[m-rev.] for review: reorganize compilation model options

Fergus Henderson fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Aug 1 10:27:44 AEST 2001

This change doesn't modify how the compiler behaves,
it just changes the order in which the different options
are declared and documented.

I plan to commit this soon, because I want to make
further modifications to add some new options.
So if there are any objections please speak up ASAP.

Estimated hours taken: 2
Branches: main

	Reorganize the compilation model options,
	by grouping them into sub-sections:
		- Target selection options
		- Optional features 
		- Data representation options
		- LLDS back-end options
		- MLDS back-end options

Workspace: /home/mars/fjh/ws3/mercury
Index: compiler/options.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/options.m,v
retrieving revision 1.329
diff -u -d -r1.329 options.m
--- compiler/options.m	2001/07/30 18:58:32	1.329
+++ compiler/options.m	2001/08/01 00:21:26
@@ -134,17 +134,23 @@
 		;	mode_inference_iteration_limit
 	% Compilation Model options
 		;	grade
+		% Target selection options
 		;	target
 		;	il			% target il
 		;	il_only			% target il + target_code_only
 		;	compile_to_c		% target c + target_code_only
 		;       java                    % target java
 		;       java_only               % target java + target_code_only
-		;	gcc_non_local_gotos
-		;	gcc_global_registers
-		;	asm_labels
-		;	gc
-		;	parallel
+		% Compilation model options for optional features:
+		%   (a) Debugging
+		;	debug
+		;	stack_trace
+		;	require_tracing
+		%   (b) Profiling
 		;	profiling		% profile_time + profile_calls
 		;	time_profiling		% profile_time + profile_calls
 		;	memory_profiling	% profime_mem + profile_calls
@@ -166,18 +172,20 @@
 				% specially in deep profiling; the options is
 				% only for benchmarks for the paper.
 		;	deep_profile_tail_recursion
-		;	debug
-		;	stack_trace
-		;	require_tracing
+		%   (c) Miscellaneous
+		;	gc
+		;	parallel
 		;	use_trail
-		;	reserve_tag
 		;	use_minimal_model
-		;	pic_reg
+		;	type_layout
+		% Data representation compilation model options
+		;	reserve_tag
 		;	tags
 		;	num_tag_bits
 		;	bits_per_word
 		;	bytes_per_word
-		;	conf_low_tag_bits
 				% The undocumented conf_low_tag_bits option
 				% is used by the `mmc' script to pass the
 				% default value for num_tag_bits
@@ -188,18 +196,26 @@
 				% error message if the user specifies
 				% `--tags high' and doesn't specify
 				% `--num-tag-bits'.
-		;	args
+		;	conf_low_tag_bits
+		;	unboxed_float
+		;       unboxed_enums
+		;       unboxed_no_tag_types
+		;	sync_term_size % in words
+		% LLDS back-end compilation model options
+		;	gcc_non_local_gotos
+		;	gcc_global_registers
+		;	asm_labels
+		;	pic_reg
+		% MLDS back-end compilation model options
 		;	highlevel_code
 		;	highlevel_data
 		;	gcc_nested_functions
 		;	det_copy_out
 		;	nondet_copy_out
 		;	put_commit_in_own_func
-		;	unboxed_float
-		;       unboxed_enums
-		;       unboxed_no_tag_types
-		;	sync_term_size % in words
-		;	type_layout
 	% Options for internal use only
 	% (the values of these options are implied by the
 	% settings of other options)
@@ -445,6 +461,7 @@
 	;	aux_output_option
 	;	language_semantics_option
 	;	compilation_model_option
+	;	internal_use_option
 	;	code_gen_option
 	;	special_optimization_option
 	;	optimization_option
@@ -558,23 +575,29 @@
 	mode_inference_iteration_limit	-	int(30)
 option_defaults_2(compilation_model_option, [
-		% Compilation model options (ones that affect binary
-		% compatibility).
+	%
+	% Compilation model options (ones that affect binary
+	% compatibility).
