[m-dev.] for review : quickcheck

Xiao Chun Simon MEI xcsm at students.cs.mu.oz.au
Fri Mar 16 13:58:49 AEDT 2001


qcheck.m was the only file I modify this round, so below
is diff between the 2 versions of qcheck.m. But I did paste 
over the log message, and changed the comment for rnd.m as David 

I've attached the new version of qcheck.m just in case the 
relative diff is not enough.

For Mark to review.

Estimated hours taken : 185

qcheck is an autotesting tool similar to Haskell's Quickcheck.

        Modified to mention quickcheck.

        New file that contains the source code for qcheck.

        New file written by conway. Its functions are similar 
        to those in library random.m. The random numbers generated
	with random.m functions show strong correlation in lower
	bits; rnd.m does not seem have such problems.

< 	% Each distribution store the value in univ and it's number of 
< 	% occurences in the second element.
< :- type distribution == {univ, int}.
> 	% Each distributions store the value in univ and its number of 
> 	% occurences in the first element.
> :- type distribution == {int, univ}.
< 	%	followed by a Specific Frequency, a list of Generanl frequency,
> 	%	followed by a Specific Frequency, a list of General frequency,
> 	%	
> 	% Quickcheck is able to generate random values for each input 
> 	% argument of the invariant function at run time, provided 
> 	% that there is a default/custom generator for that type. 
> 	% The default generator is able to generate type int, char, 
> 	% float, string, string, discriminated union and certain functions.
> 	% Details are explained in the tutorials.
> 	%
> 	% Quickcheck makes the assumption that the distincation between
> 	% a function and a discriminated union is that num_functors(FuncType) 
> 	% is -1, while num_functors(UnionType) is not -1.
< 	% functions with arity 0 to 10, it will throw an error is unable to
> 	% functions with arity 0 to 10, it will throw an error if unable to
< 	% qcheck//6 first seed the random number on local time, then it  
> 	% qcheck/8 first seed the random number on local time, then it  
< 	time__time(Sometime),
<         { tm(Seconds, Minutes, Hours, _Weekday, Yearday, _Month, Year, _DST) 
< 	  = time__localtime(Sometime) },
< 	{ TotalSecs = ((( Year * 365 + Yearday ) * 24 + Hours ) * 60 + Minutes ) * 60 
< 			 + Seconds },
< 	{ init_setup(TotalSecs, RS0) },
> 	time__time(CurrentTime),
> 	{ init_setup(generate_seed_from_time(CurrentTime), RS0) },
< 	    	{ list__sort(rev_field(Distributions), Distributions_Sorted) },
< 	    	show_dist(rev_field(Distributions_Sorted)),
> 	    	{ list__sort(Distributions, Distributions_Sorted) },
> 	    	show_dist(Distributions_Sorted),
> 	% generate_seed_from_time/1 converts the input time in calendar time
> 	% format to the number of seconds from the beginning of current year.
> 	% The numbers of seconds is reduced to an appropriate range for int to
> 	% avoid overflow.
> :- func generate_seed_from_time(time_t) = int.
> :- mode generate_seed_from_time(in) = out.
> generate_seed_from_time(CurrentTime) =  Seed :-
>         tm(Seconds, Minutes, Hours, _Weekday, Yearday, _Month, Year, _DST) 
> 	  = time__localtime(CurrentTime),
> 	TotalSecs = ((( integer(Year) * integer(365) + integer(Yearday)) 
> 		      * integer(24) + integer(Hours)) 
> 		      * integer(60) + integer(Minutes)) 
> 		      * integer(60) + integer(Seconds),
> 	Seed = int( TotalSecs mod integer(max_int + 1) ).
< 	% update_dist/3 recursively exacts the 'flag:info(univ)' from property i
< 	% iand adds it to the master list of distribution.
> 	% update_dist/3 recursively exacts the 'flag:info(univ)' from property
> 	% and adds it to the master list of distribution.
< update_dist_2(Univ, [], [{Univ, 1}]).
> update_dist_2(Univ, [], [{1, Univ}]).
< 	Distribution = {Patten, Counter},
> 	Distribution = {Counter, Patten},
< 	 	Output = [{Univ, Counter + 1} | Distributions]
> 	 	Output = [{Counter + 1, Univ} | Distributions]
< 	% test//5 then calls gen//4 to generate the arguments, the invariant
> 	% test/7 then calls gen/6 to generate the arguments, the invariant
< 	% the invariant test funtion with the 
> 	% The test result is returned along with the arguments generated.
< 	(if	find_user_gen(Datatype, UserGenerators, User_generator)
> 	(if	find_user_gen(Datatype, UserGenerators, UserGenerator)
< 		Univ = User_generator(Datatype, Frequencys, GF, UserGenerators,
< 				      RS0,RS)
> 		Univ = UserGenerator(Datatype, Frequencys, GF, UserGenerators,
> 				      RS0, RS)
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, X0,  RS0, RS1),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, X1,  RS1, RS2),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, X2,  RS2, RS3),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, X3,  RS3, RS4),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, X4,  RS4, RS5),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, X5,  RS5, RS6),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, X6,  RS6, RS7),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, X7,  RS7, RS8),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, X8,  RS8, RS9),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, X9,  RS9, RS10),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, X10, RS10, RS),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X0,  RS0, RS1),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X1,  RS1, RS2),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X2,  RS2, RS3),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X3,  RS3, RS4),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X4,  RS4, RS5),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X5,  RS5, RS6),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X6,  RS6, RS7),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X7,  RS7, RS8),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X8,  RS8, RS9),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X9,  RS9, RS10),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X10, RS10, RS),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, Seed_initial,      RS0, RS1),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, Seed_any_to_int1,  RS1, RS2),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, Seed_any_to_int2,  RS2, RS3),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, Seed_any_to_int3,  RS3, RS4),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, Seed_any_to_int4,  RS4, RS5),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, Seed_any_to_int5,  RS5, RS6),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, Seed_any_to_int6,  RS6, RS7),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, Seed_any_to_int7,  RS7, RS8),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, Seed_any_to_int8,  RS8, RS9),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, Seed_any_to_int9,  RS9, RS10),
< 	rnd__irange(1, const_million, Seed_any_to_int10, RS10, _),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_initial,      RS0, RS1),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int1,  RS1, RS2),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int2,  RS2, RS3),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int3,  RS3, RS4),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int4,  RS4, RS5),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int5,  RS5, RS6),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int6,  RS6, RS7),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int7,  RS7, RS8),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int8,  RS8, RS9),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int9,  RS9, RS10),
> 	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int10, RS10, _),
< 	% prints out the elements in that tuple.
> 	% print out the elements in that tuple.
< 	{ Dist = {Univ, Freq} },
> 	{ Dist = {Freq, Univ} },
< 			error("sum_freq/6 : get_functor_ordinal/3 failed")
> 			error("get_freq/5 : get_functor_ordinal/3 failed")
< :- func rev_field(list({T1, T2})) = list({T2, T1}).
< :- mode rev_field(in) = out is det.
< rev_field([]) =  [].
< rev_field([{A, B} | Xs]) = [{B, A} | rev_field(Xs) ]. 
< :- func (const_million) = int.
< :- mode (const_million) = out is det.
< (const_million) = 1000000.
> :- func (max_int_argument) = int.
> :- mode (max_int_argument) = out is det.
> (max_int_argument) = 1000000.

