[m-dev.] for review: quickcheck user guide
Xiao Chun Simon MEI
xcsm at students.cs.mu.oz.au
Mon Feb 5 16:46:26 AEDT 2001
Estimated hours taken: 40
A collection of wed pages written as a user guide for quickcheck.
It covers the syntax and features supported by current version of quickcheck.
Below are the source code of those web pages. It's probably best viewed by
a web browser at www.cs.mu.oz.au/~xcsm
New file, covers the 1st topic
New file, covers the 2nd topic
New file, covers the 3rd topic
New file, covers the 4th topic
New file, covers the 5th topic
New file, covers the 6th topic
New file, covers the 7th topic
New file, covers the 8th topic
New file, covers the 9th topic
New file, index page
New file, contain sample function mymax
New file, sub-page for T6.html
New file, contains sample function testrev
New file, contains sample predicate testrev2
New file, contains example for T1.html
New file, contains example for T1.html
New file, contains example for T1.html
New file, contains example for T2.html
New file, contains example for T2.html
New file, contains example for T3.html
New file, contains example for T3.html
New file, contains example for T4.html
New file, contains example for T5.html
New file, contains example for T6.html
New file, contains example for T7.html
New file, contains example for T8.html
New file, contains example for T9.html
Index: quickcheck/tutes/T1.html
RCS file: T1.html
diff -N T1.html
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ T1.html Mon Feb 5 16:01:52 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+ <TITLE> QuickCheck </TITLE>
+Files :
+<a href="use.m">use.m</a>
+<a href="use1.m">use1.m</a>
+<a href="use11.m">use11.m</a>
+<a href="testrev.m">testrev.m</a>
+<a href="testrev2.m">testrev2.m</a><BR>
+<a href="index.html">Back to main</a>
+<H1> QuickCheck Tutorial 1 </H1>
+In order to test the validity of a predicate/function via quickcheck,
+the user needs the following components :
+ qcheck.m -- quickcheck module (supplied)
+ rnd.m -- required by quickcheck module (supplied)
+ XXX.m -- module containing the predicate/function
+ the user is trying to validate
+ YYY.m -- main module, which calls qcheck/4
+A Simple Example
+Let XXX.m be "testrev.m", which contains testrev/1 :
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+ :- func testrev(list(T)) = list(T).
+ :- mode testrev(in) = out is det.
+ testrev([]) = [].
+ testrev([X|Xs]) = Ys :-
+ list__append(testrev(Xs), [X], Ys).
+testrev/1 is the Mercury equivalent of Haskell's reverse function. We
+want to test whether testrev/1 is properly implemented.
+Let YYY.m be "use.m". It must contain a main/2, and an
+invariant function. If testrev/1 is correctly implemented then it
+should satisfy the following rules:
+ reverse [x] = [x]
+ reverse (xs+ys) = reverse ys + reverse xs
+ reverse (reverse xs) = xs
+To test whether 2nd rule holds for testrev(), define the invariant
+function as :
+ testing(Xs, Ys) =
+ testrev(Xs ++ Ys) `===` (testrev(Ys) ++ testrev(Xs)).
+`===` function returns 'property:[yes]' if the left side equals
+right side, 'property:[no]' otherwise. ( like == in Haskell, but not of
+type bool) In theory testrev/1 can take a list(T), however in order
+for quickcheck to automatically generate Xs and Ys, the programmer must
+specify a fixed type at which the law is to be tested, eg:
+ :- func testing(list(int), list(int)) = property.
+ Or
+ :- func testing(list(char), list(char)) = property.
+Now define the main() as
+ Main --- >
+ qcheck(qcheck_f(testing), "sample testing").
+The complete use.m looks like this:
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- module use.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list.
+:- import_module qcheck, testrev.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing), "sample testing").
+% Invariant test functions
+:- func testing(list(int), list(int)) = property.
+testing(Xs, Ys) =
+ testrev(Xs ++ Ys) `===` (testrev(Ys) ++ testrev(Xs)).
+To compiler the program, do "mmake use.depend", then "mmake use".
+After running, the statistics should be displayed like :
+ Test Description : sample testing
+ Number of test cases that succeeded : 100
+ Number of trivial tests : 0
+ Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+ Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+testrev/1 passed 100 tests and failed none.(ignore the last 3 lines
+for now)
+If the invariant function is wrongly specified, or testrev/1 is not
+properly implemented, then the statistics may look like :
+ Test description : sample testing
+ Falsifiable :
+ [2]
+ [-2, 1]
+where running [2] as Xs and [-2, 1] as Ys failed the invariant function.
+Defining an invariant function which contains only functions is cleaner
+(as in Haskell) than one which contains predicates. Suppose that "testrev2.m"
+defines a predicate version of reversing list:
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+ :- pred testrev2(list(T), list(T)).
+ :- mode testrev2(in, out) is det.
+ testrev2([], []).
+ testrev2([X|Xs], Ys):-
+ testrev2(Xs, Reversed),
+ list__append(Reversed, [X], Ys).
+Then the invariant function looks like :
+ testing2(Xs, Ys) = (Left `===` Right) :-
+ testrev2((Xs ++ Ys), Left),
+ testrev2(Ys, Part_a),
+ testrev2(Ys, Part_b),
+ Right = Part_a ++ Part_b.
+Above code is effectively the same as testing/2, however it requires a few extra
+lines to extract the intermediate values, (use1.m) :
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- module use1.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list.
+:- import_module qcheck, testrev2.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing2), "testing2").
+% Invariant test functions
+:- func testing2(list(int), list(int)) = property.
+testing2(Xs, Ys) = (Left `===` Right) :-
+ testrev2((Xs ++ Ys), Left),
+ testrev2(Ys, Part_a),
+ testrev2(Xs, Part_b),
+ Right = Part_a ++ Part_b.
+An alternative to write use.m which does not evolving writing a separate
+invariant function, (use11.m):
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- module use11.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list.
+:- import_module qcheck, testrev.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(func(Xs `with_type` list(int), Ys `with_type` list(int))
+ = testrev(Xs ++ Ys) `===` (testrev(Ys) ++ testrev(Xs))),
+ "sample testing").
+In YYY.m, the main should be defined as :
+ Main --->
+ qcheck(qcheck_f(XXXXXXXX), YYYYYYYY).
+Where XXXXXXXX is the (name of) invariant function and
+YYYYYYYY is a string which describe/name/comment XXXXXXXX.
+The invariant function is of the form
+ :- mode XXXXXXXX(in, in, in ...) = out.
+The inputs can be of any type. The output is of type 'property:[yes]' or 'peoperty:[no]'
+What ever happens inside XXXXXXXX, quickcheck does not care. If output is [yes], the
+invariant function is assumed to pass the test case satisfactory.
Index: quickcheck/tutes/T2.html
RCS file: T2.html
diff -N T2.html
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ T2.html Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ <TITLE> QuickCheck </TITLE>
+<H1> QuickCheck Tutorial 2 </H1>
+Files :
+<a href="use20.m">use20.m</a>
+<a href="use21.m">use21.m</a>
+<a href="mymax.m">mymax.m</a><BR>
+<a href="index.html">Back to main</a>
+<h3> Conditional law </h3>
+Conditional law
+In general many laws hold only under certain conditions, Quickcheck provides
+an implication combinator to represent such conditional laws. Eg, the law
+ X <= Y => max x y == y
+can be represented by the definition :
+ :- func law(int, int) = property.
+ law(X, Y) = (X =< Y) `===>` (mymax(X, Y) `===` Y).
+or alternatively can be represented as :
+ :- func law2(int, int) = property.
+ law2(X, Y) = is_less_equal(X, Y) `===>` (mymax(X, Y) `===` Y).
+ :- func is_less_equal(int, int) = bool.
+ is_less_equal(X, Y) = Bool :-
+ (if X =< Y
+ then
+ Bool = yes
+ else
+ Bool = no
+ ).
+The difference between law1 and law2 is the left argument of `===>`.
+(X =< Y) is type (pred) and is_less_equal(X, Y) returns type bool.
+`===>` is overloaded to take both types.
+The complete use20.m :
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- module use20.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list, bool.
+:- import_module qcheck, mymax.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(law), "testing mymax using `===>` for (pred)"),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(law2), "testing mymax using `===>` for bool").
+:- func law(int, int) = property.
+law(X, Y) = (X =< Y) `===>` (mymax(X, Y) `===` Y).
+:- func law2(int, int) = property.
+law2(X, Y) = is_less_equal(X, Y) `===>`
+ (mymax(X, Y) `===` Y).
+:- func is_less_equal(int, int) = bool.
+is_less_equal(X, Y) = Bool :-
+ (if X =< Y
+ then
+ Bool = yes
+ else
+ Bool = no
+ ).
+After running the program, test statistics will be something like:
+ Test Description : testing mymax using `===>` for (pred)
+ Number of test cases that succeeded : 52
+ Number of trivial tests : 0
+ Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 48
+ Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+ Test Description : testing mymax using `===>` for bool
+ Number of test cases that succeeded : 52
+ Number of trivial tests : 0
+ Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 48
+ Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+The default number of tests to run is 100, in the above test only 48/100
+passed the invariant function, and none failed. However, 52/100 cases where
+the inputs failed the prec-condition.
