[m-rev.] diff: bug fixes for il grade

Tyson Dowd trd at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Thu Apr 19 23:59:01 AEST 2001


Here's a better fix that visually looks OK, but might need more work
when I actually test it.


Estimated hours taken: 2
Branches: main

Add support for nested classes.
Fix the implementation of inheritance.

	Add code to allow nested classes in the IL assembler.
	Add code to generate nested classes.
	Fix bugs in the code to handle inheritance -- most of the
	inheritance was hand-coded for the case of continutation

Index: compiler/ilasm.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ilasm.m,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.7 ilasm.m
--- compiler/ilasm.m	2001/04/11 10:17:22	1.7
+++ compiler/ilasm.m	2001/04/19 11:17:52
@@ -117,6 +117,15 @@
 			maybe(int32),		% offset for explicit layout
 			field_initializer	% initializer
+		% .class (a nested class)
+	;	nested_class(
+			list(classattr),	% attributes for the class
+			ilds__id,		% name of the class
+			extends,		% what is the parent class
+			implements, 		% what interfaces are 
+						% implemented
+			list(classdecl)		% methods and fields
+		)
 		% comments
 	;	comment_term(term)
 	;	comment(string)
@@ -417,6 +426,11 @@
 	io__write_string(" "),
+ilasm__output_classdecl(nested_class(Attrs, Id, Extends, Implements, Contents),
+		Info0, Info) --> 
+	ilasm__output_decl(class(Attrs, Id, Extends, Implements, Contents),
+		Info0, Info).
 ilasm__output_classdecl(comment(CommentStr), Info, Info) --> 
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(auto_comments, PrintComments),
Index: compiler/mlds_to_il.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_il.m,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -r1.18 mlds_to_il.m
--- compiler/mlds_to_il.m	2001/04/11 10:17:22	1.18
+++ compiler/mlds_to_il.m	2001/04/19 13:50:22
@@ -471,33 +471,21 @@
 			Entity = mlds__class(ClassDefn) 
-			ClassDefn = mlds__class_defn(ClassType, _Imports, 
-				_Inherits, _Implements, Defns),
-			( 
-				ClassType = mlds__class
-			->
-				list__map(defn_to_class_decl, Defns, ILDefns),
-				make_constructor(FullClassName, ClassDefn, 
-					ConstructorILDefn),
-				Decls = [comment_term(MLDSDefnTerm),
-					class([public], TypeName,
-					extends_nothing, implements([]),
-					[ConstructorILDefn | ILDefns])]
-			; 
-				ClassType = mlds__struct
-			->
-				list__map(defn_to_class_decl, Defns, ILDefns),
-				make_constructor(FullClassName, ClassDefn, 
-					ConstructorILDefn),
-				Decls = [comment_term(MLDSDefnTerm),
-					class([public], TypeName, 
-					extends(il_envptr_class_name), 
-					implements([]), 
-					[ConstructorILDefn | ILDefns])]
-			;
-				Decls = [comment_term(MLDSDefnTerm),
-					comment("This type unimplemented.")]
-			)
+			ClassDefn = mlds__class_defn(_ClassType, _Imports, 
+				Inherits, _Implements, Defns),
+			( Inherits = [],
+				Extends = extends_nothing
+			; Inherits = [InheritType | _],
+				Extends = extends(mlds_type_to_ilds_class_name(
+					InheritType))
+			),
+			list__map(defn_to_class_decl, Defns, ILDefns),
+			make_constructor(FullClassName, ClassDefn, 
+				ConstructorILDefn),
+			Decls = [comment_term(MLDSDefnTerm),
+				class([public], TypeName,
+				Extends, implements([]),
+				[ConstructorILDefn | ILDefns])]
 			Decls = [comment_term(MLDSDefnTerm),
 				comment("This type unimplemented.")]
@@ -663,12 +651,25 @@
 	mlds__function(_PredProcId, _Params, _MaybeStatements)), ILClassDecl) :-
 		ILClassDecl = comment("unimplemented: functions in classes").
-	% XXX this might not need to be implemented (nested classes)
-	% since it will probably be flattened earlier.
-defn_to_class_decl(mlds__defn(_Name, _Context, _DeclFlags,
-		mlds__class(_)), _ILClassDecl) :-
-	error("nested data definition not expected here").
