[m-dev.] diff: MLDS back-end: fix existential types bug

Fergus Henderson fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Thu May 18 03:38:50 AEST 2000

This diff fixes bug B2 on the list that I posted the other day:

	(B2) XXX bug with existentially typed procedures that return float
		 (or anything that doesn't map to `Word')


Estimated hours taken: 4

Fix a bug in the MLDS back-end that broke

	Add code to handle boxing of existentially typed output arguments.

	Add another test case which tests more specifically
	for this bug.

Workspace: /home/pgrad/fjh/ws/hg
Index: compiler/ml_code_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_code_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.43
diff -u -d -r1.43 ml_code_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_code_gen.m	2000/05/16 21:23:27	1.43
+++ compiler/ml_code_gen.m	2000/05/17 17:12:54
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@
 :- import_module goal_util, type_util, mode_util, builtin_ops.
 :- import_module passes_aux, modules.
-:- import_module bool, string, list, map, set, require, std_util.
+:- import_module bool, string, list, map, set, term, require, std_util.
@@ -869,8 +869,10 @@
 ml_gen_proc_defn(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, MLDS_ProcDefnBody, ExtraDefns) :-
 	module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
-			_PredInfo, ProcInfo),
+			PredInfo, ProcInfo),
+	pred_info_arg_types(PredInfo, ArgTypes),
 	proc_info_interface_code_model(ProcInfo, CodeModel),
+	proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo, HeadVars),
 	proc_info_goal(ProcInfo, Goal0),
@@ -881,7 +883,6 @@
 	% which occur in the top-level non-locals but which
 	% are not really non-local will not be declared.
-	proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo, HeadVars),
 	Goal0 = GoalExpr - GoalInfo0,
 	goal_info_get_code_gen_nonlocals(GoalInfo0, NonLocals0),
 	set__list_to_set(HeadVars, HeadVarsSet),
@@ -892,7 +893,7 @@
 	goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, Context),
 	MLDSGenInfo0 = ml_gen_info_init(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId),
-	MLDS_Params = ml_gen_proc_params(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId),
+	MLDS_Params0 = ml_gen_proc_params(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId),
 	( CodeModel = model_non ->
 		% set up the initial success continuation
 		ml_initial_cont(InitialCont, MLDSGenInfo0, MLDSGenInfo1),
@@ -901,18 +902,20 @@
 		MLDSGenInfo2 = MLDSGenInfo0
 	% This would generate all the local variables at the top of the
 	% function:
 	%	proc_info_varset(ProcInfo, VarSet),
 	%	proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo, VarTypes),
-	%	proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo, HeadVars),
 	%	MLDS_LocalVars = ml_gen_all_local_var_decls(Goal, VarSet,
 	% 		VarTypes, HeadVars),
 	% But instead we now generate them locally for each goal.
 	% We just declare the `succeeded' var here.
 	MLDS_Context = mlds__make_context(Context),
 	MLDS_LocalVars = [ml_gen_succeeded_var_decl(MLDS_Context)],
-	ml_gen_proc_body(CodeModel, Goal, MLDS_Decls0, MLDS_Statements,
+	ml_gen_proc_body(CodeModel, HeadVars, ArgTypes, Goal,
+			MLDS_Decls0, MLDS_Statements,
+			MLDS_Params0, MLDS_Params,
 			MLDSGenInfo2, MLDSGenInfo),
 	ml_gen_info_get_extra_defns(MLDSGenInfo, ExtraDefns),
 	MLDS_Decls = list__append(MLDS_LocalVars, MLDS_Decls0),
@@ -963,29 +966,177 @@
 	% Generate the code for a procedure body.
-:- pred ml_gen_proc_body(code_model, hlds_goal, mlds__defns, mlds__statements,
-			ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
-:- mode ml_gen_proc_body(in, in, out, out, in, out) is det.
+:- pred ml_gen_proc_body(code_model, list(prog_var), list(prog_type),
+		hlds_goal, mlds__defns, mlds__statements,
+		mlds__func_params, mlds__func_params,
+		ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_proc_body(in, in, in, in, out, out, in, out, in, out) is det.
