[m-dev.] Comments on commenting?
Richard James FOTHERGILL
richardf at students.cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Feb 2 13:47:28 AEDT 2005
Before I finish with this, I was hoping someone could give some constructive
criticism on my comments - what should I add/remove and most importantly what
needs rewording (there may be a lot of that).
Come to think of it, I havn't added any comments to mode_constraints.m,
the only changes are to incorporate my code, but I'll include a diff anyway so
you can see where my code fits in. The modules I've done
are new_mode_constraints, build_mode_constraints and abstract_mode_constraints.
Index: mode_constraints.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mode_constraints.m,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -r1.4 mode_constraints.m
> :- import_module check_hlds.new_mode_constraints.
> :- import_module check_hlds.abstract_mode_constraints.
> :- import_module check_hlds.build_mode_constraints.
> :- import_module parse_tree.prog_io.
> :- import_module parse_tree.modules.
< :- import_module robdd, term, string, assoc_list, sparse_bitset.
> :- import_module robdd, term, string, assoc_list, sparse_bitset, bimap.
> globals__io_lookup_bool_option(new_mode_constraints, New, !IO),
< list__foldl3(mode_constraints__process_scc(Simple), SCCs,
< !ModuleInfo, map__init, PredConstraintMap, !IO),
< < % Stage 2: Process SCCs top-down to determine execution order of
< % conjuctions and which modes are needed for each predicate.
< mode_ordering(PredConstraintMap, list__reverse(SCCs),
< !ModuleInfo, !IO),
< < % Stage 3, which would turn the results of the mode analysis into goal
< % annotations that the rest of the compiler can understand, doesn't
< % exist yet. The whole point of this way of doing mode analysis is
< % to gain extra expressive power (e.g. partially instantiated data
< % structures), and the rest of the compiler doesn't handle the extra
< % expressive power yet.
> (
> New = no,
> list__foldl3(mode_constraints__process_scc(Simple), SCCs,
> !ModuleInfo, map__init, PredConstraintMap, !IO),
> % Stage 2: Process SCCs top-down to determine execution order
> of
> % conjuctions and which modes are needed for each predicate.
> mode_ordering(PredConstraintMap, list__reverse(SCCs),
> !ModuleInfo, !IO),
> % Stage 3, which would turn the results of the mode analysis
> % into goal annotations that the rest of the compiler can
> % understand, doesn't exist yet. The whole point of this way of
> % doing mode analysis is to gain extra expressive power (e.g.
> % partially instantiated data structures), and the rest of the
> % compiler doesn't handle the extra expressive power yet.
> clear_caches(!IO)
> ;
> New = yes,
> list__foldl3(
> new_mode_constraints__process_scc(!.ModuleInfo),
> SCCs,
> varset.init, ConstraintVarset,
> bimap.init, _ConstraintVarMap,
> [], AbstractModeConstraints
> ),
< clear_caches(!IO).
> hlds_module.module_info_name(!.ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
> CreateDirectories = yes,
> parse_tree.modules.module_name_to_file_name(
> ModuleName, "mode_constraints",
> CreateDirectories,
> FileName, !IO
> ),
> OutputFile = FileName,
> io.open_output(OutputFile, IOResult, !IO),
> ( IOResult = ok(OutputStream),
> io.set_output_stream(OutputStream, OldOutStream, !IO),
> abstract_mode_constraints.pretty_print_constraints(
> ConstraintVarset,
> AbstractModeConstraints,
> !IO
> ),
> io.set_output_stream(OldOutStream, _, !IO),
> io.close_output(OutputStream, !IO)
> ; IOResult = error(_)
> % XXX What to do here?
> )
> ).
% Copyright (C) 2004-2005 The University of Melbourne.
% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
% File: new_mode_constraints.m
% Main author: richardf
% This module provides an alternate process_scc predicate for the
% mode_constraints module that builds the new abstract constraint data
% structures. It deals only with the simple constraint system, described in the
% paper "Constraint-based mode analysis of Mercury" by David Overton, Zoltan
% Somogyi and Peter Stuckey. XXX That paper is the main documentation of the
% concepts behind the algorithm as well as the algorithm itself.
:- module check_hlds.new_mode_constraints.
:- interface.
:- import_module hlds__hlds_module.
:- import_module check_hlds.build_mode_constraints.
:- import_module check_hlds.abstract_mode_constraints.
:- import_module hlds.hlds_pred.
:- import_module list.
:- pred process_scc(
module_info::in, list(pred_id)::in,
mc_varset::in, mc_varset::out,
mc_var_map::in, mc_var_map::out,
mode_constraints::in, mode_constraints::out
) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module check_hlds__goal_path.
:- import_module check_hlds__mode_constraint_robdd.
:- import_module check_hlds__mode_ordering.
:- import_module check_hlds__mode_util.
:- import_module hlds__hhf.
:- import_module hlds__hlds_data.
:- import_module hlds__hlds_goal.
:- import_module hlds__hlds_pred.
:- import_module hlds__inst_graph.
:- import_module hlds__passes_aux.
:- import_module libs__globals.
:- import_module libs__options.
:- import_module mode_robdd.
:- import_module parse_tree__prog_data.
:- import_module parse_tree__prog_mode.
:- import_module transform_hlds__dependency_graph.
:- import_module map, std_util, bool, set, multi_map, require, int.
:- import_module robdd, term, string, assoc_list, sparse_bitset.
:- import_module varset, term_io.
:- import_module gc.
process_scc(ModuleInfo, SCC, !Varset, !VarMap, !Constraints) :-
% Prepares the solver variables for the home path of each
% predicate of the SCC - needed for calls to predicates
% in the same SCC that do not have mode declarations.
add_mc_vars_for_scc_heads(ModuleInfo, SCC, !Varset, !VarMap),
% Now go through the SCC and add the constraint variables
% and then constraints predicate by predicate
foldl3(process_pred(ModuleInfo), SCC, !Varset, !VarMap, !Constraints).
