[m-dev.] proposed stdlib addition: ranges module from G12
Julien Fischer
jfischer at opturion.com
Tue Mar 14 16:25:02 AEDT 2017
Hi all,
Attached is a copy of the ranges module from the G12 platform. It provides the
ranges/0 type which is a set of ints represented using a sorted list of the end
points of each block of contiguous ints in the set. This type is used to
represent variable domains in G12's finite domain solver and the module exports
operations useful for that particular purpose.
I propose to add this module to Mercury's standard library. The attached
version is Opturion's current version (which we are happy to contribute);
previous versions were already available as part of the old MiniZinc
distribution under a BSD style license.
-------------- next part --------------
% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
% Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Opturion Pty Ltd.
% Copyright (C) 2006-2009 NICTA.
% See the file COPYING for license information.
% File: ranges.m.
% Authors: Mark Brown.
% Stability: high.
% This module defines the ranges abstract type.
:- module ranges.
:- interface.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module set.
% Range lists represent sets of integers. Each contiguous block
% of integers in the set is stored as an range which specifies
% the bounds of the block, and these ranges are kept in a list-like
% structure.
:- type ranges.
% empty returns the empty set.
:- func empty = ranges.
% is_empty(Set):
% Succeeds iff Set is the empty set.
:- pred is_empty(ranges::in) is semidet.
% is_non_empty(Set):
% Succeeds iff Set is not the empty set.
:- pred is_non_empty(ranges::in) is semidet.
% universe returns the largest set that can be handled by this module.
% This is the set of integers (min_int+1)..max_int. Note that min_int
% cannot be represented in any set.
:- func universe = ranges.
% range(Min, Max) is the set of all integers from Min to Max inclusive.
:- func range(int, int) = ranges.
% split(D, L, H, Rest) is true iff L..H is the first range
% in D, and Rest is the domain D with this range removed.
:- pred split(ranges::in, int::out, int::out, ranges::out) is semidet.
% is_contiguous(R, L, H) <=> split(R, L, H, empty):
% Test if the set is a contiguous set of integers and return the endpoints
% of this set if this is the case.
:- pred is_contiguous(ranges::in, int::out, int::out) is semidet.
% Add an integer to the set.
:- func insert(int, ranges) = ranges.
:- pred insert(int::in, ranges::in, ranges::out) is det.
% Delete an integer from the set.
:- func delete(int, ranges) = ranges.
% Return the number of distinct integers which are in the ranges
% (as opposed to the number of ranges).
:- func size(ranges) = int.
% Returns the median value of the set. In case of a tie, returns
% the lower of the two options.
:- func median(ranges) = int.
% least(A, N) is true iff N is the least element of A.
:- pred least(ranges::in, int::out) is semidet.
% greatest(A, N) is true iff N is the greatest element of A.
:- pred greatest(ranges::in, int::out) is semidet.
% next(A, N0, N) is true iff N is the least element of A greater
% than N0.
:- pred next(ranges::in, int::in, int::out) is semidet.
% Test set membership.
:- pred member(int::in, ranges::in) is semidet.
% Nondeterministically produce each range.
:- pred range_member(int::out, int::out, ranges::in) is nondet.
% Nondeterministically produce each element.
:- pred nondet_member(int::out, ranges::in) is nondet.
% subset(A, B) is true iff every value in A is in B.
:- pred subset(ranges::in, ranges::in) is semidet.
% disjoint(A, B) is true iff A and B have no values in common.
:- pred disjoint(ranges::in, ranges::in) is semidet.
% union(A, B) contains all the integers in either A or B.
:- func union(ranges, ranges) = ranges.
% intersection(A, B) contains all the integers in both A and B.
:- func intersection(ranges, ranges) = ranges.
% difference(A, B) contains all the integers which are in A but
% not in B.
:- func difference(ranges, ranges) = ranges.
% restrict_min(Min, A) contains all integers in A which are greater
% than or equal to Min.
