[m-dev.] why is mercury_mcpp.h in DOS format?

Tyson Dowd trd at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Sun Jan 14 14:44:55 AEDT 2001

On 13-Jan-2001, Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU> wrote:
> The version of runtime/mercury_mcpp.h in our cvs repository has carriage
> returns (^M) at the end of every line.  Why?  Is that accidental?


> If so, it should be fixed.  If not, then the comments at the top of
> the file should explain why it needs to be in DOS format.
> Tyson, could you please fix this one?

Estimated hours taken: 0.1

	Convert this file to UNIX format.

Index: mercury_mcpp.h
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/runtime/mercury_mcpp.h,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 mercury_mcpp.h
--- mercury_mcpp.h	2001/01/13 01:58:40	1.4
+++ mercury_mcpp.h	2001/01/14 03:42:52
@@ -1,274 +1,274 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2000-2001 The University of Melbourne.
-// This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
-// Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
-// mercury_mcpp.h - This file defines the system runtime types and
-// macros that are used when generating code for the .NET backend.
-// It is written using Managed Extensions for C++ (usually called Managed C++ 
-// or MC++).
-// We need a definition of NULL
-#include <stddef.h>
-namespace mercury {
-typedef int		MR_Integer;
-typedef System::Int32	MR_BoxedInt;
-typedef System::Char	MR_Char; // `Char' is MS's name for unicode characters 
-typedef double 		MR_Float;
-	// XXX using a typedef doesn't seem to work properly when we want
-	// to use methods -- MR_BoxedFloat::somemethod() doesn't seem to work.
-	// This might be an issue with value classes and typedefs.
-#define MR_BoxedFloat System::Double
-typedef System::String *MR_String;
-typedef void (*MR_Cont) (void *);
-// Should these be MR_ qualified?
-#define TRUE 1
-#define FALSE 0
-typedef __gc public class System::Object * MR_Word[];
-typedef __gc public class System::Object * MR_Box;
-typedef __gc public class System::Object * MR_Array;
-#define MR_Ref(type) type __gc *
-typedef MR_Ref(MR_Box) MR_Box_Ref;
-typedef MR_Ref(MR_Word) MR_Word_Ref;
-typedef __gc public class System::Object * MR_TypeInfo[];
-typedef __gc public class System::Object * MR_TypeCtorInfo[];
-typedef __gc public class System::Object * MR_TypeInfoParams[];
-typedef __gc public class System::Object * MR_TypeClassInfo[];
-// XXX This code is duplicated in mercury_type_info.h.
-// We should factor out these definitions and use a shared version.
-#define MR_COMPARE_LESS 1
-#define MR_STRINGIFY(x)			MR_STRINGIFY_2(x)
-#define MR_STRINGIFY_2(x)		#x
-#define MR_PASTE2(a,b)			MR_PASTE2_2(a,b)
-#define MR_PASTE2_2(a,b)		a##b
-#define MR_PASTE3(a,b,c)		MR_PASTE3_2(a,b,c)
-#define MR_PASTE3_2(a,b,c)		a##b##c
-#define MR_PASTE4(a,b,c,d)		MR_PASTE4_2(a,b,c,d)
-#define MR_PASTE4_2(a,b,c,d)		a##b##c##d
-#define MR_PASTE5(a,b,c,d,e)		MR_PASTE5_2(a,b,c,d,e)
-#define MR_PASTE5_2(a,b,c,d,e)		a##b##c##d##e
-#define MR_PASTE6(a,b,c,d,e,f)		MR_PASTE6_2(a,b,c,d,e,f)
-#define MR_PASTE6_2(a,b,c,d,e,f)	a##b##c##d##e##f
-#define MR_PASTE7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)	MR_PASTE7_2(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
-#define MR_PASTE7_2(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)	a##b##c##d##e##f##g
-// The code to generate RTTI structures is somewhat complicated.
-// For each RTTI symbol, we generate an initializer method, 
-// and a field.  The initializer method returns a value for the field.
-// Since it is a static field, the initializer will be run in the class
-// constructor.
-// This code is intended to be more general than the macros in
-// mercury_typeinfo.h -- by conditionally defining the appropriate 
-// #defines for MR_CLASS_INIT* and MR_STRUCT_INIT* you should be able to 
-// re-use this code, however this has not been done yet.
-// In the .NET backend, we don't need to forward declare RTTI structures.
