[m-dev.] diff: fix tests in hard_coded for MSVC
Peter Ross
peter.ross at miscrit.be
Wed Feb 14 02:58:17 AEDT 2001
Estimated hours taken: 8
Adapt the tests in the hard_coded directory so that the version of the
Mercury compiler built with MSVC passes them in the hlc.gc grade.
The MSVC runtime prints out floating points using three digits for
the exponent instead of two for most other runtimes.
s/io__tmp_name/io__make_tmp/ as tmp_name is obsolete.
Remove test_bitset and add bitset.
Move this test into one test case because mmake falls over with
unable to make `std_util.m^M', plus there is no reason to have this
case spread over two files.
Remove the uneeded import of std_util, this avoids the
`std_util.m^M' problem mentioned in the previous test case.
Index: Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.109
diff -u -r1.109 Mmakefile
--- Mmakefile 2001/01/07 03:05:46 1.109
+++ Mmakefile 2001/02/13 15:51:31
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
agg \
bidirectional \
bigtest \
+ bitset \
boyer \
c_write_string \
cc_and_non_cc_test \
@@ -106,7 +107,6 @@
string_loop \
term_io_test \
term_to_univ_test \
- test_bitset \
test_imported_no_tag \
tim_qual1 \
tuple_test \
Index: bitset.exp
RCS file: bitset.exp
diff -N bitset.exp
--- /dev/null Sat Aug 7 21:45:41 1999
+++ bitset.exp Wed Feb 14 02:51:31 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+List1: -59, -34, -19, -15, 2, 7, 19, 22, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 47, 58, 59
+List2: -64, -61, -58, -56, -51, -49, -48, -46, -44, -40, -38, -37, -31, -30, -23, -18, -13, -4, -2, 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 21, 23, 37, 39, 42, 43, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 61, 63
+count: 22 40
+testing foldl
+Sum of List1 = 471
+Sum of List2 = 60
+testing union
+[-64, -61, -59, -58, -56, -51, -49, -48, -46, -44, -40, -38, -37, -34, -31, -30, -23, -19, -18, -15, -13, -4, -2, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 47, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63]
+testing intersection
+[39, 42]
+testing difference
+[-59, -34, -19, -15, 2, 7, 19, 22, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 36, 38, 40, 44, 47, 58, 59]
+testing remove_least_element
+[-34, -19, -15, 2, 7, 19, 22, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 47, 58, 59]
+testing delete_list
+[-59, -34, -19, -15, 2, 7, 19, 22, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 36, 38, 40, 44, 47, 58, 59]
+count: 20 40
+testing foldl
+testing union
+testing intersection
+testing difference
+testing remove_least_element
+testing delete_list
+count: 20 40
+testing foldl
+testing union
+testing intersection
+testing difference
+testing remove_least_element
+testing delete_list
+count: 20 40
+testing foldl
+testing union
+testing intersection
+testing difference
+testing remove_least_element
+testing delete_list
+count: 20 40
+testing foldl
+testing union
+testing intersection
+testing difference
+testing remove_least_element
+testing delete_list
+count: 20 40
+testing foldl
+testing union
+testing intersection
+testing difference
+testing remove_least_element
+testing delete_list
+count: 20 40
+testing foldl
+testing union
+testing intersection
+testing difference
+testing remove_least_element
+testing delete_list
+count: 20 40
+testing foldl
+testing union
+testing intersection
+testing difference
+testing remove_least_element
+testing delete_list
+count: 20 40
+testing foldl
+testing union
+testing intersection
+testing difference
+testing remove_least_element
+testing delete_list
+count: 20 40
+testing foldl
+testing union
+testing intersection
+testing difference
+testing remove_least_element
+testing delete_list
+count: 20 40
+testing foldl
+testing union
+testing intersection
+testing difference
+testing remove_least_element
+testing delete_list
Index: bitset.m
RCS file: bitset.m
diff -N bitset.m
--- /dev/null Sat Aug 7 21:45:41 1999
+++ bitset.m Wed Feb 14 02:51:31 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+:- module bitset.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module bool, exception, enum, int, list.
+:- import_module random, require, set, std_util.
+:- import_module sparse_bitset.
+:- func list1 = list(int).
+list1 = [29, 28, 31, 22, -15, 32, 19, 58, -59, 36, 7, 39, 42,
+ -34, 25, 40, 59, 2, -19, 44, 47, 38].
+:- func list2 = list(int).
+list2 = [21, 52, 23, -18, -23, 56, 11, -46, 61, -4, 63, 54, 17, -64,
+ -13, -38, 37, 4, 39, -2, 57, -56, -37, -30, -51, 12, -49,
+ -58, -31, -48, -61, 42, 53, -44, 55, 14, 9, -40, 43, 50].
+main -->
+ % Run one lot of tests with known input lists,
+ % to generate some visible output.
+ { Write = yes },
+ run_test(Write, list1, list2),
+ % Run some more tests with random input, checking
+ % the output against that of set_ordlist.
+ { Iterations = 10 },
+ { random__init(1, Supply) },
+ run_tests(Iterations, Supply).
+:- pred run_tests(int::in, random__supply::mdi,
+ io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+run_tests(Iterations, Supply0) -->
+ ( { Iterations = 0 } ->
+ []
+ ;
+ { Num1 = 20 },
+ { get_random_numbers(Num1, [], List1, Supply0, Supply1) },
+ { Num2 = 40 },
+ { get_random_numbers(Num2, [], List2, Supply1, Supply) },
+ { Write = no },
+ run_test(Write, List1, List2),
+ run_tests(Iterations - 1, Supply)
+ ).
+:- pred get_random_numbers(int::in, list(int)::in, list(int)::out,
+ random__supply::mdi, random__supply::muo) is det.