+Note that both test cases succeeded 52/100 and failed pre-condition 48/100.
+This is not a coincident; qcheck.m seeds the random generator on local time,
+if qcheck is called twice within the same second, the number generated will
+be the same.
+The implication combinator can be compounded. For example, suppose mymax is
+designed that if mymax(X, Y) is called, Y will never be zero. Thus test cases
+with Y=0 should also be disregarded (use21.m) :
+ :- func law(int, int) = property.
+ law(X, Y) = notzero(Y) `===>` ((X =< Y) `===>` (mymax(X, Y) `===` Y)).
+ :- pred notzero(int).
+ :- mode notzero(in) is semidet.
+ notzero(X) :- X \= 0.
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+ :- type property == list(flag).
+ :- type flag
+ ---> yes
+ ; no
+ ; trivial
+ ; info(univ)
+ ; condition.
+All invariant functions must return a property, which is just a list of flags.
+If the list contains one or more 'condition', the test result is ignored.
+The implication combinator '===>' will add 'condition' into the property if
+its left argument is '(pred):fail' or 'bool:no'.
\ No newline at end of file
Index: quickcheck/tutes/T3.html
RCS file: T3.html
diff -N T3.html
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ T3.html Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+ <TITLE> QuickCheck </TITLE>
+<H1> QuickCheck Tutorial 3 </H1>
+Files :
+<a href="use31.m">use31.m</a>
+<a href="use33.m">use33.m</a>
+<a href="testrev.m">testrev.m</a><BR>
+<a href="index.html">Back to main</a>
+<h3> Monitoring Test Data - to_trivial/3 </h3>
+In Tutorial 1, the 3rd rule for reverse is that:
+ reverse (reverse xs) = xs
+It's not much of a test if xs is empty list or list with only 1 element.
+Quickcheck can label a test being trivial via the function
+to_trivial(), which does not change the meaning of a law, but it classifies
+some of the test cases. Without classifying the invariant function could be :
+ :- func testing1(list(float)) = property.
+ testing1(Xs) =
+ testrev (testrev Xs) `===` Xs.
+add to_trivial([], Xs, XXXXXX) where XXXXXX is the ordinary output. If the 1st
+argument is equal to the 2nd argument, then that test case is labeled trivial,
+in this case, an empty list.
+ :- func testing2(list(float)) = property.
+ testing2(Xs) =
+ to_trivial([], Xs, testrev (testrev Xs) `===` Xs).
+Use compounded to_trivial to also classify list of 1 element as trivial
+ :- func testing3(list(float)) = property.
+ testing3(Xs) =
+ to_trivial(1,
+ list_length(Xs),
+ to_trivial([], Xs, testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs)
+ ).
+The complete code (use31.m) :
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- module use31.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list, bool.
+:- import_module qcheck, testrev.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing1), "testing1"),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing2), "testing2"),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing3), "testing3").
+:- func testing1(list(float)) = property.
+testing1(Xs) =
+ testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs.
+:- func testing2(list(float)) = property.
+testing2(Xs) =
+ to_trivial([], Xs, testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs).
+:- func testing3(list(float)) = property.
+testing3(Xs) =
+ to_trivial(1,
+ list_length(Xs),
+ to_trivial([], Xs, testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs)
+ ).
+A sample output :
+ Test Description : testing1
+ Number of test cases that succeeded : 100
+ Number of trivial tests : 0
+ Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+ Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+ Test Description : testing2
+ Number of test cases that succeeded : 100
+ Number of trivial tests : 53
+ Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+ Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+ Test Description : testing3
+ Number of test cases that succeeded : 100
+ Number of trivial tests : 75
+ Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+ Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+Note test1, the original, has no trivial cases. With test2, 53/100 tests have
+an empty list as its input. Test3 shows 75/100 tests have either empty lists or
+lists of only one element. It had only tested 25/100 cases where the list is
+longer than 1 element.
+<h3> Monitoring Test Data - `>>>` </h3>
+The combinator `>>>` will gather all values that are passed to it, and prints out
+a histogram of these values.
+Let's use `>>>` to find out exactly what lists are generate for the previous tests :
+ :- func testing4(list(float)) = property.
+ testing4(Xs) =
+ list_length(Xs) `>>>` (testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs).
+The combinator `>>>` will convert it's left argument to a univ, and push info(univ)
+into it's right argument(which is a property == a list of flags).
+The complete code (use31.m) :
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- module use31.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list, bool.
+:- import_module qcheck, testrev.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing1), "testing1"),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing2), "testing2"),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing3), "testing3"),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing4), "testing4").
+:- func testing1(list(float)) = property.
+testing1(Xs) =
+ testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs.
+:- func testing2(list(float)) = property.
+testing2(Xs) =
+ to_trivial([], Xs, testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs).
+:- func testing3(list(float)) = property.
+testing3(Xs) =
+ to_trivial(1,
+ list_length(Xs),
+ to_trivial([], Xs, testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs)
+ ).
+:- func testing4(list(float)) = property.
+testing4(Xs) =
+ list_length(Xs) `>>>` (testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs).
+A sample output :
+Test Description : testing1
+Number of test cases that succeeded : 100
+Number of trivial tests : 0
+Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+Test Description : testing2
+Number of test cases that succeeded : 100
+Number of trivial tests : 53
+Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+Test Description : testing3
+Number of test cases that succeeded : 100
+Number of trivial tests : 71
+Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+Test Description : testing4
+Number of test cases that succeeded : 100
+Number of trivial tests : 0
+Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+1 8
+1 4
+1 6
+2 5
+8 3
+16 2
+18 1
+53 0
+The display of testing4 shows that 53 cases of lenggh == 0
+ 18 cases of length == 1
+ 16 cases of length == 2
+ ...etc...
+53+18 cases = 71 cases, which was marked trivial in testing3, likewise
+for testing2. The number will add up only if all the tests were ran within
+the same second.
+The value passed to `>>>` does not have to be the same type, and `>>>` can
+be compounded like to_trivial/3, eg (use33.m):
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- module use33.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list, bool.
+:- import_module qcheck, testrev.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing5), "testing5").
+:- func testing5(list(float)) = property.
+testing5(Xs) =
+ odd_even(Xs) `>>>`
+ (list_length(Xs) `>>>` (testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs)).
+:- func odd_even(list(T)) = string.
+:- mode odd_even(in) = out is det.
+odd_even(Xs) = Y :-
+ (if list_length(Xs) mod 2 = 1
+ then
+ Y = "odd"
+ else
+ Y = "even"
+ ).
+testing5 collects the list_length, and also collect "odd" or "even"
+A sample output :
+Test Description : testing5
+Number of test cases that succeeded : 100
+Number of trivial tests : 0
+Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+1 7
+1 5
+2 4
+2 6
+8 3
+10 2
+29 1
+39 "odd"
+47 0
+61 "even"
+The display of testing5 shows that 61 cases of "even"
+ 47 cases of length == 0
+ 39 cases of "odd"
+ ...etc...
+Currently the display is sorted by the number of occurences, without any regards to
+the type.
+1 7
+1 5
+2 4
+2 6
+8 3
+1 B
+1 A
+2 C
+10 Z
+May implement to above display later....
Index: quickcheck/tutes/T4.html
RCS file: T4.html
diff -N T4.html
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ T4.html Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ <TITLE> QuickCheck </TITLE>
+<H1> QuickCheck Tutorial 4 </H1>
+<a href="index.html">Back to main</a>
+<h3> Summary - Invariant Function & Property </h3>
+The invariant function is of the form
+ :- func XXXXXXXX(T, T1, T2 ...) = property
+ :- mode XXXXXXXX(in, in, in ...) = out.
+The inputs can be of most types (details next tutorial), however only arity
+0 to 4 are implemented. The output must be property, defined as :
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+ :- type property == list(flag).
+ :- type flag
+ ---> yes
+ ; no
+ ; trivial
+ ; info(univ)
+ ; condition.
+What ever happens inside XXXXXXXX, quickcheck does not care; it only looks
+at the output property. Any form of property is valid, in the sense that the
+qcheck will not abort/crash. However not all forms of property is sensible.
+One could return [], or [yes, no, yes, no]. Quickcheck analyzes property in
+the following order:
+ 1 is condition (1 or more) in the list(flag) ?
+ if yes, increment PRE-CONDITION counter and stop analyze
+ if no, goto 2
+ 2 is trivial (1 or more) in the list ?
+ if yes, increment TRIVIAL counter, goto 3
+ if no, goto 3
+ 3 gets all the info(univ) (if any) in the list, merge that with
+ the master list for distribution, goto 4
+ 4 is no (1 or more) in the list ?
+ if no, increment YES counter and stop
+ if yes, increment NO counter and stop, other function will pick
+ up that the No counter has been increased, and stops the whole
+ qcheck.
+So, [] will increase the YES counter, and [yes, no, yes, no] will increase the
+NO counter.
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- func T `===` T = property.
+:- mode in `===` in = out is det.
+Left `===` Right Left == Right return [yes]
+ Left != Right return [no]
+:- func (pred) `===>` property = property.