:- func restrict_min(int, ranges) = ranges.
% restrict_max(Max, A) contains all integers in A which are less than
% or equal to Max.
:- func restrict_max(int, ranges) = ranges.
% restrict_range(Min, Max, A) contains all integers I in A which
% satisfy Min =< I =< Max.
:- func restrict_range(int, int, ranges) = ranges.
% prune_to_next_non_member(A0, A, N0, N):
% N is the smallest integer larger than or equal to N0 which is not
% in A0. A is the set A0 restricted to values greater than N.
:- pred prune_to_next_non_member(ranges::in, ranges::out,
int::in, int::out) is det.
% prune_to_prev_non_member(A0, A, N0, N):
% N is the largest integer smaller than or equal to N0 which is not
% in A0. A is the set A0 restricted to values less than N.
:- pred prune_to_prev_non_member(ranges::in, ranges::out,
int::in, int::out) is det.
% Negate all numbers: A in R <=> -A in negate(R)
:- func negate(ranges) = ranges.
% The sum of two ranges.
:- func plus(ranges, ranges) = ranges.
% Shift a range by const C.
:- func shift(ranges, int) = ranges.
% Dilate a range by const C.
:- func dilation(ranges, int) = ranges.
% Contract a range by const C.
:- func contraction(ranges, int) = ranges.
% Convert to a sorted list of integers.
:- func to_sorted_list(ranges) = list(int).
% Convert from a list of integers.
:- func from_list(list(int)) = ranges.
% Convert from a set of integers.
:- func from_set(set(int)) = ranges.
% Compare the sets of integers given by the two ranges using lexicographic
% ordering on the sorted set form.
:- pred compare_lex(comparison_result::uo, ranges::in, ranges::in) is det.
:- pred foldl(pred(int, A, A), ranges, A, A).
:- mode foldl(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, in, out) is det.
:- mode foldl(pred(in, mdi, muo) is det, in, mdi, muo) is det.
:- mode foldl(pred(in, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo) is det.
:- mode foldl(pred(in, in, out) is semidet, in, in, out) is semidet.
:- mode foldl(pred(in, mdi, muo) is semidet, in, mdi, muo) is semidet.
:- mode foldl(pred(in, di, uo) is semidet, in, di, uo) is semidet.
:- pred foldl2(pred(int, A, A, B, B), ranges, A, A, B, B).
:- mode foldl2(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is det, in, in, out,
in, out) is det.
:- mode foldl2(pred(in, in, out, mdi, muo) is det, in, in, out,
mdi, muo) is det.
:- mode foldl2(pred(in, in, out, di, uo) is det, in, in, out,
di, uo) is det.
:- mode foldl2(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is semidet, in, in, out,
in, out) is semidet.
:- mode foldl2(pred(in, in, out, mdi, muo) is semidet, in, in, out,
mdi, muo) is semidet.
:- mode foldl2(pred(in, in, out, di, uo) is semidet, in, in, out,
di, uo) is semidet.
:- pred foldl3(pred(int, A, A, B, B, C, C), ranges, A, A, B, B, C, C).
:- mode foldl3(pred(in, in, out, in, out, in, out) is det, in,
in, out, in, out, in, out) is det.
:- mode foldl3(pred(in, in, out, in, out, mdi, muo) is det, in,
in, out, in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
:- mode foldl3(pred(in, in, out, in, out, di, uo) is det, in,
in, out, in, out, di, uo) is det.
:- mode foldl3(pred(in, in, out, in, out, di, uo) is semidet, in,
in, out, in, out, di, uo) is semidet.
:- pred foldr(pred(int, A, A), ranges, A, A).
:- mode foldr(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, in, out) is det.
:- mode foldr(pred(in, mdi, muo) is det, in, mdi, muo) is det.
:- mode foldr(pred(in, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo) is det.
:- mode foldr(pred(in, in, out) is semidet, in, in, out) is semidet.
:- mode foldr(pred(in, mdi, muo) is semidet, in, mdi, muo) is semidet.
