[m-rev.] for review: deep profiling on the web page
Zoltan Somogyi
zs at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Aug 1 17:21:32 AEST 2001
For review by anyone familiar with our web site's design. In particular, I'd
like to know (1) whether my use of mdprof\??echo $root? does what I want it
to do (i.e. result in the string mdprof?/home/mercury5/installed_w3 in the
HTML generated by PHP), and (2) what is the best place in the non-news part
of the web site to link to the new deep profiling page from.
Announce the deep profiler paper and its demo.
Add an entry announcing the paper and the demo.
Add the paper to the list of papers.
Fix some capitalization inconsistencies.
The deep profiling paper.
A new page, giving a broad outline of the objectives of the deep
profiler and a link to the demos.
Mention the new page.
Data files for the demo.
cvs diff: Diffing .
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Index: information/Makefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/w3/information/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -b -r1.14 Makefile
--- information/Makefile 2001/03/12 19:48:36 1.14
+++ information/Makefile 2001/08/01 07:16:09
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
HTML= benchmarks.html \
comparison_with_haskell.html \
+ deep_demo.html \
developer.html \
documentation.html \
events.html \
Index: information/deep_demo.php3
RCS file: deep_demo.php3
diff -N deep_demo.php3
--- /dev/null Fri Dec 1 02:25:58 2000
+++ deep_demo.php3 Thu Jul 19 16:07:46 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ $menu="Information";
+ $title="Deep profiler demo";
+ $dir="information";
+ $root="..";
+ $include="deep_demo.inc";
+ include "$root/include/template.inc"
cvs diff: Diffing information/bench
cvs diff: Diffing information/deep_demo
Index: information/deep_demo/eliza.data
RCS file: eliza.data
diff -N eliza.data
Binary files /dev/null and eliza.data differ
Index: information/deep_demo/eliza.data.contour
RCS file: eliza.data.contour
diff -N eliza.data.contour
--- /dev/null Fri Dec 1 02:25:58 2000
+++ eliza.data.contour Wed Aug 1 17:03:54 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+all array
+all assoc_list
+all bag
+all benchmarking
+all bimap
+all bintree
+all bintree_set
+all bitmap
+all bool
+all bt_array
+all builtin
+all char
+all counter
+all dir
+all enum
+all eqvclass
+all exception
+all float
+all gc
+all getopt
+all graph
+all group
+all hash_table
+all int
+all integer
+all io
+all lexer
+all library
+all list
+all map
+all math
+all multi_map
+all ops
+all parser
+all pprint
+all pqueue
+all private_builtin
+all prolog
+all queue
+all random
+all rational
+all rbtree
+all relation
+all require
+all set
+all set_bbbtree
+all set_ordlist
+all set_unordlist
+all sparse_bitset
+all stack
+all std_util
+all store
+all string
+all table_builtin
+all term
+all term_io
+all time
+all tree234
+all varset
Index: information/deep_demo/make_hlds.data
RCS file: make_hlds.data
diff -N make_hlds.data
Binary files /dev/null and make_hlds.data differ
Index: information/deep_demo/make_hlds.data.contour
RCS file: make_hlds.data.contour
diff -N make_hlds.data.contour
--- /dev/null Fri Dec 1 02:25:58 2000
+++ make_hlds.data.contour Wed Aug 1 17:03:47 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+all array
+all assoc_list
+all bag
+all benchmarking
+all bimap
+all bintree
+all bintree_set
+all bitmap
+all bool
+all bt_array
+all builtin
+all char
+all counter
+all dir
+all enum
+all eqvclass
+all exception
+all float
+all gc
+all getopt
+all graph
+all group
+all hash_table
+all int
+all integer
+all io
+all lexer
+all library
+all list
+all map
+all math
+all multi_map
+all ops
+all parser
+all pprint
+all pqueue
+all private_builtin
+all prolog
+all queue
+all random
+all rational
+all rbtree
+all relation
+all require
+all set
+all set_bbbtree
+all set_ordlist
+all set_unordlist
+all sparse_bitset
+all stack
+all std_util
+all store
+all string
+all table_builtin
+all term
+all term_io
+all time
+all tree234
+all varset
Index: information/deep_demo/monte.data
RCS file: monte.data
diff -N monte.data
Binary files /dev/null and monte.data differ
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Index: information/include/deep_demo.inc
RCS file: deep_demo.inc
diff -N deep_demo.inc
--- /dev/null Fri Dec 1 02:25:58 2000
+++ deep_demo.inc Wed Aug 1 16:51:09 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+<h2>The Mercury deep profiler</h2>
+The old Mercury profiler, mprof, was a straightforward clone
+of the standard Unix profiling tool, gprof.