+	%
 	grade			-	string_special,
 					% the `mmc' script will pass the
 					% default grade determined
 					% at configuration time
+		% Target selection compilation model options
 	target			-	string("c"),
 	il			-	special,
 	il_only			-	special,
 	compile_to_c		-	special,
 	java			-       special,
 	java_only               -       special,
-	gcc_non_local_gotos	-	bool(yes),
-	gcc_global_registers	-	bool(yes),
-	asm_labels		-	bool(yes),
-	gc			-	string("conservative"),
-	parallel		-	bool(no),
+		% Optional feature compilation model options:
+		% (a) Debuggging
+	debug			-	bool_special,
+	require_tracing		-	bool(no),
+	stack_trace		-	bool(no),
+		% (b) Profiling
 	profiling		-	bool_special,
 	time_profiling		-	special,
 	memory_profiling	-	special,
@@ -589,12 +612,15 @@
 				-	bool(no),
 	deep_profile_tail_recursion	-	bool(yes),
-	debug			-	bool_special,
-	require_tracing		-	bool(no),
-	stack_trace		-	bool(no),
+		% (c) Miscellaneous optional features
+	gc			-	string("conservative"),
+	parallel		-	bool(no),
 	use_trail		-	bool(no),
-	reserve_tag		-	bool(no),
 	use_minimal_model	-	bool(no),
+	type_layout		-	bool(yes),
+		% Data representation compilation model options
+	reserve_tag		-	bool(no),
 	pic_reg			-	bool(no),
 	tags			-	string("low"),
 	num_tag_bits		-	int(-1),
@@ -615,11 +641,29 @@
 					% 8 is the size on linux (at the time
 					% of writing) - will usually be over-
 					% ridden by a value from configure.
-	type_layout		-	bool(yes),
+	unboxed_float           -       bool(no),
+	unboxed_enums           -       bool(yes),
+	unboxed_no_tag_types    -       bool(yes),
+		% LLDS back-end compilation model options
+	gcc_non_local_gotos	-	bool(yes),
+	gcc_global_registers	-	bool(yes),
+	asm_labels		-	bool(yes),
+		% MLDS back-end compilation model options
+	highlevel_code		-	bool(no),
+	highlevel_data		-	bool(no),
+	gcc_nested_functions	-	bool(no),
+	det_copy_out		-	bool(no),
+	nondet_copy_out		-	bool(no),
+	put_commit_in_own_func	-	bool(no)
+option_defaults_2(internal_use_option, [
+		% Options for internal use only
 	backend_foreign_languages-	accumulating([]),
-					% The previous two options
-					% depend on the target and are
-					% set in handle_options.
+					% The backend_foreign_languages option
+					% depends on the target and is set in
+					% handle_options.
 	basic_stack_layout	-	bool(no),
 	agc_stack_layout	-	bool(no),
 	procid_stack_layout	-	bool(no),
@@ -629,16 +673,7 @@
 	type_ctor_info		-	bool(yes),
 	type_ctor_layout	-	bool(yes),
 	type_ctor_functors	-	bool(yes),
-	rtti_line_numbers	-	bool(yes),
-	highlevel_code		-	bool(no),
-	highlevel_data		-	bool(no),
-	gcc_nested_functions	-	bool(no),
-	det_copy_out		-	bool(no),
-	nondet_copy_out		-	bool(no),
-	put_commit_in_own_func	-	bool(no),
-	unboxed_float           -       bool(no),
-	unboxed_enums           -       bool(yes),
-	unboxed_no_tag_types    -       bool(yes)
+	rtti_line_numbers	-	bool(yes)
 option_defaults_2(code_gen_option, [
 		% Code Generation Options
@@ -978,6 +1013,7 @@
 % compilation model options
 long_option("grade",			grade).
+	% target selection options
 long_option("target",			target).
 long_option("il",			il).
 long_option("il-only",			il_only).
@@ -988,12 +1024,14 @@
 long_option("Java",                     java).
 long_option("java-only",                java_only).
 long_option("Java-only",                java_only).
-long_option("gcc-non-local-gotos",	gcc_non_local_gotos).
-long_option("gcc-global-registers",	gcc_global_registers).
-long_option("asm-labels",		asm_labels).
-long_option("gc",			gc).
-long_option("garbage-collection",	gc).
-long_option("parallel",			parallel).
+	% Optional features compilation model options:
+	% (a) debugging
+long_option("debug",			debug).