+:- mode in((pred) is semidet) `===>` in = out is det.
+Left `===>` Right Left fails return [condition | Right]
+ Left Succeeds return Right
+:- func bool `===>` property = property.
+:- mode in `===>` in = out is det.
+Left `===>` Right Left == no return [condition | Right]
+ Left == yes return Right
+:- func to_trivial(T, T, property) = property.
+:- mode to_trivial(in, in, in) = out is det.
+to_trivial(A, B, C) = D A == B return [trivial | C]
+ A != B return C
+:- func T `>>>` property = property.
+:- mode in `>>>` in = out is det.
+Left `>>>` Right return [ info(univ(Left)) | Right ]
Index: quickcheck/tutes/T5.html
RCS file: T5.html
diff -N T5.html
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ T5.html Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+ <TITLE> QuickCheck </TITLE>
+Files :
+<a href="use51.m">use51.m</a><BR>
+<a href="index.html">Back to main</a>
+<H1> QuickCheck Tutorial 5 </H1>
+<h3> Generators - Basic </h3>
+The invariant function is of the form
+ :- func XXXXXXXX(T, T1, T2 ...) = property
+ :- mode XXXXXXXX(in, in, in ...) = out.
+Quickcheck generates random value for each input argument at run time.
+Currently quickcheck have default generators for the following types :
+ 0 equivalent type
+ 1 int
+ 2 char
+ 3 float
+ 4 string
+ 5 discriminated union
+ 6 some functions
+plus type 7 which is any thing the user has written a generator for.
+Acutally there is no code written to handle equivalent types. But it works
+as if the compiler replaced all the equivalent types with their real type
+before compiling. So any equivalent type with real type that fits into
+types 0-7 will work.
+Default for int is rand_int/2, which has distribution (roughly):
+50% even distribution between [-100, 100]
+50% even distribution between [-2^31, 2^31]
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- func rand_int(rnd, rnd) = int.
+:- mode rand_int(in, out) = out is det.
+rand_int(BS0, BS) = Int :-
+ Temp = rand_allint(BS0, BS1) rem 2,
+ (if Temp = 0
+ then
+ irange(-100, 100, Int, BS1, BS)
+ else
+ Int = rand_allint(BS1, BS)
+ ).
+:- func rand_allint(rnd, rnd) = int.
+:- mode rand_allint(in, out) = out is det.
+rand_allint(BS0, BS) = Int :-
+ next(1, Sign, BS0, BS1),
+ next(31, TempInt, BS1, BS),
+ ( Sign > 0 ->
+ Int = TempInt
+ ;
+ Int = -TempInt
+ ).
+Default for char is rand_char/2, with even spread over
+char__to_int(Char, X) where X is (-1000, 1000).
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- func rand_char(rnd, rnd) = char.
+:- mode rand_char(in, out) = out is det.
+rand_char(RS0, RS) = Char :-
+ Int = rand_allint(RS0, RS1) rem 1000,
+ (if char__to_int(Char0, Int)
+ then
+ Char = Char0,
+ RS = RS1
+ else
+ Char = rand_char(RS1, RS)
+ ).
+Default for float is rand_float/2, which has even distribution
+over all possible value for a float in a 32bits machine.
+If machine is less then 32bits, overfloat occurs. It should still
+cover all possible values, but may alter distribution.
+If machine is more than 32bits, rand_float/2 will miss some values
+but retains even distribution.
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- func rand_float(rnd, rnd) = float.
+:- mode rand_float(in, out) = out is det.
+rand_float(BS0, BS) = Flt :-
+ next(31, Mant0, BS0, BS1),
+ next(1, Sign, BS1, BS2),
+ ( Sign > 0 ->
+ Mant = Mant0
+ ;
+ Mant = -Mant0
+ ),
+ next(7, Exp, BS2, BS3),
+ next(1, ExpSign, BS3, BS),
+ Flt0 = float(Mant) * pow(2.0, Exp),
+ ( ExpSign > 0, Flt0 \= 0.0 ->
+ Flt = 1.0/Flt0
+ ;
+ Flt = Flt0
+ ).
+Default for string is rand_string/2, each element is generated by
+0.9^0 * 0.1 chance being string length == 0
+0.9^1 * 0.1 chance being string length == 1
+0.9^2 * 0.1 chance being string length == 2
+so the average string length is Sum(0.1* 0.9^N * N) where N <- {0, infinity}
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- func rand_string(rnd, rnd) = string.
+:- mode rand_string(in, out) = out is det.
+rand_string(RS0, RS) = X :-
+ gen(Charlist,[],[{type_of(['A']),[{10,[]},{90,[]}]}],[],RS0,RS),
+ string__from_char_list(Charlist,X).
+A sample qcheck which use types 0-4 (use51.m):
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- module use51.
+:- interface.
+:- type marks == int.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, char, float, string, list.
+:- import_module qcheck.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(junk), "just to show the inputs", 5, [], []).
+:- func junk(marks, char, float, string) = property.
+junk(A, B, C, D) =
+ {A,B,C,D} `>>>` [yes].
+Few thing to note in use51.m :
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(junk), "just to show the inputs", 5, [], []).
+qcheck/7 takes more parameters than qcheck/4. The 3rd argument is an int,
+which specify how many times to run, 5 in use51.m (default is 100). Ignore
+other auguments.
+ junk(A, B, C, D) =
+ {A,B,C,D} `>>>` [yes].
+the invariant function doesn't do any testing, it always succeeds. But
+`>>>` collects all the inputs.
+A Sample output
+ Test Description : just to show the inputs
+ Number of test cases that succeeded : 5
+ Number of trivial tests : 0
+ Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+ Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+ 1 {-50, '4', -3.55475907854864e+25, "\241r\371~~\316\002LJ~\204\246"}
+ 1 {27, '\342', -311727734390784., "\377g.\001"}
+ 1 {1389908257, '8', 2.63071847153664e+15, "\342"}
+ 1 {-90973704, '<', -2.10559053720692e-22, ""}
+ 1 {-896549770, 's', 7.72155851221736e+30, "[\230m\304\2561\254Q"}
+The char and string output doesn't look pretty, since most are not printable,
+eg: \342, \254
+Possible improvement of rand_float/2 & rand_int/2 which will give higher chance
+of generating 0, or small numbers.
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RCS file: T6.html
diff -N T6.html
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ T6.html Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+ <TITLE> QuickCheck </TITLE>
+Files :
+<a href="use62.m">use62.m</a><BR>
+<a href="index.html">Back to main</a>
+<H1> QuickCheck Tutorial 6 </H1>
+<h3> Generators - Discriminated union & Specific Frequency</h3>
+Default generator is able to generate discriminated unions which are composed
+of any thing that fits into types 0-7. In default frequency mode, all branches
+at each level has the same chance of being selected.
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- func rand_union(type_desc, list(frequency), list({type_desc,
+ list(frequency)}), list(user_gen_type), rnd, rnd) = univ.
+:- mode rand_union(in,in,in,list_skel_in(user_gen_inst),in,out) = out is det.
+use61.m shows the randomly generated value for the type bullet, with default
+frequency :
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- module use61.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module qcheck.
+% arbitrary user-defined types for testing purposes
+:- type bullet
+ ---> good(color)
+ ; inaccurate(color)
+ ; defective(color).
+:- type color
+ ---> black
+ ; white.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop1), "even distribution", 1000, [], []).
+:- func prop1(bullet) = property.
+prop1(X) = X `>>>` [yes].
+Sample output shows the expected distribution :
+ Test Description : even distribution
+ Number of test cases that succeeded : 1000
+ Number of trivial tests : 0
+ Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+ Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+ 150 inaccurate(white)
+ 153 defective(black)
+ 165 inaccurate(black)
+ 176 good(white)
+ 178 defective(white)
+ 178 good(black)
+<h3> Specific Frequency</h3>
+Specific Frequency changes the a term's default frequency (which is evenly spread)
+to one the user have provided. An example :
+Suppose there are two bullet manufacturer.
+Company_W 's bullet are painted black, and 50% good ones, 10% inaccurate, 40% defective.
+Company_B 's bullet are painted white, and 40% good ones, 30% inaccurate, 30% defective.
+A good bullet always hits its target, inaccurate one misses 50% of time, defective bullet
+always misses. And color does affect performance.
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- type frequency
+ ---> {int, list(list(frequency))}.
+frequency defines the relative chance of a branch being selected, plus information of that
+branch's sub-branches.
+list(frequency) contains distribution information about 1 discrimated union, ie: the list
+should contain frequencies for all possible branches.
+list(list(frequency)) contains distribution information about a list of discrimated unions.
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+Let's try to describe Company_W's bullet, Bullet is discrimated union, so the right format is :
+ list(frequency)
+There are 3 top level branches for Type Bullet, so the list is 3 length long :
+ [frequency_good, frequency_inaccurate, frequency_defective]
+ :- type frequency = {int, list(list(frequency))}.
+ frequency_good = {50, ...something_good...}
+ frequency_inaccurate = {10, ...something_inaccurate...}
+ frequency_defective = {40, ...something_defective...}
+<a href="numbers.html">Click here to see what the numbers mean</a>
+...something_good... has format list(list(frequency)), and should describe the argument(s) of good/1.
