[m-dev.] For review: pprint performance bug fix and misc. cha nges
Mark Anthony BROWN
dougl at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed May 24 02:59:29 AEST 2000
Aside from the comments below, this diff looks fine to me.
Ralph Becket writes:
> The diff I posted wasn't quite correct (I'd forgotten to do an update
> first). Here's the correct diff. The only real difference is that
> I've taken out Mark's try_flatten/4 predicate and reinserted flatten/1.
> The other changes remain the same.
> Index: pprint.m
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/pprint.m,v
> retrieving revision 1.3
> diff -u -u -r1.3 pprint.m
> --- pprint.m 2000/05/23 07:43:38 1.3
> +++ pprint.m 2000/05/23 12:09:55
> @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
> % unless that is unavoidable; and
> % 3. the pretty printer is bounded in that it never needs to
> % look more than k characters ahead to make a formatting
> -% decision (although see the XXX comment below).
> +% decision (although see the XXX comments below).
> %
Hmm. Point 3 now holds for this pretty printer, right? So is there
still a need for the reference to the XXX comments here?
> % I have made three small changes:
> %
> @@ -52,6 +52,11 @@
> % errors and warnings that should be prefixed with the
> % offending source file and line number.
> %
> +% Performance problems due to the current lack of support
> +% for laziness in Mercury has meant that the formatting
> +% decision procedure has had to be recoded to preserve
> +% linear runtime behaviour in an eager language.
> +%
> % I have also added several obvious general purpose
> % formatting functions.
> %
> @@ -212,7 +217,13 @@
> :- func braces(doc) = doc.
> % separated(PP, Sep, [X1,...,Xn]) =
> - % PP(X1) `<>` Sep `<>` ... Sep `<>` PP(Xn)
> + % PP(X1) `<>` (Sep `<>` ... (Sep `<>` PP(Xn)) ... )
> + %
> + % Note that if you want to pack as many things on one
> + % line as possible with some sort of separator, the
> + % following example illustrates a suitable idiom:
> + %
> + % separated(PP, group(comma_space_line), Xs)
> %
> :- func separated(func(T) = doc, doc, list(T)) = doc.
> @@ -346,6 +357,11 @@
> %---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---%
> + % XXX The last clause in this predicate has been recoded to use
> + % flattening_works/3, an eager decision procedure, to avoid
> + % unacceptable performance on large terms. A spot of laziness
> + % would do away with the need for the `fits_XXX' etc. predicates.
> +
> :- func be(int, int, list(pair(string, doc))) = simple_doc.
> be(_, _, []) = nil.
> @@ -356,52 +372,86 @@
> be(W, K, [_ - 'TEXT'(S) | Z]) = S `text` be(W, (K + string__length(S)),
> Z).
> be(W, _, [I - 'LINE' | Z]) = I `line` be(W, string__length(I), Z).
> be(W, K, [I - 'GROUP'(X) | Z]) =
> - ( if
> - try_flatten(X, FlatX, W - K, _),
> - Flattened = be(W, K, [I - FlatX | Z]),
> - fits(W - K, Flattened)
> - then
> - Flattened
> + ( if flattening_works(X, Z, W - K) then
> + be(W, K, [I - flatten(X) | Z])
> else
> be(W, K, [I - X | Z])
> ).
> -%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----%
> +%
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> %
> -:- func extend(string, int) = string.
> + % Decide whether flattening a given doc will allow it and
> + % up to the next possible 'LINE' in the following docs to
> + % fit on the remainder of the line.
> + %
> + % XXX This solution is necessary to avoid crippling performance
> + % problems on large terms. A spot of laziness would do away
> + % with the need for the next three predicates.
> + %
> +:- pred flattening_works(doc, list(pair(string, doc)), int).
> +:- mode flattening_works(in, in, in) is semidet.
> -extend(I, J) = string__append(I, string__duplicate_char(' ', J)).
> +flattening_works(DocToFlatten, FollowingDocs, RemainingWidth) :-
> + fits_flattened([DocToFlatten], RemainingWidth, RemainingWidth0),
> + fits_on_rest(FollowingDocs, RemainingWidth0).
> +
> +%
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> %
> +
> + % Decide if a flattened list of docs will fit on the remainder
> + % of the line. Computes the space left over if so.
> + %
> +:- pred fits_flattened(list(doc), int, int).
> +:- mode fits_flattened(in, in, out) is semidet.
> +
> +fits_flattened([] ) --> [].
> +fits_flattened(['NIL' | Z]) --> fits_flattened(Z).
> +fits_flattened(['SEQ'(X, Y) | Z]) --> fits_flattened([X, Y | Z]).
> +fits_flattened(['NEST'(_, X) | Z]) --> fits_flattened([X | Z]).
> +fits_flattened(['LABEL'(_, X) | Z]) --> fits_flattened([X | Z]).
> +fits_flattened(['LINE' | Z]) --> fits_flattened(Z).
> +fits_flattened(['GROUP'(X) | Z]) --> fits_flattened([X | Z]).
> +fits_flattened(['TEXT'(S) | Z], R0, R) :-
> + L = string__length(S),
> + R0 > L,
Shouldn't this be '>='?