:- mode foldr(pred(in, di, uo) is semidet, in, di, uo) is semidet.
% For each range, call the predicate, passing it the lower and
% upper bound and threading through an accumulator.
:- pred range_foldl(pred(int, int, A, A), ranges, A, A).
:- mode range_foldl(pred(in, in, in, out) is det, in, in, out) is det.
:- mode range_foldl(pred(in, in, mdi, muo) is det, in, mdi, muo) is det.
:- mode range_foldl(pred(in, in, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo) is det.
:- mode range_foldl(pred(in, in, in, out) is semidet, in, in, out) is semidet.
:- mode range_foldl(pred(in, in, mdi, muo) is semidet, in, mdi, muo) is semidet.
:- mode range_foldl(pred(in, in, di, uo) is semidet, in, di, uo) is semidet.
% As above, but with two accumulators.
:- pred range_foldl2(pred(int, int, A, A, B, B), ranges, A, A, B, B).
:- mode range_foldl2(pred(in, in, in, out, in, out) is det,
in, in, out, in, out) is det.
:- mode range_foldl2(pred(in, in, in, out, mdi, muo) is det,
in, in, out, mdi, muo) is det.
:- mode range_foldl2(pred(in, in, in, out, di, uo) is det,
in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
:- mode range_foldl2(pred(in, in, in, out, in, out) is semidet,
in, in, out, in, out) is semidet.
:- mode range_foldl2(pred(in, in, in, out, mdi, muo) is semidet,
in, in, out, mdi, muo) is semidet.
:- mode range_foldl2(pred(in, in, in, out, di, uo) is semidet,
in, in, out, di, uo) is semidet.
:- pred range_foldr(pred(int, int, A, A), ranges, A, A).
:- mode range_foldr(pred(in, in, in, out) is det, in, in, out) is det.
:- mode range_foldr(pred(in, in, mdi, muo) is det, in, mdi, muo) is det.
:- mode range_foldr(pred(in, in, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo) is det.
:- mode range_foldr(pred(in, in, in, out) is semidet, in, in, out)
is semidet.
:- mode range_foldr(pred(in, in, mdi, muo) is semidet, in, mdi, muo)
is semidet.
:- mode range_foldr(pred(in, in, di, uo) is semidet, in, di, uo)
is semidet.
% C interface to ranges.
% This section describes the C interface to the ranges/0 type that is exported
% by this module.
% In C the ranges/0 type is represented by the ML_Ranges type.
% The following operations are exported and may be called from C or C++
% code.
% ML_Ranges ML_ranges_empty(void);
% Return the empty set.
% ML_Ranges ML_ranges_universe(void);
% Return the set of integers from (min_int+1)..max_int.
% int ML_ranges_is_empty(ML_Ranges ranges);
% Succeeds iff ranges is the empty set.
% MR_Integer ML_ranges_size(ML_Ranges ranges);
% Return the number of distinct integers in a range.a
% int ML_ranges_split(ML_Ranges d, MR_Integer *l, MR_Integer *h,
% ML_Ranges *rest);
% If `d' is not the empty set, then set `l' and `h"'to the lower
% and upper bound of the first range in `d'; `rest' is set to `d'
% with the first range removed.
% ML_Ranges ML_ranges_insert(MR_Integer i, ML_ranges r);
% Return the ranges value that is the result of inserting the integer
% `i' into the ranges value `r'.
:- implementation.
:- import_module bool.
:- import_module exception.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module solutions.
% Values of this type represent finite sets of integers. They are
% interpreted in the following way.
% S[[ nil ]] = {}
% S[[ range(L, H, Rest) ]] = {N | L < N =< H} \/ S[[ Rest ]]
% For example, `range(1, 4, nil)' is interpreted as {2, 3, 4}.
% The invariants on this type are:
% 1) Each range must be non-empty (i.e., L < H).
