstractnessFlag = abstractness(Flags),
+	( AbstractnessFlag = concrete,
+		Abstractness = []
+	; AbstractnessFlag = abstract,
+		Abstractness = [abstract]
+	).
+:- func decl_flags_to_methattrs(mlds__decl_flags) = list(ilasm__methattr).
+	= list__condense([Access, PerInstance, Virtuality,
+			Finality, Abstractness]) :-
+	AccessFlag = access(Flags),
+	( AccessFlag = public,
+		Access = [public]
+	; AccessFlag = protected,
+			% XXX is this correct?
+		Access = [family]
+	; AccessFlag = private,
+		Access = [private]
+	; AccessFlag = default,
+		error("decl_flags_to_methattrs: default access flag")
+	; AccessFlag = local,
+		error("decl_flags_to_methattrs: local access flag")
+	),
+	PerInstanceFlag = per_instance(Flags),
+	( PerInstanceFlag = one_copy,
+		PerInstance = [static]
+	; PerInstanceFlag = per_instance,
+		PerInstance = []
+	),
+	VirtualityFlag = virtuality(Flags),
+	( VirtualityFlag = non_virtual,
+		Virtuality = []
+	; VirtualityFlag = virtual,
+		Virtuality = [virtual]
+	),
+	FinalityFlag = finality(Flags),
+	( FinalityFlag = overridable,
+		Finality = []
+	; FinalityFlag = final,
+		Finality = [final]
+	),
+	AbstractnessFlag = abstractness(Flags),
+	( AbstractnessFlag = concrete,
+		Abstractness = []
+	; AbstractnessFlag = abstract,
+		Abstractness = [abstract]
+	).
+:- func decl_flags_to_fieldattrs(mlds__decl_flags) = list(ilasm__fieldattr).
+	= list__condense([Access, PerInstance, Constness]) :-
+	AccessFlag = access(Flags),
+	( AccessFlag = public,
+		Access = [public]
+	; AccessFlag = protected,
+			% XXX is this correct?
+		Access = [family]
+	; AccessFlag = private,
+		Access = [private]
+	; AccessFlag = default,
+		error("decl_flags_to_fieldattrs: default access flag")
+	; AccessFlag = local,
+		error("decl_flags_to_fieldattrs: local access flag")
+	),
+	PerInstanceFlag = per_instance(Flags),
+	( PerInstanceFlag = one_copy,
+		PerInstance = [static]
+	; PerInstanceFlag = per_instance,
+		PerInstance = []
+	),
+	ConstnessFlag = constness(Flags),
+	( ConstnessFlag = modifiable,
+		Constness = []
+	; ConstnessFlag = const,
+		Constness = [initonly]
+	).
-			% Generate the entire method contents.
-		{ MethodBody = make_method_defn(InstrsTree) },
-		{ list__append(EntryPoint, MethodBody, MethodContents) },
-			% Add this method and a comment to the class
-			% declarations.
-		{ ClassDecls = [
-			comment_term(MLDSDefnTerm),
-			ilasm__method(methodhead([public, static], id(Id), 
-				ILSignature, []), MethodContents)
-		] },
-		il_info_add_classdecls(ClassDecls)
+:- func entity_name_to_ilds_id(mlds__entity_name) = ilds__id.
+entity_name_to_ilds_id(export(Name)) = Name.
+entity_name_to_ilds_id(function(PredLabel, ProcId, MaybeSeqNum, _))
+	= Name :-
+	predlabel_to_id(PredLabel, ProcId, MaybeSeqNum, Name).
+entity_name_to_ilds_id(type(Name, Arity))
+	= string__format("%s_%d", [s(Name), i(Arity)]).
+	= mangle_dataname(DataName).
+:- func interface_id_to_class_name(mlds__interface_id) = ilds__class_name.
+interface_id_to_class_name(_) = Result :-
+		% XXX
+	( semidet_succeed ->
+		sorry(this_file, "interface_id_to_class_name NYI")
-		{ error("entity not a function") }
+		Result = structured_name("XXX", [])
+:- pred generate_method(ilds__class_name::in, maybe(ilds__class_name)::in,
+		mlds__defn::in, classdecl::out,
+		il_info::in, il_info::out) is det.
