[m-dev.] intermod optimization framework

Peter Ross peter.ross at miscrit.be
Thu Mar 29 20:24:51 AEST 2001

Hi Simon,

Here is a problem that we encountered when working on structure reuse.

Predicate eval:interpret calls renderer:render, the aliasing for this is
top because we haven't calculated the aliases for renderer:render.
Now we analyse renderer:renderer which calls eval:interpret and the
aliasing is top because of the call to eval:interpret.  Obviously no
matter how many times we iterate over this process we will always have a

The problem is that at each stage the aliasing information is correct
but too general, what we want is the incorrect but specific aliasing
information and iterate until a fix point is reached, however we cannot
use this incorrect aliasing infomation for optimization until we have
reached the fix point.  Anyway this is an issue for you to think about
for your design of the intermod framework.

Please keep me informed about how the design is going, because the
structure reuse analysis is really showing the short-comings of the
current system.

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