-#define MR_Declare_entry(a) 	
-#define MR_Declare_struct(a) 
-// We have to jump through a few hoops to get function pointers -- we do
-// it in IL currently.  We treat function pointers as integers and have
-// to box them.
-#define MR_BOX_INT(a) mercury::runtime::Convert::ToObject(a)
-#define MR_MAYBE_STATIC_CODE(a) \
-	MR_BOX_INT(mercury::runtime::TempHack::get_ftn_ptr_##a())
-#define MR_ENTRY(a) a
-// XXX MR_ENTRY appears to be unused
-// Code to handle initialization of fields.
-#define MR_STRUCT_INIT(a) 
-#define MR_STRUCT_INIT_END(a) 
-#define MR_CLASS_INIT(a) \
-	static MR_Word a(void) { \
-		System::Object *arr[] = { 
-#define MR_CLASS_INIT_END(m, f, i)	\
-		};			\
-		return arr;		\
-	}				\
-	static MR_Word f = i();		\
-	static MR_Word MR_PASTE2(m, f) = i();
-#define MR_string_const(a, s) ((MR_String) a)
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP(a) MR_BOX_INT(mercury::runtime::Constants::a)
-// XXX This is hardcoded
-// XXX It is intended that we eventually define the constants in
-// private_builtin.m and mercury_mcpp.cpp in terms of these #defines
-// instead of hard-coding the values. 
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_ENUM_val 			0
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_DU_val				2
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_DU_USEREQ_val			3
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_NOTAG_val			4
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_EQUIV_val			6
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_EQUIV_VAR_val			7
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_INT_val		    		8
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_CHAR_val		    	9
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_FLOAT_val			10
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_STRING_val			11
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_PRED_val		    	12
-	// MR_TYPECTOR_REP_UNIV_val is unused - it is retained
-	// only for backwards compatability.
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_UNIV_val		    	13
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_VOID_val		    	14
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_C_POINTER_val			15
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_TYPEINFO_val			16
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_ARRAY_val			18
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_SUCCIP_val			19
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_HP_val				20
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_CURFR_val			21
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_MAXFR_val			22
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_REDOFR_val			23
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_REDOIP_val			24
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_TRAIL_PTR_val			25
-#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_TICKET_val			26
-// XXX we should integrate this macro in with the version in 
-// mercury_typeinfo.h
-#define MR_DEFINE_BUILTIN_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_FULL(m, n, a, cr, u, c)	\
-    MR_Declare_entry(u)							\
-    MR_Declare_entry(c)							\
-    MR_Declare_struct(MR_STATIC_CODE_CONST struct MR_TypeCtorInfo_Struct)  \
-    MR_STRUCT_INIT(MR_PASTE5(mercury_data_, __type_ctor_info_, n, _, a) = {)   \
-    MR_CLASS_INIT(MR_PASTE4(type_ctor_init_, n, _, a))   		\
-	MR_BOX_INT(a),							\
-	MR_MAYBE_STATIC_CODE(n##_unify),				\
-	MR_MAYBE_STATIC_CODE(n##_unify),				\
-	MR_MAYBE_STATIC_CODE(n##_compare),				\
-	MR_TYPECTOR_REP(cr),						\
-	NULL,								\
-	NULL,								\
-	MR_string_const(MR_STRINGIFY(m), sizeof(MR_STRINGIFY(m))-1),	\
-	MR_string_const(MR_STRINGIFY(n), sizeof(MR_STRINGIFY(n))-1),	\
-	NULL,								\
-	NULL,								\
-	MR_BOX_INT(-1),							\
-	MR_BOX_INT(-1)							\
-    MR_STRUCT_INIT_END(})						\
-    MR_CLASS_INIT_END(m, MR_PASTE5(__, type_ctor_info_, n, _, a), MR_PASTE4(type_ctor_init_, n, _, a))
-#define MR_DEFINE_BUILTIN_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_PRED(m, n, a, cr, u, c)	\
-    MR_DEFINE_BUILTIN_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_FULL(m, m, n, a, cr, u, c)
-#define MR_DEFINE_BUILTIN_TYPE_CTOR_INFO(m, n, a, cr)		\
-	MR_PASTE7(mercury::, m, ::do_unify__, n, _, a, _0),     \
-	MR_PASTE7(mercury::, m, ::do_compare__, n, _, a, _0))  
-#define MR_DEFINE_BUILTIN_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_UNUSED(n, a, cr)       \
-    MR_DEFINE_BUILTIN_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_FULL(builtin, , n, a, cr,  \
-	mercury__unused_0_0,					\
-	mercury__unused_0_0)
-// Some definitions for writing code by hand that constructs lists.