% Performs a number of tasks for one predicate:
% 1) Fills out the goal_path information in the module_info
% structure
% 2) Adds constraint variables for program variables
% corresponding to any location at which they are nonlocal
% 3) Adds mode declaration constraints
% 4) Adds goal constraints
% Note: It relies on the head variables for any predicate without
% mode declarations that is called to have the constraint variables
% corresponding to [] to already be in the mc_var_map
:- pred process_pred(module_info::in, pred_id::in,
mc_varset::in, mc_varset::out,
mc_var_map::in, mc_var_map::out,
mode_constraints::in, mode_constraints::out
) is det.
process_pred(ModuleInfo, PredID, !Varset, !VarMap, !Constraints) :-
module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredID, PredInfo0),
% XXX Currently the constraints simply say that if a variable
% is bound at a disjunct it is bound at the disjuction by
% making the relevant variables equivalent. Setting
% GoalPathOptimisation to yes will cause the disjucts
% to be given the same path as the disjunction, so that
% the relevant constraint variables will not need to be
% constrained equivalent - they will be the same variable. It
% will do the same for other path types with similar
% equivalence constraints - refer to the goal_path module
% for a more detailed description.
GoalPathOptimisation = no,
% XXX If we want the goal path info to be retained, then
% ModuleInfo needs to be a state variable and to be
% updated with the new PredInfo, but for now, this will do.
goal_path.fill_slots_in_clauses(ModuleInfo, GoalPathOptimisation,
PredInfo0, PredInfo),
pred_info_procedures(PredInfo, ProcTable),
% Needed for defined modes.
pred_info_clauses_info(PredInfo, ClausesInfo),
clauses_info_headvars(ClausesInfo, HeadVars),
clauses_info_clauses(ClausesInfo, Clauses),
clauses_info_varset(ClausesInfo, ProgVarset),
Goals = list.map(
func(clause(_, ClauseBody, _, _)) = ClauseBody,
% Here build goal constraint vars.
foldl2(add_mc_vars_for_goal(ProgVarset), Goals, !Varset, !VarMap),
% Here check for mode declarations and add apppropriate
% constraints.
map.values(ProcTable, ProcInfos),
list.map(proc_info_maybe_declared_argmodes, ProcInfos, MaybeArgmodes),
pred(yes(X)::in, X::out) is semidet,
( ArgModeDecls = [], % No declared modes, no constraints
ModeDeclConstraints = []
; ArgModeDecls = [_|_], % Some declared modes
!:Constraints = list.append(ModeDeclConstraints, !.Constraints),
% Don't worry too much about this append - the mode
% declaration constraints should be a singleton list at most.
% This builds the constraints for this predicate. Note that the
% main goal may need to be temporarily formed by putting
% clauses into a disjunction. XXX However, the conversion to
% hhf should make this unnecessary, in which case change to a
% call to goal_constraints for what should be a singleton list,
% Goals.
MainGoal = disj(Goals),
MainGoalPath = [],
Nonlocals = set.list_to_set(HeadVars),
ModuleInfo, !.VarMap, MainGoal,
MainGoalPath, Nonlocals, GoalConstraints
!:Constraints = list.append(GoalConstraints, !.Constraints).
% XXX This append is wasteful. Consider expanding all the
% constraints predicates in build_mode_constraints
% to use state variables for constraints, and fold rather
% than append.
(I should include the filename in the comment header)
% Copyright (C) 2004-2005 The University of Melbourne.
% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
% Main author: richardf
% This module contains predicates and data structures needed for traversing
% hlds and building a list of abstract constraint formulae to describe
% variable producers in a mercury program.
% XXX Change tabs to 4-spaces
:- module check_hlds.build_mode_constraints.
:- interface.
:- import_module check_hlds.abstract_mode_constraints.
:- import_module hlds.hlds_goal.
:- import_module hlds.hlds_pred.
:- import_module hlds.hlds_module.
% :- import_module hlds.inst_graph.
% % Needed if converting for partial instantiation.
:- import_module parse_tree__prog_data.
:- import_module bimap, list, set.
% XXX Change to include more information?
% This will just be a list of constraints representing the conjunction
% of them. When a solver is written, a more elaborate data structure
% with update functions will no doubt be needed - at that time
% constraints should be passed as state variables.
:- type mode_constraints == constraint_formulae.
% A map between the constraint variables (mc_var) and what they
% represent ie that some program variable is produced at some goal
% path.
% This provides a quick way of looking up the constraint variable we
% need when we want to constrain the position in which a program
% variable can be produced.
:- type mc_var_map == bimap(mc_rep_var, mc_var).
% Just a conveniently descriptive name.
:- type args == list(prog_var).
% Just a conveniently descriptive name.
:- type nonlocals == set(prog_var).
% An abstract representation of a mode constraint variable.
% It represents the constraint variable that determines whether
% the program variable specified is produced at the goal path
% specified.
:- type mc_rep_var --->
prog_var `at` goal_path.
% For each head variable of each predicate in the supplied SCC, this
% predicate adds to the varset the constraint variable for
% HeadVariable `at` []. In other words, it creates the constraint
% variables that describe whether or not a head variable is produced
% by a call to the predicate. At the same time it records in the
% mc_var_map the position and program variable to which the new
% constraint variable corresponds.
:- pred add_mc_vars_for_scc_heads(
module_info::in, list(pred_id)::in,
mc_varset::in, mc_varset::out,
mc_var_map::in, mc_var_map::out
) is det.
% Makes sure that the necessary constraint variables exist to create
% goal constraints for all goal types except predicate calls.
% At this stage, constraint variables are created at a goal for each
% variable in the nonlocal set of that goal - other variables are
% either local and must be produced at the current path or do
% not occur in the goal and so are not produced at the current
% path.
% Note that in order to produce constraints for a goal, constraint
% variables for the head variables of called predicates with no
% declared modes are needed as well as these goal constraint variables,
% so before constraints are built for any predicate in an SCC
% add_mc_vars_for_scc_heads should be called for that whole SCC.
:- pred add_mc_vars_for_goal(
mc_varset::in, mc_varset::out,
mc_var_map::in, mc_var_map::out
) is det.
% call_mode_decls_constraints(ModuleInfo, Decls, VarMap, GoalPath,
% CallArgs, Constraints) ie disj([ConstraintsForMode1, ...,
% ConstraintsForModen])
% Note that if Decls is an empty list, this is interpreted as
% there being no modes for which the predicate can be executed
% and the returned constraints are [disj([])] which cannont be
% satisfied. Predicate calls for predicates with no declared modes
% should not be handled by this - they must be handled elsewhere.
% The constraints for a (call to a) predicate with declared modes is
% the disjunction of the constraints for each declared mode. If,
% according to the mode declaration, a variable is not initially free
% then it cannot be produced by a call to this goal; If a variable is
% initially free and becomes not free then it is produced by the
% predicate. Otherwise it is free -> free and is not produced.
