[m-dev.] for review: bug fix for multiparameter typeclasses

David Glen JEFFERY dgj at students.cs.mu.oz.au
Fri Oct 13 16:49:01 AEDT 2000


This one is for Fergus.


Estimated hours taken: 8

Fix a bug recently reported by Nancy Mazur (and previously reported by
Tom Conway) which caused a type error to be reported for type correct
code involving multi parameter type classes. The type class constraint 
elimination mechanism was not correctly handling the case where a multi 
parameter typeclass declaration has a constraint which involved a (strict)
subset of the type variables of the class.

	When searching the superclass relation, utilise the fact that any
	new variables that are introduced (eg. by moving a single parameter
	superclass to a multi parameter subclass) are effectively universally
	quantified; they may be found to any other type (or type variable)
	when checking for redundancy.

	To achieve this, we pass a long a list of variables that we are
	*not* allowed to bind. These are just the variables from the original
	constraint. ie. all the non-introduced variables. 

	A test case for this.


Index: compiler/typecheck.m
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/mercury/compiler/typecheck.m,v
retrieving revision 1.287
diff -u -t -r1.287 typecheck.m
--- compiler/typecheck.m	2000/10/10 06:22:54	1.287
+++ compiler/typecheck.m	2000/10/13 05:30:41
@@ -4108,7 +4108,10 @@
                 TVarSet, Proofs0, Proofs, Constraints, Changed) :-
                 Parents = [],
-                eliminate_constraint_by_class_rules(C, AssumedConstraints,
+                C = constraint(_, CTypes),
+                term__vars_list(CTypes, CVars),
+                eliminate_constraint_by_class_rules(C, CVars, 
+                        AssumedConstraints,
                         SuperClassTable, TVarSet, Parents, Proofs0, Proofs1)
                 apply_class_rules(Constraints0, AssumedConstraints,
@@ -4127,15 +4130,21 @@
         % is also passed in --- these are the constraints that we are
         % (recursively) in the process of checking, and is used to ensure that
         % we don't get into a cycle in the relation.
-:- pred eliminate_constraint_by_class_rules(class_constraint,
+        %
+        % The list(tvar) argument contains all the variables from the
+        % original constraint that we are trying to prove. (These are the
+        % type variables that must not be found as we search through the
+        % superclass relation).
+:- pred eliminate_constraint_by_class_rules(class_constraint, list(tvar),
         list(class_constraint), superclass_table, tvarset,
         map(class_constraint, constraint_proof),
         map(class_constraint, constraint_proof)).
-:- mode eliminate_constraint_by_class_rules(in, in, in, in, in, in, out) 
+:- mode eliminate_constraint_by_class_rules(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out) 
         is semidet.
-eliminate_constraint_by_class_rules(C, AssumedConstraints, SuperClassTable,
+eliminate_constraint_by_class_rules(C, ConstVars,
+                AssumedConstraints, SuperClassTable,
                 TVarSet, ParentConstraints, Proofs0, Proofs) :-
                 % Make sure we aren't in a cycle in the
@@ -4150,8 +4159,8 @@
                 % Convert all the subclass_details into class_constraints by
                 % doing the appropriate variable renaming and applying the
                 % type variable bindings.
-        SubDetailsToConstraint = lambda([SubClassDetails::in, SubC::out] 
-                        is semidet, (
+        SubDetailsToConstraint = (pred(SubClassDetails::in, SubC::out) 
+                        is det :-
                 SubClassDetails = subclass_details(SuperVars0, SubID,
                         SubVars0, SuperVarset),
@@ -4169,21 +4178,41 @@
                         % Work out what the (renamed) vars from the
                         % typeclass declaration are bound to here
-                type_unify_list(SuperVars, SuperClassTypes, [],
-                        Empty, Bindings),
-                SubID = class_id(SubName, _SubArity),
-                term__apply_substitution_to_list(SubVars, Bindings,
-                        SubClassTypes),
-                SubC = constraint(SubName, SubClassTypes)
-        )),
+                (
+                        type_unify_list(SuperVars, SuperClassTypes, [],
+                                Empty, Bindings)
+                ->
+                        SubID = class_id(SubName, _SubArity),
+                        term__apply_substitution_to_list(SubVars, Bindings,
