[m-dev.] for review: MLDS switch simplification
Fergus Henderson
fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Sat Nov 18 00:36:00 AEDT 2000
Estimated hours taken: 12
Add an MLDS to MLDS transformation that converts MLDS switches
into computed gotos or if-then-else chains. (Eventually we
should make this code also handle binary searches.)
This transformation should allow tag switch optimization to work for
the IL back-end. It also replaces ml_dense_switch.m and lets us
simplify ml_string_switch.m.
Add a new `switch_range' field to the `switch' stmt.
The new transformation. This converts MLDS switches into
computed gotos or if-then-else chains.
It uses the new `switch_range' field to determine how big
it would need to make the jump table to cover all cases.
Generate the new field.
Change the places that generate switches so that after
generating the switch they invoke the new transformation.
Delete ml_dense_switch.m, since it is now redundant,
and significantly simplify ml_string_switch.m.
Trivial changes to handle the new field.
Move most of the code from the `type_range' procedure from
dense_switch.m to switch_util.m, so we can use it in
ml_switch_gen.m for computing the switch range.
Workspace: /home/pgrad/fjh/ws/hg
Index: compiler/dense_switch.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/dense_switch.m,v
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -u -d -r1.37 dense_switch.m
--- compiler/dense_switch.m 2000/11/16 10:48:41 1.37
+++ compiler/dense_switch.m 2000/11/16 10:48:52
@@ -80,7 +80,8 @@
{ classify_type(Type, ModuleInfo, TypeCategory) },
dense_switch__type_range(TypeCategory, Type, TypeRange),
- { dense_switch__calc_density(NumCases, TypeRange, DetDensity) },
+ { dense_switch__calc_density(NumCases, TypeRange,
+ DetDensity) },
{ DetDensity > ReqDensity }
{ CanFail = cannot_fail },
@@ -112,30 +113,11 @@
% Fail if the type isn't the sort of type that has a range
% or if the type's range is to big to switch on (e.g. int).
-dense_switch__type_range(char_type, _, CharRange) -->
- % XXX the following code uses the host's character size,
- % not the target's, so it won't work if cross-compiling
- % to a machine with a different character size.
- % Note also that the code above in dense_switch.m and the code
- % in lookup_switch.m assume that char__min_char_value is 0.
- { char__max_char_value(MaxChar) },
- { char__min_char_value(MinChar) },
- { CharRange is MaxChar - MinChar + 1 }.
-dense_switch__type_range(enum_type, Type, TypeRange) -->
- { type_to_type_id(Type, TypeId0, _) ->
- TypeId = TypeId0
- ;
- error("dense_switch__type_range: invalid enum type?")
- },
+dense_switch__type_range(TypeCategory, Type, Range) -->
- { module_info_types(ModuleInfo, TypeTable) },
- { map__lookup(TypeTable, TypeId, TypeDefn) },
- { hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, TypeBody) },
- { TypeBody = du_type(_, ConsTable, _, _) ->
- map__count(ConsTable, TypeRange)
- ;
- error("dense_switch__type_range: enum type is not d.u. type?")
- }.
+ { switch_util__type_range(TypeCategory, Type, ModuleInfo,
+ Min, Max) },
+ { Range = Max - Min + 1 }.
Index: compiler/ml_dense_switch.m
RCS file: ml_dense_switch.m
diff -N ml_dense_switch.m
--- /tmp/cvswFY6c9 Sat Nov 18 00:28:04 2000
+++ /dev/null Thu Mar 30 14:06:13 2000
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-% Copyright (C) 1994-2000 The University of Melbourne.
-% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
-% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
-% file: ml_dense_switch.m
-% author: fjh
-% For switches on atomic types, generate code using a computed_goto
-% dense jump table.
-% The code here is quite similar to the code in dense_switch.m.
-:- module ml_dense_switch.
-:- interface.
-:- import_module prog_data.
-:- import_module hlds_data, switch_util, type_util.
-:- import_module mlds, ml_code_util.
-:- import_module llds. % XXX for code_model
- % Should this switch be implemented as a dense jump table?
- % If so, we return the starting and ending values for the table,
- % and whether the switch is not covers all cases or not
- % (we may convert locally semidet switches into locally det
- % switches by adding extra cases whose body is just `fail').
-:- pred ml_dense_switch__is_dense_switch(prog_var::in, cases_list::in,
- can_fail::in, int::in, int::out, int::out, can_fail::out,
- ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is semidet.
- % Generate code for a switch using a dense jump table.
-:- pred ml_dense_switch__generate(cases_list::in, int::in, int::in,
- prog_var::in, code_model::in, can_fail::in,
- prog_context::in, mlds__defns::out, mlds__statements::out,
- ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
- % also used by ml_lookup_switch
-:- pred ml_dense_switch__calc_density(int, int, int).
-:- mode ml_dense_switch__calc_density(in, in, out) is det.
- % also used by ml_lookup_switch
-:- pred ml_dense_switch__type_range(builtin_type, prog_type, int,
- ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
-:- mode ml_dense_switch__type_range(in, in, out, in, out) is semidet.
-:- implementation.
-:- import_module hlds_module, ml_code_gen, builtin_ops.
-:- import_module char, map, int, std_util, require, list.
-ml_dense_switch__is_dense_switch(CaseVar, TaggedCases, CanFail0, ReqDensity,
- FirstVal, LastVal, CanFail) -->
- {
- list__length(TaggedCases, NumCases),
- NumCases > 2,
- TaggedCases = [FirstCase | _],
- FirstCase = case(_, int_constant(FirstCaseVal), _, _),
- list__index1_det(TaggedCases, NumCases, LastCase),
- LastCase = case(_, int_constant(LastCaseVal), _, _),
- Span is LastCaseVal - FirstCaseVal,
- Range is Span + 1,
- ml_dense_switch__calc_density(NumCases, Range, Density),
- Density > ReqDensity
- },
- ( { CanFail0 = can_fail } ->
- % For semidet switches, we normally need to check that
- % the variable is in range before we index into the jump table.
- % However, if the range of the type is sufficiently small,
- % we can make the jump table large enough to hold all
- % of the values for the type.
- ml_variable_type(CaseVar, Type),
- =(MLGenInfo),
- { ml_gen_info_get_module_info(MLGenInfo, ModuleInfo) },
- { type_util__classify_type(Type, ModuleInfo, TypeCategory) },
- (
- ml_dense_switch__type_range(TypeCategory, Type,
- TypeRange),
- { ml_dense_switch__calc_density(NumCases, TypeRange,
- DetDensity) },
- { DetDensity > ReqDensity }
- ->
- { CanFail = cannot_fail },
- { FirstVal = 0 },
- { LastVal is TypeRange - 1 }
- ;
- { CanFail = CanFail0 },
- { FirstVal = FirstCaseVal },
- { LastVal = LastCaseVal }
- )
- ;
- { CanFail = CanFail0 },
- { FirstVal = FirstCaseVal },
- { LastVal = LastCaseVal }
- ).
- % Calculate the percentage density given the range
- % and the number of cases.
-ml_dense_switch__calc_density(NumCases, Range, Density) :-
- N1 is NumCases * 100,
- Density is N1 // Range.
- % Determine the range of an atomic type.
- % Fail if the type isn't the sort of type that has a range
- % or if the type's range is to big to switch on (e.g. int).
-ml_dense_switch__type_range(char_type, _, CharRange) -->
- % XXX the following code uses the host's character size,
- % not the target's, so it won't work if cross-compiling
- % to a machine with a different character size.
