[m-dev.] Proposal: parsing module for the library.

Ralph Becket rafe at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Tue Jan 13 14:25:28 AEDT 2009

Below is a recursive descent parsing module I'd like to add to the
library (I've used pretty much identical code half a dozen times over
the last two or three years, so it's useful stuff).

-- Ralph

% parsing.m
% Ralph Becket <rafe at csse.unimelb.edu.au>
% Tue Jan 13 11:32:49 EST 2009
% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
% Support for DCG style parsers.

:- module parsing.

:- interface.

:- import_module char.
:- import_module float.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module maybe.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module unit.

    % The parser "state", passed around in DCG arguments.
:- type ps.

    % The parser source (input string).
:- type src.

    % Construct a new parser source and state from a string.
:- pred new_src_and_ps(string::in, src::out, ps::out) is det.

:- type parser(T) == pred(T, ps, ps).
:- inst parser == ( pred(out, in, out) is semidet ).

    % Read the next char.
:- pred char(src::in)
        : parser(char) `with_inst` parser.

    % Match a char from the given string.
:- pred char_in_class(src::in, string::in)
        : parser(char) `with_inst` parser.

    % Match a string exactly and any subsequent whitespace.
:- pred punct(src::in, string::in)
        : parser(unit) `with_inst` parser.

    % keyword(Src, IdChars, Keyword, _) matches Keyword exactly (i.e., it must
    % not be followed by any character in IdChars) and any subsequent
    % whitespace.
:- pred keyword(src::in, string::in, string::in)
        : parser(unit) `with_inst` parser.

    % identifier(Src, InitIdChars, IdChars, Identifier) matches the next
    % identifer (result in Identifier) comprising a char from InitIdChars
    % followed by zero or more chars from IdChars.
:- pred identifier(src::in, string::in, string::in)
        : parser(string) `with_inst` parser.

    % Consume any whitespace.
:- pred whitespace(src::in)
        : parser(unit) `with_inst` parser.

    % Consume any input up to, and including, the next newline character
    % marking the end of the current line.
:- pred skip_to_eol(src::in)
        : parser(unit) `with_inst` parser.

    % Succeed if we have reached the end of the input.
:- pred eof(src::in)
        : parser(unit) `with_inst` parser.

    % Parse a float literal
:- pred float(src::in)
        : parser(float) `with_inst` parser.

    % Parse an int literal.
:- pred int(src::in)
        : parser(int) `with_inst` parser.
        % Parse an string literal.  The string argument is the quote character.
:- pred string(src::in, char::in)
        : parser(string) `with_inst` parser.

:- pred optional(src::in, parser(T)::in(parser))
        : parser(maybe(T)) `with_inst` parser.

:- pred zero_or_more(src::in, parser(T)::in(parser))
        : parser(list(T)) `with_inst` parser.

:- pred one_or_more(src::in, parser(T)::in(parser))
        : parser(list(T)) `with_inst` parser.

:- pred brackets(src::in, string::in, string::in, parser(T)::in(parser))
        : parser(T) `with_inst` parser.

:- pred separated_list(src::in, string::in, parser(T)::in(parser))
        : parser(list(T)) `with_inst` parser.

:- pred comma_separated_list(src::in, parser(T)::in(parser))
        : parser(list(T)) `with_inst` parser.


:- implementation.

    % The parser "state" is just the offset into the input string.
:- type ps == int.

:- type src
    --->    src(
                input_length    ::  int,
                input_string    ::  string


new_src_and_ps(InputString, Src, PS) :-
    Src = src(string.length(InputString), InputString),
    PS = 0.

% Low-level predicates.

:- pred current_offset(src::in, int::out, ps::in, ps::out) is det.

current_offset(_Src, PS, PS, PS).


eof(Src, unit, !PS) :-
    !.PS = Src ^ input_length.


char(Src, Char, PS, PS + 1) :-
    PS < Src ^ input_length,
    Char = Src ^ input_string ^ unsafe_elem(PS).


char_in_class(Src, CharClass, Char) -->
    char(Src, Char),
    { string.contains_char(CharClass, Char) }.


:- pred input_substring(src::in, int::in, int::in)
        : parser(string) `with_inst` parser.

input_substring(Src, Start, EndPlusOne, Substring, !PS) :-
    EndPlusOne =< Src ^ input_length,
    Substring =
        unsafe_substring(Src ^ input_string, Start, EndPlusOne - Start).


:- pred match_string(src::in, string::in, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.

match_string(Src, MatchStr, PS, PS + N) :-
    N = string.length(MatchStr),
    PS + N =< Src ^ input_length,
    match_string_2(N, 0, MatchStr, PS, Src ^ input_string).