-------------- next part --------------
% Copyright (C) 2001 The University of Melbourne.
% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
%	file 		qcheck.m
%	author:		xcsm
%	The source code for autotest generator similar to Haskell's quickcheck. 
%	A user guide should be available at ./tutes/ in html format.

:- module qcheck.

:- interface.
:- import_module io, std_util, list, bool, char, float, string.
:- import_module rnd.


	% The invariant function must return a property to 
	% indicate the result of invariant function.
	% yes	  : success
	% no	  : failure 
	% trivial : mark the property being returned by a trivial test
	% info(univ) : store some arbitrary information in type univ,
	% condition  : mark the property being returned by a test which failed
	%	       the pre-conditional 
:- type property == list(flag).
:- type flag 
	--->	yes
	;	no	
	;	trivial
	;	info(univ)	
	;	condition.

	% Each distributions store the value in univ and its number of 
	% occurences in the first element.
:- type distribution == {int, univ}.

	%	Each result composes of a property, which is the property 
	%	returned by the invariant test funcion. The second argument
	%	stores the generated inputs in a univ.
:- type result 
	--->	result(property, univ).
	%	The required format for specific frequency : 
	%	int : relative frequency of this type being generated
	%	list(list(frequency)) : a constructor may have arity 0 to 
	%				infinity. The outer list is a list 
	%				for constructor arguments.
	%				Inner list states the relative 
	%				frequency of all alternatives for 
	%				1 argument
	%	eg: green(coin, color)
	% 	where coin  ---> head ; tail.
	%	      color ---> black ; white.
	% 	Then frequency should be : {99 , [ [{30,[]},{70,[]}], 
 	%					   [{40,[]},{60,[]}]
	%						 ]
	%				   }
	%	For type coin, there is 30% chance of being head
	%	and 70% chance of being tail.
	%	For type color, there is 40% chance of being black
	%	and 60% chance of bing white.
:- type frequency
	--->	{int, list(list(frequency))}.

	%	user_gen_type is the type format for each of user-defined 
	%	generator.
	%	The first element, type_desc, is the type_of the variable 
	%	which this generator is suppose to handle. The second element
	%	should be a user defined generator. The user defined generator
	%	should take a type_desc, which shows what type is required. It's
	%	followed by a Specific Frequency, a list of General frequency,
	%	a list of custom generators, and finally the input and output 
	%	of random number supply.
:- type user_gen_type 
	--->	{ type_desc, 
		  func(type_desc, list(frequency), 
		       list({type_desc, list(frequency)}), 
		       list(user_gen_type), rnd, rnd) = univ

	%	user_gen_inst is the instance for each user-defined generator	
:- inst user_gen_inst
	=	bound({ ground, 
		        func(in, in, in, 
			     list_skel_in(user_gen_inst), in, out) = out is det


	% 	The implemented instances are designed for invariant 
	%	functions with 0 to 10 arity, and returning a property.
:- typeclass testable(T) where [
	pred test(T, list(list(frequency)), list({type_desc, list(frequency)}), 
	          list(user_gen_type), qcheck__result, rnd, rnd),
	mode test(in, in, in, list_skel_in(user_gen_inst), out, in, out) is det

% Mercury doesn't allow instance declarations for function types.
% Hence we have to wrap up the function types in user-defined
% types f1(T), f2(T1, T2), f3(T1, T2, T3), ...
:- type f0                 	
	---> f((func) = property).
:- type f1(T1)             	
	---> f(func(T1) = property).
:- type f2(T1, T2)         	
	---> f(func(T1, T2) = property).
:- type f3(T1, T2, T3)     	
	---> f(func(T1, T2, T3) = property).
:- type f4(T1, T2, T3, T4) 	
	---> f(func(T1, T2, T3, T4) = property).
:- type f5(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) 	
	---> f(func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) = property).
:- type f6(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) 
	---> f(func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) = property).
:- type f7(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) 
	---> f(func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) = property).
:- type f8(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) 
	---> f(func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) = property).
:- type f9(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9) 
	---> f(func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9) = property).
:- type f10(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10) 
	---> f(func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10) = property).

:- instance testable(f0).
:- instance testable(f1(T1)).
:- instance testable(f2(T1, T2)).
:- instance testable(f3(T1, T2, T3)).
:- instance testable(f4(T1, T2, T3, T4)). 
:- instance testable(f5(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)). 
:- instance testable(f6(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6)). 
:- instance testable(f7(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7)). 
:- instance testable(f8(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8)). 
:- instance testable(f9(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9)). 
:- instance testable(f10(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10)). 


	% qcheck/4(A, B,             G, H) = qcheck/8(A,B,100,[],[],[],G,H)
	% qcheck/7(A, B, C, D, E     G, H) = qcheck/8(A,B,  C, D, E,[],G,H)
	% qcheck/8(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H)
	% A : invariant test function, satisfing testable(T)
	% B : some test description
	% C : number of tests to run 
	% D : specific frequency
	% E : general frequency
	% F : list of user-defined generator
	% G : io__state in
	% H : io__state out
	% Quickcheck is able to generate random values for each input 
	% argument of the invariant function at run time, provided 
	% that there is a default/custom generator for that type. 
	% The default generator is able to generate type int, char, 
	% float, string, string, discriminated union and certain functions.
	% Details are explained in the tutorials.
	% Quickcheck makes the assumption that the distincation between
	% a function and a discriminated union is that num_functors(FuncType) 
	% is -1, while num_functors(UnionType) is not -1.
:- pred qcheck(T, string, io__state, io__state) <= testable(T).
:- mode qcheck(in, in, di, uo) is det.
:- pred qcheck(T,string, int,list(list(frequency)),
	       list({type_desc, list(frequency)}), 
	       io__state, io__state) <= testable(T).
:- mode qcheck(in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
:- pred qcheck(T, string, int,list(list(frequency)),
	       list({type_desc, list(frequency)}), 
	       list(user_gen_type), io__state, io__state) <= testable(T). 
:- mode qcheck(in, in, in, in, in, list_skel_in(user_gen_inst), di, uo) is det. 

	% The following are the default generators for int, char, float,
	% and string. Please refer to tutorials for details. 
:- func rand_int(rnd, rnd) = int.
:- mode rand_int(in, out) = out is det.

:- func rand_char(rnd, rnd) = char.
:- mode rand_char(in, out) = out is det.

:- func rand_float(rnd, rnd) = float. 
:- mode rand_float(in, out) = out is det.

:- func rand_string(rnd, rnd) = string.
:- mode rand_string(in, out) = out is det.


	% rand_union/6 generates a discriminated union via following steps:
	% 1	It determines what frequency to use at this level
	% 2	Then chooses which constructor of discriminated union to generate,
	%  	and generate the argument list for the particular constructor
	% 3 	And finally call construct/3 to build the term. 
:- func rand_union(type_desc, list(frequency), list({type_desc, 
		   list(frequency)}), list(user_gen_type), rnd, rnd) = univ.
:- mode rand_union(in, in, in, list_skel_in(user_gen_inst), in, out) = out is det.

	% rand_function generates a random forward mode function with types 
	% described in type_desc. However rand_function/3 can only generate
	% functions with arity 0 to 10, it will throw an error if unable to
	% generate the required type.
:- func rand_function(type_desc, rnd, rnd) = univ.
:- mode rand_function(in, in, out) = out is det.

	% rand_allint/2 generates an int with equal distribution over all 
	% possible int. 
:- func rand_allint(rnd, rnd) = int.
:- mode rand_allint(in, out) = out is det.