+% The following options are not allowed, because they're
+% not very useful and would probably only confuse people.
+% long_option("stack-trace",           stack_trace).
+% long_option("require-tracing",       require_tracing).
+	% (b) profiling
 long_option("profiling",		profiling).
 long_option("time-profiling",		time_profiling).
 long_option("memory-profiling",		memory_profiling).
@@ -1009,12 +1047,13 @@
-long_option("debug",			debug).
-% The following options are not allowed, because they're
-% not very useful and would probably only confuse people.
-% long_option("stack-trace",           stack_trace).
-% long_option("require-tracing",       require_tracing).
+	% (c) miscellanous optional features
+long_option("gc",			gc).
+long_option("garbage-collection",	gc).
+long_option("parallel",			parallel).
 long_option("use-trail",		use_trail).
+long_option("type-layout",		type_layout).
+	% Data represention options
 long_option("reserve-tag",		reserve_tag).
 long_option("use-minimal-model",	use_minimal_model).
 long_option("pic",			pic).
@@ -1024,7 +1063,28 @@
 long_option("bits-per-word",		bits_per_word).
 long_option("bytes-per-word",		bytes_per_word).
 long_option("conf-low-tag-bits",	conf_low_tag_bits).
-long_option("type-layout",		type_layout).
+long_option("unboxed-float",		unboxed_float).
+long_option("unboxed-enums",		unboxed_enums).
+long_option("unboxed-no-tag-types",	unboxed_no_tag_types).
+long_option("highlevel-data",		highlevel_data).
+long_option("high-level-data",		highlevel_data).
+	% LLDS back-end compilation model options
+long_option("gcc-non-local-gotos",	gcc_non_local_gotos).
+long_option("gcc-global-registers",	gcc_global_registers).
+long_option("asm-labels",		asm_labels).
+	% MLDS back-end compilation model options
+long_option("highlevel-code",		highlevel_code).
+long_option("high-level-code",		highlevel_code).
+long_option("highlevel-C",		highlevel_code).
+long_option("highlevel-c",		highlevel_code).
+long_option("high-level-C",		highlevel_code).
+long_option("high-level-c",		highlevel_code).
+long_option("gcc-nested-functions",	gcc_nested_functions).
+long_option("det-copy-out",		det_copy_out).
+long_option("nondet-copy-out",		nondet_copy_out).
+long_option("put-commit-in-own-func",	put_commit_in_own_func).
+% internal use options
 long_option("agc-stack-layout",		agc_stack_layout).
@@ -1037,23 +1097,7 @@
 long_option("type-ctor-layout",		type_ctor_layout).
 long_option("type-ctor-functors",	type_ctor_functors).
 long_option("rtti-line-numbers",	rtti_line_numbers).
-long_option("highlevel-code",		highlevel_code).
-long_option("high-level-code",		highlevel_code).
-long_option("highlevel-C",		highlevel_code).
-long_option("highlevel-c",		highlevel_code).
-long_option("high-level-C",		highlevel_code).
-long_option("high-level-c",		highlevel_code).
-long_option("highlevel-data",		highlevel_data).
-long_option("high-level-data",		highlevel_data).
-long_option("gcc-nested-functions",	gcc_nested_functions).
-long_option("det-copy-out",		det_copy_out).
-long_option("nondet-copy-out",		nondet_copy_out).
-long_option("put-commit-in-own-func",	put_commit_in_own_func).
-long_option("unboxed-float",		unboxed_float).
-long_option("unboxed-enums",		unboxed_enums).
-long_option("unboxed-no-tag-types",	unboxed_no_tag_types).
 % code generation options
 long_option("low-level-debug",		low_level_debug).
 long_option("polymorphism",		polymorphism).
@@ -1947,6 +1991,7 @@
 		"compiled with the same setting of these options,",
 		"and it must be linked to a version of the Mercury",
 		"library which has been compiled with the same setting.",
+		"",
 		"-s <grade>, --grade <grade>",
 		"\tSelect the compilation model. The <grade> should be one of",
 		"\tthe base grades `none', `reg', `jump', `asm_jump', `fast', ",
@@ -1961,7 +2006,11 @@
 		"\tDepending on your particular installation, only a subset",
 		"\tof these possible grades will have been installed.",
 		"\tAttempting to use a grade which has not been installed",
-		"\twill result in an error at link time.",
+		"\twill result in an error at link time."
