[m-dev.] trivial diff: remove `trax'

Fergus Henderson fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Nov 1 22:00:32 AEDT 2000

Ralph seems to have accidentally committed `trax/board.m'
into the Mercury cvs repository.


	Remove this file, since it doesn't belong here.

	Ensure that the empty `trax' directory doesn't get included
	in the source distribution.

Workspace: /home/pgrad/fjh/ws/hg
Index: Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.59
diff -u -d -r1.59 Mmakefile
--- Mmakefile	2000/09/25 05:58:39	1.59
+++ Mmakefile	2000/11/01 10:55:14
@@ -237,6 +237,7 @@
 		mv $$ROOTNAME/trial	stuff-to-exclude;		\
 		mv $$ROOTNAME/bytecode	stuff-to-exclude;		\
 		mv $$ROOTNAME/lp_solve	stuff-to-exclude;		\
+		mv $$ROOTNAME/trax	stuff-to-exclude;		\
 		mv $$ROOTNAME/extras/opium_m	stuff-to-exclude;	\
 		mv $$ROOTNAME/extras/aditi stuff-to-exclude;		\
 		mv $$ROOTNAME/extras	mercury-extras-$(VERSION);	\
Index: trax/board.m
RCS file: board.m
diff -N board.m
--- /tmp/cvsaZaKq0	Wed Nov  1 21:59:44 2000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Mar 30 14:06:13 2000
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-% board.m
-% Ralph Becket <rbeck at microsoft.com>
-% Wed Aug 23 11:15:37  2000
-% vim: ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0 ff=unix
-% Implementation of the Trax board.
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-:- module board.
-:- interface.
-:- import_module int, list, array, std_util, bool, string.
-:- type board.                          % The board representation.
-:- mode board_ui :: array_ui.
-:- mode board_di :: array_di.
-:- mode board_uo :: array_uo.
-:- type undos.                          % The list of changes to be made (in
-                                        % order) to return a board to its
-                                        % previous state after a move.)
-:- type tile.                           % Tile representation.
-:- type move_result
-    --->    ok                          % The move was legal.
-    ;       illegal(string)             % Explanation for an illegal move.
-    ;       win(colour).                % Somebody won!
-:- type colour
-    --->    black
-    ;       white.
-:- func board_size = int.               % Number of squares along each side.
-:- func black_ns = tile.                % Tiles are described using the
-:- func black_ne = tile.                % black connecting edges.
-:- func black_nw = tile.
-:- func black_se = tile.
-:- func black_sw = tile.
-:- func black_ew = tile.
-:- pred try_move(
-            tile,                       % Tile to place.
-            int, int,                   % X, Y coords for tile.
-            move_result,                % The outcome of the move.
-            undos,                      % How to undo changes to the board.
-            board, board                % Before and after states of the board.
-        ).
-:- mode try_move(in, in, in, out, out, board_di, board_uo) is det.
-:- pred undo_move(undos, board, board).
-:- mode undo_move(in, board_di, board_uo) is det.
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-:- implementation.
-:- import_module .
-    %
-    % All games start in the centre of the board.
-    %
-    % The board is square and of fixed size.
-    %
-    % We assume that the board is so large that no game ever extends
-    % to placing a tile in the outer edge (in fact, we make such moves
-    % illegal - note that the game can always be recentred on the board
-    % to maximise spreading potential).
-    %
-    % Therefore loc 0 (or, indeed, any of the corner squares) cannot
-    % abut anything.  We use 0 as a sentinel value in various places.
-    %
-    % A stable board is a legal board position in which there are no
-    % forced moves to be played.
-    %
-    % A legal board position requires that
-    % (1) the set of tiles on the board forms a single orthogonally
-    % connected set and
-    % (2) every pair of abutting tiles connects black to black or
-    % white to white.
-    %
-    % New pieces may only be placed such that
-    % (1) they are placed in a void cell that
-    % (2) abuts at least one tile.
-    %
-    % A forced move may arise after a piece has been played and
-    % occurs when a void is created that abuts two tiles with
-    % incoming connections of the same colour.
-    %
-    % Each cell on a stable board, therefore, is either empty
-    % (abutting only other empty or void cells), a void (abutting
-    % one or two tiles; abutting three tiles would necessitate a
-    % forced move) or a tile.
-    %
-    % An empty cell holds the value 0.
-    %
-    % A cell with a tile holds -T where T identifies one of the
-    % six possible tiles.
-    %
-    % Voids have an interesting representation.  A void is a pair
-    % of connection records [connection A][connection B] where a
-    % connection record is [connected loc][via direction].
-    %
-    % (A connection denotes the void end-points at either end of
-    % a connected line.  The game is won by either forming a closed
-    % loop or a line that spans the entire width of the board -
-    % left-to-right or top-to-bottom where the span is 8 or more
-    % squares in length.)
-    %
-    % Since we use one bit each of a nybble to indicate n, s, e,
-    % or w, the [via direction] field cannot be zero except when
-    % one of the connection records is empty, in which case the
-    % bit pattern for the connection record is all zeros.
-    %
-    % Since we assume 32 bit ints, we have the following constraints:
-    %
-    % * The MSB is reserved to distinguish tiles from voids and
-    %   empty cells (by indicating negation).
-    %
-    % * A direction field occupies 4 bits.
-    %
-    % * Therefore we have 32 - 1 - 8 = 23 bits left to share out
-    %   between two possible connection locs => a connection loc
