[m-dev.] [reuse] diff: beautify sr_dead and hanlde pragma_foreign_code
Nancy Mazur
Nancy.Mazur at cs.kuleuven.ac.be
Tue Oct 17 05:07:10 AEDT 2000
Estimated hours taken: 0.2
Beautify the code and handle pragma_foreign_code using the same
heuristics as in the alias run.
Reshape the disjunction to an explicit switch (for each
hlds_goal, a different clause).
Handle the aliases of the pragma_foreign_code as in the basic
aliases run.
Correct a typo.
Index: sr_dead.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/Attic/sr_dead.m,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.2.5 sr_dead.m
--- sr_dead.m 2000/10/13 15:04:33
+++ sr_dead.m 2000/10/16 18:05:32
@@ -51,136 +51,155 @@
alias_as, alias_as).
:- mode annotate_goal( in, in, in, out, in, out, in, out) is det.
-annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Goal0, Goal, Pool0, Pool, Alias0, AliasRed) :-
- Goal0 = Expr0 - Info0,
+annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Expr0 - Info0, Goal,
+ Pool0, Pool, Alias0, Alias) :-
+ Expr0 = conj(Goals0),
+ sr_util__list_map_foldl2(
+ annotate_goal(ProcInfo, HLDS),
+ Goals0, Goals,
+ Pool0, Pool,
+ Alias0, Alias),
+ Info = Info0,
+ Expr = conj(Goals),
+ Goal = Expr - Info.
+annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Expr0 - Info0, Goal,
+ Pool0, Pool, Alias0, Alias) :-
+ Expr0 = call(PredId, ProcId, ActualVars, _, _, _),
+ pa_run__extend_with_call_alias( HLDS, ProcInfo,
+ PredId, ProcId, ActualVars, Alias0, Alias),
+ Expr = Expr0,
+ Info = Info0,
+ Pool = Pool0,
+ Goal = Expr - Info.
+annotate_goal( _ProcInfo, _HLDS, Expr0 - Info0, Goal,
+ Pool0, Pool, _Alias0, Alias) :-
+ Expr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _),
+ Pool = Pool0,
+ pa_alias_as__top("unhandled goal", Alias),
+ Goal = Expr0 - Info0.
+annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Expr0 - Info0, Goal,
+ Pool0, Pool, Alias0, Alias) :-
+ Expr0 = switch(A, B, Cases0, SM),
goal_info_get_outscope( Info0, Outscope),
- % each of the branches must instantiate:
- % Expr, Info,
- % Pool, Alias
- (
- % * conjunction
- Expr0 = conj(Goals0)
- ->
- sr_util__list_map_foldl2(
- annotate_goal(ProcInfo, HLDS),
- Goals0, Goals,
- Pool0, Pool,
- Alias0, Alias),
- Info = Info0,
- Expr = conj(Goals)
- ;
- % * call
- Expr0 = call(PredId, ProcId, ActualVars, _, _, _)
- ->
- pa_run__extend_with_call_alias( HLDS, ProcInfo,
- PredId, ProcId, ActualVars, Alias0, Alias),
- Expr = Expr0,
- Info = Info0,
- Pool = Pool0
- ;
- % * switch
- Expr0 = switch(A, B, Cases0, SM)
- ->
- sr_util__list_map3(
- annotate_case(ProcInfo, HLDS, Pool0, Alias0),
- Cases0, Cases,
- ListPools, ListAliases),
- dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( Outscope,
- ListPools, Pool ),
- pa_alias_as__least_upper_bound_list( ProcInfo, HLDS,
- ListAliases, Alias),
- Info = Info0,
- Expr = switch( A, B, Cases, SM )
- ;
- % * disjunction
- Expr0 = disj( Goals0, SM )
- ->
- (
- Goals0 = []
- ->
- Goals = Goals0,
- Pool = Pool0,
- Alias = Alias0
- ;
- list_map3(
- pred( Gin::in, Gout::out, P::out, A::out)
- is det :-
- (
- annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS,
- Gin, Gout, Pool0, P,
- Alias0, A)
- ),
- Goals0, Goals,
- ListPools, ListAliases ),
- dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( Outscope,
- ListPools, Pool),
- pa_alias_as__least_upper_bound_list( ProcInfo,
- HLDS, ListAliases, Alias)
- ),
- Info = Info0,
- Expr = disj(Goals, SM )
- ;
- % * not