+	]),
+	io__write_string("\n    Target selection compilation model options:\n"),
+	write_tabbed_lines([
 		"--target c\t\t\t(grades: none, reg, jump, fast,",
 		"\t\t\t\t\tasm_jump, asm_fast, hlc)",
 		"--target asm\t\t\t(grades: hlc)",
@@ -1993,9 +2042,80 @@
 		"\tAn abbreviation for `--target c --target-code-only'.",
 		"\tGenerate C code in `<module>.c', but do not generate object",
-		"\tcode.",
+		"\tcode."
+	]),
+	io__write_string("\n    Optional feature compilation model options:\n"),
+	io__write_string("      Debugging\n"),
+	write_tabbed_lines([
+		"--debug\t\t\t\t(grade modifier: `.debug')",
+		"\tEnable Mercury-level debugging.",
+		"\tSee the Debugging chapter of the Mercury User's Guide",
+		"\tfor details.",
+		"\tThis option is not yet supported for the `--high-level-code'",
+		"\tback-ends."
+	]),
+	io__write_string("      Profiling\n"),
+	write_tabbed_lines([
+		"-p, --profiling, --time-profiling",
+		"\t\t\t\t(grade modifier: `.prof')",
+		"\tEnable time and call profiling.  Insert profiling hooks in the",
+		"\tgenerated code, and also output some profiling",
+		"\tinformation (the static call graph) to the file",
+		"\t`<module>.prof'.",
+		"\tThis option is not supported for the IL or Java back-ends.",
+		"--memory-profiling\t\t(grade modifier: `.memprof')",
+		"\tEnable memory and call profiling.",
+		"\tThis option is not supported for the IL or Java back-ends.",
+		"--deep-profiling\t\t(grade modifier: `.profdeep')",
+		"\tEnable deep profiling.",
+		"\tThis option is not supported for the high-level C, IL",
+		"\tor Java back-ends."
+XXX The following options are not documented,
+because they are currently not useful.
+The idea was for you to be able to use --profile-calls
+and --profile-time seperately, but that doesn't work
+because compiling with --profile-time instead of
+--profile-calls results in different code addresses, 
+so you can't combine the data from versions of
+your program compiled with different options.
+		"--profile-calls\t\t(grade modifier: `.profcalls')",
+		"\tSimilar to `--profiling', except that only gathers",
+		"\tcall counts, not timing information.",
+		"\tUseful on systems where time profiling is not supported,",
+		"\tbut not as useful as `--memory-profiling'.",
+		"--profile-time\t\t(grade modifier: `.proftime')",
+		"\tSimilar to `--profiling', except that it only gathers",
+		"\ttiming information, not call counts.",
+		"--profile-memory\t\t(grade modifier: `.profmem')",
+		"\tSimilar to `--memory-profiling', except that it only gathers",
+		"\tmemory usage information, not call counts.",
+	]),
+	io__write_string("      Miscellaneous optional features\n"),
+	write_tabbed_lines([
+		"--gc {none, conservative, accurate}",
+		"--garbage-collection {none, conservative, accurate}",
+		"\t\t\t\t(`.gc' grades use `--gc conservative',",
+		"\t\t\t\tother grades use `--gc none'.)",
+		"\tSpecify which method of garbage collection to use",
+		"\t(default: conservative).  `accurate' GC is not yet implemented.",
+		"\tThis option is ignored for the IL and Java back-ends,",
+		"\twhich always use the garbage collector of the underlying",
+		"\tIL or Java implementation.",
+		"\t`--high-level-code' requires `conservative' GC.",
+		"--use-trail\t\t\t(grade modifier: `.tr')",
+		"\tEnable use of a trail.",
+		"\tThis is necessary for interfacing with constraint solvers,",
+		"\tor for backtrackable destructive update.",
+		"\tThis option is not yet supported for the IL or Java back-ends."