+get_random_numbers(Num, List0, List, Supply0, Supply) :-
+ ( Num = 0 ->
+ List = List0,
+ Supply = Supply0
+ ;
+ random__random(N, Supply0, Supply1),
+ RN = N rem 128 - 64, % test negative numbers
+ get_random_numbers(Num - 1, [RN | List0], List,
+ Supply1, Supply)
+ ).
+:- pred run_test(bool::in, list(int)::in, list(int)::in,
+ io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+run_test(Write, List1, List2) -->
+ ( { Write = yes } ->
+ io__write_string("List1: "),
+ io__write_list(list__sort(List1), ", ", io__write_int),
+ io__nl, io__nl,
+ io__write_string("List2: "),
+ io__write_list(list__sort(List2), ", ", io__write_int),
+ io__nl, io__nl
+ ;
+ []
+ ),
+ { Set1 = list_to_set(List1) },
+ { Set2 = list_to_set(List2) },
+ io__write_string("count: "),
+ io__write_int(count(Set1)),
+ io__write_string(" "),
+ io__write_int(count(Set2)),
+ io__nl,
+ io__write_string("testing foldl\n"),
+ { Sum = (func(Elem, Acc) = Elem + Acc) },
+ { Result1 = foldl(Sum, Set1, 0) },
+ { Result2 = foldl(Sum, Set2, 0) },
+ ( { Write = yes } ->
+ io__write_string("Sum of List1 = "),
+ io__write_int(Result1),
+ io__nl,
+ io__write_string("Sum of List2 = "),
+ io__write_int(Result2),
+ io__nl
+ ;
+ []
+ ),
+ io__write_string("testing union\n"),
+ { Union = union(Set1, Set2) },
+ write_bitset_result(Write, Union),
+ io__write_string("testing intersection\n"),
+ { Intersection = intersect(Set1, Set2) },
+ write_bitset_result(Write, Intersection),
+ io__write_string("testing difference\n"),
+ { Difference = difference(Set1, Set2) },
+ write_bitset_result(Write, Difference),
+ io__write_string("testing remove_least_element\n"),
+ ( { remove_least(Set1, Least, RemovedLeast) } ->
+ ( { Write = yes } ->
+ io__write_int(Least),
+ io__nl
+ ;
+ []
+ ),
+ write_bitset_result(Write, RemovedLeast)
+ ;
+ { error("remove_least failed") }
+ ),
+ io__write_string("testing delete_list\n"),
+ { Delete = delete_list(Set1, List2) },
+ write_bitset_result(Write, Delete),
+ { require(unify(delete_list(Set1, List1),
+ init `with_type` bitset_tester(int)),
+ "delete_list_failed") }.
+:- pred write_bitset_result(bool::in, bitset_tester(int)::in,
+ io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pragma no_inline(write_bitset_result/4).
+write_bitset_result(Write, Set) -->
+ ( { Write = yes } ->
+ { List `with_type` list(int) = to_sorted_list(Set) },
+ io__write(List),
+ io__nl
+ ;
+ []
+ ).
+:- type bitset_tester(T).
+:- type bitset_error(T)
+ ---> one_argument(string,
+ bitset_tester(T), bitset_tester(T))
+ ; two_arguments(string, bitset_tester(T),
+ bitset_tester(T), bitset_tester(T)).
+:- func init = bitset_tester(T).
+:- func insert(bitset_tester(T), T) = bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
+:- func insert_list(bitset_tester(T), list(T)) =
+ bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
+:- func list_to_set(list(T)) = bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
+:- func sorted_list_to_set(list(T)) = bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
+:- func delete(bitset_tester(T), T) = bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
+:- func delete_list(bitset_tester(T), list(T)) =
+ bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
+:- func remove(bitset_tester(T), T) = bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
+:- mode remove(in, in) = out is semidet.
+:- func remove_list(bitset_tester(T), list(T)) =
+ bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
+:- mode remove_list(in, in) = out is semidet.
+:- func to_sorted_list(bitset_tester(T)) = list(T) <= enum(T).
+:- func singleton_set(T) = bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
+:- func union(bitset_tester(T), bitset_tester(T)) =
+ bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
+:- func intersect(bitset_tester(T), bitset_tester(T)) =
+ bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
+:- func difference(bitset_tester(T),
+ bitset_tester(T)) = bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
+:- pred remove_least(bitset_tester(T), T, bitset_tester(T)) <= enum(T).
+:- mode remove_least(in, out, out) is semidet.
+:- pred subset(bitset_tester(T), bitset_tester(T)).
+:- mode subset(in, in) is semidet.
+:- pred superset(bitset_tester(T), bitset_tester(T)).
+:- mode superset(in, in) is semidet.
+:- func count(bitset_tester(T)) = int <= enum(T).
+:- func foldl(func(T, U) = U, bitset_tester(T), U) = U <= enum(T).
+:- pred empty(bitset_tester(T)).
+:- mode empty(in) is semidet.
+:- pred contains(bitset_tester(T)::in, T::in) is semidet <= enum(T).
+:- pred init(bitset_tester(T)::out) is det.
+:- pred singleton_set(bitset_tester(T)::out, T::in) is det <= enum(T).
+:- pred list_to_set(list(T)::in, bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
+:- pred sorted_list_to_set(list(T)::in,
+ bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
+:- pred to_sorted_list(bitset_tester(T)::in,
+ list(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
+:- pred insert(bitset_tester(T)::in, T::in,
+ bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
+:- pred insert_list(bitset_tester(T)::in,
+ list(T)::in, bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
+:- pred delete(bitset_tester(T)::in, T::in,
+ bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
+:- pred delete_list(bitset_tester(T)::in, list(T)::in,
+ bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
+:- pred union(bitset_tester(T)::in,
+ bitset_tester(T)::in, bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
+:- pred intersect(bitset_tester(T)::in,
+ bitset_tester(T)::in, bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
+:- pred difference(bitset_tester(T)::in,
+ bitset_tester(T)::in, bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
+:- type bitset_tester(T) == pair(sparse_bitset(T), set__set(T)).