% 2) The ranges must not overlap or abut (i.e., for any
% value `range(_, H1, range(L2, _, _)' we must have H1 < L2).
% 3) The ranges must be in sorted order.
% These invariants ensure that the representation is canonical.
% Note that it is not possible to represent a set containing min_int.
% Attempting to create such a set will result in an exception being thrown.
:- type ranges
---> nil
; range(int, int, ranges).
:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "
typedef MR_Word ML_Ranges;
:- pragma foreign_export("C", ranges.empty = out, "ML_ranges_empty").
empty = nil.
:- pragma foreign_export("C", ranges.is_empty(in), "ML_ranges_is_empty").
is_non_empty(range(_, _, _)).
:- pragma foreign_export("C", universe = out, "ML_ranges_universe").
universe = range(min_int, max_int, nil).
range(Min, Max) = Ranges :-
( if Min = min_int then
throw("ranges.range: cannot represent min_int")
else if Min > Max then
Ranges = nil
Ranges = range(Min - 1, Max, nil)
:- pragma foreign_export("C", ranges.split(in, out, out, out),
split(range(Min1, Max, Rest), Min1 + 1, Max, Rest).
is_contiguous(Range, Min + 1, Max) :-
Range = range(Min, Max, nil).
:- pragma foreign_export("C", ranges.insert(in, in) = out, "ML_ranges_insert").
insert(N, As) = union(As, range(N, N)).
insert(N, As, Bs) :- Bs = insert(N, As).
delete(N, As) = difference(As, range(N, N)).
:- pragma foreign_export("C", size(in) = out, "ML_ranges_size").
size(nil) = 0.
size(range(L, U, Rest)) = (U - L) + size(Rest).
median(As) = N :-
Size = size(As),
( if Size > 0 then
MiddleIndex = (Size + 1) / 2
throw("ranges.median: empty set")
N = element_index(As, MiddleIndex).
% element_index(Intervals, I) returns the I'th largest value in the set
% represented by Intervals (the least item in the set having index 1).
:- func element_index(ranges, int) = int.
element_index(nil, _) =
throw("ranges.element_index: index out of range").
element_index(range(L, U, Rest), I) = N :-
N0 = L + I,
( if N0 =< U then
N = N0
N = element_index(Rest, N0 - U)
least(range(L, _, _), L + 1).
greatest(range(_, U0, As), U) :-
greatest_2(U0, As, U).
:- pred greatest_2(int::in, ranges::in, int::out) is det.
greatest_2(U, nil, U).
greatest_2(_, range(_, U0, As), U) :-
greatest_2(U0, As, U).
next(range(L, U, As), N0, N) :-
( if N0 < U then
N = int.max(L, N0) + 1
ranges.next(As, N0, N)
member(N, range(L, U, As)) :-
N > L,
N =< U
ranges.member(N, As)
range_member(L, U, range(A0, A1, As)) :-
L = A0 + 1,
U = A1
range_member(L, U, As)
nondet_member(N, As) :-
range_member(L, U, As),
int.nondet_int_in_range(L, U, N).
subset(A, B) :-
% XXX Should implement this more efficiently.
ranges.difference(A, B) = nil.
disjoint(A, B) :-
% XXX Should implement this more efficiently.
ranges.intersection(A, B) = nil.
% union(A, B) = A \/ B
union(nil, Bs) = Bs.
union(As @ range(_, _, _), nil) = As.
union(As @ range(LA, UA, As0), Bs @ range(LB, UB, Bs0)) = Result :-
compare(R, LA, LB),
R = (<),
Result = n_diff_na_b(LA, UA, As0, Bs)
R = (=),
Result = n_int_na_nb(LA, UA, As0, UB, Bs0)
R = (>),
Result = n_diff_na_b(LB, UB, Bs0, As)
% n_union_a_nb(L, A, U, B) =
% {X | X > L} \ (A \/ ({Y | Y > U} \ B))
% assuming L < min(A), L < U and U < min(B).