:- pred call_mode_decls_constraints(module_info::in, list(list(mode))::in,
mc_var_map::in, goal_path::in, args::in, mode_constraints::out) is det.
% goal_expr_constraints generates the constraints that apply to a given
% goal_expr at a given goal path.
:- pred goal_expr_constraints(
) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module check_hlds.goal_path.
:- import_module check_hlds.mode_util.
:- import_module check_hlds.inst_match.
:- import_module hlds__hlds_data.
:- import_module hlds__passes_aux.
:- import_module parse_tree__prog_mode.
:- import_module transform_hlds__dependency_graph.
:- import_module bool, gc, int, map, multi_map, require, sparse_bitset.
:- import_module std_util, string, term, term_io, varset.
add_mc_vars_for_scc_heads(_ModuleInfo, [], !Varset, !VarMap).
add_mc_vars_for_scc_heads(ModuleInfo, [PredID| PredIDs], !Varset, !VarMap) :-
module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredID, PredInfo),
pred_info_clauses_info(PredInfo, ClausesInfo),
clauses_info_headvars(ClausesInfo, Headvars),
clauses_info_varset(ClausesInfo, ProgVarset),
add_mc_vars_for_scc_heads(ModuleInfo, PredIDs, !Varset, !VarMap).
% Makes sure a constraint variable exists to say that the supplied
% program variable is produced by the predicate in which it exists.
% Just checks that the constraint variable in question doesn't
% already exist, and then gets a new one from the varset
% and adds it to the varmap if it doesn't.
:- pred add_mc_var_for_pred_head(
prog_varset::in, prog_var::in,
mc_varset::in, mc_varset::out,
mc_var_map::in, mc_var_map::out
) is det.
add_mc_var_for_pred_head(ProgVarset, HeadVar, !Varset, !VarMap) :-
RepVar = HeadVar `at` [],
( bimap.search(!.VarMap, RepVar, _)
-> true
; varset.new_named_var(
rep_var_to_string(ProgVarset, RepVar),
bimap.det_insert(!.VarMap, RepVar, NewMCvar, !:VarMap)
add_mc_vars_for_goal(ProgVarset, GoalExpr - GoalInfo, !Varset, !VarMap) :-
goal_info_get_nonlocals(GoalInfo, Nonlocals),
goal_info_get_goal_path(GoalInfo, GoalPath),
{!:Varset, !:VarMap} = set.fold(
(func(Nonlocal, {Vset0, Vmap0}) = {Vset, Vmap} :-
RepVar = Nonlocal `at` GoalPath,
( bimap.search(Vmap0, RepVar, _)
-> Vset = Vset0,
Vmap = Vmap0
; varset.new_named_var(
rep_var_to_string(ProgVarset, RepVar),
bimap.det_insert(Vmap0, RepVar, NewMCvar, Vmap)
{!.Varset, !.VarMap}
% Switch on GoalExpr for recursion
( GoalExpr = conj(Goals),
; GoalExpr = call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
% XXX The headvars of the called pred?
% Maybe not - this predicate is concerned cheifly
% with the current goal paths - let the headvars
% have their constraint variables defined in a
% separate predicate (and do them All first before
% building constraints for a particular predicate).
; GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
; GoalExpr = switch(_, _, Cases),
Goals = list.map(func(case(_, Goal)) = Goal, Cases),
; GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
; GoalExpr = disj(Goals),
; GoalExpr = not(Goal),
add_mc_vars_for_goal(ProgVarset, Goal, !Varset, !VarMap)
; GoalExpr = some(_, _, Goal),
add_mc_vars_for_goal(ProgVarset, Goal, !Varset, !VarMap)
; GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, Cond, Then, Else),
Goals = [Cond, Then, Else],
; GoalExpr = foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _)
; GoalExpr = par_conj(_Goals)
% list.foldl2(
% add_mc_vars_for_goal(ProgVarset),
% Goals,
% !Varset,
% !VarMap
% ) % XXX Not dealing with this?
; GoalExpr = shorthand(_ShorthandGoalExpr)
% Provides a nice way to display constraint variables - just convert
% to the relevant mc_rep_var using the mc_var_map and then convert
% to a string using this. It comes out in format "ProgVarName at GoalPath"
:- func rep_var_to_string(prog_varset::in, mc_rep_var::in) =
(string::out) is det.
rep_var_to_string(ProgVarset, ProgVar `at` GoalPath) = RepString :-
goal_path_to_string(GoalPath, GoalPathString),
varset.lookup_name(ProgVarset, ProgVar, ProgVarString),
RepString = ProgVarString ++ "@" ++ GoalPathString.
% goal_constraints gives the mode constraints for the supplied
% hlds_goal
:- pred goal_constraints(
) is det.
goal_constraints(ModuleInfo, VarMap, GoalExpr - GoalInfo, Constraints) :-
goal_info_get_nonlocals(GoalInfo, Nonlocals),
goal_info_get_goal_path(GoalInfo, GoalPath),
% Goal:
% G1, ..., Gn where Goals = [G1, ..., Gn]
goal_expr_constraints(ModuleInfo, VarMap,
conj(Goals), GoalPath, Nonlocals, Constraints) :-
goal_constraints(ModuleInfo, VarMap),
Goals, ConjunctConstraints
Constraints0 = list.condense(ConjunctConstraints),
fold_local_var_into_conj_constraints(VarMap, LocalsPositions),
Constraints0, Constraints1
% Nonlocal variables that are nonlocals to subgoals.
Constraints1, Constraints
EmptyMultiMap = multi_map.init,
fold_goal_into_var_position_maps(VarMap, Nonlocals),
LocalsPositions, % A map from each local variable to
% its corresponding constraint
% variables for the paths at each of
% the conjuncts it is non-local to,
% if such conjuncts exist. (If a
% variable is local to one conjunct we
% need not deal with it here).
NonlocalsPositions % A map from each non-local variable
% to its corresponding constraint
% variables at the paths of each of the
% conjuncts it is non-local to. Note
% that all non-local variables should
% appear in this map, since if a
% variable is in the non-local set of a
% conjunction it ought to be in the
% non-local set of at least one of the
% conjuncts.