- % Note also that the code above in dense_switch.m and the code
- % in lookup_switch.m assume that char__min_char_value is 0.
- { char__max_char_value(MaxChar) },
- { char__min_char_value(MinChar) },
- { CharRange is MaxChar - MinChar + 1 }.
-ml_dense_switch__type_range(enum_type, Type, TypeRange) -->
- { type_to_type_id(Type, TypeId0, _) ->
- TypeId = TypeId0
- ;
- error("dense_switch__type_range: invalid enum type?")
- },
- =(MLGenInfo),
- { ml_gen_info_get_module_info(MLGenInfo, ModuleInfo) },
- { module_info_types(ModuleInfo, TypeTable) },
- { map__lookup(TypeTable, TypeId, TypeDefn) },
- { hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, TypeBody) },
- { TypeBody = du_type(_, ConsTable, _, _) ->
- map__count(ConsTable, TypeRange)
- ;
- error("dense_switch__type_range: enum type is not d.u. type?")
- }.
-ml_dense_switch__generate(Cases, StartVal, EndVal, Var, CodeModel, CanFail,
- Context, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) -->
- % Evaluate the variable which we are going to be switching on
- ml_gen_var(Var, Lval),
- { Rval = lval(Lval) },
- % If the case values start at some number other than 0,
- % then subtract that number to give us a zero-based index
- { StartVal = 0 ->
- Index = Rval
- ;
- Index = binop(-, Rval, const(int_const(StartVal)))
- },
- % Now generate the jump table and the cases
- ml_gen_new_label(EndLabel),
- ml_dense_switch__generate_cases(Cases, StartVal, EndVal, CodeModel,
- Context, EndLabel, CaseLabels, CasesDecls, CasesCode),
- { Comment = mlds__statement(
- atomic(comment("switch (using dense jump table)")),
- mlds__make_context(Context)) },
- { DoJump = mlds__statement(
- computed_goto(Index, CaseLabels),
- mlds__make_context(Context)) },
- { EndLabelStatement = mlds__statement(label(EndLabel),
- mlds__make_context(Context)) },
- % If the switch is not locally deterministic, we need to
- % check that the value of the variable lies within the
- % appropriate range
- (
- { CanFail = can_fail },
- { Difference is EndVal - StartVal },
- { InRange = binop(<=, unop(std_unop(cast_to_unsigned), Index),
- const(int_const(Difference))) },
- ml_gen_failure(CodeModel, Context, DoFailStatements),
- { DoFailStatements = [] ->
- Else = no
- ;
- Else = yes(ml_gen_block([], DoFailStatements, Context))
- },
- { SwitchBody = ml_gen_block([], [DoJump | CasesCode],
- Context) },
- { DoSwitch = mlds__statement(
- if_then_else(InRange, SwitchBody, Else),
- mlds__make_context(Context)) },
- { MLDS_Statements = [Comment, DoSwitch] ++
- [EndLabelStatement] }
- ;
- { CanFail = cannot_fail },
- { MLDS_Statements = [Comment, DoJump | CasesCode] ++
- [EndLabelStatement] }
- ),
- { MLDS_Decls = CasesDecls }.
-:- pred ml_dense_switch__generate_cases(cases_list::in, int::in, int::in,
- code_model::in, prog_context::in,
- mlds__label::in, list(mlds__label)::out,
- mlds__defns::out, mlds__statements::out,
- ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
-ml_dense_switch__generate_cases(Cases0, NextVal, EndVal, CodeModel, Context,
- EndLabel, CaseLabels, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) -->
- (
- { NextVal > EndVal }
- ->
- { EndComment = mlds__statement(
- atomic(comment("End of dense switch")),
- mlds__make_context(Context)) },
- { CaseLabels = [] },
- { MLDS_Decls = [] },
- { MLDS_Statements = [EndComment] }
- ;
- % generate the next case
- ml_dense_switch__generate_case(Cases0, NextVal,
- CodeModel, Context, EndLabel,
- Cases1, ThisLabel, CaseStatements),
- % generate the rest of the cases.
- ml_dense_switch__generate_cases(Cases1, NextVal + 1, EndVal,
- CodeModel, Context, EndLabel,
- CaseLabels1, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements1),
- % package it all up together
- { CaseLabels = [ThisLabel | CaseLabels1] },
- { MLDS_Statements = list__append(CaseStatements,
- MLDS_Statements1) }
- ).
-:- pred ml_dense_switch__generate_case(cases_list::in, int::in,
- code_model::in, prog_context::in, mlds__label::in,
- cases_list::out, mlds__label::out, mlds__statements::out,
- ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
-ml_dense_switch__generate_case(Cases0, NextVal, CodeModel, Context,
- EndLabel, Cases1, ThisLabel, MLDS_Statements) -->
- ml_gen_new_label(ThisLabel),
- { LabelComment = mlds__statement(
- atomic(comment(Comment)),
- mlds__make_context(Context)) },
- { LabelCode = mlds__statement(
- label(ThisLabel),
- mlds__make_context(Context)) },
- ml_dense_switch__generate_case_body(Cases0, NextVal, CodeModel,
- Context, Cases1, Comment, CaseStatement),
- { JumpComment = mlds__statement(
- atomic(comment("branch to end of dense switch")),
- mlds__make_context(Context)) },
- { JumpCode = mlds__statement(
- goto(EndLabel),
- mlds__make_context(Context)) },
- { MLDS_Statements = [LabelComment, LabelCode, CaseStatement,
- JumpComment, JumpCode] }.
-:- pred ml_dense_switch__generate_case_body(cases_list::in, int::in,
- code_model::in, prog_context::in, cases_list::out,
- string::out, mlds__statement::out,
- ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
-ml_dense_switch__generate_case_body(Cases0, NextVal, CodeModel, Context,
- Cases, Comment, MLDS_Statement) -->
- (
- { Cases0 = [Case | Cases1] },
- { Case = case(_, int_constant(NextVal), _, Goal) }
- ->
- { Comment = "case of dense switch" },
- ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Goal, MLDS_Statement),
- { Cases = Cases1 }
- ;
- % This case didn't occur in the original case list
- % - just generate a `fail' for it.
- { Comment = "compiler-introduced `fail' case of dense switch" },
- ml_gen_failure(CodeModel, Context, FailStatements),
- { MLDS_Statement = ml_gen_block([], FailStatements, Context) },
- { Cases = Cases0 }
- ).
Index: compiler/mlds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -u -d -r1.40 mlds.m
--- compiler/mlds.m 2000/11/14 07:40:51 1.40
+++ compiler/mlds.m 2000/11/17 12:39:58
@@ -705,8 +705,12 @@
+ % The range of possible values which the
+ % value might take (if known)
+ mlds__switch_range,
% The different cases
- list(mlds__switch_case),
+ mlds__switch_cases,
% What to do if none of the cases match
@@ -816,11 +820,18 @@
% Extra info for switches
+ % The range of possible values which the
+ % switch variable might take (if known)
+:- type mlds__switch_range
+ ---> range_unknown
+ ; range(range_min::int, range_max::int).
+ % From range_min to range_max, inclusive.
% Each switch case consists of the conditions to match against,
% and the statement to execute if the match succeeds.
% Unlike C, cases do NOT fall through; if you want to achieve that
% effect, you need to use an explicit goto.
