[m-dev.] [reuse] diff: moving code from sr_direct.m to sr_dead.m

Nancy Mazur Nancy.Mazur at cs.kuleuven.ac.be
Wed Oct 11 03:08:37 AEDT 2000



Estimated hours taken: 0.5

Moving code which ended up in sr_direct.m and which should have been
put in sr_dead to the correct place, namely sr_dead.

	simply moving the code.

Index: sr_data.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/Attic/sr_data.m,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.2.5 sr_data.m
--- sr_data.m	2000/10/10 11:11:57
+++ sr_data.m	2000/10/10 16:05:23
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
 		   local_alias_headvars :: alias_as 
 :- pred reuse_condition_merge( reuse_condition::in, 
 				reuse_condition::out) is det.
Index: sr_dead.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/Attic/sr_dead.m,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.2.1 sr_dead.m
--- sr_dead.m	2000/10/04 13:00:06
+++ sr_dead.m	2000/10/10 16:05:23
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 % Mark each cell that dies with its reuse_condition, and mark each
 % construction with the cells that construction could possibly reuse.
-% sr_choice is responsivle for deciding which cell will actually be
+% sr_choice is responsible for deciding which cell will actually be
 % reused.
@@ -17,17 +17,472 @@
 :- module sr_dead.
 :- interface.
-:- import_module hlds_goal.
+:- import_module hlds_pred, hlds_module, hlds_goal.
-:- pred sr_dead__process_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+:- pred sr_dead__process_goal(pred_id::in, proc_info::in, module_info::in, 
+				hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
 :- implementation.
+:- import_module assoc_list, int, require. 
+:- import_module set, list, map, std_util.
+:- import_module hlds_goal, prog_data, hlds_data.
+:- import_module sr_data, sr_live.
+:- import_module pa_alias_as, pa_run.
+process_goal( PredId, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo, Goal0, Goal) :- 
+	pa_alias_as__init(Alias0), 
+	compute_real_headvars(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcInfo, RealHeadVars), 
+	dead_cell_pool_init(RealHeadVars, Pool0), 
+	annotate_goal(ProcInfo, ModuleInfo, Goal0, Goal, 
+			Pool0, _Pool, Alias0, _Alias).
+:- pred compute_real_headvars(module_info, pred_id, proc_info, 
+		list(prog_var)).
+:- mode compute_real_headvars(in, in, in, out) is det.
-process_goal(Goal0, Goal) :-
-	Goal = Goal0.
+compute_real_headvars( HLDS, PredId, ProcInfo, HVS ) :- 
+	module_info_pred_info( HLDS, PredId, PredInfo),
+	pred_info_arity(PredInfo, Arity),
+	proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo, HeadVars),
+	list__length(HeadVars, PseudoArity) ,
+        NumberOfTypeInfos = PseudoArity - Arity ,
+        list_drop_det(NumberOfTypeInfos, HeadVars, RealHeadVars) ,
+        HVS = RealHeadVars.
+:- pred list_drop_det(int,list(T),list(T)).
+:- mode list_drop_det(in,in,out) is det.
+        (
+                list__drop(Len,List,End0)
+        ->
+                End = End0
+        ;
+                End = List
+        ).
+:- pred annotate_goal( proc_info, module_info, hlds_goal, hlds_goal, 
+			dead_cell_pool, dead_cell_pool, 
+			alias_as, alias_as).
+:- mode annotate_goal( in, in, in, out, in, out, in, out) is det.
+annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Goal0, Goal, Pool0, Pool, Alias0, AliasRed) :- 
+	Goal0 = Expr0 - Info0,
+	goal_info_get_outscope( Info0, Outscope), 
+	% each of the branches must instantiate:
+	% 	Expr, Info, 
+	%	Pool, Alias
+	(
+		% * conjunction
+		Expr0 = conj(Goals0)
+	->
+		list_map_foldl2( 
+			annotate_goal(ProcInfo, HLDS),
+			Goals0, Goals,
+			Pool0, Pool,
+			Alias0, Alias),
+		Info = Info0, 
+		Expr = conj(Goals)
+	;
+		% * call 
+		Expr0 = call(PredId, ProcId, ActualVars, _, _, _)
+	->
+		pa_run__extend_with_call_alias( HLDS, ProcInfo, 
+			PredId, ProcId, ActualVars, Alias0, Alias),
+		Expr = Expr0, 
+		Info = Info0, 
+		Pool = Pool0
+	;
+		% * switch
+		Expr0 = switch(A, B, Cases0, SM)
+	->
+		list_map3( 
+			annotate_case(ProcInfo, HLDS, Pool0, Alias0),
+			Cases0, Cases,
+			ListPools, ListAliases),
+		dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( Outscope, 
+			ListPools, Pool ), 
+		pa_alias_as__least_upper_bound_list( ProcInfo, HLDS, 
+			ListAliases, Alias),
+		Info = Info0, 
+		Expr = switch( A, B, Cases, SM )
+	;
+		% * disjunction
+		Expr0 = disj( Goals0, SM )
+	->
+		(
+			Goals0 = []
+		->
+			Goals = Goals0, 
+			Pool = Pool0, 
+			Alias = Alias0
+		;
+			list_map3( 
+				pred( Gin::in, Gout::out, P::out, A::out)
+					is det :- 
+				(
+				   annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, 
+					Gin, Gout, Pool0, P, 
+					Alias0, A)
+				),
+				Goals0, Goals, 
+				ListPools, ListAliases ),
+			dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( Outscope,
+				ListPools, Pool),
+			pa_alias_as__least_upper_bound_list( ProcInfo, 
+				HLDS, ListAliases, Alias)
+		),
+		Info = Info0,
+		Expr = disj(Goals, SM )
+	;
+		% * not
+		Expr0 = not(NegatedGoal0)
+	->
+		annotate_goal(ProcInfo, HLDS, NegatedGoal0, NegatedGoal,
+				Pool0, Pool, Alias0, Alias),
+		Info = Info0, 
+		Expr = not(NegatedGoal)
+	;
+		% * if then else
+		Expr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0, SM)
+	->
+		annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Cond0, Cond, Pool0, 
+				PoolCond, Alias0, AliasCond),
+		annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Then0, Then, PoolCond, 
+				PoolThen, AliasCond, AliasThen),
+		annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Else0, Else, Pool0, 
+				PoolElse, Alias0, AliasElse), 
+		dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( Outscope, 
+				[ PoolThen, PoolElse ], Pool), 
+		pa_alias_as__least_upper_bound_list( ProcInfo, HLDS, 
+				[ AliasThen, AliasElse ], Alias),
+		Info = Info0, 
+		Expr = if_then_else( Vars, Cond, Then, Else, SM)
+	;
+		% * unification
+		Expr0 = unify(_Var, _Rhs, _Mode, Unification0, _Context)
+	->
+		unification_verify_reuse(Unification0, Alias0, 
+			Pool0, Pool, Info0, Info),
+			% XXX candidate for future optimization: if
+			% you annotate the deconstruct first, you might avoid
+			% creating the aliases altogether, thus reducing the
+			% number of aliases you cary along, and eventually
+			% having an impact on the analysis-time.
+		pa_alias_as__extend_unification(ProcInfo, HLDS, 
+			Unification0, Info, Alias0, Alias),
+		Expr = Expr0
+	;
+		% * call --> do nothing 
+		% * generic_call
+		Expr = Expr0, 
+		Info = Info0, 
+		Pool = Pool0,
+		pa_alias_as__top("unhandled goal", Alias)
+	), 
+	(
+		goal_is_atomic( Expr )
+	->
+		AliasRed = Alias
+	;
+		pa_alias_as__project_set( Outscope, Alias, AliasRed)
+	),
+	Goal = Expr - Info. 	
+:- pred annotate_case( proc_info, module_info, dead_cell_pool, alias_as, 
+		case, case, dead_cell_pool, alias_as).
+:- mode annotate_case( in, in, in, in, in, out, out, out) is det.
+annotate_case( ProcInfo, HLDS, Pool0, Alias0, Case0, 
+		Case, Pool, Alias) :- 
+	Case0 = case(CONS, Goal0),
+	annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Goal0, Goal, Pool0, Pool, 
+			Alias0, Alias), 
+	Case = case(CONS, Goal).
+:- pred unification_verify_reuse( hlds_goal__unification, 
+		alias_as, dead_cell_pool, dead_cell_pool, 
+		hlds_goal_info, hlds_goal_info).