> + fits_flattened(Z, R0 - L, R).
> +
> +%
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> %
> +
> + % Decide if a list of indent-doc pairs, up to the first 'LINE',
> + % will fit on the remainder of the line.
> + %
> +:- pred fits_on_rest(list(pair(string, doc)), int).
> +:- mode fits_on_rest(in, in) is semidet.
> +
> +fits_on_rest([] , _).
> +fits_on_rest([_ - 'NIL' | Z], R) :- fits_on_rest(Z, R).
> +fits_on_rest([I - 'SEQ'(X, Y) | Z], R) :- fits_on_rest([I - X, I - Y |
> Z], R).
> +fits_on_rest([I - 'NEST'(_, X) | Z], R) :- fits_on_rest([I - X | Z], R).
> +fits_on_rest([I - 'LABEL'(_, X) | Z], R) :- fits_on_rest([I - X | Z], R).
> +fits_on_rest([_ - 'LINE' | _], _).
> +fits_on_rest([I - 'GROUP'(X) | Z], R) :- fits_on_rest([I - X | Z], R).
> +fits_on_rest([_ - 'TEXT'(S) | Z], R) :-
> + L = string__length(S),
> + R > L,
> + fits_on_rest(Z, R - L).
> %---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---%
> - % While flattening documents, we keep track of the amount of
> - % space available on the line. This predicate fails if there
> - % is not enough space for the flattened term.
> - %
> -:- pred try_flatten(doc, doc, int, int).
> -:- mode try_flatten(in, out, in, out) is semidet.
> -
> -try_flatten('NIL', 'NIL') -->
> - [].
> -try_flatten('SEQ'(X, Y), 'SEQ'(FX, FY)) -->
> - try_flatten(X, FX),
> - try_flatten(Y, FY).
> -try_flatten('NEST'(_, X), FX) -->
> - try_flatten(X, FX).
> -try_flatten('LABEL'(_, X), FX) -->
> - try_flatten(X, FX).
> -try_flatten('TEXT'(S), 'TEXT'(S)) -->
> - =(W0),
> - { W = W0 - string__length(S) },
> - { W >= 0 },
> - :=(W).
> -try_flatten('LINE', 'NIL') -->
> - [].
> -try_flatten('GROUP'(X), FX) -->
> - try_flatten(X, FX).
> +:- func flatten(doc) = doc.
> +flatten('NIL') = 'NIL'.
> +flatten('SEQ'(X, Y)) = 'SEQ'(flatten(X), flatten(Y)).
> +flatten('NEST'(_, X)) = flatten(X).
> +flatten('LABEL'(_, X)) = flatten(X).
> +flatten('TEXT'(S)) = 'TEXT'(S).
> +flatten('LINE') = 'NIL'.
> +flatten('GROUP'(X)) = flatten(X).
> +
> %---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---%
> + % XXX This predicate has been obviated by the eager code above.
> +
> +/*
> :- pred fits(int, simple_doc).
> :- mode fits(in, in) is semidet.
> @@ -414,6 +464,13 @@
> ;
> X = _ `line` _
> ).
> +*/
> +
> +%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----%
> +
> +:- func extend(string, int) = string.
> +
> +extend(I, J) = string__append(I, string__duplicate_char(' ', J)).
> %---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---%
> @@ -434,7 +491,7 @@
> ( if Xs = [] then
> PP(X)
> else
> - PP(X) `<>` Sep `<>` separated(PP, Sep, Xs)
> + PP(X) `<>` (Sep `<>` separated(PP, Sep, Xs))
> ).
> %---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---%
> @@ -478,21 +535,33 @@
> parentheses(
> group(
> nest(2,
> - line `<>` separated(id, comma_space_line, Args)
> - ) `<>` line
> + line `<>` separated(id, comma_space_line, Args)
> + )
Personally, I prefer the original---I like matching parentheses to
either be on the same line, or else at the same level of indentation.
But I'm not too fussed.
> )
> - )
> + )
> ).
> -%--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----%
> +%
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> %
> +
> +:- func list_members_to_doc(list(T)) = doc.
> +
> +list_members_to_doc([]) =
> + nil.
> +
> +list_members_to_doc([H | T]) =
> + ( if T = [] then
> + to_doc(H)
> + else
> + to_doc(H) `<>` group(comma_space_line) `<>` list_members_to_doc(T)
> + ).
This doesn't appear to be used anywhere.
> +%
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> %
> +
> word_wrapped(String) =
> - list__foldr(
> - ( func(Word, Sequel) =
> - group(line `<>` text(Word) `<>` space) `<>` Sequel
> - ),
> - string__words(char__is_whitespace, String),
> - nil
> + separated(
> + text,
> + group(space_line),
> + string__words(char__is_whitespace, String)
> ).
> %---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---%
Mark Brown, PhD student )O+ | "Another of Fortran's breakthroughs
(m.brown at cs.mu.oz.au) | was the GOTO statement, which was...
Dept. of Computer Science and Software | uniquely simple and understandable"
Engineering, University of Melbourne | -- IEEE, 1994
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