+good/1 only has 1 arguments, thus the list of 1 element,
+ [ info_color ]
+info_color has format list(frequency), color has 2 branches, thus this list is of 2 elements.
+ [ frequency_black, frequency_white ]
+ :- type frequency = {int, list(list(frequency))}.
+ frequency_black = {100, ...something_black...}
+ frequency_white = {0, ...something_white...}
+something_black has format list(list(frequency)), and should describe the argument(s) of black/0.
+black/0 has no argument, thus the list is [], likewise for white/0
+(if instead of black/0, it's black/4 then the list would be length 4. OR [] when you get sick of
+specifying frequency and just want to use the default)
+So far: info_color = [ frequency_black, frequency_white ]
+ = [ {100, []}, {0, []} ]
+Then: frequency_good = {50, ...something_good...}
+ = {50, [ info_color ] }
+ = {50, [ [ {100, []}, {0, []} ] ] }
+in this case ...something_good..., ...something_inaccurate... and ...something_defective are the same,
+since they all describe a list which contains Color that has the same distribution.
+So: frequency_good = {50, [ [ {100, []}, {0, []} ] ] }
+ frequency_inaccurate = {10, [ [ {100, []}, {0, []} ] ] }
+ frequency_defective = {40, [ [ {100, []}, {0, []} ] ] }
+Then: [frequency_good, frequency_inaccurate, frequency_defective]
+ = [ {50, [ [ {100, []}, {0, []} ] ] },
+ {10, [ [ {100, []}, {0, []} ] ] },
+ {40, [ [ {100, []}, {0, []} ] ] }
+ ]
+For Company_W 's bullet , it's list(frequency) would be :
+ [frequency_good, frequency_inaccurate, frequency_defective]
+ = [ {40, [ [ {0, []}, {100, []} ] ] },
+ {30, [ [ {0, []}, {100, []} ] ] },
+ {30, [ [ {0, []}, {100, []} ] ] }
+ ]
+The complete code (use62.m) :
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- module use62.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list, string.
+:- import_module qcheck, rnd.
+% arbitrary user-defined types for testing purposes
+:- type bullet
+ ---> good(color)
+ ; inaccurate(color)
+ ; defective(color).
+:- type color
+ ---> black
+ ; white.
+main -->
+ { freq_B(B) },
+ { freq_W(W) },
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop2), "bullet fight", 10000, [[],B,W], []).
+:- pred freq_B(list(frequency)).
+:- mode freq_B(out) is det.
+freq_B(Out) :-
+ Out = [ {50, [ [ {100, []}, {0, []} ] ] },
+ {10, [ [ {100, []}, {0, []} ] ] },
+ {40, [ [ {100, []}, {0, []} ] ] }
+ ].
+:- pred freq_W(list(frequency)).
+:- mode freq_W(out) is det.
+freq_W(Out) :-
+ Out = [ {40, [ [ {0, []}, {100, []} ] ] },
+ {30, [ [ {0, []}, {100, []} ] ] },
+ {30, [ [ {0, []}, {100, []} ] ] }
+ ].
+:- func prop2(int, bullet, bullet) = property.
+prop2(Seed, B, W) = fight(Seed, B, W) `>>>`
+ ({"ComB",B} `>>>`
+ ({"ComW", W} `>>>` [yes])
+ ).
+:- func fight(int, bullet, bullet) = string.
+:- mode fight(in, in, in) = out is det.
+fight(Seed, B, W) = String :-
+ rnd__init(Seed, RS0),
+ B_hit = is_hit(B, RS0, RS1),
+ W_hit = is_hit(W, RS1, _),
+ (if B_hit = W_hit
+ then
+ String = "draw"
+ else if B_hit > W_hit
+ then
+ String = "B win"
+ else
+ String = "W win"
+ ).
+:- func is_hit(bullet, rnd, rnd) = int.
+:- mode is_hit(in, in, out) = out is det.
+is_hit(Bullet, RS0, RS) = Int :-
+ Temp = rand_allint(RS0, RS) rem 2,
+ (
+ Bullet = good(_),
+ Int = 1
+ ;
+ Bullet = inaccurate(_),
+ (if Temp = 0
+ then
+ Int = 1
+ else
+ Int = 0
+ )
+ ;
+ Bullet = defective(_),
+ Int = 0
+ ).
+In use62.m
+main -->
+ { freq_B(B) },
+ { freq_W(W) },
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop2), "bullet fight", 10000, [[],B,W], []).
+The 4th argument of qcheck/7 is for passing Specific Frequency. Because the
+invariant function has three input arguments, qcheck/7 's 4th argument must
+be list of 3.
+ [[],B,W]
+The 1st element [] of type list(frequency) is for type int, which doesn't make
+sense, since type int is not a discriminated union. That [] will be ignore when
+generating int, but it's presence is required.
+A sample output:
+ Test Description : bullet fight
+ Number of test cases that succeeded : 10000
+ Number of trivial tests : 0
+ Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+ Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+ 909 {"ComB", inaccurate(black)}
+ 2403 "B win"
+ 2533 "W win"
+ 2949 {"ComW", defective(white)}
+ 3012 {"ComW", inaccurate(white)}
+ 4017 {"ComB", defective(black)}
+ 4039 {"ComW", good(white)}
+ 5064 "draw"
+ 5074 {"ComB", good(black)}
+Regroup the output to make comparison :
+5074 {"ComB", good(black)
+909 {"ComB", inaccurate(black)}
+4017 {"ComB", defective(black)}
+4039 {"ComW", good(white)}
+3012 {"ComW", inaccurate(white)}
+2949 {"ComW", defective(white)}
+Note that ComB only makes black bullet; ComW only white. And their bullet quality is
+what was expected of them.
+2403 "B win"
+2533 "W win"
+5064 "draw"
+I was hoping to run 100000 or more tests to find which bullet is better. However the
+stack overflowed at 100000 tests. The sample output is for only 10000 tests. At 10000
+tests, both bullets performs relatively the same.
+(Will look into this, make more effecient code)
+(or default compiler no garbage collection)
+The key advantage of Specific Frequency over General Frequency is that it allows
+different frequency for the same type, where SF don't allow.
+The draw back is that the frequency only goes as deep (down the branches) as the user
+defines it, and amount of work blows up as levels of branches increases.
+Walk through in generating a Company_B 's bullet :
+ 1 Enter generator with
+ SF = [ {50, [ [ {100, []}, {0, []} ] ] },
+ {10, [ [ {100, []}, {0, []} ] ] },
+ {40, [ [ {100, []}, {0, []} ] ] }
+ ].
+ 2 suppose 3rd branch is selected (40% chance of happening)
+ the 3rd branch has only 1 term, extract [ {100, []}, {0, []} ]
+ from {40, [ [ {100, []}, {0, []} ] ] }
+ 3 call generator that term with SF = [ {100, []}, {0, []} ]
+ 4 Enter generator for the sub-branch (fot color) with
+ SF = [ {100, []}, {0, []} ]
+ 5 suppose 1st branch is selected, extract [] from {100, []}
+ 6 since constructor black/0 has no argument, the generator stops
+ the recursive call.
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--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ T7.html Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+ <TITLE> QuickCheck </TITLE>
+Files :
+<a href="use71.m">use71.m</a><BR>
+<a href="index.html">Back to main</a>
+<H1> QuickCheck Tutorial 7 </H1>
+<h3> Generators - General Frequency</h3>
+General Frequency follows the ideas in Specific Frequency. You must understand
+the format of Specific Frequency in order to write General Frequency. However
+the amount of work in GF is usually less then in SP. In GF, the user should
+specify one level down in branches, where a practicl SP may be 3+ level down.
+Back in Tutorial 2, an invariant function was written to test the law
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+ reverse (reverse xs) = xs
+:- func testing4(list(float)) = property.
+testing4(Xs) =
+ list_length(Xs) `>>>` (testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs).
+Test Description : testing4
+Number of test cases that succeeded : 100
+Number of trivial tests : 0
+Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+1 8
+1 4
+1 6
+2 5
+8 3
+16 2
+18 1
+53 0
+The display of testing4 shows that 53 cases of lenggh == 0
+ 18 cases of length == 1
+ 16 cases of length == 2
+ ...etc...
+The length of of the list is heavily biased towards the short end. In the limit with
+even distribution along the branchse, the list will have :
+50% length == 0
+25% length == 1
+12.5% length == 2
+6.25% length == 3
+3.125% length == 4
+...etc... halfing the probability in eash step, this is due to the fact that
+ :- type list(T) ---> [] ; [T | list(T)].
+Transform the type definition to something more readable as a disciminated union:
+ :- type list(T) ---> [] ; .(T, list(T)).
+The 5th argument of qcheck/7 takes General Frequency, it's of type
+ list({type_desc, list(frequency)})
+each element of the list contains the General Frequency for a type.
+The list length can be increased if the 2nd branch if favoured over the 1st branch
+From Tute6 :
+frequency defines the relative chance of a branch being selected, plus information of that
+branch's sub-branches.
+list(frequency) contains distribution information about 1 discrimated union, ie: the list
+should contain frequencies for all possible branches.