:- pred match_string_2(int::in, int::in, string::in, int::in, string::in)
        is semidet.

match_string_2(N, I, MatchStr, Offset, Str) :-
    ( if I < N then
        MatchStr ^ unsafe_elem(I) = Str ^ unsafe_elem(Offset + I),
        match_string_2(N, I + 1, MatchStr, Offset, Str)

% Utility predicates.

optional(_Src, P, Result) -->
    ( if P(X) then
        { Result = yes(X) }
        { Result = no },
        { semidet_true }


zero_or_more(Src, P, Result) -->
    ( if P(X), zero_or_more(Src, P, Xs) then
        { Result = [X | Xs] }
        { Result = [] },
        { semidet_true }


one_or_more(Src, P, Result) -->
    zero_or_more(Src, P, Xs),
    { Result = [X | Xs] }.


brackets(Src, L, R, P, Result) -->
    punct(Src, L, _),
    punct(Src, R, _).


separated_list(Src, Separator, P, Result) -->
    { CommaP = ( pred(CommaPX::out, !.PS::in, !:PS::out) is semidet :-
        punct(Src, Separator, _, !PS),
        P(CommaPX, !PS)
    ) },
    zero_or_more(Src, CommaP, Xs),
    { Result = [X | Xs] }.


comma_separated_list(Src, P, Result) -->
    separated_list(Src, ",", P, Result).


whitespace(Src, unit) -->
    ( if char(Src, C), { char.is_whitespace(C) } then
        whitespace(Src, _)


skip_to_eol(Src, unit) -->
    char(Src, C),
    ( if { C = ('\n') } then [] else skip_to_eol(Src, _) ).


punct(Src, Punct, unit) -->
    match_string(Src, Punct),
    whitespace(Src, _).


keyword(Src, IdChars, Keyword, unit) -->
    match_string(Src, Keyword),
    not char_in_class(Src, IdChars, _),
    whitespace(Src, _).


float(Src, Float) -->
    current_offset(Src, Start),
    ( if char(Src, ('-')) then [] else [] ),
    digits(Src, 10, _),
    char(Src, ('.')),
    digits(Src, 10, _),
    ( if char_in_class(Src, "eE", _) then
        ( if char(Src, ('-')) then [] else [] ),
        digits(Src, 10, _)
    current_offset(Src, EndPlusOne),
    whitespace(Src, _),
    input_substring(Src, Start, EndPlusOne, SubString),
    { Float = string.det_to_float(SubString) }.


int(Src, Int) -->
    current_offset(Src, Start),
    optional(Src, char_in_class(Src, "-"), _),
    digits(Src, 10, _),
    not (
        char(Src, ('.')),
        digits(Src, 10, _)
    current_offset(Src, EndPlusOne),
    whitespace(Src, _),
    input_substring(Src, Start, EndPlusOne, SubString),
    { Int = string.det_to_int(SubString) }.


:- pred digits(src::in, int::in)
        : parser(unit) `with_inst` parser.

digits(Src, Base, unit) -->
    char(Src, C),
    { char.digit_to_int(C, D), D < Base },
    digits_2(Src, Base, _).

:- pred digits_2(src::in, int::in)
        : parser(unit) `with_inst` parser.

digits_2(Src, Base, unit) -->
    ( if
        char(Src, C),
        { char.digit_to_int(C, D), D < Base }
        digits_2(Src, Base, _)


string(Src, QuoteChar, String) -->
    current_offset(Src, Start),
    char(Src, QuoteChar),
    string_2(Src, QuoteChar, _),
    current_offset(Src, EndPlusOne),
    whitespace(Src, _),
    input_substring(Src, Start + 1, EndPlusOne - 1, String).


:- pred string_2(src::in, char::in)
        : parser(unit) `with_inst` parser.

string_2(Src, QuoteChar, unit) -->
    char(Src, C),
    ( if { C = QuoteChar } then
      else if { C = ('\\') } then
        char(Src, _),
        string_2(Src, QuoteChar, _)
        string_2(Src, QuoteChar, _)


identifier(Src, InitIdChars, IdChars, Identifier) -->
    current_offset(Src, Start),
    char_in_class(Src, InitIdChars, _),
    identifier_2(Src, IdChars, _),
    current_offset(Src, EndPlusOne),
    input_substring(Src, Start, EndPlusOne, Identifier).


:- pred identifier_2(src::in, string::in)
        : parser(unit) `with_inst` parser.

identifier_2(Src, IdChars, unit) -->
    ( if char_in_class(Src, IdChars, _) then
        identifier_2(Src, IdChars, _)

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