+generate_method(ClassName, _, defn(Name, Context, Flags, Entity), ClassDecl) -->
+	{ Entity = data(Type, DataInitializer) },
+	{ FieldName = entity_name_to_ilds_id(Name) },
+	{ Attrs = decl_flags_to_fieldattrs(Flags) },
+		% Generate instructions to initialize this data.
+		% There are two sorts of instructions,
+		% instructions to allocate the data structure,
+		% and instructions to initialize it.
+		% See the comments about class constructors to
+		% find out why we do this.
+	data_initializer_to_instrs(DataInitializer, AllocInstrsTree,
+			InitInstrTree),
+		% Make a field reference for the field
+	{ FieldRef = make_fieldref(il_array_type, ClassName, FieldName) },
+		% If we had to allocate memory, the code
+		% we generate looks like this:
+		%
+		%	// allocation for foo
+		%	... allocation instructions ...
+		%	stsfld thisclass::foo
+		%
+		%
+		%	// initializer for foo
+		%	ldsfld thisclass::foo
+		%	... initialization code ...
+		%	pop
+		%
+		% The final pop is necessary because the init
+		% code will leave the field on the stack, but we
+		% don't need it anymore (and we already set the
+		% field when we allocated it).
+		%
+		% If no memory had to be allocated, the code is
+		% a bit simpler.
+		%
+		%	// allocation for foo
+		%	nothing here! 
+		%	
+		%	// initializer for foo
+		%	... initialization code ...
+		%	stsfld thisclass::foo
+		%
+		% Note that here we have to set the field.
+	{ AllocInstrsTree = node([]) ->
+		StoreAllocTree = node([]),
+		StoreInitTree = node([stsfld(FieldRef)]),
+		LoadTree = node([])
+	;
+		StoreAllocTree = node([stsfld(FieldRef)]),
+		StoreInitTree = node([pop]),
+		LoadTree = node([ldsfld(FieldRef)])
+	},
+		% Add a store after the alloc instrs (if necessary)
+	{ AllocInstrs = list__condense(tree__flatten(
+		tree__list([
+			context_node(Context),
+			comment_node(string__append("allocation for ",
+				FieldName)),
+			AllocInstrsTree, 
+			StoreAllocTree]))) },
+		% Add a load before the init instrs (if necessary)
+	{ InitInstrs = list__condense(tree__flatten(
+		tree__list([
+			context_node(Context),
+			comment_node(string__append("initializer for ",
+				FieldName)),
+			LoadTree,
+			InitInstrTree,
+			StoreInitTree]))) },
+		% Add these instructions to the lists of
+		% allocation/initialization instructions.
+		% They will be put into the class constructor
+		% later.
+	il_info_add_alloc_instructions(AllocInstrs),
+	il_info_add_init_instructions(InitInstrs),
+	DataRep =^ il_data_rep,
+	{ IlType = mlds_type_to_ilds_type(DataRep, Type) },
+	{ MaybeOffset = no },
+	{ Initializer = none },
+	{ ClassDecl = field(Attrs, IlType, FieldName,
+			MaybeOffset, Initializer) }.
+generate_method(_, IsCons, defn(Name, Context, Flags, Entity), ClassDecl) -->
+	{ Entity = function(_MaybePredProcId, Params, MaybeStatement) },
-generate_method_defn(DataDefn) --> 
-	{ DataDefn = defn(data(DataName), Context, _DeclsFlags, Entity) },
-	{ ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(ModuleName, yes) },
+	/*
 		% Generate a term (we use it to emit the complete
 		% method definition as a comment, which is nice
 		% for debugging).
-	{ term__type_to_term(DataDefn, MLDSDefnTerm) },
+	{ term__type_to_term(defn(Name, Context, Flags, Entity),
+			_MLDSDefnTerm) },
+	*/
+		% Generate the signature
+	{ Params = mlds__func_params(Args, Returns) },
+	{ ILArgs = list__map(mlds_arg_to_il_arg, Args) },
+	DataRep =^ il_data_rep,
+	{ ILSignature = params_to_il_signature(DataRep, ModuleName, Params) },
-		% Generate the field name for this data.