+:- mode unification_verify_reuse( in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+unification_verify_reuse( Unification, Alias0, Pool0, Pool,
+				Info0, Info) :- 
+	(
+		Unification = deconstruct( Var, CONS_ID, _, _, _, _)
+	->
+		goal_info_get_lfu( Info0, LFU ), 
+		goal_info_get_lbu( Info0, LBU ),
+		set__union( LFU, LBU, LU), 
+		sr_live__init(LIVE0),
+		pa_alias_as__live(LU, LIVE0, Alias0, LIVE), 
+		(
+			sr_live__is_live(Var,LIVE)
+		->
+			goal_info_set_reuse(Info0, 
+				choice(deconstruct(no)), Info),
+			Pool = Pool0
+		;
+			add_dead_cell( Var, CONS_ID, 
+					LFU, LBU,
+					Alias0, Pool0, Pool, 
+					ReuseCondition),
+			goal_info_set_reuse(Info0, 
+				choice(deconstruct(
+					yes(ReuseCondition))), Info) 
+		)
+	;
+		Unification = construct(_, CONS_ID, _, _, _, _, _)
+	->
+		dead_cell_pool_try_to_reuse( CONS_ID, Pool0, ReuseVarsConds),
+		goal_info_set_reuse(Info0, choice(construct(ReuseVarsConds)),
+				Info),
+		Pool = Pool0
+	;
+		% assign
+		% simple_test
+		% complicated_unify
+		Pool = Pool0,
+		Info = Info0
+	).
+:- pred list_map3( pred( T, T1, T2, T3 ), list(T), list(T1), list(T2), 
+			list(T3) ).
+:- mode list_map3( pred( in, out, out, out) is det, in, 
+			out, out, out) is det.
+list_map3( P, L, A, B, C) :- 
+	(
+		L = [ L1 | LR ]
+	->
+		P( L1, A1, B1, C1),
+		list_map3( P, LR, AR, BR, CR ),
+		A = [ A1 | AR ],
+		B = [ B1 | BR ],
+		C = [ C1 | CR ]
+	;
+		A = [],
+		B = [],
+		C = []
+	).
+:- pred list_map_foldl2( 
+		pred( T, T1, T2, T2, T3, T3 ), 
+		list(T), 
+		list(T1),
+		T2, T2, T3, T3).
+:- mode list_map_foldl2( pred( in, out, in, out, in, out) is det,
+			in, out, in, out, in, out) is det.
+list_map_foldl2( P, L0, L1, A0, A, B0, B) :- 
+	(
+		L0 = [ LE0 | LR0 ]
+	->
+		P( LE0, LE1, A0, A1, B0, B1), 
+		list_map_foldl2( P, LR0, LR1, A1, A, B1, B),
+		L1 = [ LE1 | LR1 ]
+	;
+		L1 = [],
+		A = A0, 
+		B = B0
+	).
+	% type used for threading through all the information about
+	% eventual dead cells.
+:- type dead_cell_pool ---> 
+		pool(
+			list(prog_var), % real headvars
+			map(prog_var, dead_extra_info)
+		).
+	% for each dead cell, we need to keep it's reuse-condition,
+	% and during this phase, fill in the names of all the vars
+	% who would be interested in reusing the dead cell. 
+:- type dead_extra_info --->
+		extra(
+			arity, 		% instead of keeping the cons, 
+					% just keep it's size as a way to
+					% compare cons'es and their
+					% mutual reusability.
+			reuse_condition, 
+			list(prog_var) 	% XXX for the moment always kept
+					% empty
+		).
+	% initialize dr_info	
+:- pred dead_cell_pool_init(list(prog_var)::in, dead_cell_pool::out) is det.
+	% test if empty
+:- pred dead_cell_pool_is_empty(dead_cell_pool::in) is semidet.
+:- pred add_dead_cell(prog_var, cons_id, set(prog_var), 
+			set(prog_var), alias_as, 
+			dead_cell_pool, dead_cell_pool, 
+			reuse_condition).
+:- mode add_dead_cell(in, in, in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
+	% given its reuse_condition, add the dead cell to dr_info.
+:- pred add_dead_cell(prog_var, cons_id, reuse_condition, 
+			dead_cell_pool, dead_cell_pool) is det.
+:- mode add_dead_cell(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( set(prog_var),
+				list(dead_cell_pool), dead_cell_pool).
+:- mode dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( in, in, out ) is det.
+:- pred dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound( dead_cell_pool, 
+				dead_cell_pool,
+				dead_cell_pool).
+:- mode dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound( in, in, out) is det.
+	% given the set of currently non-local vars (all vars that
+	% are in fact nonlocal, including the ones that were not 
+	% used within the goal that we are leaving), update the 
+	% dr_info::current_scope field. 
+:- pred dead_cell_pool_leave_scope( set(prog_var), dead_cell_pool, 
+					dead_cell_pool).
+:- mode dead_cell_pool_leave_scope( in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred dead_cell_pool_try_to_reuse( cons_id, dead_cell_pool, 
+		set(pair(prog_var, reuse_condition))).
