[m-rev.] for review: improvements for higher_order.m

Simon Taylor stayl at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Jul 4 05:21:14 AEST 2001

Estimated hours taken: 25
Branches: main

Improvements for higher-order specialization.

WARNING: This changes the order and number of extra arguments
added to specialized versions, including the type-specialized
procedures in the library. Recompile everything.

	Improve the termination check on specialization of recursive
	calls to allow parser combinator programs such as extras/xml
	to be specialized fully. The old check just stopped on any
	recursive specialization.

	Construct constant higher-order and type-info arguments in the goal
	for the specialized version, and remove them from the argument list.
	This increases the chance that terms in the specialized version
	which contain the constant terms will also be constant.

	Attempt to match specialized versions occurring in higher-order
	predicate constants.

	Use record syntax throughout the code.

	Add a version number to the names for type specialized versions
	so that instead of segmentation faults or other program errors
	users get link errors when the argument convention for specialized
	versions changes.

	Add an option `--higher-order-arg-limit' (default 10)
	to control the size of the higher-order arguments for
	which specialization is allowed. Without this,
	extras/xml/xml.parse.chars.m takes too much time
	and memory to compile.

	Document the new option.

	Test case.

	Update the documentation and test cases for the symbols
	produced by type specialization.

Index: compiler/higher_order.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/higher_order.m,v
retrieving revision 1.87
diff -u -u -r1.87 higher_order.m
--- compiler/higher_order.m	2001/06/27 05:04:04	1.87
+++ compiler/higher_order.m	2001/06/30 16:43:46
@@ -56,14 +56,17 @@
 		UserTypeSpec) },
 	{ globals__lookup_int_option(Globals, higher_order_size_limit,
 		SizeLimit) },
+	{ globals__lookup_int_option(Globals, higher_order_arg_limit,
+		ArgLimit) },
 	{ Params = ho_params(HigherOrder, TypeSpec,
-		UserTypeSpec, SizeLimit, unit) },
-	{ map__init(NewPredMap) },
-	{ map__init(PredVarMap) },
-	{ NewPreds0 = new_preds(NewPredMap, PredVarMap) },
+		UserTypeSpec, SizeLimit, ArgLimit) },
+	{ map__init(NewPreds0) },
 	{ NextHOid0 = 1 },
 	{ map__init(GoalSizes0) },
 	{ set__init(Requests0) },
+	{ map__init(VersionInfo0) },
+	{ Info0 = higher_order_global_info(Requests0, NewPreds0, VersionInfo0,
+			ModuleInfo0, GoalSizes0, Params, NextHOid0) },
 	{ module_info_predids(ModuleInfo0, PredIds0) },
 	{ module_info_type_spec_info(ModuleInfo0,
@@ -77,28 +80,19 @@
 	% are called from other modules.
 	( { set__empty(UserSpecPreds) } ->
-		{ GoalSizes1 = GoalSizes0 },
-		{ ModuleInfo2 = ModuleInfo0 },
-		{ NewPreds1 = NewPreds0 },
-		{ NextHOid = NextHOid0 },
-		{ UserSpecPredList = [] },
 		{ PredIds = PredIds0 },
-		{ Requests1 = Requests0 }
+		{ UserSpecPredList = [] },
+		{ Info3 = Info0 }
 		{ set__list_to_set(PredIds0, PredIdSet0) },
 		{ set__difference(PredIdSet0, UserSpecPreds, PredIdSet) },
 		{ set__to_sorted_list(PredIdSet, PredIds) },
 		{ set__to_sorted_list(UserSpecPreds, UserSpecPredList) },
-		{ UserTypeSpec0 = yes },
-		{ Params0 = ho_params(HigherOrder, TypeSpec,
-			UserTypeSpec0, SizeLimit, unit) },
-		{ get_specialization_requests(Params0, UserSpecPredList,
-			NewPreds0, Requests0, UserRequests,
-			GoalSizes0, GoalSizes1, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo1) },
-		process_requests(Params, UserRequests, Requests1,
-			GoalSizes1, NextHOid0, NextHOid, NewPreds0, NewPreds1,
-			ModuleInfo1, ModuleInfo2)
+		{ Info1 = Info0 ^ ho_params ^ user_type_spec := yes },
+		{ list__foldl(get_specialization_requests, UserSpecPredList,
+			Info1, Info2) },
+		process_requests(Info2, Info3)
 	( { bool__or_list([HigherOrder, TypeSpec, UserTypeSpec], yes) } ->
@@ -107,88 +101,96 @@
 		% Process all other specializations until no more requests
 		% are generated.
-		{ get_specialization_requests(Params, PredIds, NewPreds1,
-			Requests1, Requests, GoalSizes1, GoalSizes,
-			ModuleInfo2, ModuleInfo3) },
-		recursively_process_requests(Params, Requests, GoalSizes,
-			NextHOid, _, NewPreds1, _NewPreds,
-			ModuleInfo3, ModuleInfo4)
+		{ list__foldl(get_specialization_requests, PredIds,
+			Info3, Info4) },
+		recursively_process_requests(Info4, Info)
-		{ ModuleInfo4 = ModuleInfo2 }
+		{ Info = Info3 }
 	% Remove the predicates which were used to force the production of
 	% user-requested type specializations, since they are not called
 	% from anywhere and are no longer needed.
 	{ list__foldl(module_info_remove_predicate,
-		UserSpecPredList, ModuleInfo4, ModuleInfo) }.
+		UserSpecPredList, Info ^ module_info, ModuleInfo) }.
 	% Process one lot of requests, returning requests for any
 	% new specializations made possible by the first lot.
-:- pred process_requests(ho_params::in, set(request)::in, set(request)::out,
-	goal_sizes::in, int::in, int::out, new_preds::in, new_preds::out,
-	module_info::in, module_info::out,
-	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred process_requests(higher_order_global_info::in,
+		higher_order_global_info::out,
+		io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
-process_requests(Params, Requests0, NewRequests, GoalSizes,
-		NextHOid0, NextHOid, NewPreds0, NewPreds,
-		ModuleInfo1, ModuleInfo) -->
-	filter_requests(Params, ModuleInfo1, Requests0, GoalSizes, Requests),
-	(
-		{ Requests = [] }
-	->
-		{ ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo1 },
-		{ NextHOid = NextHOid0 },
-		{ NewPreds = NewPreds0 },
-		{ set__init(NewRequests) }
+process_requests(Info0, Info) -->
+	filter_requests(Requests, LoopRequests, Info0, Info1),
+	( { Requests = [] } ->
+		{ Info = Info1 }
 		{ set__init(PredProcsToFix0) },
-		create_new_preds(Params, Requests, NewPreds0, NewPreds,
-			[], NewPredList, PredProcsToFix0, PredProcsToFix,
-			NextHOid0, NextHOid, ModuleInfo1, ModuleInfo2),
+		create_new_preds(Requests, [], NewPredList,
+			PredProcsToFix0, PredProcsToFix1, Info1, Info2),
+		{ list__foldl(check_loop_request(Info2), LoopRequests,
+			PredProcsToFix1, PredProcsToFix) },
 		{ set__to_sorted_list(PredProcsToFix, PredProcs) },
-		{ set__init(NewRequests0) },
-		{ fixup_specialized_versions(Params, NewPredList,
-			NewPreds, NewRequests0, NewRequests,
-			ModuleInfo2, ModuleInfo3) },
-		{ fixup_preds(Params, PredProcs, NewPreds,
-			ModuleInfo3, ModuleInfo4) },
+		{ fixup_specialized_versions(NewPredList, Info2, Info3) },
+		{ fixup_preds(PredProcs, Info3, Info4) },
 		{ NewPredList \= [] ->
 			% The dependencies have changed, so the
 			% dependency graph needs to rebuilt for
 			% inlining to work properly.
-			module_info_clobber_dependency_info(ModuleInfo4,
-				ModuleInfo)
+			module_info_clobber_dependency_info(
+				Info4 ^ module_info,
+				ModuleInfo),
+			Info = Info4 ^ module_info := ModuleInfo
-			ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo4
+			Info = Info4
 	% Process requests until there are no new requests to process.
-:- pred recursively_process_requests(ho_params::in, set(request)::in,
-	goal_sizes::in, int::in, int::out, new_preds::in, new_preds::out,
-	module_info::in, module_info::out,
-	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred recursively_process_requests(higher_order_global_info::in, 
+	higher_order_global_info::out, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
-recursively_process_requests(Params, Requests0, GoalSizes, NextHOid0, NextHOid,
-		NewPreds0, NewPreds, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) -->
-	( { set__empty(Requests0) } ->
-		{ NextHOid = NextHOid0 },
-		{ NewPreds = NewPreds0 },
-		{ ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo0 }
-	;
-		process_requests(Params, Requests0, NewRequests, GoalSizes,
-			NextHOid0, NextHOid1, NewPreds0, NewPreds1,
-			ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo1),
-		recursively_process_requests(Params, NewRequests, GoalSizes,
-			NextHOid1, NextHOid, NewPreds1, NewPreds,
-			ModuleInfo1, ModuleInfo)
+recursively_process_requests(Info0, Info) -->
+	( { set__empty(Info0 ^ requests) } ->
+		{ Info = Info0 }
+	;
+		process_requests(Info0, Info1),
+		recursively_process_requests(Info1, Info)
+:- type higher_order_global_info
+	---> higher_order_global_info(
+		requests :: set(request),	% Requested versions.
+		new_preds :: new_preds,
+						% Specialized versions for
+						% each predicate not changed
+						% by traverse_goal
+		version_info :: map(pred_proc_id, version_info),
+						% Extra information about
+						% each specialized version.
+		module_info :: module_info,
+		goal_sizes :: goal_sizes,
+		ho_params :: ho_params,
+		next_higher_order_id :: int	% Number identifying
+						% a specialized version.
+	).
+	% used while traversing goals
+:- type higher_order_info
+	---> higher_order_info(
+		global_info :: higher_order_global_info,
+		pred_vars :: pred_vars,		% higher_order variables
+		pred_proc_id :: pred_proc_id,
+				% pred_proc_id of goal being traversed
+		pred_info :: pred_info,
+				% pred_info of goal being traversed
+		proc_info :: proc_info,
+				% proc_info of goal being traversed
+		changed :: changed
+	).
 :- type request
 	---> request(
 		pred_proc_id,			% calling pred
@@ -223,8 +225,9 @@
 		int,			% number of curried args
 		list(prog_var),		% curried arguments in caller
 		list(type),		% curried argument types in caller
-		list(higher_order_arg)	% higher-order curried arguments
+		list(higher_order_arg),	% higher-order curried arguments
 					% with known values
+		bool			% is this higher_order_arg a constant
 :- type goal_sizes == map(pred_id, int). 	%stores the size of each
@@ -235,6 +238,8 @@
 	% If a variable is not in the map, it does not have a value yet.
 :- type pred_vars == map(prog_var, maybe_const).
+:- type new_preds == map(pred_proc_id, set(new_pred)).
 	% The list of vars is a list of the curried arguments, which must
 	% be explicitly passed to the specialized predicate.
 	% For cons_ids other than pred_const and `type_info', the arguments
@@ -247,42 +252,48 @@
 						% cannot specialise.
-	% used while traversing goals
-:- type higher_order_info
-	---> info(
-		pred_vars :: pred_vars,		% higher_order variables
-		requests :: set(request),	% requested versions
-		new_preds :: new_preds,
-				% versions created in
-				% previous iterations
-				% not changed by traverse_goal
-		pred_proc_id :: pred_proc_id,
-				% pred_proc_id of goal being traversed
-		pred_info :: pred_info,
-				% pred_info of goal being traversed
-		proc_info :: proc_info,
-				% proc_info of goal being traversed
-		module_info :: module_info,
-		params :: ho_params,
-		changed :: changed
-	).
 :- type ho_params
 	---> ho_params(
-		bool,		% propagate higher-order constants.
-		bool,		% propagate type-info constants.
-		bool,		% user-guided type specialization.
-		int,		% size limit on requested version.
-		unit
+		optimize_higher_order :: bool,	
+				% Propagate higher-order constants.
+		type_spec :: bool,
+				% Propagate type-info constants.
+		user_type_spec :: bool,
+				% User-guided type specialization.
+		size_limit :: int,
+				% Size limit on requested version.
+		arg_limit :: int
+				% The maximum size of the
+				% higher-order arguments of
+				% a specialized version.
+	).
+:- type version_info
+	---> version_info(
+		pred_proc_id,
+				% The procedure from the original program
+				% from which this version was created.
+		int,		% Depth of the higher_order_args for
+				% this version.
+		pred_vars,
+				% Higher-order or constant input variables
+				% for a specialised version.
+		list(parent_version_info)
+				% The chain of specialized versions which
+				% caused this version to be created.
+				% For each element in the list with the
+				% same pred_proc_id, the depth must decrease.
+				% This ensures that the specialization
+				% process must terminate.
-:- type new_preds
-	---> new_preds(
-		map(pred_proc_id, set(new_pred)),
-				% versions for each predicate
-		map(pred_proc_id, pred_vars)
-				% higher-order or constant input variables
-				% for a specialised version.
+:- type parent_version_info
+	---> parent_version_info(
+		pred_proc_id,	% The procedure from the original program
+				% from which this parent was created.
+		int		% Depth of the higher_order_args for
+				% this version.