+	]),
+	io__write_string("\n    LLDS back-end compilation model options:\n"),
+	write_tabbed_lines([
 		"--gcc-global-registers\t\t(grades: reg, fast, asm_fast)",
 		"--no-gcc-global-registers\t(grades: none, jump, asm_jump)",
 		"\tSpecify whether or not to use GNU C's",
@@ -2014,6 +2134,16 @@
 		"\tasm extensions for inline assembler labels.",
 		"\tThis option is ignored if the `--high-level-code' option is",
+		"--pic-reg\t\t\t(grade modifier: `.pic_reg')",
+		"[For Unix with intel x86 architecture only]",
+		"\tSelect a register usage convention that is compatible,",
+		"\twith position-independent code (gcc's `-fpic' option).",
+		"\tThis is necessary when using shared libraries on Intel x86",
+		"\tsystems running Unix.  On other systems it has no effect."
+	]),
+	io__write_string("\n    MLDS back-end compilation model options:\n"),
+	write_tabbed_lines([
 % These grades (hl, hl_nest, and hlc_nest) are not yet documented, because
 % the --high-level-data option is not yet implemented,
 % and the --gcc-nested-functions option is not yet documented.
@@ -2021,7 +2151,7 @@
 		"-H, --high-level-code\t\t\t(grades: hlc, ilc, java)",
 		"\tUse an alternative back-end that generates high-level code",
 		"\trather than the very low-level code that is generated by our",
-		"\toriginal back-end.",
+		"\toriginal back-end."
 % The --high-level-data option is not yet documented,
 % because it is not yet supported
 %		"--high-level-data\t\t\t(grades: hl, hl_nest)",
@@ -2060,78 +2190,10 @@
 %		"\twhere commits are implemented via setjmp()/longjmp(),",
 %		"\tsince longjmp() may clobber any non-volatile local vars",
 %		"\tin the function that called setjmp().",
-		"--gc {none, conservative, accurate}",
-		"--garbage-collection {none, conservative, accurate}",
-		"\t\t\t\t(`.gc' grades use `--gc conservative',",
-		"\t\t\t\tother grades use `--gc none'.)",
-		"\tSpecify which method of garbage collection to use",
-		"\t(default: conservative).  `accurate' GC is not yet implemented.",
-		"\tThis option is ignored for the IL and Java back-ends,",
-		"\twhich always use the garbage collector of the underlying",
-		"\tIL or Java implementation.",
-		"\t`--high-level-code' requires `conservative' GC.",
-		"--use-trail\t\t\t(grade modifier: `.tr')",
-		"\tEnable use of a trail.",
-		"\tThis is necessary for interfacing with constraint solvers,",
-		"\tor for backtrackable destructive update.",
-		"\tThis option is not yet supported for the IL or Java back-ends.",
-		"--reserve-tag\t\t\t(grade modifier: `.rt')",
-		"\tReserve a tag in the data representation of the generated ",
-		"\tcode. This tag is intended to be used to give an explicit",
-		"\trepresentation to free variables.",
-		"\tThis is necessary for a seamless Herbrand constraint solver -",
-		"\tfor use with HAL.",
-		"-p, --profiling, --time-profiling",
-		"\t\t\t\t(grade modifier: `.prof')",
-		"\tEnable time and call profiling.  Insert profiling hooks in the",
-		"\tgenerated code, and also output some profiling",
-		"\tinformation (the static call graph) to the file",
-		"\t`<module>.prof'.",
-		"\tThis option is not supported for the IL or Java back-ends.",
-		"--memory-profiling\t\t(grade modifier: `.memprof')",
-		"\tEnable memory and call profiling.",
-		"\tThis option is not supported for the IL or Java back-ends.",
-		"--deep-profiling\t\t(grade modifier: `.profdeep')",
-		"\tEnable deep profiling.",
-		"\tThis option is not supported for the high-level C, IL",
-		"\tor Java back-ends.",
-XXX The following options are not documented,
-because they are currently not useful.
-The idea was for you to be able to use --profile-calls
-and --profile-time seperately, but that doesn't work
-because compiling with --profile-time instead of
---profile-calls results in different code addresses, 
-so you can't combine the data from versions of
-your program compiled with different options.