+list(list(frequency)) contains distribution information about a list of discrimated unions.
+A list is a discriminated union, to describe it, the correct format will be list(frequency)
+which matches the 2nd term of list({type_desc, list(frequency)})
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+list(frequency) for list(T), list has two branches, so list of 2 element
+ Output = [ frequency_a, frequency_b ]
+ frequency_a = { 10, ...something_a... }
+ frequency_b = { 90, ...something_b... }
+That is 10% take 1st branch, 90% take the 2nd branch.
+The constrctor []/0 takes no argument, thus something_a is [], ie:
+frequency_a = { 10, [] }
+The 2nd branch constructor .(T, list(T)) takes 2 arguments. In specific frequency that would
+mean a list of two elements (or choose defalut []) :
+ something_b = list(list(frequency)) = [ A, B ]
+In General Frequency the user can specify down more than 1 level, however it is not required
+in this case. Define something_b = { 90, [] }.
+Put it all together:
+ list(frequency)
+ = [ frequency_a, frequency_b ]
+ = [ { 10, [] } , { 90, [] } ]
+ { type_desc, list(frequency)}
+ = { type_of([0.0]), [ { 10, [] } , { 90, [] } ] }
+Now for type list(float), there is 10% chance of seleting 1st branch, and 90% chance of selecting
+2nd branch at EVERY level.
+The complete code (use71.m) :
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- module use71.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, float, list, std_util.
+:- import_module qcheck, testrev.
+main -->
+ { freq_list(F) },
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing4), "testing4", 1000, [], [F]).
+:- pred freq_list({type_desc, list(frequency)}).
+:- mode freq_list(out) is det.
+freq_list(F) :-
+ F = { type_of([0.0]), [ { 10, [] } , { 90, [] } ] }.
+:- func testing4(list(float)) = property.
+testing4(Xs) =
+ list_length(Xs) `>>>` (testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs).
+A sample output shows the lists are much longer
+Test Description : testing4
+Number of test cases that succeeded : 1000
+Number of trivial tests : 0
+Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+1 39
+1 56
+2 40
+2 36
+2 38
+2 46
+2 61
+2 28
+2 50
+2 33
+2 53
+2 41
+3 43
+3 32
+4 34
+4 37
+4 31
+5 26
+5 30
+7 21
+7 35
+8 25
+8 29
+9 22
+9 23
+11 19
+14 24
+14 17
+15 27
+16 18
+16 20
+18 14
+19 16
+23 13
+25 15
+30 11
+32 12
+34 9
+42 10
+43 8
+49 7
+49 6
+62 4
+63 3
+69 5
+72 2
+91 1
+95 0
+Summary on default frequency, specific frequency, general frequency
+1 Before Quickcheck generate a term, it checks which types the term is
+ suppose to be. If it's not a discriminated union, all the frequency
+ input is ignored and lost forever.
+2 If it is a discriminated union, then Quickcheck generate the term
+ according to the specifici frequency. In cases where the specific
+ frequency is [], then Quickcheck will search the general frequency
+ list to find the matching type. (between type_of(term) and what's in
+ the list)
+3 If no matching type found, then generate the term (at this level) evenly
+ eg: :- type coin
+ ---> small(face)
+ ; large(color).
+ :- type face
+ ---> head
+ ; tail.
+ The chance between small/large is even, but that doesn't mean chance
+ between face:head/tail is even.
+4 If matching type is found, then Quickcheck copies that frequency information,
+ and treat that as the specific frequency.
+In the list(float) example:
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing4), "testing4", 1000, [], [F])
+ F = { type_of([0.0]), [ { 10, [] } , { 90, [] } ] }
+Quickquick will first find [] as specific frequency (since [] is passed to qcheck),
+then it will find general frequency list contains information on how to generate
+list(float). That information will be extracted. The function whish generates
+discriminated union will behave as if it was called with specific frequency equal to
+that of the information extracted. The information in GF is only 1 level deep, it can
+be use only once, after that the specific frequency will be [] again. So if the
+2nd branch is choosen and another list(float) is needed, then quickcheck will find []
+as specific frequency, then it will find general frequency list contains information on
+how to generate list(float). That information will be copied over...etc...
+That is:
+ 0 enter generator
+ 1 SF = [],
+ 2 search GF, found, [ { 10, [] } , { 90, [] } ]
+ 3 restart the generator with SF = [ { 10, [] } , { 90, [] } ]
+ 4 SF = [ { 10, [] } , { 90, [] } ], do not search GF
+ 5 suppose 2nd branch is chosen, ie { 90, [] }
+ the sub-branch has SF = []
+ 6 generate the subbranch with SF = []
+ 7a enter generator (for the sub-branch)
+ 7b SF = [],
+ 7c search GF, found, [ { 10, [] } , { 90, [] } ]
+ 7d restart the generator with SF = [ { 10, [] } , { 90, [] } ]
+ 7e SF = [ { 10, [] } , { 90, [] } ], do not search GF
+ 7f suppose 2nd branch is chosen, ie { 90, [] }
+ the sub-branch has SF = []
+ 7g generate the subbranch with SF = []
+ ....
+The actual code does not restart the generator.
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--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ T8.html Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ <TITLE> QuickCheck </TITLE>
+Files :
+<a href="use81.m">use81.m</a><BR>
+<a href="index.html">Back to main</a>
+<H1> QuickCheck Tutorial 8 </H1>
+<h3> Generators - Random Functions</h3>
+Random function is generated using curry, currently only generate functions that
+have 1 ~ 3 inputs, and 1 output. The generated function can run on any type of
+inputs, but the output must be of type0-7 from tute 5.
+Also each input argument has 5% chance of being independent of the output.
+(currently the invariant function can only have forward mode functions as its
+input arguments)
+An example (use81.m)
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- module use81.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, char, std_util, list.
+:- import_module qcheck, rnd.
+:- type strange(T1, T2)
+ ---> wierd(T1, T2, T1).
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop1), "prop1", 1000, [], []),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop2), "prop2", 1000, [], []),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop3), "prop3", 1000, [], []),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop4), "prop4", 1000, [], []).
+:- func prop1(func(strange(int, char), int) = list(int)) = property.
+:- mode prop1(in(func(in,in)=out is det)) = out is det.
+prop1(FFF) =
+ FFF(wierd(1, '0', 2), 999) `===` FFF(wierd(1, '0', 2), 999).
+:- func prop2(func(strange(int, char), int) = list(int)) = property.
+prop2(FFF) =
+ (if FFF(wierd(1, '0', 2), 999) = FFF(wierd(1, '0', 2), 888)
+ then
+ [ info(univ("equal")) | [yes] ]
+ else
+ [ info(univ("not equal")) | [yes] ]
+ ).
+:- func prop3(func(int) = int) = property.
+prop3(FFF) =
+ (if FFF(1) = FFF(0)
+ then
+ [ info(univ("equal")) | [yes] ]
+ else
+ [ info(univ("not equal")) | [yes] ]
+ ).
+:- func prop4(func(int, int) = int) = property.
+prop4(FFF) =
+ (if FFF(101, 10) = FFF(11, 15)
+ then
+ [ info(univ("equal")) | [yes] ]
+ else
+ [ info(univ("not equal")) | [yes] ]
+ ).
+A Sample OutPut:
+Test Description : prop1
+Number of test cases that succeeded : 1000
+Number of trivial tests : 0
+Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+Test Description : prop2
+Number of test cases that succeeded : 1000
+Number of trivial tests : 0
+Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+256 "equal"
+744 "not equal"
+Test Description : prop3
+Number of test cases that succeeded : 1000
+Number of trivial tests : 0
+Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+60 "equal"
+940 "not equal"
+Test Description : prop4
+Number of test cases that succeeded : 1000
+Number of trivial tests : 0
+Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+1 "equal"
+999 "not equal"
+prop1/1 just shows that given the same input, the output of of the
+sample function is the same.
+prop3/1 shows that give different input, the random function will
+usually give different output (940/1000 cases). For the rest 60/1000
+cases, either the output is independent of input (most likely). Or
+it just so happens the output is the same for FFF(0) and FFF(1).
+(Noet 60/1000 is roughly 5%)
+prop2/1 shows 256/1000 cases shows that the random function returned the
+same output for different inputs. The real differenct between prop3/1 and
+prop2/1 is that the output of prop2/1 is list(int), which means the chance
+of generating [] is high (50% chance), and that's where 256/1000 cases come
+prop4/1 's random function takes two inputs, the chance of both inputs being
+independent of output is less compare to a random function which only takes
+1 input. eg FFF(in) = out, out independent of in is 5% chance
+ FFF(in, in) = out, out independent of in is 5% * 5% chance
Index: quickcheck/tutes/T9.html
RCS file: T9.html
diff -N T9.html
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ T9.html Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+ <TITLE> QuickCheck </TITLE>
+Files :
+<a href="use91.m">use91.m</a><BR>
+<a href="index.html">Back to main</a>
+<H1> QuickCheck Tutorial 9 </H1>
+<h3> User Defined generators</h3>
+From Tute 6:
+The invariant function is of the form
+ :- func XXXXXXXX(T, T1, T2 ...) = property
+ :- mode XXXXXXXX(in, in, in ...) = out.