 :- type new_pred
@@ -311,98 +322,68 @@
-:- pred get_specialization_requests(ho_params::in, list(pred_id)::in,
-	new_preds::in, set(request)::in, set(request)::out, goal_sizes::in,
-	goal_sizes::out, module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
-get_specialization_requests(_Params, [], _NewPreds, Requests, Requests,
-		Sizes, Sizes, ModuleInfo, ModuleInfo).
-get_specialization_requests(Params, [PredId | PredIds], NewPreds, Requests0,
-		Requests, GoalSizes0, GoalSizes, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
-	module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo0, PredId, PredInfo0),
+:- pred get_specialization_requests(pred_id::in,
+	higher_order_global_info::in, higher_order_global_info::out) is det.
+get_specialization_requests(PredId, GlobalInfo0, GlobalInfo) :-
+	module_info_pred_info(GlobalInfo0 ^ module_info, PredId, PredInfo0),
 	pred_info_non_imported_procids(PredInfo0, NonImportedProcs),
 		NonImportedProcs = [],
-		Requests2 = Requests0,
-		GoalSizes1 = GoalSizes0,
-		ModuleInfo3 = ModuleInfo0
-	;
-		NonImportedProcs = [ProcId | ProcIds],
-		pred_info_procedures(PredInfo0, Procs0),
-		map__lookup(Procs0, ProcId, ProcInfo0),
-		map__init(PredVars0),
-			% first time through we can only specialize call/N
-		PredProcId = proc(PredId, ProcId),
-		Info0 = info(PredVars0, Requests0, NewPreds, PredProcId,
-			PredInfo0, ProcInfo0, ModuleInfo0, Params, unchanged),
-		traverse_goal(Info0, Info),
-		Info = info(_, Requests1, _, _, PredInfo1, ProcInfo,
-				ModuleInfo1, _, _),
-		proc_info_goal(ProcInfo, Goal1),
-		goal_size(Goal1, GoalSize),
-		map__set(GoalSizes0, PredId, GoalSize, GoalSizes1),
-		map__det_update(Procs0, ProcId, ProcInfo, Procs1),
-		traverse_other_procs(Params, PredId, ProcIds,
-			ModuleInfo1, ModuleInfo2, PredInfo1, PredInfo2,
-			NewPreds, Requests1, Requests2, Procs1, Procs),
-		pred_info_set_procedures(PredInfo2, Procs, PredInfo),
-		module_info_set_pred_info(ModuleInfo2,
-			PredId, PredInfo, ModuleInfo3)
-	),
-	get_specialization_requests(Params, PredIds, NewPreds,
-		Requests2, Requests, GoalSizes1, GoalSizes,
-		ModuleInfo3, ModuleInfo).
+		GlobalInfo = GlobalInfo0
+	;
+		NonImportedProcs = [ProcId | _],
+		MustRecompute = no,
+		list__foldl(traverse_proc(MustRecompute, PredId),
+			NonImportedProcs, GlobalInfo0, GlobalInfo1),
+		module_info_pred_proc_info(GlobalInfo1 ^ module_info,
+			PredId, ProcId, _, ProcInfo),
+		proc_info_goal(ProcInfo, Goal),
+		goal_size(Goal, GoalSize),
+		map__set(GlobalInfo1 ^ goal_sizes, PredId,
+			GoalSize, GoalSizes),
+		GlobalInfo = GlobalInfo1 ^ goal_sizes := GoalSizes
+	).
 		% This is called when the first procedure of a pred was
 		% changed. It fixes up all the other procs, ignoring the
 		% goal_size and requests that come out, since that information
 		% has already been collected.
-:- pred traverse_other_procs(ho_params::in, pred_id::in, list(proc_id)::in,
-	module_info::in, module_info::out, pred_info::in, pred_info::out,
-	new_preds::in, set(request)::in, set(request)::out,
-	proc_table::in, proc_table::out) is det.
-traverse_other_procs(_Params, _PredId, [], Module, Module, PredInfo, PredInfo,
-		_, Requests, Requests, Procs, Procs).
-traverse_other_procs(Params, PredId, [ProcId | ProcIds],
-		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo, PredInfo0, PredInfo, NewPreds,
-		Requests0, Requests, Procs0, Procs) :-
+:- pred traverse_proc(bool::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+	higher_order_global_info::in, higher_order_global_info::out) is det.
+traverse_proc(MustRecompute, PredId, ProcId, GlobalInfo0, GlobalInfo) :-
-	map__lookup(Procs0, ProcId, ProcInfo0),
-	Info0 = info(PredVars0, Requests0, NewPreds, proc(PredId, ProcId),
-			PredInfo0, ProcInfo0, ModuleInfo0, Params, unchanged),
-	traverse_goal(Info0, Info),
-	Info = info(_, Requests1, _,_,PredInfo1,ProcInfo,ModuleInfo1,_,_),
-	map__det_update(Procs0, ProcId, ProcInfo, Procs1),
-	traverse_other_procs(Params, PredId, ProcIds, ModuleInfo1, ModuleInfo,
-		PredInfo1, PredInfo, NewPreds,
-		Requests1, Requests, Procs1, Procs).
+	module_info_pred_proc_info(GlobalInfo0 ^ module_info,
+		PredId, ProcId, PredInfo0, ProcInfo0),
+	Info0 = higher_order_info(GlobalInfo0, PredVars0,
+			proc(PredId, ProcId), PredInfo0, ProcInfo0, unchanged),
+	traverse_goal(MustRecompute, Info0, Info),
+	Info = higher_order_info(GlobalInfo1, _, _, PredInfo, ProcInfo, _),
+	module_info_set_pred_proc_info(GlobalInfo1 ^ module_info,
+		PredId, ProcId, PredInfo, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo),
+	GlobalInfo = GlobalInfo1 ^ module_info := ModuleInfo.
 	% Goal traversal
-:- pred traverse_goal(higher_order_info::in, higher_order_info::out) is det.
-traverse_goal -->
-	{ MustRecompute = no },
-	traverse_goal(MustRecompute).
 :- pred traverse_goal(bool::in, higher_order_info::in,
 		higher_order_info::out) is det.
 traverse_goal(MustRecompute, Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = info(_, B, NewPreds0, PredProcId, E, ProcInfo0, G, H, I),
-	NewPreds0 = new_preds(_, PredVarMap),
+	VersionInfoMap = Info0 ^ global_info ^ version_info,
 	% Lookup the initial known bindings of the variables if this
 	% procedure is a specialised version.
-	( map__search(PredVarMap, PredProcId, PredVars) ->
-		Info1 = info(PredVars, B, NewPreds0, PredProcId,
-				E, ProcInfo0, G, H, I)
+	(
+		map__search(VersionInfoMap, Info0 ^ pred_proc_id,
+			version_info(_, _, PredVars, _))
+	->
+		Info1 = Info0 ^ pred_vars := PredVars
 		Info1 = Info0
-	proc_info_goal(ProcInfo0, Goal0),
+	proc_info_goal(Info0 ^ proc_info, Goal0),
 	traverse_goal_2(Goal0, Goal, Info1, Info2),
 	fixup_proc_info(MustRecompute, Goal, Info2, Info).
@@ -410,8 +391,9 @@
 		higher_order_info::in, higher_order_info::out) is det.
 fixup_proc_info(MustRecompute, Goal0, Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = info(A, B, C, D, E, ProcInfo0, ModuleInfo0, H, Changed),
-	( (Changed = changed ; MustRecompute = yes) ->
+	( (Info0 ^ changed = changed ; MustRecompute = yes) ->
+		ModuleInfo0 = Info0 ^ global_info ^ module_info,
+		ProcInfo0 = Info0 ^ proc_info,
 		proc_info_set_goal(ProcInfo0, Goal0, ProcInfo1),
 		requantify_proc(ProcInfo1, ProcInfo2),
 		proc_info_goal(ProcInfo2, Goal2),
@@ -422,8 +404,8 @@
 		recompute_instmap_delta(RecomputeAtomic, Goal2, Goal3,
 			VarTypes, InstVarSet, InstMap, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo),
 		proc_info_set_goal(ProcInfo2, Goal3, ProcInfo),
-		Info = info(A, B, C, D, E, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo,
-			H, Changed)
+		Info = (Info0 ^ proc_info := ProcInfo)
+				^ global_info ^ module_info := ModuleInfo
 		Info = Info0
@@ -502,9 +484,21 @@
 traverse_goal_2(Goal, Goal) -->
 	{ Goal = foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _) - _ }.
-traverse_goal_2(Goal, Goal) -->
-	{ Goal = unify(_, _, _, Unify, _) - _ },
-	check_unify(Unify).
+traverse_goal_2(Goal0, Goal) -->
+	{ Goal0 = GoalExpr0 - _ },
+	{ GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, Unify0, _) },
+	(
+		{ Unify0 = construct(_, pred_const(_, _, _), _, _, _, _, _) }
+	->
+		maybe_specialize_pred_const(Goal0, Goal)
+	;
+		{ Goal = Goal0 }
+	),
+	( { Goal = unify(_, _, _, Unify, _) - _ } ->
+		check_unify(Unify)
+	;
+		[]
+	).
 traverse_goal_2(shorthand(_) - _, _) -->
 	% these should have been expanded out by now
@@ -577,39 +571,22 @@
 :- pred get_pre_branch_info(pre_branch_info::out,
 		higher_order_info::in, higher_order_info::out) is det.
-get_pre_branch_info(PreInfo, Info0, Info) :-
-	get_pred_vars(PreInfo, Info0, Info).
+get_pre_branch_info(Info ^ pred_vars, Info, Info).
 :- pred set_pre_branch_info(pre_branch_info::in,
 		higher_order_info::in, higher_order_info::out) is det.
-set_pre_branch_info(PreInfo, Info0, Info) :-
-	set_pred_vars(PreInfo, Info0, Info).
+set_pre_branch_info(PreInfo, Info, Info ^ pred_vars := PreInfo).
 :- pred get_post_branch_info(pre_branch_info::out,
 		higher_order_info::in, higher_order_info::out) is det.
-get_post_branch_info(PostInfo, Info0, Info) :-
-	get_pred_vars(PostInfo, Info0, Info).
+get_post_branch_info(Info ^ pred_vars, Info, Info).
 :- pred set_post_branch_info(post_branch_info::in,
 		higher_order_info::in, higher_order_info::out) is det.
-set_post_branch_info(PostInfo, Info0, Info) :-
-	set_pred_vars(PostInfo, Info0, Info).
-:- pred get_pred_vars(pred_vars::out,
-		higher_order_info::in, higher_order_info::out) is det.
-get_pred_vars(PredVars, Info, Info) :-
-	Info = info(PredVars, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _).
-:- pred set_pred_vars(pred_vars::in,
-		higher_order_info::in, higher_order_info::out) is det.
-set_pred_vars(PredVars, Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = info(_, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I),
-	Info = info(PredVars, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I).
+set_post_branch_info(PostInfo, Info, Info ^ pred_vars := PostInfo).
 	% This is used in traversing disjunctions. We save the initial
 	% accumulator, then traverse each disjunct starting with the initial
@@ -673,54 +650,57 @@
 check_unify(deconstruct(_, _, _, _, _, _)) --> [].
 check_unify(construct(LVar, ConsId, Args, _Modes, _, _, _), Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = info(PredVars0, Requests, NewPreds, PredProcId,
-		PredInfo, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo, Params, Changed),
-	( is_interesting_cons_id(Params, ConsId) ->
-		( map__search(PredVars0, LVar, Specializable) ->
+	( is_interesting_cons_id(Info0 ^ global_info ^ ho_params, ConsId) ->
+		( map__search(Info0 ^ pred_vars, LVar, Specializable) ->
 				% we can't specialize calls involving
 				% a variable with more than one
 				% possible value
 				Specializable = constant(_, _),
-				map__det_update(PredVars0, LVar,
-					multiple_values, PredVars)
+				map__det_update(Info0 ^ pred_vars, LVar,
+					multiple_values, PredVars),
+				Info = Info0 ^ pred_vars := PredVars
 				% if a variable is already
 				% non-specializable, it can't become
 				% specializable
 				Specializable = multiple_values,
-				PredVars = PredVars0
+				Info = Info0
-			map__det_insert(PredVars0, LVar,
-				constant(ConsId, Args), PredVars)
+			map__det_insert(Info0 ^ pred_vars, LVar,
+				constant(ConsId, Args), PredVars),
+			Info = Info0 ^ pred_vars := PredVars
-		PredVars = PredVars0
-	),
-	Info = info(PredVars, Requests, NewPreds, PredProcId,
-		PredInfo, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo, Params, Changed).
+		Info = Info0
+	).
 check_unify(complicated_unify(_, _, _)) -->
 	{ error("higher_order:check_unify - complicated unification") }.
 :- pred is_interesting_cons_id(ho_params::in, cons_id::in) is semidet.
-is_interesting_cons_id(ho_params(_, _, yes, _, _),
-		cons(qualified(Module, Name), _)) :-
+is_interesting_cons_id(Params, cons(qualified(Module, Name), _)) :-
+	yes = Params ^ user_type_spec,
 	( Name = "type_info"
 	; Name = "typeclass_info"
-is_interesting_cons_id(ho_params(yes, _, _, _, _), pred_const(_, _, _)).
-is_interesting_cons_id(ho_params(_, _, yes, _, _),
-		type_ctor_info_const(_, _, _)).