:- func n_union_a_nb(int, ranges, int, ranges) = ranges.
n_union_a_nb(L, nil, U, Bs) = range(L, U, Bs).
n_union_a_nb(L, As @ range(LA, UA, As0), UB, Bs0) = Result :-
compare(R, LA, UB),
R = (<),
Result = range(L, LA, diff_na_nb(UA, As0, UB, Bs0))
R = (=),
Result = range(L, LA, int_na_b(UA, As0, Bs0))
R = (>),
Result = range(L, UB, ranges.difference(Bs0, As))
% n_union_na_b(L, U, A, B) =
% {X | X > L} \ (({Y | Y > U} \ A) \/ B)
% assuming L < U, U < min(A) and L < min(B).
:- func n_union_na_b(int, int, ranges, ranges) = ranges.
n_union_na_b(L, U, As, nil) = range(L, U, As).
n_union_na_b(L, UA, As0, Bs @ range(LB, UB, Bs0)) = Result :-
compare(R, UA, LB),
R = (<),
Result = range(L, UA, ranges.difference(As0, Bs))
R = (=),
Result = range(L, UA, int_a_nb(As0, UB, Bs0))
R = (>),
Result = range(L, LB, diff_na_nb(UB, Bs0, UA, As0))
% n_union_na_nb(L, UA, A, UB, B) =
% {X | X > L} \ (({Y | Y > UA} \ A) \/ ({Z | Z > UB} \ B))
% assuming L < UA, UA < min(A), L < UB and UB < min(B).
:- func n_union_na_nb(int, int, ranges, int, ranges) = ranges.
n_union_na_nb(L, UA, As0, UB, Bs0) = Result :-
compare(R, UA, UB),
R = (<),
Result = range(L, UA, diff_a_nb(As0, UB, Bs0))
R = (=),
Result = range(L, UA, ranges.intersection(As0, Bs0))
R = (>),
Result = range(L, UB, diff_a_nb(Bs0, UA, As0))
% intersection(A, B) = A /\ B
intersection(nil, _) = nil.
intersection(range(_, _, _), nil) = nil.
intersection(As @ range(LA, UA, As0), Bs @ range(LB, UB, Bs0)) = Result :-
compare(R, LA, LB),
R = (<),
Result = diff_a_nb(Bs, UA, As0)
R = (=),
Result = n_union_na_nb(LA, UA, As0, UB, Bs0)
R = (>),
Result = diff_a_nb(As, UB, Bs0)
% int_na_b(U, A, B) = ({X | X > U} \ A) /\ B
% assuming U < min(A).
:- func int_na_b(int, ranges, ranges) = ranges.
int_na_b(_, _, nil) = nil.
int_na_b(UA, As0, Bs @ range(LB, UB, Bs0)) = Result :-
compare(R, UA, LB),
R = (<),
Result = ranges.difference(Bs, As0)
R = (=),
Result = n_union_a_nb(UA, As0, UB, Bs0)
R = (>),
Result = diff_na_nb(UA, As0, UB, Bs0)
% n_int_na_nb(L, UA, A, UB, B) =
% {X | X > L} (({Y | Y > UA} \ A) /\ ({Z | Z > UB} \ B))
% assuming L < UA, UA < min(A), L < UB and UB < min(B).
:- func n_int_na_nb(int, int, ranges, int, ranges) = ranges.
n_int_na_nb(L, UA, As0, UB, Bs0) = Result :-
compare(R, UA, UB),
R = (<),
Result = n_diff_na_b(L, UB, Bs0, As0)
R = (=),
Result = range(L, UA, ranges.union(As0, Bs0))
R = (>),
Result = n_diff_na_b(L, UA, As0, Bs0)
% int_a_nb(A, U, B) = A /\ ({X | X > U} \ B)
% assuming U < min(B).