+:- type mlds__switch_cases == list(mlds__switch_case).
:- type mlds__switch_case == pair(mlds__case_match_conds, mlds__statement).
% case_match_conds should be a _non-empty_ list of conditions;
Index: compiler/mlds_to_c.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_c.m,v
retrieving revision 1.66
diff -u -d -r1.66 mlds_to_c.m
--- compiler/mlds_to_c.m 2000/11/13 04:25:55 1.66
+++ compiler/mlds_to_c.m 2000/11/16 09:47:10
@@ -1913,7 +1913,7 @@
-mlds_output_stmt(Indent, FuncInfo, switch(_Type, Val, Cases, Default),
+mlds_output_stmt(Indent, FuncInfo, switch(_Type, Val, _Range, Cases, Default),
Context) -->
mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
io__write_string("switch ("),
Index: compiler/mlds_to_il.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_il.m,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -d -r1.6 mlds_to_il.m
--- compiler/mlds_to_il.m 2000/11/09 07:47:03 1.6
+++ compiler/mlds_to_il.m 2000/11/16 09:48:15
@@ -760,10 +760,11 @@
]) }.
-statement_to_il(statement(switch(_Type, _Val, _Cases, _Default),
+statement_to_il(statement(switch(_Type, _Val, _Range, _Cases, _Default),
_Context), _Instrs) -->
% The IL back-end only supports computed_gotos and if-then-else chains;
- % the MLDS code generator should avoid generating MLDS switches.
+ % the MLDS code generator should either avoid generating MLDS switches,
+ % or should transform them into computed_gotos or if-then-else chains.
{ error("mlds_to_il.m: `switch' not supported") }.
statement_to_il(statement(while(Condition, Body, AtLeastOnce),
Index: compiler/ml_elim_nested.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_elim_nested.m,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -d -r1.16 ml_elim_nested.m
--- compiler/ml_elim_nested.m 2000/11/08 07:23:10 1.16
+++ compiler/ml_elim_nested.m 2000/11/16 09:40:39
@@ -670,11 +670,11 @@
flatten_maybe_statement(MaybeElse0, MaybeElse),
{ Stmt = if_then_else(Cond, Then, MaybeElse) }
- { Stmt0 = switch(Type, Val0, Cases0, Default0) },
+ { Stmt0 = switch(Type, Val0, Range, Cases0, Default0) },
fixup_rval(Val0, Val),
list__map_foldl(flatten_case, Cases0, Cases),
flatten_default(Default0, Default),
- { Stmt = switch(Type, Val, Cases, Default) }
+ { Stmt = switch(Type, Val, Range, Cases, Default) }
{ Stmt0 = label(_) },
{ Stmt = Stmt0 }
@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@
; maybe_statement_contains_defn(MaybeElse, Defn)
- Stmt = switch(_Type, _Val, Cases, Default),
+ Stmt = switch(_Type, _Val, _Range, Cases, Default),
( cases_contains_defn(Cases, Defn)
; default_contains_defn(Default, Defn)
@@ -1339,7 +1339,7 @@
; maybe_statement_contains_var(MaybeElse, Name)
- Stmt = switch(_Type, Val, Cases, Default),
+ Stmt = switch(_Type, Val, _Range, Cases, Default),
( rval_contains_var(Val, Name)
; cases_contains_var(Cases, Name)
; default_contains_var(Default, Name)
Index: compiler/ml_optimize.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_optimize.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.3 ml_optimize.m
--- compiler/ml_optimize.m 2000/11/08 07:23:10 1.3
+++ compiler/ml_optimize.m 2000/11/17 08:00:55
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@
optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, Then),
maybe_apply(optimize_in_statement(OptInfo), MaybeElse))
- Stmt0 = switch(Type, Rval, Cases0, Default0),
- Stmt = switch(Type, Rval,
+ Stmt0 = switch(Type, Rval, Range, Cases0, Default0),
+ Stmt = switch(Type, Rval, Range,
list__map(optimize_in_case(OptInfo), Cases0),
optimize_in_default(OptInfo, Default0))
@@ -168,7 +168,8 @@
optimize_in_case(OptInfo, Conds - Statement0) = Conds - Statement :-
Statement = optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, Statement0).
-:- func optimize_in_default(opt_info, mlds__switch_default) = mlds__switch_default.
+:- func optimize_in_default(opt_info, mlds__switch_default) =
+ mlds__switch_default.
optimize_in_default(_OptInfo, default_is_unreachable) = default_is_unreachable.
optimize_in_default(_OptInfo, default_do_nothing) = default_do_nothing.
@@ -176,6 +177,8 @@
default_case(Statement) :-
Statement = optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, Statement0).
:- func optimize_in_call_stmt(opt_info, mlds__stmt) = mlds__stmt.
optimize_in_call_stmt(OptInfo, Stmt0) = Stmt :-
@@ -310,7 +313,7 @@
Stmt = Stmt0
% Maps T into V, inside a maybe .
:- func maybe_apply(func(T) = V, maybe(T)) = maybe(V).
@@ -318,5 +321,4 @@
maybe_apply(_, no) = no.
maybe_apply(F, yes(T)) = yes(F(T)).
Index: compiler/ml_simplify_switch.m
RCS file: ml_simplify_switch.m
diff -N ml_simplify_switch.m
--- /dev/null Thu Mar 30 14:06:13 2000
+++ ml_simplify_switch.m Sat Nov 18 00:02:08 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2000 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: ml_simplify_switch.m
+% Main author: fjh
+% This module, which is invoked by the various parts of the MLDS code generator
+% that generate switches, converts MLDS switches into computed gotos
+% or if-then-else chains.
+% We should eventually also handle lookup switches and binary search switches
+% here too.
+% The choice of which exactly which simplifications will get
+% performed depends on the target (e.g. whether it understands
+% switches) and the --prefer-switch option.
+:- module ml_simplify_switch.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module mlds, ml_code_util.
+:- pred ml_simplify_switch(mlds__stmt::in, mlds__context::in,
+ mlds__statement::out,
+ ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module ml_switch_gen, builtin_ops, type_util.
+:- import_module globals, options.
+:- import_module bool, int, list, map, require, std_util.
+ml_simplify_switch(Stmt0, MLDS_Context, Statement) -->
+ ml_gen_info_get_globals(Globals),
+ (
+ %
+ % Convert dense int switches into computed gotos,
+ % unless the target prefers switches.
+ %
+ % is this an int switch?
+ { Stmt0 = switch(Type, Rval, Range, Cases, Default) },
+ { is_integral_type(Type) },
+ % does the target want us to convert dense int
+ % switches into computed gotos?
+ { target_supports_computed_goto(Globals) },
+ \+ {
+ target_supports_int_switch(Globals),
+ globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, prefer_switch, yes)
+ },
+ % is the switch big enough?
+ { list__length(Cases, NumCases) },
+ { globals__lookup_int_option(Globals, dense_switch_size,
+ DenseSize) },
+ { NumCases >= DenseSize },
+ % ... and dense enough?
+ { globals__lookup_int_option(Globals, dense_switch_req_density,
+ ReqDensity) },
+ { is_dense_switch(Cases, ReqDensity) }
+ ->
+ { maybe_eliminate_default(Range, Cases, Default, ReqDensity,
+ FirstVal, LastVal, NeedRangeCheck) },
+ generate_dense_switch(Cases, Default,
+ FirstVal, LastVal, NeedRangeCheck,
+ Type, Rval, MLDS_Context,
+ MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements),
+ { Stmt = block(MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) },
+ { Statement = mlds__statement(Stmt, MLDS_Context) }
+ ;
+ %
+ % Convert the remaining (sparse) int switches into if-then-else chains,
+ % unless the target prefers switches.