-is_interesting_cons_id(ho_params(_, _, yes, _, _),
-		base_typeclass_info_const(_, _, _, _)).
+is_interesting_cons_id(Params, pred_const(_, _, _)) :-
+	yes = Params ^ optimize_higher_order.
+		type_ctor_info_const(_, _, _)) :-
+	yes = Params ^ user_type_spec.
+		base_typeclass_info_const(_, _, _, _)) :-
+	yes = Params ^ user_type_spec.
 	% We need to keep track of int_consts so we can interpret
 	% superclass_info_from_typeclass_info and typeinfo_from_typeclass_info.
 	% We don't specialize based on them.
-is_interesting_cons_id(ho_params(_, _, yes, _, _), int_const(_)).
+is_interesting_cons_id(Params, int_const(_)) :-
+	yes = Params ^ user_type_spec.
 	% Process a higher-order call or class_method_call to see if it
 	% could possibly be specialized.
@@ -730,13 +710,14 @@
 maybe_specialize_higher_order_call(PredVar, MaybeMethod, Args,
 		Goal0 - GoalInfo, Goals, Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = info(PredVars, Requests0, NewPreds, PredProcId,
-		CallerPredInfo0, CallerProcInfo0, ModuleInfo, Params, Changed),
+	ModuleInfo = Info0 ^ global_info ^ module_info,
 	% We can specialize calls to call/N and class_method_call/N if
 	% the closure or typeclass_info has a known value.
-		map__search(PredVars, PredVar, constant(ConsId, CurriedArgs)),
+		map__search(Info0 ^ pred_vars, PredVar,
+			constant(ConsId, CurriedArgs)),
 			ConsId = pred_const(PredId0, ProcId0, _),
 			MaybeMethod = no
@@ -752,7 +733,7 @@
 			TypeClassInfo = qualified(Module, "typeclass_info"),
 			CurriedArgs = [BaseTypeClassInfo | OtherTypeClassArgs],
-			map__search(PredVars, BaseTypeClassInfo,
+			map__search(Info0 ^ pred_vars, BaseTypeClassInfo,
 				constant(BaseConsId, _)),
 			BaseConsId = base_typeclass_info_const(_,
 				ClassId, Instance, _),
@@ -778,8 +759,8 @@
-		construct_specialized_higher_order_call(ModuleInfo,
-			PredId, ProcId, AllArgs, GoalInfo, Goal, Info0, Info),
+		construct_specialized_higher_order_call(PredId, ProcId,
+			AllArgs, GoalInfo, Goal, Info0, Info),
 		Goals = [Goal]
 		% Handle a class method call where we know which instance
@@ -796,6 +777,8 @@
 		% redundant after type specialization.
 		MaybeMethod = yes(Method),
+		CallerProcInfo0 = Info0 ^ proc_info,
+		CallerPredInfo0 = Info0 ^ pred_info,
 		proc_info_vartypes(CallerProcInfo0, VarTypes),
 		map__lookup(VarTypes, PredVar, TypeClassInfoType),
@@ -834,11 +817,10 @@
 				ArgTypeClassInfoGoals, ExtraGoals)
-		Info1 = info(PredVars, Requests0, NewPreds, PredProcId,
-			CallerPredInfo, CallerProcInfo, ModuleInfo,
-			Params, Changed),
-		construct_specialized_higher_order_call(ModuleInfo,
-			PredId, ProcId, AllArgs, GoalInfo, Goal, Info1, Info),
+		Info1 = (Info0 ^ pred_info := CallerPredInfo)
+				^ proc_info := CallerProcInfo,
+		construct_specialized_higher_order_call(PredId, ProcId,
+			AllArgs, GoalInfo, Goal, Info1, Info),
 		list__append(ExtraGoals, [Goal], Goals)
 		% non-specializable call/N or class_method_call/N
@@ -992,12 +974,13 @@
-:- pred construct_specialized_higher_order_call(module_info::in,
-	pred_id::in, proc_id::in, list(prog_var)::in, hlds_goal_info::in,
-	hlds_goal::out, higher_order_info::in, higher_order_info::out) is det.
+:- pred construct_specialized_higher_order_call(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+	list(prog_var)::in, hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal::out,
+	higher_order_info::in, higher_order_info::out) is det.
-construct_specialized_higher_order_call(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
+construct_specialized_higher_order_call(PredId, ProcId,
 		AllArgs, GoalInfo, Goal - GoalInfo, Info0, Info) :-
+	ModuleInfo = Info0 ^ global_info ^ module_info,
 	module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
 	pred_info_module(PredInfo, ModuleName),
 	pred_info_name(PredInfo, PredName),
@@ -1006,16 +989,14 @@
 	MaybeContext = no,
 	Goal1 = call(PredId, ProcId, AllArgs, Builtin, MaybeContext, SymName),
-	higher_order_info_update_changed_status(changed, Info0, Info1),
+	Info1 = Info0 ^ changed := changed,
 	maybe_specialize_call(Goal1 - GoalInfo, Goal - _, Info1, Info).
-		% Process a call to see if it could possibly be specialized.
 :- pred maybe_specialize_call(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
 		higher_order_info::in, higher_order_info::out) is det.
 maybe_specialize_call(Goal0 - GoalInfo, Goal - GoalInfo, Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = info(PredVars, Requests0, NewPreds, PredProcId,
-			PredInfo0, ProcInfo0, Module0, Params, Changed0),
+	ModuleInfo0 = Info0 ^ global_info ^ module_info,
 		Goal0 = call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
@@ -1024,9 +1005,9 @@
 		error("higher_order.m: call expected")
-	module_info_pred_proc_info(Module0, CalledPred, CalledProc,
+	module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo0, CalledPred, CalledProc,
 		CalleePredInfo, CalleeProcInfo),
-	module_info_globals(Module0, Globals),
+	module_info_globals(ModuleInfo0, Globals),
 	globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, special_preds, HaveSpecialPreds),
 		% Look for calls to unify/2 and compare/3 which can
@@ -1036,9 +1017,9 @@
 			Info0, Info1)
 		Goal = Goal1,
-		higher_order_info_update_changed_status(changed, Info1, Info)
+		Info = Info1 ^ changed := changed
-		polymorphism__is_typeclass_info_manipulator(Module0,
+		polymorphism__is_typeclass_info_manipulator(ModuleInfo0,
 			CalledPred, Manipulator)
 		interpret_typeclass_info_manipulator(Manipulator, Args0,
@@ -1046,7 +1027,7 @@
-			module_info_type_spec_info(Module0,
+			module_info_type_spec_info(ModuleInfo0,
 				type_spec_info(TypeSpecProcs, _, _, _)),
 			\+ set__member(proc(CalledPred, CalledProc),
@@ -1060,114 +1041,240 @@
 		Info = Info0,
 		Goal = Goal0
-		pred_info_import_status(CalleePredInfo, CalleeStatus),
-		proc_info_vartypes(CalleeProcInfo, CalleeVarTypes),
-		proc_info_headvars(CalleeProcInfo, CalleeHeadVars),
-		map__apply_to_list(CalleeHeadVars,
-			CalleeVarTypes, CalleeArgTypes),
-		proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo0, VarTypes),
-		find_higher_order_args(Module0, CalleeStatus, Args0,
-			CalleeArgTypes, VarTypes, PredVars, 1, [],
-			HigherOrderArgs0),
-		PredProcId = proc(CallerPredId, _),
-		module_info_type_spec_info(Module0,
-			type_spec_info(_, ForceVersions, _, _)),
-		( set__member(CallerPredId, ForceVersions) ->
-			IsUserSpecProc = yes
+		CanRequest = yes,
+		maybe_specialize_ordinary_call(CanRequest, CalledPred,
+			CalledProc, CalleePredInfo, CalleeProcInfo, Args0,
+			IsBuiltin, MaybeContext, GoalInfo, Result,
+			Info0, Info),
+		(
+			Result = specialized(ExtraTypeInfoGoals, Goal1),
+			goal_to_conj_list(Goal1 - GoalInfo, GoalList1),
+			list__append(ExtraTypeInfoGoals, GoalList1, GoalList),
+			Goal = conj(GoalList)
-			IsUserSpecProc = no
-		),
+			Result = not_specialized,
+			Goal = Goal0
+		)
+	).
-		(
-			(
-				HigherOrderArgs0 = [_ | _]
+	%
+	% Try to specialize constructions of higher-order terms.
+	% This is useful if we don't have the code for predicates
+	% to which this higher-order term is passed.
+	%
+	% The specialization is done by treating
+	% 	Pred = foo(A, B, ...)
+	% as
+	%	pred(X::<mode1>, Y::<mode2>, ...) is <det> :-
+	%		foo(A, B, ..., X, Y, ...)
+	% and specializing the call. 
+	%
+:- pred maybe_specialize_pred_const(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
+		higher_order_info::in, higher_order_info::out) is det.
+maybe_specialize_pred_const(Goal0 - GoalInfo, Goal - GoalInfo) -->
+	NewPreds =^ global_info ^ new_preds,
+	ModuleInfo =^ global_info ^ module_info,
+	ProcInfo0 =^ proc_info,
+	( 
+		{ Goal0 = unify(_, _, UniMode, Unify0, Context) },
+		{ Unify0 = construct(LVar, ConsId0, Args0, UniModes,
+				HowToConstruct, CellIsUnique, MaybeExprn) },
+		{ ConsId0 = pred_const(PredId, ProcId, EvalMethod) },
+		{ map__contains(NewPreds, proc(PredId, ProcId)) },
+		{ proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo0, VarTypes0) },
+		{ map__lookup(VarTypes0, LVar, LVarType) },
+		{ type_is_higher_order(LVarType, _, _, ArgTypes) }
+	->
+		% Create variables to represent
+		{ proc_info_create_vars_from_types(ProcInfo0,
+			ArgTypes, UncurriedArgs, ProcInfo1) },
+		{ list__append(Args0, UncurriedArgs, Args1) },
+		^ proc_info := ProcInfo1,
+		{ module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
+			CalleePredInfo, CalleeProcInfo) },
+		% We don't create requests for higher-order terms 
+		% because that would result in duplication of effort
+		% if all uses of the constant end up being specialized.
+		% For parser combinator programs it would also
+		% result in huge numbers of requests with no easy
+		% way to control which ones should be created.
+		{ CanRequest = no },
+		{ IsBuiltin = not_builtin },
+		{ MaybeContext = no },
+		maybe_specialize_ordinary_call(CanRequest, PredId,
+			ProcId, CalleePredInfo, CalleeProcInfo, Args1,
+			IsBuiltin, MaybeContext, GoalInfo, Result),
+		( 
+			{ Result = specialized(ExtraTypeInfoGoals0, Goal1) },
+			{
+				Goal1 = call(NewPredId0, NewProcId0,
+						NewArgs0, _, _, NewName0),
+				list__remove_suffix(NewArgs0,
+					UncurriedArgs, NewArgs1)
+			->
+				NewPredId = NewPredId0,
+				NewProcId = NewProcId0,
+				NewName = NewName0,
+				NewArgs = NewArgs1
-				% We should create these
-				% even if there is no specialization
-				% to avoid link errors.
-				IsUserSpecProc = yes
+				error("maybe_specialize_pred_const")	
+			},
+			% The dummy arguments can't be used anywhere.
+			ProcInfo2 =^ proc_info,
+			{ proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo2, VarTypes2) },
+			{ map__delete_list(VarTypes2,
+				UncurriedArgs, VarTypes) },
+			{ proc_info_set_vartypes(ProcInfo2,
+				VarTypes, ProcInfo) },
+			^ proc_info := ProcInfo,
+			{ NewConsId = pred_const(NewPredId, NewProcId,
+					EvalMethod) },
+			{ Unify = construct(LVar, NewConsId,
+				NewArgs, UniModes, HowToConstruct,
+				CellIsUnique, MaybeExprn) },
+			{ Functor = cons(NewName, list__length(NewArgs)) },
+			{ Goal2 = unify(LVar, functor(Functor, NewArgs),
+				UniMode, Unify, Context) },
+			% Make sure any constants in the
+			% ExtraTypeInfoGoals are recorded.
+			list__map_foldl(traverse_goal_2, ExtraTypeInfoGoals0,
+				ExtraTypeInfoGoals),
+			{ ExtraTypeInfoGoals = [] ->
+				Goal = Goal2
-				Params = ho_params(_, _, UserTypeSpec, _, _),
-				UserTypeSpec = yes,
-				map__apply_to_list(Args0, VarTypes, ArgTypes),
+				Goal = conj(ExtraTypeInfoGoals
+						++ [Goal2 - GoalInfo])
+			}
+		;
+			{ Result = not_specialized },
+			% The dummy arguments can't be used anywhere.
+			^ proc_info := ProcInfo0,
+			{ Goal = Goal0 }
+		)
+	;
+		{ Goal = Goal0 }
+	).
-				% Check whether any typeclass constraints
-				% now match an instance.