+Quickcheck generates random value for each input argument at run time.
+Currently quickcheck have default generators for the following types :
+ 0 equivalent type
+ 1 int
+ 2 char
+ 3 float
+ 4 string
+ 5 discriminated union
+ 6 some functions
+also type 7 which is any thing the user has written a generator for.
+Default generator will be called only if a user defined generator does not
+exsit. User definded generator must conform to the following format:
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- func gen_f(type_desc, list(frequency), list({type_desc, list(frequency)}),
+ list(user_gen_type), rnd, rnd) = univ.
+:- mode gen_f(in, in, in, list_skel_in(user_gen_inst), in, out) = out is det.
+:- type user_gen_type
+ ---> { type_desc,
+ func(type_desc, list(frequency),
+ list({type_desc, list(frequency)}),
+ list(user_gen_type), rnd, rnd) = univ
+ }.
+ % inst declaration for each user-defined generator
+:- inst user_gen_inst
+ = bound({ ground,
+ func(in, in, in,
+ list_skel_in(user_gen_inst), in, out) = out is det
+ }).
+The last two arguments of type rnd, is the random supply, in & out.
+(Ignore the rest of arguments) use91.m shows a user defined generater for type :
+ func fff(int) = int
+ mode fff(in) = out
+<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#eeeee0><tr><td><pre>
+:- module use91.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list, std_util.
+:- import_module qcheck, rnd.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop1), "user function", 100, [], [],
+ [{type_of(some_function), gen_f}]),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop1), "no user function", 100, [], [], []).
+:- func gen_f(type_desc, list(frequency), list({type_desc, list(frequency)}),
+ list(user_gen_type), rnd, rnd) = univ.
+:- mode gen_f(in, in, in, list_skel_in(user_gen_inst), in, out) = out is det.
+gen_f(_, _, _, _, RS, RS) = Univ :-
+ Univ = univ(some_function).
+:- func some_function(int) = int.
+:- mode some_function(in) = out is det.
+some_function(X) = Y :-
+ Y = 2 * X.
+:- func prop1(func(int)=int) = property.
+:- mode prop1(in(func(in)=out is det)) = out is det.
+prop1(FFF) = FFF(8) `===` (8 * 2).
+Sample output:
+ Test Description : user function
+ Number of test cases that succeeded : 100
+ Number of trivial tests : 0
+ Number of tests cases which failed the pre-condition : 0
+ Distributions of selected argument(s) :
+ Test description : no user function
+ Falsifiable :
+ '<<predicate>>'
+The user defined generator is gen_f/6, which ignores the first 4 argurment, and
+assign random_supply output equals to the input since gen_f doesn't use it.
+(all that was trivial, basiclly gen_f/6 ignores all of the inputs) And it returns
+some_function/1 in a univ.
+:- pred qcheck(T, string, int, list(list(frequency)),
+ list({type_desc, list(frequency)}),
+ list(user_gen_type), io__state, io__state) <= testable(T).
+:- mode qcheck(in, in, in, in, in, list_skel_in(user_gen_inst), di, uo) is det.
+qcheck(qcheck__f(prop1), "user function", 100, [], [],
+ [{type_of(some_function), gen_f}]),
+qcheck/8 is used in use91.m. The last argument takes in the user-defined
+generators. The format is list(user_gen_type), since there is only 1 user
+defined generator, the list contains 1 element : {type_of(some_function), gen_f}.
+ type_of(some_function) : describes what type gen_f generates
+ gen_f : is the actual generator
+the invariant function is true only if FFF(8) `===` (8 * 2). The 2nd test shows a random
+function will 'never' do that, but the 1st test with user defined generator will always
+generator functions Y = 2 * X
+:- func gen_f(type_desc, list(frequency), list({type_desc, list(frequency)}),
+ list(user_gen_type), rnd, rnd) = univ.
+:- mode gen_f(in, in, in, list_skel_in(user_gen_inst), in, out) = out is det.
+1st input of type type_desc is the type_of of the current term the generator
+ is suppose to generate. Not much use; can be used
+ like an assertion.
+2st input of type list(frequency) is the specific frequency for this term, meaningless
+ if the term is not a discriminated union. The user
+ can choose to ignore the setting even if the term is
+ a discriminated union.
+3rd input of type list({type_desc, list(frequency)}) is a list of general frequency
+4th input of type list(user_gen_type) is a list of user defined generators
+5th input of type rnd random_supply input
+6th input of type rnd random_supply output, let output = input if not used.
+Look at rand_union/6 to find out how to wrote code which extract/analysis specific frequency amd
+general frequency.
+Look at gen/7 to find out how to wrote code which extract/analysis user defined generators
Index: quickcheck/tutes/index.html
RCS file: index.html
diff -N index.html
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ index.html Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ <TITLE> QuickCheck </TITLE>
+<H1> Quickcheck for Mercury</H1>
+<H3> HTML Version </H3>
+<li> <a href="T1.html"><pre>Tutorial 1.1 Intro & `===`</pre></a>
+<li> <a href="T2.html"><pre>Tutorial 1.2 Conditional laws & `===>``</pre></a>
+<li> <a href="T3.html"><pre>Tutorial 1.3 Monitoring Data, to_trivial/3, `>>>`</pre></a>
+<li> <a href="T4.html"><pre>Tutorial 1.4 Summary - Invariant Function & Property </pre></a>
+<li> <a href="T5.html"><pre>Tutorial 2.1 Generators basic</pre></a>
+<li> <a href="T6.html"><pre>Tutorial 2.2 Discriminated union & Specific Frequency</pre></a>
+<li> <a href="T7.html"><pre>Tutorial 2.3 General Frequency</pre></a>
+<li> <a href="T8.html"><pre>Tutorial 2.4 Random Functions</pre></a>
+<li> <a href="T9.html"><pre>Tutorial 3.1 User Defined Generators</pre></a>
+<H3> MS Word Version </H3>
+<li> <a href="T1.doc">Tutorial 1</a>
+<li> Tutorial 2</a>
+<li> Tutorial 3</a>
+Feedback? Mail <a href="mailto:xcsm at students.cs.mu.oz.au">Simon</a>.
Index: quickcheck/tutes/mymax.m
RCS file: mymax.m
diff -N mymax.m
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ mymax.m Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+:- module mymax.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module int.
+:- func mymax(int, int) = int.
+:- mode mymax(in, in) = out is det.
+:- implementation.
+mymax(X, Y) = Z :-
+ (if Y >= X
+ then
+ Z = Y
+ else
+ Z = X
+ ).
Index: quickcheck/tutes/numbers.html
RCS file: numbers.html
diff -N numbers.html
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ numbers.html Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ <TITLE> QuickCheck </TITLE>
+<a href="index.html">Back to main</a>
+<H1> QuickCheck Tutorial 6 </H1>
+:- type bullet
+ ---> good(color)
+ ; inaccurate(color)
+ ; defective(color).
+:- type frequency = {int, list(list(frequency))}.
+frequency_good = {50, ...something_good...}
+frequency_inaccurate = {10, ...something_inaccurate...}
+frequency_defective = {40, ...something_defective...}
+Any int is a valid input, however only 0 to 100 is meaningful.
+Any number smaller than zero, is treated as being zero.
+Any number greater than 100, is treated as being 100.
+the chance of good-bullet is 50 / (50 + 10 + 40)
+the chance of inaccurate is 10 / (50 + 10 + 40)
+the chance of defective is 40 / (50 + 10 + 40)
+Another example ( for type bullet)
+:- type frequency = {int, list(list(frequency))}.
+frequency_good = {5, ...something_good...}
+frequency_inaccurate = {1, ...something_inaccurate...}
+frequency_defective = {4, ...something_defective...}
+the chance of good-bullet is 5 / (5 + 1 + 4)
+the chance of inaccurate is 1 / (5 + 1 + 4)
+the chance of defective is 4 / (5 + 1 + 4)
+In both example the result distribution is the same. ie (50% good,
+10% inaccurate, 40% defective). However the 1st example is more
+effecient. The ratio determines distribution, and use of larger
+numbers add speed.
Index: quickcheck/tutes/testrev.m
RCS file: testrev.m
diff -N testrev.m
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ testrev.m Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+:- module testrev.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module list.
+:- func testrev(list(T)) = list(T).
+:- mode testrev(in) = out is det.
+:- implementation.
+testrev([]) = [].
+testrev([X|Xs]) = Ys :-
+ list__append(testrev(Xs), [X], Ys).
Index: quickcheck/tutes/testrev2.m
RCS file: testrev2.m
diff -N testrev2.m
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ testrev2.m Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+:- module testrev2.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module list.
+:- pred testrev2(list(T), list(T)).
+:- mode testrev2(in, out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+testrev2([], []).
+testrev2([X|Xs], Ys):-
+ testrev2(Xs, Reversed),
+ list__append(Reversed, [X], Ys).
Index: quickcheck/tutes/use.m
RCS file: use.m
diff -N use.m
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ use.m Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+:- module use.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list.
+:- import_module qcheck, testrev.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing), "sample testing").