+ %
+ { Stmt0 = switch(Type, Rval, _Range, Cases, Default) },
+ { is_integral_type(Type) },
+ \+ {
+ target_supports_int_switch(Globals),
+ globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, prefer_switch, yes)
+ }
+ ->
+ { Statement = ml_switch_to_if_else_chain(Cases, Default, Rval,
+ MLDS_Context) }
+ ;
+ { Stmt = Stmt0 },
+ { Statement = mlds__statement(Stmt, MLDS_Context) }
+ ).
+:- pred is_integral_type(mlds__type::in) is semidet.
+is_integral_type(mlds__mercury_type(_, int_type)).
+is_integral_type(mlds__mercury_type(_, char_type)).
+is_integral_type(mlds__mercury_type(_, enum_type)).
+:- pred is_dense_switch(list(mlds__switch_case)::in, int::in) is semidet.
+is_dense_switch(Cases, ReqDensity) :-
+ % Need at least two cases
+ NumCases = list__length(Cases),
+ NumCases > 2,
+ % The switch needs to be dense enough
+ find_first_and_last_case(Cases, FirstCaseVal, LastCaseVal),
+ CasesRange = LastCaseVal - FirstCaseVal + 1,
+ Density = calc_density(NumCases, CasesRange),
+ Density > ReqDensity.
+:- pred maybe_eliminate_default(mlds__switch_range::in,
+ list(mlds__switch_case)::in, mlds__switch_default::in, int::in,
+ int::out, int::out, bool::out) is det.
+maybe_eliminate_default(Range, Cases, Default, ReqDensity,
+ FirstVal, LastVal, NeedRangeCheck) :-
+ % For switches with a default, we normally need to check that
+ % the variable is in range before we index into the jump table.
+ % However, if the range of the type is sufficiently small,
+ % we can make the jump table large enough to hold all
+ % of the values for the type.
+ (
+ Default \= default_is_unreachable,
+ Range = range(Min, Max),
+ TypeRange = Max - Min + 1,
+ NumCases = list__length(Cases),
+ NoDefaultDensity = calc_density(NumCases, TypeRange),
+ NoDefaultDensity > ReqDensity
+ ->
+ NeedRangeCheck = no,
+ FirstVal = Min,
+ LastVal = Max
+ ;
+ ( Default = default_is_unreachable ->
+ NeedRangeCheck = no
+ ;
+ NeedRangeCheck = yes
+ ),
+ find_first_and_last_case(Cases, FirstCaseVal, LastCaseVal),
+ FirstVal = FirstCaseVal,
+ LastVal = LastCaseVal
+ ).
+ % Calculate the percentage density given the range
+ % and the number of cases.
+:- func calc_density(int, int) = int.
+calc_density(NumCases, Range) = Density :-
+ Density is (NumCases * 100) // Range.
+% Find the highest and lowest case values in a list of cases.
+:- pred find_first_and_last_case(list(mlds__switch_case)::in,
+ int::out, int::out) is det.
+find_first_and_last_case(Cases, Min, Max) :-
+ list__foldl2(find_first_and_last_case_2, Cases, 0, Min, 0, Max).
+:- pred find_first_and_last_case_2(mlds__switch_case::in,
+ int::in, int::out, int::in, int::out) is det.
+find_first_and_last_case_2(Case, Min0, Min, Max0, Max) :-
+ Case = CaseConds - _CaseStatement,
+ list__foldl2(find_first_and_last_case_3, CaseConds,
+ Min0, Min, Max0, Max).
+:- pred find_first_and_last_case_3(mlds__case_match_cond::in,
+ int::in, int::out, int::in, int::out) is det.
+find_first_and_last_case_3(match_value(Rval), Min0, Min, Max0, Max) :-
+ (
+ Rval = const(int_const(Val))
+ ->
+ int__min(Min0, Val, Min),
+ int__max(Max0, Val, Max)
+ ;
+ error("find_first_and_last_case_3: non-int case")
+ ).
+find_first_and_last_case_3(match_range(MinRval, MaxRval),
+ Min0, Min, Max0, Max) :-
+ (
+ MinRval = const(int_const(Min1)),
+ MaxRval = const(int_const(Max1))
+ ->
+ int__min(Min0, Min1, Min),
+ int__max(Max0, Max1, Max)
+ ;
+ error("find_first_and_last_case_3: non-int case")
+ ).
+ % Generate code for a switch using a dense jump table.
+:- pred generate_dense_switch(list(mlds__switch_case)::in,
+ mlds__switch_default::in, int::in, int::in, bool::in,
+ mlds__type::in, mlds__rval::in, mlds__context::in,
+ mlds__defns::out, mlds__statements::out,
+ ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
+generate_dense_switch(Cases, Default, FirstVal, LastVal, NeedRangeCheck,
+ _Type, Rval, MLDS_Context, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) -->
+ %
+ % If the case values start at some number other than 0,
+ % then subtract that number to give us a zero-based index
+ %
+ { FirstVal = 0 ->
+ Index = Rval
+ ;
+ Index = binop(-, Rval, const(int_const(FirstVal)))
+ },
+ %
+ % Now generate the jump table
+ %
+ ml_gen_new_label(EndLabel),
+ { map__init(CaseLabelsMap0) },
+ generate_cases(Cases, EndLabel, CaseLabelsMap0,
+ CaseLabelsMap, CasesDecls, CasesCode),
+ ml_gen_new_label(DefaultLabel),
+ { CaseLabels = get_case_labels(FirstVal, LastVal,
+ CaseLabelsMap, DefaultLabel) },
+ { DefaultLabelStatement = mlds__statement(
+ label(DefaultLabel),
+ MLDS_Context) },
+ (
+ { Default = default_is_unreachable },
+ % we still need the label, in case we inserted
+ % references to it into (unreachable) slots in the
+ % jump table
+ { DefaultStatements = [DefaultLabelStatement] }
+ ;
+ { Default = default_do_nothing },
+ { DefaultStatements = [DefaultLabelStatement] }
+ ;
+ { Default = default_case(DefaultCase) },
+ { DefaultStatements = [DefaultLabelStatement, DefaultCase] }
+ ),
+ { StartComment = mlds__statement(
+ atomic(comment("switch (using dense jump table)")),
+ MLDS_Context) },
+ { DoJump = mlds__statement(
+ computed_goto(Index, CaseLabels),
+ MLDS_Context) },
+ { EndLabelStatement = mlds__statement(
+ label(EndLabel),
+ MLDS_Context) },
+ { EndComment = mlds__statement(
+ atomic(comment("End of dense switch")),
+ MLDS_Context) },
+ % We may need to check that the value of the variable lies within the
+ % appropriate range
+ (
+ { NeedRangeCheck = yes }
+ ->
+ { Difference is LastVal - FirstVal },
+ { InRange = binop(<=, unop(std_unop(cast_to_unsigned), Index),
+ const(int_const(Difference))) },
+ { Else = yes(mlds__statement(
+ block([], DefaultStatements),
+ MLDS_Context)) },
+ { SwitchBody = mlds__statement(
+ block([], [DoJump | CasesCode]),
+ MLDS_Context) },
+ { DoSwitch = mlds__statement(
+ if_then_else(InRange, SwitchBody, Else),
+ MLDS_Context) },
+ { MLDS_Statements = [StartComment, DoSwitch] ++
+ [EndLabelStatement, EndComment] }
+ ;
+ { MLDS_Statements = [StartComment, DoJump | CasesCode] ++
+ DefaultStatements ++
+ [EndLabelStatement, EndComment] }
+ ),
+ { MLDS_Decls = CasesDecls }.