	% oneof/3 randomly selects an element from the list. 
	% An error will be thrown if the list is empty.
:- func oneof(list(T), rnd, rnd) = T.
:- mode oneof(in, in, out) = out is det.

	% The 1st argument is used as random seed, on average there is 5% chance
	% this function will return 0 regardless of 2nd argument, otherwise
	% this function produce an int that is dependent on its argument's 
	% type and value where the argument can be of any type.
:- func any_to_int(int, T) = int.
:- mode any_to_int(in, in) = out is det.
	% value_to_int/1 produce an int that is dependent on its argument's 
        % type and value where the argument can be of any type.
:- func value_to_int(T) = int.
:- mode value_to_int(in) = out is det.

	% The new property will store the value in T 
	% as type univ, later calling function will count
	% the number of occurrence of that value
:- func T `>>>` property = property. 
:- mode in `>>>` in = out is det.

	% If the 1st argument is equal to the 2nd argument   
	% then the new property will be marked as trivial
:- func to_trivial(T, T, property) = property.
:- mode to_trivial(in, in, in) = out is det.

	% If the left argument equals the right, then reture property:[yes],
	% otherwise reture property:[no]
:- func T  `===` T  = property.
:- mode in `===` in = out is det.

	% list_length/1 is the same as the function version of list__length.
	% list__length/1 always returns an int.  The problem is that the 
	% compiler doesn't know whether to call the list__length function, or 
	% pass a curried version of the predicate version of list__length/2.
:- func list_length(list(T)) = int.
:- mode list_length(in) = out is det.

	% If the right argument is a property, then 'flag:condition' will
	% be added into the original property provided the left argument is
	% 'bool:yes' or '(pred):succeed'
	% If the right argument is (func) = property, then `===>` will return
	% 'property:[condition]' without evaluating the (func) if the left
	% argument is 'bool:yes' or '(pred):succeed'.
:- typeclass conditional(T1, T2) where [
	( func T1 `===>` T2 = property ),
	( mode in `===>` in = out is det )

:- instance conditional(bool, property).
:- instance conditional(bool, f0).
:- instance conditional((pred), property).
:- instance conditional((pred), f0).


:- implementation.
:- import_module io, int, integer.
:- import_module builtin, pprint, require, time.

qcheck(TestFunction, Name) -->
	qcheck(TestFunction, Name, 100, [], [], []).

qcheck(TestFunction, Name, Counter, SpecificFrequency, GeneralFrequency) -->
	qcheck(TestFunction, Name, Counter, 
	       SpecificFrequency, GeneralFrequency, []).

	% qcheck/8 first seed the random number on local time, then it  
	% generates the reqiured inputs for the invariant function and runs 
	% it. A table of test results are shown at the end. 
qcheck(TestFunction, Name, TestCount, SpecificFrequency,
       GeneralFrequency, Generators) -->
	{ init_setup(generate_seed_from_time(CurrentTime), RS0) },
      	testing(TestFunction, Name, SpecificFrequency, GeneralFrequency, 
		Generators, RS0, _, TestCount, YesCount, NoFlag, 
		TrivialCount, Distributions, FailedConditionCount),
	(if 	{ NoFlag = yes }	
	    	{ true }	
	    	io__write_string("\nTest Description : "),
            	io__write_string("\nNumber of test cases that succeeded : "),
	    	io__write_string("\nNumber of trivial tests : "),
	    	io__write_string("\nNumber of tests cases "),
	    	io__write_string("which failed the pre-condition : "),
	    	io__write_string("\nDistributions of selected arguments : \n"),
	    	{ list__sort(Distributions, Distributions_Sorted) },


	% generate_seed_from_time/1 converts the input time in calendar time
	% format to the number of seconds from the beginning of current year.
	% The numbers of seconds is reduced to an appropriate range for int to
	% avoid overflow.
:- func generate_seed_from_time(time_t) = int.
:- mode generate_seed_from_time(in) = out.
generate_seed_from_time(CurrentTime) =  Seed :-
        tm(Seconds, Minutes, Hours, _Weekday, Yearday, _Month, Year, _DST) 
	  = time__localtime(CurrentTime),
	TotalSecs = ((( integer(Year) * integer(365) + integer(Yearday)) 
		      * integer(24) + integer(Hours)) 
		      * integer(60) + integer(Minutes)) 
		      * integer(60) + integer(Seconds),
	Seed = int( TotalSecs mod integer(max_int + 1) ).

	% testing/15 recursively runs the test until TestCount drops to 0.
	% After each test it updates the statistics.
:- pred testing(T, string, list(list(frequency)),  
		list({type_desc, list(frequency)}), 
	        list(user_gen_type), rnd, rnd, int, int, bool, int, 
	        list(distribution), int, io__state, io__state) <= testable(T).
:- mode testing(in, in, in, in, list_skel_in(user_gen_inst), 
		in, out, in, out, out, out, out, out, di, uo) is det.
testing(TestFunction, Name, SpecificFrequency, GeneralFrequency, Generators, 
        RS0, RS, TestCount, YesCount, NoFlag, TrivialCount, Distribution, FailedConditionCount, S0, S) :- 
	(if   	TestCount =< 0
	 	YesCount = 0,
	      	NoFlag = no,
	      	TrivialCount = 0,
	      	Distribution = [],
	      	FailedConditionCount = 0,
	      	RS = RS0,
	      	S = S0
		test(TestFunction, SpecificFrequency, GeneralFrequency, 
	 	     Generators, Result, RS0, RS1),
	      	result(P, Univ) = Result,
	        (if	member(no, P),
			not member(condition, P)
			io__write_string("\nTest description : ", S0, S1),
			io__write_string(Name, S1, S2),
			io__write_string("\nFalsifiable : \n", S2, S3),
			display_univ(Univ, S3, S),
			RS = RS1,
			YesCount = 0,
			NoFlag = yes,
			TrivialCount = 0,
			Distribution  = [],
			FailedConditionCount = 0
	      		testing(TestFunction, Name, SpecificFrequency, 
	              		Generators, RS1, RS, TestCount - 1, YesCount0, 
				NoFlag0, TrivialCount0,
	      	      		Distribution0, FailedConditionCount0, S0, S),
			NoFlag = NoFlag0,
	      		update(P, YesCount0, TrivialCount0, 
	             	       Distribution0, FailedConditionCount0, 
	      	               YesCount, TrivialCount, Distribution, 

 	% update/8 analyses the current invariant test result and updates
	% the statistic accordingly
:- pred update(property, int, int, list(distribution), int, 
               int, int, list(distribution), int).
:- mode update(in, in, in, in, in, out, out, out, out) is det.
update(P, YesCount0, TrivialCount0, Distribution0, FailedConditionCount0,
          YesCount,  TrivialCount,  Distribution,  FailedConditionCount) :-
	(if	member(condition, P)
	      	YesCount = YesCount0,
		TrivialCount = TrivialCount0,
		Distribution = Distribution0,
		FailedConditionCount = FailedConditionCount0 + 1
	 	YesCount = YesCount0 + 1,
		FailedConditionCount = FailedConditionCount0,
		update_dist(P, Distribution0, Distribution),
	 	(if	member(trivial, P)
		        TrivialCount = TrivialCount0 + 1
	                TrivialCount = TrivialCount0

	% update_dist/3 recursively exacts the 'flag:info(univ)' from property
	% and adds it to the master list of distribution.
:- pred update_dist(property, list(distribution), list(distribution)).
:- mode update_dist(in, in, out) is det.
update_dist([], Distribution, Distribution).
update_dist([Property | Propertys], Distribution0, Distribution) :-
	(if	Property = info(Univ)
		update_dist_2(Univ, Distribution0, Distribution1)
		Distribution1 = Distribution0
	update_dist(Propertys, Distribution1, Distribution).