-// Note that this is very dependent on the data representation chosen
-// by the compiler.
-#define MR_list_cons(List, Head, Tail)				\
-    	do {							\
-		MR_Word _tmp;					\
-		MR_newobj((_tmp), 1, 2);			\
-		MR_objset((_tmp), 1, (Head));			\
-		MR_objset((_tmp), 2, (Tail));			\
-		List = _tmp;					\
-	} while (0)
-#define MR_list_nil(List)					\
-    	MR_newobj(List, 0, 0);
-#define MR_list_is_cons(List)	\
-	(mercury::runtime::Convert::ToInt32((List)->GetValue(0)))
-#define MR_list_is_nil(List)	\
-	(mercury::runtime::Convert::ToInt32((List)->GetValue(0)) == 0)
-#define MR_list_head(List)	\
-	((List)->GetValue(1))
-#define MR_list_tail(List)	\
-	(dynamic_cast<MR_Word>((List)->GetValue(2)))
-// Some definitions for writing code by hand that constructs any type.
-#define MR_newobj(Obj, Tag, Size)					\
-    do {								\
-	(Obj) = System::Array::CreateInstance(				\
-		System::Type::GetType("System.Object"), (Size) + 1);  	\
-	(Obj)->SetValue(mercury::runtime::Convert::ToObject(Tag), 0);	\
-    } while (0)
-#define MR_untagged_newobj(Obj, Size)					\
-    do {								\
-        (Obj) = System::Array::CreateInstance(				\
-		System::Type::GetType("System.Object"),   		\
-		(Size));						\
-    } while (0)
-#define MR_newobj_preboxed_tag(Obj, Tag, Size)				\
-    do {								\
-	(Obj) = System::Array::CreateInstance(				\
-		System::Type::GetType("System.Object"), (Size) + 1);	\
-	(Obj)->SetValue((Tag), 0);					\
-    } while (0)
-#define MR_objset(Obj, Offset, Element)					\
-    do {								\
-	(Obj)->SetValue((Element), (Offset));				\
-    } while (0)
-#define MR_c_pointer_to_word(Obj, CPointer)				\
-    	MR_newobj_preboxed_tag(Obj, CPointer, 0)
-#define MR_word_to_c_pointer(CPointer)					\
-    	( (CPointer)[0] )
-#define MR_newenum(Obj, Tag)						\
-	MR_newobj(Obj, Tag, 0)
-// A few macros to define some RTTI slots.
-// At the moment RTTI support in the .NET backend is very minimal.
-} /* end namespace mercury */
+// Copyright (C) 2000-2001 The University of Melbourne.
+// This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+// Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+// mercury_mcpp.h - This file defines the system runtime types and
+// macros that are used when generating code for the .NET backend.
+// It is written using Managed Extensions for C++ (usually called Managed C++ 
+// or MC++).
+// We need a definition of NULL
+#include <stddef.h>
+namespace mercury {
+typedef int		MR_Integer;
+typedef System::Int32	MR_BoxedInt;
+typedef System::Char	MR_Char; // `Char' is MS's name for unicode characters 
+typedef double 		MR_Float;
+	// XXX using a typedef doesn't seem to work properly when we want
+	// to use methods -- MR_BoxedFloat::somemethod() doesn't seem to work.
+	// This might be an issue with value classes and typedefs.
+#define MR_BoxedFloat System::Double
+typedef System::String *MR_String;
+typedef void (*MR_Cont) (void *);
+// Should these be MR_ qualified?
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+typedef __gc public class System::Object * MR_Word[];
+typedef __gc public class System::Object * MR_Box;
+typedef __gc public class System::Object * MR_Array;
+#define MR_Ref(type) type __gc *
+typedef MR_Ref(MR_Box) MR_Box_Ref;
+typedef MR_Ref(MR_Word) MR_Word_Ref;
+typedef __gc public class System::Object * MR_TypeInfo[];
+typedef __gc public class System::Object * MR_TypeCtorInfo[];
+typedef __gc public class System::Object * MR_TypeInfoParams[];
+typedef __gc public class System::Object * MR_TypeClassInfo[];
+// XXX This code is duplicated in mercury_type_info.h.
+// We should factor out these definitions and use a shared version.