+init = init - init.
+singleton_set(A) = make_singleton_set(A) - make_singleton_set(A).
+empty(A - B) :-
+ ( empty(A) -> EmptyA = yes; EmptyA = no),
+ ( empty(B) -> EmptyB = yes; EmptyB = no),
+ ( EmptyA = EmptyB ->
+ EmptyA = yes
+ ;
+ error("empty failed")
+ ).
+singleton_set(singleton_set(A), A).
+insert(A, B, insert(A, B)).
+insert_list(A, B, insert_list(A, B)).
+delete(A, B, delete(A, B)).
+delete_list(A, B, delete_list(A, B)).
+list_to_set(A, list_to_set(A)).
+to_sorted_list(A, to_sorted_list(A)).
+sorted_list_to_set(A, sorted_list_to_set(A)).
+union(A, B, union(A, B)).
+intersect(A, B, intersect(A, B)).
+difference(A, B, difference(A, B)).
+to_sorted_list(A - B) = List :-
+ ListA = to_sorted_list(A),
+ ListB = set__to_sorted_list(B),
+ ( ListA = ListB ->
+ List = ListB
+ ;
+ error("to_sorted_list failed")
+ ).
+delete(SetA - SetB, Var) = check("delete", SetA - SetB, delete(SetA, Var) - set__delete(SetB, Var)).
+delete_list(SetA - SetB, List) =
+ check("delete_list", SetA - SetB,
+ delete_list(SetA, List) - set__delete_list(SetB, List)).
+remove(SetA0 - SetB0, Elem) = Result :-
+ ( SetA1 = remove(SetA0, Elem) ->
+ ( remove(SetB0, Elem, SetB1) ->
+ SetA = SetA1,
+ SetB = SetB1
+ ;
+ error("remove succeeded unexpectedly")
+ )
+ ; set__remove(SetB0, Elem, _) ->
+ error("remove failed unexpectedly")
+ ;
+ fail
+ ),
+ Result = check("remove", SetA0 - SetB0, SetA - SetB).
+remove_list(SetA0 - SetB0, List) = Result :-
+ ( SetA1 = remove_list(SetA0, List) ->
+ ( set__remove_list(SetB0, List, SetB1) ->
+ SetA = SetA1,
+ SetB = SetB1
+ ;
+ error("remove succeeded unexpectedly")
+ )
+ ; set__remove_list(SetB0, List, _) ->
+ error("remove failed unexpectedly")
+ ;
+ fail
+ ),
+ Result = check("remove_list", SetA0 - SetB0, SetA - SetB).
+insert(SetA - SetB, Var) = check("insert", SetA - SetB,
+ insert(SetA, Var) - set__insert(SetB, Var)).
+insert_list(SetA - SetB, Vars) = check("insert_list", SetA - SetB, insert_list(SetA, Vars) - set__insert_list(SetB, Vars)).
+list_to_set(List) = check("list_to_set", init - init,
+ list_to_set(List) - set__list_to_set(List)).
+sorted_list_to_set(List) = check("sorted_list_to_set", init - init,
+ sorted_list_to_set(List) - set__sorted_list_to_set(List)).
+contains(SetA - SetB, Var) :-
+ ( contains(SetA, Var) -> InSetA = yes ; InSetA = no),
+ ( set__contains(SetB, Var) -> InSetB = yes ; InSetB = no),
+ ( InSetA = InSetB ->
+ InSetA = yes
+ ;
+ error("contains failed")
+ ).
+foldl(F, SetA - SetB, Acc0) = Acc :-
+ AccA = foldl(F, SetA, Acc0),
+ AccB = fold(F, SetB, Acc0),
+ ( AccA = AccB ->
+ Acc = AccA
+ ;
+ error("bitset_tester: fold failed")
+ ).
+count(SetA - SetB) = Count :-
+ CountA = count(SetA),
+ CountB = count(SetB),
+ ( CountA = CountB ->
+ Count = CountA
+ ;
+ error("bitset_tester: count failed")
+ ).
+subset(SetA1 - SetB1, SetA2 - SetB2) :-
+ ( subset(SetA1, SetA2) ->
+ ( subset(SetB1, SetB2) ->
+ true
+ ;
+ error("bitset_tester: subset succeeded unexpectedly")
+ )
+ ; subset(SetB1, SetB2) ->
+ error("bitset_tester: subset failed unexpectedly")
+ ;
+ fail
+ ).
+superset(SetA1 - SetB1, SetA2 - SetB2) :-
+ ( superset(SetA1, SetA2) ->
+ ( superset(SetB1, SetB2) ->
+ true
+ ;
+ error("bitset_tester: superset succeeded unexpectedly")
+ )
+ ; superset(SetB1, SetB2) ->
+ error("bitset_tester: superset failed unexpectedly")
+ ;
+ fail
+ ).
+union(SetA1 - SetB1, SetA2 - SetB2) =
+ check2("union", SetA1 - SetB1, SetA2 - SetB2,
+ union(SetA1, SetA2) - set__union(SetB1, SetB2)).
+intersect(SetA1 - SetB1, SetA2 - SetB2) =
+ check2("intersect", SetA1 - SetB1, SetA2 - SetB2,
+ intersect(SetA1, SetA2) - set__intersect(SetB1, SetB2)).
+difference(SetA1 - SetB1, SetA2 - SetB2) =
+ check2("difference", SetA1 - SetB1, SetA2 - SetB2,
+ difference(SetA1, SetA2) - set__difference(SetB1, SetB2)).