	% If the first argument is alreay stored in the master list, then 
	% update_dist_2/3 just increments the counter, otherwise adds it to 
	% the list with a new counter being 1.
:- pred update_dist_2(univ, list(distribution), list(distribution)).
:- mode update_dist_2(in, in, out) is det.
update_dist_2(Univ, [], [{1, Univ}]).
update_dist_2(Univ, [Distribution | Distributions], Output) :-
	Distribution = {Counter, Patten},
	(if	Univ = Patten  
	 	Output = [{Counter + 1, Univ} | Distributions]
	 	update_dist_2(Univ, Distributions, Output1),
		Output = [Distribution | Output1]


	% The following are the 11 instances of testable
	% Each instance began by inst cast the invariant test function from
	% ground to func(in, in, ...) = out. 
	% Then the specific frequency is extracted; if the SF list is shorter  
	% than the list of arguments, then the last few argument will have
	% [] as their SF; if the SF list is longer than the list of arguments,
	% then the list few SF is not used. 
	% test/7 then calls gen/6 to generate the arguments, the invariant
	% function is then run with those arguments. 
	% The test result is returned along with the arguments generated.

:- instance testable(f0) where [
 	(test(F, _, _, _, R) --> 
		{ inst_cast_f0(F, NF) },
		{ univ({"no argument"}) = Args },
		{ R = result(apply(NF), Args)  })		

:- instance testable(f1(T1)) where [
	(test(F, SF0, GF, Generators, R) -->
		{ inst_cast_f1(F, NF) },
		gen(X, det_headlist(SF0, _), GF, Generators),
		{ univ({X}) = Args },
		{ R = result(NF(X), Args) })

:- instance testable(f2(T1, T2)) where [
	(test(F, SF0, GF, Generators, R) -->
		{ inst_cast_f2(F, NF) },
		gen(X, det_headlist(SF0, SF1), GF, Generators),
		gen(Y, det_headlist(SF1,  _), GF, Generators), 
		{ univ({X, Y}) = Args },
		{ R = result(NF(X, Y), Args) })

:- instance testable(f3(T1, T2, T3)) where [
	(test(F, SF0, GF, Generators, R) -->
		{ inst_cast_f3(F, NF) },
		gen(X, det_headlist(SF0, SF1), GF, Generators), 
		gen(Y, det_headlist(SF1, SF2), GF, Generators),
		gen(Z, det_headlist(SF2, _), GF, Generators),
		{ univ({X, Y, Z}) = Args },
		{ R = result(apply(NF, X, Y, Z), Args) })

:- instance testable(f4(T1, T2, T3, T4)) where [ 
        (test(F, SF0, GF, Generators, R) -->
	        { inst_cast_f4(F, NF) },
                gen(X1, det_headlist(SF0, SF1), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X2, det_headlist(SF1, SF2), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X3, det_headlist(SF2, SF3), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X4, det_headlist(SF3,   _), GF, Generators), 
		{ univ({X1, X2, X3, X4}) = Args },
		{ R = result(NF(X1, X2, X3, X4), Args) })

:- instance testable(f5(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)) where [ 
        (test(F, SF0, GF, Generators, R) -->
	        { inst_cast_f5(F, NF) },
                gen(X1, det_headlist(SF0, SF1), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X2, det_headlist(SF1, SF2), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X3, det_headlist(SF2, SF3), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X4, det_headlist(SF3, SF4), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X5, det_headlist(SF4,   _), GF, Generators), 
		{ univ({X1, X2, X3, X4, X5}) = Args },
		{ R = result(NF(X1, X2, X3, X4, X5), Args) })

:- instance testable(f6(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6)) where [ 
        (test(F, SF0, GF, Generators, R) -->
	        { inst_cast_f6(F, NF) },
                gen(X1, det_headlist(SF0, SF1), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X2, det_headlist(SF1, SF2), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X3, det_headlist(SF2, SF3), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X4, det_headlist(SF3, SF4), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X5, det_headlist(SF4, SF5), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X6, det_headlist(SF5,   _), GF, Generators), 
		{ univ({X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6}) = Args },
		{ R = result(NF(X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6), Args) })

:- instance testable(f7(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7)) where [ 
        (test(F, SF0, GF, Generators, R) -->
	        { inst_cast_f7(F, NF) },
                gen(X1, det_headlist(SF0, SF1), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X2, det_headlist(SF1, SF2), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X3, det_headlist(SF2, SF3), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X4, det_headlist(SF3, SF4), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X5, det_headlist(SF4, SF5), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X6, det_headlist(SF5, SF6), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X7, det_headlist(SF6,   _), GF, Generators), 
		{ univ({X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7}) = Args },
		{ R = result(NF(X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7), Args) })

:- instance testable(f8(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8)) where [ 
        (test(F, SF0, GF, Generators, R) -->
	        { inst_cast_f8(F, NF) },
                gen(X1, det_headlist(SF0, SF1), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X2, det_headlist(SF1, SF2), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X3, det_headlist(SF2, SF3), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X4, det_headlist(SF3, SF4), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X5, det_headlist(SF4, SF5), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X6, det_headlist(SF5, SF6), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X7, det_headlist(SF6, SF7), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X8, det_headlist(SF7,   _), GF, Generators), 
		{ univ({X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8}) = Args },
		{ R = result(NF(X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8), Args) })

:- instance testable(f9(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9)) where [ 
        (test(F, SF0, GF, Generators, R) -->
	        { inst_cast_f9(F, NF) },
                gen(X1, det_headlist(SF0, SF1), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X2, det_headlist(SF1, SF2), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X3, det_headlist(SF2, SF3), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X4, det_headlist(SF3, SF4), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X5, det_headlist(SF4, SF5), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X6, det_headlist(SF5, SF6), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X7, det_headlist(SF6, SF7), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X8, det_headlist(SF7, SF8), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X9, det_headlist(SF8,   _), GF, Generators), 
		{ univ({X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9}) = Args },
		{ R = result(NF(X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9), Args) })

:- instance testable(f10(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10)) where [ 
        (test(F, SF0, GF, Generators, R) -->
	        { inst_cast_f10(F, NF) },
                gen(X1, det_headlist(SF0, SF1), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X2, det_headlist(SF1, SF2), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X3, det_headlist(SF2, SF3), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X4, det_headlist(SF3, SF4), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X5, det_headlist(SF4, SF5), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X6, det_headlist(SF5, SF6), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X7, det_headlist(SF6, SF7), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X8, det_headlist(SF7, SF8), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X9, det_headlist(SF8, SF9), GF, Generators), 
		gen(X10, det_headlist(SF9,  _), GF, Generators), 
		{ univ({X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10}) = Args },
		{ R = result(NF(X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10),Args)})


	% The following are the 11 inst casts, each corresponding to the 11 
	% insances of testable.
:- pred inst_cast_f0(f0, (func) = property).
:- mode inst_cast_f0(in, out((func) = out is det)) is det.
:- pragma c_code(inst_cast_f0(F0::in, F1::out((func) = out is det)),
	[thread_safe, will_not_call_mercury],
	"F1 = F0;").