-ml_gen_proc_body(CodeModel, Goal, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements) -->
+ml_gen_proc_body(CodeModel, HeadVars, ArgTypes, Goal,
+		MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements, MLDS_Params0, MLDS_Params) -->
+	{ Goal = _ - GoalInfo },
+	{ goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, Context) },
 	% First just generate the code for the procedure's goal.
-	ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Goal, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements0),
+	{ DoGenGoal = ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Goal) },
-	% Then append an appropriate `return' statement, if needed.
+	% For existentially typed procedures, we may need to
+	% box the existentially typed output arguments.
+	%
+	ml_gen_box_existential_outputs(HeadVars, ArgTypes,
+		Context, MLDS_Params0, MLDS_Params, BoxDecls, BoxStatements),
+	{ DoBoxOutputs = (pred(Decls::out, Statements::out, in, out) is det -->
+		{ Decls = BoxDecls, Statements = BoxStatements }
+	) },
+	ml_combine_conj(CodeModel, Context,
+		DoGenGoal, DoBoxOutputs, MLDS_Decls, MLDS_Statements0),
+	% Finally append an appropriate `return' statement, if needed.
+	%
 	( { CodeModel = model_semi } ->
 		{ ReturnStmt = return([Succeeded]) },
-		{ Goal = _ - GoalInfo },
-		{ goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, Context) },
 		{ ReturnStatement = mlds__statement(ReturnStmt,
 			mlds__make_context(Context)) },
 		{ MLDS_Statements = list__append(MLDS_Statements0,
 			[ReturnStatement]) }
 		{ MLDS_Statements = MLDS_Statements0 }
+	).
+% For existentially typed procedures, the type of each parameter
+% can be an existentially quantified type variable, and the type
+% of the corresponding actual variable in the procedure may be
+% some concrete type.  In such cases, we need to generate code
+% to box the argument, to convert from the concrete type to
+% the polymorphic type.  (Note: this can only happen for output
+% arguments, so it's always boxing, never unboxing, that we need to do.)
+% This procedure handles the boxing of such arguments.
+:- pred ml_gen_box_existential_outputs(list(prog_var), list(prog_type),
+		prog_context, mlds__func_params, mlds__func_params,
+		mlds__defns, mlds__statements, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_box_existential_outputs(in, in, in, in, out, out, out,
+		in, out) is det.
+ml_gen_box_existential_outputs(HeadVars, HeadTypes, Context,
+		Params0, Params, Decls, Statements) -->
+	ml_gen_box_existential_output_args(HeadVars, HeadTypes, Context,
+		BoxedExistentialVars, Decls, Statements),
+	{ Params0 = func_params(Arguments0, RetType) },
+	{ Arguments = list__map(ml_update_param(BoxedExistentialVars),
+		Arguments0) },
+	{ Params = func_params(Arguments, RetType) }.
+:- pred ml_gen_box_existential_output_args(list(prog_var), list(prog_type),
+		prog_context, list(mlds__var_name),
+		mlds__defns, mlds__statements, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- mode ml_gen_box_existential_output_args(in, in, in, out, out, out, in, out)
+		is det.
+ml_gen_box_existential_output_args([], [], _, [], [], []) --> [].
+ml_gen_box_existential_output_args([Var|Vars], [ArgType|ArgTypes],
+		Context, BoxedExistentialVars, Decls, Statements) -->
+	ml_variable_type(Var, VarType),
+	(
+                %
+                % If the ArgType from the pred decl is polymorphic,
+		% but the actual VarType from the procedure body
+		% is monomorphic, then this must be an existentially
+		% quantified output argument, and we'll need to box it.
+                %
+                { VarType = term__functor(_, _, _) },
+                { ArgType = term__variable(_) }
+        ->
+		%
+		% Instead of
+		%
+		%	foo(..., ArgType *VarName, ...) {
+		%		... code that assigns to *VarName ...
+		%	}
+		%
+		% we generate
+		%
+		%	foo(..., ArgType *head_VarName, ...) {
+		%		VarType VarName;
+		%		... code that assigns to VarName ...