+:- pred generate_cases(list(mlds__switch_case)::in, mlds__label::in,
+ case_labels_map::in, case_labels_map::out,
+ mlds__defns::out, mlds__statements::out,
+ ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
+generate_cases([], _EndLabel, CaseLabelsMap, CaseLabelsMap, [], []) --> [].
+generate_cases([Case | Cases], EndLabel, CaseLabelsMap0,
+ CaseLabelsMap, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) -->
+ generate_case(Case, EndLabel, CaseLabelsMap0, CaseLabelsMap1,
+ CaseDecls, CaseStatements),
+ generate_cases(Cases, EndLabel,
+ CaseLabelsMap1, CaseLabelsMap,
+ MLDS_Decls1, MLDS_Statements1),
+ { MLDS_Decls = CaseDecls ++ MLDS_Decls1 },
+ { MLDS_Statements = CaseStatements ++ MLDS_Statements1 }.
+:- pred generate_case(mlds__switch_case::in, mlds__label::in,
+ case_labels_map::in, case_labels_map::out,
+ mlds__defns::out, mlds__statements::out,
+ ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
+% This converts an MLDS switch case into code for a dense switch case,
+% by adding a label at the front and a `goto <EndLabel>' at the end.
+% It also inserts the label for this case into the CaseLabelsMap.
+generate_case(Case, EndLabel, CaseLabelsMap0, CaseLabelsMap,
+ MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) -->
+ { Case = MatchCondition - CaseStatement },
+ ml_gen_new_label(ThisLabel),
+ { insert_cases_into_map(MatchCondition, ThisLabel,
+ CaseLabelsMap0, CaseLabelsMap) },
+ { CaseStatement = mlds__statement(_, MLDS_Context) },
+ { LabelComment = mlds__statement(
+ atomic(comment("case of dense switch")),
+ MLDS_Context) },
+ { LabelCode = mlds__statement(
+ label(ThisLabel),
+ MLDS_Context) },
+ { JumpComment = mlds__statement(
+ atomic(comment("branch to end of dense switch")),
+ MLDS_Context) },
+ { JumpCode = mlds__statement(
+ goto(EndLabel),
+ MLDS_Context) },
+ { MLDS_Decls = [] },
+ { MLDS_Statements = [LabelComment, LabelCode, CaseStatement,
+ JumpComment, JumpCode] }.
+% We build up a map which records which label should be used for
+% each case value.
+:- type case_labels_map == map(int, mlds__label).
+:- pred insert_cases_into_map(mlds__case_match_conds::in, mlds__label::in,
+ case_labels_map::in, case_labels_map::out) is det.
+insert_cases_into_map([], _ThisLabel, CaseLabelsMap, CaseLabelsMap).
+insert_cases_into_map([Cond|Conds], ThisLabel, CaseLabelsMap0, CaseLabelsMap) :-
+ insert_case_into_map(Cond, ThisLabel, CaseLabelsMap0, CaseLabelsMap1),
+ insert_cases_into_map(Conds, ThisLabel, CaseLabelsMap1, CaseLabelsMap).
+:- pred insert_case_into_map(mlds__case_match_cond::in, mlds__label::in,
+ case_labels_map::in, case_labels_map::out) is det.
+insert_case_into_map(match_value(Rval), ThisLabel,
+ CaseLabelsMap0, CaseLabelsMap) :-
+ ( Rval = const(int_const(Val)) ->
+ map__det_insert(CaseLabelsMap0, Val, ThisLabel, CaseLabelsMap)
+ ;
+ error("insert_case_into_map: non-int case")
+ ).
+insert_case_into_map(match_range(MinRval, MaxRval), ThisLabel,
+ CaseLabelsMap0, CaseLabelsMap) :-
+ (
+ MinRval = const(int_const(Min)),
+ MaxRval = const(int_const(Max))
+ ->
+ insert_range_into_map(Min, Max, ThisLabel,
+ CaseLabelsMap0, CaseLabelsMap)
+ ;
+ error("insert_case_into_map: non-int case")
+ ).
+:- pred insert_range_into_map(int::in, int::in, mlds__label::in,
+ case_labels_map::in, case_labels_map::out) is det.
+insert_range_into_map(Min, Max, ThisLabel, CaseLabelsMap0, CaseLabelsMap) :-
+ ( Min > Max ->
+ CaseLabelsMap = CaseLabelsMap0
+ ;
+ map__det_insert(CaseLabelsMap0, Min, ThisLabel,
+ CaseLabelsMap1),
+ insert_range_into_map(Min + 1, Max, ThisLabel,
+ CaseLabelsMap1, CaseLabelsMap)
+ ).
+% Given the starting and ending case values, the mapping from case values
+% to labels, and the default label to use for case values which aren't in
+% the map, this function returns the list of labels to use for the case
+% values.
+:- func get_case_labels(int, int, map(int, mlds__label), mlds__label) =
+ list(mlds__label).
+get_case_labels(ThisVal, LastVal, CaseLabelsMap, DefaultLabel) = CaseLabels :-
+ ( ThisVal > LastVal ->
+ CaseLabels = []
+ ;
+ ( map__search(CaseLabelsMap, ThisVal, CaseLabel0) ->
+ CaseLabel = CaseLabel0
+ ;
+ CaseLabel = DefaultLabel
+ ),
+ CaseLabels1 = get_case_labels(ThisVal + 1, LastVal,
+ CaseLabelsMap, DefaultLabel),
+ CaseLabels = [CaseLabel | CaseLabels1]
+ ).
+ % Convert a switch to a chain of if-then-elses
+ % that test each case in turn.
+ %
+:- func ml_switch_to_if_else_chain(mlds__switch_cases, mlds__switch_default,
+ mlds__rval, mlds__context) = mlds__statement.
+ml_switch_to_if_else_chain([], Default, _Rval, MLDS_Context) =
+ MLDS_Statement :-
+ (
+ Default = default_do_nothing,
+ MLDS_Statement = mlds__statement(block([],[]), MLDS_Context)
+ ;
+ Default = default_is_unreachable,
+ MLDS_Statement = mlds__statement(block([],[]), MLDS_Context)
+ ;
+ Default = default_case(MLDS_Statement)
+ ).
+ml_switch_to_if_else_chain([Case | Cases], Default, SwitchRval, MLDS_Context) =
+ MLDS_Statement :-
+ Case = MatchConditions - CaseStatement,
+ (
+ Cases = [], Default = default_is_unreachable
+ ->
+ MLDS_Statement = CaseStatement
+ ;
+ CaseMatchedRval = ml_gen_case_match_conds(MatchConditions,
+ SwitchRval),
+ RestStatement = ml_switch_to_if_else_chain(Cases, Default,
+ SwitchRval, MLDS_Context),
+ IfStmt = if_then_else(CaseMatchedRval,
+ CaseStatement, yes(RestStatement)),
+ MLDS_Statement = mlds__statement(IfStmt, MLDS_Context)
+ ).