:- pred inst_cast_f1(f1(T1), func(T1) = property).
:- mode inst_cast_f1(in, out(func(in) = out is det)) is det.
:- pragma c_code(inst_cast_f1(F0::in, F1::out(func(in) = out is det)),
	[thread_safe, will_not_call_mercury],
	"F1 = F0;").

:- pred inst_cast_f2(f2(T1, T2), func(T1, T2) = property).
:- mode inst_cast_f2(in, out(func(in, in) = out is det)) is det.
:- pragma c_code(inst_cast_f2(F0::in, F1::out(func(in, in) = out is det)),
	[thread_safe, will_not_call_mercury],
	"F1 = F0;").

:- pred inst_cast_f3(f3(T1, T2, T3), func(T1, T2, T3) = property).
:- mode inst_cast_f3(in, out(func(in, in, in) = out is det)) is det.
:- pragma c_code(inst_cast_f3(F0::in, F1::out(func(in, in, in) = out is det)),
	[thread_safe, will_not_call_mercury],
	"F1 = F0;").

:- pred inst_cast_f4(f4(T1, T2, T3, T4), func(T1, T2, T3, T4) = property).
:- mode inst_cast_f4(in, out(func(in, in, in, in) = out is det)) is det.
:- pragma c_code(inst_cast_f4(F0::in, 
			      F1::out(func(in, in, in, in) = out is det)),
        [thread_safe, will_not_call_mercury],
	"F1 = F0;").

:- pred inst_cast_f5(f5(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5), 
		     func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) = property).
:- mode inst_cast_f5(in, out(func(in, in, in, in, in) = out is det)) is det.
:- pragma c_code(inst_cast_f5(F0::in, 
	  	              F1::out(func(in, in, in, in, in)=out is det)),
        [thread_safe, will_not_call_mercury],
	"F1 = F0;").

:- pred inst_cast_f6(f6(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6), 
		     func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) = property).
:- mode inst_cast_f6(in, out(func(in, in, in, in, in, in) = out is det)) is det.
:- pragma c_code(inst_cast_f6(F0::in, 
	  	              F1::out(func(in, in, in, in, in, in)
			      		   = out is det)),
        [thread_safe, will_not_call_mercury],
	"F1 = F0;").

:- pred inst_cast_f7(f7(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7), 
		     func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) = property).
:- mode inst_cast_f7(in, out(func(in, in, in, in, in, in, in) 
		                  = out is det)) is det.
:- pragma c_code(inst_cast_f7(F0::in, 
	  	              F1::out(func(in, in, in, in, in, in, in) 
			      	           = out is det)),
        [thread_safe, will_not_call_mercury],
	"F1 = F0;").

:- pred inst_cast_f8(f8(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8), 
		     func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) = property).
:- mode inst_cast_f8(in, out(func(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in) 
			          = out is det)) is det.
:- pragma c_code(inst_cast_f8(F0::in, 
	  	     F1::out(func(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in) 
		     	     = out is det)),
        [thread_safe, will_not_call_mercury],
	"F1 = F0;").

:- pred inst_cast_f9(f9(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9), 
		     func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9) = property).
:- mode inst_cast_f9(in, 
		     out(func(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in) 
		     	      = out is det)) is det.
:- pragma c_code(inst_cast_f9(F0::in, 
	  	              F1::out(func(in, in, in, in, in, in, 
			                   in, in, in) = out is det)),
        [thread_safe, will_not_call_mercury],
	"F1 = F0;").

:- pred inst_cast_f10(f10(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10), 
		      func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10) = property).
:- mode inst_cast_f10(in, 
		      out(func(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in) 
		               = out is det)) is det.
:- pragma c_code(inst_cast_f10(F0::in, 
	  	               F1::out(func(in, in, in, in, in, in, 
			       		    in, in, in, in) = out is det)),
        [thread_safe, will_not_call_mercury],
	"F1 = F0;").


	% The following are the 4 instances of conditional, and an inst cast  
	% from ground to (pred)

:- instance conditional(bool, property) where [
	(	Left `===>` Right = Property :-
			(if	Left = yes
				Property = Right
				Property = [condition|Right]

:- instance conditional(bool, f0) where [
	(	Left `===>` Right = Property :-
			inst_cast_f0(Right, Right_Cast),
			(if	Left = yes
				Property = apply(Right_Cast)
				Property = [condition]

:- instance conditional((pred), property) where [ 
	(	Left `===>` Right = Property :- 
			inst_cast_p0(Left, Left_Cast),	
			(if 	call(Left_Cast)
				Property = Right
				Property = [condition|Right]

:- instance conditional((pred), f0) where [ 
	(	Left `===>` Right = Property :- 
			inst_cast_p0(Left, Left_Cast),	
			inst_cast_f0(Right, Right_Cast),
			(if 	call(Left_Cast)
				Property = apply(Right_Cast)
				Property = [condition]

:- pred inst_cast_p0((pred), (pred)).
:- mode inst_cast_p0(in, out((pred) is semidet)) is det.
:- pragma c_code(inst_cast_p0(F0::in, F1::out((pred) is semidet)),
	[thread_safe, will_not_call_mercury],
	"F1 = F0;").


	% gen/6 calls gen_arg/7 to generate the first argument of gen/6, 
:- pred gen(T, list(frequency), list({type_desc, list(frequency)}), 
	    list(user_gen_type), rnd, rnd).
:- mode gen(out, in, in, list_skel_in(user_gen_inst), in, out) is det.
gen(Term, Frequencys, GF, Generators, RS0, RS) :-
    	Type = type_of(Term),
    	gen_arg(Type, Frequencys, GF, Generators, Univ, RS0, RS),
	det_univ_to_type(Univ, Term).

	% gen_arg/7 searches for a user-defined generator first, if it is found,
	% then runs the generator. Otherwise, gen_arg/7 will try to determine 
	% which type it is suppose to generate, and calls the appropriate 
	% default generator. rand_function/3 will be called only if the required
	% type is not int, char, float, string, or discriminated union.
:- pred gen_arg(type_desc, list(frequency), list({type_desc, list(frequency)}),
	        list(user_gen_type), univ, rnd, rnd).
:- mode gen_arg(in, in, in, list_skel_in(user_gen_inst), out, in, out) is det.
gen_arg(Datatype, Frequencys, GF, UserGenerators, Univ, RS0, RS) :-
	(if	find_user_gen(Datatype, UserGenerators, UserGenerator)
		Univ = UserGenerator(Datatype, Frequencys, GF, UserGenerators,
				      RS0, RS)
		   (	Datatype = type_of(0) -> 
				Temp = rand_int(RS0, RS),
				Univ = univ(Temp)
		   ;	Datatype = type_of('0') ->
				Temp = rand_char(RS0, RS),
				Univ = univ(Temp)
		   ;	Datatype = type_of(0.0) ->
				Temp = rand_float(RS0, RS),
				Univ = univ(Temp)
		   ;	Datatype = std_util__type_of("String") ->
				Temp = rand_string(RS0, RS),
				Univ = univ(Temp)
		   ;	num_functors(Datatype) = -1 ->
                                Univ = rand_function(Datatype, RS0, RS)
		    		Univ = rand_union(Datatype, Frequencys, 
						  GF, UserGenerators, RS0, RS)

	% gen_arg_list/7 is similar to gen_arg/7, except it generates a list of
	% univ, instead of just 1 univ as in gen_arg/7.
	% gen_arg_list/7 recursively calls gen_arg/7 until the list is empty.
:- pred gen_arg_list(list(type_desc), list(list(frequency)), 
                     list({type_desc, list(frequency)}), list(user_gen_type), 
		     list(univ), rnd, rnd).
:- mode gen_arg_list(in,in,in,list_skel_in(user_gen_inst),out,in,out) is det.
gen_arg_list([], _, _,  _, [], RS, RS).
gen_arg_list([Type|Types], FrequencyList, GF, UserGenerators, [Univ|Univs], 
	     RS0, RS) :-
		(	FrequencyList = [],
			F = [],
			Fs = []
		 	FrequencyList = [F | Fs]
		gen_arg(Type, F, GF, UserGenerators, Univ, RS0, RS1),
		gen_arg_list(Types, Fs, GF, UserGenerators, Univs, RS1, RS).