-    %   can occupy no more than 11 bits.
-    %
-    % * However, since the board is square, we have to have an
-    %   even number of bits for a loc => a connection loc can
-    %   occupy no more than 10 bits (max. loc = (board size)^2).
-    %
-    % * Therefore the board size (the number of squares along each
-    %   edge) can occupy no more than 5 bits.
-    %
-    % * Therefore the largest board size that can be accommodated
-    %   on a system with 32 bits words is 32 x 32.  This should be
-    %   more than adequate!
-    %
-    % So, a tile is represented by four bits of which exactly two
-    % are set, denoting the connections for black; a tile cell is
-    % negated to differentiate it from a non-tile cell.
-    %
-    % An empty cell contains 0, 1, or 2 connection records, where
-    % a connection record is [loc][dir].
-:- func bits_per_side = int.
-:- func bits_per_loc = int.
-:- func bits_per_dir = int.             % Exactly one bit set.
-:- func bits_per_dirpair = int.         % Exactly two bits set.
-:- func bits_per_tile = int.
-:- func bits_per_conn_record = int.
-    % Used to mask out various objects.
-:- func loc_mask = int.
-:- func dir_mask = int.
-:- func dirpair_mask = int.
-:- func tile_mask = int.
-:- type board                           % The board is represented as a linear
-    ==      array(cell).                % array of cells indexed by loc.
-:- type undos                           % The list of changes to be made (in
-    ==      list(pair(loc, cell)).      % order) to return a board to its
-                                        % previous state after a move.)
-:- type loc                             % The cell at (x, y) has loc
-    ==      int.                        % x + (size * y).
-:- type cell                            % A cell is either a tile or a void.
-    ==      int.                        % If it's a tile, the value is negated.
-:- type tile                            % A tile describes a playing piece.
-    ==      dirpair.
-:- type void                            % A void is either empty or abuts
-    ==      int.                        % one or two tiles on a stable board.
-:- type dir                             % The cardinal directions.
-    ==      int.
-:- type dirpair                         % The possible pairwise connections.
-    ==      int.
-    % Turn a coordinate pair into a loc and vice versa.
-:- func loc(int, int) = loc.
-:- func coords(loc) = pair(int).
-:- func n = dir.
-:- func s = dir.
-:- func e = dir.
-:- func w = dir.
-    % Calculate the loc-delta for a given direction.
-:- func delta(dir) = int.
-:- func ns = dirpair.
-:- func ne = dirpair.
-:- func nw = dirpair.
-:- func se = dirpair.
-:- func sw = dirpair.
-:- func ew = dirpair.
-:- func flip_dirpair(dirpair) = dirpair.
-:- pred dirpair_connects_to_dir(dirpair, dir).
-:- mode dirpair_connects_to_dir(in, in) is semidet.
-    % Turn a `black' tile representation into a `white' one and vice versa.
-:- func flip_tile_colour(dirpair) = dirpair.
-    % Return the dirpair connected by a tile (the black edges if black, etc.)
-:- func dirpair(tile) = dirpair.
-:- pred tile_connects_to_dir(dirpair, dir).
-:- mode tile_connects_to_dir(in, in) is semidet.
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-board_size = 1 << bits_per_loc.
-bits_per_side = 5.
-bits_per_loc = 2 * bits_per_side.
-bits_per_dir = 4.
-bits_per_dirpair = 4.
-bits_per_tile = 4.
-bits_per_conn_record = bits_per_loc + bits_per_dir.
-loc_mask = (1 << bits_per_loc) - 1.
-dir_mask = (1 << bits_per_dir) - 1.
-dirpair_mask = (1 << bits_per_dirpair) - 1.
-tile_mask = (1 << bits_per_tile) - 1.
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-    % One low-order bit per direction sitting in a nybble.
-n = 2'1000.
-s = 2'0100.
-e = 2'0010.
-w = 2'0001.
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-delta(D) =
-    (      if D = n then Delta = -board_size
-    ; else if D = s then Delta =  board_size
-    ; else if D = e then Delta =  1
-    ; else if D = w then Delta = -1
-    ; else               throw("board: delta/1: argument is not a dir")
-    ).
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-ns = n \/ s.
-ne = n \/ e.
-nw = n \/ w.
-se = s \/ e.
-sw = s \/ w.
-ew = e \/ w.
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-flip_dirpair(DP) = DP `xor` nybble_mask.
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-dirpair_connects_to_dir(DP, D) :-
-    DP /\ D \= 0.
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-    % Tiles and dirpairs are identical.  It's just nice to have
-    % different names for them.
-black_ns = ns.
-black_ne = ne.
-black_nw = nw.
-black_se = se.
-black_sw = sw.
-black_ew = ew.
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-flip_tile_colour(Tile) = flip_dirpair(Tile).
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-dirpair(Tile) = DP :-
-    DP = Tile.                          % They are, indeed, one and the same.
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-tile_connects_to_dir(Tile, D) :-
-    dirpair_connects_to_dir(Tile, D).
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-loc(X, Y) = X + (board_size * Y).
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-coords(Loc) = X - Y :-
-    X = Loc `rem` board_size,
-    Y = Loc // board_size.
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-try_move(Tile, X, Y, Result, Undos, Board0, Board) :-
-    ( if
-        ((X =< 0) ; (board_size - 1 < X) ; (Y =< 0) ; (board_size - 1 < Y))
-      then
-        Result = illegal("move not 
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %

Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
                                    |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>  |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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