% Pred Call
% goal_expr_constraints(ModuleInfo, VarMap,
call(PredID, _ProcID, Args, _Builtin, _UnifyContext, _Name),
GoalPath, _Nonlocals, Constraints) :-
% Get the declared modes (if any exist)
module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredID, PredInfo),
pred_info_procedures(PredInfo, ProcTable),
map.values(ProcTable, ProcInfos),
list.map(proc_info_maybe_declared_argmodes, ProcInfos, MaybeArgModes),
(pred(yes(X)::in, X::out) is semidet),
( ArgModeDecls = [],
% No modes declared, must be in the same SCC as the
% calling predicate.
% Get the head variables of the called pred.
pred_info_clauses_info(PredInfo, ClausesInfo),
clauses_info_headvars(ClausesInfo, HeadVars),
HeadVars, VarMap, GoalPath, Args, Constraints
; ArgModeDecls = [_| _],
% At least one declared mode
% XXX Need to do something here. Constraints maybe, or maybe an error.
goal_expr_constraints(_ModuleInfo, _VarMap,
generic_call(_, _, _, _), _GoalPath, _Nonlocals, []).
% XXX Need to do something here. Constraints maybe, or maybe an error.
goal_expr_constraints(_ModuleInfo, _VarMap,
switch(_, _, _), _GoalPath, _Nonlocals, []).
% Unification Goals
goal_expr_constraints(_ModuleInfo, VarMap,
unify(LHSvar, RHS, _Mode, _Kind, _Context),
GoalPath, _Nonlocals, Constraints) :-
( RHS = var(RHSvar),
% Goal: LHSvar = RHSvar
Constraints = [
prog_var_at_path(VarMap, GoalPath, LHSvar),
prog_var_at_path(VarMap, GoalPath, RHSvar)
])) % At most one of the left and right hand
% sides of a unification is produced
% at the unification.
; RHS = functor(_Functor, _IsExistConstr, Args),
LHSproducedHere = prog_var_at_path(VarMap, GoalPath, LHSvar),
ArgsProducedHere =
list.map(prog_var_at_path(VarMap, GoalPath), Args),
( ArgsProducedHere = [FirstArgProducedHere| _],
% Goal: LHSvar = functor(Args)
Constraints = [
), % If one arg is produced here,
% then they all are.
])) % At most one side of the
% unification is produced.
; ArgsProducedHere = [],
% Goal: LHSvar = functor
% In this case, LHSvar need not be produced
% - it could be a test, so no constraints.
Constraints = []
; RHS = lambda_goal(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _),
% XXX To be completed.
Constraints = []
% Goal:
% G1; ...; Gn where Goals = [G1, ..., Gn]
goal_expr_constraints(ModuleInfo, VarMap,
disj(Goals), GoalPath, Nonlocals, Constraints) :-
VarMap, GoalPath, DisjunctGoalPaths,
Nonlocals, NonlocalsHere, NonlocalsAtDisjuncts
pred(_GExpr - GInfo::in, GPath::out) is det :-
goal_info_get_goal_path(GInfo, GPath),
goal_constraints(ModuleInfo, VarMap),
Constraints = list.condense([
func(X, Ys) = atomic_constraint(equivalent([X|Ys])),
% A variable bound at any disjunct is bound
% for the disjunct as a whole. If a variable
% can be bound at one conjunct it must be able
% to be bound at any.
% Goal:
% not (Goal)
goal_expr_constraints(ModuleInfo, VarMap,
not(Goal), GoalPath, Nonlocals, Constraints) :-
Goal = _ - NegatedGoalInfo,
goal_info_get_goal_path(NegatedGoalInfo, NegatedGoalPath),
NonlocalsConstraintVars = set.fold(
func(Nonlocal, MCVars) = [
prog_var_at_path(VarMap, GoalPath, Nonlocal),
prog_var_at_path(VarMap, NegatedGoalPath, Nonlocal)|
goal_constraints(ModuleInfo, VarMap, Goal, NegatedGoalConstraints),
Constraints = list.foldl(
func(MCVar, Cnstrnts) = [
atomic_constraint(equiv_bool(MCVar, no))|
% The variables non-local to the negation
% are not to be produced at the negation
% or any deeper.
% Goal:
% some Xs Goal
goal_expr_constraints(ModuleInfo, VarMap,
some(_ExistVars, _CanRemove, Goal),
GoalPath, Nonlocals, Constraints) :-
Goal = _ - SomeGoalInfo,
goal_info_get_goal_path(SomeGoalInfo, SomeGoalPath),
Constraints = set.fold(
func(NL, NLConstraints) = [
prog_var_at_path(VarMap, GoalPath, NL),
prog_var_at_path(VarMap, SomeGoalPath, NL)
]))| % If a program variable is produced
% by the sub-goal of the some
% statement, it is produced at the
% main goal as well.
SomeGoalConstraints % Include the constraints from the
% recursive call on the sub-goal.
goal_constraints(ModuleInfo, VarMap, Goal, SomeGoalConstraints).
% Goal:
% If -> Then; Else
goal_expr_constraints(ModuleInfo, VarMap,
if_then_else(ExistVars, If, Then, Else),
GoalPath, Nonlocals, Constraints) :-
If = _ - IfInfo, Then = _ - ThenInfo, Else = _ - ElseInfo,
goal_info_get_goal_path(IfInfo, CondPath),
goal_info_get_goal_path(ThenInfo, ThenPath),
goal_info_get_goal_path(ElseInfo, ElsePath),
NonlocalsHere = list.map(
prog_var_at_path(VarMap, GoalPath),
NonlocalsAtCond = list.map(
prog_var_at_path(VarMap, CondPath),
NonlocalsAtThen = list.map(
prog_var_at_path(VarMap, ThenPath),
NonlocalsAtElse = list.map(
prog_var_at_path(VarMap, ElsePath),
NonlocalsList = set.to_sorted_list(Nonlocals),
% The existentially quantified variables shared between the
% condition and the then-part have special constraints
LocalAndSharedAtCond = list.map(
prog_var_at_path(VarMap, CondPath),
LocalAndSharedAtThen = list.map(
prog_var_at_path(VarMap, ThenPath),
goal_constraints(ModuleInfo, VarMap, If, IfConstraints),
goal_constraints(ModuleInfo, VarMap, Then, ThenConstraints),
goal_constraints(ModuleInfo, VarMap, Else, ElseConstraints),
Constraints = list.condense([
func(NLHere, NLAtThen, NLAtElse) =
[NLHere, NLAtThen, NLAtElse]
)), % If a variable is to be produced
% at this path the then and else
% parts must be able to produce it.
func(Cond) = atomic_constraint(equiv_bool(Cond, no)),
), % No nonlocal is produced in the condition.