+% Invariant test functions
+:- func testing(list(int), list(int)) = property.
+testing(Xs, Ys) =
+ testrev(Xs ++ Ys) `===` (testrev(Ys) ++ testrev(Xs)).
Index: quickcheck/tutes/use1.m
RCS file: use1.m
diff -N use1.m
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ use1.m Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+:- module use1.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list.
+:- import_module qcheck, testrev2.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing2), "testing2").
+% Invariant test functions
+:- func testing2(list(int), list(int)) = property.
+testing2(Xs, Ys) = (Left `===` Right) :-
+ testrev2((Xs ++ Ys), Left),
+ testrev2(Ys, Part_a),
+ testrev2(Xs, Part_b),
+ Right = Part_a ++ Part_b.
Index: quickcheck/tutes/use11.m
RCS file: use11.m
diff -N use11.m
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ use11.m Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+:- module use11.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list.
+:- import_module qcheck, testrev.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(func(Xs `with_type` list(int), Ys `with_type` list(int))
+ = testrev(Xs ++ Ys) `===` (testrev(Ys) ++ testrev(Xs))),
+ "sample testing").
Index: quickcheck/tutes/use2.m
RCS file: use2.m
diff -N use2.m
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ use2.m Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+% file: use.m
+% author: xcsm
+% Sample main moudle to call quickcheck()
+:- module use.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, integer, char, float, list, string, std_util, bool.
+:- import_module qcheck, rnd, somesort, testrev.
+% arbitrary user-defined types for testing purposes
+:- type mypoint2 == mypoint.
+:- type mypoint
+ ---> mypair(int, int).
+:- type color
+ ---> red(float)
+ ; blue(float, float)
+ ; green(char, mydays, int).
+:- type greeting
+ ---> hello
+ ; go_away
+ ; hi
+ ; i_hate_you.
+:- type wave
+ ---> good(twofaces)
+ ; bad(twofaces).
+:- type twofaces
+ ---> odd
+ ; even.
+:- type mynumber
+ ---> zero
+ ; one
+ ; two(wave, wave)
+ ; three
+ ; four
+ ; five.
+:- type mydays
+ ---> monday(char, char)
+ ; tuestday(color, color)
+ ; wednesday(int)
+ ; thursday.
+:- type strange(T1, T2)
+ ---> wierd(T1, T2, T1).
+:- type employee
+ ---> employee(
+ name :: string,
+ age :: int,
+ department :: string
+ ).
+:- type testtree
+ ---> node(int)
+ ; {testtree, testtree, testtree}.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop1)),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop2)),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop3)).
+ % outputs a specific frequency list
+:- pred freq(list(list(frequency))).
+:- mode freq(out) is det.
+freq(X) :-
+ X = [[ {10, []},
+ {20, []},
+ {30, [ [{90,[[{90,[]}, {10,[]}]]}, {10,[]}],
+ [{90,[]}, {10,[]}]
+ ]},
+ {40, []},
+ {50, []},
+ {60, []}
+ ]].
+ % outputs a specific frequency list
+:- pred freq1(list(list(frequency))).
+:- mode freq1(out) is det.
+freq1(X) :-
+ X = [[ {10, []},
+ {90, []}
+ ],
+ [ {20, []},
+ {80, []}
+ ]
+ ].
+ % outpust a general frequency list
+:- pred freq_general(list({type_desc, list(frequency)})).
+:- mode freq_general(out) is det.
+freq_general(X) :-
+ X = [
+ {type_of(['A']), [{33, []}, {67, []}] }
+ ].
+ % user-defined generator for type int
+:- func gen_int(type_desc, list(frequency), list({type_desc, list(frequency)}),
+ list(user_gen_type), rnd, rnd) = univ.
+:- mode gen_int(in, in, in, list_skel_in(user_gen_inst), in, out) = out is det.
+gen_int(_, _, _, _, RS0, RS) = Univ :-
+ RS = RS0,
+ Univ = univ(98).
+ % user-defined generator for type char
+:- func gen_char(type_desc, list(frequency), list({type_desc, list(frequency)}),
+ list(user_gen_type), rnd, rnd) = univ.
+:- mode gen_char(in, in, in, list_skel_in(user_gen_inst), in, out) = out is det.
+gen_char(_, _, _, _, RS0, RS) = Univ :-
+ RS = RS0,
+ Univ = univ('P').
+ % user-defined generator for a function
+:- func r_function(type_desc, list(frequency), list({type_desc,
+ list(frequency)}), list(user_gen_type), rnd, rnd) = univ.
+:- mode r_function(in,in,in,list_skel_in(user_gen_inst),in,out) = out is det.
+r_function(_, _, _, _, RS0, RS) = Univ :-
+ Univ = univ(give_func),
+ RS = RS0.
+ rnd__irange(-100, 100, X, RS0, RS),
+ type_ctor_and_args(Type, _, Args),
+ (if Args = [ArgType1, RetType]
+ then
+ has_type(Arg1, ArgType1),
+ has_type(RetVal, RetType),
+ Func = dummy1(X),
+ nailFuncType(Arg1, RetVal, Func),
+ Univ = univ(Func)
+ else if Args = [ArgType1, ArgType2, RetType]
+ then
+ has_type(Arg1, ArgType1),
+ has_type(Arg2, ArgType2),
+ has_type(RetVal, RetType),
+ Func = dummy2(X),
+ nailFuncType(Arg1, Arg2, RetVal, Func),
+ Univ = univ(Func)
+ else if Args = [ArgType1, ArgType2, ArgType3, RetType]
+ then
+ has_type(Arg1, ArgType1),
+ has_type(Arg2, ArgType2),
+ has_type(Arg3, ArgType3),
+ has_type(RetVal, RetType),
+ Func = dummy3(X),
+ nailFuncType(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RetVal, Func),
+ Univ = univ(Func)
+ else
+ error("rand_function/3 error \n")
+ ).
+ % a function for curry
+:- func give_func(int, char, int) = int.
+:- mode give_func(in, in, in) = out is det.
+give_func(A, B, C) = D :-
+ (if B = 'B'
+ then
+ D = A + C
+ else
+ D = A - C
+ ).
+:- func mytest(list(char)) = bool.
+:- mode mytest(in) = out is det.
+mytest(List) = Bool :-
+ (if list_length(List) = 2
+ then
+ Bool = no
+ else
+ Bool = yes
+ ).
+% Invariant test functions
+:- func prop1(int) = property.
+prop1(X) =
+ testrev([X]) `===` [X].
+:- func prop2(list(int), list(int)) = property.
+prop2(Xs, Ys) =
+ testrev(Xs ++ Ys) `===` (testrev(Ys) ++ testrev(Xs)).
+:- func prop3(list(int)) = property.
+prop3(Xs) =
+ testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs.
+:- func prop4(list(char), list(int)) = property.
+prop4(Xs, X2) = R :-
+ (if somesort(Xs, Ys),
+ somesort(Ys, Zs),
+ Ys = Zs
+ then
+ R1 = yes
+ else
+ R1 = no
+ ),
+ R2 = to_trivial(Xs, [], R1),
+ R3 = to_condition(mytest(Xs), R2),
+ R = to_collect(list_length(Xs), R3).
+:- func prop5 = property.
+prop5 = R1 :-
+ (if 1 = 1
+ then
+ R1 = yes
+ else
+ R1 = no
+ ).
+:- func prop6(mypoint2, float, {int, string}, char) = property.
+prop6(X1, _, _, _) = R1 :-
+ ( if 1 = 1
+ then
+ R1 = yes
+ else
+ R1 = no
+ ).
+:- func prop7(strange(int, char), strange(int, char)) = property.
+prop7(_, _) = R1 :-
+ ( if 1 = 1
+ then
+ R1 = yes
+ else
+ R1 = no
+ ).
+:- func prop8(int, strange(int, char), bool) = property.
+prop8(_,_,_) = R1 :-
+ ( if 1 = 1
+ then
+ R1 = yes
+ else
+ R1 = no
+ ).
+:- func prop8a(employee) = property.
+prop8a(X1) = X1 `===` employee("hi", 7, "CS").
+:- func prop8b(mynumber) = property.
+prop8b(X1) = R :-
+ ( if X1 = zero
+ then
+ R1 = yes
+ else
+ R1 = no
+ ),
+ R2 = to_collect(X1, R1),
+ R = to_trivial(X1, zero, R2).
+:- func prop8c(testtree) = property.
+prop8c(X1) = R :-
+ ( if X1 = node(6)
+ then
+ R = yes
+ else
+ R = no
+ ).
+:- func prop9({mydays, strange(integer, list(char)), func(list(int), mydays)=int}) = property.
+:- mode prop9(in(bound({ground, ground, func(in,in)=out is det}))) = out is det.
+prop9(Y) = R1 :-
+ Y = {Mydays, _, X1},
+ ( if X1([1,2], Mydays) > 9
+ then
+ R1 = yes
+ else
+ R1 = no
+ ).
+:- func prop10(func(int, int) = int) = property.
+:- mode prop10(in(func(in,in)=out is det)) = out is det.