-		"--profile-calls\t\t(grade modifier: `.profcalls')",
-		"\tSimilar to `--profiling', except that only gathers",
-		"\tcall counts, not timing information.",
-		"\tUseful on systems where time profiling is not supported,",
-		"\tbut not as useful as `--memory-profiling'.",
-		"--profile-time\t\t(grade modifier: `.proftime')",
-		"\tSimilar to `--profiling', except that it only gathers",
-		"\ttiming information, not call counts.",
-		"--profile-memory\t\t(grade modifier: `.profmem')",
-		"\tSimilar to `--memory-profiling', except that it only gathers",
-		"\tmemory usage information, not call counts.",
-		"--debug\t\t\t\t(grade modifier: `.debug')",
-		"\tEnable Mercury-level debugging.",
-		"\tSee the Debugging chapter of the Mercury User's Guide",
-		"\tfor details.",
-		"\tThis option is not yet supported for the `--high-level-code'",
-		"\tback-ends.",
-		"--pic-reg\t\t\t(grade modifier: `.pic_reg')",
-		"[For Unix with intel x86 architecture only]",
-		"\tSelect a register usage convention that is compatible,",
-		"\twith position-independent code (gcc's `-fpic' option).",
-		"\tThis is necessary when using shared libraries on Intel x86",
-		"\tsystems running Unix.  On other systems it has no effect."
 	io__write_string("\n    Developer compilation model options:\n"),
+	io__write_string("\n      Data representation\n"),
 		"--tags {none, low, high}\t(This option is not for general use.)",
 		"\tSpecify whether to use the low bits or the high bits of ",
@@ -2140,6 +2202,13 @@
 		"--num-tag-bits <n>\t\t(This option is not for general use.)",
 		"\tUse <n> tag bits.",
+		"--reserve-tag\t\t\t(grade modifier: `.rt')",
+		"\tReserve a tag in the data representation of the generated ",
+		"\tcode. This tag is intended to be used to give an explicit",
+		"\trepresentation to free variables.",
+		"\tThis is necessary for a seamless Herbrand constraint solver -",
+		"\tfor use with HAL.",
 		% The --conf-low-tag-bits option is reserved for use
 		% by the `mmc' script; it is deliberately not documented.
@@ -2148,7 +2217,40 @@
 		% The --bytes-per-word option is intended for use
 		% by the `mmc' script; it is deliberately not documented.
-		%
+		"--unboxed-float",
+		"(This option is not for general use.)",
+		"\tDon't box floating point numbers.",
+		"\tThis assumes that a Mercury float will fit in a word.",
+		"\tThe C code needs to be compiled with `-UBOXED_FLOAT'.",
+		"\tIt may also need to be compiled with",
+		"\t`-DUSE_SINGLE_PREC_FLOAT', if double precision",
+		"\tfloats don't fit into a word."
+		% This is a developer only option.
+%		"--no-unboxed-enums",
+%		"(This option is not for general use.)",
+%		"\tBox enumerations.  This option is disabled by default.",
+		% This is a developer only option.
+%		"--no-unboxed-no-tag-types",
+%		"(This option is not for general use.)",
+%		"\tBox no-tag types.  This option is disabled by default."
+	]),
+	io__write_string("\n      Developer Optional features\n"),
+	write_tabbed_lines([
+		"--use-minimal-model",
+		"(This option is not for general use.)",
+		"\tEnable the use of minimal model tabling.",
+		"--no-type-layout",
+		"(This option is not for general use.)",
+		"\tDon't output type_ctor_layout structures or references",
+		"\tto them. (The C code also needs to be compiled with",
+		"\t`-DNO_TYPE_LAYOUT').",
+			% XXX is this the right place for this option???
 		"--use-foreign-language <foreign language>",
 		"\tUse the given foreign language to implement predicates",
 		"\twritten in foreign languages.  Any name that can be used",
@@ -2156,13 +2258,7 @@
 		"\tis valid, but not all foreign languages are implemented",
 		"\tin all backends.",
 		"\tDefault value is `C' for the LLDS and MLDS->C backends,",
-		"\tor `ManagedC++' for the .NET backend.",
-		"--no-type-layout",
-		"(This option is not for general use.)",
-		"\tDon't output type_ctor_layout structures or references",
-		"\tto them. (The C code also needs to be compiled with",
-		"\t`-DNO_TYPE_LAYOUT').",
+		"\tor `ManagedC++' for the .NET backend."
 		% This is a developer only option.