	% generate an int of N Bits 
:- pred next(int, int, rnd, rnd).
:- mode next(in, out, in, out) is det.
next(N, Bits, Rnd0, Rnd) :-
    	rnd(F, Rnd0, Rnd),
	Range = pow(2.0, N) - 1.0,
    	Bits = round_to_int(F * Range). 

	% generate int
rand_int(BS0, BS) = Int :-
	Temp = rand_allint(BS0, BS1) rem 2,
	(if	Temp = 0 
		irange(-100, 100, Int, BS1, BS)
		Int = rand_allint(BS1, BS)

	% generate int
rand_allint(BS0, BS) = Int :-
	next(1, Sign, BS0, BS1),
	next(31, TempInt, BS1, BS),
	( Sign > 0 ->
	    Int =  TempInt 
	    Int = -TempInt

	% generate char
rand_char(RS0, RS) = Char :-
       		Int = rand_allint(RS0, RS1) rem 1000,
		(if	char__to_int(Char0, Int) 
		 	Char = Char0,
			RS = RS1
		 	Char = rand_char(RS1, RS)

	% generate float
rand_float(BS0, BS) = Flt :-
	next(31, Mant0, BS0, BS1),
        next(1, Sign, BS1, BS2),
        ( Sign > 0 ->
            Mant = Mant0
            Mant = -Mant0
        next(7, Exp, BS2, BS3),
        next(1, ExpSign, BS3, BS),
        Flt0 = float(Mant) * pow(2.0, Exp),
        ( ExpSign > 0, Flt0 \= 0.0 ->
            Flt = 1.0/Flt0
            Flt = Flt0

	% generate string
rand_string(RS0, RS) = X :-
	     	gen(Charlist, [], [ {type_of(['A']), [{10, []}, {90, []}]} ],
		    [], RS0, RS),

	% generate disciminated union
rand_union(Datatype, Frequencys, GF, UserGenerators, RS0, RS) = Univ :-
		NumFunctors = std_util__num_functors(Datatype),
		TempFreq = get_freq(Datatype, NumFunctors, 0, Frequencys, GF),
        	rnd__irange(0, freq_base(TempFreq) - 1, Selector, RS0, RS1),
		{ Branch, SubBranch } = select_branch(Selector, 0, 0, TempFreq),  
		(if 	get_functor(Datatype, Branch, _, _, ArgTypesTemp)
			ArgTypes = ArgTypesTemp,
			gen_arg_list(ArgTypes, SubBranch, GF,
			 	     UserGenerators, ArgList, RS1, RS), 
			(if	Temp = construct(Datatype, Branch, ArgList)
		 		Univ = Temp
				error("rand_union/6 : construct/3 failed")
	 		error("rand_union/6 : get_functor/5 failed")

	% generate random function
rand_function(Type, RS0, RS) = Univ :-
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X0,  RS0, RS1),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X1,  RS1, RS2),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X2,  RS2, RS3),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X3,  RS3, RS4),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X4,  RS4, RS5),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X5,  RS5, RS6),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X6,  RS6, RS7),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X7,  RS7, RS8),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X8,  RS8, RS9),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X9,  RS9, RS10),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, X10, RS10, RS),
	type_ctor_and_args(Type, _, Args),
	(	Args = [RetType] ->
	 		has_type(RetVal, RetType),
			Func = dummy(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8,X9,X10), 
			nailFuncType(RetVal, Func),
			Univ = univ(Func)
	; 	Args = [ArgType1, RetType]  ->
			has_type(Arg1, ArgType1),
			has_type(RetVal, RetType),
			Func = dummy(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8,X9), 
			nailFuncType(Arg1, RetVal, Func),
			Univ = univ(Func)
	; 	Args = [ArgType1, ArgType2, RetType] ->
			has_type(Arg1, ArgType1),
			has_type(Arg2, ArgType2),
			has_type(RetVal, RetType),
			Func = dummy(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8), 
			nailFuncType(Arg1, Arg2, RetVal, Func),
			Univ = univ(Func)
	;	Args = [ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, RetType] ->
			has_type(Arg1, ArgType1),
			has_type(Arg2, ArgType2),
			has_type(Arg3, ArgType3),
			has_type(RetVal, RetType),
			Func = dummy(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7), 
			nailFuncType(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RetVal, Func),
			Univ = univ(Func)
	;	Args = [ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, ArgType4, RetType] ->
			has_type(Arg1, ArgType1),
			has_type(Arg2, ArgType2),
			has_type(Arg3, ArgType3),
			has_type(Arg4, ArgType4),
			has_type(RetVal, RetType),
			Func = dummy(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6), 
			nailFuncType(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, RetVal, Func),
			Univ = univ(Func)
	;	Args = [ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, ArgType4, 
	 		ArgType5, RetType] ->
			has_type(Arg1, ArgType1),
			has_type(Arg2, ArgType2),
			has_type(Arg3, ArgType3),
			has_type(Arg4, ArgType4),
			has_type(Arg5, ArgType5),
			has_type(RetVal, RetType),
			Func = dummy(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4,X5), 
			nailFuncType(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, 
				     RetVal, Func),
			Univ = univ(Func)
	;	Args = [ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, ArgType4, 
	 		ArgType5, ArgType6, RetType] ->
			has_type(Arg1, ArgType1),
			has_type(Arg2, ArgType2),
			has_type(Arg3, ArgType3),
			has_type(Arg4, ArgType4),
			has_type(Arg5, ArgType5),
			has_type(Arg6, ArgType6),
			has_type(RetVal, RetType),
			Func = dummy(X0,X1,X2,X3,X4), 
			nailFuncType(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, 
				     Arg6, RetVal, Func),
			Univ = univ(Func)
	;	Args = [ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, ArgType4, 
	 		ArgType5, ArgType6, ArgType7, RetType] ->
			has_type(Arg1, ArgType1),
			has_type(Arg2, ArgType2),
			has_type(Arg3, ArgType3),
			has_type(Arg4, ArgType4),
			has_type(Arg5, ArgType5),
			has_type(Arg6, ArgType6),
			has_type(Arg7, ArgType7),
			has_type(RetVal, RetType),
			Func = dummy(X0,X1,X2,X3), 
			nailFuncType(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, 
				     Arg6, Arg7, RetVal, Func),
			Univ = univ(Func)
	;	Args = [ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, ArgType4, 
	 		ArgType5, ArgType6, ArgType7, ArgType8, 
			RetType] ->
			has_type(Arg1, ArgType1),
			has_type(Arg2, ArgType2),
			has_type(Arg3, ArgType3),
			has_type(Arg4, ArgType4),
			has_type(Arg5, ArgType5),
			has_type(Arg6, ArgType6),
			has_type(Arg7, ArgType7),
			has_type(Arg8, ArgType8),
			has_type(RetVal, RetType),
			Func = dummy(X0,X1,X2), 
			nailFuncType(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, 
				     Arg6, Arg7, Arg8, RetVal, Func),
			Univ = univ(Func)
	; 	Args = [ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, ArgType4, 
	 		ArgType5, ArgType6, ArgType7, ArgType8, 
			ArgType9, RetType] ->
			has_type(Arg1, ArgType1),
			has_type(Arg2, ArgType2),
			has_type(Arg3, ArgType3),
			has_type(Arg4, ArgType4),
			has_type(Arg5, ArgType5),
			has_type(Arg6, ArgType6),
			has_type(Arg7, ArgType7),
			has_type(Arg8, ArgType8),
			has_type(Arg9, ArgType9),
			has_type(RetVal, RetType),
			Func = dummy(X0,X1), 
			nailFuncType(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, 
				     Arg6, Arg7, Arg8, Arg9, RetVal, Func),
			Univ = univ(Func)
	;	Args = [ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, ArgType4, 
	 		ArgType5, ArgType6, ArgType7, ArgType8, 
			ArgType9, ArgType10, RetType] ->
			has_type(Arg1, ArgType1),
			has_type(Arg2, ArgType2),
			has_type(Arg3, ArgType3),
			has_type(Arg4, ArgType4),
			has_type(Arg5, ArgType5),
			has_type(Arg6, ArgType6),
			has_type(Arg7, ArgType7),
			has_type(Arg8, ArgType8),
			has_type(Arg9, ArgType9),
			has_type(Arg10, ArgType10),
			has_type(RetVal, RetType),
			Func = dummy(X0), 
			nailFuncType(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, 
				     Arg6, Arg7, Arg8, Arg9, Arg10,
				     RetVal, Func),
			Univ = univ(Func)
			error("no default generator for this type") 