+remove_least(SetA0 - SetB0, Least, SetA - SetB) :-
+ ( remove_least(SetA0, LeastA, SetA1) ->
+ ( remove_least(SetB0, LeastB, SetB1) ->
+ ( LeastA = LeastB ->
+ SetA = SetA1,
+ SetB = SetB1,
+ Least = LeastA
+ ;
+ error("remove_least: wrong least element")
+ )
+ ;
+ error("remove_least: should be no least value")
+ )
+ ; remove_least(SetB0, _, _) ->
+ error("remove_least: failed")
+ ;
+ fail
+ ).
+:- func check(string, bitset_tester(T), bitset_tester(T)) =
+ bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
+check(Op, Tester1, Tester) = Tester :-
+ Tester1 = BitSet1 - Set1,
+ BitSetSet1 =
+ sparse_bitset__sorted_list_to_set(set__to_sorted_list(Set1)),
+ Tester = BitSet - Set,
+ BitSetSet = sparse_bitset__sorted_list_to_set(set__to_sorted_list(Set)),
+ ( BitSetSet1 = BitSet1, BitSet = BitSetSet ->
+ true
+ ;
+ throw(one_argument(Op, Tester1, Tester))
+ ).
+:- func check2(string, bitset_tester(T), bitset_tester(T),
+ bitset_tester(T)) = bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
+check2(Op, Tester1, Tester2, Tester) = Result :-
+ Tester1 = BitSet1 - Set1,
+ BitSetSet1 =
+ sparse_bitset__sorted_list_to_set(set__to_sorted_list(Set1)),
+ Tester2 = BitSet2 - Set2,
+ BitSetSet2 = sorted_list_to_set(
+ set__to_sorted_list(Set2)),
+ Tester = BitSet - Set,
+ BitSetSet = sparse_bitset__sorted_list_to_set(set__to_sorted_list(Set)),
+ ( BitSetSet1 = BitSet1, BitSetSet2 = BitSet2, BitSet = BitSetSet ->
+ Result = Tester
+ ;
+ throw(two_arguments(Op, Tester1, Tester2, Tester))
+ ).
Index: bitset_tester.m
RCS file: bitset_tester.m
diff -N bitset_tester.m
--- /tmp/cvskh2Tqj Wed Feb 14 02:51:32 2001
+++ /dev/null Sat Aug 7 21:45:41 1999
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-% Test operations on bitsets by comparing the output with the output
-% from an ordinary set.
-:- module bitset_tester.
-:- interface.
-:- import_module enum, list.
-:- type bitset_tester(T).
-:- type bitset_error(T)
- ---> one_argument(string,
- bitset_tester(T), bitset_tester(T))
- ; two_arguments(string, bitset_tester(T),
- bitset_tester(T), bitset_tester(T)).
-:- func init = bitset_tester(T).
-:- func insert(bitset_tester(T), T) = bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
-:- func insert_list(bitset_tester(T), list(T)) =
- bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
-:- func list_to_set(list(T)) = bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
-:- func sorted_list_to_set(list(T)) = bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
-:- func delete(bitset_tester(T), T) = bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
-:- func delete_list(bitset_tester(T), list(T)) =
- bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
-:- func remove(bitset_tester(T), T) = bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
-:- mode remove(in, in) = out is semidet.
-:- func remove_list(bitset_tester(T), list(T)) =
- bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
-:- mode remove_list(in, in) = out is semidet.
-:- func to_sorted_list(bitset_tester(T)) = list(T) <= enum(T).
-:- func singleton_set(T) = bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
-:- func union(bitset_tester(T), bitset_tester(T)) =
- bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
-:- func intersect(bitset_tester(T), bitset_tester(T)) =
- bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
-:- func difference(bitset_tester(T),
- bitset_tester(T)) = bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
-:- pred remove_least(bitset_tester(T), T, bitset_tester(T)) <= enum(T).
-:- mode remove_least(in, out, out) is semidet.
-:- pred subset(bitset_tester(T), bitset_tester(T)).
-:- mode subset(in, in) is semidet.
-:- pred superset(bitset_tester(T), bitset_tester(T)).
-:- mode superset(in, in) is semidet.
-:- func count(bitset_tester(T)) = int <= enum(T).
-:- func foldl(func(T, U) = U, bitset_tester(T), U) = U <= enum(T).
-:- pred empty(bitset_tester(T)).
-:- mode empty(in) is semidet.
-:- pred contains(bitset_tester(T)::in, T::in) is semidet <= enum(T).
-:- pred init(bitset_tester(T)::out) is det.
-:- pred singleton_set(bitset_tester(T)::out, T::in) is det <= enum(T).
-:- pred list_to_set(list(T)::in, bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
-:- pred sorted_list_to_set(list(T)::in,
- bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
-:- pred to_sorted_list(bitset_tester(T)::in,
- list(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
-:- pred insert(bitset_tester(T)::in, T::in,
- bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
-:- pred insert_list(bitset_tester(T)::in,
- list(T)::in, bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
-:- pred delete(bitset_tester(T)::in, T::in,
- bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
-:- pred delete_list(bitset_tester(T)::in, list(T)::in,
- bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
-:- pred union(bitset_tester(T)::in,
- bitset_tester(T)::in, bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
-:- pred intersect(bitset_tester(T)::in,
- bitset_tester(T)::in, bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
-:- pred difference(bitset_tester(T)::in,
- bitset_tester(T)::in, bitset_tester(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
-:- implementation.
-:- import_module bool, exception, list, int, require, set, std_util.
-:- import_module sparse_bitset.
-:- type bitset_tester(T) == pair(sparse_bitset(T), set__set(T)).
-init = init - init.
-singleton_set(A) = make_singleton_set(A) - make_singleton_set(A).
