[m-rev.] diff: rename classdecl as class_member.

Tyson Dowd trd at miscrit.be
Fri Aug 24 20:42:23 AEST 2001


This change was made on the dotnet-foreign branch and causes trouble for
merges, so I have decided to merge it onto the main branch.


Estimated hours taken: 0.5
Branches: main

classdecl sounds too much like we are declaring an entire class, in fact
it is just a member of a class declaration.

	Rename classdecl (or sometimes class_decl) as class_member.

Index: compiler/il_peephole.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/il_peephole.m,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 il_peephole.m
--- compiler/il_peephole.m	24 Jul 2001 15:28:24 -0000	1.5
+++ compiler/il_peephole.m	24 Aug 2001 10:43:56 -0000
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@
 	% optimizations.
 :- pred optimize_decl(decl::in, decl::out, bool::in, bool::out) is det.
 optimize_decl(Decl0, Decl, Mod0, Mod) :-
-	( Decl0 = class(A, B, C, D, ClassDecls0) ->
-		list__map_foldl(optimize_class_decl, ClassDecls0, ClassDecls, 
-			Mod0, Mod),
-		Decl = class(A, B, C, D, ClassDecls)
+	( Decl0 = class(A, B, C, D, ClassMembers0) ->
+		list__map_foldl(optimize_class_member, ClassMembers0,
+			ClassMembers, Mod0, Mod),
+		Decl = class(A, B, C, D, ClassMembers)
 	; Decl0 = method(A, MethodDecls0) ->
 		list__map_foldl(optimize_method_decl, MethodDecls0,
 			MethodDecls, Mod0, Mod),
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@
 	 	Decl0 = Decl 
-:- pred optimize_class_decl(classdecl::in, classdecl::out, 
+:- pred optimize_class_member(class_member::in, class_member::out, 
 	bool::in, bool::out) is det.
-optimize_class_decl(Decl0, Decl, Mod0, Mod) :-
+optimize_class_member(Decl0, Decl, Mod0, Mod) :-
 	( Decl0 = method(A, MethodDecls0) ->
 		list__map_foldl(optimize_method_decl, MethodDecls0,
 			MethodDecls1, Mod0, Mod),
Index: compiler/ilasm.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ilasm.m,v
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -u -r1.20 ilasm.m
--- compiler/ilasm.m	14 Aug 2001 14:00:06 -0000	1.20
+++ compiler/ilasm.m	24 Aug 2001 10:43:57 -0000
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 			extends,		% what is the parent class
 			implements, 		% what interfaces are 
 						% implemented
-			list(classdecl)		% methods and fields
+			list(class_member)		% methods and fields
 		% .namespace declaration
 	;	namespace(
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
 			list(implattr)		% implementation attributes
-:- type classdecl
+:- type class_member
 		% .method (a class method)
 	--->	method(
 			methodhead,		% name, signature, attributes
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
 			extends,		% what is the parent class
 			implements, 		% what interfaces are 
 						% implemented
-			list(classdecl)		% methods and fields
+			list(class_member)	% methods and fields
 		% comments
 	;	comment_term(term)
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
 		{ Info2 = Info1 }
 	io__write_string(" {\n"),
-	ilasm__write_list(Contents, "\n", output_classdecl, Info2, Info),
+	ilasm__write_list(Contents, "\n", output_class_member, Info2, Info),
 ilasm__output_decl(namespace(DottedName, Contents), Info0, Info) --> 
 	( { DottedName \= [] } ->
@@ -412,10 +412,10 @@
 	{ Info = Info0 ^ current_assembly := AsmName },
 	io__write_string(" { }").
-:- pred ilasm__output_classdecl(classdecl::in, ilasm_info::in, ilasm_info::out,
-	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred ilasm__output_class_member(class_member::in, ilasm_info::in,
+	ilasm_info::out, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
-ilasm__output_classdecl(method(MethodHead, MethodDecls), Info0, Info) -->
+ilasm__output_class_member(method(MethodHead, MethodDecls), Info0, Info) -->
 		% Don't do debug output on class constructors, since
 		% they are automatically generated and take forever to
 		% run.
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@