+prop10(X1) = R :-
+ ( if X1(88,1) > 9
+ then
+ R1 = yes
+ else
+ R1 = no
+ ),
+ R = to_collect(X1, R1).
Index: quickcheck/tutes/use20.m
RCS file: use20.m
diff -N use20.m
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ use20.m Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+:- module use20.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list, bool.
+:- import_module qcheck, mymax.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(law), "testing mymax using `===>` for bool"),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(law2), "testing mymax using `===>` for (pred)").
+:- func law(int, int) = property.
+law(X, Y) = (X =< Y) `===>` (mymax(X, Y) `===` Y).
+:- func law2(int, int) = property.
+law2(X, Y) = is_less_equal(X, Y) `===>`
+ (mymax(X, Y) `===` Y).
+:- func is_less_equal(int, int) = bool.
+is_less_equal(X, Y) = Bool :-
+ (if X =< Y
+ then
+ Bool = yes
+ else
+ Bool = no
+ ).
Index: quickcheck/tutes/use21.m
RCS file: use21.m
diff -N use21.m
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ use21.m Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+:- module use21.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list, bool.
+:- import_module qcheck, mymax.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(law), "2 conditions : x<=Y, Y!=0").
+:- func law(int, int) = property.
+law(X, Y) = notzero(Y) `===>` ((X =< Y) `===>` (mymax(X, Y) `===` Y)).
+:- pred notzero(int).
+:- mode notzero(in) is semidet.
+notzero(X) :- X \= 0.
Index: quickcheck/tutes/use31.m
RCS file: use31.m
diff -N use31.m
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ use31.m Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+:- module use31.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list, bool.
+:- import_module qcheck, testrev.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing1), "testing1"),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing2), "testing2"),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing3), "testing3"),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing4), "testing4").
+:- func testing1(list(float)) = property.
+testing1(Xs) =
+ testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs.
+:- func testing2(list(float)) = property.
+testing2(Xs) =
+ to_trivial([], Xs, testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs).
+:- func testing3(list(float)) = property.
+testing3(Xs) =
+ to_trivial(1,
+ list_length(Xs),
+ to_trivial([], Xs, testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs)
+ ).
+:- func testing4(list(float)) = property.
+testing4(Xs) =
+ list_length(Xs) `>>>` (testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs).
Index: quickcheck/tutes/use33.m
RCS file: use33.m
diff -N use33.m
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ use33.m Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+:- module use33.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list, bool.
+:- import_module qcheck, testrev.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing5), "testing5").
+:- func testing5(list(float)) = property.
+testing5(Xs) =
+ odd_even(Xs) `>>>`
+ (list_length(Xs) `>>>` (testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs)).
+:- func odd_even(list(T)) = string.
+:- mode odd_even(in) = out is det.
+odd_even(Xs) = Y :-
+ (if list_length(Xs) mod 2 = 1
+ then
+ Y = "odd"
+ else
+ Y = "even"
+ ).
Index: quickcheck/tutes/use51.m
RCS file: use51.m
diff -N use51.m
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ use51.m Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+:- module use51.
+:- interface.
+:- type marks == int.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, char, float, string, list.
+:- import_module qcheck.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(junk), "just to show the inputs", 5, [], []).
+:- func junk(marks, char, float, string) = property.
+junk(A, B, C, D) =
+ {A,B,C,D} `>>>` [yes].
Index: quickcheck/tutes/use62.m
RCS file: use62.m
diff -N use62.m
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ use62.m Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+:- module use62.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list, string.
+:- import_module qcheck, rnd.
+% arbitrary user-defined types for testing purposes
+:- type bullet
+ ---> good(color)
+ ; inaccurate(color)
+ ; defective(color).
+:- type color
+ ---> black
+ ; white.
+main -->
+ { freq_B(B) },
+ { freq_W(W) },
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop2), "bullet fight", 10000, [[],B,W], []).
+:- pred freq_B(list(frequency)).
+:- mode freq_B(out) is det.
+freq_B(Out) :-
+ Out = [ {50, [ [ {100, []}, {0, []} ] ] },
+ {10, [ [ {100, []}, {0, []} ] ] },
+ {40, [ [ {100, []}, {0, []} ] ] }
+ ].
+:- pred freq_W(list(frequency)).
+:- mode freq_W(out) is det.
+freq_W(Out) :-
+ Out = [ {40, [ [ {0, []}, {100, []} ] ] },
+ {30, [ [ {0, []}, {100, []} ] ] },
+ {30, [ [ {0, []}, {100, []} ] ] }
+ ].
+:- func prop2(int, bullet, bullet) = property.
+prop2(Seed, B, W) = fight(Seed, B, W) `>>>`
+ ({"ComB",B} `>>>`
+ ({"ComW", W} `>>>` [yes])
+ ).
+:- func fight(int, bullet, bullet) = string.
+:- mode fight(in, in, in) = out is det.
+fight(Seed, B, W) = String :-
+ rnd__init(Seed, RS0),
+ B_hit = is_hit(B, RS0, RS1),
+ W_hit = is_hit(W, RS1, _),
+ (if B_hit = W_hit
+ then
+ String = "draw"
+ else if B_hit > W_hit
+ then
+ String = "B win"
+ else
+ String = "W win"
+ ).
+:- func is_hit(bullet, rnd, rnd) = int.
+:- mode is_hit(in, in, out) = out is det.
+is_hit(Bullet, RS0, RS) = Int :-
+ Temp = rand_allint(RS0, RS) rem 2,
+ (
+ Bullet = good(_),
+ Int = 1
+ ;
+ Bullet = inaccurate(_),
+ (if Temp = 0
+ then
+ Int = 1
+ else
+ Int = 0
+ )
+ ;
+ Bullet = defective(_),
+ Int = 0
+ ).
Index: quickcheck/tutes/use71.m
RCS file: use71.m
diff -N use71.m
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ use71.m Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+:- module use71.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, float, list, std_util.
+:- import_module qcheck, testrev.
+main -->
+ { freq_list(F) },
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(testing4), "testing4", 1000, [], [F]).
+:- pred freq_list({type_desc, list(frequency)}).
+:- mode freq_list(out) is det.
+freq_list(F) :-
+ F = { type_of([0.0]), [ { 10, [] } , { 90, [] } ] }.
+:- func testing4(list(float)) = property.
+testing4(Xs) =
+ list_length(Xs) `>>>` (testrev(testrev(Xs)) `===` Xs).
Index: quickcheck/tutes/use81.m
RCS file: use81.m
diff -N use81.m
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ use81.m Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+:- module use81.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, char, std_util, list.
+:- import_module qcheck, rnd.
+:- type strange(T1, T2)
+ ---> wierd(T1, T2, T1).
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop1), "prop1", 1000, [], []),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop2), "prop2", 1000, [], []),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop3), "prop3", 1000, [], []),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop4), "prop4", 1000, [], []).
+:- func prop1(func(strange(int, char), int) = list(int)) = property.
+:- mode prop1(in(func(in,in)=out is det)) = out is det.
+prop1(FFF) =
+ FFF(wierd(1, '0', 2), 999) `===` FFF(wierd(1, '0', 2), 999).
+:- func prop2(func(strange(int, char), int) = list(int)) = property.
+prop2(FFF) =
+ (if FFF(wierd(1, '0', 2), 999) = FFF(wierd(1, '0', 2), 888)
+ then
+ [ info(univ("equal")) | [yes] ]
+ else
+ [ info(univ("not equal")) | [yes] ]
+ ).
+:- func prop3(func(int) = int) = property.
+prop3(FFF) =
+ (if FFF(1) = FFF(0)
+ then
+ [ info(univ("equal")) | [yes] ]
+ else
+ [ info(univ("not equal")) | [yes] ]
+ ).
+:- func prop4(func(int, int) = int) = property.
+prop4(FFF) =
+ (if FFF(101, 10) = FFF(11, 15)
+ then
+ [ info(univ("equal")) | [yes] ]
+ else
+ [ info(univ("not equal")) | [yes] ]
+ ).
Index: quickcheck/tutes/use91.m
RCS file: use91.m
diff -N use91.m
--- /dev/null Wed Nov 15 09:24:47 2000
+++ use91.m Mon Feb 5 16:01:53 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+:- module use91.
+:- interface.
+:- use_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state, io__state).
+:- mode main(di, uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, list, std_util.
+:- import_module qcheck, rnd.
+main -->
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop1), "user function", 100, [], [],
+ [{type_of(some_function), gen_f}]),
+ qcheck(qcheck__f(prop1), "no user function", 100, [], [], []).
+:- func gen_f(type_desc, list(frequency), list({type_desc, list(frequency)}),
+ list(user_gen_type), rnd, rnd) = univ.
+:- mode gen_f(in, in, in, list_skel_in(user_gen_inst), in, out) = out is det.
+gen_f(_, _, _, _, RS, RS) = Univ :-
+ Univ = univ(some_function).
+:- func some_function(int) = int.
+:- mode some_function(in) = out is det.
+some_function(X) = Y :-
+ Y = 2 * X.
+:- func prop1(func(int)=int) = property.
+:- mode prop1(in(func(in)=out is det)) = out is det.
+prop1(FFF) = FFF(8) `===` (8 * 2).
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