[m-dev.] for review: namespaces in xml interface
Ina Cheng
inch at students.cs.mu.oz.au
Tue Jan 2 11:02:02 AEDT 2001
Add some predicates in the xml interface to take into account
namespaces in xml.
Estimated hours taken: 6 days
Add a module to turn an xml document into a namespace-aware xml document.
change the sample program to print out the new xml output
add xml.ns.m to the wrapper module
the new module containing predicates to turn an xml document to a
namespace-aware xml document
cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: tryit.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/extras/xml/tryit.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 tryit.m
--- tryit.m 2000/12/01 06:07:37 1.2
+++ tryit.m 2001/01/01 23:39:23
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
:- implementation.
-:- import_module parsing, xml, xml:cat, xml:encoding, xml:parse.
+:- import_module parsing, xml, xml:cat, xml:encoding, xml:parse, xml:ns.
:- import_module char, list, map, std_util, string.
main -->
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
main([]) --> [].
main([File|Files]) -->
- see(File, Res0),
+ see(File, Res0),
( { Res0 = ok } ->
io__read_file_as_string(_, Text),
pstate(mkEntity(Text), mkEncoding(utf8), init),
@@ -69,13 +69,20 @@
- { Res = ok(_) }
+ { Res = ok((DTD, Doc)) },
+ { nsTranslate(Doc, NsDoc) },
+ { New = cat:ok((DTD, NsDoc)) },
+ write(New)
+ % if don't want to turn the doc to namespace awared,
+ % change the above three lines to
+ % write(Res)
- { Res = error(Err) },
- stderr_stream(StdErr),
- format(StdErr, "%s: %s\n", [s(File), s(Err)])
+ { Res = error(Err) },
+ stderr_stream(StdErr),
+ format(StdErr, "%s: %s\n", [s(File), s(Err)]),
+ write(Res)
- write(Res), nl,
+ nl,
Index: xml.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/extras/xml/xml.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 xml.m
--- xml.m 2000/09/05 22:33:59 1.1
+++ xml.m 2000/12/22 02:05:53
@@ -16,4 +16,5 @@
:- include_module xml:dtd.
:- include_module xml:encoding.
:- include_module xml:parse.
+:- include_module xml:ns.
Index: xml.ns.m
RCS file: xml.ns.m
diff -N xml.ns.m
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ xml.ns.m Tue Jan 2 10:29:20 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2000 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: xml.ns.m
+% Main author: conway at cs.mu.oz.au, inch at students.cs.mu.oz.au
+% This module provides predicates to turn an xml document into a
+% aware" xml document.
+:- module xml:ns.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module list, array, string, std_util, io.
+:- import_module xml:doc.
+:- type nsDocument
+ ---> nsDoc(
+ prestuff :: list(ref(nsContent)),
+ root :: ref(nsContent),
+ poststuff :: list(ref(nsContent)),
+ content :: array(nsContent)
+ ).
+:- type nsContent
+ ---> nsElement(nsElement)
+ ; pi(string, string)
+ ; comment(string)
+ ; data(string)
+ .
+:- type nsElement
+ ---> nsElement(
+ eName :: qName,
+ eAttrs :: list(nsAttribute),
+ eContent :: list(ref(content)),
+ eNamespaces :: nsList % Prefix - URI
+ ).
+:- type nsAttribute
+ ---> nsAttribute(
+ aName :: qName,
+ aValue :: string
+ ).
+:- type qName
+ ---> qName(
+ localName :: string,
+ nsURI :: string
+ ).
+:- type nsList == list(pair(string, string)).
+:- pred nsTranslate((xml:doc):document::in, nsDocument::out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, assoc_list.
+:- import_module map.
+:- import_module xml:parse.
+:- type namespaces == map(string, string).
+nsTranslate(Doc, NsDoc) :-
+ traverse(Doc, [], NsDocContent),
+ NsDoc = nsDoc(Doc^prestuff, Doc^root, Doc^poststuff,
+ array(NsDocContent)).
+:- pred traverse(document, list(nsContent), list(nsContent)).
+:- mode traverse(in, in, out) is det.
+traverse(Doc, Acc0, Acc) :-
+ traverse(Doc^content, map__init, "", Doc^root, Acc0, Acc).
+:- pred traverse(array(content), namespaces, string, ref(content),
+ list(nsContent), list(nsContent)).