 %		"--basic-stack-layout",
@@ -2193,28 +2289,6 @@
 %		"(This option is not for general use.)",
 %		For documentation, see the comment in the type declaration.
-		"--use-minimal-model",
-		"(This option is not for general use.)",
-		"\tEnable the use of minimal model tabling.",
-		"--unboxed-float",
-		"(This option is not for general use.)",
-		"\tDon't box floating point numbers.",
-		"\tThis assumes that a Mercury float will fit in a word.",
-		"\tThe C code needs to be compiled with `-UBOXED_FLOAT'.",
-		"\tIt may also need to be compiled with",
-		"\t`-DUSE_SINGLE_PREC_FLOAT', if double precision",
-		"\tfloats don't fit into a word."
-		% This is a developer only option.
-%		"--no-unboxed-enums",
-%		"(This option is not for general use.)",
-%		"\tBox enumerations.  This option is disabled by default.",
-		% This is a developer only option.
-%		"--no-unboxed-no-tag-types",
-%		"(This option is not for general use.)",
-%		"\tBox no-tag types.  This option is disabled by default."
 :- pred options_help_code_generation(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
Index: doc/user_guide.texi
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/doc/user_guide.texi,v
retrieving revision 1.267
diff -u -d -r1.267 user_guide.texi
--- doc/user_guide.texi	2001/07/31 14:30:15	1.267
+++ doc/user_guide.texi	2001/07/31 23:45:10
@@ -4001,6 +4001,19 @@
 @vindex C2INITFLAGS
+ at menu
+* Grades and grade components::                 Setting the compilation model
+* Target options::                              Choosing a target language
+* Optional features compilation model options:: Debugging, Profiling, etc.
+* LLDS back-end compilation model options::     For the original back-end
+* MLDS back-end compilation model options::     For the new high-level back-end
+* Developer compilation model options::         Not for general use
+ at end menu
+ at node Grades and grade components
+ at subsection Grades and grade components
+ at cindex Grades and grade components
 @table @asis
 @item @code{-s @var{grade}}
 @itemx @code{--grade @var{grade}}
@@ -4096,6 +4109,7 @@
 @findex --no-high-level-code
 @findex --target
 @findex --il
+ at findex --java
 @findex --gc
 @findex --profiling
 @findex --memory-profiling
@@ -4169,7 +4183,13 @@
 @end table
- at sp 1
+ at end table
+ at node Target options
+ at subsection Target options
+ at cindex Target options
+ at table @asis
 @item @code{--target c} (grades: none, reg, jump, fast, asm_jump, asm_fast, hlc)
 @item @code{--target asm} (grades: hlc)
 @itemx @code{--il}, @code{--target il} (grades: ilc)
@@ -4201,6 +4221,14 @@
 Generate Java code in @file{@var{module}.java}, but do not invoke 
 the Java compiler to produce Java bytecode.
+ at end table
+ at node LLDS back-end compilation model options
+ at subsection LLDS back-end compilation model options
+ at cindex LLDS back-end compilation model options
+ at table @asis
 @sp 1
 @item @code{--gcc-global-registers} (grades: reg, fast, asm_fast)
 @itemx @code{--no-gcc-global-registers} (grades: none, jump, asm_jump)
@@ -4227,6 +4255,26 @@
 This option is ignored if the @samp{--high-level-code} option is enabled.
 @sp 1
+ at item @code{--pic-reg} (grades: any grade containing `.pic_reg')
+ at findex --pic-reg
+ at findex -fpic
+ at cindex Position independent code
+ at cindex PIC (position independent code)
+ at cindex Shared libraries
+[For Unix with intel x86 architecture only.]
+Select a register usage convention that is compatible
+with position-independent code (gcc's `-fpic' option).
+This is necessary when using shared libraries on Intel x86 systems
+running Unix.  On other systems it has no effect.
+This option is also ignored if the @samp{--high-level-code} option is enabled.
+ at end table
+ at node MLDS back-end compilation model options
+ at subsection MLDS back-end compilation model option
+ at cindex MLDS back-end compilation model options
+ at table @asis
 @item @code{-H}, @code{--high-level-code} (grades: hlc, ilc, java)
 @findex -H
 @findex --high-level-code
@@ -4234,20 +4282,20 @@
 rather than the very low-level code that is generated by our
 original back-end.