(func(LocalAtCond, LocalAtThen) =
[LocalAtCond, LocalAtThen]
), % XXX Do we want this, or do we just constrain
% 'Cond true and 'Then false? Maybe a local variable
% shared between the condition and then-part
% should always be bound in the condition, but I'm not
% sure about the posibility of checking the variable's
% type in the Cond and then binding it in the Then...
% Foreign procedure
goal_expr_constraints(ModuleInfo, VarMap,
foreign_proc(_, PredID, ProcID, ForeignArgs, _, _),
GoalPath, _Nonlocals, Constraints) :-
CallArgs = list.map(foreign_arg_var, ForeignArgs),
module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredID, ProcID, _, ProcInfo),
( proc_info_maybe_declared_argmodes(ProcInfo, yes(Decl))
-> call_mode_decls_constraints(
) % This pred should strip the disj(conj()) for the
% single declaration.
; Constraints = []
% XXX Should this be an error?
% Parallel conjunction
% XXX What to do here?
goal_expr_constraints(_ModuleInfo, _VarMap,
par_conj(_Goals), _GoalPath, _Nonlocals, []).
% Shorthand goals. Should not exist at this point in compilation.
% XXX What sort of error message?
goal_expr_constraints(_ModuleInfo, _VarMap,
shorthand(_ShorthandGoalExpr), _GoalPath, _Nonlocals, []).
% prog_var_at_path(VarMap, GoalPath, ProgVar) = ConstraintVar consults
% the map to get the constraint variable ConstraintVar that says that
% ProgVar is produced at GoalPath. The lookup function will report an
% error if the key ProgVar `at` GoalPath does not exist in the map.
% :- func prog_var_at_path(mc_var_map, goal_path, prog_var) = (mc_var).
prog_var_at_path(VarMap, GoalPath, ProgVar) =
bimap.lookup(VarMap, (ProgVar `at` GoalPath)).
% prog_var_at_paths(VarMap, GoalPaths, ProgVar) = ConstraintVars
% consults the map to form a list of the constraint variables that say
% that ProgVar is produced at each of the paths in GoalPaths
% respectively. The lookup function will report an error if the key
% ProgVar `at` GoalPath does not exist in the map for any of the
% 'GoalPath's in GoalPaths.
:- func prog_var_at_paths(mc_var_map, list(goal_path), prog_var) =
prog_var_at_paths(VarMap, GoalPaths, ProgVar) =
func(GoalPath) = bimap.lookup(VarMap, ProgVar `at` GoalPath),
% nonlocals_at_path_and_subpaths(VarMap, GoalPath, SubPaths, Nonlocals,
% NonlocalsAtPath, NonlocalsAtSubPaths)
% consults the VarMap to find constraint variables associated with each
% of the program variables in the Nonlocals set for a GoalPath eg a
% conjunction and its SubPaths (ie the individual conjunts), although
% it doesn't check that the SubPaths are indeed subpaths of GoalPath.
% Nonlocals are converted to a sorted set, so the Nth entry of
% NonlocalsAtPath and the Nth entry of NonlocalsAtSubPaths are
% respectively the constraint variable at the goal and a list of the
% constraint variables for the subgoals, for the same program variable.
:- pred nonlocals_at_path_and_subpaths(
mc_var_map::in, goal_path::in, list(goal_path)::in, nonlocals::in,
list(mc_var)::out, list(list(mc_var))::out
) is det.
nonlocals_at_path_and_subpaths(VarMap, GoalPath, SubPaths, Nonlocals,
NonlocalsAtPath, NonlocalsAtSubPaths) :-
NonlocalsAtPath = list.map(
prog_var_at_path(VarMap, GoalPath),
NonlocalsAtSubPaths = list.map(
prog_var_at_paths(VarMap, SubPaths),
NonlocalsList = set.to_sorted_list(Nonlocals).
ModuleInfo, Decls, VarMap, GoalPath, CallArgs, Constraints) :-
CallArgsHere = list.map(
prog_var_at_path(VarMap, GoalPath),
Constraints0 = list.condense(list.map(
mode_decl_constraints(ModuleInfo, CallArgsHere),
( Constraints0 = [conj(OneModeOnlyConstraints)]
-> Constraints = OneModeOnlyConstraints
; Constraints = [disj(Constraints0)]
% mode_decl_constraints(ModuleInfo, ConstraintVars, ArgModes)
% looks at each mode to see if its variable is produced, and
% creates constraints for the corresponding constraint variables
% accordingly.
:- func mode_decl_constraints(module_info::in, list(mc_var)::in,
list(mode)::in) = (mode_constraints::out) is det.
mode_decl_constraints(ModuleInfo, ConstraintVars, ArgModes) =
(func(CVar, Mode) =
atomic_constraint(equiv_bool(CVar, IsProduced)) :-
( not inst_match.inst_is_free(
) % Already produced.
-> IsProduced = no % Not produced here.
; not inst_match.inst_is_free(
) % free -> non-free
-> IsProduced = yes % Produced here.
; IsProduced = no % free -> free
% Not produced here.
% call_headvar_constraints(HeadVars, VarMap, GoalPath, CallArgs,
% Constraints)
% Forms constraints that mean any call arg will be produced if
% the corresponding headvar is produced by the main goal of the called
% predicate.
% This should not be used if a mode declaration is supplied, as it
% means a predicate can only be used in a single mode throughout
% a whole scc.
% :- pred call_headvar_constraints(args::in, mc_var_map::in,
args::in, mode_constraints::out) is det.
call_headvar_constraints(HeadVars, VarMap, GoalPath, CallArgs, Constraints) :-
HeadVarsHere = list.map(
prog_var_at_path(VarMap, GoalPath),
CallArgsHere = list.map(
prog_var_at_path(VarMap, GoalPath),
Constraints = list.map_corresponding(
(func(HeadVarHere, CallArgHere) =
[HeadVarHere, CallArgHere]
% At times we want constraint variables at the sub-paths of a goal (eg
% conjunction/disjunction) but only at the paths in which the
% corresponding program variable occurs and is non-local. This
% predicate builds two maps - one for variables non-local to the parent
% goal and one for those local to it. They map program variables that
% are non-local to the sub-goals to the constraint variables associated
% with them being produced at each of the goal paths in which they
% appear.