+:- mode traverse(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+traverse(ContentArray, Namespaces0, Default0, ContentRef, Acc0, Acc) :-
+ lookup(ContentArray, ContentRef, Content),
+ (
+ Content = element(Elem) ->
+ % examine the attributes to find any default namespaces
+ (
+ defaultNamespace(Elem^eAttrs, Default1, Attrs0)
+ ->
+ Default = Default1,
+ Attrs1 = Attrs0
+ ;
+ Default = Default0,
+ Attrs1 = Elem^eAttrs
+ ),
+ % extract any namespace declaration and insert into tree
+ extractNamespaceDecls(Attrs1, NSList, Attrs2),
+ list__foldl((pred((Pref - URI)::in, NSs1::in,
+ NSs2::out) is det :-
+ map__set(NSs1, Pref, URI, NSs2)
+ ), NSList, Namespaces0, Namespaces),
+ namespaceizeName(Namespaces, Default, Elem^eName, Name),
+ map((pred(Attr0::in, Attr::out) is det :-
+ Attr0 = attribute(AttrName0, Value),
+ namespaceizeName(Namespaces, Default,
+ AttrName0, AttrName),
+ Attr = nsAttribute(AttrName, Value)
+ ), Elem^eAttrs, Attrs),
+ Kids = Elem^eContent,
+ list__reverse(Kids, Kids0),
+ NsElem = nsElement(nsElement(Name, Attrs, Elem^eContent,
+ NSList)),
+ Acc1 = [NsElem|Acc0],
+ foldl(traverse, ContentArray, Namespaces, Default,
+ Kids0, Acc1, Acc)
+ ;
+ Acc = [convert_type(Content)| Acc0]
+ ).
+:- pred defaultNamespace(list(attribute), string, list(attribute)).
+:- mode defaultNamespace(in, out, out) is semidet.
+defaultNamespace([], _, _) :- fail.
+defaultNamespace([Attr|Attrs], Default, NewAttrs) :-
+ (
+ is_xmlns(Attr^aName)
+ ->
+ Default = Attr^aValue,
+ NewAttrs = Attrs
+ ;
+ Default = Default0,
+ NewAttrs = NewAttrs0,
+ defaultNamespace(Attrs, Default0, NewAttrs0)
+ ).
+:- pred extractNamespaceDecls(list(attribute), nsList, list(attribute)).
+:- mode extractNamespaceDecls(in, out, out) is det.
+extractNamespaceDecls([], [], []).
+extractNamespaceDecls([Attr|Attrs], NSList, NewAttrs) :-
+ split_on_colon(Attr^aName, Prefix, Suffix),
+ (
+ % eg. < book xmlns:isbn="someURI" >
+ % Prefix = xmlns
+ % Suffix = isbn
+ is_xmlns(Prefix) ->
+ NSList = [(Suffix - Attr^aValue) | NSList0],
+ NewAttrs = NewAttrs0
+ ;
+ NSList = NSList0,
+ NewAttrs = [Attr|NewAttrs0]
+ ),
+ extractNamespaceDecls(Attrs, NSList0, NewAttrs0).
+:- pred namespaceizeName(namespaces, string, string, qName).
+:- mode namespaceizeName(in, in, in, out) is det.
+namespaceizeName(Namespaces, Default, Name, QName) :-
+ split_on_colon(Name, Prefix, Suffix),
+ (
+ % for case when element name = prefix:suffix
+ map__search(Namespaces, Prefix, URI)
+ ->
+ QName = qName(Suffix, URI)
+ ;
+ % for case when attribute name = xmlns:suffix
+ is_xmlns(Prefix),
+ map__search(Namespaces, Suffix, URI)
+ ->
+ QName = qName(Suffix, URI)
+ ;
+ % for case when element name has no prefix
+ QName = qName(Suffix, Default)
+ ).
+:- pred split_on_colon(string::in, string::out, string::out) is det.
+split_on_colon(Name, Prefix, Suffix) :-
+ (
+ string__sub_string_search(Name, ":", Index)
+ ->
+ string__length(Name, Length),
+ string__right(Name, Length-(Index+1), Suffix),
+ string__left(Name, Index, Prefix)
+ ;
+ Suffix = Name,
+ Prefix = ""
+ ).
+:- pred is_xmlns(string::in) is semidet.
+:- func convert_type(content) = nsContent.
+convert_type(comment(S)) = comment(S).
+convert_type(data(S)) = data(S).
+convert_type(pi(S,S0)) = pi(S,S0).
+% XXX how to use inst such that I don't have to define the following line
+convert_type(element(_)) = nsElement(nsElement(qName("",""),[],[],[])).
+:- pred foldl(pred(array(content), namespaces, string, ref(content),
+ T, T), array(content), namespaces, string, list(ref(content)), T, T).
+:- mode foldl(pred(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det, in, in, in, in, in,
+ out) is det.
+foldl(_Pred, _, _, _, [], Acc, Acc).
+foldl(Pred, Content, NameSpaces, Default, [Ref|Refs], Acc0, Acc) :-
+ foldl(Pred, Content, NameSpaces, Default, Refs, Acc1, Acc),
+ call(Pred, Content, NameSpaces, Default, Ref, Acc0, Acc1).
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