+However, while gprof is quite useful in profiling C programs,
+we found the usefulness of mprof in profiling Mercury programs
+to be severely limited.
+The main reason is that
+gprof and mprof assume that all calls to a function or predicate
+have roughly the same cost.
+This is usually close enough to the truth in C programs
+for the output of gprof to be useful.
+In Mercury, it is usually very far from truth,
+because Mercury programs make much greater use of polymorphism
+than C programs do.
+For example, the most expensive predicates in the Mercury compiler are
+the predicates for searching 2-3-4 trees and for inserting into 2-3-4 trees.
+However, these predicates are called (indirectly)
+from many hundreds of places in the Mercury compiler,
+some of which handle bigger trees than others.
+We designed the deep profiler specifically to meet the needs
+of programs written in programming languages such as Mercury,
+programs whose characteristics include
+frequent use of recursion, including mutual recursion;
+frequent use of polymorphism (in Mercury's case, parametric polymorphism),
+including nested polymorphism
+(where one builds polymorphic functions/predicates
+from polymorphic building blocks)
+and polymorphism within callers
+(where a function/predicate calls another function/predicate
+from two or more call sites
+that have different purposes and different performance characteristics);
+frequent use of higher order constructs
+(calls through higher order variables, and method calls);
+nested use of higher order constructs
+(where a function/predicate can make a higher order call
+that directly or indirectly results in a call to itself);
+use of a bidirectional foreign-language interface.
+The key to our solution of these problems is to
+associate with each profiling measurement a very detailed context:
+essentially a representation of the entire chain
+of the ancestor functions or predicates and their call sites
+at the time of the measurement,
+but compressing sequences of (mutually) recursive ancestor calls.
+The main challenge was keeping the required overhead within bounds.
+Deep profiling slows down programs by a factor between two and three,
+with a factor of 2.4 being reasonably typical.
+Since this is only slightly higher than the overheads of profiling techniques
+that yield significantly less detailed and less accurate data,
+we believe we succeeded.
+Like most profilers, the Mercury deep profiler works
+by instrumenting the program to be profiled,
+having the instrumented program record its profiling data in a file,
+and postprocessing the contents of this file.
+You can ask for a program to be compiled with deep profiling instrumentation
+by compiling it in a grade that includes the grade component "profdeep",
+e.g. asm_fast.gc.profdeep.
+Deep profiling is not compatible with the old Mercury profiling grades,
+and it is not (yet) implemented for grades (such as hlc grades)
+that use the compiler's MLDS back end.
+Programs compiled with deep profiling can generate large amounts of data,
+since deep profiling yields very detailed information.
+We have therefore implemented the postprocessing program as a web server.
+Its input is a stream of requests,
+with each request specifying a data file,
+the part the user wants to view,
+and his or her preferences about the format of the display.
+The server generates, for each request,
+a web page containing the requested information,
+which will typically contain links that generate other requests.
+We have made three profiling data files available for you to explore.
+Each of the links below will take you to pages
+that are dynamically created by the deep profiling tool
+from one of these data files.
+<a href = "http://venus.cs.mu.oz.au/cgi-bin/mdprof\??echo $root?/information/deep_demo/make_hlds.data">mmc -O2 make_hlds.m</a>:
+the profiled executable is the Mercury compiler,
+and during the profiling run, it task was to compile make_hlds.m,
+the largest module (about 8300 lines) in its own source code.