:- pred fold_goal_into_var_position_maps(
mc_var_map::in, nonlocals::in, hlds_goal::in,
multi_map(prog_var, mc_var)::in, multi_map(prog_var, mc_var)::out,
multi_map(prog_var, mc_var)::in, multi_map(prog_var, mc_var)::out
) is det.
fold_goal_into_var_position_maps(VarMap, Nonlocals,
_SubGoalExpr - SubGoalInfo, !LocalsMap, !NonlocalsMap) :-
goal_info_get_nonlocals(SubGoalInfo, SubGoalNonlocals),
goal_info_get_goal_path(SubGoalInfo, SubGoalPath),
Nonlocal = set.intersect(SubGoalNonlocals, Nonlocals),
% Note that if any variable in Nonlocals does not
% appear in the nonlocal set of any conjunct then
% this is simply due a conservative estimate on the
% non-locals of the conjunction and we can't form
% reliable constraints for it anyway (XXX although we
% might want to consider constraining it to false)
Local = set.difference(SubGoalNonlocals, Nonlocals),
% Note this is the local variables that
% are non-local to this particular sub-goal
fold_variable_into_var_position_map(VarMap, SubGoalPath),
fold_variable_into_var_position_map(VarMap, SubGoalPath),
% A subsection of fold_goal_into_var_position_maps, puts into
% the map the key ProgVar with the constraint variable that says
% ProgVar is bound at GoalPath.
:- pred fold_variable_into_var_position_map(
mc_var_map::in, goal_path::in, prog_var::in,
multi_map(prog_var, mc_var)::in, multi_map(prog_var, mc_var)::out
) is det .
fold_variable_into_var_position_map(VarMap, GoalPath, ProgVar, !Map) :-
MCVar = prog_var_at_path(VarMap, GoalPath, ProgVar),
multi_map.set(!.Map, ProgVar, MCVar, !:Map).
% This predicate adds the constraints for a variable in the non-local
% set of a conjunction (to other previously constructed constraints).
% The NonLocalsMap should provide the list of constraint variables
% representing the program variable being produced at each conjunct it
% appears in respectively.
:- pred fold_nonlocal_var_into_conj_constraints(
mc_var_map::in, multi_map(prog_var, mc_var)::in, goal_path::in,
prog_var::in, mode_constraints::in, mode_constraints::out) is det.
VarMap, NonlocalsMap, GoalPath, ProgVar, !Constraints) :-
!:Constraints = [
atomic_constraint(equiv_disj(ProgVarAtGoalPath, Xs)),
ProgVarAtGoalPath = prog_var_at_path(VarMap, GoalPath, ProgVar),
Xs = multi_map.lookup(NonlocalsMap, ProgVar).
% This predicate adds the constraints for a variable in the non-local
% set of a conjunct but not nonlocal to the conjunction as a whole,
% to the constraints supplied. The NonLocalsMap should provide the list
% of constraint variables representing the program variable being
% produced at each conjunct it appears in respectively.
:- pred fold_local_var_into_conj_constraints(
mc_var_map::in, multi_map(prog_var, mc_var)::in,
prog_var::in, mode_constraints::in, mode_constraints::out) is det.
_VarMap, LocalsMap, ProgVar, !Constraints) :-
!:Constraints = [
Xs = multi_map.lookup(LocalsMap, ProgVar).
(I should include the filename in the comment header).
% Copyright (C) 2004-2005 The University of Melbourne.
% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
% Main author: richardf
% This module contains data structures designed for use with constraints
% based mode analysis. They represent constraints between constraint variables,
% such as those one might use to describe where a program variable may be
% produced.
:- module check_hlds.abstract_mode_constraints.
:- interface.
:- type mc_type.
:- import_module term, list, bool, map, counter.
:- import_module std_util, varset, io.
% XXX change to mc_var throughout
:- type mc_var == var(mc_type). % Constraint variable.
:- type mc_varset == varset(mc_type). % Source of constraint variables
% And their names.
:- type vars(T) == list(var(T)).
% Data structures for storing abstract constraints. Conjunctions and
% disjunctions can be formed. The atomic constraints between constraint
% variables are designed around the types of constraints required by constraint
% based mode analysis. The paper "Constraint-based mode analysis of Mercury" by
% David Overton, Zoltan Somogyi and Peter Stuckey documents these mode
% constraints.
% Represents conjunctions and disjunctions between atomic constraints
% on constraint variables. The advantage of the constraints for this
% implementation of mode checking is that they can be expressed almost
% entirely as variable to variable constraints, with little use for the
% disj and conj functors of this structure. It should be noted that
% the intention is to only use the conj constructor as a child of disj
% - and a constraint_formulae list on its own could be considered a
% conjunction of its elements.
:- type constraint_formulae == list(constraint_formula).
:- type constraint_formula
---> atomic_constraint(var_constraint)
; disj(constraint_formulae)
% Initially included for the purposes of representing
% the mode declaration constraints, which are a
% disjunction of conjunctions of other constraints.
% The intended form is:
% disj([conj(...), ..., conj(...)])
% Note disj([]) represents false.
; conj(constraint_formulae)
% See disj.
% Note that conj([]) is the empty constraint, or true.
% var_constraint represents a constraint between variables
:- type var_constraint == var_constraint(mc_type).
:- type var_constraint(T)
---> equiv_bool(var(T), bool)
% equiv_bool(X, yes) gives the constraint (X)
% equiv_bool(X, no) gives the constraint not(X)
; equivalent(vars(T))
% equivalent(Xs) gives (all Xi, Xj in Xs).(Xi<->Xj)
; implies(var(T), var(T))
% implies(X, Y) gives X->Y
; equiv_disj(var(T), vars(T))
% equiv_disj(X, [Y1,...,Yn]) gives X<->OR(Y1,...,Yn)
% XXX Thinking of making a constraint that is the
% conjunction of equiv_disj and at_most_one because
% they occur together so often.