-				pred_info_get_class_context(CalleePredInfo,
-					CalleeClassContext),
-				CalleeClassContext =
-					constraints(CalleeUnivConstraints0, _),
-				pred_info_typevarset(CalleePredInfo,
-					CalleeTVarSet),
-				pred_info_get_exist_quant_tvars(CalleePredInfo,
-					CalleeExistQTVars),
-				pred_info_typevarset(PredInfo0, TVarSet),
-				pred_info_get_univ_quant_tvars(PredInfo0,
-					CallerUnivQTVars),
-				type_subst_makes_instance_known(
-					Module0, CalleeUnivConstraints0,
-					TVarSet, CallerUnivQTVars,
-					ArgTypes, CalleeTVarSet,
-					CalleeExistQTVars, CalleeArgTypes)
-			)
-		->
-			list__reverse(HigherOrderArgs0, HigherOrderArgs),
-			goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, Context),
-			find_matching_version(Info0, CalledPred, CalledProc,
-				Args0, Context, HigherOrderArgs,
-				IsUserSpecProc, FindResult),
-			(
-				FindResult = match(match(Match, _, Args1,
-						ExtraTypeInfoTypes)),
-				Match = new_pred(NewPredProcId, _, _,
-					NewName, _HOArgs, _, _, _, _, _, _),
-				NewPredProcId = proc(NewCalledPred,
-					NewCalledProc),
-				construct_extra_type_infos(
-					ExtraTypeInfoTypes, ExtraTypeInfoVars,
-					ExtraTypeInfoGoals,
-					Module0, Module, PredInfo0, PredInfo,
-					ProcInfo0, ProcInfo),
-				list__append(ExtraTypeInfoVars, Args1, Args),
-				CallGoal = call(NewCalledPred, NewCalledProc,
-					Args, IsBuiltin, MaybeContext, NewName),
-				list__append(ExtraTypeInfoGoals,
-					[CallGoal - GoalInfo], GoalList),
-				Goal = conj(GoalList),
-				update_changed_status(Changed0,
-					changed, Changed),
-				Requests = Requests0
-			;
-				% There is a known higher order variable in
-				% the call, so we put in a request for a
-				% specialized version of the pred.
-				FindResult = request(Request),
-				Goal = Goal0,
-				set__insert(Requests0, Request, Requests),
-				update_changed_status(Changed0,
+:- type specialization_result
+	--->	specialized(
+			list(hlds_goal),	% Goals to construct extra
+						% type-infos.
+			hlds_goal_expr		% The specialized call.
+		)
+	;	not_specialized.
+:- pred maybe_specialize_ordinary_call(bool::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+	pred_info::in, proc_info::in, list(prog_var)::in, builtin_state::in,
+	maybe(call_unify_context)::in, hlds_goal_info::in,
+	specialization_result::out,
+	higher_order_info::in, higher_order_info::out) is det.
+maybe_specialize_ordinary_call(CanRequest, CalledPred, CalledProc,
+		CalleePredInfo, CalleeProcInfo, Args0, IsBuiltin,
+		MaybeContext, GoalInfo, Result, Info0, Info) :-
+	ModuleInfo0 = Info0 ^ global_info ^ module_info,
+	pred_info_import_status(CalleePredInfo, CalleeStatus),
+	proc_info_vartypes(CalleeProcInfo, CalleeVarTypes),
+	proc_info_headvars(CalleeProcInfo, CalleeHeadVars),
+	map__apply_to_list(CalleeHeadVars, CalleeVarTypes, CalleeArgTypes),
+	CallerProcInfo0 = Info0 ^ proc_info,
+	proc_info_vartypes(CallerProcInfo0, VarTypes),
+	find_higher_order_args(ModuleInfo0, CalleeStatus, Args0,
+		CalleeArgTypes, VarTypes, Info0 ^ pred_vars, 1, [],
+		HigherOrderArgs0),
+	proc(CallerPredId, _) = Info0 ^ pred_proc_id,
+	module_info_type_spec_info(ModuleInfo0,
+		type_spec_info(_, ForceVersions, _, _)),
+	( set__member(CallerPredId, ForceVersions) ->
+		IsUserSpecProc = yes
+	;
+		IsUserSpecProc = no
+	),
+	(
+		(
+			HigherOrderArgs0 = [_ | _]
+		;
+			% We should create these
+			% even if there is no specialization
+			% to avoid link errors.
+			IsUserSpecProc = yes
+		;
+			yes = Info0 ^ global_info ^ ho_params ^ user_type_spec,
+			map__apply_to_list(Args0, VarTypes, ArgTypes),
+			% Check whether any typeclass constraints
+			% now match an instance.
+			pred_info_get_class_context(CalleePredInfo,
+				CalleeClassContext),
+			CalleeClassContext =
+				constraints(CalleeUnivConstraints0, _),
+			pred_info_typevarset(CalleePredInfo, CalleeTVarSet),
+			pred_info_get_exist_quant_tvars(CalleePredInfo,
+				CalleeExistQTVars),
+			CallerPredInfo0 = Info0 ^ pred_info,
+			pred_info_typevarset(CallerPredInfo0, TVarSet),
+			pred_info_get_univ_quant_tvars(CallerPredInfo0,
+				CallerUnivQTVars),
+			type_subst_makes_instance_known(ModuleInfo0,
+				CalleeUnivConstraints0, TVarSet,
+				CallerUnivQTVars, ArgTypes, CalleeTVarSet,
+				CalleeExistQTVars, CalleeArgTypes)
+		)
+	->
+		list__reverse(HigherOrderArgs0, HigherOrderArgs),
+		goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, Context),
+		find_matching_version(Info0, CalledPred, CalledProc, Args0,
+			Context, HigherOrderArgs, IsUserSpecProc, FindResult),
+		(
+			FindResult = match(match(Match, _, Args1,
+					ExtraTypeInfoTypes)),
+			Match = new_pred(NewPredProcId, _, _,
+				NewName, _HOArgs, _, _, _, _, _, _),
+			NewPredProcId = proc(NewCalledPred, NewCalledProc),
+			construct_extra_type_infos(ExtraTypeInfoTypes,
+				ExtraTypeInfoVars, ExtraTypeInfoGoals,
+				Info0, Info1),
+			list__append(ExtraTypeInfoVars, Args1, Args),
+			CallGoal = call(NewCalledPred, NewCalledProc,
+				Args, IsBuiltin, MaybeContext, NewName),
+			Result = specialized(ExtraTypeInfoGoals, CallGoal),
+			Info = Info1 ^ changed := changed
+		;
+			% There is a known higher order variable in
+			% the call, so we put in a request for a
+			% specialized version of the pred.
+			FindResult = request(Request),
+			Result = not_specialized,
+			( CanRequest = yes ->
+				set__insert(Info0 ^ global_info ^ requests,
+					Request, Requests),
+				update_changed_status(Info0 ^ changed,
 					request, Changed),
-				Module = Module0,
-				PredInfo = PredInfo0,
-				ProcInfo = ProcInfo0
+				Info = (Info0 ^ global_info
+						^ requests := Requests)
+						^ changed := Changed
-				FindResult = no_request,
-				Goal = Goal0,
-				Requests = Requests0,
-				Changed = Changed0,
-				Module = Module0,
-				PredInfo = PredInfo0,
-				ProcInfo = ProcInfo0
-			),
-			Info = info(PredVars, Requests, NewPreds, PredProcId,
-				PredInfo, ProcInfo, Module, Params, Changed)
+				Info = Info0		
+			)
-			Info = Info0,
-			Goal = Goal0
+			FindResult = no_request,
+			Result = not_specialized,
+			Info = Info0
+	;
+		Result = not_specialized,
+		Info = Info0
 	% Returns a list of the higher-order arguments in a call that have
@@ -1222,8 +1329,20 @@
 			PredVars, 1, [], HOCurriedArgs0),
 		list__reverse(HOCurriedArgs0, HOCurriedArgs),
 		list__length(CurriedArgs, NumArgs),
+		(
+			NumArgs = list__length(HOCurriedArgs),
+			\+ (
+				list__member(HOCurriedArg, HOCurriedArgs),
+				HOCurriedArg = higher_order_arg(_, _, _,
+					_, _, _, no)
+			)
+		->
+			IsConst = yes
+		;
+			IsConst = no
+		),
 		HOArg = higher_order_arg(ConsId, ArgNo, NumArgs,
-			CurriedArgs, CurriedArgTypes, HOCurriedArgs),
+			CurriedArgs, CurriedArgTypes, HOCurriedArgs, IsConst),
 		HOArgs1 = [HOArg | HOArgs0]
 		HOArgs1 = HOArgs0
@@ -1303,8 +1422,12 @@
 	% of known higher-order arguments added.
 find_matching_version(Info, CalledPred, CalledProc, Args0, Context,
 		HigherOrderArgs, IsUserSpecProc, Result) :-
-	Info = info(_, _, NewPreds, Caller,
-		PredInfo, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo, Params, _),
+	ModuleInfo = Info ^ global_info ^ module_info,
+	NewPreds = Info ^ global_info ^ new_preds,
+	Caller = Info ^ pred_proc_id,
+	PredInfo = Info ^ pred_info,
+	ProcInfo = Info ^ proc_info,
+	Params = Info ^ global_info ^ ho_params,
 	% WARNING - do not filter out higher-order arguments after this step,
 	% except when partially matching against a previously produced
@@ -1331,8 +1454,7 @@
 	% Check to see if any of the specialized
 	% versions of the called pred apply here.
-		NewPreds = new_preds(NewPredMap, _),
-		map__search(NewPredMap, proc(CalledPred, CalledProc),
+		map__search(NewPreds, proc(CalledPred, CalledProc),
 		set__to_sorted_list(Versions0, Versions),
 		search_for_version(Info, Params, ModuleInfo, Request,
@@ -1340,7 +1462,9 @@
 		Result = match(Match)
-		Params = ho_params(HigherOrder, TypeSpec, UserTypeSpec, _, _),
+		HigherOrder = Params ^ optimize_higher_order,
+		TypeSpec = Params ^ type_spec,
+		UserTypeSpec = Params ^ user_type_spec,
 			UserTypeSpec = yes,
 			IsUserSpecProc = yes
@@ -1367,7 +1491,7 @@
 				HigherOrder = yes,
 				list__member(HOArg, HigherOrderArgs),
 				HOArg = higher_order_arg(pred_const(_, _, _),
-					_, _, _, _, _)
+					_, _, _, _, _, _)
 				TypeSpec = yes
@@ -1396,7 +1520,7 @@
 		% specialized version (`goal_util__extra_nonlocal_typeinfos'
 		% is not used here because the type variables are returned
 		% sorted by variable number, which will vary between calls).
-		Info = info(_, _, _, _, _, ProcInfo, _, _, _),
+		ProcInfo = Info ^ proc_info,
 		proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo, VarTypes),
 		map__apply_to_list(Args1, VarTypes, ArgTypes),
 		term__vars_list(ArgTypes, AllTVars),
@@ -1441,19 +1565,19 @@
 :- pred construct_extra_type_infos(list(type)::in,
 		list(prog_var)::out, list(hlds_goal)::out,
-		module_info::in, module_info::out,
-		pred_info::in, pred_info::out,
-		proc_info::in, proc_info::out) is det.
+		higher_order_info::in, higher_order_info::out) is det.
-construct_extra_type_infos(Types, TypeInfoVars, TypeInfoGoals,
-		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo, PredInfo0, PredInfo,
-		ProcInfo0, ProcInfo) :-
-	create_poly_info(ModuleInfo0, PredInfo0, ProcInfo0, PolyInfo0),
+construct_extra_type_infos(Types, TypeInfoVars, TypeInfoGoals, Info0, Info) :-
+	create_poly_info(Info0 ^ global_info ^ module_info, Info0 ^ pred_info,
+		Info0 ^ proc_info, PolyInfo0),
 	polymorphism__make_type_info_vars(Types, Context,
 		TypeInfoVars, TypeInfoGoals, PolyInfo0, PolyInfo),
-	poly_info_extract(PolyInfo, PredInfo0, PredInfo,
-		ProcInfo0, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo).
+	poly_info_extract(PolyInfo, Info0 ^ pred_info, PredInfo,
+		Info0 ^ proc_info, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo),
+	Info = ((Info0 ^ pred_info := PredInfo)
+			^ proc_info := ProcInfo)
+			^ global_info ^ module_info := ModuleInfo.
 :- pred search_for_version(higher_order_info::in, ho_params::in,
 		module_info::in, request::in, list(new_pred)::in,
@@ -1522,8 +1646,6 @@
 		PartialMatch = no
-	Params = ho_params(_, TypeSpec, _, _, _),
 	Callee = proc(CalleePredId, _),
 	module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, CalleePredId, CalleePredInfo),
@@ -1532,7 +1654,7 @@
 		% specialization.