 	io__write_string(".module extern "),
 		field(FieldAttrs, Type, IlId, MaybeOffset, Initializer),
 		Info0, Info) -->
 	io__write_string(".field "),
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@
 		property(Type, Name, MaybeGet, MaybeSet), Info0, Info) -->
 	io__write_string(".property instance "),
 	output_type(Type, Info0, Info1),
@@ -480,12 +480,12 @@
-ilasm__output_classdecl(nested_class(Attrs, Id, Extends, Implements,
+ilasm__output_class_member(nested_class(Attrs, Id, Extends, Implements,
 		Contents), Info0, Info) --> 
 	ilasm__output_decl(class(Attrs, Id, Extends, Implements, Contents),
 		Info0, Info).
-ilasm__output_classdecl(comment(CommentStr), Info, Info) --> 
+ilasm__output_class_member(comment(CommentStr), Info, Info) --> 
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(auto_comments, PrintComments),
 	( { PrintComments = yes } ->
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
-ilasm__output_classdecl(comment_term(CommentTerm), Info, Info) --> 
+ilasm__output_class_member(comment_term(CommentTerm), Info, Info) --> 
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(auto_comments, PrintComments),
 	( { PrintComments = yes } ->
 		io__write_string("// "),
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@
-ilasm__output_classdecl(comment_thing(Thing), Info, Info) --> 
+ilasm__output_class_member(comment_thing(Thing), Info, Info) --> 
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(auto_comments, PrintComments),
 	( { PrintComments = yes } ->
 		{ Doc = label("// ", to_doc(Thing)) },
Index: compiler/mlds_to_il.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_il.m,v
retrieving revision 1.77
diff -u -r1.77 mlds_to_il.m
--- compiler/mlds_to_il.m	23 Aug 2001 09:28:03 -0000	1.77
+++ compiler/mlds_to_il.m	24 Aug 2001 10:44:02 -0000
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
 		% class-wide attributes (all accumulate)
 	alloc_instrs	:: instr_tree,		% .cctor allocation instructions
 	init_instrs	:: instr_tree,		% .cctor init instructions
-	classdecls	:: list(classdecl),	% class methods and fields 
+	class_members	:: list(class_member),	% class methods and fields 
 	has_main	:: bool,		% class contains main
 	class_foreign_langs :: set(foreign_language),% class foreign code
 	field_names	:: field_names_set,	% field names
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@
 				AllocDoneFieldRef, AllocDoneField),
 			% Generate a class constructor.
-		make_class_constructor_classdecl(AllocDoneFieldRef,
+		make_class_constructor_class_member(AllocDoneFieldRef,
 				Imports, AllocInstrs, InitInstrs, CCtor,
 				Info2, Info),
@@ -552,11 +552,11 @@
 :- pred generate_class_body(mlds__entity_name::in, mlds__context::in,
 		ilds__class_name::out, ilds__id::out, extends::out,
-		implements::out, list(classdecl)::out,
+		implements::out, list(class_member)::out,
 		il_info::in, il_info::out) is det.
 generate_class_body(Name, Context, ClassDefn,
-		ClassName, EntityName, Extends, Interfaces, ClassDecls,
+		ClassName, EntityName, Extends, Interfaces, ClassMembers,
 		Info0, Info) :-
 	EntityName = entity_name_to_ilds_id(Name),
 	ClassDefn = class_defn(Kind, _Imports, Inherits, Implements,
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@
 	Ctors = maybe_add_empty_ctor(Ctors0, Kind, Context),
 	list__map_foldl(generate_method(ClassName, yes(Parent)), Ctors,
 			IlCtors, Info1, Info),
-	ClassDecls = IlCtors ++ MethodsAndFields.
+	ClassMembers = IlCtors ++ MethodsAndFields.
 	% For IL, every class needs a constructor,
 	% otherwise you can't use the newobj instruction to
@@ -788,10 +788,11 @@
 :- pred generate_method(ilds__class_name::in, maybe(ilds__class_name)::in,
-		mlds__defn::in, classdecl::out,
+		mlds__defn::in, class_membmers::out,
 		il_info::in, il_info::out) is det.
-generate_method(ClassName, _, defn(Name, Context, Flags, Entity), ClassDecl) -->
+generate_method(ClassName, _, defn(Name, Context, Flags, Entity),
+		ClassMembers) -->