-	{ mangle_dataname(DataName, FieldName) },
-	( 
-		{ Entity = mlds__data(_DataType, DataInitializer) }
-	->
-			% Generate instructions to initialize this data.
-			% There are two sorts of instructions,
-			% instructions to allocate the data structure,
-			% and instructions to initialize it.
-			% See the comments about class constructors to
-			% find out why we do this.
-		data_initializer_to_instrs(DataInitializer, AllocInstrsTree,
-			InitInstrTree),
+		% Generate the name
+	{ IsCons = yes(ParentClass),
+		MemberName = ctor,
+		CtorInstrs = [load_this,
+			call(methoddef(call_conv(yes, default), void, 
+			class_member_name(ParentClass, ctor), []))]
+	; IsCons = no,
+		MemberName = id(entity_name_to_ilds_id(Name)),
+		CtorInstrs = []
+	},
-			% Make a field reference for the field
-		{ FieldRef = make_fieldref(il_array_type,
-			ClassName, FieldName) },
+	{ Attrs = decl_flags_to_methattrs(Flags) },
-			% If we had to allocate memory, the code
-			% we generate looks like this:
-			%
-			%	// allocation for foo
-			%	... allocation instructions ...
-			%	stsfld thisclass::foo
-			%
-			%
-			%	// initializer for foo
-			%	ldsfld thisclass::foo
-			%	... initialization code ...
-			%	pop
-			%
-			% The final pop is necessary because the init
-			% code will leave the field on the stack, but we
-			% don't need it anymore (and we already set the
-			% field when we allocated it).
-			%
-			% If no memory had to be allocated, the code is
-			% a bit simpler.
-			%
-			%	// allocation for foo
-			%	nothing here! 
-			%	
-			%	// initializer for foo
-			%	... initialization code ...
-			%	stsfld thisclass::foo
-			%
-			% Note that here we have to set the field.
+		% Initialize the IL info with this method info.
+	il_info_new_method(ILArgs, ILSignature, MemberName),
+		% Start a new block, which we will use to wrap
+		% up the entire method.
+	il_info_get_next_block_id(BlockId),
+		% Generate the code of the statement.
+	( { MaybeStatement = yes(Statement) } -> 
+		statement_to_il(Statement, InstrsTree1)
+	;
+			% If there is no function body, generate
+			% forwarding code instead.  This can happen with
+			% :- external
+		atomic_statement_to_il(inline_target_code(lang_C, []),
+				InstrsTree0),
-		{ AllocInstrsTree = node([]) ->
-			StoreAllocTree = node([]),
-			StoreInitTree = node([stsfld(FieldRef)]),
-			LoadTree = node([])
+			% The code might reference locals...
+		il_info_add_locals(["succeeded" - mlds__native_bool_type]),
+		( { Returns = [_] } ->
+			% XXX Bug!
+			% We assume that if there is a return value,
+			% then it must be a semidet procedure, so
+			% we return `succeeded'.
+			% This is wrong for functions!
+			{ InstrsTree1 = tree__list([
+				InstrsTree0,
+				instr_node(ldloc(name("succeeded"))),
+				instr_node(ret)
+			]) }
-			StoreAllocTree = node([stsfld(FieldRef)]),
-			StoreInitTree = node([pop]),
-			LoadTree = node([ldsfld(FieldRef)])
-		},
+			{ InstrsTree1 = InstrsTree0 }
+		)
+	),
-			% Add a store after the alloc instrs (if necessary)
-		{ AllocInstrs = list__condense(tree__flatten(
-			tree__list([
-				context_node(Context),
-				comment_node(string__append("allocation for ",
-					FieldName)),
-				AllocInstrsTree, 
-				StoreAllocTree]))) },
-			% Add a load before the init instrs (if necessary)
-		{ InitInstrs = list__condense(tree__flatten(
-			tree__list([
-				context_node(Context),
-				comment_node(string__append("initializer for ",
-					FieldName)),
-				LoadTree,
-				InitInstrTree,
-				StoreInitTree]))) },
-			% Add these instructions to the lists of
-			% allocation/initialization instructions.