 		MatchIsPartial = no
-		TypeSpec = no
+		Params ^ type_spec = no
@@ -1563,25 +1685,28 @@
 	RequestArgs = [_ | _],
 	\+ (
 		list__member(RequestArg, RequestArgs),
-		RequestArg = higher_order_arg(RequestConsId, _, _, _, _, _),
+		RequestArg = higher_order_arg(RequestConsId, _, _, _, _, _, _),
 		RequestConsId = pred_const(_, _, _)
 higher_order_args_match([RequestArg | Args1], [VersionArg | Args2],
 		Args, PartialMatch) :-
-	RequestArg = higher_order_arg(ConsId1, ArgNo1, _, _, _, _),
-	VersionArg = higher_order_arg(ConsId2, ArgNo2, _, _, _, _),
+	RequestArg = higher_order_arg(ConsId1, ArgNo1, _, _, _, _,
+			RequestIsConst),
+	VersionArg = higher_order_arg(ConsId2, ArgNo2, _, _, _, _,
+			VersionIsConst),
 	( ArgNo1 = ArgNo2 ->
 		ConsId1 = ConsId2,
 		RequestArg = higher_order_arg(_, _, NumArgs,
-			CurriedArgs, CurriedArgTypes, HOCurriedArgs1),
+			CurriedArgs, CurriedArgTypes, HOCurriedArgs1, _),
 		VersionArg = higher_order_arg(_, _, NumArgs,
-			_, _, HOCurriedArgs2),
+			_, _, HOCurriedArgs2, _),
 		higher_order_args_match(HOCurriedArgs1, HOCurriedArgs2,
 			NewHOCurriedArgs, PartialMatch),
 		higher_order_args_match(Args1, Args2, Args3, _),
 		NewRequestArg = higher_order_arg(ConsId1, ArgNo1, NumArgs,
-			CurriedArgs, CurriedArgTypes, NewHOCurriedArgs),
+			CurriedArgs, CurriedArgTypes, NewHOCurriedArgs,
+			RequestIsConst `and` VersionIsConst),
 		Args = [NewRequestArg | Args3]
 		% type-info arguments present in the request may be missing
@@ -1603,14 +1728,30 @@
 	% construct_higher_order_terms.
 :- pred get_extra_arguments(list(higher_order_arg)::in,
 		list(prog_var)::in, list(prog_var)::out) is det.
+get_extra_arguments(HOArgs, Args0, ExtraArgs ++ Args) :-
+	get_extra_arguments_2(HOArgs, ExtraArgs),
+	remove_const_higher_order_args(1, Args0, HOArgs, Args).
+:- pred get_extra_arguments_2(list(higher_order_arg)::in,
+		list(prog_var)::out) is det.
-get_extra_arguments([], Args, Args).
-get_extra_arguments([HOArg | HOArgs], Args0, Args) :-
+get_extra_arguments_2([], []).
+get_extra_arguments_2([HOArg | HOArgs], Args) :-
 	HOArg = higher_order_arg(_, _, _,
-		CurriedArgs0, _, HOCurriedArgs),
-	get_extra_arguments(HOCurriedArgs, CurriedArgs0, CurriedArgs),
-	list__append(Args0, CurriedArgs, Args1),
-	get_extra_arguments(HOArgs, Args1, Args).
+		CurriedArgs0, _, HOCurriedArgs, IsConst),
+	( IsConst = yes ->
+		% If this argument is constant, all its sub-terms must be
+		% constant, so there won't be anything more to add.
+		get_extra_arguments_2(HOArgs, Args)
+	;
+		remove_const_higher_order_args(1, CurriedArgs0,
+			HOCurriedArgs, CurriedArgs),
+		get_extra_arguments_2(HOCurriedArgs, ExtraCurriedArgs),
+		get_extra_arguments_2(HOArgs, Args1),
+		list__condense([CurriedArgs, ExtraCurriedArgs, Args1],
+			Args)
+	).
 		% if the right argument of an assignment is a higher order
 		% term with a known value, we need to add an entry for
@@ -1618,17 +1759,12 @@
 :- pred maybe_add_alias(prog_var::in, prog_var::in, higher_order_info::in,
 				higher_order_info::out) is det.
-maybe_add_alias(LVar, RVar,
-		info(PredVars0, Requests, NewPreds, PredProcId,
-			PredInfo, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo, Params, Changed),
-		info(PredVars, Requests, NewPreds, PredProcId,
-			PredInfo, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo, Params, Changed)) :-
-	(
-		map__search(PredVars0, RVar, constant(A, B))
-	->
-		map__set(PredVars0, LVar, constant(A, B), PredVars)
+maybe_add_alias(LVar, RVar, Info0, Info) :-
+	( map__search(Info0 ^ pred_vars, RVar, constant(A, B)) ->
+		map__set(Info0 ^ pred_vars, LVar, constant(A, B), PredVars),
+		Info = Info0 ^ pred_vars := PredVars
-		PredVars = PredVars0
+		Info = Info0
 :- pred update_changed_status(changed::in, changed::in, changed::out) is det.
@@ -1639,14 +1775,6 @@
 update_changed_status(request, unchanged, request).
 update_changed_status(unchanged, Changed, Changed).
-:- pred higher_order_info_update_changed_status(changed::in,
-		higher_order_info::in, higher_order_info::out) is det.
-higher_order_info_update_changed_status(Changed1, Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = info(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, Changed0),
-	update_changed_status(Changed0, Changed1, Changed),
-	Info = info(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, Changed).
 	% Interpret a call to `type_info_from_typeclass_info',
@@ -1660,20 +1788,21 @@
 interpret_typeclass_info_manipulator(Manipulator, Args,
 		Goal0, Goal, Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = info(PredVars0, _, _, _, _, _, ModuleInfo, _, _),
+	ModuleInfo = Info0 ^ global_info ^ module_info,
+	PredVars = Info0 ^ pred_vars,
 		Args = [TypeClassInfoVar, IndexVar, TypeInfoVar],
-		map__search(PredVars0, TypeClassInfoVar,
+		map__search(PredVars, TypeClassInfoVar,
 			constant(_TypeClassInfoConsId, TypeClassInfoArgs)),
-		map__search(PredVars0, IndexVar,
+		map__search(PredVars, IndexVar,
 			constant(int_const(Index0), [])),
 		% Extract the number of class constraints on the instance
 		% from the base_typeclass_info.
 		TypeClassInfoArgs = [BaseTypeClassInfoVar | OtherVars],
-		map__search(PredVars0, BaseTypeClassInfoVar,
+		map__search(PredVars, BaseTypeClassInfoVar,
 				ClassId, InstanceNum, _), _))
@@ -1702,7 +1831,7 @@
 		Goal = unify(TypeInfoVar, var(TypeInfoArg), Out - In,
 			Uni, unify_context(explicit, [])),
-		higher_order_info_update_changed_status(changed, Info1, Info)
+		Info = Info1 ^ changed := changed
 		Goal = Goal0,
 		Info = Info0
@@ -1718,7 +1847,7 @@
 specialize_special_pred(CalledPred, CalledProc, Args,
 		MaybeContext, HaveSpecialPreds, Goal, Info0, Info) :-
-	ModuleInfo = Info0 ^ module_info,
+	ModuleInfo = Info0 ^ global_info ^ module_info,
 	ProcInfo0 = Info0 ^ proc_info,
 	PredVars = Info0 ^ pred_vars,
 	proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo0, VarTypes),
@@ -1946,7 +2075,7 @@
 		higher_order_info::out) is semidet.
 find_special_proc(Type, SpecialId, SymName, PredId, ProcId, Info0, Info) :-
-	ModuleInfo0 = Info0 ^ module_info,
+	ModuleInfo0 = Info0 ^ global_info ^ module_info,
 	    polymorphism__get_special_proc(Type, SpecialId,
 		ModuleInfo0, SymName0, PredId0, ProcId0)
@@ -1990,7 +2119,7 @@
 	    pred_info_module(PredInfo, ModuleName),
 	    pred_info_name(PredInfo, Name),
 	    SymName = qualified(ModuleName, Name),
-	    Info = Info0 ^ module_info := ModuleInfo
+	    Info = Info0 ^ global_info ^ module_info := ModuleInfo
 :- pred find_builtin_type_with_equivalent_compare(module_info::in,
@@ -2104,24 +2233,24 @@
 		% versions, since for some fairly contrived examples
 		% involving recursively building up lambda expressions
 		% this can create ridiculous numbers of versions.
-:- pred filter_requests(ho_params::in, module_info::in,
-	set(request)::in, goal_sizes::in, list(request)::out,
+:- pred filter_requests(list(request)::out, list(request)::out,
+	higher_order_global_info::in, higher_order_global_info::out,
 	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
-filter_requests(Params, ModuleInfo, Requests0, GoalSizes, Requests) -->
-	{ set__to_sorted_list(Requests0, Requests1) },
-	filter_requests_2(Params, ModuleInfo, Requests1, GoalSizes,
-		[], Requests).
+filter_requests(FilteredRequests, LoopRequests, Info0, Info) -->
+	{ Requests0 = set__to_sorted_list(Info0 ^ requests) },
+	{ Info = Info0 ^ requests := set__init },
+	list__foldl2(filter_requests_2(Info), Requests0,
+		[] - [], FilteredRequests - LoopRequests).
-:- pred filter_requests_2(ho_params::in, module_info::in, list(request)::in,
-	goal_sizes::in, list(request)::in, list(request)::out,
+:- pred filter_requests_2(higher_order_global_info::in, request::in,
+	pair(list(request))::in, pair(list(request))::out,
 	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
-filter_requests_2(_, _, [], _, Requests, Requests) --> [].
-filter_requests_2(Params, ModuleInfo, [Request | Requests0],
-		GoalSizes, FilteredRequests0, FilteredRequests) -->
-	{ Params = ho_params(_, _, _, MaxSize, _) },
-	{ Request = request(_, CalledPredProcId, _, _, HOArgs,
+filter_requests_2(Info, Request, AcceptedRequests0 - LoopRequests0,
+		AcceptedRequests - LoopRequests) -->
+	{ ModuleInfo = Info ^ module_info },
+	{ Request = request(CallingPredProcId, CalledPredProcId, _, _, HOArgs,
 		_, _, _, IsUserTypeSpec, Context) },
 	{ CalledPredProcId = proc(CalledPredId, _) },
 	{ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, CalledPredId, PredInfo) },
@@ -2140,49 +2269,93 @@
 		"%    request specialized (user-requested specialization)\n"),
-		{ FilteredRequests1 = [Request | FilteredRequests0] }
+		{ AcceptedRequests = [Request | AcceptedRequests0] },
+		{ LoopRequests = LoopRequests0 }
-		( { map__search(GoalSizes, CalledPredId, GoalSize) } ->
-			( { GoalSize =< MaxSize } ->
-				maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose,
-				"%    request specialized.\n"),
-				{ FilteredRequests1 =
-					[Request | FilteredRequests0] }
-			;
-				{ FilteredRequests1 = FilteredRequests0 },
-				maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose,
-				"%    not specializing (goal too large).\n")
-			)
+		{ map__search(Info ^ goal_sizes, CalledPredId, GoalSize0) ->
+			GoalSize = GoalSize0	
+		;
+			% This can happen for a specialized version.
+			GoalSize = 0
+		},
+		(
+			{ GoalSize > Info ^ ho_params ^ size_limit }
+		->
+			{ AcceptedRequests = AcceptedRequests0 },
+			{ LoopRequests = LoopRequests0 },
+			maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose,
+			"%    not specializing (goal too large).\n")
-			% Previously specialized versions aren't put
-			% in the goal_sizes map to ensure that we don't
-			% go into an infinite loop by recursively
-			% specializing a version.
-			{ FilteredRequests1 = FilteredRequests0 },
+			{ higher_order_args_size(HOArgs) >
+				Info ^ ho_params ^ arg_limit }
+		->
+			% If the arguments are too large, we can
+			% end up producing a specialized version
+			% with massive numbers of arguments, because
+			% all of the curried arguments are passed as
+			% separate arguments.
+			% Without this extras/xml/xml.parse.chars.m
+			% takes forever to compile.
+			{ AcceptedRequests = AcceptedRequests0 },
+			{ LoopRequests = LoopRequests0 },
+			maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose,
+			"%    not specializing (args too large).\n")
+		;
+			%
+			% To ensure termination of the specialization
+			% process, the depth of the higher-order arguments
+			% must strictly decrease compared to parents with
+			% the same original pred_proc_id.
+			%
+			{ VersionInfoMap = Info ^ version_info },
+			{
+				map__search(VersionInfoMap, CalledPredProcId,
+					CalledVersionInfo)
+			->
+				CalledVersionInfo = version_info(
+					OrigPredProcId, _, _, _)
+			;
+				OrigPredProcId = CalledPredProcId
+			},
+			{ map__search(VersionInfoMap, CallingPredProcId,
+				CallingVersionInfo) },		
+			{ CallingVersionInfo = version_info(_,
+				_, _, ParentVersions) },
+			{ ArgDepth = higher_order_args_depth(HOArgs) },
+			{ some [ParentVersion] (
+				list__member(ParentVersion, ParentVersions),
+				ParentVersion = parent_version_info(
+					OrigPredProcId, OldArgDepth),
+				ArgDepth >= OldArgDepth
+			) }
+		->
+			{ AcceptedRequests = AcceptedRequests0 },
+			{ LoopRequests = [Request | LoopRequests0] },
 			"%    not specializing (recursive specialization).\n")
+		;
+			maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose,
+			"%    request specialized.\n"),
+			{ AcceptedRequests = [Request | AcceptedRequests0] },
+			{ LoopRequests = LoopRequests0 }
-	),
-	filter_requests_2(Params, ModuleInfo, Requests0, GoalSizes,
-		FilteredRequests1, FilteredRequests).
+	).
-:- pred create_new_preds(ho_params::in, list(request)::in, new_preds::in,
-		new_preds::out, list(new_pred)::in, list(new_pred)::out,
-		set(pred_proc_id)::in, set(pred_proc_id)::out, int::in,
-		int::out, module_info::in, module_info::out,
-		io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred create_new_preds(list(request)::in, list(new_pred)::in,
+	list(new_pred)::out, set(pred_proc_id)::in, set(pred_proc_id)::out,
+	higher_order_global_info::in, higher_order_global_info::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
-create_new_preds(_, [], NewPreds, NewPreds, NewPredList, NewPredList,
-		ToFix, ToFix, NextId, NextId, Mod, Mod, IO, IO).