+ % Generate an rval which will be true iff any of the specified
+ % list of case conditions matches the specified rval.
+:- func ml_gen_case_match_conds(mlds__case_match_conds, rval) = rval.
+ml_gen_case_match_conds([], _) = const(false).
+ml_gen_case_match_conds([Cond], SwitchRval) =
+ ml_gen_case_match_cond(Cond, SwitchRval).
+ml_gen_case_match_conds([Cond1, Cond2 | Conds], SwitchRval) =
+ binop(or,
+ ml_gen_case_match_cond(Cond1, SwitchRval),
+ ml_gen_case_match_conds([Cond2 | Conds], SwitchRval)).
+ % Generate an rval which will be true iff the specified
+ % case condition matches the specified rval.
+:- func ml_gen_case_match_cond(mlds__case_match_cond, rval) = rval.
+ml_gen_case_match_cond(match_value(CaseRval), SwitchRval) =
+ % XXX is `eq' the right operator to use here?
+ binop(eq, CaseRval, SwitchRval).
+ml_gen_case_match_cond(match_range(MinRval, MaxRval), SwitchRval) =
+ binop(and, binop(>=, SwitchRval, MinRval),
+ binop(<=, SwitchRval, MaxRval)).
Index: compiler/ml_string_switch.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_string_switch.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.2 ml_string_switch.m
--- compiler/ml_string_switch.m 2000/11/16 08:45:40 1.2
+++ compiler/ml_string_switch.m 2000/11/17 12:48:43
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@
:- implementation.
-:- import_module ml_code_gen, ml_switch_gen, builtin_ops, type_util.
+:- import_module ml_code_gen, ml_switch_gen, ml_simplify_switch.
+:- import_module builtin_ops, type_util.
:- import_module globals, options.
:- import_module bool, int, string, list, map, std_util, assoc_list, require.
@@ -67,7 +68,6 @@
% Generate new labels
- ml_gen_new_label(FailLabel),
{ GotoEndStatement = mlds__statement(
@@ -100,8 +100,7 @@
% Generate the code etc. for the hash table
ml_string_switch__gen_hash_slots(0, TableSize, HashSlotsMap, CodeModel,
- Context, FailLabel, EndLabel, Strings, Labels, NextSlots,
- SlotsStatements, SlotsCases),
+ Context, Strings, NextSlots, SlotsCases),
% Generate the following local constant declarations:
@@ -126,61 +125,35 @@
ml_qualify_var(StringTableName, StringTableLval),
- % Generate code which does the hash table lookup
- % Note that we generate both the switch version and the
- % computed goto version, and then use whichever one is
- % appropriate for the target.
+ % Generate code which does the hash table lookup.
- ml_gen_info_get_globals(Globals),
- { globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, prefer_switch, PreferSwitch) },
- (
- { target_supports_computed_goto(Globals) },
- \+ {
- PreferSwitch = yes,
- target_supports_int_switch(Globals)
- }
- ->
- { UseComputedGoto = yes },
- {
- FoundMatch = mlds__statement(
- block([], [
- mlds__statement(atomic(comment(
- "we found a match")),
- MLDS_Context),
- mlds__statement(atomic(comment(
- "jump to the corresponding code")),
- MLDS_Context),
- mlds__statement(
- computed_goto(lval(SlotVarLval),
- Labels),
- MLDS_Context)
- ]),
- MLDS_Context)
- }
- ;
- { UseComputedGoto = no },
- {
- FoundMatch = mlds__statement(
- block([], [
- mlds__statement(atomic(comment(
- "we found a match")),
- MLDS_Context),
- mlds__statement(atomic(comment(
- "dispatch to the corresponding code")),
- MLDS_Context),
- mlds__statement(
- switch(mlds__native_int_type,
- lval(SlotVarLval),
- SlotsCases,
- default_is_unreachable),
- MLDS_Context),
- GotoEndStatement
- ]),
- MLDS_Context)
- }
- ),
+ { SwitchStmt0 = switch(mlds__native_int_type, lval(SlotVarLval),
+ range(0, TableSize - 1),
+ SlotsCases, default_is_unreachable) },
+ ml_simplify_switch(SwitchStmt0, MLDS_Context, SwitchStatement),
+ FoundMatchCond =
+ binop(and,
+ binop(ne,
+ lval(StringVarLval),
+ const(null(ml_string_type))),
+ binop(str_eq,
+ lval(StringVarLval),
+ VarRval)
+ ),
+ FoundMatchCode = mlds__statement(
+ block([], [
+ mlds__statement(atomic(comment(
+ "we found a match")),
+ MLDS_Context),
+ mlds__statement(atomic(comment(
+ "dispatch to the corresponding code")),
+ MLDS_Context),
+ SwitchStatement,
+ GotoEndStatement
+ ]),
+ MLDS_Context),
LoopBody = ml_gen_block([], [
"lookup the string for this hash slot")),
@@ -195,19 +168,8 @@
"did we find a match?")),
- if_then_else(
- binop(and,
- binop(ne,
- lval(StringVarLval),
- const(null(
- ml_string_type))),
- binop(str_eq,
- lval(StringVarLval),
- VarRval)
- ),
- FoundMatch,
- no
- ),
+ if_then_else(FoundMatchCond, FoundMatchCode,
+ no),
"no match yet, so get next slot in hash chain")),
@@ -242,10 +204,6 @@
yes), % this is a do...while loop
- FailLabelStatement =
- mlds__statement(
- label(FailLabel),
- MLDS_Context),
FailComment =
atomic(comment("no match, so fail")),
@@ -266,69 +224,43 @@
{ MLDS_Decls = [NextSlotsDefn, StringTableDefn,
SlotVarDefn, StringVarDefn] },
- { UseComputedGoto = yes ->
- MLDS_Statements =
- HashLookupStatements ++
- [FailLabelStatement, FailComment | FailStatements] ++
- [GotoEndStatement] ++
- SlotsStatements ++
- [EndLabelStatement, EndComment]
- ;
- MLDS_Statements = HashLookupStatements ++
+ { MLDS_Statements = HashLookupStatements ++
[FailComment | FailStatements] ++
- [EndLabelStatement, EndComment]
- }.
+ [EndLabelStatement, EndComment] }.