+:- mode dead_cell_pool_try_to_reuse( in, in, out) is det.
+dead_cell_pool_init( HVS, Pool ):- 
+	map__init(Map),
+	Pool = pool( HVS, Map).
+dead_cell_pool_is_empty( pool(_, Pool) ):- 
+	map__is_empty(Pool).
+add_dead_cell(Var, Cons, LFU, LBU, Alias0, Pool0, Pool, Condition) :- 
+	Pool0 = pool(HVS, _Map0), 
+	reuse_condition_init(Var, LFU, LBU, Alias0, HVS, Condition),
+	add_dead_cell( Var, Cons, Condition, Pool0, Pool).
+add_dead_cell( Var, Cons, ReuseCond, pool(HVS, Pool0), 
+				     pool(HVS, Pool) ) :- 
+		% XXX Candidates are always zero. For the
+		% moment we will not try to track this ! 
+	cons_id_arity( Cons, Arity ), 
+	Extra = extra( Arity, ReuseCond, [] ),
+	( 
+		map__insert( Pool0, Var, Extra, Pool1)
+	->
+		Pool = Pool1
+	;
+		require__error("(sr_direct) add_dead_cell: trying to add dead variable whilst already being marked as dead?")
+	).
+dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( Vars, Pools, Pool ):- 
+	list__map(
+		dead_cell_pool_leave_scope( Vars ),
+		Pools, 
+		CleanedPools),
+	( 
+		CleanedPools = [ C1 | _CR ]
+	->
+		Pool0 = C1,
+		list__foldl( 
+			dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound,
+			CleanedPools, 
+			Pool0, 
+			Pool)
+	;
+		require__error("(sr_direct) dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj: trying to compute a lub_list of an empty list")
+	).
+dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound( Pool1, Pool2, Pool ) :- 
+	Pool1 = pool(HVS, Map1), 
+	map__init( Map0 ), 
+	Pool0 = pool(HVS, Map0),
+	map__foldl(
+		dead_cell_pool_merge_var(Pool2),
+		Map1, 
+		Pool0,
+		Pool).
+:- pred dead_cell_pool_merge_var(dead_cell_pool, prog_var, 
+			dead_extra_info, 
+			dead_cell_pool, dead_cell_pool).
+:- mode dead_cell_pool_merge_var(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+dead_cell_pool_merge_var( P2, Key1, Extra1, P0, P) :- 
+	P2 = pool(_, Pool2),
+	P0 = pool(HVS, Pool0),
+	(
+		map__search( Pool2, Key1, Extra2)
+	->
+		Extra1 = extra( A1, R1, _Cands1 ), 
+		Extra2 = extra( A2, R2, _Cands2 ),
+		int__min( A1, A2, A), 
+		reuse_condition_merge( R1, R2, R),
+			% XXX candidates not tracked
+		Extra = extra(A, R, []),
+		(
+			map__insert( Pool0, Key1, Extra, Pool01)
+		->
+			P = pool(HVS, Pool01)
+		;
+			require__error("(sr_direct) dead_cell_pool_merge_var: trying to add already existing key to pool")
+		)
+	;	
+		P = P0
+	).
+dead_cell_pool_leave_scope( ScopeVarsSet, P0, P ) :- 
+	P0 = pool( HVS, Pool0),
+	set__to_sorted_list( ScopeVarsSet, ScopeVars),
+	map__to_assoc_list( Pool0, AssocList0 ),
+	list__filter(
+		pred( Key::in ) is semidet :- 
+			( 
+				Key = ProgVar - _Extra,
+				list__member( ProgVar, ScopeVars )
+			),
+		AssocList0,
+		AssocList),
+	map__from_assoc_list( AssocList, Pool ),
+	P = pool( HVS, Pool).
+dead_cell_pool_try_to_reuse( Cons, Pool, Set) :-
+	Pool = pool( _HVS, Map ), 
+	cons_id_arity( Cons, Arity ), 
+	map__to_assoc_list( Map, AssocList),
+	list__filter(
+		cons_can_reuse( Arity ), 
+		AssocList, 
+		CellsThatCanBeReused),
+	list__map(
+		to_pair_var_condition, 
+		CellsThatCanBeReused,
+		VarConditionPairs),
+	set__list_to_set(VarConditionPairs, Set).
+:- pred cons_can_reuse( arity, pair( prog_var, dead_extra_info )).
+:- mode cons_can_reuse( in, in ) is semidet.
+cons_can_reuse( Arity, _Var - Extra ) :- 
+	Extra = extra( DeadArity, _, _), 
+	Arity =< DeadArity.