- Expr0 = not(NegatedGoal0)
- ->
- annotate_goal(ProcInfo, HLDS, NegatedGoal0, NegatedGoal,
- Pool0, Pool, Alias0, Alias),
- Info = Info0,
- Expr = not(NegatedGoal)
- ;
- % * if then else
- Expr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0, SM)
- ->
- annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Cond0, Cond, Pool0,
- PoolCond, Alias0, AliasCond),
- annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Then0, Then, PoolCond,
- PoolThen, AliasCond, AliasThen),
- annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Else0, Else, Pool0,
- PoolElse, Alias0, AliasElse),
- dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( Outscope,
- [ PoolThen, PoolElse ], Pool),
- pa_alias_as__least_upper_bound_list( ProcInfo, HLDS,
- [ AliasThen, AliasElse ], Alias),
- Info = Info0,
- Expr = if_then_else( Vars, Cond, Then, Else, SM)
- ;
- % * unification
- Expr0 = unify(_Var, _Rhs, _Mode, Unification0, _Context)
- ->
- unification_verify_reuse(Unification0, Alias0,
- Pool0, Pool, Info0, Info),
- % XXX candidate for future optimization: if
- % you annotate the deconstruct first, you might avoid
- % creating the aliases altogether, thus reducing the
- % number of aliases you cary along, and eventually
- % having an impact on the analysis-time.
- pa_alias_as__extend_unification(ProcInfo, HLDS,
- Unification0, Info, Alias0, Alias),
- Expr = Expr0
- ;
- Expr0 = some( A, B, SomeGoal0)
- ->
- % XXX
- annotate_goal(ProcInfo, HLDS, SomeGoal0, SomeGoal, Pool0, Pool,
- Alias0, Alias),
- Info = Info0,
- Expr = some(A, B, SomeGoal)
- ;
- % * call --> do nothing
- % * generic_call
- Expr = Expr0,
- Info = Info0,
- Pool = Pool0,
- pa_alias_as__top("unhandled goal", Alias)
- ),
+ sr_util__list_map3(
+ annotate_case(ProcInfo, HLDS, Pool0, Alias0),
+ Cases0, Cases,
+ ListPools, ListAliases),
+ dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( Outscope,
+ ListPools, Pool ),
+ pa_alias_as__least_upper_bound_list( ProcInfo, HLDS,
+ ListAliases, Alias),
+ Info = Info0,
+ Expr = switch( A, B, Cases, SM ),
+ Goal = Expr - Info.
+annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Expr0 - Info0, Goal,
+ Pool0, Pool, Alias0, Alias) :-
+ Expr0 = unify(_Var, _Rhs, _Mode, Unification0, _Context),
+ unification_verify_reuse(Unification0, Alias0,
+ Pool0, Pool, Info0, Info),
+ % XXX candidate for future optimization: if
+ % you annotate the deconstruct first, you might avoid
+ % creating the aliases altogether, thus reducing the
+ % number of aliases you cary along, and eventually
+ % having an impact on the analysis-time.
+ pa_alias_as__extend_unification(ProcInfo, HLDS,
+ Unification0, Info, Alias0, Alias),
+ Expr = Expr0,
+ Goal = Expr - Info.
+annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Expr0 - Info0, Goal,
+ Pool0, Pool, Alias0, Alias) :-
+ Expr0 = disj( Goals0, SM ),
+ goal_info_get_outscope( Info0, Outscope),
- goal_is_atomic( Expr )
+ Goals0 = []
- AliasRed = Alias
- ;
- pa_alias_as__project_set( Outscope, Alias, AliasRed)
+ Goals = Goals0,
+ Pool = Pool0,
+ Alias = Alias0
+ ;
+ list_map3(
+ pred( Gin::in, Gout::out, P::out, A::out)
+ is det :-
+ (
+ annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS,
+ Gin, Gout, Pool0, P,
+ Alias0, A)
+ ),
+ Goals0, Goals,
+ ListPools, ListAliases ),
+ dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( Outscope,
+ ListPools, Pool),
+ pa_alias_as__least_upper_bound_list( ProcInfo,
+ HLDS, ListAliases, Alias)
- Goal = Expr - Info.