-create_new_preds(Params, [Request | Requests], NewPreds0, NewPreds,
-		NewPredList0, NewPredList, PredsToFix0, PredsToFix,
-		NextHOid0, NextHOid, Module0, Module, IO0, IO)  :-
+create_new_preds([], NewPredList, NewPredList, ToFix, ToFix,
+		Info, Info, IO, IO).
+create_new_preds([Request | Requests], NewPredList0, NewPredList,
+		PredsToFix0, PredsToFix, Info0, Info, IO0, IO)  :-
 	Request = request(CallingPredProcId, CalledPredProcId, _HOArgs,
 		_CallArgs, _, _CallerArgTypes, _, _, _, _),
 	set__insert(PredsToFix0, CallingPredProcId, PredsToFix1),
-		NewPreds0 = new_preds(NewPredMap0, _),
-		map__search(NewPredMap0, CalledPredProcId, SpecVersions0)
+		map__search(Info0 ^ new_preds, CalledPredProcId, SpecVersions0)
 			% check that we aren't redoing the same pred
@@ -2190,52 +2363,59 @@
 			% versions of the current pred.
 			\+ (
 				set__member(Version, SpecVersions0),
-				version_matches(Params, Module0,
+				version_matches(Info0 ^ ho_params,
+					Info0 ^ module_info,
 					Request, Version, _)
-			create_new_pred(Request, NewPred, NextHOid0,
-				NextHOid1, NewPreds0, NewPreds1,
-				Module0, Module1, IO0, IO2),
+			create_new_pred(Request, NewPred, Info0, Info1,
+				IO0, IO1),
 			NewPredList1 = [NewPred | NewPredList0]
-			Module1 = Module0,
 			NewPredList1 = NewPredList0,
-			NewPreds1 = NewPreds0,
-			IO2 = IO0,
-			NextHOid1 = NextHOid0
+			Info1 = Info0,
+			IO1 = IO0
-		create_new_pred(Request, NewPred, NextHOid0, NextHOid1,
-			NewPreds0, NewPreds1, Module0, Module1, IO0, IO2),
+		create_new_pred(Request, NewPred, 
+			Info0, Info1, IO0, IO1),
 		NewPredList1 = [NewPred | NewPredList0]
-	create_new_preds(Params, Requests, NewPreds1, NewPreds, NewPredList1,
-		NewPredList, PredsToFix1, PredsToFix, NextHOid1, NextHOid,
-		Module1, Module, IO2, IO).
+	create_new_preds(Requests, NewPredList1, NewPredList,
+		PredsToFix1, PredsToFix, Info1, Info, IO1, IO).
-:- pred add_new_pred(pred_proc_id::in, new_pred::in,
-		new_preds::in, new_preds::out) is det.
-add_new_pred(CalledPredProcId, NewPred, new_preds(NewPreds0, PredVars),
-		new_preds(NewPreds, PredVars)) :-
-	( map__search(NewPreds0, CalledPredProcId, SpecVersions0) ->
-		set__insert(SpecVersions0, NewPred, SpecVersions)
+	% If we weren't allowed to create a specialized version because the
+	% loop check failed, check whether the version was created for another
+	% request for which the loop check succeeded.
+:- pred check_loop_request(higher_order_global_info::in, request::in,
+	set(pred_proc_id)::in, set(pred_proc_id)::out) is det.
+check_loop_request(Info, Request, PredsToFix0, PredsToFix) :-
+	Request = request(CallingPredProcId, CalledPredProcId,
+			_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _),
+	(
+		map__search(Info ^ new_preds, CalledPredProcId, SpecVersions0),
+		some [Version] (
+			set__member(Version, SpecVersions0),
+			version_matches(Info ^ ho_params, Info ^ module_info,
+				Request, Version, _)
+		)
+	->
+		set__insert(PredsToFix0, CallingPredProcId, PredsToFix)
-		set__singleton_set(SpecVersions, NewPred)
-	),
-	map__set(NewPreds0, CalledPredProcId, SpecVersions, NewPreds).
+		PredsToFix = PredsToFix0
+	).
 		% Here we create the pred_info for the new predicate.
-:- pred create_new_pred(request::in, new_pred::out, int::in, int::out,
-	new_preds::in, new_preds::out, module_info::in,
-	module_info::out, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred create_new_pred(request::in, new_pred::out,
+	higher_order_global_info::in, higher_order_global_info::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
-create_new_pred(Request, NewPred, NextHOid0, NextHOid, NewPreds0, NewPreds,
-		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo, IOState0, IOState) :-
+create_new_pred(Request, NewPred, Info0, Info, IOState0, IOState) :-
 	Request = request(Caller, CalledPredProc, CallArgs, ExtraTypeInfoTVars,
 			HOArgs, ArgTypes, TypeInfoLiveness,
 			CallerTVarSet, IsUserTypeSpec, Context),
+	ModuleInfo0 = Info0 ^ module_info,
 	module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo0, CalledPredProc,
 		PredInfo0, ProcInfo0),
@@ -2260,10 +2440,17 @@
 		Caller = proc(CallerPredId, CallerProcId),
 		predicate_name(ModuleInfo0, CallerPredId, PredName0),
 		proc_id_to_int(CallerProcId, CallerProcInt),
+		% The higher_order_arg_order_version part is to avoid
+		% segmentation faults or other errors when the order
+		% or number of extra arguments changes.
+		% If the user does not recompile all affected code,
+		% the program will not link.
 		PredName = string__append_list(
-			[PredName0, "_", int_to_string(CallerProcInt)]),
+			[PredName0, "_", int_to_string(CallerProcInt), "_",
+			int_to_string(higher_order_arg_order_version)]),
 		SymName = qualified(PredModule, PredName),
-		NextHOid = NextHOid0,
+		Info1 = Info0,
 		NewProcId = CallerProcId,
 		% For exported predicates the type specialization must
 		% be exported.
@@ -2272,15 +2459,16 @@
 		pred_info_import_status(PredInfo0, Status)
-		string__int_to_string(NextHOid0, IdStr),
-		NextHOid is NextHOid0 + 1,
+		NextHOid = Info0 ^ next_higher_order_id,
+		Info1 = Info0 ^ next_higher_order_id := NextHOid + 1,
+		string__int_to_string(NextHOid, IdStr),
 		string__append_list([Name0, "__ho", IdStr], PredName),
 		SymName = qualified(PredModule, PredName),
 		Status = local
 	list__length(Types, ActualArity),
-	maybe_write_request(VeryVerbose, ModuleInfo, "Specializing",
+	maybe_write_request(VeryVerbose, ModuleInfo0, "Specializing",
 		qualified(PredModule, Name0), Arity, ActualArity,
 		yes(PredName), HOArgs, Context, IOState1, IOState),
@@ -2310,17 +2498,32 @@
 	predicate_table_insert(PredTable0, NewPredInfo1, NewPredId, PredTable),
 	module_info_set_predicate_table(ModuleInfo0, PredTable, ModuleInfo1),
+	Info2 = Info1 ^ module_info := ModuleInfo1,
 	NewPred = new_pred(proc(NewPredId, NewProcId), CalledPredProc, Caller,
 		SymName, HOArgs, CallArgs, ExtraTypeInfoTVars, ArgTypes,
 		TypeInfoLiveness, CallerTVarSet, IsUserTypeSpec),
-	add_new_pred(CalledPredProc, NewPred, NewPreds0, NewPreds1),
+	add_new_pred(CalledPredProc, NewPred, Info2, Info3),
-	create_new_proc(ModuleInfo0, NewPred, ProcInfo0,
-		NewPredInfo1, NewPredInfo, NewPreds1, NewPreds),
-	module_info_set_pred_info(ModuleInfo1, NewPredId, NewPredInfo,
-		ModuleInfo).
+	create_new_proc(NewPred, ProcInfo0,
+		NewPredInfo1, NewPredInfo, Info3, Info4),
+	module_info_set_pred_info(Info4 ^ module_info, NewPredId, NewPredInfo,
+		ModuleInfo),
+	Info = Info4 ^ module_info := ModuleInfo.
+:- pred add_new_pred(pred_proc_id::in, new_pred::in,
+	higher_order_global_info::in, higher_order_global_info::out) is det.
+add_new_pred(CalledPredProcId, NewPred, Info0, Info) :-
+	( map__search(Info0 ^ new_preds, CalledPredProcId, SpecVersions0) ->
+		set__insert(SpecVersions0, NewPred, SpecVersions)
+	;
+		set__singleton_set(SpecVersions, NewPred)
+	),
+	map__set(Info0 ^ new_preds, CalledPredProcId, SpecVersions, NewPreds),
+	Info = Info0 ^ new_preds := NewPreds.
 :- pred maybe_write_request(bool::in, module_info::in, string::in,
 	sym_name::in, arity::in, arity::in, maybe(string)::in,
 	list(higher_order_arg)::in, prog_context::in,
@@ -2351,10 +2554,15 @@
 output_higher_order_args(_, _, _, []) --> [].
 output_higher_order_args(ModuleInfo, NumToDrop, Indent, [HOArg | HOArgs]) -->
 	{ HOArg = higher_order_arg(ConsId, ArgNo, NumArgs,
-			_, _, CurriedHOArgs) },
+			_, _, CurriedHOArgs, IsConst) },
 	io__write_string("% "),
 	{ list__duplicate(Indent + 1, "  ", Spaces) }, 
 	list__foldl(io__write_string, Spaces),
+	( { IsConst = yes } ->
+		io__write_string("const ")
+	;
+		[]
+	),
 	( { ConsId = pred_const(PredId, _ProcId, _) } ->
 		{ module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo) },
 		{ pred_info_name(PredInfo, Name) },
@@ -2396,21 +2604,21 @@
-:- pred fixup_preds(ho_params::in, list(pred_proc_id)::in, new_preds::in,
-		module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
+:- pred fixup_preds(list(pred_proc_id)::in, higher_order_global_info::in,
+		higher_order_global_info::out) is det.
-fixup_preds(Params, PredProcIds, NewPreds, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
-	set__init(Requests0),
+fixup_preds(PredProcIds, Info0, Info) :-
 	MustRecompute = no,
-	fixup_preds(MustRecompute, Params, PredProcIds, NewPreds, Requests0, _,
-		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo).
+	Requests0 = Info0 ^ requests,
+	list__foldl(fixup_pred(MustRecompute), PredProcIds, Info0, Info1),
+	% Any additional requests must have already been denied.
+	Info = Info1 ^ requests := Requests0.
-:- pred fixup_specialized_versions(ho_params::in, list(new_pred)::in,
-		new_preds::in, set(request)::in, set(request)::out,
-		module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
+:- pred fixup_specialized_versions(list(new_pred)::in,
+	higher_order_global_info::in, higher_order_global_info::out) is det.
-fixup_specialized_versions(Params, NewPredList, NewPreds,
-		Requests0, Requests, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
+fixup_specialized_versions(NewPredList, Info0, Info) :-
 		(pred(NewPred::in, PredProcId::out) is det :-
 			NewPred = new_pred(PredProcId, _, _,
@@ -2423,39 +2631,29 @@
 	% possible by the specializations performed in this pass.
 	MustRecompute = yes,
-	fixup_preds(MustRecompute, Params, NewPredProcIds, NewPreds,
-		Requests0, Requests, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo).
+	list__foldl(fixup_pred(MustRecompute), NewPredProcIds,
+		Info0, Info).
 	% Fixup calls to specialized predicates.
-:- pred fixup_preds(bool::in, ho_params::in, list(pred_proc_id)::in,
-		new_preds::in, set(request)::in, set(request)::out,
-		module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
-fixup_preds(_, _Params, [], _, Requests, Requests, ModuleInfo, ModuleInfo).
-fixup_preds(MustRecompute, Params, [PredProcId | PredProcIds], NewPreds,
-		Requests0, Requests, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
-	module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo0, PredProcId,
-		PredInfo0, ProcInfo0),
-	map__init(PredVars0),
-	Info0 = info(PredVars0, Requests0, NewPreds, PredProcId,
-			PredInfo0, ProcInfo0, ModuleInfo0, Params, unchanged),
-	traverse_goal(MustRecompute, Info0, Info),
-	Info = info(_, Requests1, _, _, PredInfo, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo1, _, _),
-	module_info_set_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo1, PredProcId, PredInfo,
-		ProcInfo, ModuleInfo2),
-	fixup_preds(MustRecompute, Params, PredProcIds, NewPreds,
-		Requests1, Requests, ModuleInfo2, ModuleInfo).
+:- pred fixup_pred(bool::in, pred_proc_id::in,
+	higher_order_global_info::in, higher_order_global_info::out) is det.
+fixup_pred(MustRecompute, proc(PredId, ProcId), GlobalInfo0, GlobalInfo) :-
+	traverse_proc(MustRecompute, PredId, ProcId, GlobalInfo0, GlobalInfo).
 	% Build a proc_info for a specialized version.
-:- pred create_new_proc(module_info::in, new_pred::in, proc_info::in,
-	pred_info::in, pred_info::out, new_preds::in, new_preds::out) is det.
+:- pred create_new_proc(new_pred::in, proc_info::in, pred_info::in,
+		pred_info::out, higher_order_global_info::in,
+		higher_order_global_info::out) is det.