	% There are 11 version of nailFuncType correspond to each arity of random funcion
:- pred nailFuncType(T, (func) = T).
:- mode nailFuncType(unused, unused) is det.

:- pred nailFuncType(T1, T, func(T1) = T).
:- mode nailFuncType(unused, unused, unused) is det.

:- pred nailFuncType(T1, T2, T, func(T1, T2) = T).
:- mode nailFuncType(unused, unused, unused, unused) is det.

:- pred nailFuncType(T1, T2, T3, T, func(T1, T2, T3) = T).
:- mode nailFuncType(unused, unused, unused, unused, unused) is det.

:- pred nailFuncType(T1, T2, T3, T4, T, func(T1, T2, T3, T4) = T).
:- mode nailFuncType(unused, unused, unused, unused, unused, unused) is det.

:- pred nailFuncType(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T, func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) = T).
:- mode nailFuncType(unused, unused, unused, unused, unused, 
		     unused, unused) is det.

:- pred nailFuncType(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T, 
		     func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) = T).
:- mode nailFuncType(unused, unused, unused, unused, unused, 
		     unused, unused, unused) is det.

:- pred nailFuncType(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T, 
		     func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) = T).
:- mode nailFuncType(unused, unused, unused, unused, unused, 
		     unused, unused, unused, unused) is det.

:- pred nailFuncType(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T, 
		     func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) = T).
:- mode nailFuncType(unused, unused, unused, unused, unused, 
		     unused, unused, unused, unused, unused) is det.

:- pred nailFuncType(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T, 
		     func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9) = T).
:- mode nailFuncType(unused, unused, unused, unused, unused, unused,
		     unused, unused, unused, unused, unused) is det.

:- pred nailFuncType(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T, 
		     func(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10) = T).
:- mode nailFuncType(unused, unused, unused, unused, unused, unused, 
		     unused, unused, unused, unused, unused, unused) is det.

nailFuncType(_, _).
nailFuncType(_, _, _).
nailFuncType(_, _, _, _).
nailFuncType(_, _, _, _, _).
nailFuncType(_, _, _, _, _, _).
nailFuncType(_, _, _, _, _, _, _).
nailFuncType(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _).
nailFuncType(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _).
nailFuncType(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _).
nailFuncType(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _).
nailFuncType(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _).


	% dummy/11 is the base function for curry.
:- func dummy(int, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10) = T11.
:- mode dummy(in,  in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in) = out is det.
dummy(X, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10) = Y :-
	init_setup(X, RS0),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_initial,      RS0, RS1),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int1,  RS1, RS2),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int2,  RS2, RS3),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int3,  RS3, RS4),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int4,  RS4, RS5),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int5,  RS5, RS6),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int6,  RS6, RS7),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int7,  RS7, RS8),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int8,  RS8, RS9),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int9,  RS9, RS10),
	rnd__irange(1, max_int_argument, Seed_any_to_int10, RS10, _),
	Final_Seed  = Seed_initial + any_to_int(Seed_any_to_int1,  X1)
	         		+ any_to_int(Seed_any_to_int2,  X2)
	         		+ any_to_int(Seed_any_to_int3,  X3)
	         		+ any_to_int(Seed_any_to_int4,  X4)
	         		+ any_to_int(Seed_any_to_int5,  X5)
	         		+ any_to_int(Seed_any_to_int6,  X6)
	         		+ any_to_int(Seed_any_to_int7,  X7)
	         		+ any_to_int(Seed_any_to_int8,  X8)
	         		+ any_to_int(Seed_any_to_int9,  X9)
	         		+ any_to_int(Seed_any_to_int10, X10),
	init_setup(Final_Seed, New_RS),
	gen(Y, [], [], [], New_RS, _).

any_to_int(Seed, X) = Int :-
	Temp = value_to_int(X),
	init_setup(Seed, RS0),
	(if	irange(1, 20, Output, RS0, _),
		Output = 1 
		Int = 0
		Int = Temp 

value_to_int(X) = Temp :-
	univ(X) = X1,
	Temp = univ_to_int(X1).

:- func univ_to_int(univ) = int.
:- mode univ_to_int(in) = out is det.
univ_to_int(X) = Y :-
	univ_value(X) = Value,
	std_util__deconstruct(Value, Functor, _Arity, ArgList),
	string__to_char_list(Functor, Charlist),
	Temp = charlist_to_int(Charlist),
	Y = Temp + univlist_to_int(ArgList).	
:- func charlist_to_int(list(char)) = int.
:- mode charlist_to_int(in) = out is det.
charlist_to_int([]) = 0.
charlist_to_int([X|Xs]) = Y :-
		char__to_int(X, X1),
		Y = X1 * 10 + charlist_to_int(Xs).
:- func univlist_to_int(list(univ)) = int.
:- mode univlist_to_int(in) = out is det.
univlist_to_int([]) = 0.
univlist_to_int([X|Xs]) = univ_to_int(X) + univlist_to_int(Xs).


to_trivial(Input, Pattern, Property0) = Property :-
        (if     Input = Pattern
	        Property = [trivial|Property0]
	        Property = Property0

Left `>>>` Right = Property :-
	Property = [ info(univ(Left)) | Right].

