[m-dev.] clueless -- overloaded functor

Peter Ross pro at missioncriticalit.com
Mon Aug 26 20:35:15 AEST 2002

Hi Nancy,

The problem is that the Mercury compiler can't distinguish whether you
mean int:/ and parse_tree:prog_data:sym_name:/.  I think what has
happened is that you have lost an import which imports the correct
module which defines '/' (ie not int or parse_tree:prog_data)
unfortunately my access to the CVS repository is very flakey at the
moment and I can't check it out more fully.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Nancy Mazur" <Nancy.Mazur at cs.kuleuven.ac.be>
To: <mercury-developers at cs.mu.OZ.AU>
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 11:02 AM
Subject: [m-dev.] clueless -- overloaded functor

> Hi,
> while trying to bring in sync the reuse-branch of the compiler with
> main branch, I've now obtained a very bizarre error when compiling
> handle_options.m.
> This is my setting:
> - an "update"-workspace containing the reuse-branch, synchronised with
>   the main-branch (trunk_snapshot_20020823093831, last friday).
> - a "main-branch" workspace, which is a clean cvs-version, also from
>   friday.
> Both workspaces are being compiled with the rotd from the 1st of July.
> The differences between both workspaces are:
> - in library/: extra aliasing-pragma's, but nothing more.
> - in compiler/: some changes to the hlds, some extra
>   predicates, some extra options, but nothing which might be
>   related to the error obtained. (and of course extra files)
> - in runtime/...
> The strange thing is that in the "main-branch" handle_options (and
> all the rest) can be compiled without a problem, but not in the
> workspace. And diffing the compiler-files doesn't give me any clue.
> Any ideas are welcome, because for the moment, I'm a bit stuck on
> In attachment I'm sending handle_options.m (from the update-branch),
> handle_options.err, + a diff between the update-workspace file, and
> plain main-branch file.
> Many thanks in advance!
> Nancy

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