:- func int_a_nb(ranges, int, ranges) = ranges.
int_a_nb(nil, _, _) = nil.
int_a_nb(As @ range(LA, UA, As0), UB, Bs0) = Result :-
compare(R, LA, UB),
R = (<),
Result = diff_na_nb(UB, Bs0, UA, As0)
R = (=),
Result = n_union_na_b(LA, UA, As0, Bs0)
R = (>),
Result = ranges.difference(As, Bs0)
% difference(A, B) = A \ B
difference(nil, _) = nil.
difference(As @ range(_, _, _), nil) = As.
difference(As @ range(LA, UA, As0), Bs @ range(LB, UB, Bs0)) = Result :-
compare(R, LA, LB),
R = (<),
Result = n_union_na_b(LA, UA, As0, Bs)
R = (=),
Result = diff_na_nb(UB, Bs0, UA, As0)
R = (>),
Result = int_a_nb(As, UB, Bs0)
% n_diff_na_b(L, U, A, B) = {X | X > L} \ (({Y | Y > U} \ A) \ B)
% assuming L < U, U < min(A) and L < min(B).
:- func n_diff_na_b(int, int, ranges, ranges) = ranges.
n_diff_na_b(L, U, As, nil) = range(L, U, As).
n_diff_na_b(L, UA, As0, Bs @ range(LB, UB, Bs0)) = Result :-
compare(R, UA, LB),
R = (<),
Result = range(L, UA, ranges.union(As0, Bs))
R = (=),
Result = n_diff_na_b(L, UB, Bs0, As0)
R = (>),
Result = n_int_na_nb(L, UA, As0, UB, Bs0)
% diff_a_nb(A, U, B) = A \ ({X | X > U} \ B)
% assuming U < min(B).
:- func diff_a_nb(ranges, int, ranges) = ranges.
diff_a_nb(nil, _, _) = nil.
diff_a_nb(As @ range(LA, UA, As0), UB, Bs0) = Result :-
compare(R, LA, UB),
R = (<),
Result = n_union_na_nb(LA, UA, As0, UB, Bs0)
R = (=),
Result = diff_a_nb(Bs0, UA, As0)
R = (>),
Result = ranges.intersection(As, Bs0)
% diff_na_nb(UA, A, UB, B) = ({X | X > UA} \ A) \ ({Y | Y > UB} \ B)
% assuming UA < min(A) and UB < min(B).
:- func diff_na_nb(int, ranges, int, ranges) = ranges.
diff_na_nb(UA, As0, UB, Bs0) = Result :-
compare(R, UA, UB),
R = (<),
Result = n_union_a_nb(UA, As0, UB, Bs0)
R = (=),
Result = ranges.difference(Bs0, As0)
R = (>),
Result = int_na_b(UA, As0, Bs0)
restrict_min(_, nil) = nil.
restrict_min(Min, As0 @ range(L, U, As1)) = As :-
( if Min =< L then
As = As0
else if Min =< U then
As = range(Min - 1, U, As1)
As = restrict_min(Min, As1)
restrict_max(_, nil) = nil.
restrict_max(Max, range(L, U, As0)) = As :-
( if Max =< L then
As = nil
else if Max =< U then
As = range(L, Max, nil)
As = range(L, U, restrict_max(Max, As0))
restrict_range(Min, Max, As) =
ranges.intersection(range(Min - 1, Max, nil), As).
prune_to_next_non_member(nil, nil, !N).
prune_to_next_non_member(As @ range(LA, UA, As0), Result, !N) :-
( if !.N =< LA then
Result = As
else if !.N =< UA then
!:N = UA + 1,
Result = As0
prune_to_next_non_member(As0, Result, !N)
prune_to_prev_non_member(nil, nil, !N).
prune_to_prev_non_member(range(LA, UA, As0), Result, !N) :-
( if !.N =< LA then
Result = nil
else if !.N =< UA then
!:N = LA,
Result = nil
prune_to_prev_non_member(As0, Result0, !N),
Result = range(LA, UA, Result0)
negate(As) = negate_aux(As, nil).