+#define MR_COMPARE_LESS 1
+#define MR_STRINGIFY(x)			MR_STRINGIFY_2(x)
+#define MR_STRINGIFY_2(x)		#x
+#define MR_PASTE2(a,b)			MR_PASTE2_2(a,b)
+#define MR_PASTE2_2(a,b)		a##b
+#define MR_PASTE3(a,b,c)		MR_PASTE3_2(a,b,c)
+#define MR_PASTE3_2(a,b,c)		a##b##c
+#define MR_PASTE4(a,b,c,d)		MR_PASTE4_2(a,b,c,d)
+#define MR_PASTE4_2(a,b,c,d)		a##b##c##d
+#define MR_PASTE5(a,b,c,d,e)		MR_PASTE5_2(a,b,c,d,e)
+#define MR_PASTE5_2(a,b,c,d,e)		a##b##c##d##e
+#define MR_PASTE6(a,b,c,d,e,f)		MR_PASTE6_2(a,b,c,d,e,f)
+#define MR_PASTE6_2(a,b,c,d,e,f)	a##b##c##d##e##f
+#define MR_PASTE7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)	MR_PASTE7_2(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
+#define MR_PASTE7_2(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)	a##b##c##d##e##f##g
+// The code to generate RTTI structures is somewhat complicated.
+// For each RTTI symbol, we generate an initializer method, 
+// and a field.  The initializer method returns a value for the field.
+// Since it is a static field, the initializer will be run in the class
+// constructor.
+// This code is intended to be more general than the macros in
+// mercury_typeinfo.h -- by conditionally defining the appropriate 
+// #defines for MR_CLASS_INIT* and MR_STRUCT_INIT* you should be able to 
+// re-use this code, however this has not been done yet.
+// In the .NET backend, we don't need to forward declare RTTI structures.
+#define MR_Declare_entry(a) 	
+#define MR_Declare_struct(a) 
+// We have to jump through a few hoops to get function pointers -- we do
+// it in IL currently.  We treat function pointers as integers and have
+// to box them.
+#define MR_BOX_INT(a) mercury::runtime::Convert::ToObject(a)
+#define MR_MAYBE_STATIC_CODE(a) \
+	MR_BOX_INT(mercury::runtime::TempHack::get_ftn_ptr_##a())
+#define MR_ENTRY(a) a
+// XXX MR_ENTRY appears to be unused
+// Code to handle initialization of fields.
+#define MR_STRUCT_INIT(a) 
+#define MR_STRUCT_INIT_END(a) 
+#define MR_CLASS_INIT(a) \
+	static MR_Word a(void) { \
+		System::Object *arr[] = { 
+#define MR_CLASS_INIT_END(m, f, i)	\
+		};			\
+		return arr;		\
+	}				\
+	static MR_Word f = i();		\
+	static MR_Word MR_PASTE2(m, f) = i();
+#define MR_string_const(a, s) ((MR_String) a)
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP(a) MR_BOX_INT(mercury::runtime::Constants::a)
+// XXX This is hardcoded
+// XXX It is intended that we eventually define the constants in
+// private_builtin.m and mercury_mcpp.cpp in terms of these #defines
+// instead of hard-coding the values. 
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_ENUM_val 			0
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_DU_val				2
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_DU_USEREQ_val			3
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_NOTAG_val			4
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_EQUIV_val			6
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_EQUIV_VAR_val			7
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_INT_val		    		8
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_CHAR_val		    	9
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_FLOAT_val			10
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_STRING_val			11
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_PRED_val		    	12
+	// MR_TYPECTOR_REP_UNIV_val is unused - it is retained
+	// only for backwards compatability.