-			% They will be put into the class constructor
-			% later.
-		il_info_add_alloc_instructions(AllocInstrs),
-		il_info_add_init_instructions(InitInstrs),
-			% Make a public static field and add the field
-			% and a comment term to the class decls.
-		{ Field = field([public, static], il_array_type,
-			FieldName, no, none) },
-		{ ClassDecls = [comment_term(MLDSDefnTerm), Field] }
+		% If this is main, add the entrypoint, set a flag, and
+		% call the initialization instructions in the cctor of
+		% this module.
+	(
+		{ Name = function(PredLabel, _ProcId, MaybeSeqNum, _PredId) },
+		{ PredLabel = pred(predicate, no, "main", 2, model_det, no) },
+		{ MaybeSeqNum = no }
+	->
+		{ EntryPoint = [entrypoint] },
+		il_info_add_init_instructions(runtime_initialization_instrs),
+		^ has_main := yes
-		{ error("entity not data") }
+		{ EntryPoint = [] }
-	il_info_add_classdecls(ClassDecls).
-	% Generate top level declarations for "other" things (e.g.
-	% anything that is not a method in the main class).
-	% XXX Really, this should be integrated with the other pass
-	% (generate_method_defn), and we can generate them all at once.
-	% This would involve adding the top-level decls list to il_info too.
-:- pred generate_other_decls(mlds__defn, list(ilasm__decl),
-		il_info, il_info).
-:- mode generate_other_decls(in, out, in, out) is det.
-generate_other_decls(MLDSDefn, Decls) -->
-	ModuleName =^ module_name,
-	{ ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(ModuleName, yes) },
-	{ MLDSDefn = mlds__defn(EntityName, _Context, _DeclFlags, Entity) }, 
-	{ term__type_to_term(MLDSDefn, MLDSDefnTerm) },
-	( { EntityName = type(TypeName0, Arity) },
-		{ TypeName = string__format("%s_%d",
-			[s(TypeName0), i(Arity)]) },
-		{ FullClassName = append_class_name(ClassName, [TypeName]) },
-		( 
-			{ Entity = mlds__class(ClassDefn) }
-		->
-			{ ClassDefn = mlds__class_defn(_ClassType, _Imports, 
-				Inherits, _Implements, Defns) },
-			DataRep =^ il_data_rep,
-			{ Extends = mlds_inherits_to_ilds_inherits(DataRep,
-				Inherits) },
-			list__map_foldl(defn_to_class_decl, Defns, ILDefns),
-			{ make_constructor(DataRep, FullClassName, ClassDefn, 
-				ConstructorILDefn) },
-			{ Decls = [comment_term(MLDSDefnTerm),
-				class([public], TypeName,
-				Extends, implements([]),
-				[ConstructorILDefn | ILDefns])] }
-		;
-			{ Decls = [comment_term(MLDSDefnTerm),
-				comment("This type unimplemented.")] }
-		)
-	; { EntityName = function(_PredLabel, _ProcId, _MaybeFn, _PredId) },
-		{ Decls = [] }
-	; { EntityName = export(_) },
-			% XXX we don't handle export
-		{ Decls = [] }
-	; { EntityName = data(_) },
-		{ Decls = [] }
-	).
+		% Need to insert a ret for functions returning
+		% void (MLDS doesn't).
+	{ Returns = [] ->
+		MaybeRet = instr_node(ret)
+	;
+		MaybeRet = empty
+	},
+		% Retrieve the locals, put them in the enclosing
+		% scope.
+	il_info_get_locals_list(Locals),
+	{ InstrsTree = tree__list([
+		context_node(Context),
+		node(CtorInstrs),
+		context_node(Context),
+		instr_node(start_block(scope(Locals), BlockId)),
+		InstrsTree1, 
+		MaybeRet,
+		instr_node(end_block(scope(Locals), BlockId))
+		])
+	},
+		% Generate the entire method contents.
