[m-dev.] [Mercury-Language/mercury] Segfault in only Mercury after solutions in a particular code path (#72)

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Tue Aug 27 10:34:07 AEST 2019

Hi Zoltan,

On Tue, 27 Aug 2019, Zoltan Somogyi wrote:

> On a tangentially related topic: I want to add both test cases to the suite,
> but intend to add them under the name gh72a.m and gh72b.m. We have been
> naming test cases bugN.m for Mantis bug N for a long time. Github bug reports
> started much more recently, so they are going over numbers that Mantis has
> already gone over. Naming test cases from github ghN.m will avoid clashes.
> There is already a gh65.m in tests/valid. Any objections to using this naming
> convention from now on?

Not from me.  We should probably switch over to github as our primary
bug tracking system.  It is possible to export the issues data from
github, so the copy on gibhub being the only version is no longer a
problem.  (IIRC, that was the main reason we stayed with Mantis when
Mercury moved to git.)

> Also, Julien, would you object to commenting out the test_generic_ref test case?



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