[m-dev.] Re: [G12-local] [dbatt at unimelb.edu.au: [compsci-postgrads] [cs-everyone] Power Interruption: Thursday Morning]

Paul Bone pbone at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Thu Dec 3 11:14:12 AEDT 2009

Everything is now online and should be working properly with the exception of
fluffy.  Anyone who wants to use fluffy can press the button on the front of
the system.

If something isn't working that you think should be, let me know.


On Tue, Dec 01, 2009 at 01:45:06PM +1100, Paul Bone wrote:
> Please turn your workstation off on Wednesday afternoon when you leave your office.
> I'll turn off taura, paper, aral, fluffy and uranus.  Ralph or Mark B, could you
> please turn off eris.
> ----- Forwarded message from David Batterham <dbatt at unimelb.edu.au> -----
> X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.2.5 (2008-06-10) on
> 	paper.csse.unimelb.edu.au
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> X-Virus-Scanned: amavisd-new at csse.unimelb.edu.au
> From: David Batterham <dbatt at unimelb.edu.au>
> Subject: [compsci-postgrads] [cs-everyone] Power Interruption: Thursday Morning
> To: David Batterham <dbatt at unimelb.edu.au>
> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 01 Dec 2009 01:36:22.0343 (UTC)
> 	FILETIME=[B02B4570:01CA7226]
> Dear Colleagues,
> The University electrical contractor, NUVO, will be performing RCD testing
> in the ICT Building on Thursday 3rd December from 6.30am to approx 9am.
> During this time there may be frequent short power interruptions. (Note
> equipment in the level 6 server room will not be affected).
> You are encouraged to turn off electrical equipment, including computers,
> when you leave on Wednesday. Particularly sensitive or expensive equipment
> should be shut down and unplugged or switched off at the wall socket as the
> short interruptions the testing causes has been known to, on occasion,
> damage power supplies.
> If you have a fridge in your local area, you should check it for normal
> operation on Thursday morning. If it is not operating, switch off for 10
> minutes at the wall then turn on.
> Regs,
> Dave
> -- 
> David Batterham
> IT Systems & Infrastructure Manager, Melbourne School of Engineering
> Room 6.46, Level 6, ICT Building, 111 Barry Street, Carlton
> The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010
> Email: dbatt at unimelb.edu.au
> Phone: +61 3 8344 1522
> Mobile: +61 407 819 814
> The Engineering community can access IT Support services through
> http://ithelp.eng.unimelb.edu.au/servicedesk
> ----- End forwarded message -----

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