+create_new_proc(NewPred, NewProcInfo0, NewPredInfo0,
+		NewPredInfo, Info0, Info) :-
+	ModuleInfo = Info0 ^ module_info,
-create_new_proc(ModuleInfo, NewPred, NewProcInfo0, NewPredInfo0, NewPredInfo,
-		NewPreds0, NewPreds) :-
-	NewPred = new_pred(NewPredProcId, _, Caller, _Name,
-		HOArgs0, CallArgs, ExtraTypeInfoTVars0, CallerArgTypes0,
+	NewPred = new_pred(NewPredProcId, OldPredProcId, CallerPredProcId,
+		_Name, HOArgs0, CallArgs, ExtraTypeInfoTVars0, CallerArgTypes0,
 		_, _, _),
 	proc_info_headvars(NewProcInfo0, HeadVars0),
@@ -2464,7 +2662,7 @@
 	pred_info_typevarset(NewPredInfo0, TypeVarSet0),
 	pred_info_arg_types(NewPredInfo0, OriginalArgTypes0),
-	Caller = proc(CallerPredId, CallerProcId),
+	CallerPredProcId = proc(CallerPredId, CallerProcId),
 	module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, CallerPredId, CallerProcId,
 		CallerPredInfo, CallerProcInfo),
 	pred_info_typevarset(CallerPredInfo, CallerTypeVarSet),
@@ -2535,16 +2733,38 @@
 	% Construct the constant input closures within the goal
 	% for the called procedure.
-	construct_higher_order_terms(ModuleInfo, HeadVars0, HeadVars1,
-		ArgModes0, ArgModes1, HOArgs, NewProcInfo2, NewProcInfo3,
-		VarRenaming0, VarRenaming, PredVars0, PredVars),
-	% Let traverse_goal know about the constant input arguments.
-	NewPreds0 = new_preds(A, PredVarMap0),
-	map__det_insert(PredVarMap0, NewPredProcId, PredVars, PredVarMap),
-	NewPreds = new_preds(A, PredVarMap),
+	construct_higher_order_terms(ModuleInfo, HeadVars0, ExtraHeadVars,
+		ArgModes0, ExtraArgModes, HOArgs, NewProcInfo2, NewProcInfo3,
+		VarRenaming0, VarRenaming, PredVars0, PredVars, ConstGoals),
+	% Record extra information about this version.
+	%
+	VersionInfoMap0 = Info0 ^ version_info,
+	ArgsDepth = higher_order_args_depth(HOArgs),
+	( map__search(VersionInfoMap0, OldPredProcId, OldProcVersionInfo) ->
+		OldProcVersionInfo = version_info(OrigPredProcId, _, _, _)
+	;
+		OrigPredProcId = OldPredProcId
+	),
+	( map__search(VersionInfoMap0, CallerPredProcId, CallerVersionInfo) ->
+		CallerVersionInfo = version_info(_, _, _, CallerParentVersions)
+	;
+		CallerParentVersions = []
+	),
+	ParentVersions =
+		[parent_version_info(OrigPredProcId, ArgsDepth)
+		| CallerParentVersions],
+	VersionInfo = version_info(OrigPredProcId, ArgsDepth,
+			PredVars, ParentVersions),
+	map__det_insert(VersionInfoMap0, NewPredProcId, VersionInfo,
+		VersionInfoMap),
+	Info = Info0 ^ version_info := VersionInfoMap,
+	%
 	% Fix up the typeinfo_varmap.
 	proc_info_typeinfo_varmap(NewProcInfo3, TypeInfoVarMap0),
@@ -2590,22 +2810,30 @@
 	list__length(ExtraTypeInfoVars, NumTypeInfos),
 	list__duplicate(NumTypeInfos, InMode, ExtraTypeInfoModes),
-	list__append(ExtraTypeInfoVars, HeadVars1, HeadVars),
-	list__append(ExtraTypeInfoModes, ArgModes1, ArgModes),
+	remove_const_higher_order_args(1, HeadVars0, HOArgs, HeadVars1),
+	remove_const_higher_order_args(1, ArgModes0, HOArgs, ArgModes1),
+	list__condense([ExtraTypeInfoVars, ExtraHeadVars, HeadVars1],
+		HeadVars),
+	list__condense([ExtraTypeInfoModes, ExtraArgModes, ArgModes1],
+		ArgModes),
 	proc_info_set_headvars(NewProcInfo4, HeadVars, NewProcInfo5),
 	proc_info_set_argmodes(NewProcInfo5, ArgModes, NewProcInfo6),
-	list__length(OriginalArgTypes, NumOriginalArgTypes),
-	( list__drop(NumOriginalArgTypes, HeadVars1, NewHeadVars0) ->
-		NewHeadVars = NewHeadVars0
-	;
-		error("higher_order__create_new_proc: list__take failed")
-	),
-	proc_info_vartypes(NewProcInfo6, VarTypes6),
-	map__apply_to_list(NewHeadVars, VarTypes6, NewHeadVarTypes0),
+	proc_info_goal(NewProcInfo6, Goal6),
+	Goal6 = _ - GoalInfo6,
+	goal_to_conj_list(Goal6, GoalList6),
+	conj_list_to_goal(list__append(ConstGoals, GoalList6),
+		GoalInfo6, Goal),
+	proc_info_set_goal(NewProcInfo6, Goal, NewProcInfo7),
+	proc_info_vartypes(NewProcInfo7, VarTypes7),
+	map__apply_to_list(ExtraHeadVars, VarTypes7, ExtraHeadVarTypes0),
+	remove_const_higher_order_args(1, OriginalArgTypes,
+		HOArgs, ModifiedOriginalArgTypes),
-		[ExtraTypeInfoTypes, OriginalArgTypes, NewHeadVarTypes0],
+		[ExtraTypeInfoTypes, ExtraHeadVarTypes0,
+			ModifiedOriginalArgTypes],
 	pred_info_set_arg_types(NewPredInfo0, TypeVarSet,
 		ExistQVars, ArgTypes, NewPredInfo1),
@@ -2629,25 +2857,25 @@
 		ExistQVars = []
-		NewProcInfo7 = NewProcInfo6
+		NewProcInfo8 = NewProcInfo7
-		map__apply_to_list(HeadVars0, VarTypes6, OriginalHeadTypes),
+		map__apply_to_list(HeadVars0, VarTypes7, OriginalHeadTypes),
 				OriginalHeadTypes, ExistentialSubn)
-			term__apply_rec_substitution_to_list(NewHeadVarTypes0,
-				ExistentialSubn, NewHeadVarTypes),
-			assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(NewHeadVars,
-				NewHeadVarTypes, NewHeadVarsAndTypes),
+			term__apply_rec_substitution_to_list(ExtraHeadVarTypes0,
+				ExistentialSubn, ExtraHeadVarTypes),
+			assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(ExtraHeadVars,
+				ExtraHeadVarTypes, ExtraHeadVarsAndTypes),
 			    (pred(VarAndType::in, Map0::in, Map::out) is det :-
 				VarAndType = Var - Type,
 				map__det_update(Map0, Var, Type, Map)
-			    NewHeadVarsAndTypes, VarTypes6, VarTypes7),
-			proc_info_set_vartypes(NewProcInfo6,
-				VarTypes7, NewProcInfo7)
+			    ExtraHeadVarsAndTypes, VarTypes7, VarTypes8),
+			proc_info_set_vartypes(NewProcInfo7,
+				VarTypes8, NewProcInfo8)
 		"higher_order__create_new_proc: type_list_subsumes failed")
@@ -2658,11 +2886,11 @@
 	% Apply the substitutions to the types in the original
 	% typeclass_info_varmap.
-	proc_info_typeclass_info_varmap(NewProcInfo7, TCVarMap0),
+	proc_info_typeclass_info_varmap(NewProcInfo8, TCVarMap0),
 	apply_substitutions_to_typeclass_var_map(TCVarMap0, TypeRenaming,
 		TypeSubn, EmptyVarRenaming, TCVarMap),
-	proc_info_set_typeclass_info_varmap(NewProcInfo7,
-		TCVarMap, NewProcInfo8),
+	proc_info_set_typeclass_info_varmap(NewProcInfo8,
+		TCVarMap, NewProcInfo9),
 	% Find the new class context by searching the argument types
@@ -2675,7 +2903,7 @@
 	NewPredProcId = proc(_, NewProcId),
-	map__det_insert(NewProcs0, NewProcId, NewProcInfo8, NewProcs),
+	map__det_insert(NewProcs0, NewProcId, NewProcInfo9, NewProcs),
 	pred_info_set_procedures(NewPredInfo3, NewProcs, NewPredInfo).
 		% Take an original list of headvars and arg_modes and
@@ -2694,51 +2922,64 @@
 		% This predicate is recursively applied to all curried
 		% higher order arguments of higher order arguments.
+		%
+		% Update higher_order_arg_order_version if the order or
+		% number of the arguments for specialized versions changes.
 :- pred construct_higher_order_terms(module_info::in, list(prog_var)::in,
 		list(prog_var)::out, list(mode)::in, list(mode)::out,
 		list(higher_order_arg)::in, proc_info::in, proc_info::out,
 		map(prog_var, prog_var)::in, map(prog_var, prog_var)::out,
-		pred_vars::in, pred_vars::out) is det.
+		pred_vars::in, pred_vars::out, list(hlds_goal)::out) is det.
-construct_higher_order_terms(_, HeadVars, HeadVars, ArgModes, ArgModes,
-		[], ProcInfo, ProcInfo, Renaming, Renaming,
-		PredVars, PredVars).
-construct_higher_order_terms(ModuleInfo, HeadVars0, HeadVars, ArgModes0,
-		ArgModes, [HOArg | HOArgs], ProcInfo0, ProcInfo,
-		Renaming0, Renaming, PredVars0, PredVars) :-
+construct_higher_order_terms(_, _, [], _, [], [], ProcInfo, ProcInfo,
+		Renaming, Renaming, PredVars, PredVars, []).
+construct_higher_order_terms(ModuleInfo, HeadVars0, NewHeadVars, ArgModes0,
+		NewArgModes, [HOArg | HOArgs], ProcInfo0, ProcInfo,
+		Renaming0, Renaming, PredVars0, PredVars, ConstGoals) :-
 	HOArg = higher_order_arg(ConsId, Index, NumArgs,
-		CurriedArgs, CurriedArgTypes, CurriedHOArgs),
+		CurriedArgs, CurriedArgTypes, CurriedHOArgs, IsConst),
 	list__index1_det(HeadVars0, Index, LVar),
-	(
-		( ConsId = pred_const(PredId, ProcId, _)
-		; ConsId = code_addr_const(PredId, ProcId)
-		)
-	->
+	( ConsId = pred_const(PredId, ProcId, _) ->
 		% Add the curried arguments to the procedure's argument list.
 		module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
-			_CalledPredInfo, CalledProcInfo),
+			CalledPredInfo, CalledProcInfo),
+		pred_info_get_is_pred_or_func(CalledPredInfo, PredOrFunc),
 		proc_info_argmodes(CalledProcInfo, CalledArgModes),
-		( list__take(NumArgs, CalledArgModes, CurriedArgModes0) ->
+		(
+			list__split_list(NumArgs, CalledArgModes,
+				CurriedArgModes0, NonCurriedArgModes0)
+		->
+			NonCurriedArgModes = NonCurriedArgModes0,
 			CurriedArgModes1 = CurriedArgModes0
-		)
+		),
+		proc_info_interface_determinism(CalledProcInfo,
+			ProcDetism),
+		GroundInstInfo = higher_order(pred_inst_info(PredOrFunc,
+				NonCurriedArgModes, ProcDetism))
+		GroundInstInfo = none,
 		list__duplicate(NumArgs, InMode, CurriedArgModes1)
 	proc_info_create_vars_from_types(ProcInfo0, CurriedArgTypes,
-		NewHeadVars0, ProcInfo1),
+		CurriedHeadVars1, ProcInfo1),
-	% Make traverse_goal pretend that the input higher-order argument is
-	% built using the new arguments as its curried arguments.
-	map__det_insert(PredVars0, LVar,
-		constant(ConsId, NewHeadVars0), PredVars1),
+	( IsConst = no ->
+		% Make traverse_goal pretend that the input higher-order
+		% argument is built using the new arguments as its curried
+		% arguments.
+		map__det_insert(PredVars0, LVar,
+			constant(ConsId, CurriedHeadVars1), PredVars1)
+	;
+		PredVars1 = PredVars0
+	),
-		NewHeadVars0, CurriedRenaming),
+		CurriedHeadVars1, CurriedRenaming),
 		(pred(VarPair::in, Map0::in, Map::out) is det :-
 			VarPair = Var1 - Var2,
@@ -2746,18 +2987,82 @@
 		), CurriedRenaming, Renaming0, Renaming1),
 	% Recursively construct the curried higher-order arguments.
-	construct_higher_order_terms(ModuleInfo, NewHeadVars0, NewHeadVars,
-		CurriedArgModes1, CurriedArgModes, CurriedHOArgs,
-		ProcInfo1, ProcInfo2, Renaming1, Renaming2,
-		PredVars1, PredVars2),
+	construct_higher_order_terms(ModuleInfo, CurriedHeadVars1,
+		ExtraCurriedHeadVars, CurriedArgModes1, ExtraCurriedArgModes,
+		CurriedHOArgs, ProcInfo1, ProcInfo2, Renaming1, Renaming2,
+		PredVars1, PredVars2, CurriedConstGoals),
+	% Construct the rest of the higher-order arguments.