+		%		*head_VarName = box(VarName);
+		%	}
+		%
+		% Note that select_output_vars in ml_code_util.m
+		% already ensures that the generated code for the
+		% body will assign to VarName rather than to *VarName.
+		% And ml_update_param will handle the renaming of
+		% the parameter.
+		% So all we need to do here is to declare VarName
+		% as a local and generate the assignment to *head_VarName.
+		%
+		% create a fresh variable name for the boxed parameter
+		=(MLDSGenInfo),
+		{ ml_gen_info_get_varset(MLDSGenInfo, VarSet) },
+		{ VarName = ml_gen_var_name(VarSet, Var) },
+		{ string__append("head_", VarName, HeadVarName) },
+		( { type_util__is_dummy_argument_type(VarType) } ->
+			% if it has a dummy argument type (e.g. io__state),
+			% then we don't need to bother declaring the
+			% variable or assigning from it
+			{ ConvStatements = [] },
+			{ LocalVarDecls = [] }
+		;
+			% generate a declaration for the variable (which
+			% will now become a local rather than a parameter)
+			{ VarDecl = ml_gen_var_decl(VarName, VarType,
+				mlds__make_context(Context)) },
+			{ LocalVarDecls = [VarDecl] },
+			% generate the assignment of the boxed variable
+			% to the dereferenced headvar
+			ml_qualify_var(VarName, VarLval),
+			ml_qualify_var(HeadVarName, HeadVarLval),
+			{ BoxedVarRval = unop(box(mercury_type(VarType)),
+				lval(VarLval)) },
+			{ AssignStatement = ml_gen_assign(
+				mem_ref(lval(HeadVarLval),
+					mercury_type(ArgType)),
+				BoxedVarRval, Context) },
+			{ ConvStatements = [AssignStatement] }
+		),
+		ml_gen_box_existential_output_args(Vars, ArgTypes, Context,
+				BoxedExistentialVars1, Decls1, Statements1),
+		{ BoxedExistentialVars = [VarName | BoxedExistentialVars1] },
+		{ list__append(LocalVarDecls, Decls1, Decls) },
+		{ list__append(ConvStatements, Statements1, Statements) }
+        ;
+		ml_gen_box_existential_output_args(Vars, ArgTypes, Context,
+				BoxedExistentialVars, Decls, Statements)
+	).
+ml_gen_box_existential_output_args([], [_|_], _, _, _, _) -->
+	{ error("ml_gen_box_existential_outputs: length mismatch") }.
+ml_gen_box_existential_output_args([_|_], [], _, _, _, _) -->
+	{ error("ml_gen_box_existential_outputs: length mismatch") }.
+% If this parameter occurs in BoxedExistentialVars,
+% then prepend `head_' to its name.
+:- type mlds_argument == pair(mlds__entity_name, mlds__type).
+:- func ml_update_param(list(mlds__var_name), mlds_argument) = mlds_argument.
+ml_update_param(BoxedExistentialVars, Arg0) = Arg :-
+	(
+		Arg0 = data(var(Name0)) - Type,
+		list__member(Name0, BoxedExistentialVars)
+	->
+		string__append("head_", Name0, Name),
+		Arg = data(var(Name)) - Type
+	;
+		Arg = Arg0
Index: compiler/ml_code_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_code_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -d -r1.12 ml_code_util.m
--- compiler/ml_code_util.m	2000/05/17 16:01:40	1.12
+++ compiler/ml_code_util.m	2000/05/17 17:24:20
@@ -1255,19 +1255,23 @@
 ml_gen_info_init(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId) = MLDSGenInfo :-
 	module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
-			_PredInfo, ProcInfo),
+			PredInfo, ProcInfo),
 	proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo, HeadVars),
 	proc_info_varset(ProcInfo, VarSet),
 	proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo, VarTypes),
 	proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo, HeadModes),
+	pred_info_arg_types(PredInfo, ArgTypes),
+	map__from_corresponding_lists(HeadVars, ArgTypes, HeadVarTypes),
 	OutputVars = select_output_vars(ModuleInfo, HeadVars, HeadModes,
-		VarTypes),
+		HeadVarTypes, VarTypes),
 	FuncLabelCounter = 0,
 	CommitLabelCounter = 0,
 	CondVarCounter = 0,
 	ConvVarCounter = 0,
 	ExtraDefns = [],
 	MLDSGenInfo = ml_gen_info(
@@ -1342,20 +1346,34 @@
 	% an output mode.
 :- func select_output_vars(module_info, list(prog_var), list(mode),
-		map(prog_var, prog_type)) = list(prog_var).
+		vartypes, vartypes) = list(prog_var).