 	{ Entity = data(Type, DataInitializer) },
 	{ FieldName = entity_name_to_ilds_id(Name) },
@@ -881,10 +882,10 @@
 	{ MaybeOffset = no },
 	{ Initializer = none },
-	{ ClassDecl = field(Attrs, ILType, FieldName,
+	{ ClassMember = field(Attrs, ILType, FieldName,
 			MaybeOffset, Initializer) }.
-generate_method(_, IsCons, defn(Name, Context, Flags, Entity), ClassDecl) -->
+generate_method(_, IsCons, defn(Name, Context, Flags, Entity), ClassMember) -->
 	{ Entity = function(_MaybePredProcId, Params, MaybeStatement) },
@@ -1059,15 +1060,15 @@
 		InstrsTree) },
 	{ list__append(EntryPoint, MethodBody, MethodContents) },
-	{ ClassDecl = ilasm__method(methodhead(Attrs, MemberName,
+	{ ClassMember = ilasm__method(methodhead(Attrs, MemberName,
 			ILSignature, []), MethodContents)}.
-generate_method(_, _, defn(Name, Context, Flags, Entity), ClassDecl) -->
+generate_method(_, _, defn(Name, Context, Flags, Entity), ClassMember) -->
 	{ Entity = class(ClassDefn) },
 	generate_class_body(Name, Context, ClassDefn, _ClassName, EntityName,
-			Extends, Interfaces, ClassDecls),
-	{ ClassDecl = nested_class(decl_flags_to_nestedclassattrs(Flags),
-			EntityName, Extends, Interfaces, ClassDecls) }.
+			Extends, Interfaces, ClassMembers),
+	{ ClassMember = nested_class(decl_flags_to_nestedclassattrs(Flags),
+			EntityName, Extends, Interfaces, ClassMembers) }.
@@ -2592,10 +2593,11 @@
 	% 	<initialization instructions generated by field initializers>
-:- pred make_class_constructor_classdecl(fieldref, mlds__imports,
-	list(instr), list(instr), classdecl, il_info, il_info).
-:- mode make_class_constructor_classdecl(in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
-make_class_constructor_classdecl(DoneFieldRef, Imports, AllocInstrs, 
+:- pred make_class_constructor_class_member(fieldref, mlds__imports,
+	list(instr), list(instr), class_member, il_info, il_info).
+:- mode make_class_constructor_class_member(in, in, in, in, out,
+		in, out) is det.
+make_class_constructor_class_member(DoneFieldRef, Imports, AllocInstrs, 
 		InitInstrs, Method) -->
 	{ Method = method(methodhead([public, static], cctor, 
 		signature(call_conv(no, default), void, []), []),
@@ -2624,7 +2626,7 @@
 :- pred generate_rtti_initialization_field(ilds__class_name, 
-		fieldref, classdecl).
+		fieldref, class_member).
 :- mode generate_rtti_initialization_field(in, out, out) is det.
 generate_rtti_initialization_field(ClassName, AllocDoneFieldRef,
 		AllocDoneField) :-
@@ -3836,8 +3838,8 @@
 	methoddef(call_conv(no, default), RetType,
 		class_member_name(ClassName, MethodName), TypeParams).
-:- func make_constructor_classdecl(method_defn) = classdecl.
-make_constructor_classdecl(MethodDecls) = method(
+:- func make_constructor_class_member(method_defn) = class_member.
+make_constructor_class_member(MethodDecls) = method(
 	methodhead([], ctor, signature(call_conv(no, default), 
 		void, []), []), MethodDecls).
@@ -3891,7 +3893,7 @@
 	^ alloc_instrs := empty,
 	^ init_instrs := empty,
-	^ classdecls := [],
+	^ class_members := [],
 	^ has_main := no,
 	^ class_foreign_langs := set__init,
 	^ field_names := set__list_to_set(FieldNames).
@@ -3974,11 +3976,11 @@
 	map__delete_list(Info0 ^ locals, Keys, NewLocals),
 	Info = Info0 ^ locals := NewLocals.
-:- pred il_info_add_classdecls(list(classdecl), il_info, il_info).
-:- mode il_info_add_classdecls(in, in, out) is det.
-il_info_add_classdecls(ClassDecls, Info0, Info) :- 
-	Info = Info0 ^ classdecls := 
-		list__append(ClassDecls, Info0 ^ classdecls).
+:- pred il_info_add_class_member(list(class_members), il_info, il_info).
+:- mode il_info_add_class_member(in, in, out) is det.
+il_info_add_class_member(ClassMembers, Info0, Info) :- 
+	Info = Info0 ^ class_members := 
+		list__append(ClassMembers, Info0 ^ class_members).
 :- pred il_info_add_instructions(list(instr), il_info, il_info).
 :- mode il_info_add_instructions(in, in, out) is det.

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