:- pred ml_string_switch__gen_hash_slots(int::in, int::in,
map(int, hash_slot)::in, code_model::in, prog_context::in,
- mlds__label::in, mlds__label::in,
- list(mlds__initializer)::out, list(mlds__label)::out,
- list(mlds__initializer)::out, mlds__statements::out,
+ list(mlds__initializer)::out, list(mlds__initializer)::out,
ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
ml_string_switch__gen_hash_slots(Slot, TableSize, HashSlotMap, CodeModel,
- Context, FailLabel, EndLabel, Strings, Labels, NextSlots,
- MLDS_Statements, MLDS_Cases) -->
- { MLDS_Context = mlds__make_context(Context) },
+ Context, Strings, NextSlots, MLDS_Cases) -->
( { Slot = TableSize } ->
- {
- Strings = [],
- Labels = [],
- NextSlots = [],
- MLDS_Statements = [],
- MLDS_Cases = []
- }
+ { Strings = [] },
+ { NextSlots = [] },
+ { MLDS_Cases = [] }
+ { MLDS_Context = mlds__make_context(Context) },
ml_string_switch__gen_hash_slot(Slot, HashSlotMap,
- CodeModel, MLDS_Context, FailLabel, EndLabel,
- String, Label, NextSlot, SlotStatements, SlotCases),
- { Slot1 is Slot + 1 },
- {
- Strings = [String | Strings0],
- Labels = [Label | Labels0],
- NextSlots = [NextSlot | NextSlots0],
- MLDS_Statements = SlotStatements ++ MLDS_Statements0,
- MLDS_Cases = SlotCases ++ MLDS_Cases0
- },
- ml_string_switch__gen_hash_slots(Slot1, TableSize, HashSlotMap,
- CodeModel, Context, FailLabel, EndLabel,
- Strings0, Labels0, NextSlots0, MLDS_Statements0,
- MLDS_Cases0)
+ CodeModel, MLDS_Context, String, NextSlot, SlotCases),
+ ml_string_switch__gen_hash_slots(Slot + 1, TableSize,
+ HashSlotMap, CodeModel, Context,
+ Strings0, NextSlots0, MLDS_Cases0),
+ { Strings = [String | Strings0] },
+ { NextSlots = [NextSlot | NextSlots0] },
+ { MLDS_Cases = SlotCases ++ MLDS_Cases0 }
:- pred ml_string_switch__gen_hash_slot(int::in, map(int, hash_slot)::in,
- code_model::in, mlds__context::in, mlds__label::in,
- mlds__label::in, mlds__initializer::out,
- mlds__label::out, mlds__initializer::out,
- mlds__statements::out, list(mlds__switch_case)::out,
+ code_model::in, mlds__context::in, mlds__initializer::out,
+ mlds__initializer::out, list(mlds__switch_case)::out,
ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
ml_string_switch__gen_hash_slot(Slot, HashSlotMap, CodeModel, MLDS_Context,
- FailLabel, EndLabel, init_obj(StringRval), Label,
- init_obj(NextSlotRval), MLDS_Statements, MLDS_Cases) -->
+ init_obj(StringRval), init_obj(NextSlotRval), MLDS_Cases) -->
{ map__search(HashSlotMap, Slot, hash_slot(Case, Next)) }
@@ -340,31 +272,21 @@
error("ml_string_switch__gen_hash_slots: string expected")
{ StringRval = const(string_const(String)) },
- ml_gen_new_label(Label),
+ ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Goal, GoalStatement),
{ string__append_list(["case """, String, """"],
CommentString) },
- { LabelComment = mlds__statement(
+ { Comment = mlds__statement(
MLDS_Context) },
- { LabelStatement = mlds__statement(
- label(Label),
- MLDS_Context) },
- ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Goal, GoalStatement),
- { JumpComment = mlds__statement(
- atomic(comment("jump to end of switch")),
- MLDS_Context) },
- { JumpStatement = mlds__statement(
- goto(EndLabel),
+ { CaseStatement = mlds__statement(
+ block([], [Comment, GoalStatement]),
MLDS_Context) },
- { MLDS_Statements = [LabelComment, LabelStatement,
- GoalStatement, JumpComment, JumpStatement] },
{ MLDS_Cases = [[match_value(const(int_const(Slot)))] -
- GoalStatement] }
+ CaseStatement] }
{ StringRval = const(null(ml_string_type)) },
- { Label = FailLabel },
{ NextSlotRval = const(int_const(-2)) },
- { MLDS_Statements = [] },
{ MLDS_Cases = [] }
Index: compiler/ml_switch_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_switch_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.4 ml_switch_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_switch_gen.m 2000/11/16 08:45:41 1.4
+++ compiler/ml_switch_gen.m 2000/11/17 13:19:24
@@ -94,10 +94,8 @@
:- implementation.
-% These ones are not yet implemented yet:
-% :- import_module ml_lookup_switch.
-:- import_module ml_tag_switch, ml_dense_switch, ml_string_switch.
-:- import_module ml_code_gen, ml_unify_gen, ml_code_util.
+:- import_module ml_tag_switch, ml_string_switch.
+:- import_module ml_code_gen, ml_unify_gen, ml_code_util, ml_simplify_switch.
:- import_module switch_util, type_util.
:- import_module options.
@@ -129,6 +127,8 @@
XXX Lookup switches are NYI
+When we do get around to implementing them,
+they should probably be handled in ml_simplify_switch rather than here.
{ Indexing = yes },
{ SwitchCategory = atomic_switch },
% Note that if/when the MLDS back-end supports execution
@@ -152,29 +152,6 @@
- % Try using a "dense" (computed goto) switch
- %
- { Indexing = yes },
- { SwitchCategory = atomic_switch },
- { target_supports_computed_goto(Globals) },
- \+ {
- target_supports_int_switch(Globals),
- globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, prefer_switch, yes)
- },
- { list__length(TaggedCases, NumCases) },
- { globals__lookup_int_option(Globals, dense_switch_size,
- DenseSize) },
- { NumCases >= DenseSize },
- { globals__lookup_int_option(Globals, dense_switch_req_density,
- ReqDensity) },
- ml_dense_switch__is_dense_switch(CaseVar, TaggedCases, CanFail,
- ReqDensity, FirstVal, LastVal, CanFail1)
- ->
- ml_dense_switch__generate(TaggedCases, FirstVal, LastVal,
- CaseVar, CodeModel, CanFail1, Context,
- MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements)
- ;
- %
% Try using a string hash switch
{ Indexing = yes },
@@ -190,7 +167,8 @@
{ target_supports_int_switch(Globals) }
- % XXX Currently string hash switches always use gotos.
+ % XXX Currently string hash switches always use gotos
+ % (to break out of the hash chain loop).
% We should change that, so that we can use string hash
% switches for the Java back-end too.
{ target_supports_goto(Globals) },
@@ -219,10 +197,19 @@
CanFail, Context, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements)
- % Try using a "direct-mapped" switch
+ % Try using a "direct-mapped" switch.
+ % This also handles dense (computed goto) switches --
+ % for those, we first generate a direct-mapped switch,
+ % and then convert it into a computed goto switch
+ % in ml_simplify_switch.
{ Indexing = yes },
- { target_supports_switch(SwitchCategory, Globals) }
+ (
+ { target_supports_switch(SwitchCategory, Globals) }
+ ;
+ { SwitchCategory = atomic_switch },
+ { target_supports_computed_goto(Globals) }
+ )
ml_switch_generate_mlds_switch(TaggedCases, CaseVar,
CodeModel, CanFail, Context,
@@ -384,13 +371,31 @@
ml_gen_type(Type, MLDS_Type),
ml_gen_var(Var, Lval),
{ Rval = mlds__lval(Lval) },
+ ml_switch_gen_range(MLDS_Type, Range),
ml_switch_generate_mlds_cases(Cases, CodeModel, MLDS_Cases),
ml_switch_generate_default(CanFail, CodeModel, Context, Default),
- { SwitchStmt = switch(MLDS_Type, Rval, MLDS_Cases, Default) },
- { SwitchStatement = mlds__statement(SwitchStmt,
- mlds__make_context(Context)) },
+ { SwitchStmt0 = switch(MLDS_Type, Rval, Range, MLDS_Cases, Default) },
+ { MLDS_Context = mlds__make_context(Context) },
+ ml_simplify_switch(SwitchStmt0, MLDS_Context, SwitchStatement),
{ MLDS_Decls = [] },
{ MLDS_Statements = [SwitchStatement] }.
+:- pred ml_switch_gen_range(mlds__type, mlds__switch_range,
+ ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_switch_gen_range(in, out, in, out) is det.