+	construct_higher_order_terms(ModuleInfo, HeadVars0, NewHeadVars1,
+		ArgModes0, NewArgModes1, HOArgs, ProcInfo2, ProcInfo,
+		Renaming2, Renaming, PredVars2, PredVars, ConstGoals1),
+	( IsConst = yes ->
+		%
+		% Build the constant inside the specialized version,
+		% so that other constants which include it will
+		% be recognized as constant.
+		%
+		mode_util__modes_to_uni_modes(CurriedArgModes1,
+			CurriedArgModes1, ModuleInfo, UniModes),
+		set__list_to_set(CurriedHeadVars1, ConstNonLocals),
+		ConstInst = ground(shared, GroundInstInfo),
+		instmap_delta_from_assoc_list([LVar - ConstInst],
+			ConstInstMapDelta),
+		goal_info_init(ConstNonLocals, ConstInstMapDelta,
+			det, ConstGoalInfo),
+		RHS = functor(ConsId, CurriedHeadVars1),
+		UniMode = (free -> ConstInst) - (ConstInst -> ConstInst),
+		ConstGoal = unify(LVar, RHS, UniMode,
+			construct(LVar, ConsId, CurriedHeadVars1, UniModes,
+				construct_dynamically, cell_is_unique, no),	
+			unify_context(explicit, [])) - ConstGoalInfo,
+		ConstGoals0 = CurriedConstGoals ++ [ConstGoal]
+	;
+		ConstGoals0 = CurriedConstGoals
+	),	
 	% Fix up the argument lists.
-	list__append(ArgModes0, CurriedArgModes, ArgModes1),
-	list__append(HeadVars0, NewHeadVars, HeadVars1),
+	remove_const_higher_order_args(1, CurriedHeadVars1, CurriedHOArgs,
+		CurriedHeadVars),
+	remove_const_higher_order_args(1, CurriedArgModes1, CurriedHOArgs,
+		CurriedArgModes),
+	list__condense([CurriedHeadVars, ExtraCurriedHeadVars, NewHeadVars1],
+		NewHeadVars),
+	list__condense([CurriedArgModes, ExtraCurriedArgModes, NewArgModes1],
+		NewArgModes),
+	list__append(ConstGoals0, ConstGoals1, ConstGoals).
+:- pred remove_const_higher_order_args(int::in, list(T)::in,
+		list(higher_order_arg)::in, list(T)::out) is det.
+remove_const_higher_order_args(_, [], _, []).
+remove_const_higher_order_args(Index, [Arg | Args0], HOArgs0, Args) :-
+	( HOArgs0 = [HOArg | HOArgs] ->
+		HOArg = higher_order_arg(_, HOIndex, _, _, _, _, IsConst),
+		( HOIndex = Index ->
+			remove_const_higher_order_args(Index + 1, Args0,
+				HOArgs, Args1),
+			( IsConst = yes ->
+				Args = Args1
+			;
+				Args = [Arg | Args1]	
+			)
+		; HOIndex > Index ->
+			remove_const_higher_order_args(Index + 1, Args0,
+				HOArgs0, Args1),
+			Args = [Arg | Args1]
+		;
+			error("remove_const_higher_order_args")
+		)
+	;
+		Args = [Arg | Args0]
+	).
+:- func higher_order_arg_order_version = int.
-	construct_higher_order_terms(ModuleInfo, HeadVars1, HeadVars,
-		ArgModes1, ArgModes, HOArgs, ProcInfo2, ProcInfo,
-		Renaming2, Renaming, PredVars2, PredVars).
+higher_order_arg_order_version = 1.
@@ -2767,13 +3072,37 @@
 substitute_higher_order_arg(Subn, HOArg0, HOArg) :-
 	HOArg0 = higher_order_arg(A, B, C, D,
-		CurriedArgTypes0, CurriedHOArgs0),
+		CurriedArgTypes0, CurriedHOArgs0, G),
 		Subn, CurriedArgTypes),
 		CurriedHOArgs0, CurriedHOArgs),
 	HOArg = higher_order_arg(A, B, C, D,
-		CurriedArgTypes, CurriedHOArgs).
+		CurriedArgTypes, CurriedHOArgs, G).
+:- func higher_order_args_size(list(higher_order_arg)) = int.
+higher_order_args_size(Args) =
+		list__foldl(int__max,
+			list__map(higher_order_arg_size, Args), 0).
+:- func higher_order_arg_size(higher_order_arg) = int.
+higher_order_arg_size(higher_order_arg(_, _, _, _, _, CurriedArgs, _)) =
+		1 + higher_order_args_size(CurriedArgs).
+:- func higher_order_args_depth(list(higher_order_arg)) = int.
+higher_order_args_depth(Args) =
+		list__foldl(int__max,
+			list__map(higher_order_arg_depth, Args), 0).
+:- func higher_order_arg_depth(higher_order_arg) = int.
+higher_order_arg_depth(higher_order_arg(_, _, _, _, _, CurriedArgs, _)) =
+		1 + higher_order_args_size(CurriedArgs).
Index: compiler/options.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/options.m,v
retrieving revision 1.325
diff -u -u -r1.325 options.m
--- compiler/options.m	2001/06/27 05:04:18	1.325
+++ compiler/options.m	2001/06/27 05:17:31
@@ -346,11 +346,12 @@
 		;	optimize_unused_args
 		;	intermod_unused_args
 		;	optimize_higher_order
+		;	higher_order_size_limit
+		;	higher_order_arg_limit
 		;	unneeded_code
 		;	unneeded_code_copy_limit
 		;	type_specialization
 		;	user_guided_type_specialization
-		;	higher_order_size_limit
 		;	introduce_accumulators
 		;	optimize_constructor_last_call
 		;	optimize_duplicate_calls
@@ -755,11 +756,12 @@
 	optimize_unused_args	-	bool(no),
 	intermod_unused_args	-	bool(no),
 	optimize_higher_order	-	bool(no),
+	higher_order_size_limit	-	int(20),
+	higher_order_arg_limit -	int(10),
 	unneeded_code		-	bool(no),
 	unneeded_code_copy_limit	-	int(10),
 	type_specialization	-	bool(no),
 	user_guided_type_specialization	-	bool(no),
-	higher_order_size_limit	-	int(20),
 	introduce_accumulators -	bool(no),
 	optimize_constructor_last_call -	bool(no),
 	optimize_dead_procs	-	bool(no),
@@ -1156,6 +1158,8 @@
 long_option("intermod-unused-args",	intermod_unused_args).
 long_option("optimize-higher-order",	optimize_higher_order).
 long_option("optimise-higher-order",	optimize_higher_order).
+long_option("higher-order-size-limit",	higher_order_size_limit).
+long_option("higher-order-arg-limit",	higher_order_arg_limit).
 long_option("unneeded-code",		unneeded_code).
 long_option("unneeded-code-copy-limit",	unneeded_code_copy_limit).
 long_option("type-specialization",	type_specialization).
@@ -1170,7 +1174,6 @@
 	% eventually be removed.
-long_option("higher-order-size-limit",	higher_order_size_limit).
 long_option("introduce-accumulators",	introduce_accumulators).
 long_option("optimise-constructor-last-call",	optimize_constructor_last_call).
 long_option("optimize-constructor-last-call",	optimize_constructor_last_call).
@@ -2469,16 +2472,6 @@
 		"\tEnable specialization of higher-order predicates.",
-		"--unneeded-code",
-		"\tRemove goals from computation paths where their outputs are",
-		"\tnot needed, provided the semantics options allow the deletion",
-		"\tor movement of the goal.",
-		"--unneeded-code-copy-limit",
-		"\tGives the maximum number of places to which a goal may be copied",
-		"\twhen removing it from computation paths on which its outputs are",
-		"\tnot needed. A value of zero forbids goal movement and allows",
-		"\tonly goal deletion; a value of one prevents any increase in the",
-		"\tsize of the code.",
 		"\tEnable specialization of polymorphic predicates where the",
 		"\tpolymorphic types are known.",
@@ -2490,6 +2483,20 @@
 		"\t`--optimize-higher-order' and `--type-specialization'.",
 		"\tGoal size is measured as the number of calls, unifications",
 		"\tand branched goals.",
+		"--higher-order-arg-limit",
+		"\tSet the maximum size of higher-order arguments to",
+		"\tbe specialized by `--optimize-higher-order' and",
+		"\t`--type-specialization'.",
+		"--unneeded-code",
+		"\tRemove goals from computation paths where their outputs are",
+		"\tnot needed, provided the semantics options allow the deletion",
+		"\tor movement of the goal.",
+		"--unneeded-code-copy-limit",
+		"\tGives the maximum number of places to which a goal may be copied",
+		"\twhen removing it from computation paths on which its outputs are",
+		"\tnot needed. A value of zero forbids goal movement and allows",
+		"\tonly goal deletion; a value of one prevents any increase in the",
+		"\tsize of the code.",
 		"\tAttempt to introduce accumulating variables into",
 		"\tprocedures, so as to make them tail recursive.",
Index: doc/user_guide.texi
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/doc/user_guide.texi,v
retrieving revision 1.257
diff -u -u -r1.257 user_guide.texi
--- doc/user_guide.texi	2001/06/27 05:04:36	1.257
+++ doc/user_guide.texi	2001/06/27 05:17:33
@@ -4852,6 +4852,13 @@
 and branched goals.
 @sp 1
+ at item --higher-order-arg-limit
+ at item --higher-order-arg-limit
+Set the maximum size of higher-order arguments to
+be specialized by @samp{--optimize-higher-order} and
+ at samp{--type-specialization}.
+ at sp 1
 @item --optimize-constant-propagation
 @findex --optimize-constant-propagation
 Evaluate constant expressions at compile time.
Index: profiler/demangle.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/profiler/demangle.m,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -u -r1.13 demangle.m
--- profiler/demangle.m	2001/06/25 00:58:50	1.13
+++ profiler/demangle.m	2001/06/30 16:40:50
@@ -273,6 +273,9 @@
 				% creating two predicates with the same
 				% name (deep profiling doesn't like that).
 				% It isn't used here so we just ignore it.
+				% The compiler also adds a version number
+				% for the argument order used for specialized
+				% versions, which can also be ignored.
 				{ IntroducedPredType = IntroducedPredType0 },
Index: tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.121
diff -u -u -r1.121 Mmakefile
--- tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile	2001/06/22 03:14:32	1.121
+++ tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile	2001/06/26 18:18:59
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@
 	tuple_test \
 	type_ctor_desc \
 	type_qual \
+	type_spec_ho_term \
 	type_spec_modes \
 	type_to_term_bug \
 	unused_float_box_test \
Index: tests/hard_coded/type_spec_ho_term.exp
RCS file: type_spec_ho_term.exp
diff -N type_spec_ho_term.exp
--- /dev/null	Mon Apr 16 11:57:05 2001
+++ type_spec_ho_term.exp	Wed Jun 27 16:40:00 2001
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+a, c
Index: tests/hard_coded/type_spec_ho_term.m
RCS file: type_spec_ho_term.m
diff -N type_spec_ho_term.m
--- /dev/null	Mon Apr 16 11:57:05 2001
+++ type_spec_ho_term.m	Thu Jun 28 18:43:09 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+% Test type specialization of higher-order terms (the map__lookup).
+:- module type_spec_ho_term.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module list, map, term, varset.
+main -->
+	{ varset__init(VarSet0 `with_type` varset) },
+	{ varset__new_vars(VarSet0, 4, Vars, _VarSet) },
+	{ map__from_corresponding_lists(Vars, ["a", "b", "c", "d"], Map) },
+	{ lookup_list(Map,
+		[list__index1_det(Vars, 1), list__index1_det(Vars, 3)],
+		List) },
+	io__write_list(List, ", ", io__write_string),
+	io__nl.
+:- pred lookup_list(map(T, U)::in, list(T)::in, list(U)::out) is det.
+:- pragma type_spec(lookup_list/3, T = var).
+lookup_list(Map, List0, List) :-
+	list__map(map__lookup(Map), List0, List).
Index: tests/misc_tests/mdemangle_test.inp
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/misc_tests/mdemangle_test.inp,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -u -r1.14 mdemangle_test.inp
--- tests/misc_tests/mdemangle_test.inp	2001/06/25 00:58:54	1.14
+++ tests/misc_tests/mdemangle_test.inp	2001/06/30 16:58:51
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 <deforestation procedure (#4) from 'collect_vars' in module 'lp' line 153>
 	procedure introduced by type specialization
 <function 'sparse_bitset:list_to_set'/1 mode 0 (type specialized [T = var(V_2)])>
 	type specialization and deforestion
Index: util/mdemangle.c
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/util/mdemangle.c,v
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -u -u -r1.40 mdemangle.c
--- util/mdemangle.c	2001/06/25 00:58:57	1.40
+++ util/mdemangle.c	2001/06/30 16:41:53
@@ -491,6 +491,10 @@
 					** with the same name (deep profiling
 					** doesn't like that). It isn't used
 					** here, so we just ignore it.
+					** The compiler also adds a version
+					** number for the argument order used
+					** for specialized versions, which
+					** can also be ignored.
 					*end_of_lambda_pred_name = '\0';
 					start = lambda_pred_name;
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