+ at end table
+ at node Optional features compilation model options
+ at subsection Optional features compilation model options
+ at cindex Optional features compilation model options
+ at table @asis
 @sp 1
- at item @code{--gc @{none, conservative, accurate@}}
- at itemx @code{--garbage-collection @{none, conservative, accurate@}}
- at cindex Garbage collection
- at cindex Conservative garbage collection
- at cindex Accurate garbage collection
- at findex --gc
- at findex --garbage-collection
-Specify which method of garbage collection to use.
-Grades containing @samp{.gc} use @samp{--gc conservative},
-other grades use @samp{--gc none}.
- at samp{accurate} is not yet implemented.
-This option is ignored by the IL and Java back-ends, which always use
-the underlying IL or Java implementation's garbage collector.
+ at item @code{--debug} (grades: any grade containing @samp{.debug})
+ at findex --debug
+ at cindex Debugging
+Enables the inclusion in the executable of code and data structures
+that allow the program to be debugged with @samp{mdb} (see @ref{Debugging}).
+This option is not yet supported for the @samp{--high-level-code} back-ends.
 @sp 1
 @item @code{--profiling}, @code{--time-profiling} (grades: any grade containing @samp{.prof})
@@ -4309,12 +4357,19 @@
 @end ignore
 @sp 1
- at item @code{--debug} (grades: any grade containing @samp{.debug})
- at findex --debug
- at cindex Debugging
-Enables the inclusion in the executable of code and data structures
-that allow the program to be debugged with @samp{mdb} (see @ref{Debugging}).
-This option is not yet supported for the @samp{--high-level-code} back-ends.
+ at item @code{--gc @{none, conservative, accurate@}}
+ at itemx @code{--garbage-collection @{none, conservative, accurate@}}
+ at cindex Garbage collection
+ at cindex Conservative garbage collection
+ at cindex Accurate garbage collection
+ at findex --gc
+ at findex --garbage-collection
+Specify which method of garbage collection to use.
+Grades containing @samp{.gc} use @samp{--gc conservative},
+other grades use @samp{--gc none}.
+ at samp{accurate} is not yet implemented.
+This option is ignored by the IL and Java back-ends, which always use
+the underlying IL or Java implementation's garbage collector.
 @sp 1
 @item @code{--use-trail} (grades: any grade containing @samp{.tr})
@@ -4327,34 +4382,9 @@
 This is necessary for interfacing with constraint solvers,
 or for backtrackable destructive update.
 This option is not yet supported for the IL or Java back-ends.
- at sp 1
- at item @code{--reserve-tag} (grades: any grade containing @samp{.rt})
- at findex --reserve-tag
- at cindex Tags
-Reserve a tag in the data representation of the generated 
-code. This tag is intended to be used to give an explicit
-representation to free variables.
-This is necessary for a seamless Herbrand constraint solver --- 
-for use with HAL.
- at sp 1
- at item @code{--pic-reg} (grades: any grade containing `.pic_reg')
- at findex --pic-reg
- at findex -fpic
- at cindex Position independent code
- at cindex PIC (position independent code)
- at cindex Shared libraries
-[For Unix with intel x86 architecture only.]
-Select a register usage convention that is compatible
-with position-independent code (gcc's `-fpic' option).
-This is necessary when using shared libraries on Intel x86 systems
-running Unix.  On other systems it has no effect.
 @end table
- at menu
-* Developer compilation model options::
- at end menu
 @node Developer compilation model options
 @subsection Developer compilation model options
@@ -4383,6 +4413,16 @@
 @samp{--tags high}.
 With @samp{--tags low}, the default number of tag bits to use
 is determined by the auto-configuration script.
+ at sp 1
+ at item @code{--reserve-tag} (grades: any grade containing @samp{.rt})
+ at findex --reserve-tag
+ at cindex Tags
+Reserve a tag in the data representation of the generated 
+code. This tag is intended to be used to give an explicit
+representation to free variables.
+This is necessary for a seamless Herbrand constraint solver --- 
+for use with HAL.
 @sp 1
 @item @code{--no-type-layout}

Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
The University of Melbourne         |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>  |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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