+:- pred to_pair_var_condition( pair( prog_var, dead_extra_info), 
+		pair( prog_var, reuse_condition) ).
+:- mode to_pair_var_condition( in, out ) is det.
+to_pair_var_condition( Var - Extra, Var - Condition ) :- 
+	Extra = extra( _, Condition, _).
Index: sr_direct.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/Attic/sr_direct.m,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.1.2.6 sr_direct.m
--- sr_direct.m	2000/10/10 14:04:06
+++ sr_direct.m	2000/10/10 16:05:23
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
 :- import_module require.
 :- import_module sr_lfu, sr_lbu, sr_dead, sr_choice, sr_data, sr_live.
-:- import_module pa_alias_as, pa_run.
 :- import_module hlds_goal, hlds_data, prog_data.
 process_proc(PredId, _ProcId, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) -->
@@ -44,14 +43,8 @@
 		% Determine which cells die and can be reused and what
 		% the conditions on that reuse are
 	{ proc_info_goal(ProcInfo2, Goal0) },
-	{ pa_alias_as__init(Alias0) },
-		% one needs the exact headvars for initializing the pool
-	{ compute_real_headvars(ModuleInfo0, PredId, ProcInfo0, 
-			RealHeadVars) },
-	{ dead_cell_pool_init(RealHeadVars, Pool0) }, 
-	{ annotate_goal(ProcInfo2, ModuleInfo, Goal0, Goal1, 
-			Pool0, _Pool, Alias0, _Alias) },
+	{ sr_dead__process_goal(PredId,ProcInfo0,ModuleInfo0,Goal0,Goal1) },
 		% Select which cells will be reused and which can be
 		% compile time garbage collected.
@@ -61,445 +54,3 @@
 	{ proc_info_set_goal( ProcInfo2, Goal, ProcInfo ) },
 	{ ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo0 }.
-:- pred compute_real_headvars(module_info, pred_id, proc_info, 
-		list(prog_var)).
-:- mode compute_real_headvars(in, in, in, out) is det.
-compute_real_headvars( HLDS, PredId, ProcInfo, HVS ) :- 
-	module_info_pred_info( HLDS, PredId, PredInfo),
-	pred_info_arity(PredInfo, Arity),
-	proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo, HeadVars),
-	list__length(HeadVars, PseudoArity) ,
-        NumberOfTypeInfos = PseudoArity - Arity ,
-        list_drop_det(NumberOfTypeInfos, HeadVars, RealHeadVars) ,
-        HVS = RealHeadVars.
-:- pred list_drop_det(int,list(T),list(T)).
-:- mode list_drop_det(in,in,out) is det.
-        (
-                list__drop(Len,List,End0)
-        ->
-                End = End0
-        ;
-                End = List
-        ).
-:- pred annotate_goal( proc_info, module_info, hlds_goal, hlds_goal, 
-			dead_cell_pool, dead_cell_pool, 
-			alias_as, alias_as).
-:- mode annotate_goal( in, in, in, out, in, out, in, out) is det.
-annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Goal0, Goal, Pool0, Pool, Alias0, AliasRed) :- 
-	Goal0 = Expr0 - Info0,
-	goal_info_get_outscope( Info0, Outscope), 
-	% each of the branches must instantiate:
-	% 	Expr, Info, 
-	%	Pool, Alias
-	(
-		% * conjunction
-		Expr0 = conj(Goals0)
-	->
-		list_map_foldl2( 
-			annotate_goal(ProcInfo, HLDS),
-			Goals0, Goals,
-			Pool0, Pool,
-			Alias0, Alias),
-		Info = Info0, 
-		Expr = conj(Goals)
-	;
-		% * call 
-		Expr0 = call(PredId, ProcId, ActualVars, _, _, _)
-	->
-		pa_run__extend_with_call_alias( HLDS, ProcInfo, 
-			PredId, ProcId, ActualVars, Alias0, Alias),
-		Expr = Expr0, 
-		Info = Info0, 
-		Pool = Pool0
-	;
-		% * switch
-		Expr0 = switch(A, B, Cases0, SM)
-	->
-		list_map3( 
-			annotate_case(ProcInfo, HLDS, Pool0, Alias0),
-			Cases0, Cases,
-			ListPools, ListAliases),
-		dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( Outscope, 
-			ListPools, Pool ), 
-		pa_alias_as__least_upper_bound_list( ProcInfo, HLDS, 
-			ListAliases, Alias),
-		Info = Info0, 
-		Expr = switch( A, B, Cases, SM )
-	;
-		% * disjunction
-		Expr0 = disj( Goals0, SM )
-	->
-		(
-			Goals0 = []
-		->
-			Goals = Goals0, 
-			Pool = Pool0, 
-			Alias = Alias0
-		;
-			list_map3( 