-empty(A - B) :-
- ( empty(A) -> EmptyA = yes; EmptyA = no),
- ( empty(B) -> EmptyB = yes; EmptyB = no),
- ( EmptyA = EmptyB ->
- EmptyA = yes
- ;
- error("empty failed")
- ).
-singleton_set(singleton_set(A), A).
-insert(A, B, insert(A, B)).
-insert_list(A, B, insert_list(A, B)).
-delete(A, B, delete(A, B)).
-delete_list(A, B, delete_list(A, B)).
-list_to_set(A, list_to_set(A)).
-to_sorted_list(A, to_sorted_list(A)).
-sorted_list_to_set(A, sorted_list_to_set(A)).
-union(A, B, union(A, B)).
-intersect(A, B, intersect(A, B)).
-difference(A, B, difference(A, B)).
-to_sorted_list(A - B) = List :-
- ListA = to_sorted_list(A),
- ListB = set__to_sorted_list(B),
- ( ListA = ListB ->
- List = ListB
- ;
- error("to_sorted_list failed")
- ).
-delete(SetA - SetB, Var) = check("delete", SetA - SetB, delete(SetA, Var) - set__delete(SetB, Var)).
-delete_list(SetA - SetB, List) =
- check("delete_list", SetA - SetB,
- delete_list(SetA, List) - set__delete_list(SetB, List)).
-remove(SetA0 - SetB0, Elem) = Result :-
- ( SetA1 = remove(SetA0, Elem) ->
- ( remove(SetB0, Elem, SetB1) ->
- SetA = SetA1,
- SetB = SetB1
- ;
- error("remove succeeded unexpectedly")
- )
- ; set__remove(SetB0, Elem, _) ->
- error("remove failed unexpectedly")
- ;
- fail
- ),
- Result = check("remove", SetA0 - SetB0, SetA - SetB).
-remove_list(SetA0 - SetB0, List) = Result :-
- ( SetA1 = remove_list(SetA0, List) ->
- ( set__remove_list(SetB0, List, SetB1) ->
- SetA = SetA1,
- SetB = SetB1
- ;
- error("remove succeeded unexpectedly")
- )
- ; set__remove_list(SetB0, List, _) ->
- error("remove failed unexpectedly")
- ;
- fail
- ),
- Result = check("remove_list", SetA0 - SetB0, SetA - SetB).
-insert(SetA - SetB, Var) = check("insert", SetA - SetB,
- insert(SetA, Var) - set__insert(SetB, Var)).
-insert_list(SetA - SetB, Vars) = check("insert_list", SetA - SetB, insert_list(SetA, Vars) - set__insert_list(SetB, Vars)).
-list_to_set(List) = check("list_to_set", init - init,
- list_to_set(List) - set__list_to_set(List)).
-sorted_list_to_set(List) = check("sorted_list_to_set", init - init,
- sorted_list_to_set(List) - set__sorted_list_to_set(List)).
-contains(SetA - SetB, Var) :-
- ( contains(SetA, Var) -> InSetA = yes ; InSetA = no),
- ( set__contains(SetB, Var) -> InSetB = yes ; InSetB = no),
- ( InSetA = InSetB ->
- InSetA = yes
- ;
- error("contains failed")
- ).
-foldl(F, SetA - SetB, Acc0) = Acc :-
- AccA = foldl(F, SetA, Acc0),
- AccB = fold(F, SetB, Acc0),
- ( AccA = AccB ->
- Acc = AccA
- ;
- error("bitset_tester: fold failed")
- ).
-count(SetA - SetB) = Count :-
- CountA = count(SetA),
- CountB = count(SetB),
- ( CountA = CountB ->
- Count = CountA
- ;
- error("bitset_tester: count failed")
- ).
-subset(SetA1 - SetB1, SetA2 - SetB2) :-
- ( subset(SetA1, SetA2) ->
- ( subset(SetB1, SetB2) ->
- true
- ;
- error("bitset_tester: subset succeeded unexpectedly")
- )
- ; subset(SetB1, SetB2) ->
- error("bitset_tester: subset failed unexpectedly")
- ;
- fail
- ).
-superset(SetA1 - SetB1, SetA2 - SetB2) :-
- ( superset(SetA1, SetA2) ->
- ( superset(SetB1, SetB2) ->
- true
- ;
- error("bitset_tester: superset succeeded unexpectedly")
- )
- ; superset(SetB1, SetB2) ->
- error("bitset_tester: superset failed unexpectedly")
- ;
- fail
- ).
-union(SetA1 - SetB1, SetA2 - SetB2) =
- check2("union", SetA1 - SetB1, SetA2 - SetB2,
- union(SetA1, SetA2) - set__union(SetB1, SetB2)).
-intersect(SetA1 - SetB1, SetA2 - SetB2) =
- check2("intersect", SetA1 - SetB1, SetA2 - SetB2,
- intersect(SetA1, SetA2) - set__intersect(SetB1, SetB2)).
-difference(SetA1 - SetB1, SetA2 - SetB2) =
- check2("difference", SetA1 - SetB1, SetA2 - SetB2,
- difference(SetA1, SetA2) - set__difference(SetB1, SetB2)).
-remove_least(SetA0 - SetB0, Least, SetA - SetB) :-
- ( remove_least(SetA0, LeastA, SetA1) ->
- ( remove_least(SetB0, LeastB, SetB1) ->
- ( LeastA = LeastB ->
- SetA = SetA1,
- SetB = SetB1,
- Least = LeastA
- ;
- error("remove_least: wrong least element")
- )
- ;
- error("remove_least: should be no least value")
- )
- ; remove_least(SetB0, _, _) ->
- error("remove_least: failed")
- ;
- fail
- ).