+	{ MethodBody = make_method_defn(InstrsTree) },
+	{ list__append(EntryPoint, MethodBody, MethodContents) },
+	{ ClassDecl = ilasm__method(methodhead(Attrs, MemberName,
+			ILSignature, []), MethodContents)}.
+generate_method(_, _, defn(_Name, _Context, _Flags, Entity), _ClassDecl) -->
+	{ Entity = class(_ClassDefn) },
+	{ sorry(this_file, "nested classes") }.
+:- func mangle_dataname(mlds__data_name) = string.
+	= mangle_mlds_var_name(MLDSVarName).
+	= string__format("common_%s", [i(Int)]).
+mangle_dataname(rtti(RttiTypeId, RttiName)) = MangledName :-
+	rtti__addr_to_string(RttiTypeId, RttiName, MangledName).
+mangle_dataname(base_typeclass_info(ClassId, InstanceStr)) = MangledName :-
+        llds_out__make_base_typeclass_info_name(ClassId, InstanceStr,
+		MangledName).
+mangle_dataname(module_layout) = _MangledName :-
+	error("unimplemented: mangling module_layout").
+mangle_dataname(proc_layout(_)) = _MangledName :-
+	error("unimplemented: mangling proc_layout").
+mangle_dataname(internal_layout(_, _)) = _MangledName :-
+	error("unimplemented: mangling internal_layout").
+mangle_dataname(tabling_pointer(_)) = _MangledName :-
+	error("unimplemented: mangling tabling_pointer").
 	% Code for generating initializers.
@@ -666,62 +961,6 @@
-% Code to turn MLDS definitions into IL class declarations.
-:- pred defn_to_class_decl(mlds__defn, ilasm__classdecl, il_info, il_info).
-:- mode defn_to_class_decl(in, out, in, out) is det.
-	% XXX shouldn't we re-use the code for creating fieldrefs here?
-	% IL doesn't allow byrefs in classes, so we don't use them.
-	% XXX really this should be a transformation done in advance
-defn_to_class_decl(mlds__defn(Name, _Context, _DeclFlags, 
-		mlds__data(Type, _Initializer)), ILClassDecl) -->
-	DataRep =^ il_data_rep,
-	{ ILType = remove_byrefs_from_type(
-			mlds_type_to_ilds_type(DataRep, Type)) },
-	{ Name = data(DataName) ->
-		mangle_dataname(DataName, MangledName),
-		ILClassDecl = field([], ILType, MangledName, no, none) 
-	;
-		error("definintion name was not data/1")
-	}.
-	% XXX this needs to be implemented
-defn_to_class_decl(mlds__defn(_Name, _Context, _DeclFlags,
-	mlds__function(_PredProcId, _Params, _MaybeStatements)),
-		ILClassDecl) -->
-	{ ILClassDecl = comment("unimplemented: functions in classes") }.
-defn_to_class_decl(mlds__defn(EntityName, _Context, _DeclFlags,
-		mlds__class(ClassDefn)), ILClassDecl) -->
-	DataRep =^ il_data_rep,
-	( { EntityName = type(TypeName0, Arity) } ->
-		{ TypeName = string__format("%s_%d",
-			[s(TypeName0), i(Arity)]) },
-		{ ClassDefn = mlds__class_defn(_ClassType, _Imports, 
-			Inherits, _Implements, Defns) },
-		{ FullClassName = structured_name("", [TypeName]) },
-		list__map_foldl(defn_to_class_decl, Defns, ILDefns),
-		{ make_constructor(DataRep, FullClassName, ClassDefn,
-			ConstructorILDefn) },
-		{ Extends = mlds_inherits_to_ilds_inherits(DataRep, Inherits) },
-		{ ILClassDecl = nested_class([public], TypeName, Extends,
-			implements([]), [ConstructorILDefn | ILDefns]) }
-	;
-		{ error("expected type entity name for a nested class") }
-	).
-:- func remove_byrefs_from_type(ilds__type) = ilds__type.