:- func negate_aux(ranges::in, ranges::in) = (ranges::out) is det.
negate_aux(nil, As) = As.
negate_aux(range(L, U, As), A) = negate_aux(As, range(-U-1, -L-1, A)).
plus(nil, nil) = nil.
plus(nil, range(_,_,_)) = nil.
plus(range(_,_,_), nil) = nil.
plus(range(La, Ha, nil), range(L, H, nil)) = range(La + L + 1, Ha + H, nil).
plus(range(Lx0, Hx0, Xs0 @ range(Lx1, Hx1, Xs1)), range(L, H, nil)) = Result :-
( if Lx1 - Hx0 < H - L then
Result = plus(range(Lx0, Hx1, Xs1), range(L, H, nil))
Result = range(Lx0 + L + 1, Hx0 + H, plus(Xs0, range(L, H, nil)))
plus(range(Lx, Hx, Xs), range(L, H, S @ range(_,_,_))) = Result :-
A = plus(range(Lx, Hx, Xs), range(L, H, nil)),
B = plus(range(Lx, Hx, Xs), S),
Result = union(A,B).
shift(nil, _) = nil.
shift(As @ range(L, H, As0), C) = Result :-
( if C = 0 then
Result = As
Result = range(L + C, H + C, shift(As0, C))
dilation(nil, _) = nil.
dilation(A @ range(_,_,_) , C) = Result :-
( if C < 0 then
Result = dilation(negate(A), -C)
else if C = 0 then
Result = range(-1, 0, nil)
else if C = 1 then
Result = A
L = to_sorted_list(A),
list.map(*(C), L) = L0,
Result = from_list(L0)
contraction(nil, _) = nil.
contraction(A @ range(L, H, As), C) = Result :-
( if C < 0 then
Result = contraction(negate(A), -C)
else if C = 0 then
Result = range(-1, 0, nil)
else if C = 1 then
Result = A
L0 = div_up_xp(L + 1, C) - 1,
H0 = div_down_xp(H, C),
Result = contraction_0(L0, H0, As, C)
:- func contraction_0(int, int, ranges, int) = ranges.
contraction_0(L0, H0, nil, _) = range(L0, H0, nil).
contraction_0(L0, H0, range(L1, H1, As), C) = Result :-
L1N = div_up_xp(L1 + 1, C) - 1,
H1N = div_down_xp(H1, C),
( if H0 >= L1N then
Result = contraction_0(L0, H1N, As, C)
Result = range(L0, H0, contraction_0(L1N, H1N, As, C))
% 0 < B. Round up.
:- func div_up_xp(int::in, int::in) = (int::out) is det.
div_up_xp(A, B) = (A > 0 -> div_up_pp(A, B) ; div_up_np(A, B)).
% 0 < A,B. Round up.
:- func div_up_pp(int::in, int::in) = (int::out) is det.
div_up_pp(A, B) = int.unchecked_quotient(A + B - 1, B).
% A < 0 < B. Round up.
:- func div_up_np(int::in, int::in) = (int::out) is det.
div_up_np(A, B) = int.unchecked_quotient(A, B).
% 0 < B. Round down.
:- func div_down_xp(int::in, int::in) = (int::out) is det.
div_down_xp(A, B) = (A > 0 -> div_down_pp(A, B) ; div_down_np(A, B)).
% 0 < A,B. Round down.
:- func div_down_pp(int::in, int::in) = (int::out) is det.
div_down_pp(A, B) = int.unchecked_quotient(A, B).
% A < 0 < B. Round down.
:- func div_down_np(int::in, int::in) = (int::out) is det.
div_down_np(A, B) = int.unchecked_quotient(A - B + 1, B).
to_sorted_list(nil) = [].
to_sorted_list(range(L, H, Rest)) =
to_sorted_list_2(L, H, to_sorted_list(Rest)).