+defn_to_class_decl(mlds__defn(EntityName, _Context, _DeclFlags,
+		mlds__class(ClassDefn)), ILClassDecl) :-
+	( EntityName = type(TypeName, _Arity) ->
+		ClassDefn = mlds__class_defn(_ClassType, _Imports, 
+			Inherits, _Implements, Defns),
+		FullClassName = structured_name("", [TypeName]),
+		list__map(defn_to_class_decl, Defns, ILDefns),
+		make_constructor(FullClassName, ClassDefn, ConstructorILDefn),
+		( Inherits = [],
+			Extends = extends_nothing
+		; Inherits = [InheritType | _],
+			Extends = extends(mlds_type_to_ilds_class_name(
+				InheritType))
+		),
+		ILClassDecl = nested_class([public], TypeName, Extends,
+			implements([]), [ConstructorILDefn | ILDefns])
+	;
+		error("expected type entity name for a nested class")
+	).
@@ -891,12 +892,7 @@
 	rval_to_type(lval(Ref), MLDSRefType),
-	{ RefType = mlds_type_to_ilds_type(MLDSRefType) },
-	{ RefType = ilds__type(_, class(ClassName0)) ->
-			ClassName = ClassName0
-		;
-			unexpected(this_file, "non-class for commit ref")
-	},	
+	{ ClassName = mlds_type_to_ilds_class_name(MLDSRefType) },
 	{ Instrs = tree__list([
@@ -1021,14 +1017,7 @@
 			%	call ClassName::.ctor
 			%	... store to memory reference ...
-		{ ILType = mlds_type_to_ilds_type(Type) },
-		{ 
-			ILType = ilds__type(_, class(ClassName0))
-		->
-			ClassName = ClassName0
-		;
-			unexpected(this_file, "non-class for new_object")
-		},	
+		{ ClassName = mlds_type_to_ilds_class_name(Type) },
 		list__map_foldl(load, Args, ArgsLoadInstrsTrees),
 		{ ArgsLoadInstrs = tree__list(ArgsLoadInstrsTrees) },
 		get_load_store_lval_instrs(Target, LoadMemRefInstrs,
@@ -1780,13 +1769,8 @@
 	% see comments about function types above.
 mlds_type_to_ilds_type(mlds__cont_type(_ArgTypes)) = ilds__type([], int32).
-mlds_type_to_ilds_type(mlds__class_type(Class, _Arity, _Kind)) = ILType :-
-	Class = qual(MldsModuleName, MldsClassName),
-	structured_name(Assembly, ClassName) = 
-		mlds_module_name_to_class_name(MldsModuleName),
-	list__append(ClassName, [MldsClassName], FullClassName),
-	ILType = ilds__type([], class(
-		structured_name(Assembly, FullClassName))).
+mlds_type_to_ilds_type(mlds__class_type(Class, _Arity, _Kind)) = 
+	ilds__type([], class(mlds_class_name_to_ilds_class_name(Class))).
 mlds_type_to_ilds_type(mlds__commit_type) = il_commit_type.
@@ -1842,6 +1826,27 @@
 mlds_type_to_ilds_type(mlds__unknown_type) = _ :-
 	unexpected(this_file, "mlds_type_to_ilds_type: unknown_type").
+:- func mlds_class_name_to_ilds_class_name(mlds__class) = ilds__class_name.
+mlds_class_name_to_ilds_class_name(qual(MldsModuleName, MldsClassName)) = 
+	append_class_name(mlds_module_name_to_class_name(MldsModuleName),
+		[MldsClassName]).
+:- func mlds_type_to_ilds_class_name(mlds__type) = ilds__class_name.
+mlds_type_to_ilds_class_name(MldsType) = ClassName :-
+	ILType = mlds_type_to_ilds_type(MldsType),
+	( 
+		ILType = ilds__type(_, class(ClassName0))
+	->
+		ClassName = ClassName0
+	;
+		unexpected(this_file,
+			"mlds_type_to_ilds_class_name: type not a class")
+	).	
 % Name mangling.
@@ -2466,12 +2471,10 @@
 :- mode make_constructor(in, in, out) is det.
 make_constructor(ClassName, mlds__class_defn(_,  _Imports, Inherits, 
 		_Implements, Defns), ILDecl) :-
-	( Inherits = [] ->
+	( Inherits = [],
 		CtorMemberName = il_generic_class_name
-	;
-		% XXX this needs to be calculated correctly
-		% (i.e. according to the value of inherits)
-		CtorMemberName = il_envptr_class_name
+	; Inherits = [InheritType | _],
+		CtorMemberName = mlds_type_to_ilds_class_name(InheritType)
 	list__map(call_field_constructor(ClassName), Defns, 

       Tyson Dowd           # 
                            #  Surreal humour isn't everyone's cup of fur.
     trd at cs.mu.oz.au        # 
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~trd #
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