-remove_byrefs_from_type(ILType0) = ILType :-
-	( ILType0 = ilds__type(_, '&'(ILType1)) ->
-		ILType = ILType1
-	;
-		ILType = ILType0
-	).
 % Convert basic MLDS statements into IL.
@@ -996,7 +1235,7 @@
 		{ mangle_foreign_code_module(ModuleName, Lang,
 			OutlineLangModuleName) },
 		{ ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(
-			OutlineLangModuleName, yes) },
+			OutlineLangModuleName) },
 		signature(_, RetType, Params) =^ signature, 
 		( { ReturnLvals = [] } ->
@@ -1043,8 +1282,7 @@
 			% XXX we hardcode managed C++ here
 		^ method_foreign_lang := yes(managed_cplusplus),
 		{ mangle_dataname_module(no, ModuleName, NewModuleName) },
-		{ ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(NewModuleName,
-				no) },
+		{ ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(NewModuleName) },
 		signature(_, RetType, Params) =^ signature, 
 			% If there is a return value, put it in succeeded.
 			% XXX this is incorrect for functions, which might
@@ -1111,6 +1349,8 @@
 			Type = mlds__generic_env_ptr_type 
 			Type = mlds__class_type(_, _, _) 
+		;
+			Type = mlds__commit_type
 			DataRep ^ highlevel_data = yes,
 			Type = mlds__mercury_type(_, user_type)
@@ -1785,7 +2025,7 @@
 	test_rtti_initialization_field(DoneFieldRef, TestInstrs),
 	set_rtti_initialization_field(DoneFieldRef, SetInstrs),
 	{ CCtorCalls = list__map((func(X) = call_class_constructor(
-		mlds_module_name_to_class_name(X, yes))), Imports) },
+		class_name(X, "mercury_code"))), Imports) },
 	{ AllInstrs = list__condense([TestInstrs, AllocInstrs, SetInstrs,
 		CCtorCalls, InitInstrs, [ret]]) },
 	{ MethodDecls = [instrs(AllInstrs)] }.
@@ -1989,7 +2229,7 @@
 		qual(MldsModuleName, MldsClassName0), Arity) = IldsClassName :-
 	MldsClassName = string__format("%s_%d", [s(MldsClassName0), i(Arity)]),
 	IldsClassName = append_class_name(
-		mlds_module_name_to_class_name(MldsModuleName, yes),
+		mlds_module_name_to_class_name(MldsModuleName),
 mlds_type_to_ilds_class_name(DataRep, MldsType) = 
@@ -2135,7 +2375,7 @@
 	Var = qual(ModuleName, _),
 	mangle_mlds_var(Var, MangledVarStr),
 	mangle_dataname_module(no, ModuleName, NewModuleName),
-	ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(NewModuleName, yes),
+	ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(NewModuleName),
 	FieldRef = make_fieldref(
 		mlds_type_to_ilds_type(DataRep, VarType), ClassName,
@@ -2147,16 +2387,21 @@
 mangle_foreign_code_module(ModuleName0, Lang, ModuleName) :-
 	LangStr = globals__simple_foreign_language_string(Lang),
 	SymName0 = mlds_module_name_to_sym_name(ModuleName0),
-	( 
-		SymName0 = qualified(Q, M0),
-		M = string__format("%s__%s_code", [s(M0), s(LangStr)]),
-		SymName = qualified(Q, M)
-	; 
-		SymName0 = unqualified(M0),
-		M = string__format("%s__%s_code", [s(M0), s(LangStr)]),
-		SymName = unqualified(M)
-	),
-	ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(SymName).
+	( SymName0 = qualified(SymName1, Name) ->
+		( 
+			SymName1 = qualified(Q, M0),
+			M = string__format("%s__%s_code", [s(M0), s(LangStr)]),
+			SymName = qualified(Q, M)
+		; 
+			SymName1 = unqualified(M0),
+			M = string__format("%s__%s_code", [s(M0), s(LangStr)]),
+			SymName = unqualified(M)
+		),
+		ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(
+				qualified(SymName, Name))
+	;
+		error("should never occur.")
+	).
