[m-dev.] 4 tag bits

Michael Day mikeday at yeslogic.com
Wed Jul 6 14:32:12 AEST 2016

Hi Paul,

> :- type foo
>      --->    foo1(thing)
>              /* 8 things */
>      ;       foo2(thing, thing, thing, thing, thing, thing, thing, thing).
> Then instances of foo2 are 8 words (4 granules) big, and may go on a page
> for 4 granule allocations and have more tag bits available.  However foo1
> only has the usual 4 tag bits, because it will not be aligned.  To make use
> of this optimisation we can only use the minimum number of tag bits of a
> type's constructors.

Ah yes that kills the idea.


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