-:- func check(string, bitset_tester(T), bitset_tester(T)) =
- bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
-check(Op, Tester1, Tester) = Tester :-
- Tester1 = BitSet1 - Set1,
- BitSetSet1 =
- sparse_bitset__sorted_list_to_set(set__to_sorted_list(Set1)),
- Tester = BitSet - Set,
- BitSetSet = sparse_bitset__sorted_list_to_set(set__to_sorted_list(Set)),
- ( BitSetSet1 = BitSet1, BitSet = BitSetSet ->
- true
- ;
- throw(one_argument(Op, Tester1, Tester))
- ).
-:- func check2(string, bitset_tester(T), bitset_tester(T),
- bitset_tester(T)) = bitset_tester(T) <= enum(T).
-check2(Op, Tester1, Tester2, Tester) = Result :-
- Tester1 = BitSet1 - Set1,
- BitSetSet1 =
- sparse_bitset__sorted_list_to_set(set__to_sorted_list(Set1)),
- Tester2 = BitSet2 - Set2,
- BitSetSet2 = sorted_list_to_set(
- set__to_sorted_list(Set2)),
- Tester = BitSet - Set,
- BitSetSet = sparse_bitset__sorted_list_to_set(set__to_sorted_list(Set)),
- ( BitSetSet1 = BitSet1, BitSetSet2 = BitSet2, BitSet = BitSetSet ->
- Result = Tester
- ;
- throw(two_arguments(Op, Tester1, Tester2, Tester))
- ).
Index: deep_copy.exp2
RCS file: deep_copy.exp2
diff -N deep_copy.exp2
--- /dev/null Sat Aug 7 21:45:41 1999
+++ deep_copy.exp2 Wed Feb 14 02:51:31 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+apple([9, 5, 1])
+apple([9, 5, 1])
+apple([9, 5, 1])
+banana([three, one, two])
+banana([three, one, two])
+banana([three, one, two])
+zop(3.30000000000000, 2.03000000000000)
+zop(3.30000000000000, 2.03000000000000)
+zop(3.30000000000000, 2.03000000000000)
+zip(3, 2)
+zip(3, 2)
+zip(3, 2)
+zap(3, -2.11100000000000)
+zap(3, -2.11100000000000)
+zap(3, -2.11100000000000)
+tuple_a(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, ["a", "b", "c"], 16, 17)
+tuple_a(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, ["a", "b", "c"], 16, 17)
+tuple_a(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, ["a", "b", "c"], 16, 17)
+tuple_b(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, ["a", "b", "c"], 16, ["x", "y", "z"])
+tuple_b(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, ["a", "b", "c"], 16, ["x", "y", "z"])
+tuple_b(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, ["a", "b", "c"], 16, ["x", "y", "z"])
+tuple_c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, ["p", "q"], 17)
+tuple_c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, ["p", "q"], 17)
+tuple_c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, ["p", "q"], 17)
+tuple_d(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, ["d", "e", "f"], 15, ["u", "v", "w"], 17)
+tuple_d(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, ["d", "e", "f"], 15, ["u", "v", "w"], 17)
+tuple_d(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, ["d", "e", "f"], 15, ["u", "v", "w"], 17)
+poly_three(3.33000000000000, 4, poly_one(9.11000000000000))
+poly_three(3.33000000000000, 4, poly_one(9.11000000000000))
+poly_three(3.33000000000000, 4, poly_one(9.11000000000000))
+"Hello, world\n"
+"Hello, world\n"
+"Hello, world\n"
+univ_cons(["hi! I\'m a univ!"])
+univ_cons(["hi! I\'m a univ!"])
+univ_cons(["hi! I\'m a univ!"])
+{1, "two", '3', {4, '5', "6"}}
+{1, "two", '3', {4, '5', "6"}}
+{1, "two", '3', {4, '5', "6"}}
Index: expand.exp2
RCS file: expand.exp2
diff -N expand.exp2
--- /dev/null Sat Aug 7 21:45:41 1999
+++ expand.exp2 Wed Feb 14 02:51:32 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+no arguments
+expand: functor one arity 0 arguments []
+no arguments
+expand: functor two arity 0 arguments []
+no arguments
+expand: functor three arity 0 arguments []
+argument 1 of functor apple was:[9, 5, 1]
+expand: functor apple arity 1 arguments [[9, 5, 1]]
+argument 1 of functor banana was:[three, one, two]
+expand: functor banana arity 1 arguments [[three, one, two]]
+argument 2 of functor zop was:2.03000000000000
+expand: functor zop arity 2 arguments [3.30000000000000, 2.03000000000000]
+argument 2 of functor zip was:2
+expand: functor zip arity 2 arguments [3, 2]
+argument 2 of functor zap was:-2.11100000000000
+expand: functor zap arity 2 arguments [3, -2.11100000000000]
+no arguments
+expand: functor wombat arity 0 arguments []
+no arguments
+expand: functor foo arity 0 arguments []
+argument 1 of functor poly_two was:3
+expand: functor poly_two arity 1 arguments [3]
+argument 3 of functor poly_three was:poly_one(9.11000000000000)
+expand: functor poly_three arity 3 arguments [3.33000000000000, 4, poly_one(9.11000000000000)]
+argument 1 of functor poly_one was:[2399.30000000000]
+expand: functor poly_one arity 1 arguments [[2399.30000000000]]
+no arguments
+expand: functor "" arity 0 arguments []
+"Hello, world
+no arguments
+expand: functor "Hello, world
+" arity 0 arguments []
+no arguments
+expand: functor "Foo%sFoo" arity 0 arguments []
+no arguments
+expand: functor """ arity 0 arguments []
+no arguments
+expand: functor 'a' arity 0 arguments []
+no arguments
+expand: functor '&' arity 0 arguments []
+no arguments
+expand: functor 3.14159000000000 arity 0 arguments []
+no arguments
+expand: functor 1.12832498300000e-021 arity 0 arguments []
+no arguments
+expand: functor 2.23954899000000e+023 arity 0 arguments []
+no arguments
+expand: functor -65 arity 0 arguments []
+no arguments
+expand: functor 4 arity 0 arguments []
+argument 1 of functor univ_cons was:["hi! I\'m a univ!"]