 	% When generating references to RTTI, we need to mangle the
 	% module name if the RTTI is defined in C code by hand.
@@ -2171,8 +2416,8 @@
 mangle_dataname_module(yes(DataName), ModuleName0, ModuleName) :-
 		SymName = mlds_module_name_to_sym_name(ModuleName0),
-		SymName = qualified(unqualified("mercury"),
-			LibModuleName0),
+		SymName = qualified(qualified(unqualified("mercury"),
+			LibModuleName0), "mercury_code"),
 		DataName = rtti(rtti_type_id(_, Name, Arity),
 		( LibModuleName0 = "builtin",
@@ -2206,7 +2451,8 @@
 		string__append(LibModuleName0, "__cpp_code",
 		ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(
-			qualified(unqualified("mercury"), LibModuleName))
+			qualified(qualified(unqualified("mercury"),
+			LibModuleName), "mercury_code"))
 		ModuleName = ModuleName0
@@ -2237,7 +2483,7 @@
 	% We turn procedures into methods of classes.
 mangle_mlds_proc_label(qual(ModuleName, PredLabel - ProcId), MaybeSeqNum,
 		ClassName, PredStr) :-
-	ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(ModuleName, yes),
+	ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(ModuleName),
 	predlabel_to_id(PredLabel, ProcId, MaybeSeqNum, PredStr).
 :- pred mangle_entity_name(mlds__entity_name, string).
@@ -2284,11 +2530,14 @@
 mlds_to_il__sym_name_to_string_2(unqualified(Name), _) -->
-mlds_module_name_to_class_name(MldsModuleName, AddMercuryCode) = 
+	% Turn an MLDS module name into a class_name name.
+:- func mlds_module_name_to_class_name(mlds_module_name) = ilds__class_name.
+mlds_module_name_to_class_name(MldsModuleName) = 
 		structured_name(AssemblyName, ClassName) :-
 	SymName = mlds_module_name_to_sym_name(MldsModuleName),
 	PackageSymName = mlds_module_name_to_package_name(MldsModuleName),
-	sym_name_to_class_name(SymName, AddMercuryCode, ClassName),
+	sym_name_to_class_name(SymName, ClassName),
 		ClassName = ["mercury" | _]
@@ -2297,18 +2546,11 @@
 		mlds_to_il__sym_name_to_string(PackageSymName, AssemblyName)
-:- pred sym_name_to_class_name(sym_name, bool, list(ilds__id)).
-:- mode sym_name_to_class_name(in, in, out) is det.
-sym_name_to_class_name(SymName, AddMercuryCode, Ids) :-
+:- pred sym_name_to_class_name(sym_name, list(ilds__id)).
+:- mode sym_name_to_class_name(in, out) is det.
+sym_name_to_class_name(SymName, Ids) :-
 	sym_name_to_class_name_2(SymName, Ids0),
-	( 
-		AddMercuryCode = yes,
-		Ids1 = ["mercury_code" | Ids0]
-	;
-		AddMercuryCode = no,
-		Ids1 = Ids0
-	),
-	list__reverse(Ids1, Ids).
+	list__reverse(Ids0, Ids).
 :- pred sym_name_to_class_name_2(sym_name, list(ilds__id)).
 :- mode sym_name_to_class_name_2(in, out) is det.
@@ -2435,7 +2677,7 @@
 data_addr_constant_to_fieldref(data_addr(ModuleName, DataName), FieldRef) :-
 	mangle_dataname(DataName, FieldName),
 	mangle_dataname_module(yes(DataName), ModuleName, NewModuleName),
-	ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(NewModuleName, yes),
+	ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(NewModuleName),
 	FieldRef = make_fieldref(il_array_type, ClassName, FieldName).
@@ -2472,8 +2714,7 @@
 			FieldNum = named_field(qual(ModuleName, FieldId),
-			ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(ModuleName,
-				no)
+			ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(ModuleName)
 		FieldRef = make_fieldref(FieldILType, ClassName, FieldId).