; at_most_one(vars(T))
% at_most_one(Xs) gives
% (all Xi, Xj in Xs).(i = j or not(Xi and Xj))
; at_least_one(vars(T))
% at_least_one(Xs) gives OR(Xs)
; exactly_one(vars(T))
% exactly_one(Xs) gives
% at_least_one(Xs) and at_most_one(Xs)
% Attempts to print the constraint_formulae it is passed in a human
% readable format. Always puts a new line after it is finished.
:- pred pretty_print_constraints(
mc_varset::in, constraint_formulae::in, io::di, io::uo
) is det.
% The remainder of the code in this module is not in use! It is intended to
% supply a basic structure for a propagation solver to deal with the
% constraints defined above.
% Propagation would work like this:
% Initially constraint variables are bound during constraint construction,
% propagation, or once all possible propagation has been done, a variable may
% have true or false arbitrarily chosen for it and the choicepoint recorded.
% Once a variable has been bound, the propagator looks it up in the var_map
% field of mode_constraints_info. The var_state structure will then reveal
% which constraints this variable participates in. These constraints are then
% looked up inthe constraint_map field of mode_constraints_info. Then can
% be refined due to the variable having been bound, and may now imply new
% bindings on other variables. These new variables can be put in a stack,
% queue or similar structure to be bound and propagated once the first
% variable's constraints have been fully processed.
% This code is by no means complete; some speculative fields exist or have
% been commented out. Only the basic structure and functionality described
% above is truly intended.
% XXX What's lacking in this is the following:
% Done 1) An at least one constraint, for when equiv_disj simplifies
% 2) A good reason to keep the propagate if true/false lists
% 3) A separate way to store lists of variable equivalences,
% so that only one of a list of equivalent variables need
% be used in the constraints.
% 4) A way to store whether a variable being bound will have
% an effect on a particular constraint - but this can change
% without reference to a variable, so maybe not a practical idea.
% 5) T/F lists for variables known to be true/false for all
% possible models?
% 6) Access and manipulation predicates.
:- type mode_constraints_info --->
constraint_map :: map(constraint_id, constraint),
% Constraining the variables in the var_map.
var_map :: map(var(mc_type), var_state),
% The variables this constraint system constrains
id_counter :: counter
% Supplies unique IDs for the constraint map.
:- type constraint_id == int.
:- type constraint --->
id :: constraint_id,
current :: constraint_formula_and_vars,
% Formula modified as variables are bound.
original :: constraint_formula_and_vars
% dead :: bool
% % for if the current constraint is empty... don't
% % know if this will be used
:- type constraint_formula_and_vars --->
constraint_formula :: constraint_formula,
participating_vars :: vars(mc_type)
:- type var_state --->
is_bound :: maybe(var_binding),
% If it is bound, some certain information should
% be recorded. See var_binding type.
is_constrained :: list(constrainment_info)
% A list of the constraints that this variable
% participates in. May include propagation tree
% information in the form of branches for bound
% true/false, however this may have a significant
% cost in space.
:- type var_binding --->
bool :: bool,
% What the variable has been bound to
binding_constraint :: constraint_id,
% The constraint that finally bound it
history :: list(var(mc_type))
% The variables in the constraint that bound this
% variable that had already been bound at that point
% - their binding_constraint and history can be looked
% at recursively to build the full history. I strongly
% prefer this to listing the full history each time
% a variable is bound, for space considerations.
:- type constrainment_info --->
% variable :: var(mc_type),
% % To make it clear what variable the propagation
% % information is for.
% propagate_if_true :: list(var_binding),
% % The history field should be empty. In the end it
% % gets the participating variables of this constraint
% % that have been bound.
% propagate_if_false :: list(var_binding),
constraint :: constraint_id
% Initiates all the parts of a mode_constraints_info type.
:- pred abstract_mode_constraints.init(mode_constraints_info::out) is det.
% Functional version if init/1.
:- func abstract_mode_constraints.init = (mode_constraints_info::out) is det.
% Incorporates a new constraint into the system.
:- pred abstract_mode_constraints.add_constraint(
) is det.
% Functional version of add_constraint/3.
:- func abstract_mode_constraints.add_constraint(
) = (mode_constraints_info::out) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module string.
:- type mc_type --->
% Initiates all the parts of a mode_constraints_info type.
abstract_mode_constraints.init(ModeConstraintsInfo) :-
ModeConstraintsInfo = mode_constraints_info(
counter.init(0) % Start allocating ids from 0
% See the predicate version.
abstract_mode_constraints.init = ModeConstraintsInfo :-
% Incorporates a new constraint into the system.
) :-
!.ModeConstraintsInfo ^ id_counter,
!:ModeConstraintsInfo =
!.ModeConstraintsInfo ^ id_counter := NewCounter,
!:ModeConstraintsInfo =
!.ModeConstraintsInfo ^ constraint_map :=
!.ModeConstraintsInfo ^ constraint_map,
constraint(NewID, FormulaAndVars, FormulaAndVars)
% Functional version of add_constraint/3.
abstract_mode_constraints.add_constraint(CF, MCI0) = MCI :-
abstract_mode_constraints.add_constraint(CF, MCI0, MCI).
% update_vars_map_with_constrainment_info adds the supplied constrainment_info
% to the list of constraints associated with each of the variables supplied
% in the mode_constraints_info structure.
:- pred update_vars_map_with_constrainment_info(
constrainment_info::in, vars(mc_type)::in,
mode_constraints_info::in, mode_constraints_info::out
) is det.
update_vars_map_with_constrainment_info(_ConstrainmentInfo, [], !MCI).
update_vars_map_with_constrainment_info(ConstrainmentInfo, [Var|Vars], !MCI) :-
( map.search(!.MCI ^ var_map, Var, VarState1)
-> CInfoList = [ConstrainmentInfo| VarState1 ^ is_constrained],
VarState = VarState1 ^ is_constrained := CInfoList,
!:MCI = !.MCI ^ var_map :=
map.det_update(!.MCI ^ var_map, Var, VarState)
; VarState = var_state(no, [ConstrainmentInfo]),
!:MCI = !.MCI ^ var_map :=
map.det_insert(!.MCI ^ var_map, Var, VarState)
update_vars_map_with_constrainment_info(ConstrainmentInfo, Vars, !MCI).
% formula_to_formula_and_vars makes the list Vars of variables that
% appear in Formula and packages Formula and Vars together in FormulaAndVars.
:- pred formula_to_formula_and_vars(
) is det.
formula_to_formula_and_vars(Formula, Vars, FormulaAndVars) :-
formula_to_vars(Formula, Vars),
FormulaAndVars = constraint_formula_and_vars(Formula, Vars).