+expand: functor univ_cons arity 1 arguments [["hi! I\'m a univ!"]]
+no arguments
+expand: functor <<predicate>> arity 0 arguments []
+argument 4 of functor {} was:{1, 2, 3, 4}
+expand: functor {} arity 4 arguments [1, 'b', "third", {1, 2, 3, 4}]
+argument 1 of functor var was:1
+expand: functor var arity 1 arguments [1]
+argument 1 of functor var_supply was:0
+expand: functor var_supply arity 1 arguments [0]
+argument 1 of functor var_supply was:1
+expand: functor var_supply arity 1 arguments [1]
+no arguments
+expand: functor empty arity 0 arguments []
+argument 1 of functor qwerty was:4
+expand: functor qwerty arity 1 arguments [4]
Index: float_reg.exp2
RCS file: float_reg.exp2
diff -N float_reg.exp2
--- /dev/null Sat Aug 7 21:45:41 1999
+++ float_reg.exp2 Wed Feb 14 02:51:32 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Index: remove_file.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/remove_file.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 remove_file.m
--- remove_file.m 1998/01/22 02:26:53 1.1
+++ remove_file.m 2001/02/13 15:51:32
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+% If this test fails when run natively under Win32 (no cygwin) then make
+% sure that either the TMPDIR environment variable points somewhere
+% sensible or that a directory <drive letter>:\tmp exists.
:- module remove_file.
:- interface.
:- use_module io.
@@ -7,7 +11,7 @@
:- implementation.
main -->
- io__tmpnam(Name),
+ io__make_temp(Name),
%%%%%%% io__print("Temp file name = "), io__print(Name), io__nl,
io__tell(Name, TellResult),
( { TellResult = io__ok },
Index: string_loop.exp2
RCS file: string_loop.exp2
diff -N string_loop.exp2
--- /dev/null Sat Aug 7 21:45:41 1999
+++ string_loop.exp2 Wed Feb 14 02:51:32 2001
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Index: test_bitset.exp
RCS file: test_bitset.exp
diff -N test_bitset.exp
--- /tmp/cvs890N2x Wed Feb 14 02:51:33 2001
+++ /dev/null Sat Aug 7 21:45:41 1999
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-List1: -59, -34, -19, -15, 2, 7, 19, 22, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 47, 58, 59
-List2: -64, -61, -58, -56, -51, -49, -48, -46, -44, -40, -38, -37, -31, -30, -23, -18, -13, -4, -2, 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 21, 23, 37, 39, 42, 43, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 61, 63
-count: 22 40
-testing foldl
-Sum of List1 = 471
-Sum of List2 = 60
-testing union
-[-64, -61, -59, -58, -56, -51, -49, -48, -46, -44, -40, -38, -37, -34, -31, -30, -23, -19, -18, -15, -13, -4, -2, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 47, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63]
-testing intersection
-[39, 42]
-testing difference
-[-59, -34, -19, -15, 2, 7, 19, 22, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 36, 38, 40, 44, 47, 58, 59]
-testing remove_least_element
-[-34, -19, -15, 2, 7, 19, 22, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 47, 58, 59]
-testing delete_list
-[-59, -34, -19, -15, 2, 7, 19, 22, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 36, 38, 40, 44, 47, 58, 59]
-count: 20 40
-testing foldl
-testing union
-testing intersection
-testing difference
-testing remove_least_element
-testing delete_list
-count: 20 40
-testing foldl
-testing union
-testing intersection
-testing difference
-testing remove_least_element
-testing delete_list
-count: 20 40
-testing foldl
-testing union
-testing intersection
-testing difference
-testing remove_least_element
-testing delete_list
-count: 20 40
-testing foldl
-testing union
-testing intersection
-testing difference
-testing remove_least_element
-testing delete_list
-count: 20 40
-testing foldl
-testing union
-testing intersection
-testing difference
-testing remove_least_element
-testing delete_list
-count: 20 40
-testing foldl
-testing union
-testing intersection
-testing difference
-testing remove_least_element
-testing delete_list
-count: 20 40
-testing foldl
-testing union
-testing intersection
-testing difference
-testing remove_least_element
-testing delete_list
-count: 20 40
-testing foldl
-testing union
-testing intersection
-testing difference
-testing remove_least_element
-testing delete_list
-count: 20 40
-testing foldl
-testing union
-testing intersection
-testing difference
-testing remove_least_element
-testing delete_list
-count: 20 40
-testing foldl
-testing union
-testing intersection
-testing difference
-testing remove_least_element
-testing delete_list
Index: test_bitset.m
RCS file: test_bitset.m
diff -N test_bitset.m
--- /tmp/cvsB3PYMh Wed Feb 14 02:51:33 2001
+++ /dev/null Sat Aug 7 21:45:41 1999
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-:- module test_bitset.
-:- interface.
-:- import_module io.
-:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
-:- implementation.
-:- import_module bool, enum, int, list, bitset_tester, random, require.
-:- func list1 = list(int).
-list1 = [29, 28, 31, 22, -15, 32, 19, 58, -59, 36, 7, 39, 42,
- -34, 25, 40, 59, 2, -19, 44, 47, 38].
-:- func list2 = list(int).
-list2 = [21, 52, 23, -18, -23, 56, 11, -46, 61, -4, 63, 54, 17, -64,
- -13, -38, 37, 4, 39, -2, 57, -56, -37, -30, -51, 12, -49,
- -58, -31, -48, -61, 42, 53, -44, 55, 14, 9, -40, 43, 50].