-				pred( Gin::in, Gout::out, P::out, A::out)
-					is det :- 
-				(
-				   annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, 
-					Gin, Gout, Pool0, P, 
-					Alias0, A)
-				),
-				Goals0, Goals, 
-				ListPools, ListAliases ),
-			dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( Outscope,
-				ListPools, Pool),
-			pa_alias_as__least_upper_bound_list( ProcInfo, 
-				HLDS, ListAliases, Alias)
-		),
-		Info = Info0,
-		Expr = disj(Goals, SM )
-	;
-		% * not
-		Expr0 = not(NegatedGoal0)
-	->
-		annotate_goal(ProcInfo, HLDS, NegatedGoal0, NegatedGoal,
-				Pool0, Pool, Alias0, Alias),
-		Info = Info0, 
-		Expr = not(NegatedGoal)
-	;
-		% * if then else
-		Expr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0, SM)
-	->
-		annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Cond0, Cond, Pool0, 
-				PoolCond, Alias0, AliasCond),
-		annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Then0, Then, PoolCond, 
-				PoolThen, AliasCond, AliasThen),
-		annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Else0, Else, Pool0, 
-				PoolElse, Alias0, AliasElse), 
-		dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( Outscope, 
-				[ PoolThen, PoolElse ], Pool), 
-		pa_alias_as__least_upper_bound_list( ProcInfo, HLDS, 
-				[ AliasThen, AliasElse ], Alias),
-		Info = Info0, 
-		Expr = if_then_else( Vars, Cond, Then, Else, SM)
-	;
-		% * unification
-		Expr0 = unify(_Var, _Rhs, _Mode, Unification0, _Context)
-	->
-		unification_verify_reuse(Unification0, Alias0, 
-			Pool0, Pool, Info0, Info),
-			% XXX candidate for future optimization: if
-			% you annotate the deconstruct first, you might avoid
-			% creating the aliases altogether, thus reducing the
-			% number of aliases you cary along, and eventually
-			% having an impact on the analysis-time.
-		pa_alias_as__extend_unification(ProcInfo, HLDS, 
-			Unification0, Info, Alias0, Alias),
-		Expr = Expr0
-	;
-		% * call --> do nothing 
-		% * generic_call
-		Expr = Expr0, 
-		Info = Info0, 
-		Pool = Pool0,
-		pa_alias_as__top("unhandled goal", Alias)
-	), 
-	(
-		goal_is_atomic( Expr )
-	->
-		AliasRed = Alias
-	;
-		pa_alias_as__project_set( Outscope, Alias, AliasRed)
-	),
-	Goal = Expr - Info. 	
-:- pred annotate_case( proc_info, module_info, dead_cell_pool, alias_as, 
-		case, case, dead_cell_pool, alias_as).
-:- mode annotate_case( in, in, in, in, in, out, out, out) is det.
-annotate_case( ProcInfo, HLDS, Pool0, Alias0, Case0, 
-		Case, Pool, Alias) :- 
-	Case0 = case(CONS, Goal0),
-	annotate_goal( ProcInfo, HLDS, Goal0, Goal, Pool0, Pool, 
-			Alias0, Alias), 
-	Case = case(CONS, Goal).
-:- pred unification_verify_reuse( hlds_goal__unification, 
-		alias_as, dead_cell_pool, dead_cell_pool, 
-		hlds_goal_info, hlds_goal_info).
-:- mode unification_verify_reuse( in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
-unification_verify_reuse( Unification, Alias0, Pool0, Pool,
-				Info0, Info) :- 
-	(
-		Unification = deconstruct( Var, CONS_ID, _, _, _, _)
-	->
-		goal_info_get_lfu( Info0, LFU ), 
-		goal_info_get_lbu( Info0, LBU ),
-		set__union( LFU, LBU, LU), 
-		sr_live__init(LIVE0),
-		pa_alias_as__live(LU, LIVE0, Alias0, LIVE), 
-		(
-			sr_live__is_live(Var,LIVE)
-		->
-			goal_info_set_reuse(Info0, 
-				choice(deconstruct(no)), Info),
-			Pool = Pool0
-		;
-			add_dead_cell( Var, CONS_ID, 
-					LFU, LBU,
-					Alias0, Pool0, Pool, 
-					ReuseCondition),
-			goal_info_set_reuse(Info0, 
-				choice(deconstruct(
-					yes(ReuseCondition))), Info) 
-		)
-	;
-		Unification = construct(_, CONS_ID, _, _, _, _, _)
-	->
-		dead_cell_pool_try_to_reuse( CONS_ID, Pool0, ReuseVarsConds),
-		goal_info_set_reuse(Info0, choice(construct(ReuseVarsConds)),
-				Info),
-		Pool = Pool0
-	;
-		% assign
-		% simple_test
-		% complicated_unify
-		Pool = Pool0,
-		Info = Info0
-	).