Left `===` Right = Property :-
	(if	Left = Right
	 	Property = [yes]
	 	Property = [no]

list_length(List) = list__length(List).

oneof(Xs, RS0, RS) = Y :- 
	(if 	list__length(Xs) = 0
	 	error("The input list should not be empty")
		rnd__irange(1, list__length(Xs), Nth, RS0, RS), 
		index1_det(Xs, Nth, Y)

	% det_headlist/2 returns the first element of a list of lists, and the 
	% list of lists without the first element.
	% If the input list is [], then return [] for both. 
:- func det_headlist(list(list(T)), list(list(T))) = list(T).
:- mode det_headlist(in, out) = out is det.
det_headlist([], []) = [].
det_headlist([X|Xs], Xs) = X.

	% inin_setup/2 converts negative or zero seed to a positive, not-zero seed, 
	% because rnd__init/2 should not be called with negative or zero seed. 
:- pred init_setup(int, rnd).
:- mode init_setup(in, out) is det.
init_setup(Seed, RS0) :-
	(if	Seed =< 0
		rnd__init(Seed * -1 + 1, RS0)
		rnd__init(Seed, RS0)	
 	% display_univ/3 should will called with a univ of a tuple, it will then
	% print out the elements in that tuple.
:- pred display_univ(univ, io__state, io__state).
:- mode display_univ(in, di, uo) is det.
display_univ(Univ) -->
	{ Args = univ_value(Univ) },
	{ deconstruct(Args, _, _, Univs) },

	% display_univs prints the values which are stored in a list of univ.
:- pred display_univs(list(univ), io__state, io__state).
:- mode display_univs(in, di, uo) is det.
display_univs([], S, S).
display_univs([Univ|Univs]) --> 

	% show_dist/3 prints out the distribution.
:- pred	show_dist(list(distribution), io__state, io__state).
:- mode show_dist(in, di, uo) is det.
show_dist([], S, S).
show_dist([Dist|Dists]) -->
	{ Dist = {Freq, Univ} },

	% get_freq/5 works out what distribution to use at current level by looking
	% at the SF and GF.  
:- func	get_freq(type_desc, int, int, list(frequency), 
		 list({type_desc, list(frequency)})) = list({int, list(list(frequency))}).
:- mode get_freq(in, in, in, in, in) = out is det.
get_freq(Datatype, NumFunctors, Counter, Frequencys, GF) = List :- 
	(if	NumFunctors = Counter 
		List = []
		(if	get_functor_ordinal(Datatype, Counter, Temp_Nth)
			Real_Nth = Temp_Nth
			error("get_freq/5 : get_functor_ordinal/3 failed")
		test_freq(Datatype, NumFunctors, Real_Nth, LevelRequired0, 
			  Frequencys, GF, SubBranch),
		List0 = get_freq(Datatype, NumFunctors, Counter + 1, Frequencys, GF),
		(if	LevelRequired0 < 0
		 	LevelRequired = 0
		 	LevelRequired = LevelRequired0
		List = [{LevelRequired, SubBranch} | List0 ]

	% test_freq/7 extract the required_level and the frequency of 
	% sub-constructors by the following steps :
	% 1	If Frequencys is non-empty, then there is specific frequency,
	%	so call freq_info/5 to get the infomation
	% 2	If Frequencys is empty, then search for general frequency
	% 3a	If a match is found in general frequency, then restart test_freq 
	%	with the general frequency for that type as the specific frequency
	% 3b	If no match is found, then apply default frequency	
:- pred	test_freq(type_desc, int, int, int, list(frequency), list({type_desc, 
		  list(frequency)}), list(list(frequency))). 
:- mode test_freq(in, in, in, out, in, in, out) is det.
test_freq(Datatype, NumFunctors, Nth, LevelRequired, Frequencys, GF, NewF) :-
	(if		list__length(Frequencys) = NumFunctors
			freq_info(0, Nth, Frequencys, LevelRequired, NewF)  	
	 else if 	Frequencys = []
	      		TempFreq = locate_general(Datatype, GF),	
			(if	TempFreq = []
				LevelRequired = 1,
				NewF = []
			 	test_freq(Datatype, NumFunctors, Nth, 
					  LevelRequired, TempFreq, [], NewF)
	 		error("test_freq/5 error: freqencys not match args \n")

	% freq_info/5 extracts specifict frequency and its sub-constructor's
	% frequency contained in the Nth element. 
	% The base case may be redundant, to cover [[]] case. 
	% freq_info/5 recursively increases the counter until it equals Nth, 
	% then get the info stored in Frequency.
:- pred freq_info(int, int, list(frequency), int, list(list(frequency))).  	
:- mode freq_info(in, in, in, out, out) is det.  	
freq_info(_, _, [], 100, []).  
freq_info(Counter, Nth, [Frequency | Frequencys], LevelRequired, NewF) :-
	(if	Counter = Nth
	 	Frequency = {LevelRequired, NewF}
	 	freq_info(Counter + 1, Nth, Frequencys, LevelRequired, NewF)

	% locate_general/2 passes through general frequency list, looking for 
	% matching type_desc, and return [] to indicate not found. 
:- func locate_general(type_desc, 
		       list({type_desc, list(frequency)})) = list(frequency).
:- mode locate_general(in, in) = out is det.
locate_general(_, []) = [].
locate_general(Datatype, [Info|Infos]) = Freq :-
	Info = {Type, List_freq},
	(if	Datatype = Type 
	 	Freq = List_freq
	 	Freq = locate_general(Datatype, Infos)

	% freq_base/1 sums up all the relative frequency. 
:- func freq_base( list({int, list(list(frequency))}) ) = int.
:- mode freq_base(in) = out is det.
freq_base([]) = 0.
freq_base([X | Xs]) = Int + freq_base(Xs) :- 
	X = {Int, _}. 

	% select_branch/4 selects a branch when the Selector is within  
	% that branch's range. 
:- func select_branch(int, int, int, list({int, list(list(frequency))}) ) 
		      = { int, list(list(frequency)) }.
:- mode select_branch(in, in, in, in) = out is det.
select_branch(_, _, _, []) = _ :- 
	error("select_branch/4 : no branch to select").
select_branch(Selector, Counter, Branch0, [TempFreq | TempFreqs]) = { Branch, SubFreq } :-
	TempFreq = { Relative, SubBranch }, 
	(if	Counter + Relative > Selector			
	 	Branch = Branch0,
		SubFreq = SubBranch
	 	{ Branch, SubFreq } = select_branch(Selector, Counter + Relative,
						    Branch0 + 1, TempFreqs)

	% find_user_gen/3 pass through the generator list, looking for matching 
	% type_desc. If it's found, then return the generating function, else this
	% predicate will fail.
:- pred find_user_gen(type_desc, list(user_gen_type), 
		      func(type_desc, list(frequency), 
		      list({type_desc, list(frequency)}), 
		      list(user_gen_type), rnd, rnd)=univ).
:- mode find_user_gen(in, list_skel_in(user_gen_inst), 
		      out(func(in, in, in, list_skel_in(user_gen_inst), 
		               in, out) = out is det) ) is semidet. 
find_user_gen(Datatype, [UserGenerator | UserGenerators], Generator) :-
	UserGenerator = {Type, TempGenerator},
	(if	Datatype = Type
	 	Generator = TempGenerator
	 	find_user_gen(Datatype, UserGenerators, Generator)

:- func (max_int_argument) = int.
:- mode (max_int_argument) = out is det.
(max_int_argument) = 1000000.


:- end_module qcheck.

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