-select_output_vars(ModuleInfo, HeadVars, HeadModes, VarTypes) = OutputVars :-
+select_output_vars(ModuleInfo, HeadVars, HeadModes, HeadVarTypes, VarTypes)
+		= OutputVars :-
 	( HeadVars = [], HeadModes = [] ->
 		OutputVars = []
 	; HeadVars = [Var|Vars], HeadModes = [Mode|Modes] ->
-		map__lookup(VarTypes, Var, Type),
-		( \+ mode_to_arg_mode(ModuleInfo, Mode, Type, top_in) ->
+		map__lookup(VarTypes, Var, VarType),
+		map__lookup(HeadVarTypes, Var, HeadType),
+		(
+			\+ mode_to_arg_mode(ModuleInfo, Mode, VarType, top_in),
+			%
+			% if this argument is an existentially typed output
+			% that we need to box, then don't include it in the
+			% output_vars; ml_gen_box_existential_outputs
+			% will handle these outputs separately.
+			%
+			\+ (
+				HeadType = term__variable(_),
+				VarType = term__functor(_, _, _)
+			)
+		->
 			OutputVars1 = select_output_vars(ModuleInfo,
-					Vars, Modes, VarTypes),
+					Vars, Modes, HeadVarTypes, VarTypes),
 			OutputVars = [Var | OutputVars1]
 			OutputVars = select_output_vars(ModuleInfo,
-					Vars, Modes, VarTypes)
+					Vars, Modes, HeadVarTypes, VarTypes)
 		error("select_output_vars: length mismatch")
Index: tests/hard_coded/existential_float.exp
RCS file: existential_float.exp
diff -N existential_float.exp
--- /dev/null	Thu Mar 30 14:06:13 2000
+++ existential_float.exp	Thu May 18 03:20:01 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Index: tests/hard_coded/existential_float.m
RCS file: existential_float.m
diff -N existential_float.m
--- /dev/null	Thu Mar 30 14:06:13 2000
+++ existential_float.m	Thu May 18 03:19:21 2000
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+% This module tests the use of existential types,
+% including type inference,
+% but not including type class constraints.
+% This test is designed to test boxing/unboxing
+% of types with non-word size, i.e. chars and floats.
+:- module existential_float.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module std_util.
+:- some [T] func call_univ_value(univ) = T.
+:- some [T] func my_exist_c = T.
+:- some [T] func my_exist_f = T.
+:- some [T] func my_exist_fn = T.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io__state::di, state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int.
+main -->
+	foo(univ(my_exist_c)),
+	foo(univ(my_exist_f)),
+	foo(univ(my_exist_fn)),
+	foo(univ(call_my_exist_c)),
+	foo(univ(call_my_exist_f)),
+	foo(univ(call_my_exist_fn)),
+	write(my_exist_c), nl,
+	write(my_exist_f), nl,
+	write(my_exist_fn), nl,
+	write(call_my_exist_c), nl,
+	write(call_my_exist_f), nl,
+	write(call_my_exist_fn), nl.
+my_exist_c = 'c'.
+my_exist_f = 42.0.
+my_exist_fn = (func(X) = 2 * X).
+call_my_exist_c = my_exist_c.
+call_my_exist_f = my_exist_f.
+call_my_exist_fn = my_exist_fn.
+:- pred foo(univ::in, io__state::di, state::uo) is det.
+foo(X) -->
+	write(univ_value(X)), nl,
+	write(call_univ_value(X)), nl.
+call_univ_value(Univ) = univ_value(Univ).
Index: tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.85
diff -u -d -r1.85 Mmakefile
--- tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile	2000/05/17 07:18:26	1.85
+++ tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile	2000/05/17 12:09:37
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 	dupcall_types_bug \
 	elim_special_pred \
 	existential_bound_tvar \
+	existential_float \
 	existential_reordering \
 	existential_type_switch_opt \
 	existential_types_test \
@@ -134,6 +135,7 @@
 MCFLAGS-split_c_files	=	--trace deep
 MCFLAGS-type_spec	=	--user-guided-type-specialization
 MCFLAGS-existential_types_test = --infer-all
+MCFLAGS-existential_float = --infer-all
 MCFLAGS-user_defined_equality	= --infer-all
 MCFLAGS-parse		=	--trace deep

Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>  |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh at        |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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