-	% type used for threading through all the information about
-	% eventual dead cells.
-:- type dead_cell_pool ---> 
-		pool(
-			list(prog_var), % real headvars
-			map(prog_var, dead_extra_info)
-		).
-	% for each dead cell, we need to keep it's reuse-condition,
-	% and during this phase, fill in the names of all the vars
-	% who would be interested in reusing the dead cell. 
-:- type dead_extra_info --->
-		extra(
-			arity, 		% instead of keeping the cons, 
-					% just keep it's size as a way to
-					% compare cons'es and their
-					% mutual reusability.
-			reuse_condition, 
-			list(prog_var) 	% XXX for the moment always kept
-					% empty
-		).
-	% initialize dr_info	
-:- pred dead_cell_pool_init(list(prog_var)::in, dead_cell_pool::out) is det.
-	% test if empty
-:- pred dead_cell_pool_is_empty(dead_cell_pool::in) is semidet.
-:- pred add_dead_cell(prog_var, cons_id, set(prog_var), 
-			set(prog_var), alias_as, 
-			dead_cell_pool, dead_cell_pool, 
-			reuse_condition).
-:- mode add_dead_cell(in, in, in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
-	% given its reuse_condition, add the dead cell to dr_info.
-:- pred add_dead_cell(prog_var, cons_id, reuse_condition, 
-			dead_cell_pool, dead_cell_pool) is det.
-:- mode add_dead_cell(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
-:- pred dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( set(prog_var),
-				list(dead_cell_pool), dead_cell_pool).
-:- mode dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( in, in, out ) is det.
-:- pred dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound( dead_cell_pool, 
-				dead_cell_pool,
-				dead_cell_pool).
-:- mode dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound( in, in, out) is det.
-	% given the set of currently non-local vars (all vars that
-	% are in fact nonlocal, including the ones that were not 
-	% used within the goal that we are leaving), update the 
-	% dr_info::current_scope field. 
-:- pred dead_cell_pool_leave_scope( set(prog_var), dead_cell_pool, 
-					dead_cell_pool).
-:- mode dead_cell_pool_leave_scope( in, in, out) is det.
-:- pred dead_cell_pool_try_to_reuse( cons_id, dead_cell_pool, 
-		set(pair(prog_var, reuse_condition))).
-:- mode dead_cell_pool_try_to_reuse( in, in, out) is det.
-dead_cell_pool_init( HVS, Pool ):- 
-	map__init(Map),
-	Pool = pool( HVS, Map).
-dead_cell_pool_is_empty( pool(_, Pool) ):- 
-	map__is_empty(Pool).
-add_dead_cell(Var, Cons, LFU, LBU, Alias0, Pool0, Pool, Condition) :- 
-	Pool0 = pool(HVS, _Map0), 
-	reuse_condition_init(Var, LFU, LBU, Alias0, HVS, Condition),
-	add_dead_cell( Var, Cons, Condition, Pool0, Pool).
-add_dead_cell( Var, Cons, ReuseCond, pool(HVS, Pool0), 
-				     pool(HVS, Pool) ) :- 
-		% XXX Candidates are always zero. For the
-		% moment we will not try to track this ! 
-	cons_id_arity( Cons, Arity ), 
-	Extra = extra( Arity, ReuseCond, [] ),
-	( 
-		map__insert( Pool0, Var, Extra, Pool1)
-	->
-		Pool = Pool1
-	;
-		require__error("(sr_direct) add_dead_cell: trying to add dead variable whilst already being marked as dead?")
-	).
-dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj( Vars, Pools, Pool ):- 
-	list__map(
-		dead_cell_pool_leave_scope( Vars ),
-		Pools, 
-		CleanedPools),
-	( 
-		CleanedPools = [ C1 | _CR ]
-	->
-		Pool0 = C1,
-		list__foldl( 
-			dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound,
-			CleanedPools, 
-			Pool0, 
-			Pool)
-	;
-		require__error("(sr_direct) dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound_disj: trying to compute a lub_list of an empty list")
-	).