+Though large, this module is straightforward to compile.
+<a href = "http://venus.cs.mu.oz.au/cgi-bin/mdprof\??echo $root?/information/deep_demo/eliza.data">mmc -O2 eliza.m</a>:
+the profiled executable is the Mercury compiler,
+and during the profiling run, it task was to compile eliza.m,
+the Mercury implementation of the classic "AI" program,
+which is available in the samples directory in the Mercury distribution.
+Though small (625 lines), this module contains some constructs
+that stress the Mercury compiler.
+<a href = "http://venus.cs.mu.oz.au/cgi-bin/mdprof\??echo $root?/information/deep_demo/monte.data">monte</a>:
+the profiled executable is a program that
+calculates the volume of a 3D shape using Monte Carlo methods.
+This program uses higher order constructs quite intensively.
+The Mercury deep profiler is available in the Mercury releases of the day.
Index: information/include/papers.inc
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/w3/information/include/papers.inc,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -b -r1.22 papers.inc
--- information/include/papers.inc 2001/05/18 11:15:41 1.22
+++ information/include/papers.inc 2001/07/19 05:59:02
@@ -16,11 +16,53 @@
-Practical Aspects for a working Compile Time Garbage Collection System
+Deep profiling:
+engineering a profiler for a declarative programming language
+Thomas C. Conway and Zoltan Somogyi
+Technical Report 2001/24,
+Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne,
+Melbourne, Australia, July 2001, 61 pages.
+<a href = "papers/mu_01_24.ps.gz">
+Available here (207K).
+Declarative programs differ from imperative programs in several respects,
+the main ones being their heavy use of recursion,
+of various forms of polymorphism, and of higher order.
+Existing profilers tend not to produce very useful information
+in the presence of these constructs.
+We present a new profiling technique we call \emph{deep profiling}
+that yields detailed and useful information about programs
+even in the presence of these constructs,
+information that is significantly richer
+than the output of other profilers.
+The heart of deep profiling is a source-to-source transformation.
+We have implemented this transformation and its associated infrastructure
+in the compiler for Mercury, a purely declarative logic programming language.
+While our measurements of this implementation
+show that deep profiling has slightly greater overhead
+than some other profiling techniques,
+the wealth of information it provides
+makes this extra overhead worthwhile.
+The deep profiling algorithms themselves
+are applicable to most other language styles,
+including imperative, object-oriented, and functional languages.
+Practical aspects for a working compile time garbage collection system
for Mercury
-Nancy Mazur, Peter Ross, Gerda Janssens, Maurice Bruynooghe
+Nancy Mazur, Peter Ross, Gerda Janssens and Maurice Bruynooghe
Technical Report CW310
@@ -111,7 +153,7 @@
-Making Mercury Programs Tail Recursive
+Making Mercury programs tail recursive
Peter Ross, David Overton and Zoltan Somogyi
cvs diff: Diffing information/papers
Index: information/papers/mu_01_24.ps.gz
RCS file: mu_01_24.ps.gz
diff -N mu_01_24.ps.gz
Binary files /dev/null and mu_01_24.ps.gz differ
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Index: news/newsdb.inc
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/w3/news/newsdb.inc,v
retrieving revision 1.57
diff -u -b -r1.57 newsdb.inc
--- news/newsdb.inc 2001/05/18 11:15:43 1.57
+++ news/newsdb.inc 2001/08/01 07:21:00
@@ -22,6 +22,19 @@
$newsdb = array(
+"1 August 2001" => array("New paper and demo",
+"We have a new paper available
+from our <A HREF=\"information/papers.html\">papers page</A>,
+which describes the design and implementation of the Mercury deep profiler.
+This new profiler generates profiling information
+that is significantly more accurate and more detailed
+than the information produced by most other profilers.
+A <A HREF=\"information/deep_demo.html\">
+description and demo of the deep profiler</A>
+is also available."
"18 May 2001" => array("New paper",
"We have a new paper available
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