+ Info = Info0,
+ Expr = disj(Goals, SM ),
+ Goal = Expr - Info.
+annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Expr0 - Info0, Goal,
+ Pool0, Pool, Alias0, Alias) :-
+ Expr0 = not(NegatedGoal0),
+ annotate_goal(ProcInfo, HLDS, NegatedGoal0, NegatedGoal,
+ Pool0, Pool, Alias0, Alias),
+ Info = Info0,
+ Expr = not(NegatedGoal),
+ Goal = Expr - Info.
+annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Expr0 - Info0, Goal,
+ Pool0, Pool, Alias0, Alias) :-
+ Expr0 = some( A, B, SomeGoal0),
+ % XXX
+ annotate_goal(ProcInfo, HLDS, SomeGoal0, SomeGoal, Pool0, Pool,
+ Alias0, Alias),
+ Info = Info0,
+ Expr = some(A, B, SomeGoal),
+ Goal = Expr - Info.
+annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Expr0 - Info0, Goal,
+ Pool0, Pool, Alias0, Alias) :-
+ Expr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0, SM),
+ goal_info_get_outscope( Info0, Outscope),
+ annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Cond0, Cond, Pool0,
+ PoolCond, Alias0, AliasCond),
+ annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Then0, Then, PoolCond,
+ PoolThen, AliasCond, AliasThen),
+ annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Else0, Else, Pool0,
+ PoolElse, Alias0, AliasElse),
+ dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( Outscope,
+ [ PoolThen, PoolElse ], Pool),
+ pa_alias_as__least_upper_bound_list( ProcInfo, HLDS,
+ [ AliasThen, AliasElse ], Alias),
+ Info = Info0,
+ Expr = if_then_else( Vars, Cond, Then, Else, SM),
+ Goal = Expr - Info.
+annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Expr0 - Info0, Goal,
+ Pool0, Pool, Alias0, Alias) :-
+ Expr0 = pragma_foreign_code(_, _, _, _, Vars, MaybeModes, Types, _),
+ pa_alias_as__extend_foreign_code( ProcInfo, HLDS, Vars,
+ MaybeModes, Types, Alias0, Alias),
+ Pool = Pool0,
+ Goal = Expr0 - Info0.
+annotate_goal( _ProcInfo, _HLDS, Expr0 - Info0, Goal,
+ Pool0, Pool, _Alias0, Alias) :-
+ Expr0 = par_conj(_, _),
+ Pool = Pool0,
+ pa_alias_as__top("unhandled goal", Alias),
+ Goal = Expr0 - Info0.
+annotate_goal( _ProcInfo, _HLDS, Expr0 - Info0, Goal,
+ Pool0, Pool, _Alias0, Alias) :-
+ Expr0 = bi_implication(_, _),
+ Pool = Pool0,
+ pa_alias_as__top("unhandled goal", Alias),
+ Goal = Expr0 - Info0.
:- pred annotate_case( proc_info, module_info, dead_cell_pool, alias_as,
case, case, dead_cell_pool, alias_as).
Index: sr_indirect.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/Attic/sr_indirect.m,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.2.7 sr_indirect.m
--- sr_indirect.m 2000/10/16 17:47:37
+++ sr_indirect.m 2000/10/16 18:05:33
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@
Expr = if_then_else( Vars, Cond, Then, Else, SM),
Goal = Expr - Info.
-analyse_goal( ProcInfo, _HLDS, Expr0 - Info0, Goal, Pool0, Pool,
+analyse_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Expr0 - Info0, Goal, Pool0, Pool,
Alias0, Alias,
FP0, FP) :-
Expr0 = pragma_foreign_code( _, _, _, _, Vars, MaybeModes, Types, _ ),
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