-dead_cell_pool_least_upper_bound( Pool1, Pool2, Pool ) :- 
-	Pool1 = pool(HVS, Map1), 
-	map__init( Map0 ), 
-	Pool0 = pool(HVS, Map0),
-	map__foldl(
-		dead_cell_pool_merge_var(Pool2),
-		Map1, 
-		Pool0,
-		Pool).
-:- pred dead_cell_pool_merge_var(dead_cell_pool, prog_var, 
-			dead_extra_info, 
-			dead_cell_pool, dead_cell_pool).
-:- mode dead_cell_pool_merge_var(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
-dead_cell_pool_merge_var( P2, Key1, Extra1, P0, P) :- 
-	P2 = pool(_, Pool2),
-	P0 = pool(HVS, Pool0),
-	(
-		map__search( Pool2, Key1, Extra2)
-	->
-		Extra1 = extra( A1, R1, _Cands1 ), 
-		Extra2 = extra( A2, R2, _Cands2 ),
-		int__min( A1, A2, A), 
-		reuse_condition_merge( R1, R2, R),
-			% XXX candidates not tracked
-		Extra = extra(A, R, []),
-		(
-			map__insert( Pool0, Key1, Extra, Pool01)
-		->
-			P = pool(HVS, Pool01)
-		;
-			require__error("(sr_direct) dead_cell_pool_merge_var: trying to add already existing key to pool")
-		)
-	;	
-		P = P0
-	).
-dead_cell_pool_leave_scope( ScopeVarsSet, P0, P ) :- 
-	P0 = pool( HVS, Pool0),
-	set__to_sorted_list( ScopeVarsSet, ScopeVars),
-	map__to_assoc_list( Pool0, AssocList0 ),
-	list__filter(
-		pred( Key::in ) is semidet :- 
-			( 
-				Key = ProgVar - _Extra,
-				list__member( ProgVar, ScopeVars )
-			),
-		AssocList0,
-		AssocList),
-	map__from_assoc_list( AssocList, Pool ),
-	P = pool( HVS, Pool).
-dead_cell_pool_try_to_reuse( Cons, Pool, Set) :-
-	Pool = pool( _HVS, Map ), 
-	cons_id_arity( Cons, Arity ), 
-	map__to_assoc_list( Map, AssocList),
-	list__filter(
-		cons_can_reuse( Arity ), 
-		AssocList, 
-		CellsThatCanBeReused),
-	list__map(
-		to_pair_var_condition, 
-		CellsThatCanBeReused,
-		VarConditionPairs),
-	set__list_to_set(VarConditionPairs, Set).
-:- pred cons_can_reuse( arity, pair( prog_var, dead_extra_info )).
-:- mode cons_can_reuse( in, in ) is semidet.
-cons_can_reuse( Arity, _Var - Extra ) :- 
-	Extra = extra( DeadArity, _, _), 
-	Arity =< DeadArity.
-:- pred to_pair_var_condition( pair( prog_var, dead_extra_info), 
-		pair( prog_var, reuse_condition) ).
-:- mode to_pair_var_condition( in, out ) is det.
-to_pair_var_condition( Var - Extra, Var - Condition ) :- 
-	Extra = extra( _, Condition, _).
-:- pred list_map3( pred( T, T1, T2, T3 ), list(T), list(T1), list(T2), 
-			list(T3) ).
-:- mode list_map3( pred( in, out, out, out) is det, in, 
-			out, out, out) is det.
-list_map3( P, L, A, B, C) :- 
-	(
-		L = [ L1 | LR ]
-	->
-		P( L1, A1, B1, C1),
-		list_map3( P, LR, AR, BR, CR ),
-		A = [ A1 | AR ],
-		B = [ B1 | BR ],
-		C = [ C1 | CR ]
-	;
-		A = [],
-		B = [],
-		C = []
-	).
-:- pred list_map_foldl2( 
-		pred( T, T1, T2, T2, T3, T3 ), 
-		list(T), 
-		list(T1),
-		T2, T2, T3, T3).
-:- mode list_map_foldl2( pred( in, out, in, out, in, out) is det,
-			in, out, in, out, in, out) is det.
-list_map_foldl2( P, L0, L1, A0, A, B0, B) :- 
-	(
-		L0 = [ LE0 | LR0 ]
-	->
-		P( LE0, LE1, A0, A1, B0, B1), 
-		list_map_foldl2( P, LR0, LR1, A1, A, B1, B),
-		L1 = [ LE1 | LR1 ]
-	;
-		L1 = [],
-		A = A0, 
-		B = B0
-	).

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