% Sub section of the formula_to_formula_and_vars predicate, Vars is the
% variables that appear in Formula
:- pred formula_to_vars(constraint_formula::in, vars(mc_type)::out) is det.
formula_to_vars(Formula, Vars) :-
Formula = atomic_constraint(VarConstraint),
var_constraint_to_vars(VarConstraint, Vars).
formula_to_vars(Formula, Vars) :-
Formula = disj(Formulae),
(pred(Formula1::in, Vars1::in, VarsNew::out) is det :-
formula_to_vars(Formula1, Vars2),
append(Vars2, Vars1, VarsNew)
formula_to_vars(Formula, Vars) :-
Formula = conj(Formulae),
(pred(Formula1::in, Vars1::in, VarsNew::out) is det :-
formula_to_vars(Formula1, Vars2),
append(Vars2, Vars1, VarsNew)
% var_constraint_to_vars takes a constraint between variables as input and
% gives a list of those variables as output.
:- pred var_constraint_to_vars(var_constraint::in, vars(mc_type)::out) is det.
var_constraint_to_vars(equiv_bool(Var, _B), [Var]).
var_constraint_to_vars(equivalent(Vars), Vars).
var_constraint_to_vars(implies(V1, V2), [V1, V2]).
var_constraint_to_vars(equiv_disj(Var, Vars), [Var|Vars]).
var_constraint_to_vars(at_most_one(Vars), Vars).
var_constraint_to_vars(at_least_one(Vars), Vars).
var_constraint_to_vars(exactly_one(Vars), Vars).
% Some thoughts:
% add_constraint or similar pred adds the specified constraint (making sure
% that the variables in it are added if need be, and updated with a link to
% that constraint. What to do if one or more of the variables are already
% bound? Still put in the original - so that you can always know that if
% you put something in it will be there, but also put in an updated version
% according to the bindings? This seems like a good idea, though it forces
% propagation...
% Any predicate that edits constraints leaves the 'original' as it is, and only
% modifies the 'current' branch - eg replacing one var with an equivalent etc.
% Pretty printing predicates for the formulae type, and others
pretty_print_constraints(Varset, Constraints, !IO) :-
"", % Extra argument for indent.
% Same as before, but with an indent argument used to indent
% conjunctions and disjunctions of constraints.
:- pred pretty_print_constraints(
) is det.
pretty_print_constraints(_Varset, [], _Indent, !IO).
pretty_print_constraints(Varset, [Constr|Constrs], Indent, !IO) :-
pretty_print_constraint(Varset, Constr, Indent, !IO),
pretty_print_constraints(Varset, Constrs, Indent, !IO).
% Prints one constraint_formulae to the output stream. Always puts
% a new line at the end.
:- pred pretty_print_constraint(
) is det.
pretty_print_constraint(Varset, disj(Constraints), Indent, !IO) :-
io.print(Indent, !IO),
io.print("disj(", !IO),
Varset, Constraints, "\t" ++ Indent, !IO),
io.print(Indent, !IO),
io.print(") end disj", !IO),
pretty_print_constraint(Varset, conj(Constraints), Indent, !IO) :-
io.print(Indent, !IO),
io.print("conj(", !IO),
Varset, Constraints, "\t" ++ Indent, !IO),
io.print(Indent, !IO),
io.print(") end conj", !IO),
Varset, atomic_constraint(Constraint), Indent, !IO) :-
io.print(Indent, !IO),
pretty_print_var_constraint(Varset, Constraint, !IO),
% Prints a var_constraint to the screen. No indents, no line return.
:- pred pretty_print_var_constraint(
) is det.
pretty_print_var_constraint(Varset, equiv_bool(X, TF), !IO) :-
pretty_print_mc_var(Varset, X, !IO),
io.print(" = ", !IO),
io.print(TF, !IO).
pretty_print_var_constraint(Varset, equivalent(Xs), !IO) :-
io.print("equivalent(", !IO),
pretty_print_mc_vars(Varset, Xs, !IO),
io.print(")", !IO).
pretty_print_var_constraint(Varset, implies(X, Y), !IO) :-
pretty_print_mc_var(Varset, X, !IO),
io.print(" -> ", !IO),
pretty_print_mc_var(Varset, Y, !IO).
pretty_print_var_constraint(Varset, equiv_disj(X, Xs), !IO) :-
pretty_print_mc_var(Varset, X, !IO),
io.print(" <-> disj(", !IO),
pretty_print_mc_vars(Varset, Xs, !IO),
io.print(")", !IO).
pretty_print_var_constraint(Varset, at_most_one(Xs), !IO) :-
io.print("at_most_one(", !IO),
pretty_print_mc_vars(Varset, Xs, !IO),
io.print(")", !IO).
pretty_print_var_constraint(Varset, at_least_one(Xs), !IO) :-
io.print("at_least_one(", !IO),
pretty_print_mc_vars(Varset, Xs, !IO),
io.print(")", !IO).
pretty_print_var_constraint(Varset, exactly_one(Xs), !IO) :-
io.print("exactly_one(", !IO),
pretty_print_mc_vars(Varset, Xs, !IO),
io.print(")", !IO).
% Prints a constraint var to the screen. No indents, no line return.
% Simply uses the variable's name from the varset.
:- pred pretty_print_mc_var(
) is det.
pretty_print_mc_var(Varset, Var, !IO) :-
varset.lookup_name(Varset, Var, VarName),
io.print(VarName, !IO).
% Prints a comma separated list of constraint variables.
:- pred pretty_print_mc_vars(
) is det.
pretty_print_mc_vars(_Varset, [], !IO).
pretty_print_mc_vars(Varset, [Var| Tail], !IO) :-
pretty_print_mc_var(Varset, Var, !IO),
pretty_print_mc_vars_tail(Varset, Tail, !IO).
% Prints a comma separated list of constraint variables under
% the assumption that at least one has already been printed
% - ie prints a divider then prints the rest of the list.
% If there is no more list it does nothing.
:- pred pretty_print_mc_vars_tail(
) is det.
pretty_print_mc_vars_tail(_Varset, [], !IO).
pretty_print_mc_vars_tail(Varset, [Var| Vars], !IO) :-
io.print(", ", !IO),
pretty_print_mc_vars(Varset, [Var| Vars], !IO).
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