+ml_switch_gen_range(MLDS_Type, Range) -->
+ =(MLGenInfo),
+ {
+ MLDS_Type = mercury_type(Type, TypeCategory),
+ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(MLGenInfo, ModuleInfo),
+ switch_util__type_range(TypeCategory, Type, ModuleInfo,
+ MinRange, MaxRange)
+ ->
+ Range = range(MinRange, MaxRange)
+ ;
+ Range = range_unknown
+ }.
:- pred ml_switch_generate_mlds_cases(list(extended_case),
code_model, list(mlds__switch_case), ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
Index: compiler/ml_tag_switch.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_tag_switch.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.2 ml_tag_switch.m
--- compiler/ml_tag_switch.m 2000/11/16 08:45:41 1.2
+++ compiler/ml_tag_switch.m 2000/11/17 12:47:48
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
:- implementation.
:- import_module hlds_goal, hlds_module.
-:- import_module ml_code_gen, ml_switch_gen, ml_unify_gen.
+:- import_module ml_code_gen, ml_switch_gen, ml_unify_gen, ml_simplify_switch.
:- import_module builtin_ops, type_util.
:- import_module assoc_list, map, int, string, require, std_util.
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
{ ml_gen_info_get_module_info(Info, ModuleInfo) },
ml_variable_type(Var, Type),
{ switch_util__get_ptag_counts(Type, ModuleInfo,
- _MaxPrimary, PtagCountMap) },
+ MaxPrimary, PtagCountMap) },
{ map__to_assoc_list(PtagCountMap, PtagCountList) },
{ map__init(PtagCaseMap0) },
{ switch_util__group_cases_by_ptag(Cases, PtagCaseMap0,
@@ -72,10 +72,11 @@
% package up the results into a switch statement
- { SwitchStmt = switch(mlds__native_int_type, PTagRval, MLDS_Cases,
- Default) },
- { SwitchStatement = mlds__statement(SwitchStmt,
- mlds__make_context(Context)) },
+ { Range = range(0, MaxPrimary) },
+ { SwitchStmt0 = switch(mlds__native_int_type, PTagRval, Range,
+ MLDS_Cases, Default) },
+ { MLDS_Context = mlds__make_context(Context) },
+ ml_simplify_switch(SwitchStmt0, MLDS_Context, SwitchStatement),
{ MLDS_Decls = [] },
{ MLDS_Statements = [SwitchStatement] }.
@@ -180,11 +181,11 @@
% package up the results into a switch statement
- { SwitchStmt = switch(mlds__native_int_type, STagRval, MLDS_Cases,
- Default) },
- { SwitchStatement = mlds__statement(SwitchStmt,
- mlds__make_context(Context)) },
- { MLDS_Statement = SwitchStatement }.
+ { Range = range_unknown }, % XXX could do better
+ { SwitchStmt = switch(mlds__native_int_type, STagRval, Range,
+ MLDS_Cases, Default) },
+ { MLDS_Context = mlds__make_context(Context) },
+ ml_simplify_switch(SwitchStmt, MLDS_Context, MLDS_Statement).
:- pred ml_tag_switch__gen_stag_cases(stag_goal_list, code_model,
list(mlds__switch_case), ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
Index: compiler/ml_tailcall.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_tailcall.m,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.4 ml_tailcall.m
--- compiler/ml_tailcall.m 2000/11/08 07:23:11 1.4
+++ compiler/ml_tailcall.m 2000/11/16 09:46:16
@@ -234,10 +234,10 @@
% are in a tail position iff the switch is in a
% tail position.
- Stmt0 = switch(Type, Val, Cases0, Default0),
+ Stmt0 = switch(Type, Val, Range, Cases0, Default0),
Cases = mark_tailcalls_in_cases(Cases0, AtTail, Locals),
Default = mark_tailcalls_in_default(Default0, AtTail, Locals),
- Stmt = switch(Type, Val, Cases, Default)
+ Stmt = switch(Type, Val, Range, Cases, Default)
Stmt0 = label(_),
Stmt = Stmt0
Index: compiler/ml_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.2 ml_util.m
--- compiler/ml_util.m 2000/11/08 07:23:11 1.2
+++ compiler/ml_util.m 2000/11/16 09:46:26
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
; maybe_statement_contains_statement(MaybeElse, SubStatement)
- Stmt = switch(_Type, _Val, Cases, Default),
+ Stmt = switch(_Type, _Val, _Range, Cases, Default),
( cases_contains_statement(Cases, SubStatement)
; default_contains_statement(Default, SubStatement)
Index: compiler/switch_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/switch_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -d -r1.1 switch_util.m
--- compiler/switch_util.m 2000/11/16 08:45:42 1.1
+++ compiler/switch_util.m 2000/11/16 10:26:06
@@ -44,6 +44,14 @@
:- pred switch_util__switch_priority(cons_tag, int).
:- mode switch_util__switch_priority(in, out) is det.
+ % switch_util__type_range(TypeCategory, Type, ModuleInfo, Min, Max):
+ % Determine the range [Min..Max] of an atomic type.
+ % Fail if the type isn't the sort of type that has a range
+ % or if the type's range is too big to switch on (e.g. int).
+ %
+:- pred switch_util__type_range(builtin_type, type, module_info, int, int).
+:- mode switch_util__type_range(in, in, in, out, out) is semidet.
% Stuff for string hash switches
@@ -134,7 +142,7 @@
:- implementation.
-:- import_module int, string, require.
+:- import_module char, int, string, require.
@@ -250,6 +258,7 @@
% Stuff for categorizing switches
+ % Convert a type category to a switch category
switch_util__type_cat_to_switch_cat(enum_type, atomic_switch).
switch_util__type_cat_to_switch_cat(int_type, atomic_switch).
switch_util__type_cat_to_switch_cat(char_type, atomic_switch).
@@ -278,6 +287,34 @@
switch_util__switch_priority(type_ctor_info_constant(_, _, _), 6).
switch_util__switch_priority(base_typeclass_info_constant(_, _, _), 6).
switch_util__switch_priority(tabling_pointer_constant(_, _), 6).
+ % Determine the range of an atomic type.
+ % Fail if the type isn't the sort of type that has a range
+ % or if the type's range is to big to switch on (e.g. int).
+ %
+switch_util__type_range(char_type, _, _, MinChar, MaxChar) :-
+ % XXX the following code uses the host's character size,
+ % not the target's, so it won't work if cross-compiling
+ % to a machine with a different character size.
+ % Note also that the code in dense_switch.m and the code
+ % in lookup_switch.m assume that char__min_char_value is 0.
+ char__min_char_value(MinChar),
+ char__max_char_value(MaxChar).
+switch_util__type_range(enum_type, Type, ModuleInfo, 0, MaxEnum) :-
+ ( type_to_type_id(Type, TypeId0, _) ->
+ TypeId = TypeId0
+ ;
+ error("dense_switch__type_range: invalid enum type?")
+ ),
+ module_info_types(ModuleInfo, TypeTable),
+ map__lookup(TypeTable, TypeId, TypeDefn),
+ hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, TypeBody),
+ ( TypeBody = du_type(_, ConsTable, _, _) ->
+ map__count(ConsTable, TypeRange),
+ MaxEnum = TypeRange - 1
+ ;
+ error("dense_switch__type_range: enum type is not d.u. type?")
+ ).
Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au> | "I have always known that the pursuit
| of excellence is a lethal habit"
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh> | -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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