[m-dev.] Deforestation question

Ralph Becket rbeck at microsoft.com
Wed Feb 14 04:34:29 AEDT 2001

>From Simon Taylor on 12/02/2001 23:42:01
> What Ralph wants is the unboxing optimization that we've
> discussed many times but have never implemented because we
> couldn't come up with a decent heuristic.

The following example illustrates a common idiom (particularly
so with higher order code):

:- func fib_2(int, {int, int}) = int.

fib_2(N, {A, B}) =
	( if N =< 1 then A else
	  if N =  2 then B else
	    fib_2(N - 1, {B, A + B})

Ideally we would like the compiler to turn this into the

fib_2(N, {A, B}) = fib_2a(N, A, B).

fib_2a(N, A, B) =
	( if N =< 1 then A else
	  if N =  2 then B else
	    fib_2a(N - 1, B, A + B)

and do away with the need to worry about allocating {}/2
cells on the heap etc. etc.

[I believe that in a loop unrolled n times the compiler will
not allocate the intervening n - 1 {}/2 cells, but will
allocate the last before doing the tail call.]

[I think that structure reuse may do much of what I'm asking
for here, but I'd like to hear from Peter and Nancy on that

The transformation is straightforward and extends to cover
cases where we have multiple possible constructors.  What we
end up with is one `wrapper' function that has the same
interface as the original which calls one or more
`expanded' versions (one for each constructor) which, in turn,
call each other whenever possible.

[In the example, fib_2 becomes the wrapper function and
fib_2a the expanded function.]

Where it is not possible/cheap enough to prove that a fast-path
call can be made (e.g. the new structured object is computed by
some `huge' or opaque computation) then a call is simply made
to the wrapper instead.

A structured argument to a function is expandable if it appears
in a recursive call (or if a call to another expanded function
is possible).  The question now becomes when and how far do we
expand these things?  It seems to me that a good first cut would
be to simply apply it to arguments that are always deconstructed.
That would cover a large number of the cases I can think of.

That said, it sounds like other people have thought harder about
this than I have and I'd very much like to hear their conclusions.

Ralph Becket      |      MSR Cambridge      |      rbeck at microsoft.com 
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