:- func to_sorted_list_2(int, int, list(int)) = list(int).
to_sorted_list_2(L, H, Ints) =
( if H = L
then Ints
else to_sorted_list_2(L, H-1, [H | Ints])
from_list(List) =
list.foldl(ranges.insert, List, ranges.empty).
from_set(Set) =
compare_lex(Result, A, B) :-
A = nil,
B = nil,
Result = (=)
A = nil,
B = range(_, _, _),
Result = (<)
A = range(_, _, _),
B = nil,
Result = (>)
A = range(LBA, UBA, APrime),
B = range(LBB, UBB, BPrime),
% NOTE: when we unpack a range/3 constructor we must add one
% to the first argument since that is the lowest value in that
% subset.
compare_lex_2(Result, LBA + 1, UBA, LBB + 1, UBB, APrime, BPrime)
:- pred compare_lex_2(comparison_result::uo, int::in, int::in,
int::in, int::in, ranges::in, ranges::in) is det.
compare_lex_2(Result, !.LBA, !.UBA, !.LBB, !.UBB, !.NextA, !.NextB) :-
compare(LBResult, !.LBA, !.LBB),
( LBResult = (<)
; LBResult = (>)
Result = LBResult
LBResult = (=),
compare(UBResult, !.UBA, !.UBB),
UBResult = (=),
compare_lex(Result, !.NextA, !.NextB)
( UBResult = (<)
; UBResult = (>)
( if
!.LBA = !.UBA,
!.LBB = !.UBB
compare_lex(Result, !.NextA, !.NextB)
else if
!.LBA < !.UBA,
!.LBB = !.UBB
!:LBA = !.LBA + 1,
!.NextB = nil,
Result = (>)
!.NextB = range(!:LBB, !:UBB, !:NextB),
compare_lex_2(Result, !.LBA, !.UBA, !.LBB + 1, !.UBB,
!.NextA, !.NextB)
else if
!.LBA = !.UBA,
!.LBB < !.UBB
!:LBB = !.LBB + 1,
!.NextA = nil,
Result = (<)
!.NextA = range(!:LBA, !:UBA, !:NextA),
compare_lex_2(Result, !.LBA + 1, !.UBA, !.LBB, !.UBB,
!.NextA, !.NextB)
!:LBA = !.LBA + 1,
!:LBB = !.LBB + 1,
compare_lex_2(Result, !.LBA, !.UBA, !.LBB, !.UBB,
!.NextA, !.NextB)
foldl(P, Ranges, !Acc) :-
Ranges = nil
Ranges = range(L, U, Rest),
int.fold_up(P, L + 1, U, !Acc),
foldl(P, Rest, !Acc)
foldl2(P, Ranges, !Acc1, !Acc2) :-
Ranges = nil
Ranges = range(L, U, Rest),
int.fold_up2(P, L + 1, U, !Acc1, !Acc2),
foldl2(P, Rest, !Acc1, !Acc2)
foldl3(P, Ranges, !Acc1, !Acc2, !Acc3) :-
Ranges = nil
Ranges = range(L, U, Rest),
int.fold_up3(P, L + 1, U, !Acc1, !Acc2, !Acc3),
foldl3(P, Rest, !Acc1, !Acc2, !Acc3)
foldr(P, Ranges, !Acc) :-
Ranges = nil
Ranges = range(L, H, Rest),
foldr(P, Rest, !Acc),
int.fold_down(P, L + 1, H, !Acc)
range_foldl(_, nil, !Acc).
range_foldl(P, range(L, U, Rest), !Acc) :-
P(L + 1, U, !Acc),
range_foldl(P, Rest, !Acc).
range_foldl2(_, nil, !Acc1, !Acc2).
range_foldl2(P, range(L, U, Rest), !Acc1, !Acc2) :-
P(L + 1, U, !Acc1, !Acc2),
range_foldl2(P, Rest, !Acc1, !Acc2).
range_foldr(_, nil, !Acc).
range_foldr(P, range(L, U, Rest), !Acc) :-
range_foldr(P, Rest, !Acc),
P(L + 1, U, !Acc).
:- end_module ranges.
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