-main -->
- % Run one lot of tests with known input lists,
- % to generate some visible output.
- { Write = yes },
- run_test(Write, list1, list2),
- % Run some more tests with random input, checking
- % the output against that of set_ordlist.
- { Iterations = 10 },
- { random__init(1, Supply) },
- run_tests(Iterations, Supply).
-:- pred run_tests(int::in, random__supply::mdi,
- io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
-run_tests(Iterations, Supply0) -->
- ( { Iterations = 0 } ->
- []
- ;
- { Num1 = 20 },
- { get_random_numbers(Num1, [], List1, Supply0, Supply1) },
- { Num2 = 40 },
- { get_random_numbers(Num2, [], List2, Supply1, Supply) },
- { Write = no },
- run_test(Write, List1, List2),
- run_tests(Iterations - 1, Supply)
- ).
-:- pred get_random_numbers(int::in, list(int)::in, list(int)::out,
- random__supply::mdi, random__supply::muo) is det.
-get_random_numbers(Num, List0, List, Supply0, Supply) :-
- ( Num = 0 ->
- List = List0,
- Supply = Supply0
- ;
- random__random(N, Supply0, Supply1),
- RN = N rem 128 - 64, % test negative numbers
- get_random_numbers(Num - 1, [RN | List0], List,
- Supply1, Supply)
- ).
-:- pred run_test(bool::in, list(int)::in, list(int)::in,
- io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
-run_test(Write, List1, List2) -->
- ( { Write = yes } ->
- io__write_string("List1: "),
- io__write_list(list__sort(List1), ", ", io__write_int),
- io__nl, io__nl,
- io__write_string("List2: "),
- io__write_list(list__sort(List2), ", ", io__write_int),
- io__nl, io__nl
- ;
- []
- ),
- { Set1 = bitset_tester__list_to_set(List1) },
- { Set2 = bitset_tester__list_to_set(List2) },
- io__write_string("count: "),
- io__write_int(count(Set1)),
- io__write_string(" "),
- io__write_int(count(Set2)),
- io__nl,
- io__write_string("testing foldl\n"),
- { Sum = (func(Elem, Acc) = Elem + Acc) },
- { Result1 = foldl(Sum, Set1, 0) },
- { Result2 = foldl(Sum, Set2, 0) },
- ( { Write = yes } ->
- io__write_string("Sum of List1 = "),
- io__write_int(Result1),
- io__nl,
- io__write_string("Sum of List2 = "),
- io__write_int(Result2),
- io__nl
- ;
- []
- ),
- io__write_string("testing union\n"),
- { Union = union(Set1, Set2) },
- write_bitset_result(Write, Union),
- io__write_string("testing intersection\n"),
- { Intersection = intersect(Set1, Set2) },
- write_bitset_result(Write, Intersection),
- io__write_string("testing difference\n"),
- { Difference = difference(Set1, Set2) },
- write_bitset_result(Write, Difference),
- io__write_string("testing remove_least_element\n"),
- ( { remove_least(Set1, Least, RemovedLeast) } ->
- ( { Write = yes } ->
- io__write_int(Least),
- io__nl
- ;
- []
- ),
- write_bitset_result(Write, RemovedLeast)
- ;
- { error("remove_least failed") }
- ),
- io__write_string("testing delete_list\n"),
- { Delete = delete_list(Set1, List2) },
- write_bitset_result(Write, Delete),
- { require(unify(delete_list(Set1, List1),
- init `with_type` bitset_tester(int)),
- "delete_list_failed") }.
-:- pred write_bitset_result(bool::in, bitset_tester(int)::in,
- io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
-:- pragma no_inline(write_bitset_result/4).
-write_bitset_result(Write, Set) -->
- ( { Write = yes } ->
- { List `with_type` list(int) = to_sorted_list(Set) },
- io__write(List),
- io__nl
- ;
- []
- ).
Index: write.exp2
RCS file: write.exp2
diff -N write.exp2
--- /dev/null Sat Aug 7 21:45:41 1999
+++ write.exp2 Wed Feb 14 02:51:32 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+var("X") + int(3) * var("X^2") ; (type)
+{ type }
+{ ':-' }
+{ blah }
+blah ; (type), (type) * blah ; (type)
+((blah ; blah), blah) * blah ; blah
+(type) * blah ; (type)
+apple([9, 5, 1])
+banana([three, one, two])
+zop(3.30000000000000, 2.03000000000000)
+zip(3, 2)
+zap(3, -2.11100000000000)
+poly_three(3.33000000000000, 4, poly_one(9.11000000000000))
+"Hello, world\n"
+univ_cons(["hi! I\'m a univ!"])
+array([1, 2, 3, 4])
Index: write_reg1.exp2
RCS file: write_reg1.exp2
diff -N write_reg1.exp2
--- /dev/null Sat Aug 7 21:45:41 1999
+++ write_reg1.exp2 Wed Feb 14 02:51:32 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+apple([9, 5, 1])
+banana([three, one, two])
+zop(3.30000000000000, 2.03000000000000)
+zip(3, 2)
+zap(3, -2.11100000000000)
+poly_three(3.33000000000000, 4, poly_one(9.11000000000000))
+"Hello, world\n"
+univ_cons(["hi! I\'m a univ!"])
Index: exceptions/test_exceptions_func.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/exceptions/test_exceptions_func.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 test_exceptions_func.m
--- exceptions/test_exceptions_func.m 1999/08/31 12:57:20 1.1
+++ exceptions/test_exceptions_func.m 2001/02/13 15:51:32
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is cc_multi.
:- implementation.
-:- import_module std_util.
:- import_module exception.
main -->
@@ -44,7 +43,6 @@
:- pred semidet_throw(string::out) is semidet.
:- pred det_succeed(string::out) is det.
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