+                                SubClassTypes),
+                        SubC = constraint(SubName, SubClassTypes)
+                ;
+                        error("eliminate_constraint_by_class_rules: type_unify_list failed")
+                )
+        ),
         list__map(SubDetailsToConstraint, SubClasses, SubClassConstraints),
-                        % Do the first level of search
-                FindSub = lambda([TheConstraint::in] is semidet,(
-                        list__member(TheConstraint, AssumedConstraints)
-                )),
-                list__filter(FindSub, SubClassConstraints, [Sub|_])
+                        % Do the first level of search. We search for
+                        % a assumed constraint which unifies with any
+                        % of the subclass constraints.
+                NotSub = (pred(TheConstraint::in) is semidet :-
+                        not (some [SubConstraint] (
+                                TheConstraint = constraint(TheConstraintClass,
+                                        TheConstraintTypes),
+                                list__member(SubClassConstraint, 
+                                        SubClassConstraints),
+                                SubClassConstraint = 
+                                        constraint(TheConstraintClass, 
+                                        SubClassConstraintTypes),
+                                map__init(EmptySub),
+                                type_unify_list(SubClassConstraintTypes, 
+                                        TheConstraintTypes,
+                                        ConstVars, EmptySub, _)
+                        ))
+                ),
+                list__takewhile(NotSub, AssumedConstraints, _, Subs),
+                Subs = [Sub|_]
                 map__set(Proofs0, C, superclass(Sub), Proofs)
@@ -4191,14 +4220,14 @@
                         % Recursively search the rest of the superclass
                         % relation.
-                SubClassSearch = lambda([Constraint::in, CnstrtAndProof::out] 
-                                is semidet, (
-                        eliminate_constraint_by_class_rules(Constraint,
-                                AssumedConstraints, SuperClassTable,
+                SubClassSearch = (pred(Constraint::in, CnstrtAndProof::out) 
+                                is semidet :-
+                        eliminate_constraint_by_class_rules(Constraint, 
+                                ConstVars, AssumedConstraints, SuperClassTable,
                                 TVarSet, NewParentConstraints,
                                 Proofs0, SubProofs),
                         CnstrtAndProof = Constraint - SubProofs
-                )),
+                ),
                         % XXX this could (and should) be more efficient. 
                         % (ie. by manually doing a "cut").
                 find_first(SubClassSearch, SubClassConstraints,
Index: tests/hard_coded/typeclasses/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/tests/hard_coded/typeclasses/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -t -r1.38 Mmakefile
--- tests/hard_coded/typeclasses/Mmakefile	2000/10/10 23:39:34	1.38
+++ tests/hard_coded/typeclasses/Mmakefile	2000/10/13 05:38:19
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
         multi_constraint_same_tvar \
         multi_moded \
         multi_parameter \
+        multi_parameter_bug \
         nondet_class_method \
         operator_classname \
         record_syntax \

New File: tests/hard_coded/typeclasses/multi_parameter_bug.exp

New File: tests/hard_coded/typeclasses/multi_parameter_bug.m
:- module multi_parameter_bug.

:- interface.

:- import_module io.

:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.

:- implementation.

:- import_module int, char.

main -->
	p(42, 'a').

:- pred p(T1, T2, io__state, io__state) <= c2(T1, T2).
:- mode p(in, in, di, uo) is det.
p(X, _) -->
	{ m1(X, Y) },

:- typeclass c1(T) where [
	pred m1(T, int),
	mode m1(in, out) is det

:- typeclass c2(T1, T2) <= c1(T1) where [

:- instance c1(int) where [

:- instance c2(int, char) where [

David Jeffery (dgj at cs.mu.oz.au) | If your thesis is utterly vacuous
PhD student,                    | Use first-order predicate calculus.
Dept. of Comp. Sci. & Soft. Eng.|     With sufficient formality
The University of Melbourne     |     The sheerist banality
Australia                       | Will be hailed by the critics: "Miraculous!"
                                |     -- Anon.
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