[m-dev.] 11.07.1 --csharp-compiler... in scripts/Mercury.config... on Linux to delete??

Paul Bone pbone at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Tue Mar 6 22:25:04 AEDT 2012

On Mon, Mar 05, 2012 at 03:16:03PM +0800, Michael Richter wrote:
> On 5 March 2012 05:47, Paul Bone <pbone at csse.unimelb.edu.au> wrote:
> > If you take a _fresh_ download of the source distribution you don't need
> > Mercury at all to build it.  The source download is half-built, that is to
> > say,
> > the .m files have already been compiled to .c files, so your system's gcc
> > can
> > simply finish it (just run configure like you normally would, making sure
> > that
> > there is no mmc in the path).
> >
> If this is true, the configure script needs to lose the scary warnings
> about how unboxed floats won't be used because we don't have an mmc of the
> appropriate version.

The problem with that is that the warning is accurate.  There's no sense in
removing it, especially if you care about the performance of floating point and
the benefits of an extra tag-bit.

As Julien said, the correct way to overcome this is to re-build mercury once
you've got it installed.  With the configure script fixes this should be less


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