[m-dev.] Thinking about a "Mercury Report" type document.

Wim Vanhoof Wim.Vanhoof at cs.kuleuven.ac.be
Thu Nov 8 20:23:39 AEDT 2001

> > An operational semantics for SHNF.
> That one is about the right amount for a paper.  I did a bit of work
> on this with Andy Moran, working on defining a "small-step" formal
> operational semantics, but unfortunately other things intervened
> and the details got paged out of my cerebral cache...


I defined a semantic function for (a subset of) SHNF in my PhD-thesis,
in order to be able to prove some properties about an analysis for Mercury.

Since it was created to prove some basic properties, it might not
be sufficient for what you need, but perhaps
it might still be of interest as a starting point? 


Wim Vanhoof			       Tel:+32-(0)16-32 7596
Dept. of Computer Science, K.U.Leuven  Fax:+32-(0)16-32 7996
Celestijnenlaan 200A		       Email:wimvh at cs.kuleuven.ac.be
B-3001 Heverlee			       WWW: http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~wimvh

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