@@ -2592,7 +2833,8 @@
 :- func mercury_string_class_name = ilds__class_name.
 mercury_string_class_name = mercury_library_name(StringClass) :-
-	sym_name_to_class_name(unqualified("string"), yes, StringClass).
+	sym_name_to_class_name(qualified(unqualified("string"), "mercury_code"),
+			StringClass).
@@ -2709,7 +2951,7 @@
 mlds_to_il__generate_extern_assembly(Imports, AllDecls) :-
 	Gen = (pred(Import::in, Decl::out) is semidet :-
-		ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(Import, yes),
+		ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(Import),
 		ClassName = structured_name(Assembly, _),
 		not (Assembly = "mercury"),
 		Decl = extern_assembly(Assembly, [])
@@ -2745,7 +2987,9 @@
 make_method_defn(InstrTree) = MethodDecls :-
 	Instrs = list__condense(tree__flatten(InstrTree)),
 	MethodDecls = [
-		maxstack(int32(calculate_max_stack(Instrs))),
+			% XXX The + 1 is needed for when the --debug-il-asm
+			% flag is enabled.
+		maxstack(int32(calculate_max_stack(Instrs) + 1)),
 			% note that we only need .zeroinit to ensure
 			% verifiability; for nonverifiable code,
 			% we could omit that (it ensures that all
@@ -2762,7 +3006,8 @@
 :- mode make_constructor(in, in, in, out) is det.
 make_constructor(DataRep, ClassName, 
-		mlds__class_defn(_,  _Imports, Inherits, _Implements, Defns),
+		mlds__class_defn(_,  _Imports, Inherits, _Implements,
+		_Ctors, Defns),
 		ILDecl) :-
 	Extends = mlds_inherits_to_ilds_inherits(DataRep, Inherits),
 	( Extends = extends_nothing,
Index: mlds_to_java.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_java.m,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 mlds_to_java.m
--- mlds_to_java.m	8 Jul 2001 16:40:10 -0000	1.8
+++ mlds_to_java.m	9 Jul 2001 13:09:03 -0000
@@ -399,11 +399,13 @@
 		string__append(PredName0, Type, PredName),
 		ClassMembers  = [NewMethodDefn],
+		ClassCtors    = [],
 		ClassName     = type(PredName, Arity),
 		ClassContext  = Context,
 		ClassFlags    = ml_gen_type_decl_flags,
 		ClassBodyDefn = mlds__class_defn(mlds__class, ClassImports, 
-			ClassExtends, ClassImplements, ClassMembers),
+			ClassExtends, ClassImplements,
+			ClassCtors, ClassMembers),
 		ClassBody     = mlds__class(ClassBodyDefn)
@@ -649,7 +651,12 @@
 		{ unexpected(this_file, "output_class") }
 	{ ClassDefn = class_defn(Kind, _Imports, BaseClasses, Implements,
-		AllMembers) },
+		Ctors, AllMembers) },
+	{ Ctors = [] ->
+		true
+	;
+		sorry(this_file, "constructors")
+	},
 	( { Kind = mlds__interface } -> 
 		io__write_string("interface ")
Index: mlds_to_mcpp.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_mcpp.m,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 mlds_to_mcpp.m
--- mlds_to_mcpp.m	22 Jun 2001 09:14:39 -0000	1.8
+++ mlds_to_mcpp.m	9 Jul 2001 13:09:03 -0000
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
 	{ MLDS = mlds(ModuleName, ForeignCode, _Imports, Defns) },
 	{ prog_out__sym_name_to_string(ModuleName, ModuleNameStr) },
-	{ ClassName = mlds_module_name_to_class_name(
-		mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ModuleName), yes) },
+	{ ClassName = class_name(mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ModuleName),
+			"mercury_code") },
Index: rtti_to_mlds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -r1.17 rtti_to_mlds.m
--- rtti_to_mlds.m	8 Jul 2001 16:40:11 -0000	1.17
+++ rtti_to_mlds.m	9 Jul 2001 13:09:03 -0000
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
 		Access = private
-	PerInstance = per_instance,
+	PerInstance = one_copy,
 	Virtuality = non_virtual,
 	Finality = overridable,
 	Constness = const,

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