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_UNIV_val		    	13
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_VOID_val		    	14
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_C_POINTER_val			15
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_TYPEINFO_val			16
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_ARRAY_val			18
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_SUCCIP_val			19
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_HP_val				20
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_CURFR_val			21
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_MAXFR_val			22
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_REDOFR_val			23
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_REDOIP_val			24
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_TRAIL_PTR_val			25
+#define MR_TYPECTOR_REP_TICKET_val			26
+// XXX we should integrate this macro in with the version in 
+// mercury_typeinfo.h
+#define MR_DEFINE_BUILTIN_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_FULL(m, n, a, cr, u, c)	\
+    MR_Declare_entry(u)							\
+    MR_Declare_entry(c)							\
+    MR_Declare_struct(MR_STATIC_CODE_CONST struct MR_TypeCtorInfo_Struct)  \
+    MR_STRUCT_INIT(MR_PASTE5(mercury_data_, __type_ctor_info_, n, _, a) = {)   \
+    MR_CLASS_INIT(MR_PASTE4(type_ctor_init_, n, _, a))   		\
+	MR_BOX_INT(a),							\
+	MR_MAYBE_STATIC_CODE(n##_unify),				\
+	MR_MAYBE_STATIC_CODE(n##_unify),				\
+	MR_MAYBE_STATIC_CODE(n##_compare),				\
+	MR_TYPECTOR_REP(cr),						\
+	NULL,								\
+	NULL,								\
+	MR_string_const(MR_STRINGIFY(m), sizeof(MR_STRINGIFY(m))-1),	\
+	MR_string_const(MR_STRINGIFY(n), sizeof(MR_STRINGIFY(n))-1),	\
+	NULL,								\
+	NULL,								\
+	MR_BOX_INT(-1),							\
+	MR_BOX_INT(-1)							\
+    MR_STRUCT_INIT_END(})						\
+    MR_CLASS_INIT_END(m, MR_PASTE5(__, type_ctor_info_, n, _, a), MR_PASTE4(type_ctor_init_, n, _, a))
+#define MR_DEFINE_BUILTIN_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_PRED(m, n, a, cr, u, c)	\
+    MR_DEFINE_BUILTIN_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_FULL(m, m, n, a, cr, u, c)
+#define MR_DEFINE_BUILTIN_TYPE_CTOR_INFO(m, n, a, cr)		\
+	MR_PASTE7(mercury::, m, ::do_unify__, n, _, a, _0),     \
+	MR_PASTE7(mercury::, m, ::do_compare__, n, _, a, _0))  
+#define MR_DEFINE_BUILTIN_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_UNUSED(n, a, cr)       \
+    MR_DEFINE_BUILTIN_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_FULL(builtin, , n, a, cr,  \
+	mercury__unused_0_0,					\
+	mercury__unused_0_0)
+// Some definitions for writing code by hand that constructs lists.
+// Note that this is very dependent on the data representation chosen
+// by the compiler.
+#define MR_list_cons(List, Head, Tail)				\
+    	do {							\
+		MR_Word _tmp;					\
+		MR_newobj((_tmp), 1, 2);			\
+		MR_objset((_tmp), 1, (Head));			\
+		MR_objset((_tmp), 2, (Tail));			\
+		List = _tmp;					\
+	} while (0)
+#define MR_list_nil(List)					\
+    	MR_newobj(List, 0, 0);
+#define MR_list_is_cons(List)	\
+	(mercury::runtime::Convert::ToInt32((List)->GetValue(0)))
+#define MR_list_is_nil(List)	\
+	(mercury::runtime::Convert::ToInt32((List)->GetValue(0)) == 0)
+#define MR_list_head(List)	\
+	((List)->GetValue(1))
+#define MR_list_tail(List)	\
+	(dynamic_cast<MR_Word>((List)->GetValue(2)))
+// Some definitions for writing code by hand that constructs any type.
+#define MR_newobj(Obj, Tag, Size)					\
+    do {								\
+	(Obj) = System::Array::CreateInstance(				\
+		System::Type::GetType("System.Object"), (Size) + 1);  	\
+	(Obj)->SetValue(mercury::runtime::Convert::ToObject(Tag), 0);	\
+    } while (0)
+#define MR_untagged_newobj(Obj, Size)					\
+    do {								\
+        (Obj) = System::Array::CreateInstance(				\
+		System::Type::GetType("System.Object"),   		\
+		(Size));						\
+    } while (0)
+#define MR_newobj_preboxed_tag(Obj, Tag, Size)				\
+    do {								\
+	(Obj) = System::Array::CreateInstance(				\
+		System::Type::GetType("System.Object"), (Size) + 1);	\
+	(Obj)->SetValue((Tag), 0);					\
+    } while (0)
+#define MR_objset(Obj, Offset, Element)					\
+    do {								\
+	(Obj)->SetValue((Element), (Offset));				\
+    } while (0)
+#define MR_c_pointer_to_word(Obj, CPointer)				\
+    	MR_newobj_preboxed_tag(Obj, CPointer, 0)
+#define MR_word_to_c_pointer(CPointer)					\
+    	( (CPointer)[0] )
+#define MR_newenum(Obj, Tag)						\
+	MR_newobj(Obj, Tag, 0)
+// A few macros to define some RTTI slots.
+// At the moment RTTI support in the .NET backend is very minimal.
+} /* end namespace mercury */

       Tyson Dowd           # 
                            #  Surreal humour isn't everyone's cup of fur.
     trd at cs.mu.oz.au        # 
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~trd #
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